path: root/extras/contributed
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extras/contributed')
13 files changed, 6244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpi b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83f58995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <ProjectOptions>
+ <Version Value="9"/>
+ <General>
+ <Flags>
+ <SaveOnlyProjectUnits Value="True"/>
+ </Flags>
+ <SessionStorage Value="InProjectDir"/>
+ <MainUnit Value="0"/>
+ <UseAppBundle Value="False"/>
+ <ResourceType Value="res"/>
+ </General>
+ <i18n>
+ <EnableI18N LFM="False"/>
+ </i18n>
+ <VersionInfo>
+ <Language Value=""/>
+ <CharSet Value=""/>
+ <StringTable ProductVersion=""/>
+ </VersionInfo>
+ <BuildModes Count="1">
+ <Item1 Name="default" Default="True"/>
+ </BuildModes>
+ <PublishOptions>
+ <Version Value="2"/>
+ <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
+ <IncludeFileFilter Value="*.(pas|pp|inc|lfm|lpr|lrs|lpi|lpk|sh|xml)"/>
+ <ExcludeFileFilter Value="*.(bak|ppu|ppw|o|so);*~;backup"/>
+ </PublishOptions>
+ <RunParams>
+ <local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/ $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <RequiredPackages Count="2">
+ <Item1>
+ <PackageName Value="impression"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <PackageName Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
+ </Item2>
+ </RequiredPackages>
+ <Units Count="2">
+ <Unit0>
+ <Filename Value="pdf_demo.lpr"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ </Unit0>
+ <Unit1>
+ <Filename Value="u_demo.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="U_Demo"/>
+ </Unit1>
+ </Units>
+ </ProjectOptions>
+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="9"/>
+ <Target>
+ <Filename Value="pdf_demo"/>
+ </Target>
+ <SearchPaths>
+ <IncludeFiles Value="$(ProjOutDir)"/>
+ <UnitOutputDirectory Value="units/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)/"/>
+ </SearchPaths>
+ <Parsing>
+ <SyntaxOptions>
+ <CStyleOperator Value="False"/>
+ <AllowLabel Value="False"/>
+ <CPPInline Value="False"/>
+ <UseAnsiStrings Value="False"/>
+ </SyntaxOptions>
+ </Parsing>
+ <Linking>
+ <Debugging>
+ <UseLineInfoUnit Value="False"/>
+ </Debugging>
+ <LinkSmart Value="True"/>
+ </Linking>
+ <Other>
+ <CompilerMessages>
+ <UseMsgFile Value="True"/>
+ </CompilerMessages>
+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
+ <Debugging>
+ <Exceptions Count="2">
+ <Item1>
+ <Name Value="ECodetoolError"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <Name Value="EFOpenError"/>
+ </Item2>
+ </Exceptions>
+ </Debugging>
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpr b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9593287c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/pdf_demo.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ Demo program for PDF Reporting engine }
+program pdf_demo;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
+ cthreads,
+ Classes,
+ fpg_main,
+ U_Demo;
+procedure MainProc;
+ fpgApplication.Initialize;
+ F_Demo:= TF_Demo.Create(nil);
+ try
+ F_Demo.Show;
+ fpgApplication.Run;
+ finally
+ F_Demo.Free;
+ end;
+ MainProc;
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/u_demo.pas b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/u_demo.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5cb2e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/demo/u_demo.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+unit U_Demo;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils,
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellApi,
+ {$endif}
+ fpg_main, fpg_base,
+ fpg_form, fpg_button, fpg_label, fpg_dialogs, fpg_utils;
+ TF_Demo = class(TfpgForm)
+ private
+ L_Pdf: TfpgLabel;
+ Bt_PdfEmptyPage: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfSimpleText: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfMultiPages: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfCadres: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfColor: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfLines: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfGrid: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PdfGraph: TfpgButton;
+ L_Visu: TfpgLabel;
+ Bt_VisuEmptyPage: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuSimpleText: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuMultiPages: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuCadres: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuColor: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuLines: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuGrid: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_VisuGraph: TfpgButton;
+ L_Print: TfpgLabel;
+ Bt_PrintEmptyPage: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintSimpleText: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintMultiPages: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintCadres: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintColor: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintLines: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintGrid: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrintGraph: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_Fermer: TfpgButton;
+ procedure Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_VisuGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrintGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_FermerClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ImprimeEmptyPage(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeSimpleText(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeMultiPages(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeCadres(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeColor(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeLines(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeGrid(Preview: Boolean);
+ procedure ImprimeGraph(Preview: Boolean);
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ end;
+ F_Demo: TF_Demo;
+ U_Imprime, U_Commande, U_Pdf;
+ ChartValues: array[0..18] of Integer;
+ Langue= 'F';
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeEmptyPage(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'EmptyPage.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeSimpleText(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'SimpleText.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeMultiPages(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'MultiPages.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeCadres(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Cadres.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeColor(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Color.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeLines(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Lines.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeGrid(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Grid.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PdfGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+// Langue:= Version;
+ ImprimeGraph(False);
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 0
+ then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('There is no file to print');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+ Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+ Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= 'Graph.pdf';
+ try
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+ {$endif}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ finally
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'EmptyPage.pdf';
+ ImprimeEmptyPage(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'SimpleText.pdf';
+ ImprimeSimpleText(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'MultiPages.pdf';
+ ImprimeMultiPages(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Cadres.pdf';
+ ImprimeCadres(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Color.pdf';
+ ImprimeColor(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Lines.pdf';
+ ImprimeLines(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Grid.pdf';
+ ImprimeGrid(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_VisuGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+Imprime:= T_Imprime.Create;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ //Langue:= Version;
+ DefaultFile:= 'Graph.pdf';
+ ImprimeGraph(True);
+ Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintCadresClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintColorClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintLinesClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintGridClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_PrintGraphClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.Bt_FermerClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeEmptyPage(Preview: Boolean);
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins
+ Section(0,0,0,0);
+ // create an empty page
+ Page;
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeSimpleText(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTexte1,FtTexte2,FtTexte3: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins: 10 mm each side
+ Section(10,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTexte1:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte2:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ FtTexte3:= Fonte('helvetica-8:italic',clBlack);
+ // write the text at position 100 mm from left and 120 mm from top
+ EcritPage(100,120,'Big text at absolute position',-1,FtTexte1);
+ // write the text aligned to left
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,50,'Text aligned to left',ColDefaut,FtTexte2);
+ // write the text aligned to right
+ EcritPage(cnRight,75,'Text aligned to right',ColDefaut,FtTexte3);
+ // write the text aligned to center
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,100,'Text aligned to center',ColDefaut,FtTexte2);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeMultiPages(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte: Integer;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins
+ Section(20,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'MULTIPAGE DOCUMENT',ColDefaut,FtTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte);
+ // create five new empty pages
+ for Cpt:= 1 to 5 do
+ Page;
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeCadres(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte: Integer;
+ TsFin,TsEpais: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(20,10,10,10,5);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsFin:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsEpais:= StyleTrait(2,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(3,0,3);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(1,0,1);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING FRAMES',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ // draw thin frame rectangle at margins
+ CadreMarges(TsFin);
+ // draw thick frame rectangle at header
+ CadreEnTete(TsEpais);
+ // draw thick frame rectangle at footer
+ CadrePied(TsEpais);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeColor(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtNormBlack,FtNormRed,FtNormGreen,FtBoldBlue,FtItalGray,FtBoldItalFuchsia: Integer;
+ TsFinNoir,TsFinBleu,TsFinRouge,TsEpaisNoir,TsEpaisGris,TsEpaisGreen: Integer;
+ FdBlanc,FdBeige,FdEau,FdVertPale: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+ Col1,Col2,Col3: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(20,10,10,10);
+ // create the filling colors to be used
+ FdBlanc:= Fond(clWhite);
+ FdBeige:= Fond(clBeige);
+ FdEau:= Fond(clAqua);
+ FdVertPale:= Fond(clPaleGreen);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtNormBlack:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ FtNormRed:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clRed);
+ FtNormGreen:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clGreen);
+ FtBoldBlue:= Fonte('helvetica-8:bold',clBlue);
+ FtItalGray:= Fonte('helvetica-8:italic',clGray);
+ FtBoldItalFuchsia:= Fonte('helvetica-8:bold:italic',clFuchsia);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsFinNoir:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsFinBleu:= StyleTrait(1,clBlue,lsSolid);
+ TsFinRouge:= StyleTrait(1,clRed,lsSolid);
+ TsEpaisNoir:= StyleTrait(3,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsEpaisGris:= StyleTrait(3,clGray,lsdot);
+ TsEpaisGreen:= StyleTrait(3,clGreen,lsSolid);
+ // create columns to be used
+ Col1:= Colonne(20,100,2);
+ Col2:= Colonne(120,80,1);
+ Col3:= Colonne(70,100,5);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(5,0,5);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(0,0,0);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING COLORS',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtNormRed,IlTexte);
+ // write some example texts
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'Bold blue text aligned to left',ColDefaut,FtBoldBlue,IlTexte);
+ EspacePage(10,ColDefaut,FdVertPale);
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,lnFin,'followed by centered normal black text after a 1 cm colored space',ColDefaut,FtNormBlack,IlTexte);
+ EspacePage(15);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'text written on colored background after a 1.5 cm colored space',ColDefaut,FtItalGray,IlTexte,FdEau);
+ EspacePage(10);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'This text starts in column 1',Col1,FtNormGreen,IlTexte,FdBeige);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'and ends in column 2',Col2,FtBoldItalFuchsia,IlTexte);
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,lnFin,'And this one is centered in column 3',Col3,FtNormRed,IlTexte,FdBeige);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeLines(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte: Integer;
+ TsFinNoir,TsFinBleu,TsEpais,TsFinRouge: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+ Col1,Col2,Col3: Integer;
+ BdRect,BdColn,BdFinCol: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(20,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-8',clBlack);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsFinNoir:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsFinBleu:= StyleTrait(1,clBlue,lsDash);
+ TsEpais:= StyleTrait(2,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsFinRouge:= StyleTrait(1,clRed,lsDashDot);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(3,0,3);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(0,0,0);
+ // define column borders
+ BdRect:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut,bcBas],TsEpais);
+ BdColn:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut],TsFinBleu);
+ BdFinCol:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut,bcBas],TsFinNoir);
+ // create columns to be used
+ Col1:= Colonne(20,60,2);
+ Col2:= Colonne(80,60,2);
+ Col3:= Colonne(140,60,2);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING LINES',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ // write some example texts with column borders
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'Example of lines',Col1,FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdColn);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'with column borders',Col2,FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdFinCol);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'',Col3,FtTexte);
+ EspacePage(5);
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'A thick border',Col3,FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdRect);
+ TraitPage(30,100,150,150,tsFinNoir);
+ TraitPage(50,70,180,100,tsFinBleu);
+ TraitPage(40,140,160,80,tsFinRouge);
+ TraitPage(60,50,60,120,tsEpais);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeGrid(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte,FtSTitre: Integer;
+ TsFinNoir: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+ Col: array[1..5] of Integer;
+ BdColn,BdFinCol: Integer;
+ CptLig,CptCol: Integer;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(20,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-7',clBlack);
+ FtSTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-9:bold:italic',clBlue);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsFinNoir:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(3,0,3);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(1,0,0);
+ // define column borders
+ BdColn:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut],TsFinNoir);
+ BdFinCol:= Bordure([bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut,bcBas],TsFinNoir);
+ // create columns to be used
+ Col[1]:= Colonne(20,40,2);
+ Col[2]:= Colonne(60,35,2);
+ Col[3]:= Colonne(95,35,2);
+ Col[4]:= Colonne(130,35,2);
+ Col[5]:= Colonne(165,35,2);
+ // write title on each page
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING GRIDS',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ // write a grid without borders
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,lnFin,'Grid without borders',ColDefaut,FtSTitre,IlTitre);
+ for CptLig:= 1 to 10 do
+ for CptCol:= 1 to 5 do
+ if CptCol= 5
+ then
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte)
+ else
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ EspacePage(5);
+ // write a grid with borders
+ EcritPage(cnCenter,lnFin,'Grid with borders',ColDefaut,FtSTitre,IlTitre);
+ for CptLig:= 1 to 10 do
+ for CptCol:= 1 to 5 do
+ if CptCol= 5
+ then
+ if CptLig= 10
+ then
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdFinCol)
+ else
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnFin,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdColn)
+ else
+ if CptLig= 10
+ then
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdFinCol)
+ else
+ EcritPage(cnLeft,lnCourante,'line '+IntToStr(CptLig)+' ; column '+IntToStr(CptCol),Col[CptCol],FtTexte,IlTexte,-1,BdColn);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Demo.ImprimeGraph(Preview: Boolean);
+ FtTitre,FtTexte,FtMax: Integer;
+ TsNoir,TsGris,TsBleu,TsFuchsia: Integer;
+ IlTitre,IlTexte: Integer;
+ Cpt,Max: Integer;
+ Base= 150;
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ // define orientation, page format, measurement unit, language, preview (true) or print (false)
+ Debut(oPortrait,A4,msMM,Langue,Preview);
+ // create a new section and define the margins with an additional one due to frames drawing
+ Section(10,10,10,10);
+ // create the fonts to be used (use one of the 14 Adobe PDF standard fonts)
+ FtTitre:= Fonte('helvetica-15:bold',clBlack);
+ FtTexte:= Fonte('helvetica-7',clBlack);
+ FtMax:= Fonte('helvetica-7',clFuchsia);
+ // create line spacings to be used
+ IlTitre:= Interligne(3,0,3);
+ IlTexte:= Interligne(1,0,0);
+ // create the style of lines to be used
+ TsNoir:= StyleTrait(1,clBlack,lsSolid);
+ TsGris:= StyleTrait(1,clGray,lsDot);
+ TsBleu:= StyleTrait(1,clBlue,lsSolid);
+ TsFuchsia:= StyleTrait(1,clFuchsia,lsDot);
+ EcritEnTete(cnCenter,lnFin,'SHOWING GRAPH',ColDefaut,FtTitre,IlTitre);
+ // write page number and total of pages on each page
+ NumPagePied(cnRight,lnFin,'Page','of',True,ColDefaut,FtTexte,IlTexte);
+ // draw a graph
+ Max:= 0;
+ EcritPage(10,Base,'0',-1,FtTexte);
+ TraitPage(20,Base,200,Base,TsNoir);
+ for Cpt:= 1 to 5 do
+ begin
+ EcritPage(10,Base-Cpt*20,IntToStr(Cpt),-1,FtTexte);
+ TraitPage(20,Base-Cpt*20,200,Base-Cpt*20,TsGris);
+ end;
+ for Cpt:= 0 to 18 do
+ begin
+ if ChartValues[Cpt]> Max
+ then
+ Max:= ChartValues[Cpt];
+ EcritPage(18+Cpt*10,Base+5,IntToStr(Cpt),-1,FtTexte);
+ TraitPage(20+Cpt*10,Base,20+Cpt*10,Base-ChartValues[Cpt],TsGris);
+ if Cpt>0 then
+ TraitPage(20+Pred(Cpt)*10,Base-ChartValues[Pred(Cpt)],20+Cpt*10,Base-ChartValues[Cpt],TsBleu);
+ end;
+ EcritPage(16,Base-Max,IntToStr(Max),-1,FtMax);
+ TraitPage(20,Base-Max,200,Base-Max,TsFuchsia);
+ // preparation is finished, so create PDF objects
+ Fin;
+ end;
+constructor TF_Demo.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+inherited Create(AOwner);
+Name := 'F_Demo';
+WindowTitle:= 'PDF demo';
+SetPosition(0, 0, 650, 400);
+WindowPosition:= wpScreenCenter;
+Sizeable:= False;
+fpgSetNamedFont('Label1','bitstream vera sans-10');
+fpgSetNamedFont('Edit1','bitstream vera sans-10');
+L_Visu:= CreateLabel(Self,50,5,'Print to PDF',150,20,taCenter);
+Bt_PdfEmptyPage:= CreateButton(Self,50,30,150,'Empty page',@Bt_PdfEmptyPageClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfSimpleText:= CreateButton(Self,50,70,150,'Simple text',@Bt_PdfSimpleTextClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfMultiPages:= CreateButton(Self,50,110,150,'Multiple pages',@Bt_PdfMultiPagesClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfCadres:= CreateButton(Self,50,150,150,'Draw frames',@Bt_PdfCadresClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfColor:= CreateButton(Self,50,190,150,'Show colors',@Bt_PdfColorClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfLines:= CreateButton(Self,50,230,150,'Draw lines',@Bt_PdfLinesClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfGrid:= CreateButton(Self,50,270,150,'Show grid',@Bt_PdfGridClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+Bt_PdfGraph:= CreateButton(Self,50,310,150,'Show graph',@Bt_PdfGraphClick,'stdimg.Adobe_pdf');
+L_Pdf:= CreateLabel(Self,250,5,'Preview',150,20,taCenter);
+Bt_VisuEmptyPage:= CreateButton(Self,250,30,150,'Empty page',@Bt_VisuEmptyPageClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuSimpleText:= CreateButton(Self,250,70,150,'Simple text',@Bt_VisuSimpleTextClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuMultiPages:= CreateButton(Self,250,110,150,'Multiple pages',@Bt_VisuMultiPagesClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuCadres:= CreateButton(Self,250,150,150,'Draw frames',@Bt_VisuCadresClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuColor:= CreateButton(Self,250,190,150,'Show colors',@Bt_VisuColorClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuLines:= CreateButton(Self,250,230,150,'Draw lines',@Bt_VisuLinesClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuGrid:= CreateButton(Self,250,270,150,'Show grid',@Bt_VisuGridClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+Bt_VisuGraph:= CreateButton(Self,250,310,150,'Show graph',@Bt_VisuGraphClick,'stdimg.Preview');
+L_Print:= CreateLabel(Self,450,5,'Print to printer',150,20,taCenter);
+Bt_PrintEmptyPage:= CreateButton(Self,450,30,150,'Empty page',@Bt_PrintEmptyPageClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintEmptyPage.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintSimpleText:= CreateButton(Self,450,70,150,'Simple text',@Bt_PrintSimpleTextClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintSimpleText.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintMultiPages:= CreateButton(Self,450,110,150,'Multiple pages',@Bt_PrintMultiPagesClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintMultiPages.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintCadres:= CreateButton(Self,450,150,150,'Draw frames',@Bt_PrintCadresClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintCadres.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintColor:= CreateButton(Self,450,190,150,'Show colors',@Bt_PrintColorClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintColor.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintLines:= CreateButton(Self,450,230,150,'Draw lines',@Bt_PrintLinesClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintLines.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintGrid:= CreateButton(Self,450,270,150,'Show grid',@Bt_PrintGridClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintGrid.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_PrintGraph:= CreateButton(Self,450,310,150,'Show graph',@Bt_PrintGraphClick,'stdimg.Imprimer');
+Bt_PrintGraph.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_Fermer:= CreateButton(Self,450,350,150,'Fermer',@Bt_FermerClick,'stdimg.Fermer');
+Bt_Fermer.BackgroundColor:= clTomato;
+for Cpt:= 0 to 18 do
+ ChartValues[Cpt]:= Round(Random*100);
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/readme.txt b/extras/contributed/report_tool/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cfed170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Name: PDF Reporting Engine and Demo
+Author: Jean-Marc Levecque <>
+Date: November 2010
+This project implements a PDF reporting engine that supports many PDF
+functionality like multiple-pages, headers and footors, different text colors,
+graphs, grids etc. The report can be generated and viewed with any PDF viewer.
