path: root/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extras/contributed/report_tool/demo')
3 files changed, 1182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpi b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83f58995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <ProjectOptions>
+ <Version Value="9"/>
+ <General>
+ <Flags>
+ <SaveOnlyProjectUnits Value="True"/>
+ </Flags>
+ <SessionStorage Value="InProjectDir"/>
+ <MainUnit Value="0"/>
+ <UseAppBundle Value="False"/>
+ <ResourceType Value="res"/>
+ </General>
+ <i18n>
+ <EnableI18N LFM="False"/>
+ </i18n>
+ <VersionInfo>
+ <Language Value=""/>
+ <CharSet Value=""/>
+ <StringTable ProductVersion=""/>
+ </VersionInfo>
+ <BuildModes Count="1">
+ <Item1 Name="default" Default="True"/>
+ </BuildModes>
+ <PublishOptions>
+ <Version Value="2"/>
+ <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
+ <IncludeFileFilter Value="*.(pas|pp|inc|lfm|lpr|lrs|lpi|lpk|sh|xml)"/>
+ <ExcludeFileFilter Value="*.(bak|ppu|ppw|o|so);*~;backup"/>
+ </PublishOptions>
+ <RunParams>
+ <local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/ $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <RequiredPackages Count="2">
+ <Item1>
+ <PackageName Value="impression"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <PackageName Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
+ </Item2>
+ </RequiredPackages>
+ <Units Count="2">
+ <Unit0>
+ <Filename Value="pdf_demo.lpr"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ </Unit0>
+ <Unit1>
+ <Filename Value="u_demo.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="U_Demo"/>
+ </Unit1>
+ </Units>
+ </ProjectOptions>
+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="9"/>
+ <Target>
+ <Filename Value="pdf_demo"/>
+ </Target>
+ <SearchPaths>
+ <IncludeFiles Value="$(ProjOutDir)"/>
+ <UnitOutputDirectory Value="units/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)/"/>
+ </SearchPaths>
+ <Parsing>
+ <SyntaxOptions>
+ <CStyleOperator Value="False"/>
+ <AllowLabel Value="False"/>
+ <CPPInline Value="False"/>
+ <UseAnsiStrings Value="False"/>
+ </SyntaxOptions>
+ </Parsing>
+ <Linking>
+ <Debugging>
+ <UseLineInfoUnit Value="False"/>
+ </Debugging>
+ <LinkSmart Value="True"/>
+ </Linking>
+ <Other>
+ <CompilerMessages>
+ <UseMsgFile Value="True"/>
+ </CompilerMessages>
+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
+ <Debugging>
+ <Exceptions Count="2">
+ <Item1>
+ <Name Value="ECodetoolError"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <Name Value="EFOpenError"/>
+ </Item2>
+ </Exceptions>
+ </Debugging>
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpr b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9593287c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ Demo program for PDF Reporting engine }
+program pdf_demo;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
+ cthreads,
+ Classes,
+ fpg_main,
+ U_Demo;
+procedure MainProc;
+ fpgApplication.Initialize;
+ F_Demo:= TF_Demo.Create(nil);
+ try
+ F_Demo.Show;
+ fpgApplication.Run;
+ finally
+ F_Demo.Free;
+ end;
+ MainProc;
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/u_demo.pas b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/u_demo.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5cb2e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/u_demo.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+unit U_Demo;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils,
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellApi,
+ {$endif}
+ fpg_main, fpg_base,
+ fpg_form, fpg_button, fpg_label, fpg_dialogs, fpg_utils;
+ TF_Demo = class(TfpgForm)
+ private
+ L_Pdf: TfpgLabel;
+ Bt_PdfEmptyPage: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfSimpleText: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfMultiPages: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfCadres: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfColor: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfLines: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfGrid: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfGraph: TfpgButton;
+ L_Visu: TfpgLabel;
+ Bt_VisuEmptyPage: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuSimpleText: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuMultiPages: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuCadres: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuColor: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuLines: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuGrid: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuGraph: TfpgButton;
+ L_Print: TfpgLabel;
+ Bt_PrintEmptyPage: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintSimpleText: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintMultiPages: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintCadres: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintColor: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintLines: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintGrid: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintGraph: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_Fermer: TfpgButton;
+ procedure Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_FermerClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ImprimeEmptyPage(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeSimpleText(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeMultiPages(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeCadres(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeColor(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeLines(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeGrid(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeGraph(Preview: Boolean);
