path: root/postpost/plotspectra.gnu
diff options
authorsimulation <>2016-02-09 09:54:46 +0100
committersimulation <>2016-02-09 09:54:46 +0100
commit6be0f285adb27f60f058c2937a7885899e17cb88 (patch)
treebe50a15314fe28c5b7b8f721233a34e71ca5b3b4 /postpost/plotspectra.gnu
Initial commitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'postpost/plotspectra.gnu')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/postpost/plotspectra.gnu b/postpost/plotspectra.gnu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66e66e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/plotspectra.gnu
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+set terminal epslatex
+set decimalsign ","
+dir=system("echo $directory")
+infile=system("echo $input")
+outpart=system("echo $outpart")
+clmn=system("echo $column")
+#print dir
+#print infile
+#print outpart
+#print clmn
+set output sprintf("%s/Feld_%s.tex",dir,outpart)
+set title sprintf("%s (%s)",system("echo $outpart | tr \"_\" \" \""),system("echo $input | tr \"_\" \" \""))
+set size .9,.9
+set format x "$%g$"
+set xlabel "$t$ in $T$"
+set xrange [0:*]
+set yrange [*:*]
+set ylabel "whatever"
+set xtics out
+set ytics 1 out
+plot sprintf("%s/%s-trace",dir,infile) every ::1 using 1:clmn with lines lt 1 notitle
+set output sprintf("%s/Spektrum_log_%s.tex",dir,outpart)
+set title sprintf("%s (%s)",system("echo $outpart | tr \"_\" \" \""),system("echo $input | tr \"_\" \" \""))
+set size .9,.9
+set format x "$%g$"
+set xlabel "$\\omega$ in $\\omega_0$"
+set xrange [0:80]
+set yrange [10**-10:1]
+set ylabel "whatever"
+set logscale y
+set xtics out
+set ytics 10**-2 out
+plot sprintf("%s/%s",dir,infile) every ::1 using 1:clmn with lines lt 1 notitle