+It can also be previewed in it's own report preview screen.
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/impression.lpk b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/impression.lpk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..682ffe71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/impression.lpk
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <Package Version="3">
+ <Name Value="impression"/>
+ <AddToProjectUsesSection Value="False"/>
+ <Author Value="&quot;Jean-Marc Levecque&quot; <>"/>
+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="9"/>
+ <SearchPaths>
+ <UnitOutputDirectory Value="lib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)"/>
+ <LCLWidgetType Value="fpgui"/>
+ </SearchPaths>
+ <Parsing>
+ <SyntaxOptions>
+ <CStyleOperator Value="False"/>
+ <AllowLabel Value="False"/>
+ <CPPInline Value="False"/>
+ <UseAnsiStrings Value="False"/>
+ </SyntaxOptions>
+ </Parsing>
+ <Linking>
+ <Debugging>
+ <UseLineInfoUnit Value="False"/>
+ </Debugging>
+ </Linking>
+ <Other>
+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
+ <Description Value="PDF reporting engine"/>
+ <Version Minor="1"/>
+ <Files Count="4">
+ <Item1>
+ <Filename Value="u_commande.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="U_Commande"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <Filename Value="u_imprime.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="U_Imprime"/>
+ </Item2>
+ <Item3>
+ <Filename Value="u_pdf.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="U_Pdf"/>
+ </Item3>
+ <Item4>
+ <Filename Value="u_visu.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="U_Visu"/>
+ </Item4>
+ </Files>
+ <RequiredPkgs Count="2">
+ <Item1>
+ <PackageName Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <PackageName Value="FCL"/>
+ <MinVersion Major="1" Valid="True"/>
+ </Item2>
+ </RequiredPkgs>
+ <UsageOptions>
+ <UnitPath Value="$(PkgOutDir)"/>
+ </UsageOptions>
+ <PublishOptions>
+ <Version Value="2"/>
+ <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
+ </PublishOptions>
+ </Package>
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/impression.pas b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/impression.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76c36510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/impression.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{ This file was automatically created by Lazarus. Do not edit!
+ This source is only used to compile and install the package.
+ }
+unit impression;
+ U_Commande, U_Imprime, U_Pdf, U_Visu;
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/i386-linux/placeholder.txt b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/i386-linux/placeholder.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/i386-linux/placeholder.txt
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/i386-win32/placeholder.txt b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/i386-win32/placeholder.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/i386-win32/placeholder.txt
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/x86_64-linux/placeholder.txt b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/x86_64-linux/placeholder.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/lib/x86_64-linux/placeholder.txt
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_commande.pas b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_commande.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8e3e5e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_commande.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+ << Impressions >> U_Pdf.pas
+ Copyright (C) 2010 - JM.Levecque - <>
+ This library is a free software coming as a add-on to fpGUI toolkit
+ See the copyright included in the fpGUI distribution for details about redistribution
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This unit builds the objects in memory to produce either the preview or pdf file
+unit U_Commande;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils,
+ fpg_base, fpg_main;
+ TZone = (zEnTete,zPied,zPage,zMarges);
+ TSectPageNum = (PageNum,SectNum,PSectNum);
+ TFBordFlags= set of (bcGauche,bcDroite,bcHaut,bcBas);
+ TDimensions= record
+ T: Integer;
+ L: Integer;
+ R: Integer;
+ B: Integer;
+ end;
+ TPapier= record
+ H: Integer;
+ W: Integer;
+ Imprimable: TDimensions;
+ end;
+ T_Section = class
+ private
+ FNumSect: Integer;
+ FNbPages: Integer;
+ FMarges: TDimensions;
+ FBasEnTete: Integer;
+ FHautPied: Integer;
+ FPages: TList;
+ FEnTete: TList;
+ FPied: TList;
+ FCadres: TList;
+ function FirstPage: Integer;
+ function TotalPages: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AMarges: TDimensions; ANum: Integer); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure LoadPage(APageNum: Integer);
+ procedure LoadCmdEnTete;
+ procedure LoadCmdPage;
+ procedure LoadCmdPied;
+ procedure LoadCmdGroupe;
+ procedure LoadCmdGroupeToPage;
+ procedure LoadEspaceEnTete(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond: Integer);
+ procedure LoadEspacePage(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond: Integer);
+ procedure LoadEspacePied(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond: Integer);
+ procedure LoadCadre(AStyle: Integer; AZone: TZone);
+ procedure LoadTrait(APosXDeb,APosYDeb,AColonne,APosXFin,APosYFin,AStyle: Integer);
+ function GetCmdPage(NumPage: Integer): TList;
+ property GetCmdEnTete: TList read FEntete;
+ property GetCmdPied: TList read FPied;
+ property GetNbPages: Integer read FNbPages;
+ property GetFirstPage: Integer read FirstPage;
+ property Pages: TList read FPages;
+ property TotPages: Integer read TotalPages;
+ property GetMarges: TDimensions read FMarges;
+ property GetCmdCadres: TList read FCadres;
+ end;
+ T_Page = class
+ private
+ FNumPageTot: Integer;
+ FNumPageSect: Integer;
+ FCommandes: TList;
+ public
+ constructor Create(ANumSec,ANumTot: Integer); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Commandes: TList read FCommandes write FCommandes;
+ property PagesTot: Integer read FNumPageTot;
+ property PagesSect: Integer read FNumPageSect;
+ end;
+ T_Groupe = class
+ private
+ FLineHeight: Integer;
+ FGroupeHeight: Integer;
+ FCommandes: TList;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Commandes: TList read FCommandes write FCommandes;
+ property GetLineHeight: Integer read FLineHeight;
+ property GetGroupeHeight: Integer read FGroupeHeight;
+ end;
+ T_Ligne = class
+ private
+ FHeight: Integer;
+ FCommandes: TList;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure LoadTexte(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexte,AFonte,AHeight,AFond,ABord,AInterL: Integer;
+ ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TFTextFlags);
+ procedure LoadNumero(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexteNum,ATexteTot,AFonte,AHeight,AFond,ABord,AInterL: Integer;
+ ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TFTextFlags; ATotal,AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum);
+ property Commandes: TList read FCommandes;
+ property GetHeight: Integer read FHeight;
+ end;
+ T_Commande = class
+ end;
+ PSection = ^T_Section;
+ PPage = ^T_Page;
+ PLigne = ^T_Ligne;
+ PCommande = ^T_Commande;
+ PFont = ^TfpgFont;
+ T_EcritTexte = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FPosX: Integer;
+ FPosY: Integer;
+ FColonne: Integer;
+ FTexte: Integer;
+ FFonte: Integer;
+ FFond: Integer;
+ FBord: Integer;
+ FInterL: Integer;
+ FCurFont: Boolean;
+ FFlags: TFTextFlags;
+ public
+ constructor Create(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexte,AFonte,AFond,ABord,AInterL: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TFTextFlags); virtual;
+ procedure SetPosY(const AValue: Integer);
+ property GetPosX: Integer read FPosX;
+ property GetPosY: Integer read FPosY;
+ property GetColonne: Integer read FColonne;
+ property GetTexte: Integer read FTexte;
+ property GetFonte: Integer read FFonte;
+ property GetFond: Integer read FFond;
+ property GetBord: Integer read FBord;
+ property GetInterL: Integer read FInterL;
+ property GetCurFont: Boolean read FCurFont;
+ property GetFlags: TFTextFlags read FFlags;
+ end;
+ T_Numero = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FPosX: Integer;
+ FPosY: Integer;
+ FColonne: Integer;
+ FTexteNum: Integer;
+ FTexteTot: Integer;
+ FFonte: Integer;
+ FFond: Integer;
+ FBord: Integer;
+ FInterL: Integer;
+ FCurFont: Boolean;
+ FFlags: TFTextFlags;
+ FTotal: Boolean;
+ FAlpha: Boolean;
+ FTypeNum: TSectPageNum;
+ public
+ constructor Create(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexteNum,ATexteTot,AFonte,AFond,ABord,AInterL: Integer;
+ ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TFTextFlags; ATotal,AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum); virtual;
+ procedure SetPosY(const AValue: Integer);
+ property GetPosX: Integer read FPosX;
+ property GetPosY: Integer read FPosY;
+ property GetColonne: Integer read FColonne;
+ property GetTexteNum: Integer read FTexteNum;
+ property GetTexteTot: Integer read FTexteTot;
+ property GetFonte: Integer read FFonte;
+ property GetFond: Integer read FFond;
+ property GetBord: Integer read FBord;
+ property GetInterL: Integer read FInterL;
+ property GetCurFont: Boolean read FCurFont;
+ property GetFlags: TFTextFlags read FFlags;
+ property GetTotal: Boolean read FTotal;
+ property GetAlpha: Boolean read FAlpha;
+ property GetTypeNum: TSectPageNum read FTypeNum;
+ end;
+ T_Trait = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FPosX: Integer;
+ FPosY: Integer;
+ FColonne: Integer;
+ FStyle: Integer;
+ FEndX: Integer;
+ FEndY: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(APosX,APosY,AColonne,AStyle,AEndX,AEndY: Integer); virtual;
+ property GetPosX: Integer read FPosX;
+ property GetPosY: Integer read FPosY;
+ property GetColonne: Integer read FColonne;
+ property GetStyle: Integer read FStyle;
+ property GetEndX: Integer read FEndX;
+ property GetEndY: Integer read FEndY;
+ end;
+ T_Colonne = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FPos: Integer;
+ FWidth: Integer;
+ FMargin: Integer;
+ FColor: TfpgColor;
+ public
+ constructor Create(APos,AWidth,AMargin: Integer; AColor: TfpgColor); virtual;
+ function GetTextPos: Integer;
+ function GetTextWidth: Integer;
+ procedure SetColColor(AColor: TfpgColor);
+ property GetColPos: Integer read FPos;
+ property GetColWidth: Integer read FWidth;
+ property GetColMargin: Integer read FMargin;
+ property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor;
+ end;
+ T_Fonte = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FFonte: TfpgFont;
+ FColor: TfpgColor;
+ FSize: string;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AFonte: string; AColor: TfpgColor); virtual;
+ function GetHeight: Integer;
+ property GetFonte: TfpgFont read FFonte;
+ property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor;
+ property GetSize: string read FSize;
+ end;
+ T_Interligne = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FSup: Integer;
+ FInt: Integer;
+ FInf: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(ASup,AInt,AInf: Integer); virtual;
+ property GetSup: Integer read FSup;
+ property GetInt: Integer read FInt;
+ property GetInf: Integer read FInf;
+ end;
+ T_Espace = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FPosY: Integer;
+ FColonne: Integer;
+ FHeight: Integer;
+ FFond: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond: Integer); virtual;
+ procedure SetPosY(const AValue: Integer);
+ property GetPosY: Integer read FPosY;
+ property GetColonne: Integer read FColonne;
+ property GetHeight: Integer read FHeight;
+ property GetFond: Integer read FFond;
+ end;
+ T_Fond = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FColor: TfpgColor;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AColor: TfpgColor); virtual;
+ property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor;
+ end;
+ T_TraitStyle = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FEpais: Integer;
+ FColor: TfpgColor;
+ FStyle: TfpgLineStyle;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AEpais: Integer; AColor: Tfpgcolor; AStyle: TfpgLineStyle); virtual;
+ property GetEpais: Integer read FEpais;
+ property GetColor: TfpgColor read FColor;
+ property GetStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FStyle;
+ end;
+ T_Bord = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FFlags: TFBordFlags;
+ FStyle: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AFlags: TFBordFlags; AStyle: Integer);
+ property GetFlags: TFBordFlags read FFlags;
+ property GetStyle: Integer read FStyle;
+ end;
+ T_Cadre = class(T_Commande)
+ private
+ FStyle: Integer;
+ FZone: TZone;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AStyle: Integer; AZone: TZone);
+ property GetStyle: Integer read FStyle;
+ property GetZone: TZone read FZone;
+ end;
+ Sections: TList;
+ Colonnes: TList;
+ Textes: TStringList;
+ Fontes: TList;
+ Interlignes: TList;
+ Fonds: TList;
+ TraitStyles: TList;
+ Bords: TList;
+ ASection: T_Section;
+ APage: T_Page;
+ AGroupe: T_Groupe;
+ ALigne: T_Ligne;
+ ACommande: T_Commande;
+ AColonne: T_Colonne;
+ AFond: T_Fond;
+ AFonte: T_Fonte;
+ AInterligne: T_Interligne;
+ ATraitStyle: T_TraitStyle;
+ ABord: T_Bord;
+function ExtractFontSize(const AValue: string): string;
+if Pos(':',AValue)> 0
+ Result:= Copy(AValue,Succ(Pos('-',AValue)),Pred(Pos(':',Avalue)-Pos('-',AValue)))
+ Result:= Copy(AValue,Succ(Pos('-',AValue)),Length(AValue)-Pos('-',AValue));
+function T_Section.FirstPage: Integer;
+Result:= T_Page(Pages[0]).PagesTot;
+function T_Section.TotalPages: Integer;
+if Pages.Count> 0
+ Result:= T_Page(Pages[Pred(Pages.Count)]).PagesTot
+ Result:= 0;
+constructor T_Section.Create(AMarges: TDimensions; ANum: Integer);
+FNumSect:= ANum;
+FNbPages:= 0;
+FMarges:= AMarges;
+FBasEnTete:= FMarges.T;
+FHautPied:= FMarges.B;
+FPages:= TList.Create;
+FEnTete:= TList.Create;
+FPied:= TList.Create;
+FCadres:= TList.Create;
+destructor T_Section.Destroy;
+inherited Destroy;
+procedure T_Section.LoadPage(APageNum: Integer);
+APage:= T_Page.Create(FNbPages,APageNum);
+procedure T_Section.LoadCmdEnTete;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(ALigne.Commandes.Count) do
+ FEnTete.Add(ALigne.Commandes.Items[Cpt]);
+ALigne.FHeight:= 0;
+procedure T_Section.LoadCmdPage;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(ALigne.Commandes.Count) do
+ T_Page(Pages[Pred(Pages.Count)]).Commandes.Add(ALigne.Commandes.Items[Cpt]);
+ALigne.FHeight:= 0;
+procedure T_Section.LoadCmdPied;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(ALigne.Commandes.Count) do
+ FPied.Add(ALigne.Commandes.Items[Cpt]);
+ALigne.FHeight:= 0;
+procedure T_Section.LoadCmdGroupe;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(ALigne.Commandes.Count) do
+ AGroupe.Commandes.Add(ALigne.Commandes.Items[Cpt]);
+with AGroupe do
+ begin
+ FLineHeight:= ALigne.FHeight;
+ FGroupeHeight:= FGroupeHeight+FLineHeight;
+ end;
+ALigne.FHeight:= 0;
+procedure T_Section.LoadCmdGroupeToPage;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(AGroupe.Commandes.Count) do
+ T_Page(Pages[Pred(Pages.Count)]).Commandes.Add(AGroupe.Commandes.Items[Cpt]);
+AGroupe.FGroupeHeight:= 0;
+procedure T_Section.LoadEspaceEnTete(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond: Integer);
+ACommande:= T_Espace.Create(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond);
+procedure T_Section.LoadEspacePage(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond: Integer);
+ACommande:= T_Espace.Create(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond);
+procedure T_Section.LoadEspacePied(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond: Integer);
+ACommande:= T_Espace.Create(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond);
+procedure T_Section.LoadCadre(AStyle: Integer; AZone: TZone);
+ACommande:= T_Cadre.Create(AStyle,AZone);
+procedure T_Section.LoadTrait(APosXDeb,APosYDeb,AColonne,APosXFin,APosYFin,AStyle: Integer);
+ACommande:= T_Trait.Create(APosXDeb,APosYDeb,AColonne,AStyle,APosXFin,APosYFin);
+function T_Section.GetCmdPage(NumPage: Integer): TList;
+Result:= T_Page(Pages[Pred(NumPage)]).Commandes;
+constructor T_Page.Create(ANumSec,ANumTot: Integer);
+FNumPageTot:= ANumTot;
+FNumPageSect:= ANumSec;
+FCommandes:= TList.Create;
+destructor T_Page.Destroy;
+inherited Destroy;
+constructor T_Groupe.Create;
+FLineHeight:= 0;
+FGroupeHeight:= 0;
+Commandes:= TList.Create;
+destructor T_Groupe.Destroy;
+inherited Destroy;
+constructor T_Ligne.Create;
+FHeight:= 0;
+FCommandes:= TList.Create;
+destructor T_Ligne.Destroy;
+inherited Destroy;
+procedure T_Ligne.LoadTexte(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexte,AFonte,AHeight,AFond,ABord,AInterL: Integer;
+ ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TFTextFlags);
+if FHeight< AHeight
+ FHeight:= AHeight;
+ACommande:= T_EcritTexte.Create(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexte,AFonte,AFond,ABord,AInterL,ACurFont,AFlags);
+procedure T_Ligne.LoadNumero(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexteNum,ATexteTot,AFonte,AHeight,AFond,ABord,AInterL: Integer;
+ ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TFTextFlags; ATotal,AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum);
+if FHeight< AHeight
+ FHeight:= AHeight;
+ACommande:= T_Numero.Create(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexteNum,ATexteTot,AFonte,AFond,ABord,AInterL,ACurFont,AFlags,ATotal,AAlpha,ATypeNum);
+procedure T_EcritTexte.SetPosY(const AValue: Integer);
+if FPosY<> AValue
+ FPosY:= AValue;
+constructor T_EcritTexte.Create(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexte,AFonte,AFond,ABord,AInterL: Integer; ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TFTextFlags);
+inherited Create;
+FPosX:= APosX;
+FPosY:= APosY;
+FColonne:= AColonne;
+FTexte:= ATexte;
+FFonte:= AFonte;
+FFond:= AFond;
+FBord:= ABord;
+FInterL:= AInterL;
+FCurFont:= ACurFont;
+FFlags:= AFlags;
+procedure T_Numero.SetPosY(const AValue: Integer);
+if FPosY<> AValue
+ FPosY:= AValue;
+constructor T_Numero.Create(APosX,APosY,AColonne,ATexteNum,ATexteTot,AFonte,AFond,ABord,AInterL: Integer;
+ ACurFont: Boolean; AFlags: TFTextFlags; ATotal,AAlpha: Boolean; ATypeNum: TSectPageNum);
+inherited Create;
+FPosX:= APosX;
+FPosY:= APosY;
+FColonne:= AColonne;
+FTexteNum:= ATexteNum;
+FTexteTot:= ATexteTot;
+FFonte:= AFonte;
+FFond:= AFond;
+FBord:= ABord;
+FInterL:= AInterL;
+FCurFont:= ACurFont;
+FFlags:= AFlags;
+FTotal:= ATotal;
+FAlpha:= AAlpha;
+FTypeNum:= ATypeNum;
