path: root/postpost
diff options
authorsimulation <>2016-02-09 09:54:46 +0100
committersimulation <>2016-02-09 09:54:46 +0100
commit6be0f285adb27f60f058c2937a7885899e17cb88 (patch)
treebe50a15314fe28c5b7b8f721233a34e71ca5b3b4 /postpost
Initial commitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'postpost')
28 files changed, 1931 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/postpost/adj_input.post_time b/postpost/adj_input.post_time
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d6f60f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/adj_input.post_time
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# usage: adj_input.post_time input.lpi >
+alles=$(grep -c ".*" $2)
+for n in $(grep -n "period_stop\|t_stop" $2 | tr ":" " " | awk '{ print $1; }')
+ tail -n$[$alles - $ln] "$2" | head -n$[$n-$ln-1]
+ ln=$n
+ grep -n "period_stop\|t_stop" $2 | grep "^$n:" | tr " =:" ": " | awk '{ print $2 " :'$[$(grep "prop_stop" $1 | awk '{ print $3; }')-1]'"; }' | tr ": " " ="
+# echo "period_stop = "$[$(grep "prop_stop" $1 | awk '{ print $3; }')-1]
+tail -n$[$alles-$ln] "$2"
diff --git a/postpost/adj_input_param b/postpost/adj_input_param
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..33137a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/adj_input_param
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# usage: ./adj_input_param &key name value fromfile > tofile
+alles=$(grep -c ".*" $4)
+for n in $(grep -n "$2 " $4 | tr ":" " " | awk '{ print $1; }' | sort -n)
+ if [ ! "$(head -n$n "$4" | grep "^&" | tail -n1)" == "$1" ]
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ tail -n$[$alles - $ln] "$4" | head -n$[$n-$ln-1]
+ ln=$n
+ s=$(grep -n "$2" $4 | grep "^$n:")
+ t=$(echo "$s" | tr "#: " " #" | awk '{ print $2; }')
+ len=${#t}
+ t="#"$(echo "$s" | tr "# " " #" | awk '{ print $2; }' | tr "# " " #")
+ s=$(echo "$s" | tr " =:#" ": " | awk '{print $2 " :'$3'"; }' | tr ": " " =")
+ while [ ${#s} -lt $len ]
+ do
+ s=$s" "
+ done
+ echo "$s$t"
+## grep -n "$2" $4 | grep "^$n:" | tr " =:#" ": " | awk '{print $2 " :'$3'" "::#"$4; }' | tr ": " " ="
+## grep -n "$2 " $4 | grep "^$n:" | tr " =:" ": " | awk '{ print $2 " :'$3'"; }' | tr ": " " ="
+## echo "period_stop = "$[$(grep "prop_stop" $1 | awk '{ print $3; }')-1]
+tail -n$[$alles-$ln] "$4"
diff --git a/postpost/adj_input_param_pipe b/postpost/adj_input_param_pipe
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..76d37bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/adj_input_param_pipe
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# usage: cat fromfile | ./adj_input_param &key name value > tofile
+while $neof
+ read s || neof=false
+ case $todo in
+ 0)
+ [ "$s" == "$1" ] && todo=1
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ if [ $(echo "$s" | grep -c "^ *$2 ") -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ echo -ne "$s" | sed "s/=.*$//"
+ echo -ne "= "
+ echo -ne "$3"
+ echo "$s" | sed "s/ *#.*$/\n&/" | tail -n1
+ todo=2
+ continue
+ fi
+ [ $(echo "$s" | grep -c "^&") -eq 1 ] && todo=2
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ esac
+ echo "$s"
diff --git a/postpost/all_eps2pdf b/postpost/all_eps2pdf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..739a7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/all_eps2pdf
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+for t in $1*
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ for s in $t/Post/*.eps
+ do
+ if [ -e $s ]
+ then
+ echo $s;
+ epstopdf $s;
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/all_gnuplot b/postpost/all_gnuplot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b94f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/all_gnuplot
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+for t in $1*/Post
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ for s in "ft-fm#p_refl#2 ft-fp#p_trns#8 ft-gm#s_trns#8 ft-gp#s_refl#2"
+ do
+ inf=$(echo $s | tr "#" " " | awk '{print $1}')
+ if [ -e $t/$inf ]
+ then
+ echo $t/$inf $s;
+ directory=$t input=$inf outpart=$(echo $s | tr "#" " " | awk '{print $2}') column=$(echo $s | tr "#" " " | awk '{print $3}') gnuplot plotspectra.gnu
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/all_idl2eps b/postpost/all_idl2eps
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..312524c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/all_idl2eps
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+for t in $1*
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ if [ -e $t/Post/ ]
+ then
+ cd $t/Post
+ idl
+ cd ../../postpost
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/all_matlab2eps b/postpost/all_matlab2eps
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..889b33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/all_matlab2eps
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+traceprefl="ft-fm-trace_noheadings"; # leftgoing p-pol tracepos 1
+tracesrefl="ft-gp-trace_noheadings"; # leftgoing s-pol tracepos 1
+traceptrns="ft-fp-trace_noheadings"; # rightgoing p-pol tracepos 7
+tracestrns="ft-gm-trace_noheadings"; # rightgoing s-pol tracepos 7
+for t in $1*
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ commando=" cd ../../postpost; "$commando;
+ if [ -f "$t/Post/$traceprefl" ]
+ then
+ commando="a=load('$traceprefl'); plot_spectra(a,1,2,'p_refl',100); "$commando;
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$t/Post/$traceptrns" ]
+ then
+ commando="a=load('$traceptrns'); plot_spectra(a,1,8,'p_trns',100); "$commando;
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$t/Post/$tracesrefl" ]
+ then
+ commando="a=load('$tracesrefl'); plot_spectra(a,1,2,'s_refl',100); "$commando;
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$t/Post/$tracestrns" ]
+ then
+ commando="a=load('$tracestrns'); plot_spectra(a,1,8,'s_trns',100); "$commando;
+ fi
+ commando="cd "$t"/Post/; "$commando;
+ fi
+#export DISPLAY=:0.0
+matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "$commando"
