path: root/src/gui/fpg_colorwheel.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/fpg_colorwheel.pas')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/fpg_colorwheel.pas b/src/gui/fpg_colorwheel.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..103ce35d
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+++ b/src/gui/fpg_colorwheel.pas
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+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This unit implements color selectors using a ColorWheel and
+ a ValueBar. Color results are in HSV format.
+unit fpg_ColorWheel;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_widget;
+ // forward declaration
+ TfpgValueBar = class;
+ TfpgColorWheel = class(TfpgWidget)
+ protected
+ FValueBar: TfpgValueBar;
+ FHue: longint;
+ FSaturation: double;
+ FMarginWidth: longint;
+ FCursorSize: longint;
+ FWhiteAreaPercent: longint; // 0 to 50 percent of circle radius that is pure white
+ FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
+ FImage: TfpgImage; // cached colorwheel image
+ procedure HSFromPoint(X, Y: longint; out H: longint; out S: double);
+ procedure DrawCursor;
+ procedure SetMarginWidth(NewWidth: longint);
+ procedure SetCursorSize(NewSize: longint);
+ procedure SetValueBar(AValueBar: TfpgValueBar);
+ procedure SetWhiteAreaPercent(WhiteAreaPercent: longint);
+ procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
+ function DrawWidth: longint;
+ function DrawHeight: longint;
+ procedure Change;
+ procedure HandlePaint; override;
+ procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Hue: longint Read FHue;
+ property Saturation: double Read FSaturation;
+ procedure SetSelectedColor(const NewColor: TfpgColor);
+ published
+ property BackgroundColor;
+ property ValueBar: TfpgValueBar Read FValueBar Write SetValueBar;
+ property MarginWidth: longint Read FMarginWidth Write SetMarginWidth;
+ property CursorSize: longint Read FCursorSize Write SetCursorSize;
+ property WhiteAreaPercent: longint Read FWhiteAreaPercent Write SetWhiteAreaPercent;
+ property OnChange: TNotifyEvent Read FOnChange Write FOnChange;
+ end;
+ TfpgValueBar = class(TfpgWidget)
+ protected
+ FColorWheel: TfpgColorWheel;
+ FHue: longint;
+ FSaturation: double;
+ FValue: double;
+ FMarginWidth: longint;
+ FCursorHeight: longint;
+ FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
+ procedure DrawCursor;
+ procedure SetMarginWidth(NewWidth: longint);
+ procedure SetValue(Value: double);
+ procedure SetCursorHeight(CursorHeight: longint);
+ function GetSelectedColor: TfpgColor;
+ procedure Change;
+ function DrawWidth: longint;
+ function DrawHeight: longint;
+ function ValueFromY(Y: longint): real;
+ procedure DrawLine(Y: longint);
+ procedure HandlePaint; override;
+ procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ procedure SetHS(Hue: longint; Sat: double);
+ published
+ property BackgroundColor;
+ property Value: double Read FValue Write SetValue;
+ property SelectedColor: TfpgColor Read GetSelectedColor;
+ property MarginWidth: longint Read FMarginWidth Write SetMarginWidth;
+ property CursorHeight: longint Read FCursorHeight Write SetCursorHeight;
+ property OnChange: TNotifyEvent Read FOnChange Write FOnChange;
+ end;
+ fpg_ColorMapping;
+ RadToHue: double = 1536 / (2 * pi);
+function AngleFrom(x, y: double): double;
+ // Quadrants are laid out as follows:
+ //
+ // 1|0
+ // ---+----
+ // 2|3
+ if X = 0 then
+ begin
+ if Y > 0 then
+ Result := pi / 2
+ else
+ Result := 3 * pi / 2;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := arctan(abs(y) / abs(x));
+ if (x < 0) and (y >= 0) then
+ // quadrant 1
+ Result := pi - Result
+ else if (x < 0) and (y < 0) then
+ // quadrant 2
+ Result := Result + pi
+ else if (x >= 0) and (y < 0) then
+ // quadrant 3
+ Result := 2 * pi - Result;
+ end;
+{ TfpgColorWheel }
+function TfpgColorWheel.DrawWidth: longint;
+ Result := Width - FMarginWidth * 2;
+function TfpgColorWheel.DrawHeight: longint;
+ Result := Height - FMarginWidth * 2;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetSelectedColor(const NewColor: TfpgColor);
+ Value: double;
+ RGBToHSV(NewColor, FHue, FSaturation, Value);
+ Change;
+ if FValueBar <> nil then
+ FValueBar.Value := Value;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.Change;
+ if FValueBar <> nil then
+ FValueBar.SetHS(FHue, FSaturation);
+ if FOnChange <> nil then
+ FOnChange(self);
+ Invalidate;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.HandlePaint;
+ x, y: longint;
+ lHue: longint;
+ lsaturation: double;
+ c: TfpgColor;
+ // clear background rectangle
+ Canvas.Clear(BackgroundColor);
+ // margins too big
+ if (Width < MarginWidth * 2) or (Height < MarginWidth * 2) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if csDesigning in ComponentState then
+ begin
+ // When designing, don't draw colors
+ // but draw an outline
+ Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDash);
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(GetClientRect);
+ Canvas.Color := clHilite1;
+ Canvas.DrawArc(Width div 2, Height div 2, DrawWidth div 2 + 1,
+ DrawHeight div 2 + 1, 45, 180);
+ Canvas.Color := clShadow1;
+ Canvas.DrawArc(Width div 2, Height div 2, DrawWidth div 2 + 1,
+ DrawHeight div 2 + 1, 225, 180);
+ Exit; //==>
+ end;
+ if FImage = nil then
+ begin
+ // we must only do this once, because it's very slow
+ FImage := TfpgImage.Create;
+ FImage.AllocateImage(32, DrawWidth, DrawHeight);
+ FImage.UpdateImage;
+ for X := 0 to DrawWidth - 1 do
+ begin
+ for Y := 0 to DrawHeight - 1 do
+ begin
+ // work out hue and saturation for point
+ HSFromPoint(X, Y, lHue, lSaturation);
+ if lSaturation <= 1.0 then
+ begin
+ // point is within wheel
+ C := HSVToRGB(lHue, lSaturation, 1.0);
+ // draw the pixel
+ Canvas.Pixels[X + FMarginWidth, Y + FMarginWidth] := C;
+ FImage.Colors[x, y] := c;
+ end
+ else
+ // point is outside wheel. Also incase color is alias, lookup the RGB values.