+constructor T_Trait.Create(APosX,APosY,AColonne,AStyle,AEndX,AEndY: Integer);
+FPosX:= APosX;
+FPosY:= APosY;
+FColonne:= AColonne;
+FStyle:= AStyle;
+FEndX:= AEndX;
+FEndY:= AEndY;
+constructor T_Colonne.Create(APos,AWidth,AMargin: Integer; AColor: TfpgColor);
+inherited Create;
+FPos:= APos;
+FWidth:= AWidth;
+FMargin:= AMargin;
+FColor:= AColor;
+function T_Colonne.GetTextPos: Integer;
+Result:= FPos+FMargin;
+function T_Colonne.GetTextWidth: Integer;
+Result:= FWidth-(FMargin*2);
+procedure T_Colonne.SetColColor(AColor: TfpgColor);
+if FColor<> AColor
+ FColor:= AColor;
+constructor T_Fonte.Create(AFonte: string; AColor: TfpgColor);
+inherited Create;
+FFonte:= fpgApplication.GetFont(AFonte);
+FColor:= AColor;
+FSize:= ExtractFontSize(AFonte);
+function T_Fonte.GetHeight: Integer;
+Result:= TfpgFont(FFonte).Height;
+constructor T_Interligne.Create(ASup,AInt,AInf: Integer);
+inherited Create;
+FSup:= ASup;
+FInt:= AInt;
+FInf:= AInf;
+constructor T_Espace.Create(APosY,AColonne,AHeight,AFond: Integer);
+inherited Create;
+FPosY:= APosY;
+FColonne:= AColonne;
+FHeight:= AHeight;
+FFond:= AFond;
+procedure T_Espace.SetPosY(const AValue: Integer);
+if FPosY<> AValue
+ FPosY:= AValue;
+constructor T_Fond.Create(AColor: TfpgColor);
+FColor:= AColor;
+constructor T_TraitStyle.Create(AEpais: Integer; AColor: Tfpgcolor; AStyle: TfpgLineStyle);
+inherited Create;
+FEpais:= AEpais;
+FColor:= AColor;
+FStyle:= AStyle;
+constructor T_Bord.Create(AFlags: TFBordFlags; AStyle: Integer);
+FFlags:= AFlags;
+FStyle:= AStyle;
+constructor T_Cadre.Create(AStyle: Integer; AZone: TZone);
+FStyle:= AStyle;
+FZone:= AZone;
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_imprime.pas b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_imprime.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96141e76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_imprime.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2508 @@
+ << Impressions >> U_Pdf.pas
+ Copyright (C) 2010 - JM.Levecque - <>
+ This library is a free software coming as a add-on to fpGUI toolkit
+ See the copyright included in the fpGUI distribution for details about redistribution
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This unit interfaces with the user program
+unit U_Imprime;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils,
+ fpg_base, fpg_main,
+ fpg_panel,
+ U_Commande, U_Pdf;
+ TTypePapier= (A4,Letter,Legal,Executive,Comm10,Monarch,DL,C5,B5);
+ TOrient= (oPortrait,oLandscape);
+ TMesure = (msMM,msInch);
+ TPreparation= (ppPrepare,ppVisualise,ppFichierPDF);
+ T_Imprime = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FVersion: Char;
+ FPapier: TPapier;
+ FTypePapier: TTypePapier;
+ FOrientation: TOrient;
+ FMargeCourante: TDimensions;
+ FMesure: TMesure;
+ FPreparation: TPreparation;
+ FVisualisation: Boolean;
+ FCanevas: TfpgCanvas;
+ FFonteCourante: Integer;
+ FInterLCourante: Integer;
+ FColorCourante: Integer;
+ FNmSection: Integer;
+ FNmPage: Integer;
+ FNmPageSect: Integer;
+ FPosRef: TPoint; // position absolue d'écriture
+ FEnTeteHeight: Integer; // position verticale de fin de texte en zone entete
+ FPageHeight: Integer; // position verticale de fin de texte en zone page
+ FPiedHeight: Integer; // position verticale de début de texte en zone pied
+ FGroupe: Boolean;
+ FDefaultFile: string;
+ function Dim2Pixels(Value: Single): Integer;
+ function AddLineBreaks(const Txt: TfpgString; AMaxLineWidth: integer; AFnt: TfpgFont): string;
+ function TxtHeight(AWid: Integer; const ATxt: TfpgString; AFnt: TfpgFont; ALSpace: Integer= 2): Integer;
+ function ConvertitEnAlpha(Valeur: Integer): string;
+ function GetHauteurPapier: Integer;
+ function GetLargeurPapier: Integer;
+ procedure Bv_VisuPaint(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure PrepareVisu;
+ procedure ImprimePage(PageNumero: Integer);
+ procedure DecaleLignesPied(Decalage: Integer);
+ procedure DecaleLigne(Decalage: Integer);
+ procedure DecaleGroupe(Decalage: Integer);
+ procedure EcritLigne(PosX,PosY,Colonne,Texte,FonteNum,FondNum,BordNum,InterL: Integer;
+ TxtFlags: TFTextFlags; Zone: TZone);
+ procedure EcritNum(PosX,PosY,Colonne,TexteNum,TexteTot,FonteNum,FondNum,BordNum,InterL: Integer;
+ TxtFlags: TFTextFlags; Total,Alpha: Boolean; Zone: TZone; SPNum: TSectPageNum);
+ procedure InsereEspace(PosY,Colonne,EspHeight,FondNum: Integer; Zone: TZone);
+ procedure FinLigne(Zone: TZone);
+ procedure TraceCadre(StTrait: Integer; Zone: TZone);
+ procedure TraceTrait(XDebut,YDebut,XFin,YFin,StTrait: Integer);
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Debut(IniOriente: TOrient= oPortrait; IniTypePapier: TTypePapier= A4;
+ IniMesure: TMesure= msMM; IniVersion: Char= 'F'; IniVisu: Boolean= True);
+ // début d'impression avec initialisations
+ // IniOriente = orientation du papier >> oPortrait ou oLandscape
+ // IniTypePapier = (A4, Letter,Legal,Executive,Comm10,Monarch,DL,C5,B5)
+ // IniMesure = millimètres (msMM) ou inches (msInches)
+ // IniVersion = version française 'F' ou version anglaise 'E', ou autre, à venir
+ // IniVisu = True (visualisation) ou False (impression directe
+ procedure Fin;
+ procedure ImprimeDocument;
+ procedure Visualisation;
+ procedure Section(MgGauche,MgDroite,MgHaute,MgBasse: Single; Retrait: Single= 0);
+ // nouvelle section avec initialisation des marges
+ procedure Page;
+ // nouvelle page dans la section courante
+ function Fond(FdColor: TfpgColor): Integer;
+ // retourne le numéro alloué à la couleur créée
+ // FdColor = couleur de fond
+ function Fonte(FtNom: string; FtColor: TfpgColor): Integer;
+ // retourne le numéro alloué à la fonte créée
+ // FtNom = FontDesc définissant la fonte
+ // FtColor = couleur d'écriture
+ function StyleTrait(StEpais: Integer; StColor: Tfpgcolor; StStyle: TfpgLineStyle): Integer;
+ // retourne le numéro alloué au style de trait
+ // StEpais = épaisseur de trait en pixels
+ // StColor = couleur de trait
+ // StStyle = style de trait
+ function Bordure(BdFlags: TFBordFlags; BdStyle: Integer): Integer;
+ // retourne le numéro alloué à la bordure
+ // BdFlags = position de la bordure (bdTop,bdBottom,bdLeft,bdRight)
+ // BdStyle = caractéristiques du trait: épaisseur, couleur, style
+ function Colonne(ClnPos,ClnWidth: Single; ClnMargin: Single= 0; ClnColor: TfpgColor= clWhite): Integer;
+ // retourne le numero alloué à la colonne créée
+ // ClnPos = position gauche en valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // ClnWidth = largeur en valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // ClnMargin = marges gauche et droite
+ // ClnColor = couleur de fond de la colonne
+ procedure EcritEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; Texte: string; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lnCourante,lnFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Texte = texte à écrire
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ procedure EcritPage(Horiz,Verti: Single; Texte: string; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lnCourante,lnFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Texte = texte à écrire
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ procedure EcritPied(Horiz,Verti: Single; Texte: string; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lnCourante,lnFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Texte = texte à écrire
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ procedure NumSectionEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; TexteSect: string= ''; TexteTot: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; Alpha: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lgCourante,lgFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // TexteSection = texte à écrire devant le numéro de section
+ // TexteTotal = texte à écrire devant le nombre de sections
+ // Total= True > affiche le nombre total de sections
+ // Alpha= True > affiche le nombre total de sections en lettres en ordre alphabétique
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ procedure NumSectionPied(Horiz,Verti: Single; TexteSect: string= ''; TexteTot: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; Alpha: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lgCourante,lgFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // TexteSection = texte à écrire devant le numéro de section
+ // TexteTotal = texte à écrire devant le nombre de sections
+ // Total= True > affiche le nombre total de sections
+ // Alpha= True > affiche le nombre total de sections en lettres en ordre alphabétique
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ procedure NumPageEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; TextePage: string= ''; TexteTotal: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0; InterNum: Integer= 0;
+ CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lnCourante,lnFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // TextePage = texte à écrire devant le numéro de page
+ // TexteTotal = texte à écrire devant le nombre de pages
+ // Total= True > affiche le nombre total de pages
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ procedure NumPagePied(Horiz,Verti: Single; TextePage: string= ''; TexteTotal: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0; InterNum: Integer= 0;
+ CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lnCourante,lnFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // TextePage = texte à écrire devant le numéro de page
+ // TexteTotal = texte à écrire devant le nombre de pages
+ // Total= True > affiche le nombre total de pages
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ procedure NumPageSectionEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; TexteSect: string= ''; TexteTot: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; Alpha: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lnCourante,lnFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // TextePage = texte à écrire devant le numéro de page dans la section
+ // TexteTotal = texte à écrire devant le nombre de pages de la section
+ // Total= True > affiche le nombre total de pages de la section
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplce la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ procedure NumPageSectionPied(Horiz,Verti: Single; TexteSect: string= ''; TexteTot: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; Alpha: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Horiz = cadrage (cnLeft,cnCenter,cnRight)
+ // ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // Verti = ligne (lnCourante,lnFin) ou valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // TextePage = texte à écrire devant le numéro de page dans la section
+ // TexteTotal = texte à écrire devant le nombre de pages de la section
+ // Total= True > affiche le nombre total de pages de la section
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // FonteNum = fonte applicable au texte
+ // InterNum = interlignes applicables au texte
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ // BordNum = bordure applicable, si> -1
+ //procedure TraitEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer= 0; StyleNum: Integer= 0; FinH: Integer= -1;
+ //FinV: Integer= -1);
+ //procedure TraitPage(Horiz,Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer= 0; StyleNum: Integer= 0; FinH: Integer= -1;
+ //FinV: Integer= -1);
+ //procedure TraitPied(Horiz,Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer= 0; StyleNum: Integer= 0; FinH: Integer= -1;
+ //FinV: Integer= -1);
+ procedure EspaceEnTete(Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer=0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Verti = hauteur de l'espace vide : valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ procedure EspacePage(Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer=0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Verti = hauteur de l'espace vide : valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ procedure EspacePied(Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer=0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1);
+ // Verti = hauteur de l'espace vide : valeur numérique dans l'unité de mesure
+ // ColNum = colonne, par défaut: entre les marges gauche et droite
+ // CoulFdNum = couleur de fond, si > -1, remplace la couleur de colonne éventuelle
+ function Interligne(ItlSup,ItlInt,ItlInf: Single): Integer;
+ // IntSup = interligne supérieure dans l'unité de mesure
+ // IntInf = interligne inférieure dans l'unité de mesure
+ procedure Groupe(SautPage: Boolean= False);
+ // SautPage = True >> force nouvelle page avant le groupe
+ // = False >> sur la page active si le groupe peut y être entièrement inclus
+ procedure FinGroupe(SautPage: Boolean= False);
+ // SautPage = True >> force nouvelle page après le groupe
+ // = False >> continue sur la page active après le groupe
+ procedure ColorColChange(ColNum: Integer; ColColor: TfpgColor);
+ // Change la couleur d'une colonne
+ // ColNum = numéro de la colonne
+ // ColColor = nouvelle couleur de fond de la colonne
+ procedure CadreMarges(AStyle: Integer);
+ // Trace un cadre aux marges de la page
+ // AStyle = style de trait
+ procedure CadreEnTete(AStyle: Integer);
+ // trace un cadre aux dimensions de l'entête
+ // AStyle = style de trait
+ procedure CadrePage(AStyle: Integer);
+ // trace un care aux dimensions de la page
+ // AStyle = style de trait
+ procedure CadrePied(AStyle: Integer);
+ // trace un cadre aux dimensions du pied de page
+ // AStyle = style de trait
+ procedure TraitPage(XDebut,YDebut,XFin,YFin: Single; AStyle: Integer);
+ // XDebut = abscisse du point initial dans l'unité de mesure
+ // YDebut = ordonnée du point initial dans l'unité de mesure
+ // XFin = abscisse du point final dans l'unité de mesure
+ // YFin = ordonnée du point final dans l'unité de mesure
+ // AStyle = style de trait
+ property Langue: Char read FVersion write FVersion;
+ property Visualiser: Boolean read FVisualisation write FVisualisation;
+ property NumeroSection: Integer read FNmSection write FNmSection;
+ property NumeroPage: Integer read FNmPage write FNmPage;
+ property NumeroPageSection: Integer read FNmPageSect write FNmPageSect;
+ property HauteurPapier: Integer read GetHauteurPapier;
+ property LargeurPapier: Integer read GetLargeurPapier;
+ property DefaultFile: string read FDefaultFile write FDefaultFile;
+ property CouleurCourante: Integer read FColorCourante write FColorCourante;
+ end;
+ TPdfElement = class
+ end;
+ TPdfTexte= class(TPdfElement)
+ private
+ FPage: Integer;
+ FFont: Integer;
+ FSize: string;
+ FPosX: Integer;
+ FPosY: Integer;
+ FLarg: Integer;
+ FText: string;
+ FColor: TfpgColor;
+ public
+ property PageId: Integer read FPage write FPage;
+ property FontName: Integer read FFont write FFont;
+ property FontSize: string read FSize write FSize;
+ property TextPosX: Integer read FPosX write FPosX;
+ property TextPosY: Integer read FPosY write FPosY;
+ property TextLarg: Integer read FLarg write FLarg;
+ property Ecriture: string read FText write FText;
+ property Couleur: TfpgColor read FColor write FColor;
+ end;
+ TPdfRect = class(TPdfElement)
+ private
+ FPage: Integer;
+ FEpais: Integer;
+ FGauche: Integer;
+ FBas: Integer;
+ FHaut: Integer;
+ FLarg: Integer;
+ FColor: Integer;
+ FFill: Boolean;
+ FStroke: Boolean;
+ FLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle;
+ protected
+ public
+ property PageId: Integer read FPage write FPage;
+ property RectEpais: Integer read FEpais write FEpais;
+ property RectGauche: Integer read FGauche write FGauche;
+ property RectBas: Integer read FBas write FBas;
+ property RectHaut: Integer read FHaut write FBas;
+ property RectLarg: Integer read FLarg write FLarg;
+ property RectCouleur: Integer read FColor write FColor;
+ property RectEmplit: Boolean read FFill write FFill;
+ property RectTrace: Boolean read FStroke write FStroke;
+ property RectLineStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FLineStyle write FLineStyle;
+ end;
+ TPdfLine = class(TPdfElement)
+ private
+ FPage: Integer;
+ FEpais: Integer;
+ FStartX: Integer;
+ FStartY: Integer;
+ FEndX: Integer;
+ FEndY: Integer;
+ FColor: Integer;
+ FStyle: TfpgLineStyle;
+ protected
+ public
+ property PageId: Integer read FPage write FPage;
+ property LineEpais: Integer read FEpais write FEpais;
+ property LineStartX: Integer read FSTartX write FStartX;
+ property LineStartY: Integer read FStartY write FStartY;
+ property LineEndX: Integer read FEndX write FEndX;
+ property LineEndY: Integer read FEndY write FEndY;
+ property LineColor: Integer read FColor write FColor;
+ property LineStyle: TfpgLineStyle read FStyle write FStyle;
+ end;
+ Imprime: T_Imprime;
+ Infos: record
+ Titre: string;
+ Auteur: string;
+ end;
+ PdfPage: TList;
+ PdfTexte: TPdfTexte;
+ PdfRect: TPdfRect;
+ PdfLine: TPdfLine;
+ FontDefaut= 0;
+ ColDefaut= 0;
+ lnCourante= -1;
+ lnFin= -2;
+// cnSuite= -1;
+ cnLeft= -2;
+ cnCenter= -3;
+ cnRight= -4;
+ U_Visu;
+ InchToMM= 25.4;
+ PPI= 72;
+ Cent= 100;
+function T_Imprime.Dim2Pixels(Value: Single): Integer;
+if FMesure= msMM
+ Result:= Round(Value*PPI/InchToMM)
+ Result:= Trunc(Value*PPI);
+function T_Imprime.AddLineBreaks(const Txt: TfpgString; AMaxLineWidth: integer; AFnt: TfpgFont): string;
+ i, n, ls: integer;
+ sub: string;
+ lw, tw: integer;
+ Result := '';
+ ls := Length(Txt);
+ lw := 0;
+ i := 1;
+ while i <= ls do
+ begin
+ if (Txt[i] in txtWordDelims) then // read the delimeter only
+ begin
+ sub := Txt[i];
+ Inc(i);
+ end else // read the whole word
+ begin
+ n := PosSetEx(txtWordDelims, Txt, i);
+ if n > 0 then
+ begin
+ sub := Copy(Txt, i, n-i);
+ i := n;
+ end else
+ begin
+ sub := Copy(Txt, i, MaxInt);
+ i := ls+1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tw := AFnt.TextWidth(sub); // wrap if needed
+ if (lw + tw > aMaxLineWidth) and (lw > 0) then
+ begin
+ lw := tw;
+ Result := TrimRight(Result) + sLineBreak;
+ end else
+ Inc(lw, tw);
+ Result := Result + sub;
+ end;
+function T_Imprime.TxtHeight(AWid: Integer; const ATxt: TfpgString; AFnt: TfpgFont; ALSpace: Integer= 2): Integer;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+ Wraplst: TStringList;
+Wraplst:= TStringList.Create;
+Wraplst.Text := ATxt;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Wraplst.Count) do
+ Wraplst[Cpt] := AddLineBreaks(Wraplst[Cpt],AWid,AFnt);
+Wraplst.Text := Wraplst.Text;
+Result:= (AFnt.Height*Wraplst.Count)+(ALSpace*Pred(Wraplst.Count));
+function T_Imprime.ConvertitEnAlpha(Valeur: Integer): string;
+ Cpt: Byte;
+Result:= '';
+Cpt:= 0;
+ if Valeur> 26
+ then
+ begin
+ Valeur:= Valeur-26;
+ Inc(Cpt);
+ Result:= Chr(Cpt+64);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result:= Chr(Valeur+64);