diff --git a/postpost/bilder_pdf.tex b/postpost/bilder_pdf.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73cc454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/bilder_pdf.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ {
+% \begin{figure}
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../\DDir/Post/#1} \\[-#2cm]
+ \begin{center}
+ #3
+ \end{center}
+% \end{figure}
+ }{}}
+ {
+% \begin{figure}
+ \input{../\DDir/Post/#1} \\[-#2cm]
+ \begin{center}
+ #3
+ \end{center}
+% \end{figure}
+ }{}}
+\forloop{suffix}{0}{\value{suffix} < 10000}
+ \IfFileExists{../\DDir/times-1}
+ {
+ \newpage
+ \IfFileExists{../\DDir/Post/titel.tex}
+ {\input{../\DDir/Post/titel} (\DDirP) \\}
+ {\section{\DDirP}}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{spacetime-de.pdf}{0}{Elektronendichte}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{spacetime-de_breit.pdf}{0}{Elektronendichte breiter}
+ \inputIfExists{Spektrum_log_p_refl.tex}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_p-Pol\_refl}
+ \inputIfExists{Feld_p_refl.tex}{1}{Feld\_p-Pol\_refl}
+ \inputIfExists{Spektrum_log_p_trns.tex}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_p-Pol\_trns}
+ \inputIfExists{Feld_p_trns.tex}{1}{Feld\_p-Pol\_trns}
+ \inputIfExists{Spektrum_log_s_refl.tex}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_s-Pol\_refl}
+ \inputIfExists{Feld_s_refl.tex}{1}{Feld\_s-Pol\_refl}
+ \inputIfExists{Spektrum_log_s_trns.tex}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_s-Pol\_trns}
+ \inputIfExists{Feld_s_trns.tex}{1}{Feld\_s-Pol\_trns}
+% \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_p_refl.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_p-Pol\_refl}
+% \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_p_refl.pdf}{1}{Feld\_p-Pol\_refl}
+% \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_p_trns.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_p-Pol\_trns}
+% \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_p_trns.pdf}{1}{Feld\_p-Pol\_trns}
+% \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_s_refl.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_s-Pol\_refl}
+% \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_s_refl.pdf}{1}{Feld\_s-Pol\_refl}
+% \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_s_trns.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_s-Pol\_trns}
+% \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_s_trns.pdf}{1}{Feld\_s-Pol\_trns}
+ }{}
diff --git a/postpost/bilder_pdf_2schleifen.tex b/postpost/bilder_pdf_2schleifen.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a80c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/bilder_pdf_2schleifen.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ {
+% \begin{figure}
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../\DDir/Post/#1} \\[-#2cm]
+ \begin{center}
+ #3
+ \end{center}
+% \end{figure}
+ }{}}
+\forloop{dicke}{0}{\value{dicke} < 2}
+ \forloop{plm}{0}{\value{plm} < 2}
+ {
+ \ifthenelse{\value{dicke}=0}{
+ \ifthenelse{\value{plm}=0}{
+ \renewcommand{\DDir}{data_thomson24_04_\thesuffix}
+ \renewcommand{\DDirP}{data\_thomson24\_04\_\thesuffix}
+ \renewcommand{\Ueberschrift}{$d=0,4 \mu m \wedge \Delta t = \thesuffix fs$}
+ }{
+ \renewcommand{\DDir}{data_thomson24_04_m\thesuffix}
+ \renewcommand{\DDirP}{data\_thomson24\_04\_m\thesuffix}
+ \renewcommand{\Ueberschrift}{$d=0,4 \mu m \wedge \Delta t = -\thesuffix fs$}
+ }
+ }{
+ \ifthenelse{\value{plm}=0}{
+ \renewcommand{\DDir}{data_thomson24_24_\thesuffix}
+ \renewcommand{\DDirP}{data\_thomson24\_24\_\thesuffix}
+ \renewcommand{\Ueberschrift}{$d=2,4 \mu m \wedge \Delta t = \thesuffix fs$}
+ }{
+ \renewcommand{\DDir}{data_thomson24_24_m\thesuffix}
+ \renewcommand{\DDirP}{data\_thomson24\_24\_m\thesuffix}
+ \renewcommand{\Ueberschrift}{$d=2,4 \mu m \wedge \Delta t = -\thesuffix fs$}
+ }
+ }
+ \forloop{suffix}{0}{\value{suffix} < 1000}
+ {
+ \IfFileExists{../\DDir/times-1}
+ {
+ \newpage
+ \section{\Ueberschrift}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{spacetime-de.pdf}{0}{Elektronendichte}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{spacetime-de_breit.pdf}{0}{Elektronendichte breiter}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_p_refl.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_p-Pol\_refl}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_p_refl.pdf}{1}{Feld\_p-Pol\_refl}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_p_trns.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_p-Pol\_trns}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_p_trns.pdf}{1}{Feld\_p-Pol\_trns}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_s_refl.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_s-Pol\_refl}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_s_refl.pdf}{1}{Feld\_s-Pol\_refl}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_s_trns.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_s-Pol\_trns}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_s_trns.pdf}{1}{Feld\_s-Pol\_trns}
+ }{}
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/postpost/bilder_pdf_original.tex b/postpost/bilder_pdf_original.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..084f3a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/bilder_pdf_original.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ {
+% \begin{figure}
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{../\DDir/Post/#1} \\[-#2cm]
+ \begin{center}
+ #3
+ \end{center}
+% \end{figure}
+ }{}}
+\forloop{suffix}{0}{\value{suffix} < 10000}
+ \IfFileExists{../\DDir/times-1}
+ {
+ \newpage
+ \IfFileExists{../\DDir/Post/titel.tex}
+ {\input{../\DDir/Post/titel} (\DDirP) \\}