+ FImage.Colors[x, y] := fpgColorToRGB(BackgroundColor);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // paint buffer image seeing that we have it
+ Canvas.DrawImage(FMarginWidth, FMarginWidth, FImage);
+ end;
+ DrawCursor;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate);
+ Dec(X, FMarginWidth);
+ Dec(Y, FMarginWidth);
+ HSFromPoint(X, Y, FHue, FSaturation);
+ if FSaturation > 1.0 then
+ FSaturation := 1.0;
+ Change;
+ CaptureMouse;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word;
+ shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate);
+ // is mouse still captured (LButton down)?
+ if ((btnstate and MOUSE_LEFT) = 0) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ Dec(X, FMarginWidth);
+ Dec(Y, FMarginWidth);
+ HSFromPoint(X, Y, FHue, FSaturation);
+ if FSaturation > 1.0 then
+ FSaturation := 1.0;
+ Change;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate);
+ ReleaseMouse;
+constructor TfpgColorWheel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FMarginWidth := 5;
+ FCursorSize := 5;
+ Width := 100;
+ Height := 100;
+ Name := 'ColorWheel';
+ FWhiteAreaPercent := 10;
+destructor TfpgColorWheel.Destroy;
+ if FImage <> nil then
+ FImage.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+// Calculate hue and saturation for a given point in the color wheel
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.HSFromPoint(X, Y: longint; out H: longint; out S: double);
+ xp, yp: double;
+ halfw, halfh: longint;
+ halfw := DrawWidth div 2;
+ halfh := DrawHeight div 2;
+ xp := (x - halfw) / halfw; // x as -1..1
+ yp := (y - halfh) / halfh; // y as -1..1
+ H := Trunc(RadToHue * AngleFrom(xp, -yp));
+ S := sqrt(xp * xp + yp * yp);
+ // scale saturation and limit to white, for white area
+ S := S * (1 + (FWhiteAreaPercent / 100.0)) - (FWhiteAreaPercent / 100.0);
+ if S < 0 then
+ S := 0;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.DrawCursor;
+ Angle: Double;
+ X, Y: longint;
+ S: Double;
+ a: Double;
+ len: longint;
+ Angle := FHue/RadToHue;
+ // Scale distance from centre for white area
+ S := FSaturation;
+ if S > 0 then
+ begin
+ a := FWhiteAreaPercent / 100.0;
+ S := (S * (1 - a)) + a;
+ end;
+ // work out point for selected hue and saturation
+ X := Trunc(Width div 2+cos(Angle) * S * (DrawWidth div 2));
+ Y := Trunc(Height div 2+sin(Angle) * S * -(DrawHeight div 2));
+ // draw a crosshair with centre at mouse cursor position
+ len := FCursorSize*2 + 2; // length of crosshair lines
+ Canvas.XORFillRectangle($FFFFFF, X-FCursorSize, Y, len, 2);
+ Canvas.XORFillRectangle($FFFFFF, X, Y-FCursorSize, 2, len);
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetMarginWidth(NewWidth: longint);
+ FMarginWidth := NewWidth;
+ if WinHandle = 0 then
+ Exit; //==>
+ Invalidate;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetCursorSize(NewSize: longint);
+ FCursorSize := NewSize;
+ if WinHandle = 0 then
+ Exit; //==>
+ Invalidate;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetValueBar(AValueBar: TfpgValueBar);
+ if FValueBar <> nil then
+ // tell the old value bar it's no longer controlled by this wheel
+ FValueBar.FColorWheel := nil;
+ FValueBar := AValueBar;
+ if FValueBar <> nil then
+ begin
+ // Tell value bar it is controlled by this component
+ FValueBar.FColorWheel := Self;
+ // request notification when other is freed
+ FValueBar.FreeNotification(Self);
+ end;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.SetWhiteAreaPercent(WhiteAreaPercent: longint);
+ if WhiteAreaPercent > 50 then
+ WhiteAreaPercent := 50;
+ if WhiteAreaPercent < 0 then
+ WhiteAreaPercent := 0;
+ FWhiteAreaPercent := WhiteAreaPercent;
+ Invalidate;
+procedure TfpgColorWheel.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
+ inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
+ if Operation = opRemove then
+ begin
+ if AComponent = FValueBar then
+ FValueBar := nil;
+ end;
+{ TfpgValueBar }