+ Valeur:= 0;
+ end;
+until Valeur< 1;
+function T_Imprime.GetHauteurPapier: Integer;
+Result:= FPapier.H;
+function T_Imprime.GetLargeurPapier: Integer;
+Result:= FPapier.W;
+procedure T_Imprime.Bv_VisuPaint(Sender: TObject);
+procedure T_Imprime.PrepareVisu;
+ TempH,TempW,TempT,TempL,TempR,TempB: Integer;
+with FPapier do
+ begin
+ case FTypePapier of
+ A4:
+ begin
+ H:= 842;
+ W:= 595;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 10;
+ L:= 11;
+ R:= 586;
+ B:= 822;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Letter:
+ begin
+ H:= 792;
+ W:= 612;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 13;
+ L:= 13;
+ R:= 599;
+ B:= 780;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Legal:
+ begin
+ H:= 1008;
+ W:= 612;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 13;
+ L:= 13;
+ R:= 599;
+ B:= 996;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Executive:
+ begin
+ H:= 756;
+ W:= 522;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 14;
+ L:= 13;
+ R:= 508;
+ B:= 744;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Comm10:
+ begin
+ H:= 684;
+ W:= 297;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 13;
+ L:= 13;
+ R:= 284;
+ B:= 672;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Monarch:
+ begin
+ H:= 540;
+ W:= 279;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 13;
+ L:= 13;
+ R:= 266;
+ B:= 528;
+ end;
+ end;
+ DL:
+ begin
+ H:= 624;
+ W:= 312;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 14;
+ L:= 13;
+ R:= 297;
+ B:= 611;
+ end;
+ end;
+ C5:
+ begin
+ H:= 649;
+ W:= 459;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 13;
+ L:= 13;
+ R:= 446;
+ B:= 637;
+ end;
+ end;
+ B5:
+ begin
+ H:= 708;
+ W:= 499;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ T:= 14;
+ L:= 13;
+ R:= 485;
+ B:= 696;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FOrientation= oLandscape
+ then
+ begin
+ TempH:= H;
+ TempW:= W;
+ H:= TempW;
+ W:= TempH;
+ with Imprimable do
+ begin
+ TempT:= T;
+ TempL:= L;
+ TempR:= R;
+ TempB:= B;
+ T:= TempL;
+ L:= TempT;
+ R:= TempB;
+ B:= TempR;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+F_Visu:= TF_Visu.Create(nil);
+with F_Visu do
+ begin
+ Bv_Visu:= CreateBevel(F_Visu,(F_Visu.Width-FPapier.W) div 2,50+(F_Visu.Height-50-FPapier.H) div 2,
+ FPapier.W,FPapier.H,bsBox,bsRaised);
+ Bv_Visu.BackgroundColor:= clWhite;
+ Bv_Visu.OnPaint:= @Bv_VisuPaint;
+ end;
+procedure LibereCommandesPages(ACommandes: PPage);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+with T_Page(ACommandes) do
+ if Commandes.Count> 0
+ then
+ begin
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Commandes.Count) do
+ T_Commande(Commandes[Cpt]).Free;
+ Commandes.Free;
+ end;
+procedure LiberePages(APageSect: PSection);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+with T_Section(APageSect) do
+ if Pages.Count> 0
+ then
+ begin
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Pages.Count) do
+ LibereCommandesPages(Pages[Cpt]);
+ Pages.Free;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.ImprimePage(PageNumero: Integer);
+ CptSect,CptPage,CptCmd: Integer;
+ LaPage: T_Page;
+ Cmd: T_Commande;
+CptSect:= 0;
+ Inc(CptSect);
+ CptPage:= 0;
+ with T_Section(Sections[Pred(CptSect)]) do
+ repeat
+ Inc(CptPage);
+ LaPage:= T_Page(Pages.Items[Pred(CptPage)]);
+ until (LaPage.PagesTot= PageNumero) or (CptPage= Pages.Count);
+until (LaPage.PagesTot= PageNumero) or (CptSect= Sections.Count);
+NumeroPage:= PageNumero;
+NumeroSection:= CptSect;
+NumeroPageSection:= LaPage.PagesSect;
+with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]) do
+ begin
+ if GetCmdEnTete.Count> 0
+ then
+ for CptCmd:= 0 to Pred(GetCmdEnTete.Count) do
+ begin
+ Cmd:= T_Commande(GetCmdEnTete.Items[CptCmd]);
+ if Cmd is T_EcritTexte
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_EcritTexte do
+ EcritLigne(GetPosX,GetPosY,GetColonne,GetTexte,GetFonte,GetFond,GetBord,GetInterL,GetFlags,ZEnTete);
+ if Cmd is T_Numero
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Numero do
+ EcritNum(GetPosX,GetPosY,GetColonne,GetTexteNum,GetTexteTot,GetFonte,GetFond,GetBord,GetInterL,
+ GetFlags,GetTotal,GetAlpha,zEnTete,GetTypeNum);
+ if Cmd is T_Espace
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Espace do
+ InsereEspace(GetPosY,GetColonne,GetHeight,GetFond,zEnTete);
+ end;
+ if GetCmdPage(NumeroPageSection).Count> 0
+ then
+ for CptCmd:= 0 to Pred(GetCmdPage(NumeroPageSection).Count) do
+ begin
+ Cmd:= T_Commande(GetCmdPage(NumeroPageSection).Items[CptCmd]);
+ if Cmd is T_EcritTexte
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_EcritTexte do
+ EcritLigne(GetPosX,GetPosY,GetColonne,GetTexte,GetFonte,GetFond,GetBord,GetInterL,GetFlags,ZPage);
+ if Cmd is T_Espace
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Espace do
+ InsereEspace(GetPosY,GetColonne,GetHeight,GetFond,zPage);
+ if Cmd is T_Trait
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Trait do
+ TraceTrait(GetPosX,GetPosY,GetEndX,GetEndY,GetStyle);
+ end;
+ if GetCmdPied.Count> 0
+ then
+ for CptCmd:= 0 to Pred(GetCmdPied.Count) do
+ begin
+ Cmd:= T_Commande(GetCmdPied.Items[CptCmd]);
+ if Cmd is T_EcritTexte
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_EcritTexte do
+ EcritLigne(GetPosX,GetPosY,GetColonne,GetTexte,GetFonte,GetFond,GetBord,GetInterL,GetFlags,ZPied);
+ if Cmd is T_Numero
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Numero do
+ EcritNum(GetPosX,GetPosY,GetColonne,GetTexteNum,GetTexteTot,GetFonte,GetFond,GetBord,GetInterL,
+ GetFlags,GetTotal,GetAlpha,zPied,GetTypeNum);
+ if Cmd is T_Espace
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Espace do
+ InsereEspace(GetPosY,GetColonne,GetHeight,GetFond,zPied);
+ end;
+ if GetCmdCadres.Count> 0
+ then
+ for CptCmd:= 0 to Pred(GetCmdCadres.Count) do
+ begin
+ Cmd:= T_Commande(GetCmdCadres.Items[CptCmd]);
+ if Cmd is T_Cadre
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Cadre do
+ TraceCadre(GetStyle,GetZone);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.DecaleLignesPied(Decalage: Integer);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+ Cmd: T_Commande;
+with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]) do
+ if GetCmdPied.Count> 0
+ then
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(GetCmdPied.Count) do
+ begin
+ Cmd:= T_Commande(GetCmdPied.Items[Cpt]);
+ if Cmd is T_EcritTexte
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_EcritTexte do
+ SetPosY(GetPosY-Decalage);
+ if Cmd is T_Numero
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Numero do
+ SetPosY(GetPosY-Decalage);
+ if Cmd is T_Espace
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_Espace do
+ SetPosY(GetPosY-Decalage);
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.DecaleLigne(Decalage: Integer);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+ Cmd: T_Commande;
+with ALigne do
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Commandes.Count) do
+ begin
+ Cmd:= T_Commande(Commandes.Items[Cpt]);
+ if Cmd is T_EcritTexte
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_EcritTexte do
+ SetPosY(GetPosY-Decalage);
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.DecaleGroupe(Decalage: Integer);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+ Cmd: T_Commande;
+with AGroupe do
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Commandes.Count) do
+ begin
+ Cmd:= T_Commande(Commandes.Items[Cpt]);
+ if Cmd is T_EcritTexte
+ then
+ with Cmd as T_EcritTexte do
+ SetPosY(GetPosY-Decalage);
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.EcritLigne(PosX,PosY,Colonne,Texte,FonteNum,FondNum,BordNum,InterL: Integer;
+ TxtFlags: TFTextFlags; Zone: TZone);
+ PosH,PosV,HTxt,HautTxt,IntlInt,IntLSup,IntLInf,Half,CoulTrait,EpaisTrait: Integer;
+ FinDeLigne,UseCurFont: Boolean;
+ Fnt: TfpgFont;
+ StylTrait: TfpgLineStyle;
+FinDeLigne:= False;
+if FPreparation= ppPrepare
+ if FFonteCourante<> FonteNum
+ then
+ begin
+ FFonteCourante:= FonteNum;
+ UseCurFont:= False;
+ end
+ else
+ UseCurFont:= True;
+Fnt:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetFonte;
+if Interlignes.Count= 0
+ Interligne(0,0,0);
+if FInterLCourante<> InterL
+ FInterLCourante:= InterL;
+IntLSup:= T_Interligne(Interlignes[FInterLCourante]).GetSup;
+IntlInt:= T_Interligne(Interlignes[FInterLCourante]).GetInt;
+IntLInf:= T_Interligne(Interlignes[FInterLCourante]).GetInf;
+if Colonne> -1
+ HautTxt:= TxtHeight(T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextWidth,Textes[Texte],Fnt,IntlInt)+IntLSup+IntLInf
+ HautTxt:= TxtHeight(FPapier.W,Textes[Texte],Fnt,IntlInt)+IntLSup+IntLInf;
+if (Colonne> -1) and (BordNum> -1)
+ Half:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetEpais div 2
+ Half:= 0;
+case FPreparation of
+ ppPrepare:
+ begin
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages= 0
+ then
+ Page;
+ if Colonne> -1
+ then
+ begin
+ HTxt:= ALigne.GetHeight;
+ if HTxt< HautTxt
+ then
+ HTxt:= HautTxt;
+ end
+ else
+ if HTxt< Fnt.Height
+ then
+ HTxt:= Fnt.Height;
+ case Zone of
+ zEntete:
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight;
+ zPage:
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight+FPageHeight;
+ zPied:
+ begin
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.B-HTxt;
+ FPiedHeight:= FPiedHeight+HTxt;
+ DecaleLignesPied(HTxt);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PosY= lnCourante
+ then
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y+IntLSup
+ else
+ begin
+ FinDeLigne:= True;
+ if PosY= lnFin
+ then
+ begin
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y+IntLSup;
+ case Zone of
+ zEnTete:
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+HTxt;
+ zPage:
+ begin
+ if FPosRef.Y+HTxt> FMargeCourante.B-FPiedHeight
+ then
+ if FGroupe
+ then
+ begin
+ if AGroupe.GetGroupeHeight+HTxt< FMargeCourante.B-FMargeCourante.T-FEnTeteHeight-FPiedHeight
+ then
+ begin
+ Page;
+ if AGroupe.Commandes.Count> 0
+ then
+ begin
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight;
+ DecaleGroupe(T_EcritTexte(AGroupe.Commandes[0]).GetPosY-FPosRef.Y);
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+AGroupe.GetGroupeHeight+Succ(Half);
+ if ALigne.Commandes.Count> 0
+ then
+ DecaleLigne(T_EcritTexte(ALigne.Commandes[0]).GetPosY-FPosRef.Y);
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y+IntLSup;
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+HTxt+Succ(Half);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if ALigne.Commandes.Count> 0
+ then
+ DecaleLigne(T_EcritTexte(ALigne.Commandes[0]).GetPosY-FPosRef.Y);
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y+IntLSup;
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+HTxt+Succ(Half);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).LoadCmdGroupeToPage;
+ AGroupe.Commandes.Clear;
+ Page;
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight;
+ if ALigne.Commandes.Count> 0
+ then
+ DecaleLigne(T_EcritTexte(ALigne.Commandes[0]).GetPosY-FPosRef.Y);
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y+IntLSup;
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+HTxt+Succ(Half);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Page;
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight;
+ if ALigne.Commandes.Count> 0
+ then
+ DecaleLigne(T_EcritTexte(ALigne.Commandes[0]).GetPosY-FPosRef.Y);
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y+IntLSup;
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+HTxt+Succ(Half);
+ end
+ else
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+HTxt;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if BordNum> -1
+ then
+ with T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]) do
+ if bcBas in GetFlags
+ then
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PosV:= PosY;
+ FPosRef.Y:= PosV+IntLInf;
+ end;
+ case Zone of
+ zEnTete:
+ FEnTeteHeight:= FPosRef.Y-FMargeCourante.T;
+ zPage:
+ FPageHeight:= FPosRef.Y-FEnTeteHeight-FMargeCourante.T;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //if PosX= cnSuite
+ //then
+ //PosH:= FPosRef.X
+ //else
+ if Colonne= -1
+ then
+ if PosX> 0
+ then
+ PosH:= PosX
+ else
+ begin
+ PosH:= T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetTextPos;
+ if (txtRight in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ PosH:= PosH+T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[Texte])-T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColMargin;
+ if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ PosH:= PosH+(T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[Texte])) div 2;
+ end
+ else
+ if PosX> 0
+ then
+ begin
+ if (PosX< T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextPos)
+ or (PosX> (T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextPos+T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextWidth))
+ then
+ PosH:= T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextPos
+ else
+ PosH:= PosX;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PosH:= T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextPos;
+ if (txtRight in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ PosH:= PosH+T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[Texte])-T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColMargin;
+ if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ PosH:= PosH+(T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[Texte])) div 2;
+ end;
+ FPosRef.X:= PosH+Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[Texte]+' ');
+ ALigne.LoadTexte(PosH,PosV,Colonne,Texte,FonteNum,HTxt,FondNum,BordNum,InterL,UseCurFont,TxtFlags);
+ if FinDeLigne
+ then
+ begin
+ HTxt:= 0;
+ FinLigne(Zone);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ppVisualise:
+ with FCanevas do
+ begin
+ Font:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetFonte;
+ SetTextColor(T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetColor);
+ if Colonne> -1
+ then
+ with T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]) do
+ begin
+ if FondNum> -1
+ then
+ SetColor(T_Fond(Fonds[FondNum]).GetColor)
+ else
+ SetColor(GetColor);
+ FillRectangle(GetColPos,PosY-IntLSup,GetColWidth,HautTxt);
+ if BordNum> -1
+ then
+ with T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]) do
+ begin
+ SetLineStyle(T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[GetStyle]).GetEpais,T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[GetStyle]).GetStyle);
+ SetColor(T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[GetStyle]).GetColor);
+ if bcGauche in GetFlags
+ then
+ DrawLine(GetColPos+Half,PosY-IntLSup,GetColPos+Half,PosY-IntLSup+HautTxt);
+ if bcDroite in GetFlags
+ then
+ DrawLine(GetColPos+GetColWidth-Succ(Half),PosY-IntLSup,GetColPos+GetColWidth-Succ(Half),PosY-IntLSup+HautTxt);
+ if bcHaut in GetFlags
+ then
+ DrawLine(GetColPos,PosY-IntLSup+Half,GetColPos+GetColWidth,PosY-IntLSup+Half);
+ if bcBas in GetFlags
+ then
+ DrawLine(GetColPos,PosY-IntLSup+HautTxt-Half,GetColPos+GetColWidth,PosY-IntLSup+HautTxt-Half);
+ end;
+ DrawText(GetTextPos,PosY,GetTextWidth,0,Textes[Texte],TxtFlags,IntlInt);
+ end
+ else
+ DrawText(PosX,PosY-Fnt.Ascent,Textes[Texte],TxtFlags);
+ end;
+ ppFichierPDF:
+ if Colonne> -1
+ then
+ with T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]) do
+ begin
+ if (GetColor<> clWhite) or (FondNum> -1)
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfRect:= TPdfRect.Create;
+ with PdfRect do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FGauche:= GetColPos;
+ FBas:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FHaut:= HautTxt;
+ FLarg:= GetColWidth;
+ if FondNum> -1
+ then
+ FColor:= T_Fond(Fonds[FondNum]).GetColor
+ else
+ FColor:= GetColor;
+ FFill:= True;
+ FStroke:= False;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfRect);
+ end;
+ if BordNum> -1
+ then
+ with T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]) do
+ begin
+ StylTrait:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetStyle;
+ CoulTrait:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetColor;
+ EpaisTrait:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetEpais;
+ if bcGauche in GetFlags
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= GetColPos;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup;
+ FEndX:= GetColPos;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FStyle:= StylTrait;
+ FColor:= CoulTrait;
+ FEpais:= EpaisTrait;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ if bcDroite in GetFlags
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup;
+ FEndX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FStyle:= StylTrait;
+ FColor:= CoulTrait;
+ FEpais:= EpaisTrait;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ if bcHaut in GetFlags
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= GetColPos;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup;
+ FEndX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup;
+ FStyle:= StylTrait;
+ FColor:= CoulTrait;
+ FEpais:= EpaisTrait;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ if bcBas in GetFlags
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= GetColPos;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FEndX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FStyle:= StylTrait;
+ FColor:= CoulTrait;
+ FEpais:= EpaisTrait;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ end;
+ PdfTexte:= TPdfTexte.Create;
+ with PdfTexte do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FFont:= FonteNum;
+ FSize:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetSize;
+ FColor:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetColor;
+ TextPosX:= GetTextPos;
+ if (txtRight in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ TextPosX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth-GetColMargin-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[Texte]);
+ if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ TextPosX:= GetTextPos+(GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[Texte])) div 2;
+ TextPosY:= FPapier.H-PosY-Fnt.Ascent;
+ TextLarg:= GetColWidth;
+ Ecriture:= Textes[Texte];
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PdfTexte:= TPdfTexte.Create;
+ with PdfTexte do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FFont:= FonteNum;
+ FSize:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetSize;
+ FColor:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetColor;
+ FPosX:= PosX;
+ FPosY:= FPapier.H-PosY;
+ FLarg:= FPapier.W;
+ FText:= Textes[Texte];
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.EcritNum(PosX,PosY,Colonne,TexteNum,TexteTot,FonteNum,FondNum,BordNum,InterL: Integer;