+ {\section{\DDirP}}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{spacetime-de.pdf}{0}{Elektronendichte}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{spacetime-de_breit.pdf}{0}{Elektronendichte breiter}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_p_refl.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_p-Pol\_refl}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_p_refl.pdf}{1}{Feld\_p-Pol\_refl}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_p_trns.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_p-Pol\_trns}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_p_trns.pdf}{1}{Feld\_p-Pol\_trns}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_s_refl.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_s-Pol\_refl}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_s_refl.pdf}{1}{Feld\_s-Pol\_refl}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Spektrum_log_s_trns.pdf}{1}{Spektrum\_log\_s-Pol\_trns}
+ \includegraphicsIfExists{Feld_s_trns.pdf}{1}{Feld\_s-Pol\_trns}
+ }{}
diff --git a/postpost/bring_all_avis b/postpost/bring_all_avis
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eb9f1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/bring_all_avis
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+for t in $1*
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ for s in $t/Post/*.avi
+ do
+ if [ -e $s ]
+ then
+ echo $s;
+ cp "$s" "`basename $t`_`basename $s`";
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/clean b/postpost/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a8fc648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+for t in $1*
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ rm $t/*
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/copie b/postpost/copie
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51fe8ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/copie
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// input for lpic
+Q = 1 # switch ON (Q=1) OFF (Q=0)
+amplitude = 0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude
+amplitude2 = 8 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, 2nd harmonic
+amplitude3 = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, 3rd harmonic
+phase2 = 0 # 2nd harmonic's phase with respect to fundamental [degree]
+phase3 = 0 # 3rd harmonic's phase [degree]
+angle = 45 # in degree
+polarization = 2 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+raise = 6 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 12 # pulse duration in periods
+delay = 0 # propagation delay in cycles
+pulse_save = 1 # save pulse shape? yes=1, no=0
+pulse_save_step = 0.004 # time step in periods
+Q = 0 # switch ON (Q=1) OFF (Q=0)
+amplitude = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude
+amplitude2 = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, 2nd harmonic
+amplitude3 = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, 3rd harmonic
+phase2 = 0 # 2nd harmonic's phase with respect to fundamental
+phase3 = 0 # 3rd harmonic's phase
+angle = 0 # in degree
+polarization = 1 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+raise = 10 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 20 # pulse duration in periods
+delay = 0 # propagation delay in cycles
+pulse_save = 1 # save pulse shape? yes=1, no=0
+pulse_save_step = 0.02 # time step in periods
+prop_start = 0 # start time in periods
+prop_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+cells_per_wl = 1000 # cells per wavelength, lab frame
+cells = 8000 # total number of cells
+cells_left = 4000 # cells vacuum left
+cells_plasma = 2000 # occupied cells for cells_ramp=0
+cells_ramp = 200 # linear ramp length (form=0) or righter scale length (form=1 or 2)
+cells_ramp_form = 1 # 0 = linear; 1 = exponential; 2=doubleexponential
+cells_ramp2 = 10 # lefter scale length (form=2)
+cells_rampcut = -50 # max ramplength (<0 <=> disabled)
+cells_rampgluepos = 250 # glue-point between the two exp-functions (form=2) ... length of the righter exp-ramp
+n_ion_over_nc = 400 # maximum density/critical density
+box_save = 1 # save configuration? yes=1, no=0
+fix = 0 # 0->not fixed 1->fixed
+ppc = 200 # max. number of MacroParticles per cell
+vtherm = 0.0001 # thermal velocity in units of C
+fix = 1 # 0->not fixed 1->fixed
+z = 1 # q/e
+m = 50000 # m/m_e
+ppc = 200 # max. number of MacroParticles per cell
+vtherm = 0.00 # thermal velocity in units of C
+path = ../data_2w3_7 # output path
+ Q = 1 # energy plot?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # flux plot?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # reflectivity plot?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # snapshots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 0 # phasespace plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 0.05 # time step in periods
+ Q = 0 # phasespace plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 0.05 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # electron velocity distributions?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # ion velocity distributions?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # electron density plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # ion density plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # jx plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # jy plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # jz plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # ex plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # ey plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # ez plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # bx plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # by plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # bz plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # field energy density plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # traces?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 30 # stop time in periods
+ traces = 7 # of traces at fixed positions x:
+ t0=2, t1=500, t2=1000, t3=1500, t4=2000, t5=2500, t6=4998
+Q = 0 # restart from intermediate stage?
+file = restart # start file
+Q_save = 1 # save intermediate stages periodically?
+file_save = restart # save file
+N_domains = 1 # number of parallel processes
+Q_reo = 1 # periodic reorganizations?