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ end;
+ F_Demo: TF_Demo;
+ U_Imprime, U_Commande, U_Pdf;
+ ChartValues: array[0..18] of Integer;
+ Langue= 'F';
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeEmptyPage(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'EmptyPage.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeSimpleText(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'SimpleText.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeMultiPages(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'MultiPages.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeCadres(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Cadres.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeColor(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Color.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeLines(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Lines.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeGrid(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Grid.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeGraph(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Graph.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'EmptyPage.pdf';
+ ImprimeEmptyPage(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'SimpleText.pdf';
+ ImprimeSimpleText(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'MultiPages.pdf';
+ ImprimeMultiPages(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Cadres.pdf';
+ ImprimeCadres(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Color.pdf';
+ ImprimeColor(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Lines.pdf';
+ ImprimeLines(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Grid.pdf';
+ ImprimeGrid(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Graph.pdf';
+ ImprimeGraph(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_FermerClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeEmptyPage(Preview: Boolean);
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins
+ Section(0,0,0,0);
+ // create an empty page
+ Page;
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeSimpleText(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTexte1,FtTexte2,FtTexte3: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins: 10 mm each side
+ Section(10,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTexte1:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte2:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ FtTexte3:= Fonte('helvetica-8:italic',clBlack);
+ // write the text at position 100 mm from left and 120 mm from top
+ EcritPage(100,120,'Big text at absolute position',-1,FtTexte1);
+ // write the text aligned to left
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,50,'Text aligned to left',ColDefaut,FtTexte2);
+ // write the text aligned to right
+ EcritPage(cnRight,75,'Text aligned to right',ColDefaut,FtTexte3);
+ // write the text aligned to center
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,100,'Text aligned to center',ColDefaut,FtTexte2);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeMultiPages(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte: Integer;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins
+ Section(20,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'MULTIPAGE DOCUMENT',ColDefaut,FtTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte);
+ // create five new empty pages
+ for Cpt:= 1 to 5 do
+ Page;
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeCadres(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte: Integer;
+ TsFin,TsEpais: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(20,10,10,10,5);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsFin:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsEpais:= StyleTrait(2,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(3,0,3);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(1,0,1);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING FRAMES',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ // draw thin frame rectangle at margins
+ CadreMarges(TsFin);
+ // draw thick frame rectangle at header
+ CadreEnTete(TsEpais);
+ // draw thick frame rectangle at footer
+ CadrePied(TsEpais);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeColor(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtNormBlack,FtNormRed,FtNormGreen,FtBoldBlue,FtItalGray,FtBoldItalFuchsia: Integer;
+ TsFinNoir,TsFinBleu,TsFinRouge,TsEpaisNoir,TsEpaisGris,TsEpaisGreen: Integer;
+ FdBlanc,FdBeige,FdEau,FdVertPale: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+ Col1,Col2,Col3: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(20,10,10,10);
+ // create the filling colors to be used
+ FdBlanc:= Fond(clWhite);
+ FdBeige:= Fond(clBeige);
+ FdEau:= Fond(clAqua);
+ FdVertPale:= Fond(clPaleGreen);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtNormBlack:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ FtNormRed:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clRed);
+ FtNormGreen:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clGreen);
+ FtBoldBlue:= Fonte('helvetica-8:bold',clBlue);
+ FtItalGray:= Fonte('helvetica-8:italic',clGray);
+ FtBoldItalFuchsia:= Fonte('helvetica-8:bold:italic',clFuchsia);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsFinNoir:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsFinBleu:= StyleTrait(1,clBlue,lsSolid);