+ TxtFlags: TFTextFlags; Total,Alpha: Boolean; Zone: TZone; SPNum: TSectPageNum);
+ function BuildChaine: string;
+ var
+ NumAlpha: string;
+ begin
+ case SPNum of
+ PageNum:
+ if Total
+ then
+ Result:= Textes[TexteNum]+' '+IntToStr(NumeroPage)+' '+Textes[TexteTot]+' '
+ +IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages)
+ else
+ Result:= Textes[TexteNum]+' '+IntToStr(NumeroPage);
+ SectNum:
+ begin
+ if Alpha
+ then
+ NumAlpha:= ConvertitEnAlpha(NumeroSection)
+ else
+ NumAlpha:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ if Total
+ then
+ Result:= Textes[TexteNum]+' '+NumAlpha+' '+Textes[TexteTot]+' '+IntToStr(Sections.Count)
+ else
+ Result:= Textes[TexteNum]+' '+NumAlpha;
+ end;
+ PSectNum:
+ begin
+ if Alpha
+ then
+ NumAlpha:= ConvertitEnAlpha(NumeroPageSection)
+ else
+ NumAlpha:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ if Total
+ then
+ Result:= Textes[TexteNum]+' '+NumAlpha+' '+Textes[TexteTot]+' '
+ +IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages)
+ else
+ Result:= Textes[TexteNum]+' '+NumAlpha;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ PosH,PosV,HTxt,HautTxt,IntlInt,IntLSup,IntLInf,Half,CoulTrait,EpaisTrait: Integer;
+ FinDeLigne,UseCurFont: Boolean;
+ Fnt: TfpgFont;
+ StylTrait: TfpgLineStyle;
+ Chaine: string;
+FinDeLigne:= False;
+if FPreparation= ppPrepare
+ if FFonteCourante<> FonteNum
+ then
+ begin
+ FFonteCourante:= FonteNum;
+ UseCurFont:= False;
+ end
+ else
+ UseCurFont:= True;
+Fnt:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetFonte;
+if Interlignes.Count= 0
+ Interligne(0,0,0);
+if FInterLCourante<> InterL
+ FInterLCourante:= InterL;
+IntLSup:= T_Interligne(Interlignes[FInterLCourante]).GetSup;
+IntlInt:= T_Interligne(Interlignes[FInterLCourante]).GetInt;
+IntLInf:= T_Interligne(Interlignes[FInterLCourante]).GetInf;
+HautTxt:= TxtHeight(T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextWidth,Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 '+Textes[TexteTot]+' 0',Fnt,IntlInt)+IntLSup+IntLInf;
+if (Colonne> -1) and (BordNum> -1)
+ Half:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetEpais div 2;
+case FPreparation of
+ ppPrepare:
+ begin
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages= 0
+ then
+ Page;
+ if Colonne> -1
+ then
+ begin
+ HTxt:= ALigne.GetHeight;
+ if HTxt< HautTxt
+ then
+ HTxt:= HautTxt;
+ end
+ else
+ if HTxt< Fnt.Height
+ then
+ HTxt:= Fnt.Height;
+ case Zone of
+ zEntete:
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight;
+ zPied:
+ begin
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.B-HTxt;
+ FPiedHeight:= FPiedHeight+HTxt;
+ DecaleLignesPied(HTxt);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PosY= lnCourante
+ then
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y+IntLSup
+ else
+ begin
+ FinDeLigne:= True;
+ if PosY= lnFin
+ then
+ begin
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y+IntLSup;
+ case Zone of
+ zEnTete:
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+HTxt;
+ end;
+ if BordNum> -1
+ then
+ with T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]) do
+ if bcBas in GetFlags
+ then
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PosV:= PosY;
+ FPosRef.Y:= PosV+IntLInf;
+ end;
+ case Zone of
+ zEnTete:
+ FEnTeteHeight:= FPosRef.Y-FMargeCourante.T;
+ //zPied: ////////////
+ // PosV:= FPosRef.Y; ////////////
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Colonne= -1
+ then
+ if PosX> 0
+ then
+ PosH:= PosX
+ else
+ begin
+ PosH:= T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetTextPos-T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColMargin;
+ if (txtRight in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ if Total
+ then
+ PosH:= PosH+T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 '+Textes[TexteTot]+' 0 ')-T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColMargin
+ else
+ PosH:= PosH+T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 ')-T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColMargin;
+ if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ if Total
+ then
+ PosH:= PosH+(T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 '+Textes[TexteTot]+' 0 ')) div 2
+ else
+ PosH:= PosH+(T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 ')) div 2;
+ end
+ else
+ if PosX> 0
+ then
+ if (PosX< T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextPos)
+ or (PosX> (T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextPos+T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextWidth))
+ then
+ PosH:= T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextPos
+ else
+ PosH:= PosX
+ else
+ begin
+ PosH:= T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]).GetTextPos-T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColMargin;
+ if (txtRight in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ if Total
+ then
+ PosH:= PosH+T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 '+Textes[TexteTot]+' 0 ')-T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColMargin
+ else
+ PosH:= PosH+T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 ')-T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColMargin;
+ if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ if Total
+ then
+ PosH:= PosH+(T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 '+Textes[TexteTot]+' 0 ')) div 2
+ else
+ PosH:= PosH+(T_Colonne(Colonnes[0]).GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 ')) div 2;
+ end;
+ FPosRef.X:= PosH+Fnt.TextWidth(Textes[TexteNum]+' 0 '+Textes[TexteTot]+' 0 ');
+ ALigne.LoadNumero(PosH,PosV,Colonne,TexteNum,TexteTot,FonteNum,HTxt,FondNum,BordNum,InterL,UseCurFont,TxtFlags,Total,Alpha,SPNum);
+ if FinDeLigne
+ then
+ begin
+ HTxt:= 0;
+ FinLigne(Zone);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ppVisualise:
+ with FCanevas do
+ begin
+ Chaine:= BuildChaine;
+ Font:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetFonte;
+ SetTextColor(T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetColor);
+ if Colonne> -1
+ then
+ with T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]) do
+ begin
+ if FondNum> -1
+ then
+ SetColor(T_Fond(Fonds[FondNum]).GetColor)
+ else
+ SetColor(GetColor);
+ FillRectangle(GetColPos,PosY-IntLSup,GetColWidth,HautTxt);
+ if BordNum> -1
+ then
+ with T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]) do
+ begin
+ SetLineStyle(T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[GetStyle]).GetEpais,T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[GetStyle]).GetStyle);
+ SetColor(T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[GetStyle]).GetColor);
+ if bcGauche in GetFlags
+ then
+ DrawLine(GetColPos+Half,PosY-IntLSup,GetColPos+Half,PosY-IntLSup+HautTxt);
+ if bcDroite in GetFlags
+ then
+ DrawLine(GetColPos+GetColWidth-Half,PosY-IntLSup,GetColPos+GetColWidth-Half,PosY-IntLSup+HautTxt);
+ if bcHaut in GetFlags
+ then
+ DrawLine(GetColPos,PosY-IntLSup+Half,GetColPos+GetColWidth,PosY-IntLSup+Half);
+ if bcBas in GetFlags
+ then
+ DrawLine(GetColPos,PosY-IntLSup+HautTxt-Succ(Half),GetColPos+GetColWidth,PosY-IntLSup+HautTxt-Succ(Half));
+ end;
+ DrawText(GetTextPos,PosY,GetTextWidth,0,Chaine,TxtFlags,IntlInt);
+ end
+ else
+ DrawText(PosX,PosY,Chaine,TxtFlags);
+ end;
+ ppFichierPDF:
+ begin
+ Chaine:= BuildChaine;
+ if Colonne> -1
+ then
+ with T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]) do
+ begin
+ if (GetColor<> clWhite) or (FondNum> -1)
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfRect:= TPdfRect.Create;
+ with PdfRect do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FGauche:= GetColPos;
+ FBas:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FHaut:= HautTxt;
+ FLarg:= GetColWidth;
+ if FondNum> -1
+ then
+ FColor:= T_Fond(Fonds[FondNum]).GetColor
+ else
+ FColor:= GetColor;
+ FFill:= True;
+ FStroke:= False;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfRect);
+ end;
+ if BordNum> -1
+ then
+ with T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]) do
+ begin
+ StylTrait:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetStyle;
+ CoulTrait:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetColor;
+ EpaisTrait:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[T_Bord(Bords[BordNum]).GetStyle]).GetEpais;
+ if bcGauche in GetFlags
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= GetColPos;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup;
+ FEndX:= GetColPos;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FStyle:= StylTrait;
+ FColor:= CoulTrait;
+ FEpais:= EpaisTrait;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ if bcDroite in GetFlags
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup;
+ FEndX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FStyle:= StylTrait;
+ FColor:= CoulTrait;
+ FEpais:= EpaisTrait;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ if bcHaut in GetFlags
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= GetColPos;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup;
+ FEndX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup;
+ FStyle:= StylTrait;
+ FColor:= CoulTrait;
+ FEpais:= EpaisTrait;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ if bcBas in GetFlags
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= GetColPos;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FEndX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-PosY+IntLSup-HautTxt;
+ FStyle:= StylTrait;
+ FColor:= CoulTrait;
+ FEpais:= EpaisTrait;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ end;
+ PdfTexte:= TPdfTexte.Create;
+ with PdfTexte do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FFont:= FonteNum;
+ FSize:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetSize;
+ FColor:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetColor;
+ TextPosX:= GetTextPos;
+ if (txtRight in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ TextPosX:= GetColPos+GetColWidth-GetColMargin-Fnt.TextWidth(Chaine);
+ if (txtHCenter in TxtFlags)
+ then
+ TextPosX:= GetTextPos+(GetColWidth-Fnt.TextWidth(Chaine)) div 2;
+ TextPosY:= FPapier.H-PosY-Fnt.Ascent;
+ TextLarg:= GetColWidth;
+ Ecriture:= Chaine;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PdfTexte:= TPdfTexte.Create;
+ with PdfTexte do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FFont:= FonteNum;
+ FSize:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetSize;
+ FColor:= T_Fonte(Fontes[FonteNum]).GetColor;
+ FPosX:= PosX;
+ FPosY:= PosY-Fnt.Ascent;
+ FLarg:= FPapier.W;
+ FText:= Chaine;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfTexte);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.InsereEspace(PosY,Colonne,EspHeight,FondNum: Integer; Zone: TZone);
+ PosV: Integer;
+if PosY> -1
+ PosV:= PosY
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y;
+case FPreparation of
+ ppPrepare:
+ begin
+ case Zone of
+ zEnTete:
+ begin
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight;
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+EspHeight;
+ FEnTeteHeight:= FPosRef.Y-FMargeCourante.T;
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadEspaceEnTete(PosV,Colonne,EspHeight,FondNum);
+ end;
+ zPage:
+ begin
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight+FPageHeight;
+ if FPosRef.Y+EspHeight> FMargeCourante.B-FPiedHeight
+ then
+ begin
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight;
+ Page;
+ end
+ else
+ FPosRef.Y:= FPosRef.Y+EspHeight;
+ FPageHeight:= FPosRef.Y-FEnTeteHeight-FMargeCourante.T;
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadEspacePage(PosV,Colonne,EspHeight,FondNum);
+ end;
+ zPied:
+ begin
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.B-EspHeight;
+ FPiedHeight:= FPiedHeight+EspHeight;
+ PosV:= FPosRef.Y;
+ DecaleLignesPied(EspHeight);
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadEspacePied(PosV,Colonne,EspHeight,FondNum);
+ end;
+ end;
+ FinLigne(Zone);
+ end;
+ ppVisualise:
+ with FCanevas,T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]) do
+ begin
+ if FondNum> -1
+ then
+ SetColor(T_Fond(Fonds[FondNum]).GetColor)
+ else
+ SetColor(GetColor);
+ FillRectangle(GetColPos,PosV,GetColWidth,EspHeight);
+ end;
+ ppFichierPDF:
+ begin
+ if Colonne> -1
+ then
+ with T_Colonne(Colonnes[Colonne]) do
+ begin
+ if (GetColor<> clWhite) or (FondNum> -1)
+ then
+ begin
+ PdfRect:= TPdfRect.Create;
+ with PdfRect do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FGauche:= GetColPos;
+ FBas:= FPapier.H-PosY-EspHeight;
+ FHaut:= EspHeight;
+ FLarg:= GetColWidth;
+ if FondNum> -1
+ then
+ FColor:= T_Fond(Fonds[FondNum]).GetColor
+ else
+ FColor:= GetColor;
+ FFill:= True;
+ FStroke:= False;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfRect);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.FinLigne(Zone: TZone);
+case Zone of
+ zEnTete:
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadCmdEnTete;
+ zPage:
+ if FGroupe
+ then
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadCmdGroupe
+ else
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadCmdPage;
+ zPied:
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadCmdPied;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.TraceCadre(StTrait: Integer; Zone: TZone);
+ Half: Integer;
+case FPreparation of
+ ppPrepare:
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadCadre(StTrait,Zone);
+ ppVisualise:
+ with FCanevas do
+ begin
+ with T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[StTrait]) do
+ begin
+ SetLineStyle(GetEpais,GetStyle);
+ Half:= GetEpais div 2;
+ SetColor(GetColor);
+ end;
+ with FMargeCourante do
+ case Zone of
+ zEnTete:
+ begin
+ DrawLine(L+Half,T,L+Half,T+FEnTeteHeight); // gauche
+ DrawLine(R-Half,T,R-Half,T+FEnTeteHeight); // droite
+ DrawLine(L,T+Half,R,T+Half); // haute
+ DrawLine(L,T+FEnTeteHeight-Half,R,T+FEnTeteHeight-Half); // basse
+ end;
+ zPage:
+ begin
+ DrawLine(L+Half,T+FEnTeteHeight,L+Half,B-FPiedHeight); // gauche
+ DrawLine(R-Half,T+FEnTeteHeight,R-Half,B-FPiedHeight); // droite
+ DrawLine(L,T+FEnTeteHeight+Half,R,T+FEnTeteHeight+Half); // haute
+ DrawLine(L,B-FPiedHeight-Half,R,B-FPiedHeight-Half); // basse
+ end;
+ zPied:
+ begin
+ DrawLine(L+Half,B-FPiedHeight,L+Half,B); // gauche
+ DrawLine(R-Half,B-FPiedHeight,R-Half,B); // droite
+ DrawLine(L,B-FPiedHeight+Half,R,B-FPiedHeight+Half); // haute
+ DrawLine(L,B-Half,R,B-Half); // basse
+ end;
+ zMarges:
+ begin
+ DrawLine(L+Half,T,L+Half,B-Succ(Half)); // gauche
+ DrawLine(R-Half,T,R-Half,B-Succ(Half)); // droite
+ DrawLine(L,T+Half,R,T+Half); // haute
+ DrawLine(L,B-Half,R,B-Half); // basse
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ppFichierPDF:
+ begin
+ PdfRect:= TPdfRect.Create;
+ with PdfRect do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ with T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[StTrait]) do
+ begin
+ FEpais:= GetEpais;
+ FColor:= GetColor;
+ FLineStyle:= GetStyle;
+ end;
+ with FMargeCourante do
+ case Zone of
+ zEnTete:
+ begin
+ FGauche:= L;
+ FBas:= FPapier.H-T-FEnTeteHeight;
+ FHaut:= FEnTeteHeight;
+ FLarg:= R-L;
+ end;
+ zPage:
+ begin
+ FGauche:= L;
+ FBas:= FPapier.H-B-FPiedHeight;
+ FHaut:= FPapier.H-T-FEnTeteHeight-B-FPiedHeight;
+ FLarg:= R-L;
+ end;
+ zPied:
+ begin
+ FGauche:= L;
+ FBas:= FPapier.H-B;
+ FHaut:= FPiedHeight;
+ FLarg:= R-L;
+ end;
+ zMarges:
+ begin
+ FGauche:= L;
+ FBas:= FPapier.H-B;
+ FHaut:= B-T;
+ FLarg:= R-L;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FFill:= False;
+ FStroke:= True;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfRect);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.TraceTrait(XDebut,YDebut,XFin,YFin,StTrait: Integer);
+case FPreparation of
+ ppPrepare:
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).LoadTrait(XDebut,YDebut,ColDefaut,XFin,YFin,StTrait);
+ ppVisualise:
+ begin
+ with FCanevas do
+ begin
+ with T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[StTrait]) do
+ begin
+ SetLineStyle(GetEpais,GetStyle);
+ SetColor(GetColor);
+ end;
+ DrawLine(XDebut,YDebut,XFin,YFin);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ppFichierPdf:
+ begin
+ PdfLine:= TPdfLine.Create;
+ with PdfLine do
+ begin
+ PageId:= NumeroPage;
+ FStartX:= XDebut;
+ FStartY:= FPapier.H-YDebut;
+ FEndX:= XFin;
+ FEndY:= FPapier.H-YFin;
+ FStyle:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[StTrait]).GetStyle;;
+ FColor:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[StTrait]).GetColor;
+ FEpais:= T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[StTrait]).GetEpais;
+ end;
+ PdfPage.Add(PdfLine);
+ end;
+ end;
+{ Commandes publiques }
+constructor T_Imprime.Create;
+inherited Create;
+Sections:= TList.Create;
+Colonnes:= TList.Create;
+Fontes:= TList.Create;
+Interlignes:= TList.Create;
+Fonds:= TList.Create;
+TraitStyles:= TList.Create;
+Bords:= TList.Create;
+Textes:= TStringList.Create;
+ALigne:= T_Ligne.Create;
+PdfPage:= TList.Create;
+OldDecSeparator:= DecimalSeparator;
+DecimalSeparator:= '.';
+destructor T_Imprime.Destroy;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+DecimalSeparator:= OldDecSeparator;
+if Sections.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Sections.Count) do
+ LiberePages(Sections[Cpt]);
+if Colonnes.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Colonnes.Count) do
+ T_Colonne(Colonnes[Cpt]).Free;
+if Fontes.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Fontes.Count) do
+ T_Fonte(Fontes[Cpt]).Free;
+if Interlignes.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Interlignes.Count) do
+ T_Interligne(Interlignes[Cpt]).Free;
+if Fonds.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Fonds.Count) do
+ T_Fond(Fonds[Cpt]).Free;
+if TraitStyles.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(TraitStyles.Count) do
+ T_TraitStyle(TraitStyles[Cpt]).Free;
+if Bords.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Bords.Count) do
+ T_Bord(Bords[Cpt]).Free;
+procedure T_Imprime.Debut(IniOriente: TOrient= oPortrait; IniTypePapier: TTypePapier= A4;
+ IniMesure: TMesure= msMM; IniVersion: Char= 'F'; IniVisu: Boolean= True);
+FVersion:= IniVersion;
+FOrientation:= IniOriente;
+FTypepapier:= IniTypePapier;
+FMesure:= IniMesure;
+FPreparation:= ppPrepare;
+FVisualisation:= IniVisu;
+FFonteCourante:= -1;
+FInterLCourante:= -1;
+FGroupe:= False;
+procedure T_Imprime.Fin;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+FPreparation:= ppFichierPDF;
+if Sections.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 1 to Sections.Count do
+ begin
+ NumeroSection:= Cpt;
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).TotPages> 0
+ then
+ begin
+ NumeroPageSection:= 1;
+ NumeroPage:= 1;
+ end;
+ end
+ Exit;
+for Cpt:= 1 to T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).TotPages do