+delta_reo = 1 # laser cycles between reo's
+thermal velocity v/c vs. thermal energy [eV] M ( vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2 ) = 3 k T
+1e-4 0.005
+3e-4 0.046
+5e-4 0.128
+1e-3 0.511
+4e-3 8.2
+1e-2 51
+2e-2 204
+3e-2 460
+4e-2 818
+4.42e-2 1000
+1e-1 5110
+choose: v_th/c = (lambda_d/dx) * (omega_p/omega) * (2pi dx/lambda)
+ :=1 = sqrt(z_ion * n_ion_over_nc) = 2pi/cells_per_wl
+source p-pol refl. 1 minp-pol refl. 1 maxp-pol refl. 1 p-pol transm. 1 minp-pol transm. 1 maxp-pol transm. 1
+source p-pol refl. 1 minp-pol refl. 1 maxp-pol refl. 1
+source p-pol refl. 1 minp-pol refl. 1 maxp-pol refl. 1
+source p-pol refl. 1
diff --git a/postpost/copy_matlab b/postpost/copy_matlab
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..200320a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/copy_matlab
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+for t in $1*
+ if [ -e $t/Post ]
+ then
+ for u in ./*.m
+ do
+ if [ -e $u ]
+ then
+ echo $t/Post/`basename $u`
+ cp `basename $u` $t/Post/
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/cpinputs b/postpost/cpinputs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..303e2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/cpinputs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+for s in $1/lpic*
+ if [ -d "$s" ]
+ then
+ for t in $s/*
+ do
+ if [ "`basename "$t" ".lpi"`.lpi" = "`basename "$t"`" ] || [ "`basename "$t" ".lpi"`.lpi" = "`basename "$t"`" ]
+ then
+ dir=$(basename "$(grep "path" "$t" | awk '{ print $3 }')")
+ if [ -d "../$dir" ]
+ then
+ dir="../$dir"
+ else
+ if [ -d "../daten_alt/$dir" ]
+ then
+ dir="../daten_alt/$dir"
+ else
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -d "$dir/Post" ] && [ ! -e "$dir/Post/`basename "$t"`" ]
+ then
+ cp "$t" "$dir/Post/"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/del_headings b/postpost/del_headings
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0dc4182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/del_headings
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+for t in $1*
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ for u in $t"/Post/*_noheadings"
+ do
+ if [ -e $u ]
+ then
+ rm $u;
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+for t in $1*
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ for s in $t/Post/ft-*
+ do
+ if [ -e $s ]
+ then
+ echo $s;
+ u=$(grep -c . $s);
+ u=$[$u-1];
+ tail -n$u $s > $s"_noheadings";
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/del_tildes b/postpost/del_tildes
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..972a75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/del_tildes
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+for s in $1/*
+ if [ -d "$s" ]
+ then
+ $0 $s
+ fi
+for s in $1/*~
+ if [ -e "$s" ]
+ then
+ echo "rm $s"
+ rm "$s"
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/finde_wert b/postpost/finde_wert
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3dab77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/finde_wert
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+alles=$(cat "$1" | wc -l)
+for i in $(grep -n "^&$2\( \|$\)" "$1" | tr ":" " " | awk '{ print $1; }')
+ k=$((tail -n$[$alles-$i] $1; echo "&") | grep -n "^&" | head -n1 | tr ":" " " | awk '{ print $1; }')
+ for j in $(tail -n$[$alles-$i+1] $1 | head -n$k | grep -n "^ *$3\( \|$\)" | tr ":" " " | awk '{ print $1; }')
+ do
+ echo $[$j+$i-1]
+ exit
+ done
+echo 0
diff --git a/postpost/inp.lpi b/postpost/inp.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4426727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/inp.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// input for lpic
+Q = 1 # switch ON (Q=1) OFF (Q=0)
+angle = 45 # in degree
+pulse_save = 1 # save pulse shape? yes=1, no=0
+pulse_save_step = 0.0001 # time step in periods
+amplitude = 0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude
+polarization = 2 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+raise = 15 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 30 # pulse duration in periods
+delay = 0 # propagation delay in cycles
+phase = 0 # propagation delay in cycles
+chirp = 0 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2
+frequency = 1 # frequency in fundamental frequencies
+amplitude = 5 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, 2nd harmonic
+polarization = 2 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+raise = 15 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 30 # pulse duration in fundamental periods
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+phase = 0 # 2nd harmonic's phase with respect to fundamental [degree]
+chirp = 0 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2
+frequency = 2 # frequency in fundamental frequencies
+delay = 0 # delay of 2nd harmonic envelope with respect to main envelope
+amplitude = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, 3rd harmonic
+polarization = 2 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+raise = 15 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 30 # pulse duration in fundamental periods
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+phase = 0 # 3rd harmonic's phase [degree]
+chirp = 0 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2
+frequency = 3 # frequency in fundamental frequencies
+delay = 0 # delay of 3rd harmonic envelope with respect to main envelope
+amplitude = 0.1 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, nth harmonic
+polarization = 1 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+raise = 0.31954069 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 0.63908137 # pulse duration in fundamental periods
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+phase = 0 # nth harmonic's phase [degree]
+chirp = -4445.9584 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2
+delay = 15 # delay of nth harmonic envelope with respect to main envelope
+frequency = 64.516129 # frequency of nth harmonic in fundamental frequencies
+Q = 0 # switch ON (Q=1) OFF (Q=0)
+angle = 0 # in degree
+pulse_save = 1 # save pulse shape? yes=1, no=0
+pulse_save_step = 0.02 # time step in periods
+amplitude = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude
+polarization = 1 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+raise = 10 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 20 # pulse duration in periods
+delay = 0 # propagation delay in cycles
+phase = 0 # propagation delay in cycles
+chirp = 0 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2
+frequency = 1 # frequency in fundamental frequencies
+amplitude = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, 2nd harmonic
+polarization = 2 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+raise = 15 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 30 # pulse duration in fundamental periods
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+phase = 0 # 2nd harmonic's phase with respect to fundamental
+chirp = 0 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2
+frequency = 2 # frequency in fundamental frequencies
+delay = 0 # delay of 2nd harmonic envelope with respect to main envelope
+amplitude = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, 3rd harmonic
+polarization = 2 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+raise = 15 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 30 # pulse duration in fundamental periods
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+phase = 0 # 3rd harmonic's phase
+chirp = 0 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2
+frequency = 3 # frequency in fundamental frequencies
+delay = 0 # delay of 3rd harmonic envelope with respect to main envelope
+amplitude = 0.0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude, nth harmonic
+polarization = 2 # s=1, p=2, c=3
+raise = 15 # pulse raise/fall time in periods
+duration = 30 # pulse duration in fundamental periods
+shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3
+phase = 0 # nth harmonic's phase [degree]
+chirp = 0 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2
+delay = 0 # delay of nth harmonic envelope with respect to main envelope
+frequency = 14.0 # frequency of nth harmonic in fundamental frequencies
+prop_start = 0 # start time in periods
+prop_stop = 40 # stop time in periods
+cells_per_wl = 1000 # cells per wavelength, lab frame
+cells = 16200 # total number of cells
+cells_left = 3500 # cells vacuum left
+cells_plasma = 12500 # occupied cells for cells_ramp=0
+cells_rampgluepos = 250 # glue-point between the two exp-functions (form=2) ... length of the righter exp-ramp
+n_ion_over_nc = 196 # maximum density/critical density
+ux0 = 0.0 # initial momentum in x-direction
+box_save = 1 # save configuration? yes=1, no=0
+length = 0 # linear ramp length (form=0) or righter scale length (form=1 or 2)
+form = 1 # 0 = linear; 1 = exponential; 2=doubleexponential
+cutoff = -50 # max ramplength (<0 <=> disabled)
+gluepos = 250 # glue-point between the two exp-functions (form=2) ... length of the righter exp-ramp
+middens = 0.5 # density of the constant portion in the middle (form=3) in fractions of ni
+length2 = 0 # lefter scale length (form=2)
+length = 0 # cells in the linear ramp region (form=0) or scalelength
+form = 0 # 0 = linear; 1 = exponential
+length2 = 100 # righter scale length (form=2)
+cutoff = -1 # max ramplength (<0 <=> disabled)
+gluepos = 250 # glue-point between the two exp-functions (form=2) ... length of the lefter exp-ramp
+middens = 0.5 # density of the constant portion in the middle (form=3) in fractions of ni
+fix = 0 # 0->not fixed 1->fixed
+ppc = 200 # max. number of MacroParticles per cell
+vtherm = 0.000 # thermal velocity in units of C
+fix = 1 # 0->not fixed 1->fixed
+z = 1 # q/e
+m = 50000 # m/m_e
+ppc = 200 # max. number of MacroParticles per cell
+vtherm = 0.00 # thermal velocity in units of C
+path = ../data_Thomsonstreaking_1_1 # output path
+ Q = 1 # energy plot?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # flux plot?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # reflectivity plot?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # snapshots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 0 # phasespace plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 0.05 # time step in periods
+ Q = 0 # phasespace plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 0.05 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # electron velocity distributions?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # ion velocity distributions?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ t_step = 1 # time step in periods
+ Q = 1 # electron density plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # ion density plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # jx plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # jy plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # jz plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # ex plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # ey plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # ez plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # bx plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # by plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # bz plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # thermal x-energy plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # thermal y-energy plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 0 # thermal z-energy plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # field energy density plots?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells
+ x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells
+ Q = 1 # traces?