+ TsFinRouge:= StyleTrait(1,clRed,lsSolid);
+ TsEpaisNoir:= StyleTrait(3,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsEpaisGris:= StyleTrait(3,clGray,lsdot);
+ TsEpaisGreen:= StyleTrait(3,clGreen,lsSolid);
+ // create columns to be used
+ Col1:= Colonne(20,100,2);
+ Col2:= Colonne(120,80,1);
+ Col3:= Colonne(70,100,5);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(5,0,5);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(0,0,0);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING COLORS',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtNormRed,IlTexte);
+ // write some example texts
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'Bold blue text aligned to left',ColDefaut,FtBoldBlue,IlTexte);
+ EspacePage(10,ColDefaut,FdVertPale);
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,lnFin,'followed by centered normal black text after a 1 cm colored space',ColDefaut,FtNormBlack,IlTexte);
+ EspacePage(15);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'text written on colored background after a 1.5 cm colored space',ColDefaut,FtItalGray,IlTexte,FdEau);
+ EspacePage(10);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'This text starts in column 1',Col1,FtNormGreen,IlTexte,FdBeige);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'and ends in column 2',Col2,FtBoldItalFuchsia,IlTexte);
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,lnFin,'And this one is centered in column 3',Col3,FtNormRed,IlTexte,FdBeige);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeLines(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte: Integer;
+ TsFinNoir,TsFinBleu,TsEpais,TsFinRouge: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+ Col1,Col2,Col3: Integer;
+ BdRect,BdColn,BdFinCol: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(20,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsFinNoir:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsFinBleu:= StyleTrait(1,clBlue,lsDash);
+ TsEpais:= StyleTrait(2,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsFinRouge:= StyleTrait(1,clRed,lsDashDot);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(3,0,3);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(0,0,0);
+ // define column borders
+ BdRect:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut,bcBas],TsEpais);
+ BdColn:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut],TsFinBleu);
+ BdFinCol:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut,bcBas],TsFinNoir);
+ // create columns to be used
+ Col1:= Colonne(20,60,2);
+ Col2:= Colonne(80,60,2);
+ Col3:= Colonne(140,60,2);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING LINES',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ // write some example texts with column borders
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'Example of lines',Col1,FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdColn);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'with column borders',Col2,FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdFinCol);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'',Col3,FtTexte);
+ EspacePage(5);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'A thick border',Col3,FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdRect);
+ TraitPage(30,100,150,150,tsFinNoir);
+ TraitPage(50,70,180,100,tsFinBleu);
+ TraitPage(40,140,160,80,tsFinRouge);
+ TraitPage(60,50,60,120,tsEpais);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeGrid(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte,FtSTitre: Integer;
+ TsFinNoir: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+ Col: array[1..5] of Integer;
+ BdColn,BdFinCol: Integer;
+ CptLig,CptCol: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(20,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-7',clBlack);
+ FtSTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-9:bold:italic',clBlue);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsFinNoir:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(3,0,3);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(1,0,0);
+ // define column borders
+ BdColn:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut],TsFinNoir);
+ BdFinCol:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut,bcBas],TsFinNoir);
+ // create columns to be used
+ Col[1]:= Colonne(20,40,2);
+ Col[2]:= Colonne(60,35,2);
+ Col[3]:= Colonne(95,35,2);
+ Col[4]:= Colonne(130,35,2);
+ Col[5]:= Colonne(165,35,2);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING GRIDS',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ // write a grid without borders
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,lnFin,'Grid without borders',ColDefaut,FtSTitre,IlTitre);
+ for CptLig:= 1 to 10 do
+ for CptCol:= 1 to 5 do
+ if CptCol= 5
+ then
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte)
+ else
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ EspacePage(5);
+ // write a grid with borders
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,lnFin,'Grid with borders',ColDefaut,FtSTitre,IlTitre);
+ for CptLig:= 1 to 10 do
+ for CptCol:= 1 to 5 do
+ if CptCol= 5
+ then
+ if CptLig= 10
+ then
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdFinCol)
+ else
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdColn)
+ else
+ if CptLig= 10
+ then
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdFinCol)
+ else
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdColn);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeGraph(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte,FtMax: Integer;