+ ImprimePage(Cpt);
+if FVisualisation
+ begin
+ FPreparation:= ppVisualise;
+ try
+ ImprimeDocument;
+ if FVisualisation
+ then
+ F_Visu.ShowModal;
+ finally
+ F_Visu.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.ImprimeDocument;
+if FVisualisation
+ FCanevas:= Bv_Visu.Canvas;
+procedure T_Imprime.Visualisation;
+FVisualisation:= not FVisualisation;
+if FVisualisation
+ FCanevas:= Bv_Visu.Canvas;
+procedure T_Imprime.Section(MgGauche,MgDroite,MgHaute,MgBasse: Single; Retrait: Single);
+ CMargin: Integer;
+if FPreparation= ppPrepare
+ begin
+ with FMargeCourante,FPapier do
+ begin
+ if Dim2Pixels(MgGauche)> Imprimable.L
+ then
+ L:= Dim2Pixels(MgGauche)
+ else
+ L:= Imprimable.L;
+ if (W-Dim2Pixels(MgDroite))< Imprimable.R
+ then
+ R:= W-Dim2Pixels(MgDroite)
+ else
+ R:= Imprimable.R;
+ if Dim2Pixels(MgHaute)> Imprimable.T
+ then
+ T:= Dim2Pixels(MgHaute)
+ else
+ T:= Imprimable.T;
+ if (H-Dim2Pixels(MgBasse))< Imprimable.B
+ then
+ B:= H-Dim2Pixels(MgBasse)
+ else
+ B:= Imprimable.B;
+ end;
+ FPosRef.X:= FMargeCourante.L;
+ FEnTeteHeight:= 0;
+ FPageHeight:= 0;
+ FPiedHeight:= 0;
+ NumeroSection:= NumeroSection+1;
+ ASection:= T_Section.Create(FMargeCourante,NumeroSection);
+ Sections.Add(ASection);
+ if Sections.Count= 1
+ then
+ begin
+ CMargin:= Dim2Pixels(Retrait);
+ AColonne:= T_Colonne.Create(FMargeCourante.L,FMargeCourante.R-FMargeCourante.L,CMargin,clWhite);
+ Colonnes.Add(AColonne);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure T_Imprime.Page;
+if FPreparation= ppPrepare
+ begin
+ NumeroPage:= NumeroPage+1;
+ T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).LoadPage(NumeroPage);
+ FPosRef.Y:= FMargeCourante.T+FEnTeteHeight;
+ FPageHeight:= 0;
+ end;
+function T_Imprime.Fond(FdColor: TfpgColor): Integer;
+AFond:= T_Fond.Create(FdColor);
+Result:= Fonds.Add(AFond);
+function T_Imprime.Fonte(FtNom: string; FtColor: TfpgColor): Integer;
+AFonte:= T_Fonte.Create(FtNom,FtColor);
+Result:= Fontes.Add(AFonte);
+function T_Imprime.StyleTrait(StEpais: Integer; StColor: Tfpgcolor; StStyle: TfpgLineStyle): Integer;
+ATraitStyle:= T_TraitStyle.Create(StEpais,StColor,StStyle);
+Result:= TraitStyles.Add(ATraitStyle);
+function T_Imprime.Bordure(BdFlags: TFBordFlags; BdStyle: Integer): Integer;
+ABord:= T_Bord.Create(BdFlags,BdStyle);
+Result:= Bords.Add(ABord);
+function T_Imprime.Colonne(ClnPos,ClnWidth: Single; ClnMargin: Single= 0; ClnColor: TfpgColor= clWhite): Integer;
+ CPos,CWidth,CMargin: Integer;
+CPos:= Dim2Pixels(ClnPos);
+with T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]) do
+ begin
+ if CPos< GetMarges.L
+ then
+ CPos:= GetMarges.L;
+ CWidth:= Dim2Pixels(ClnWidth);
+ if CWidth> (GetMarges.R-GetMarges.L)
+ then
+ CWidth:= GetMarges.R-GetMarges.L;
+ end;
+CMargin:= Dim2Pixels(ClnMargin);
+AColonne:= T_Colonne.Create(CPos,CWidth,CMargin,ClnColor);
+Result:= Colonnes.Add(AColonne);
+procedure T_Imprime.EcritEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; Texte: string; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTexte: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTexte:= Textes.IndexOf(Texte);
+if RefTexte= -1
+ RefTexte:= Textes.Add(Texte);
+procedure T_Imprime.EcritPage(Horiz,Verti: Single; Texte: string; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTexte: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ Include(Flags,txtWrap);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTexte:= Textes.IndexOf(Texte);
+if RefTexte= -1
+ RefTexte:= Textes.Add(Texte);
+procedure T_Imprime.EcritPied(Horiz,Verti: Single; Texte: string; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTexte: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTexte:= Textes.IndexOf(Texte);
+if RefTexte= -1
+ RefTexte:= Textes.Add(Texte);
+procedure T_Imprime.NumSectionEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; TexteSect: string= ''; TexteTot: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; Alpha: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTextePage,RefTexteTot: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTextePage:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteSect);
+if RefTextePage= -1
+ RefTextePage:= Textes.Add(TexteSect);
+RefTexteTot:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteTot);
+if RefTexteTot= -1
+ RefTexteTot:= Textes.Add(TexteTot);
+procedure T_Imprime.NumSectionPied(Horiz,Verti: Single; TexteSect: string= ''; TexteTot: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; Alpha: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0;CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTextePage,RefTexteTot: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTextePage:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteSect);
+if RefTextePage= -1
+ RefTextePage:= Textes.Add(TexteSect);
+RefTexteTot:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteTot);
+if RefTexteTot= -1
+ RefTexteTot:= Textes.Add(TexteTot);
+procedure T_Imprime.NumPageEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; TextePage: string= ''; TexteTotal: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0; InterNum: Integer= 0;
+ CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTextePage,RefTexteTot: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTextePage:= Textes.IndexOf(TextePage);
+if RefTextePage= -1
+ RefTextePage:= Textes.Add(TextePage);
+RefTexteTot:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteTotal);
+if RefTexteTot= -1
+ RefTexteTot:= Textes.Add(TexteTotal);
+procedure T_Imprime.NumPagePied(Horiz,Verti: Single; TextePage: string= ''; TexteTotal: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0; InterNum: Integer= 0;
+ CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTextePage,RefTexteTot: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTextePage:= Textes.IndexOf(TextePage);
+if RefTextePage= -1
+ RefTextePage:= Textes.Add(TextePage);
+RefTexteTot:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteTotal);
+if RefTexteTot= -1
+ RefTexteTot:= Textes.Add(TexteTotal);
+procedure T_Imprime.NumPageSectionEnTete(Horiz,Verti: Single; TexteSect: string= ''; TexteTot: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; Alpha: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTextePage,RefTexteTot: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTextePage:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteSect);
+if RefTextePage= -1
+ RefTextePage:= Textes.Add(TexteSect);
+RefTexteTot:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteTot);
+if RefTexteTot= -1
+ RefTexteTot:= Textes.Add(TexteTot);
+procedure T_Imprime.NumPageSectionPied(Horiz,Verti: Single; TexteSect: string= ''; TexteTot: string= '';
+ Total: Boolean= False; Alpha: Boolean= False; ColNum: Integer= 0; FonteNum: Integer= 0;
+ InterNum: Integer= 0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1; BordNum: Integer= -1);
+ X,Y,RefTextePage,RefTexteTot: Integer;
+ Flags: TFTextFlags;
+Flags:= [];
+if Horiz< 0
+ begin
+ X:= Round(Horiz);
+ case X of
+ cnLeft:
+ Include(Flags,txtLeft);
+ cnCenter:
+ Include(Flags,txtHCenter);
+ cnRight:
+ Include(Flags,txtRight);
+ end;
+ end
+ X:= Dim2Pixels(Horiz);
+if Verti< 0
+ Y:= Round(Verti)
+ Y:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+RefTextePage:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteSect);
+if RefTextePage= -1
+ RefTextePage:= Textes.Add(TexteSect);
+RefTexteTot:= Textes.IndexOf(TexteTot);
+if RefTexteTot= -1
+ RefTexteTot:= Textes.Add(TexteTot);
+procedure T_Imprime.EspaceEnTete(Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer=0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1);
+ H: Integer;
+H:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+procedure T_Imprime.EspacePage(Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer=0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1);
+ H: Integer;
+H:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+procedure T_Imprime.EspacePied(Verti: Single; ColNum: Integer=0; CoulFdNum: Integer= -1);
+ H: Integer;
+H:= Dim2Pixels(Verti);
+function T_Imprime.Interligne(ItlSup,ItlInt,ItlInf: Single): Integer;
+ Sup,Int,Inf: Integer;
+if ItlSup> 0
+ Sup:= Dim2Pixels(ItlSup)
+ Sup:= 0;
+if ItlInt> 0
+ Int:= Dim2Pixels(ItlInt)
+ Int:= 0;
+if ItlInf> 0
+ Inf:= Dim2Pixels(ItlInf)
+ Inf:= 0;
+AInterligne:= T_Interligne.Create(Sup,Int,Inf);
+Result:= Interlignes.Add(AInterligne);
+procedure T_Imprime.Groupe(SautPage: Boolean= False);
+AGroupe:= T_Groupe.Create;
+FGroupe:= True;
+if SautPage
+ Page;
+procedure T_Imprime.FinGroupe(SautPage: Boolean= False);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+FGroupe:= False;
+if SautPage
+ Page;
+procedure T_Imprime.ColorColChange(ColNum: Integer; ColColor: TfpgColor);
+procedure T_Imprime.CadreMarges(AStyle: Integer);
+procedure T_Imprime.CadreEnTete(AStyle: Integer);
+procedure T_Imprime.CadrePage(AStyle: Integer);
+procedure T_Imprime.CadrePied(AStyle: Integer);
+procedure T_Imprime.TraitPage(XDebut,YDebut,XFin,YFin: Single; AStyle: Integer);
+ XDeb,YDeb,XEnd,YEnd: Integer;
+XDeb:= Dim2Pixels(XDebut);
+YDeb:= Dim2Pixels(YDebut);
+XEnd:= Dim2Pixels(XFin);
+YEnd:= Dim2Pixels(YFin);
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_pdf.pas b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_pdf.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72d12ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_pdf.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1281 @@
+ << Impressions >> U_Pdf.pas
+ Copyright (C) 2010 - JM.Levecque - <>
+ This library is a free software coming as a add-on to fpGUI toolkit
+ See the copyright included in the fpGUI distribution for details about redistribution
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This unit produces the pdf file
+unit U_Pdf;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils,
+ fpg_main, fpg_base;
+ TPdfObjet = class(TObject)
+ private
+ protected
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfBoolean = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FValue: Boolean;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritBoolean(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateBoolean(const AValue: Boolean);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfInteger = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FValue: Integer;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritInteger(const AFlux: TStream);
+ procedure IncrementeInteger;
+ public
+ constructor CreateInteger(const AValue: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfReference = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FValue: Integer;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritReference(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateReference(const AValue: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfName = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FValue: string;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritName(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateName(const AValue: string);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfString = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FValue: string;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritString(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateString(const AValue: string);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfArray = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FArray: TList;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritArray(const AFlux: TStream);
+ procedure AddItem(const AValue: TPdfObjet);
+ public
+ constructor CreateArray;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfStream = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FStream: TList;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritStream(const AFlux: TStream);
+ procedure AddItem(const AValue: TPdfObjet);
+ public
+ constructor CreateStream;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfFonte = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FTxtFont: Integer;
+ FTxtSize: string;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritFonte(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateFonte(const AFont: Integer; const ASize: string);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfText = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FTxtPosX: Integer;
+ FTxtPosY: Integer;
+ FTxtText: TPdfString;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritText(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateText(const APosX,APosY: Integer; const AText: string);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfLigne = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FEpais: Integer;
+ FStaX: Integer;
+ FStaY: Integer;
+ FEndX: Integer;
+ FEndY: Integer;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritLigne(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateLigne(const AEpais,AStaX,AStaY,AEndX,AEndY: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfRectangle = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FEpais: Integer;
+ FRecX: Integer;
+ FRecY: Integer;
+ FRecW: Integer;
+ FRecH: Integer;
+ FFill: Boolean;
+ FStroke: Boolean;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritRectangle(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateRectangle(const AEpais,APosX,APosY,AWidth,AHeight: Integer; const AFill,AStroke: Boolean);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfLineStyle = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FDash: TfpgLineStyle;
+ FPhase: Integer;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritLineStyle(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateLineStyle(ADash: TfpgLineStyle; APhase: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfColor = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FRed: string;
+ FGreen: string;
+ FBlue: string;
+ FStroke: Boolean;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritColor(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateColor(const AStroke: Boolean; Couleur: LongInt);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfDicElement = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FKey: TPdfName;
+ FValue: TPdfObjet;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritDicElement(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateDicElement(const AKey: string; const AValue: TPdfObjet);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfDictionary = class(TPdfObjet)
+ private
+ FElement: TList; // list of TPdfDicElement
+ protected
+ procedure AddElement(const AKey: string; const AValue: TPdfObjet);
+ function ElementParCle(const AValue: string): Integer;
+ procedure EcritDictionary(AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateDictionary;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TPdfXRef = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FOffset: Integer;
+ FObjet: TPdfDictionary;
+ FStream: TPdfStream;
+ protected
+ procedure EcritXRef(const AFlux: TStream);
+ public
+ constructor CreateXRef;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Offset: Integer read FOffset write FOffset;
+ end;
+ TPdfDocument = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FXRefObjets: TList; // list of TPdfXRef
+ protected
+ function ElementParNom(const AValue: string): Integer;
+ procedure EcritXRefTable(const AFlux: TStream);
+ procedure EcritObjet(const AObjet: Integer; const AFlux: TStream);
+ procedure CreateRefTable;
+ procedure CreateTrailer;
+ procedure CreateCatalog;
+ procedure CreateInfo;
+ procedure CreatePreferences;
+ function CreatePages(Parent: Integer): Integer;
+ procedure CreatePage(Parent: Integer);
+ procedure CreateFont(NomFonte: string; NumFonte: Integer);
+ function CreateContents: Integer;
+ procedure CreateStream(NumeroPage,PageNum: Integer);
+ public
+ constructor CreateDocument;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure EcritDocument(const AFlux: TStream);
+ end;
+ CRLF= #13#10;
+ PDF_VERSION= '%PDF-1.3';
+ PDF_MAX_GEN_NUM= 65535;
+ Document: TPdfDocument;
+ OldDecSeparator: Char;
+ U_Imprime, U_Commande;
+ Trailer: TPdfDictionary;
+ CurrentColor: string;
+ CurrentWidth: string;
+procedure EcritChaine(const Valeur: string; AFlux: TStream);
+function IntToChaine(const Valeur: Integer; const Long: Integer): string;
+ Chaine: string;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+Result:= '';
+Chaine:= IntToStr(Valeur);
+if Length(Chaine)< Long
+ for Cpt:= Succ(Length(Chaine)) to Long do
+ Result:= Result+'0';
+Result:= Result+Chaine;
+function DateToPdfDate(const ADate: TDateTime): string;
+Result:= FormatDateTime('"D:"yyyymmddhhnnss',ADate);
+function ExtractBaseFontName(const AValue: string): string;
+ FontName,Chaine1,Chaine2: string;
+FontName:= Uppercase(AValue[1])+Copy(AValue,2,Pos('-',AValue)-2);
+if Pos(':',AValue)> 0
+ begin
+ Chaine1:= Copy(AValue,Succ(Pos(':',AValue)),Length(AValue)-Pos(':',AValue));
+ Chaine1:= Uppercase(Chaine1[1])+Copy(Chaine1,2,Pred(Length(Chaine1)));
+ if Pos(':',Chaine1)> 0
+ then
+ begin
+ Chaine2:= Copy(Chaine1,Succ(Pos(':',Chaine1)),Length(Chaine1)-Pos(':',Chaine1));
+ Chaine2:= Uppercase(Chaine2[1])+Copy(Chaine2,2,Pred(Length(Chaine2)));
+ if (FontName= 'Helvetica') or (FontName= 'Courier')
+ then
+ if Chaine2= 'Italic'
+ then
+ Chaine2:= 'Oblique';
+ Chaine1:= Copy(Chaine1,1,Pred(Pos(':',Chaine1)));
+ Chaine1:= Uppercase(Chaine1[1])+Copy(Chaine1,2,Pred(Length(Chaine1)));
+ if (FontName= 'Helvetica') or (FontName= 'Courier')
+ then
+ if Chaine1= 'Italic'
+ then
+ Chaine1:= 'Oblique';
+ Chaine1:= Chaine1+Chaine2;
+ end
+ else
+ if (FontName= 'Helvetica') or (FontName= 'Courier')
+ then
+ if Chaine1= 'Italic'
+ then
+ Chaine1:= 'Oblique';
+ Chaine1:= '-'+Chaine1;
+ end;
+Result:= FontName+Chaine1;
+function ColorToString(Couleur: Integer): string;
+ Red,Green,Blue: Integer;
+Red:= Couleur div 65535;
+Couleur:= Couleur mod 65535;
+Green:= Couleur div 255;
+Blue:= Couleur mod 255;
+constructor TPdfObjet.Create;
+ // implementation dans les descendants
+destructor TPdfObjet.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfBoolean.EcritBoolean(const AFlux: TStream);
+if FValue
+ EcritChaine('true',AFlux)
+ EcritChaine('false',AFlux);
+constructor TPdfBoolean.CreateBoolean(const AValue: Boolean);
+inherited Create;
+FValue:= AValue;
+destructor TPdfBoolean.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfInteger.EcritInteger(const AFlux: TStream);
+EcritChaine(IntToStr(FValue), AFlux);
+procedure TPdfInteger.IncrementeInteger;
+FValue:= FValue+1;
+constructor TPdfInteger.CreateInteger(const AValue: Integer);
+inherited Create;
+FValue:= AValue;
