path: root/examples/apps/ide
diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2011-09-13 19:35:11 +0200
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2011-09-13 19:35:11 +0200
commit7f3062c239ffdd81b4c1bb124a1f62c51a5938fe (patch)
tree8f160ce0207ce37b345ad707adce9b0c7f43d4c7 /examples/apps/ide
parentffbd0ff202a0adf2acf9fad7a4876743e3f26194 (diff)
implemented a functioning file monitor class.
It can track files and detect size and date changes to the monitored files. It uses a sha1 to detect any changes. The SHA1 is probably overkill for now, but it is planned to use it in future when Path Monitoring is implemented too.
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/apps/ide')
2 files changed, 699 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/examples/apps/ide/src/filemonitor.pas b/examples/apps/ide/src/filemonitor.pas
index 0e0fa7a8..674109b2 100644
--- a/examples/apps/ide/src/filemonitor.pas
+++ b/examples/apps/ide/src/filemonitor.pas
@@ -5,28 +5,215 @@ unit filemonitor;
- Classes, SysUtils, fpg_main;
+ Classes, SysUtils, fpg_main, fpg_base, contnrs;
+ TFileMonitorEventType = (fmeFileCreated,
+ fmeFileChanged,
+ fmeFileDeleted,
+ fmeFileRenamed,
+ fmeUnknownChange);
+ TFileMonitorEventData = record
+ EventType: TFileMonitorEventType;
+ FileName: TfpgString;
+// OldFileName: TfpgString;
+// UserData: Pointer;
+ end;
+ TFileChangedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AData: TFileMonitorEventData) of object;
+ TMonitoredFile = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FName: TfpgString;
+ FSize: Int64;
+ FDate: TDateTime;
+ FSHA1: TfpgString;
+ function AsString: TfpgString;
+ public
+ function GetNewSHA1: TfpgString;
+ procedure UpdateInfo;
+ property Name: TfpgString read FName write FName;
+ property Size: Int64 read FSize write FSize;
+ property Date: TDateTime read FDate write FDate;
+ property SHA1: TfpgString read FSHA1 write FSHA1;
+ end;
TFileMonitor = class(TThread)
- FInterval: integer;
+ FInterval: LongWord;
+ FFileList: TObjectList;
+ FOnFileChanged: TFileChangedEvent;
+ FCurrent: TMonitoredFile;
+ FCurrentState: TFileMonitorEventType;
+ procedure DoFileChangeNotification;
+ constructor CreateCustom;
procedure Execute; override;
- property Interval: integer read FInterval write FInterval;
+ property Interval: LongWord read FInterval write FInterval;
+ procedure AddFile(const AFilename: TfpgString);
+ procedure RemoveFile(const AFilename: TfpgString);
+ property OnFileChanged: TFileChangedEvent read FOnFileChanged write FOnFileChanged;
+ fpg_utils,
+ sha1;
+function ReadFileDate(const AFileName: string): TDateTime;
+ fa: LongInt;
+ fa := FileAge(AFileName);
+ Result := FileDateToDateTime(fa);
+function ReadFileSize(const AFileName: string): DWord;
+ LFileStream: TFileStream;
+ LFileStream := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ try
+ Result := LFileStream.Size;
+ finally
+ LFileStream.Free;
+ end;
+procedure ReadFileDateSize(const AFileName: string; var ADateTime: TDateTime; var AFileSize: Int64);
+ ADateTime := ReadFileDate(AFileName);
+ AFileSize := ReadFileSize(AFileName);
+{ TMonitoredFile }
+function TMonitoredFile.AsString: TfpgString;
+ OBJ_AS_STRING = '%s %s %d';
+ Result := Format(OBJ_AS_STRING, [FName, FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss', FDate), FSize]);
+function TMonitoredFile.GetNewSHA1: TfpgString;
+ lFile: TMonitoredFile;
+ s: Int64;
+ d: TDateTime;
+ s := 0;
+ d := 0.0;
+ lFile := TMonitoredFile.Create;
+ try
+ lFile.Name := FName;
+ ReadFileDateSize(lFile.Name, d, s);
+ lFile.Size := s;
+ lFile.Date := d;
+ Result := SHA1ofStr(lFile.AsString);
+ finally
+ lFile.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TMonitoredFile.UpdateInfo;
+ s: Int64;
+ d: TDateTime;
+ ReadFileDateSize(Name, d, s);
+ Size := s;
+ Date := d;
+ SHA1 := SHA1ofStr(AsString);
{ TFileMonitor }
+procedure TFileMonitor.DoFileChangeNotification;
+ rec: TFileMonitorEventData;
+ if Assigned(FOnFileChanged) then
+ begin
+ rec.EventType := FCurrentState;
+ rec.FileName := FCurrent.Name;
+ FOnFileChanged(self, rec);
+ end;
+constructor TFileMonitor.CreateCustom;
+ Create(True);