+ t_start = 0 # start time in periods
+ t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods
+ traces = 22 # of traces at fixed positions x:
+ t0 =2, t1=3400, t2=3410,t3=3420, t4=3430, t5=3440, t6=3450, t7=3460; t8=3470, t9=3480, t10=3490, t11=3500, t12=3510, t13=3520, t14=3530, t15=3540, t16=3550, t17=3560, t18=3570, t19=3580, t20=3590, t21=3600
+Q = 0 # restart from intermediate stage?
+file = restart # start file
+Q_save = 1 # save intermediate stages periodically?
+file_save = restart # save file
+N_domains = 1 # number of parallel processes
+Q_reo = 1 # periodic reorganizations?
+delta_reo = 1 # laser cycles between reo's
+#thermal velocity v/c vs. thermal energy [eV] M ( vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2 ) = 3 k T
+#1e-4 0.005
+#3e-4 0.046
+#5e-4 0.128
+#1e-3 0.511
+#4e-3 8.2
+#1e-2 51
+#2e-2 204
+#3e-2 460
+#4e-2 818
+#4.42e-2 1000
+#1e-1 5110
+#choose: v_th/c = (lambda_d/dx) * (omega_p/omega) * (2pi dx/lambda)
+# :=1 = sqrt(z_ion * n_ion_over_nc) = 2pi/cells_per_wl
+#source p-pol refl. 1 minp-pol refl. 1 maxp-pol refl. 1 p-pol transm. 1 minp-pol transm. 1 maxp-pol transm. 1
+#source p-pol refl. 1 minp-pol refl. 1 maxp-pol refl. 1
+#source p-pol refl. 1 minp-pol refl. 1 maxp-pol refl. 1
+#source p-pol refl. 1
diff --git a/postpost/makemovie b/postpost/makemovie
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..de68c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/makemovie
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+for s in $1*
+ if [ -e $s ]
+ then
+ for koord in x y z
+ do
+ for i in 0 1
+ do
+ for t in $s/Post/frame_phase$koord-sp$i-*.eps
+ do
+ if [ -e $t ]
+ then
+ u=$s/Post/`basename $t .eps`
+ echo $u.eps
+ convert $u.eps -colorspace RGB -type truecolor $u.jpg
+ rm $u.eps
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ `ls -l $s/Post/ | grep -c frame_phase$koord-sp$i-.*jpg` -gt 0 ]
+ then
+ echo generating movie $s/Post/phase$koord-sp$i.avi
+ mencoder mf://$s/Post/frame_phase$koord-sp$i-*.jpg -mf w=1133:h=1133:fps=20:type=jpg -ovc copy -oac copy -o $s/Post/phase$koord-sp$i.avi
+ rm $s/Post/frame_phase$koord-sp$i-*.jpg
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/outputdir_of_inputfile b/postpost/outputdir_of_inputfile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..58c3ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/outputdir_of_inputfile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+read s
+while [ ! "$s" = "" ]
+ grep "path" "$s" | awk '{ print $3; }'
+ read s
diff --git a/postpost/plotspectra.gnu b/postpost/plotspectra.gnu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66e66e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/plotspectra.gnu
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+set terminal epslatex
+set decimalsign ","
+dir=system("echo $directory")
+infile=system("echo $input")
+outpart=system("echo $outpart")
+clmn=system("echo $column")
+#print dir
+#print infile
+#print outpart
+#print clmn
+set output sprintf("%s/Feld_%s.tex",dir,outpart)
+set title sprintf("%s (%s)",system("echo $outpart | tr \"_\" \" \""),system("echo $input | tr \"_\" \" \""))
+set size .9,.9
+set format x "$%g$"
+set xlabel "$t$ in $T$"
+set xrange [0:*]
+set yrange [*:*]
+set ylabel "whatever"
+set xtics out
+set ytics 1 out
+plot sprintf("%s/%s-trace",dir,infile) every ::1 using 1:clmn with lines lt 1 notitle
+set output sprintf("%s/Spektrum_log_%s.tex",dir,outpart)
+set title sprintf("%s (%s)",system("echo $outpart | tr \"_\" \" \""),system("echo $input | tr \"_\" \" \""))
+set size .9,.9
+set format x "$%g$"
+set xlabel "$\\omega$ in $\\omega_0$"
+set xrange [0:80]
+set yrange [10**-10:1]
+set ylabel "whatever"
+set logscale y
+set xtics out
+set ytics 10**-2 out
+plot sprintf("%s/%s",dir,infile) every ::1 using 1:clmn with lines lt 1 notitle
diff --git a/postpost/postpost b/postpost/postpost
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e924ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/postpost
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+echo all_idl2eps $1
+./all_idl2eps $1
+echo "... done"
+echo makemovie $1
+./makemovie $1
+echo "... done"
+# endlich überflüssig! Ersatz: gnuplot
+#echo copy_matlab $1 ...