+destructor TPdfInteger.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfReference.EcritReference(const AFlux: TStream);
+EcritChaine(IntToStr(FValue)+' 0 R',AFlux);
+constructor TPdfReference.CreateReference(const AValue: Integer);
+inherited Create;
+FValue:= AValue;
+destructor TPdfReference.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfName.EcritName(const AFlux: TStream);
+if FValue<> ''
+ EcritChaine('/'+FValue,AFlux);
+constructor TPdfName.CreateName(const AValue: string);
+inherited Create;
+FValue:= AValue;
+destructor TPdfName.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfString.EcritString(const AFlux: TStream);
+constructor TPdfString.CreateString(const AValue: string);
+inherited Create;
+FValue:= AValue;
+destructor TPdfString.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfArray.EcritArray(const AFlux: TStream);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FArray.Count) do
+ begin
+ if Cpt> 0
+ then
+ EcritChaine(' ',AFlux);
+ if TPdfObjet(FArray[Cpt]) is TPdfInteger
+ then
+ TPdfInteger(FArray[Cpt]).EcritInteger(AFlux);
+ if TPdfObjet(FArray[Cpt]) is TPdfReference
+ then
+ TPdfReference(FArray[Cpt]).EcritReference(AFlux);
+ if TPdfObjet(FArray[Cpt]) is TPdfName
+ then
+ TPdfName(FArray[Cpt]).EcritName(AFlux);
+ end;
+procedure TPdfArray.AddItem(const AValue: TPdfObjet);
+constructor TPdfArray.CreateArray;
+inherited Create;
+FArray:= TList.Create;
+destructor TPdfArray.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfStream.EcritStream(const AFlux: TStream);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FStream.Count) do
+ begin
+ if TPdfObjet(FStream[Cpt]) is TPdfFonte
+ then
+ TPdfFonte(FStream[Cpt]).EcritFonte(AFlux);
+ if TPdfColor(FStream[Cpt]) is TPdfColor
+ then
+ TPdfColor(FStream[Cpt]).EcritColor(AFlux);
+ if TPdfObjet(FStream[Cpt]) is TPdfText
+ then
+ TPdfText(FStream[Cpt]).EcritText(AFlux);
+ if TPdfObjet(FStream[Cpt]) is TPdfRectangle
+ then
+ TPdfRectangle(FStream[Cpt]).EcritRectangle(AFlux);
+ if TPdfObjet(FStream[Cpt]) is TPdfLigne
+ then
+ TPdfLigne(FStream[Cpt]).EcritLigne(AFlux);
+ if TPdfObjet(FStream[Cpt]) is TPdfLineStyle
+ then
+ TPdfLineStyle(FStream[Cpt]).EcritLineStyle(AFlux);
+ end;
+procedure TPdfStream.AddItem(const AValue: TPdfObjet);
+constructor TPdfStream.CreateStream;
+inherited Create;
+FStream:= TList.Create;
+destructor TPdfStream.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfFonte.EcritFonte(const AFlux: TStream);
+EcritChaine('/F'+IntToStr(FTxtFont)+' '+FTxtSize+' Tf'+CRLF,AFlux);
+constructor TPdfFonte.CreateFonte(const AFont: Integer; const ASize: string);
+inherited Create;
+FTxtFont:= AFont;
+FTxtSize:= ASize;
+destructor TPdfFonte.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfText.EcritText(const AFlux: TStream);
+EcritChaine(IntToStr(FTxtPosX)+' '+IntToStr(FTxtPosY)+' Td'+CRLF,AFlux);
+EcritChaine(' Tj'+CRLF,AFlux);
+constructor TPdfText.CreateText(const APosX,APosY: Integer; const AText: string);
+inherited Create;
+FTxtPosX:= APosX;
+FTxtPosY:= APosY;
+FTxtText:= TPdfString.CreateString(AText);
+destructor TPdfText.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfLigne.EcritLigne(const AFlux: TStream);
+if (IntToStr(FEpais)+' w')<> CurrentWidth
+ begin
+ EcritChaine('1 J'+CRLF,AFlux);
+ EcritChaine(IntToStr(FEpais)+' w'+CRLF,AFlux);
+ CurrentWidth:= IntToStr(FEpais)+' w';
+ end;
+EcritChaine(IntToStr(FStaX)+' '+IntToStr(FStaY)+' m'+CRLF,AFlux);
+EcritChaine(IntToStr(FEndX)+' '+IntToStr(FEndY)+' l'+CRLF,AFlux);
+constructor TPdfLigne.CreateLigne(const AEpais,AStaX,AStaY,AEndX,AEndY: Integer);
+inherited Create;
+FEpais:= AEpais;
+FStaX:= AStaX;
+FStaY:= AStaY;
+FEndX:= AEndX;
+FEndY:= AEndY;
+destructor TPdfLigne.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfRectangle.EcritRectangle(const AFlux: TStream);
+if FStroke
+ if (IntToStr(FEpais)+' w')<> CurrentWidth
+ then
+ begin
+ EcritChaine('1 J'+CRLF,AFlux);
+ EcritChaine(IntToStr(FEpais)+' w'+CRLF,AFlux);
+ CurrentWidth:= IntToStr(FEpais)+' w';
+ end;
+EcritChaine(IntToStr(FRecX)+' '+IntToStr(FRecY)+' '+IntToStr(FRecW)+' '+IntToStr(FRecH)+' re'+CRLF,AFlux);
+if FStroke
+ EcritChaine('S'+CRLF,AFlux);
+if FFill
+ EcritChaine('f'+CRLF,AFlux);
+constructor TPdfRectangle.CreateRectangle(const AEpais,APosX,APosY,AWidth,AHeight: Integer; const AFill,AStroke: Boolean);
+inherited Create;
+FEpais:= AEpais;
+FRecX:= APosX;
+FRecY:= APosY;
+FRecW:= AWidth;
+FRecH:= AHeight;
+FFill:= AFill;
+FStroke:= AStroke;
+destructor TPdfRectangle.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfLineStyle.EcritLineStyle(const AFlux: TStream);
+case FDash of
+ lsDash:
+ EcritChaine('5 5',AFlux);
+ lsDot:
+ EcritChaine('2 2',AFlux);
+ lsDashDot:
+ EcritChaine('5 2 2 2',AFlux);
+ lsDashDotDot:
+ EcritChaine('5 2 2 2 2 2',AFlux);
+ end;
+EcritChaine('] '+IntToStr(FPhase)+' d'+CRLF,AFlux);
+constructor TPdfLineStyle.CreateLineStyle(ADash: TfpgLineStyle; APhase: Integer);
+inherited Create;
+FDash:= ADash;
+FPhase:= APhase;
+destructor TPdfLineStyle.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfColor.EcritColor(const AFlux: TStream);
+if FStroke
+ begin
+ if (FRed+' '+FGreen+' '+FBlue+' rg')<> CurrentColor
+ then
+ begin
+ EcritChaine(FRed+' '+FGreen+' '+FBlue+' rg'+CRLF,AFlux);
+ CurrentColor:= FRed+' '+FGreen+' '+FBlue+' rg';
+ end;
+ end
+ if (FRed+' '+FGreen+' '+FBlue+' RG')<> CurrentColor
+ then
+ begin
+ EcritChaine(FRed+' '+FGreen+' '+FBlue+' RG'+CRLF,AFlux);
+ CurrentColor:= FRed+' '+FGreen+' '+FBlue+' RG';
+ end;
+constructor TPdfColor.CreateColor(const AStroke: Boolean; Couleur: Longint);
+inherited Create;
+FBlue:= FormatFloat('0.##',Couleur mod 256/256);
+Couleur:= Couleur div 256;
+FGreen:= FormatFloat('0.##',Couleur mod 256/256);
+FRed:= FormatFloat('0.##',Couleur div 256/256);
+FStroke:= AStroke;
+destructor TPdfColor.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfDicElement.EcritDicElement(const AFlux: TStream);
+EcritChaine(' ',AFlux);
+if FValue is TPdfBoolean
+ TPdfBoolean(FValue).EcritBoolean(AFlux);
+if FValue is TPdfInteger
+ TPdfInteger(FValue).EcritInteger(AFlux);
+if FValue is TPdfReference
+ TPdfReference(FValue).EcritReference(AFlux);
+if FValue is TPdfName
+ TPdfName(FValue).EcritName(AFlux);
+if FValue is TPdfString
+ TPdfString(FValue).EcritString(AFlux);
+if FValue is TPdfArray
+ TPdfArray(FValue).EcritArray(AFlux);
+if FValue is TPdfDictionary
+ TPdfDictionary(FValue).EcritDictionary(AFlux);
+constructor TPdfDicElement.CreateDicElement(const AKey: string; const AValue: TPdfObjet);
+inherited Create;
+FKey:= TPdfName.CreateName(AKey);
+FValue:= AValue;
+destructor TPdfDicElement.Destroy;
+procedure TPdfDictionary.AddElement(const AKey: string; const AValue: TPdfObjet);
+ DicElement: TPdfDicElement;
+DicElement:= TPdfDicElement.CreateDicElement(AKey,AValue);
+function TPdfDictionary.ElementParCle(const AValue: string): Integer;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+Result:= -1;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FElement.Count) do
+ if TPdfDicElement(FElement[Cpt]).FKey.FValue= AValue
+ then
+ begin
+ Result:= Cpt;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+procedure TPdfDictionary.EcritDictionary(AFlux: TStream);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FElement.Count) do
+ TPdfDicElement(FElement[Cpt]).EcritDicElement(AFlux);
+constructor TPdfDictionary.CreateDictionary;
+inherited Create;
+FElement:= TList.Create;
+destructor TPdfDictionary.Destroy;
+ Cpt: integer;
+if FElement.Count> 0
+ for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FElement.Count) do
+ TPdfDicElement(FElement[Cpt]).Free;
+procedure TPdfXRef.EcritXRef(const AFlux: TStream);
+EcritChaine(IntToChaine(FOffset,10)+' '+IntToChaine(0,5)+' n'+CRLF,AFlux);
+constructor TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+inherited Create;
+FOffset:= 0;
+FObjet:= TpdfDictionary.CreateDictionary;
+FStream:= nil;
+destructor TPdfXRef.Destroy;
+function TPdfDocument.ElementParNom(const AValue: string): Integer;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 1 to Pred(FXRefObjets.Count) do
+ if TPdfName(TPdfDicElement(TPdfDictionary(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[Cpt]).FObjet).FElement[0]).FValue).FValue= AValue
+ then
+ Result:= Cpt;
+procedure TPdfDocument.EcritXRefTable(const AFlux: TStream);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+if FXRefObjets.Count> 1
+ for Cpt:= 1 to Pred(FXRefObjets.Count) do
+ TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[Cpt]).EcritXRef(AFlux);
+procedure TPdfDocument.EcritObjet(const AObjet: Integer; const AFlux: TStream);
+ Dictionaire: TPdfDictionary;
+ Long: TPdfInteger;
+ Fin: Integer;
+ Flux: TMemoryStream;
+EcritChaine(IntToStr(AObjet)+' 0 obj'+CRLF,AFlux);
+if TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[AObjet]).FStream= nil
+ TPdfDictionary(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[AObjet]).FObjet).EcritDictionary(AFlux)
+ begin
+ Flux:= TMemoryStream.Create;
+ Flux.Position:= 0;
+ CurrentColor:= '';
+ CurrentWidth:= '';
+ TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[AObjet]).FStream.EcritStream(Flux);
+// write stream length element in contents dictionary
+ Long:= TPdfInteger.CreateInteger(Flux.Size);
+ TPdfDictionary(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[AObjet]).FObjet).AddElement('Length',Long);
+ Flux.Free;
+ TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[AObjet]).FObjet.EcritDictionary(AFlux);
+// write stream in contents dictionary
+ CurrentColor:= '';
+ CurrentWidth:= '';
+ EcritChaine(CRLF+'stream'+CRLF,AFlux);
+ TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[AObjet]).FStream.EcritStream(AFlux);
+ EcritChaine('endstream',AFlux);
+ end;
+procedure TPdfDocument.CreateRefTable;
+ XRefObjet: TPdfXRef;
+FXRefObjets:= TList.Create;
+// add first xref entry
+XRefObjet:= TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+procedure TPdfDocument.CreateTrailer;
+ XRefObjets: TPdfInteger;
+Trailer:= TPdfDictionary.CreateDictionary;
+// add size trailer element
+XRefObjets:= TPdfInteger.CreateInteger(FXRefObjets.Count);
+procedure TPdfDocument.CreateCatalog;
+ Catalog: TPdfXRef;
+ XRefObjets: TPdfReference;
+ Nom: TPdfName;
+// add xref entry
+Catalog:= TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+// add root trailer element
+XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Pred(FXRefObjets.Count));
+// add type element to catalog dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('Catalog');
+procedure TPdfDocument.CreateInfo;
+ Info: TPdfXRef;
+ XRefObjets: TPdfReference;
+ Nom: TPdfString;
+// add xref entry
+Info:= TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+// add info trailer element
+XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Pred(FXRefObjets.Count));
+TPdfInteger(TPdfDicElement(Trailer.FElement[Trailer.ElementParCle('Size')]).FValue).FValue:= FXRefObjets.Count;
+// add title element to info dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfString.CreateString(Infos.Titre);
+// add author element to info dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfString.CreateString(Infos.Auteur);
+// add creator element to info dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfString.CreateString('FpGUI/FPC');
+// add producer element to info dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfString.CreateString('FpGUI/FPC');
+// add creationdate element to info dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfString.CreateString(DateToPdfDate(Now));
+procedure TPdfDocument.CreatePreferences;
+ Viewer: TPdfXRef;
+ XRefObjets: TPdfReference;
+ Nom: TPdfName;
+ Preference: TPdfBoolean;
+// add xref entry
+Viewer:= TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+// add type element to preferences dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('ViewerPreferences');
+// add preference element to preferences dictionary
+Preference:= TPdfBoolean.CreateBoolean(True);
+// add preferences reference to catalog dictionary
+XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Pred(FXRefObjets.Count));
+function TPdfDocument.CreatePages(Parent: Integer): Integer;
+ Pages: TPdfXRef;
+ XRefObjets: TPdfReference;
+ Nom: TPdfName;
+ Table: TPdfArray;
+ Count: TPdfInteger;
+// add xref entry
+Pages:= TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+// add type element to pages dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('Pages');
+// add parent reference to pages dictionary if pages is not the root of the page tree
+if Parent> 0
+ begin
+ XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Parent);
+ Pages.FObjet.AddElement('Parent',XRefObjets);
+ end
+else // add pages reference to catalog dictionary
+ begin
+ XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Pred(FXRefObjets.Count));
+ TPdfDictionary(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[ElementParNom('Catalog')]).FObjet).AddElement('Pages',XRefObjets)
+ end;
+// add kids element to pages dictionary
+Table:= TPdfArray.CreateArray;
+// add count element to pages dictionary
+Count:= TPdfInteger.CreateInteger(0);
+Result:= Pred(FXRefObjets.Count);
+procedure TPdfDocument.CreatePage(Parent: Integer);
+ Page: TPdfXRef;
+ XRefObjets: TPdfReference;
+ Nom: TPdfName;
+ Dictionaire: TPdfDictionary;
+ Table: TPdfArray;
+ Coord: TPdfInteger;
+// add xref entry
+Page:= TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+// add type element to page dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('Page');
+// add parent reference to page dictionary
+XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Parent);
+// increment count in parent pages dictionary
+Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[Parent]).FObjet);
+// add kid reference in parent pages dictionary
+XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Pred(FXRefObjets.Count));
+// add mediabox element to page dictionary
+Table:= TPdfArray.CreateArray;
+// add coordinates in page mediabox
+Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary(TPdfXRef(Page).FObjet);
+Coord:= TPdfInteger.CreateInteger(0);
+Coord:= TPdfInteger.CreateInteger(0);
+Coord:= TPdfInteger.CreateInteger(Imprime.LargeurPapier);
+Coord:= TPdfInteger.CreateInteger(Imprime.HauteurPapier);
+// add resources element to page dictionary
+Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary.CreateDictionary;
+// add procset element in resources element to page dictionary
+Table:= TPdfArray.CreateArray;
+// add font element in resources element to page dictionary
+Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary.CreateDictionary;
+// add pdf element in procset array to page dictionary
+Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary(TPdfDicElement(Page.FObjet.FElement[Pred(Page.FObjet.FElement.Count)]).FValue);
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('PDF');
+// add text element in procset array to page dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('Text');
+procedure TPdfDocument.CreateFont(NomFonte: string; NumFonte: Integer);
+ Fontes: TPdfXRef;
+ XRefObjets: TPdfReference;
+ Nom: TPdfName;
+ Dictionaire: TPdfDictionary;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+// add xref entry
+Fontes:= TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+// add type element to font dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('Font');
+// add subtype element to font dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('Type1');
+// add encoding element to font dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('WinAnsiEncoding');
+// add firstchar element to font dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('32');
+// add lastchar element to font dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('255');
+// add basefont element to font dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName(NomFonte);
+// add name element to font dictionary
+Nom:= TPdfName.CreateName('F'+IntToStr(NumFonte));
+// add font reference to all page dictionary
+XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Pred(FXRefObjets.Count));
+for Cpt:= 1 to Pred(FXRefObjets.Count) do
+ begin
+ Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[Cpt]).FObjet);
+ if Dictionaire.FElement.Count> 0
+ then
+ if TPdfName(TPdfDicElement(Dictionaire.FElement[0]).FValue).FValue= 'Page'
+ then
+ begin
+ Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary(TPdfDicElement(Dictionaire.FElement[Dictionaire.ElementParCle('Resources')]).FValue);
+ Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary(TPdfDicElement(Dictionaire.FElement[Dictionaire.ElementParCle('Font')]).FValue);
+ Dictionaire.AddElement(TPdfName(Nom).FValue,XRefObjets);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TPdfDocument.CreateContents: Integer;
+ Contents: TPdfXRef;
+ XRefObjets: TPdfReference;
+ Stream: TPdfStream;
+// add xref entry
+Contents:= TPdfXRef.CreateXRef;
+Stream:= TPdfStream.CreateStream;
+TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[Pred(FXRefObjets.Count)]).FStream:= Stream;
+// add contents reference to page dictionary
+XRefObjets:= TPdfReference.CreateReference(Pred(FXRefObjets.Count));
+Result:= Pred(FXRefObjets.Count);
+procedure TPdfDocument.CreateStream(NumeroPage,PageNum: Integer);
+ Cpt: Integer;
+ Txt: TPdfText;
+ Clr: TPdfColor;
+ Fnt: TPdfFonte;
+ Rct: TPdfRectangle;
+ Lin: TPdfLigne;
+ Sty: TpdfLineStyle;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(PdfPage.Count) do
+ begin
+ if TPdfElement(PdfPage[Cpt]) is TPdfTexte
+ then
+ if TPdfTexte(PdfPage[Cpt]).PageId= NumeroPage
+ then
+ with TPdfTexte(PdfPage[Cpt]) do
+ begin
+ if FontName> -1
+ then
+ begin
+ Fnt:= TPdfFonte.CreateFonte(FontName,FontSize);
+// adjust font size to display device
+ Fnt.FTxtSize:= IntToStr(Round((StrToInt(FontSize)*fpgApplication.Screen_dpi_y) div 72));
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Fnt);
+ if Couleur> -1
+ then
+ begin
+ Clr:= TPdfColor.CreateColor(True,Couleur);
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Clr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Txt:= TPdfText.CreateText(TextPosX,TextPosY,Ecriture);
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Txt);
+ end;
+ if TPdfElement(PdfPage[Cpt]) is TPdfRect
+ then
+ if TPdfRect(PdfPage[Cpt]).PageId= NumeroPage
+ then
+ with TPdfRect(PdfPage[Cpt]) do
+ begin
+ if RectCouleur> -1
+ then
+ begin
+ Clr:= TPdfColor.CreateColor(True,RectCouleur);
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Clr);
+ end;
+ if RectTrace
+ then
+ begin
+ Sty:= TPdfLineStyle.CreateLineStyle(RectLineStyle,0);
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Sty);
+ end;
+ Rct:= TPdfRectangle.CreateRectangle(RectEpais,RectGauche,RectBas,RectLarg,RectHaut,RectEmplit,RectTrace);