+procedure TfpgValueBar.DrawLine(Y: longint);
+ DrawVal: double;
+ c: TfpgColor;
+ DrawVal := ValueFromY(Y);
+ C := HSVToRGB(FHue, FSaturation, DrawVal);
+ Canvas.Color := c;
+ Canvas.DrawLine(FMarginWidth, Y, Width - FMarginWidth - 1, Y);
+procedure TfpgValueBar.HandlePaint;
+ y: longint;
+ r: TfpgRect;
+ // inherited HandlePaint;
+ Canvas.Clear(BackgroundColor);
+ if csDesigning in ComponentState then
+ begin
+ // when designing just draw
+ // a rectangle to indicate
+ Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDash);
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(GetClientRect);
+ if (Width < MarginWidth * 2) or (Height < MarginWidth * 2) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ r := GetClientRect;
+ InflateRect(r, FMarginWidth, FMarginWidth);
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(r);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // Draw margins
+ r.left := 0;
+ r.setbottom(0);
+ r.setright(FMarginWidth - 1);
+ := Height - 1;
+ Canvas.Color := BackgroundColor;
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r); // left
+ r.left := Width - FMarginWidth;
+ r.setright(Width - 1);
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r); // right
+ r.left := FMarginWidth;
+ r.setright(Width - FMarginWidth - 1);
+ r.setbottom(Height - FMarginWidth);
+ := Height - 1;
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r); // top
+ r.setbottom(0);
+ := FMarginWidth - 1;
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r); // bottom
+ if (Width < MarginWidth * 2) or (Height < MarginWidth * 2) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ for Y := 0 to DrawHeight - 1 do
+ DrawLine(Y + FMarginWidth);
+ DrawCursor;
+procedure TfpgValueBar.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate);
+ FValue := ValueFromY(Y);
+ Change;
+ CaptureMouse;
+procedure TfpgValueBar.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word;
+ shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate);
+ if ((btnstate and MOUSE_LEFT) = 0) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ FValue := ValueFromY(Y);
+ Change;
+procedure TfpgValueBar.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate);
+ ReleaseMouse;
+constructor TfpgValueBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FMarginWidth := 5;
+ FValue := 1.0;
+ Width := 100;
+ Height := 100;
+ Name := 'ValueBar';
+ FCursorHeight := 10;
+procedure TfpgValueBar.SetHS(Hue: longint; Sat: double);
+ FHue := Hue;
+ FSaturation := Sat;
+ Invalidate;
+ Change;
+procedure TfpgValueBar.SetValue(Value: double);
+ FValue := Value;
+ Change;
+function TfpgValueBar.DrawWidth: longint;
+ Result := Width - FMarginWidth * 2;
+function TfpgValueBar.DrawHeight: longint;
+ Result := Height - FMarginWidth * 2;
+procedure TfpgValueBar.DrawCursor;
+ Y: longint;
+ r: TfpgRect;
+ if (Width < MarginWidth * 2) or
+ (Height < MarginWidth * 2) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ Y := Trunc((FValue * DrawHeight) + FMarginWidth);
+ r.SetRect(FMarginWidth-1, Y - (FCursorHeight div 2), DrawWidth+1, FCursorHeight);
+ Canvas.Color := GetSelectedColor;
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ Canvas.Color := clBlack;
+ Canvas.DrawControlFrame(r);
+procedure TfpgValueBar.SetMarginWidth(NewWidth: longint);
+ if MarginWidth < 0 then
+ MarginWidth := 0;
+ FMarginWidth := NewWidth;
+ Invalidate;
+procedure TfpgValueBar.SetCursorHeight(CursorHeight: longint);
+ if CursorHeight < 3 then
+ CursorHeight := 3;
+ FCursorHeight := CursorHeight;
+ Invalidate;
+function TfpgValueBar.GetSelectedColor: TfpgColor;
+ Result := HSVToRGB(FHue, FSaturation, FValue);
+function TfpgValueBar.ValueFromY(Y: longint): real;
+ Result := (Y - MarginWidth) / (DrawHeight - 1);
+ if Result < 0 then
+ Result := 0;
+ if Result > 1.0 then
+ Result := 1.0;
+procedure TfpgValueBar.Change;
+ Invalidate;
+ if FOnChange <> nil then
+ FOnChange(self);