+#./copy_matlab $1
+#echo "... done"
+#echo del_headings $1
+#./del_headings $1
+#echo "... done"
+# ebenfalls endlich überflüssig! Ersatz: gnuplot
+#echo all_matlab2eps $1
+#./all_matlab2eps $1
+#echo "... done"
+echo all_gnuplot $1
+./all_gnuplot $1
+echo "... done"
+echo all_eps2pdf $1
+./all_eps2pdf $1
+echo "... done"
+echo pdflatex bilder_pdf.tex
+pdflatex bilder_pdf.tex
+echo "... done"
+echo bring_all_avis $1
+./bring_all_avis $1
+echo "... done"
diff --git a/postpost/status b/postpost/status
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc84525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/status
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+for s in $*
+ if [ $s = "-v" ] || [ $s = "--verbose" ]
+ then
+ printsizes=true;
+ printload=true;
+ fi
+ if [ $s = "-s" ] || [ $s = "--size" ]
+ then
+ printsizes=true;
+ fi
+ if [ $s = "-l" ] || [ $s = "--load" ]
+ then
+ printload=true;
+ fi
+ if [ $s = "-n" ] || [ $s = "--no-name" ]
+ then
+ printnames=false;
+ fi
+ if [ $s = "-h" ] || [ $s = "--help" ]
+ then
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "$0 directory [-s|-l|-h|-v]"
+ echo
+ echo "-v|--verbose print also directory-sizes and CPU-load"
+ echo "-s|--size print also directory-sizes"
+ echo "-l|--load print also CPU-load"
+ echo "-n|--no-name don't print names of lost processes"
+ echo "-h|--help print this help"
+ exit 0;
+ fi
+Verz=`dirname $1`
+Name=`basename $1`
+finished=`find $1* -name times* | grep -c . `
+total=`ls -1 $Verz | grep -c $Name`
+running=`ps -A | grep -c lpic`
+queued=`grep -c "cd /home/simulation/lpic-1.3.1/lpic; ./lpic" ../../jobcontrol/todolist`
+if [ $total = 1 ]
+ echo $finished of $total process correct finished
+ echo $finished of $total processes correct finished
+if [ $running = 1 ]
+ echo $running process still running
+ echo $running processes still running
+if [ $queued = 1 ]
+ echo $queued process queued
+ echo $queued processes queued
+if [ $(($running + $finished + $queued - $total)) -ne 0 ]
+ echo
+ echo "*********************************************************"
+ echo "* *"
+ echo "* There's at least one not correct finished process! *"
+ echo "* *"
+ echo "*********************************************************"
+ if $printnames
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "The bad guys are:"
+ for s in `ls -1 $Verz | grep $Name`
+ do
+ istokay=false
+ if [ "$(ls -1 "$Verz/$s" | grep -c "times")" = "1" ] || [ "$(ps -eo args | grep "\./lpic" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{ print "lpic/"$2; }' | awk '{ print "../"$1; }' | ./outputdir_of_inputfile | grep -c "$Verz/$s" )" = "1" ]
+ then
+ istokay=true
+ continue
+ fi
+ for t in $(grep "cd /home/simulation/lpic-1.3.1/lpic; ./lpic" ../../jobcontrol/todolist)
+ do
+ if [ -e "../lpic/$t" ] && [ ! "$t" = "./lpic" ]
+ then
+ if [ "$(echo "../lpic/$t" | ./outputdir_of_inputfile | grep -c "$Verz/$s")" = "1" ]
+ then
+ istokay=true
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! $istokay
+ then
+ echo " "$Verz/$s" ... das ist "$(grep -l "$Verz/$s" ../lpic/input*);
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+df -hP 2> /dev/null | grep "/home\$" | awk '{ print $3 " of " $2 " used (" $4 " free, " $ 5 " occupied)" }'
+if $printload
+ ps -eo stime,time,pcpu,size,args | grep "\./lpic" | grep -v grep | awk '{ mem = int($4/1024); print "\"" $6 "\" since " $1 " (" $2 " time, " mem "MB used) " $3 "% load" }' | grep -v "(00:00:00 time,"
+ echo
+if $printsizes
+ echo "Verzeichnisgrößen"
+ echo "-------------------"
+ du -hs $1*
+ echo
diff --git a/postpost/todo b/postpost/todo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd5587d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/todo
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+for s in $*
+ if [ ! -e $s/Post ]
+ then
+ echo $s;
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/unvollstaendig b/postpost/unvollstaendig
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9327541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/unvollstaendig
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+for s in $1/*
+ if [ -d "$s" ]
+ then
+ if [ ! -d "$s/Post" ]
+ then
+ echo "Post: "$s
+ else
+ if [ ! -e "$s/Post/ft-fm" ] || [ ! -e "$s/Post/ft-fp" ]
+ then
+ echo -ne "ft: "$s
+ for t in $s/Post/input*.lpi*
+ do
+ if [ ! -e "$t" ]
+ then
+ echo -ne " ******"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/postpost/update_input b/postpost/update_input
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a3c414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/update_input
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# update_input input.lpi
+path="$(dirname $0)"
+# neuer Wert:
+# okey -> Name des Schlüssels
+# obam -> Name des neuen Wertes
+# olin -> einzufügende Zeile
+# obnam -> Name des darüberliegenden Wertes
+olin[0]="form = 0 # 0 = linear; 1 = exponential"
+olin[1]="length = 0 # cells in the linear ramp region (form=0) or scalelength"
+olin[2]="length2 = 100 # lefter scale length (form=2)"
+olin[3]="cutoff = -1 # max ramplength (<0 <=> disabled)"
+olin[4]="gluepos = 250 # glue-point between the two exp-functions (form=2) ... length of the righter exp-ramp"
+olin[5]="length = 0 # cells in the linear ramp region (form=0) or scalelength"
+olin[6]="form = 0 # 0 = linear; 1 = exponential"
+olin[7]="length2 = 100 # righter scale length (form=2)"
+olin[8]="cutoff = -1 # max ramplength (<0 <=> disabled)"
+olin[9]="gluepos = 250 # glue-point between the two exp-functions (form=2) ... length of the lefter exp-ramp"
+olin[10]="ux0 = 0.0 # initial momentum in x-direction"
+olin[11]=" Q = 0 # thermal x-energy plots?"