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Rct);
+ end;
+ if TPdfElement(PdfPage[Cpt]) is TPdfLine
+ then
+ if TPdfLine(PdfPage[Cpt]).PageId= NumeroPage
+ then
+ with TPdfLine(PdfPage[Cpt]) do
+ begin
+ if LineColor> -1
+ then
+ begin
+ Clr:= TPdfColor.CreateColor(False,LineColor);
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Clr);
+ end;
+ Sty:= TPdfLineStyle.CreateLineStyle(LineStyle,0);
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Sty);
+ Lin:= TPdfLigne.CreateLigne(LineEpais,LineStartX,LineStartY,LineEndX,LineEndY);
+ TPdfStream(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[PageNum]).FStream).AddItem(Lin);
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ Cpt,CptSect,CptPage,CptFont,NumFont,Parent,PageNum,NumPage: Integer;
+ Trouve: Boolean;
+ Dictionaire: TPdfDictionary;
+ FontName: string;
+inherited Create;
+Parent:= 0;
+if Sections.Count> 1
+ Parent:= CreatePages(Parent);
+NumPage:= 0; // numéro de page identique à celui de l'appel à ImprimePage
+for CptSect:= 0 to Pred(Sections.Count) do
+ begin
+ Parent:= CreatePages(Parent);
+ for CptPage:= 0 to Pred(T_Section(Sections[CptSect]).Pages.Count) do
+ begin
+ CreatePage(Parent);
+ Inc(NumPage);
+ PageNum:= CreateContents; // pagenum = numéro d'objet dans le fichier PDF
+ CreateStream(NumPage,PageNum);
+ end;
+ end;
+NumFont:= 0;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(Fontes.Count) do
+ begin
+ Trouve:= False;
+ FontName:= ExtractBaseFontName(T_Fonte(Fontes[Cpt]).GetFonte.FontDesc);
+ //for CptFont:= 1 to Pred(FXRefObjets.Count) do
+ // begin
+ // Dictionaire:= TPdfDictionary(TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[CptFont]).FObjet);
+ // if Dictionaire.FElement.Count> 0
+ // then
+ // if TPdfName(TPdfDicElement(Dictionaire.FElement[0]).FValue).FValue= 'Font'
+ // then
+ // if TPdfName(TPdfDicElement(Dictionaire.FElement[Dictionaire.ElementParCle('BaseFont')]).FValue).FValue= FontName
+ // then
+ // begin
+ // Trouve:= True;
+ // Break;
+ // end;
+ // end;
+ //if not Trouve
+ //then
+ // begin
+ CreateFont(FontName,NumFont);
+ Inc(NumFont);
+ //end;
+ end;
+TPdfInteger(TPdfDicElement(Trailer.FElement[Trailer.ElementParCle('Size')]).FValue).FValue:= FXRefObjets.Count;
+if PdfPage.Count> 0
+ for CptPage:= 0 to Pred(PdfPage.Count) do
+ TPdfElement(PdfPage[CptPage]).Free;
+destructor TPdfDocument.Destroy;
+ Cpt: Integer;
+for Cpt:= 0 to Pred(FXRefObjets.Count) do
+ TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[Cpt]).Free;
+procedure TPdfDocument.EcritDocument(const AFlux: TStream);
+ Cpt,XRefPos: Integer;
+AFlux.Position:= 0;
+// write numbered indirect objects
+for Cpt:= 1 to Pred(FXRefObjets.Count) do
+ begin
+ XRefPos:= AFlux.Position;
+ EcritObjet(Cpt,AFlux);
+ TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[Cpt]).Offset:= XRefPos;
+ end;
+XRefPos:= AFlux.Position;
+// write xref table
+EcritChaine('xref'+CRLF+'0 '+IntToStr(FXRefObjets.Count)+CRLF,AFlux);
+with TPdfXRef(FXRefObjets[0]) do
+ EcritChaine(IntToChaine(Offset,10)+' '+IntToChaine(PDF_MAX_GEN_NUM,5)+' f'+CRLF,AFlux);
+// write trailer
+// write offset of last xref table
diff --git a/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_visu.pas b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_visu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5475342d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/contributed/report_tool/reportengine/u_visu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+ << Impressions >> U_Pdf.pas
+ Copyright (C) 2010 - JM.Levecque - <>
+ This library is a free software coming as a add-on to fpGUI toolkit
+ See the copyright included in the fpGUI distribution for details about redistribution
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This unit is the preview form
+unit U_Visu;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, Process,
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ shellapi,
+ {$endif}
+ fpg_base, fpg_main,
+ fpg_form, fpg_panel, fpg_label, fpg_button, fpg_edit, fpg_dialogs, fpg_utils;
+ TF_Visu = class(TfpgForm)
+ private
+ Bv_Commande: TfpgBevel;
+ Bt_Fermer: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_Imprimer: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_Imprimante: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_Arreter: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_Pdf: TfpgButton;
+ Bv_Pages: TfpgBevel;
+ L_Pages: TfpgLabel;
+ Bt_PremPage: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrecPage: TfpgButton;
+ E_NumPage: TfpgEditInteger;
+ Bt_SuivPage: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_DernPage: TfpgButton;
+ L_DePage: Tfpglabel;
+ L_NbrPages: TfpgLabel;
+ Bv_Sections: TfpgBevel;
+ L_Sections: TfpgLabel;
+// Bt_PremSect: TfpgButton;
+ Bt_PrecSect: TfpgButton;
+ E_NumSect: TfpgEditInteger;
+ Bt_SuivSect: TfpgButton;
+// Bt_DernSect: TfpgButton;
+ L_DeSect: Tfpglabel;
+ L_NbrSect: TfpgLabel;
+ L_PageSect: Tfpglabel;
+ L_NumPageSect: Tfpglabel;
+ L_DePageSect: TfpgLabel;
+ L_NbrPageSect: TfpgLabel;
+ procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_FermerClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_ImprimerClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_ImprimanteClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_ArreterClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PdfClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PremPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrecPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_SuivPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_DernPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+// procedure Bt_PremSectClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_PrecSectClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Bt_SuivSectClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure E_NumPageKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState;
+ var Consumed: boolean);
+ procedure E_NumSectKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState;
+ var Consumed: boolean);
+// procedure Bt_DernSectClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ChangeBoutons;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ end;
+ F_Visu: TF_Visu;
+ Bv_Visu: TfpgBevel;
+ U_Imprime, U_Commande, U_Pdf;
+procedure TF_Visu.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+L_Pages.Text:= 'Page';
+L_Sections.Text:= 'Section';
+L_PageSect.Text:= 'Page';
+L_DePage.Text:= 'of';
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ if Sections.Count= 1
+ then
+ E_NumSect.Focusable:= False;
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages= 1
+ then
+ E_NumPage.Focusable:= False;
+ E_NumPage.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPage);
+ L_NbrPages.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages);
+ E_NumSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ L_NbrSect.Text:= IntToStr(Sections.Count);
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_FermerClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_ImprimerClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_ImprimanteClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_ArreterClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PdfClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Fd_SauvePdf: TfpgFileDialog;
+ FichierPdf: string;
+ FluxFichier: TFileStream;
+Fd_SauvePdf:= TfpgFileDialog.Create(nil);
+Fd_SauvePdf.InitialDir:= ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0));
+Fd_SauvePdf.FontDesc:= 'bitstream vera sans-9';
+Fd_SauvePdf.Filter:= 'Fichiers pdf |*.pdf';
+Fd_SauvePdf.FileName:= Imprime.DefaultFile;
+ if Fd_SauvePdf.RunSaveFile
+ then
+ begin
+ FichierPdf:= Fd_SauvePdf.FileName;
+ if Lowercase(Copy(FichierPdf,Length(FichierPdf)-3,4))<> '.pdf'
+ then
+ FichierPdf:= FichierPdf+'.pdf';
+ Document:= TPdfDocument.CreateDocument;
+ with Document do
+ begin
+ FluxFichier:= TFileStream.Create(FichierPdf,fmCreate);
+ EcritDocument(FluxFichier);
+ FluxFichier.Free;
+ Free;
+ end;
+{$ifdef linux}
+ fpgOpenURL(FichierPdf);
+{$ifdef win32}
+ ShellExecute(0,PChar('OPEN'),PChar(FichierPdf),PChar(''),PChar(''),1);
+ end;
+ Fd_SauvePdf.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PremPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ NumeroPage:= 1;
+ NumeroSection:= 1;
+ NumeroPageSection:= 1;
+ E_NumPage.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPage);
+ Bv_Visu.Invalidate;
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ E_NumSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ end;
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PrecPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ NumeroPage:= NumeroPage-1;
+ if NumeroPageSection= 1
+ then
+ begin
+ NumeroSection:= NumeroSection-1;
+ NumeroPageSection:= T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages;
+ end
+ else
+ NumeroPageSection:= NumeroPageSection-1;
+ E_NumPage.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPage);
+ Bv_Visu.Invalidate;
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ E_NumSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ end;
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_SuivPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ NumeroPage:= NumeroPage+1;
+ if NumeroPageSection= T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages
+ then
+ begin
+ NumeroSection:= NumeroSection+1;
+ NumeroPageSection:= 1;
+ end
+ else
+ NumeroPageSection:= NumeroPageSection+1;
+ E_NumPage.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPage);
+ Bv_Visu.Invalidate;
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ E_NumSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ end;
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_DernPageClick(Sender: TObject);
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ NumeroPage:= T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages;
+ NumeroSection:= Sections.Count;
+ NumeroPageSection:= T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).GetNbPages;
+ E_NumPage.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPage);
+ Bv_Visu.Invalidate;
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ E_NumSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ end;
+//procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PremSectClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_PrecSectClick(Sender: TObject);
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ NumeroSection:= NumeroSection-1;
+ NumeroPage:= T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetFirstPage;
+ NumeroPageSection:= 1;
+ E_NumPage.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPage);
+ Bv_Visu.Invalidate;
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ E_NumSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ end;
+procedure TF_Visu.Bt_SuivSectClick(Sender: TObject);
+with Imprime do
+ begin
+ NumeroSection:= NumeroSection+1;
+ NumeroPage:= T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetFirstPage;
+ NumeroPageSection:= 1;
+ E_NumPage.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPage);
+ Bv_Visu.Invalidate;
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ E_NumSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ end;
+//procedure TF_Visu.Bt_DernSectClick(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TF_Visu.ChangeBoutons;
+with Imprime do
+ if T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages> 1
+ then
+ if NumeroPage= 1
+ then
+ begin
+ Bt_PremPage.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_PrecPage.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_SuivPage.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_DernPage.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_PrecSect.Enabled:= False;
+ if Sections.Count> 1
+ then
+ Bt_SuivSect.Enabled:= True
+ else
+ Bt_SuivSect.Enabled:= False;
+ end
+ else
+ if NumeroPage= T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages
+ then
+ begin
+ Bt_PremPage.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_PrecPage.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_SuivPage.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_DernPage.Enabled:= False;
+ if Sections.Count> 1
+ then
+ Bt_PrecSect.Enabled:= True
+ else
+ Bt_PrecSect.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_SuivSect.Enabled:= False;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Bt_PremPage.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_PrecPage.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_SuivPage.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_DernPage.Enabled:= True;
+ if Sections.Count> 1
+ then
+ if NumeroSection= 1
+ then
+ begin
+ Bt_PrecSect.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_SuivSect.Enabled:= True;
+ end
+ else
+ if NumeroSection= Sections.Count
+ then
+ begin
+ Bt_PrecSect.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_SuivSect.Enabled:= False;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Bt_PrecSect.Enabled:= True;
+ Bt_SuivSect.Enabled:= True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Bt_PrecSect.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_SuivSect.Enabled:= False;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Bt_PremPage.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_PrecPage.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_SuivPage.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_DernPage.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_PrecSect.Enabled:= False;
+ Bt_SuivSect.Enabled:= False;
+ end;
+procedure TF_Visu.E_NumPageKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState;
+ var Consumed: boolean);
+ CptSect,CptPage,CptPageSect: Integer;
+if (KeyCode= KeyReturn) or (KeyCode= KeyPEnter)
+ with Imprime do
+ begin
+ if E_NumPage.Value> T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages
+ then
+ NumeroPage:= T_Section(Sections[Pred(Sections.Count)]).TotPages
+ else
+ if E_NumPage.Value= 0
+ then
+ NumeroPage:= 1
+ else
+ NumeroPage:= E_NumPage.Value;
+ E_NumPage.Value:= NumeroPage;
+ CptSect:= 0;
+ CptPage:= 0;
+ repeat
+ Inc(CptSect);
+ CptPageSect:= 0;
+ repeat
+ Inc(CptPage);
+ Inc(CptPageSect);
+ until (CptPage= NumeroPage) or (CptPage= T_Section(Sections[Pred(Cptsect)]).GetNbPages);
+ until CptPage= NumeroPage;
+ NumeroSection:= CptSect;
+ NumeroPageSection:= CptPagesect;
+ Bv_Visu.Invalidate;
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ E_NumSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroSection);
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ end;
+procedure TF_Visu.E_NumSectKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState;
+ var Consumed: boolean);
+if (KeyCode= KeyReturn) or (KeyCode= KeyPEnter)
+ with Imprime do
+ begin
+ if E_NumSect.Value> Sections.Count
+ then
+ NumeroSection:= Sections.Count
+ else
+ if E_NumSect.Value= 0
+ then
+ NumeroSection:= 1
+ else
+ NumeroSection:= E_NumSect.Value;
+ E_NumSect.Value:= NumeroSection;
+ NumeroPage:= T_Section(Sections[Pred(Numerosection)]).GetFirstPage;
+ NumeroPageSection:= 1;
+ E_NumPage.Value:= NumeroPage;
+ Bv_Visu.Invalidate;
+ ChangeBoutons;
+ L_NumPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(NumeroPageSection);
+ L_NbrPageSect.Text:= IntToStr(T_Section(Sections[Pred(NumeroSection)]).GetNbPages);
+ end;
+constructor TF_Visu.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+inherited Create(AOwner);
+Name := 'F_Visu';
+WindowTitle:= 'Preview';
+WindowPosition:= wpUser;
+SetPosition(0, 0, FpgApplication.ScreenWidth-2, FpgApplication.ScreenHeight-66);
+Sizeable:= False;
+BackgroundColor:= clMediumAquamarine;
+Bv_Commande:= CreateBevel(Self,0,0,Width,50,bsBox,bsRaised);
+Bv_Commande.BackgroundColor:= clBisque;
+Bt_Fermer:= CreateButton(Bv_Commande,10,10,26,'',@Bt_FermerClick);
+Bt_Fermer.BackgroundColor:= clOrangeRed;
+Bt_Fermer.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Fermer';
+Bt_Imprimer:= CreateButton(Bv_Commande,50,10,26,'',@Bt_ImprimerClick);
+Bt_Imprimer.BackgroundColor:= clGreen;
+Bt_Imprimer.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Imprimer';
+Bt_Imprimer.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_Imprimante:= CreateButton(Bv_Commande,90,10,26,'',@Bt_ImprimanteClick);
+Bt_Imprimante.BackgroundColor:= clSilver;
+Bt_Imprimante.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Imprimante';
+Bt_Imprimante.Enabled:= False;
+Bt_Arreter:= CreateButton(Bv_Commande,130,10,26,'',@Bt_ArreterClick);
+Bt_Arreter.BackgroundColor:= clRed;
+Bt_Arreter.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Stop';
+Bt_Pdf:= CreateButton(Bv_Commande,170,10,26,'',@Bt_PdfClick);
+Bt_Pdf.BackgroundColor:= clWhite;
+Bt_Pdf.ImageMargin:= 0;
+Bt_Pdf.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Adobe_pdf';
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+Bt_PremPage:= CreateButton(Bv_Pages,54,6,26,'',@Bt_PremPageClick);
+Bt_PremPage.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Debut';
+Bt_PrecPage:= CreateButton(Bv_Pages,80,6,26,'',@Bt_PrecPageClick);
+Bt_PrecPage.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Precedent';
+E_NumPage:= CreateEditInteger(Bv_Pages,110,8,60,0);
+E_NumPage.OnKeyPress:= @E_NumPageKeypress;
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+Bt_SuivPage.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Suivant';
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+Bt_DernPage.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Fin';
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+L_Depage:= CreateLabel(Bv_Pages,235,E_NumPage.Top,'de',0,E_NumPage.Height,taLeftJustify,tlcenter);
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+Bv_Sections.BackgroundColor:= clLinen;
+//Bt_PremSect:= CreateButton(Bv_Sections,64,6,26,'',@Bt_PremSectClick);
+//Bt_PremSect.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Debut';
+Bt_PrecSect:= CreateButton(Bv_Sections,90,6,26,'',@Bt_PrecSectClick);
+Bt_PrecSect.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Precedent';
+E_NumSect:= CreateEditInteger(Bv_Sections,120,8,60,0);
+E_NumSect.OnKeyPress:= @E_NumSectKeyPress;
+Bt_SuivSect:= CreateButton(Bv_Sections,184,6,26,'',@Bt_SuivSectClick);
+Bt_SuivSect.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Suivant';
+//Bt_DernSect:= CreateButton(Bv_Sections,210,6,26,'',@Bt_DernSectClick);
+//Bt_DernSect.ImageName:= 'stdimg.Fin';
+L_Sections:= CreateLabel(Bv_Sections,5,E_NumSect.Top,'Section',0,E_NumSect.Height,taLeftJustify,tlcenter);
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+L_NbrPageSect:= CreateLabel(Bv_Sections,440,E_NumSect.Top,'-',0,E_NumSect.Height,taLeftJustify,tlcenter);
+OnShow:= @FormShow;