+ TsNoir,TsGris,TsBleu,TsFuchsia: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+ Cpt,Max: Integer;
+ Base= 150;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(10,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-7',clBlack);
+ FtMax:= Fonte('helvetica-7',clFuchsia);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(3,0,3);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(1,0,0);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsNoir:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsGris:= StyleTrait(1,clGray,lsDot);
+ TsBleu:= StyleTrait(1,clBlue,lsSolid);
+ TsFuchsia:= StyleTrait(1,clFuchsia,lsDot);
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING GRAPH',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ // draw a graph
+ Max:= 0;
+ EcritPage(10,Base,'0',-1,FtTexte);
+ TraitPage(20,Base,200,Base,TsNoir);
+ for Cpt:= 1 to 5 do
+ begin
+ EcritPage(10,Base-Cpt*20,IntToStr(Cpt),-1,FtTexte);
+ TraitPage(20,Base-Cpt*20,200,Base-Cpt*20,TsGris);
+ end;
+ for Cpt:= 0 to 18 do
+ begin
+ if ChartValues[Cpt]> Max
+ then
+ Max:= ChartValues[Cpt];
+ EcritPage(18+Cpt*10,Base+5,IntToStr(Cpt),-1,FtTexte);
+ TraitPage(20+Cpt*10,Base,20+Cpt*10,Base-ChartValues[Cpt],TsGris);
+ if Cpt>0 then
+ TraitPage(20+Pred(Cpt)*10,Base-ChartValues[Pred(Cpt)],20+Cpt*10,Base-ChartValues[Cpt],TsBleu);
+ end;
+ EcritPage(16,Base-Max,IntToStr(Max),-1,FtMax);
+ TraitPage(20,Base-Max,200,Base-Max,TsFuchsia);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+constructor TF_Demo.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+inherited Create(AOwner);
+Name := 'F_Demo';
+WindowTitle:= 'PDF demo';
+SetPosition(0, 0, 650, 400);
+WindowPosition:= wpScreenCenter;
+Sizeable:= False;
+fpgSetNamedFont('Label1','bitstream vera sans-10');
+fpgSetNamedFont('Edit1','bitstream vera sans-10');
+L_Visu:= CreateLabel(Self,50,5,'Print to PDF',150,20,taCenter);
+Bt_PdfEmptyPage:= CreateButton(Self,50,30,150,'Empty page',@Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfSimpleText:= CreateButton(Self,50,70,150,'Simple text',@Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfMultiPages:= CreateButton(Self,50,110,150,'Multiple pages',@Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfCadres:= CreateButton(Self,50,150,150,'Draw frames',@Bt_PdfCadresClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfColor:= CreateButton(Self,50,190,150,'Show colors',@Bt_PdfColorClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfLines:= CreateButton(Self,50,230,150,'Draw lines',@Bt_PdfLinesClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfGrid:= CreateButton(Self,50,270,150,'Show grid',@Bt_PdfGridClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfGraph:= CreateButton(Self,50,310,150,'Show graph',@Bt_PdfGraphClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+L_Pdf:= CreateLabel(Self,250,5,'Preview',150,20,taCenter);
+Bt_VisuEmptyPage:= CreateButton(Self,250,30,150,'Empty page',@Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuSimpleText:= CreateButton(Self,250,70,150,'Simple text',@Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuMultiPages:= CreateButton(Self,250,110,150,'Multiple pages',@Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuCadres:= CreateButton(Self,250,150,150,'Draw frames',@Bt_VisuCadresClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuColor:= CreateButton(Self,250,190,150,'Show colors',@Bt_VisuColorClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuLines:= CreateButton(Self,250,230,150,'Draw lines',@Bt_VisuLinesClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuGrid:= CreateButton(Self,250,270,150,'Show grid',@Bt_VisuGridClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuGraph:= CreateButton(Self,250,310,150,'Show graph',@Bt_VisuGraphClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+L_Print:= CreateLabel(Self,450,5,'Print to printer',150,20,taCenter);
+Bt_PrintEmptyPage:= CreateButton(Self,450,30,150,'Empty page',@Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintEmptyPage.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintSimpleText:= CreateButton(Self,450,70,150,'Simple text',@Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintSimpleText.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintMultiPages:= CreateButton(Self,450,110,150,'Multiple pages',@Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintMultiPages.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintCadres:= CreateButton(Self,450,150,150,'Draw frames',@Bt_PrintCadresClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintCadres.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintColor:= CreateButton(Self,450,190,150,'Show colors',@Bt_PrintColorClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintColor.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintLines:= CreateButton(Self,450,230,150,'Draw lines',@Bt_PrintLinesClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintLines.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintGrid:= CreateButton(Self,450,270,150,'Show grid',@Bt_PrintGridClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintGrid.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintGraph:= CreateButton(Self,450,310,150,'Show graph',@Bt_PrintGraphClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintGraph.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_Fermer:= CreateButton(Self,450,350,150,'Fermer',@Bt_FermerClick,'stdimg.Fermer');
+Bt_Fermer.BackgroundColor:= clTomato;
+for Cpt:= 0 to 18 do
+ ChartValues[Cpt]:= Round(Random*100);