+olin[12]=" t_start = 0 # start time in periods"
+olin[13]=" t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods"
+olin[14]=" x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells"
+olin[15]=" x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells"
+olin[16]=" Q = 0 # thermal y-energy plots?"
+olin[17]=" t_start = 0 # start time in periods"
+olin[18]=" t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods"
+olin[19]=" x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells"
+olin[20]=" x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells"
+olin[21]=" Q = 0 # thermal z-energy plots?"
+olin[22]=" t_start = 0 # start time in periods"
+olin[23]=" t_stop = 60 # stop time in periods"
+olin[24]=" x_start = 0 # left boundary in cells"
+olin[25]=" x_stop = 100000 # right boundary in cells"
+olin[26]="middens = 0.5 # density of the constant portion in the middle (form=3) in fractions of ni"
+olin[27]="middens = 0.5 # density of the constant portion in the middle (form=3) in fractions of ni"
+for i in 0 1
+ if [ ${i} -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ s="front"
+ else
+ s="rear"
+ fi
+ for j in 0 1 2 3
+ do
+ okey[28+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+36*${i}+9*${j}]="amplitude"
+ olin[28+36*${i}+9*${j}]="amplitude = 0 # dimensionless laser field amplitude"
+ obnam[28+36*${i}+9*${j}]="Q"
+ okey[28+1+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+1+36*${i}+9*${j}]="polarization"
+ olin[28+1+36*${i}+9*${j}]="polarization = 2 # s=1, p=2, c=3"
+ obnam[28+1+36*${i}+9*${j}]="amplitude"
+ okey[28+2+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+2+36*${i}+9*${j}]="shape"
+ olin[28+2+36*${i}+9*${j}]="shape = 3 # linear=1, sin=2, sin^2=3"
+ obnam[28+2+36*${i}+9*${j}]="polarization"
+ okey[28+3+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+3+36*${i}+9*${j}]="raise"
+ olin[28+3+36*${i}+9*${j}]="raise = 15 # pulse raise/fall time in periods"
+ obnam[28+3+36*${i}+9*${j}]="polarization"
+ okey[28+4+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+4+36*${i}+9*${j}]="duration"
+ olin[28+4+36*${i}+9*${j}]="duration = 30 # pulse duration in fundamental periods"
+ obnam[28+4+36*${i}+9*${j}]="raise"
+ okey[28+5+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+5+36*${i}+9*${j}]="delay"
+ olin[28+5+36*${i}+9*${j}]="delay = 0 # propagation delay in cycles"
+ obnam[28+5+36*${i}+9*${j}]="duration"
+ okey[28+6+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+6+36*${i}+9*${j}]="phase"
+ olin[28+6+36*${i}+9*${j}]="phase = 0 # propagation delay in cycles"
+ obnam[28+6+36*${i}+9*${j}]="delay"
+ okey[28+7+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+7+36*${i}+9*${j}]="chirp"
+ olin[28+7+36*${i}+9*${j}]="chirp = 0 # linear chirp (dw/dt) in 2 pi T^-2"
+ obnam[28+7+36*${i}+9*${j}]="phase"
+ okey[28+8+36*${i}+9*${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_${j}"
+ onam[28+8+36*${i}+9*${j}]="frequency"
+ olin[28+8+36*${i}+9*${j}]="frequency = $[${j}+1] # frequency in fundamental frequencies"
+ obnam[28+8+36*${i}+9*${j}]="chirp"
+ done
+# Neuer Schlüssel:
+# nkey -> Name des neuen Schlüssels
+# nakey -> Name des folgenden Schlüssels
+for i in 3 2 1 0
+ nakey[$[8-${i}]]="$s"
+ s="&pulse_front_part_${i}"
+ nkey[$[8-${i}]]="$s"
+for i in 3 2 1 0
+ nakey[$[12-${i}]]="$s"
+ s="&pulse_rear_part_${i}"
+ nkey[$[12-${i}]]="$s"
+# umzuziehende Werte:
+# toky -> alter Schlüssel
+# tnky -> neuer Schlüssel
+# tonm -> alter Name
+# tnnm -> neuer Name
+# tnonm -> Name des über der neuen Position liegenden Wertes
+tnnm[0]="length "
+tnnm[1]="form "
+twarn[1]="For form=0 the ramp now starts (consistently with form>=1) at cells_left with maximal density! You need to subtract &lramp -> length manually from &box -> cells_left"
+tnnm[2]="length2 "
+tnnm[3]="cutoff "
+tnnm[4]="gluepos "
+for i in 0 1
+ if [ $i -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ s="front"
+ else
+ s="rear"
+ fi
+ j=0
+ for t in "delay" "duration" "raise" "shape" "polarization" "amplitude"
+ do
+ toky[5+16*${i}+${j}]="pulse_${s}"
+ tnky[5+16*${i}+${j}]="pulse_${s}_part_0"
+ tonm[5+16*${i}+${j}]="${t}"
+ tnnm[5+16*${i}+${j}]="${t}"
+ tnonm[5+16*${i}+${j}]="------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ j=$[${j}+1]
+ done
+ toky[5+6+16*${i}]="pulse_${s}"
+ tnky[5+6+16*${i}]="pulse_${s}_part_3"
+ tonm[5+6+16*${i}]="seedfrequency"
+ tnnm[5+6+16*${i}]="frequency"
+ tnonm[5+6+16*${i}]="------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ k=1
+ l=0
+ for j in "2" "3" "n"
+ do
+ for t in "delay" "phase" "amplitude"
+ do
+ toky[5+7+16*${i}+${l}]="pulse_${s}"
+ tnky[5+7+16*${i}+${l}]="pulse_${s}_part_${k}"
+ tonm[5+7+16*${i}+${l}]="${t}${j}"
+ tnnm[5+7+16*${i}+${l}]="${t}"
+ tnonm[5+7+16*${i}+${l}]="------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ l=$[${l}+1]
+ done
+ k=$[${k}+1]
+ done
+while [ -e "tmp$t1" ]
+ t1=$[$t1+1]
+while [ -e "tmp$t2" ]
+ t2=$[$t2+1]
+cp $1 $t1
+mv $1 $2
+ # einfügen neuer Schlüssel
+for i in {0..12}
+ if [ "$(grep -c "^${nkey[$i]}" $t1)" = "0" ]
+ then
+ alles=$(grep -c ".*" $t1)
+ stelle=$[$(grep -n "^${nakey[$i]}" $t1 | tr ":" " " | awk '{print $1}')-1]
+ head -n${stelle} $t1 > $t2
+ echo "${nkey[$i]}" >> $t2
+ echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $t2
+ echo "" >> $t2
+ echo "" >> $t2
+ tail -n$[$alles-$stelle] $t1 >> $t2
+ rm $t1
+ mv $t2 $t1
+ fi
+ echo -ne "."
+ # umziehen umzuziehender Werte
+for i in {0..36}
+ if [ "$(${path}/finde_wert $t1 ${tnky[$i]} ${tnnm[$i]})" = "0" ] && [ "$(${path}/finde_wert $t1 ${toky[$i]} ${tonm[$i]})" != "0" ]
+ then
+ alles=$(grep -c ".*" $t1)
+ astelle=$(${path}/finde_wert $t1 ${toky[$i]} ${tonm[$i]})
+ nstelle=$(${path}/finde_wert $t1 ${tnky[$i]} ${tnonm[$i]})
+ zeile="$(head -n$astelle $t1 | tail -n1 | sed "s/${tonm[$i]}/${tnnm[$i]}/")"
+ if [ $astelle -lt $nstelle ]
+ then
+ head -n$[${astelle}-1] $t1 > $t2
+ head -n${nstelle} $t1 | tail -n$[${nstelle}-${astelle}] >> $t2
+ echo "${zeile}" >> $t2
+ tail -n$[$alles-$nstelle] $t1 >> $t2
+ else
+ head -n${nstelle} $t1 > $t2
+ echo "${zeile}" >> $t2
+ head -n$[${astelle}-1] $t1 | tail -n$[${astelle}-${nstelle}-1] >> $t2
+ tail -n$[$alles-$astelle] $t1 >> $t2
+ fi
+ rm $t1
+ mv $t2 $t1
+ if [ "${twarn[$i]}" != "" ]
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "Warning: ${twarn[$i]}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo -ne "."
+ # einfügen neuer Werte
+for i in {0..99}
+ if [ "$(${path}/finde_wert $t1 ${okey[$i]} ${onam[$i]})" == "0" ]
+ then
+ alles=$(grep -c ".*" $t1)
+ stelle=$(${path}/finde_wert $t1 ${okey[$i]} ${obnam[$i]})
+ head -n${stelle} $t1 > $t2
+ echo "${olin[$i]}" >> $t2
+ tail -n$[$alles-$stelle] $t1 >> $t2
+ rm $t1
+ mv $t2 $t1
+ fi
+ echo -ne "."
+ # Ende auskommentieren
+alles=$(grep -c ".*" $t1)
+stelle=$(grep -n "^#\{0,1\}thermal velocity v/c vs. thermal energy" $t1 | sed "s/:.*$//" | tail -n1)
+head -n$[${stelle} - 1] $t1 > $t2
+tail -n$[${alles} - ${stelle} + 1] $t1 | sed "s/^/#/" | sed "s/^##/#/" | sed "s/^#\/\//\/\//" | sed "s/^#$//" >> $t2
+mv $t2 $t1
+# =s ausrichten
+for s in $(grep "^[^#]*=" $t1 | sed "s/ *=.*$//" | sort -u | tr " " "_")
+ echo ${#s}
+done | sort -n | tail -n1)
+alles=$(grep -c ".*" $t1)
+while [ ${i} -le ${alles} ]
+ s="$(head -n${i} $t1 | tail -n1)"
+ if [ $(echo "$s" | grep -c "^[^=#]*=") -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ t="$(echo "$s" | sed "s/ *=.*$//")"
+ while [ ${#t} -lt ${minpos} ]
+ do
+ t="${t} "
+ done
+ echo "$t =$(echo "$s" | sed "s/^[^=]*=//")" >> $t2
+ else
+ echo "$s" >> $t2
+ fi
+ i=$[${i}+1]
+ echo -ne "."
+mv $t2 $t1
+# #s ausrichten
+for s in $(grep "^[^#][^#]*#" $t1 | sed "s/ *#.*$//" | sort -u | tr " " "_")
+ echo ${#s}
+done | sort -n | tail -n1)
+alles=$(grep -c ".*" $t1)
+while [ ${i} -le ${alles} ]
+ s="$(head -n${i} $t1 | tail -n1)"
+ if [ $(echo "$s" | grep -c "^[^#][^#]*#") -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ t="$(echo "$s" | sed "s/ *#.*$//")"
+ while [ ${#t} -lt ${minpos} ]
+ do
+ t="${t} "
+ done
+ echo "$t #$(echo "$s" | sed "s/^[^#]*#//")" >> $t2
+ else
+ echo "$s" >> $t2
+ fi
+ i=$[${i}+1]
+ echo -ne "."
+mv $t2 $t1
+mv $t1 $1
diff --git a/postpost/watchdog b/postpost/watchdog
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..676f3f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postpost/watchdog
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+watch -n3 ./status $1