+ FFileList := TObjectList.create;
+ FInterval := 500;
procedure TFileMonitor.Execute;
+ i: integer;
+ lFile: TMonitoredFile;
while not Terminated do
+ if Assigned(FOnFileChanged) then
+ begin
+ for i := FFileList.Count-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ lFile := TMonitoredFile(FFileList[i]);
+ if fpgFileExists(lFile.Name) then
+ begin
+ if lFile.SHA1 <> lFile.GetNewSHA1 then
+ begin
+ FCurrent := lFile;
+ FCurrentState := fmeFileChanged;
+ Synchronize(@DoFileChangeNotification);
+ lFile.UpdateInfo;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FCurrent := lFile;
+ FCurrentState := fmeFileDeleted;
+ Synchronize(@DoFileChangeNotification);
+ FFileList.Remove(lFile);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ sleep(FInterval);
+procedure TFileMonitor.AddFile(const AFilename: TfpgString);
+ lFile: TMonitoredFile;
+ s: Int64;
+ d: TDateTime;
+ s := 0;
+ d := 0.0;
+ lFile := TMonitoredFile.Create;
+ lFile.Name := AFileName;
+ ReadFileDateSize(AFileName, d, s);
+ lFile.Size := s;
+ lFile.Date := d;
+ lFile.SHA1 := SHA1ofStr(lFile.AsString);
+ FFileList.Add(lFile);
+procedure TFileMonitor.RemoveFile(const AFilename: TfpgString);
+ //
diff --git a/examples/apps/ide/src/sha1.pas b/examples/apps/ide/src/sha1.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c67b9b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/apps/ide/src/sha1.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+// ============================================================================
+// D5-implementation of "US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)" (RFC3174)
+// Copyright (c) 2001, Juergen Haible.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// ============================================================================
+Update by F. Piette for ICS (
+Jan 10, 2004 Defined uint32_t as Cardinal instead of LongInt
+unit Sha1; // "US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)" (RFC3174)
+ Based on the reference implementation in RFC 3174
+uses SysUtils, Classes;
+ shaSuccess = 0;
+ shaNull = 1;
+ shaInputTooLong = 2;
+ shaStateError = 3;
+ SHA1HashSize = 20;
+ uint32_t = Cardinal; // unsigned 32 bit integer
+ uint8_t = Byte; // unsigned 8 bit integer (i.e., unsigned char)
+ int_least16_t = LongInt; // integer of >= 16 bits
+ SHA1Digest = array[0..SHA1HashSize-1] of Char;
+ SHA1DigestString = AnsiString; // string containing 20 chars
+ // This structure will hold context information for the SHA-1
+ // hashing operation
+ SHA1Context = record
+ Intermediate_Hash: array[0..SHA1HashSize div 4-1] of uint32_t; // Message Digest
+ Length_Low : uint32_t; // Message length in bits
+ Length_High: uint32_t; // Message length in bits
+ Message_Block_Index: int_least16_t; // Index into message block array
+ Message_Block: array[0..63] of uint8_t; // 512-bit message blocks
+ Computed: Integer; // Is the digest computed?
+ Corrupted: Integer; // Is the message digest corrupted?
+ end;
+function SHA1Reset ( var context : SHA1Context ): Integer;
+function SHA1Input ( var context : SHA1Context;
+ message_array : PChar;
+ length : Cardinal ): Integer;
+function SHA1Result( var context : SHA1Context;
+ var Message_Digest: SHA1Digest ): Integer;
+function SHA1ofStr ( const s: String ): SHA1DigestString;
+function SHA1ofBuf ( const buf; buflen: Integer ): SHA1DigestString;
+function SHA1ofStream( const strm: TStream ): SHA1DigestString;
+function SHA1toHex( const digest: SHA1DigestString ): String;
+procedure HMAC_SHA1( const Data; DataLen: Integer;
+ const Key; KeyLen : Integer;
+ out Digest : SHA1Digest );
+function HMAC_SHA1_EX( const Data: String;
+ const Key : String ): String; //overload;
+// Define the SHA1 circular left shift macro
+function SHA1CircularShift( const bits, word: uint32_t ): uint32_t;
+ Result := (((word) shl (bits)) or ((word) shr (32-(bits))));
+// This function will process the next 512 bits of the message
+// stored in the Message_Block array.
+procedure SHA1ProcessMessageBlock( var context: SHA1Context );
+const K: array[0..3] of uint32_t = ( //* Constants defined in SHA-1 */
+ $5A827999,
+ $6ED9EBA1,
+ $8F1BBCDC,
+ $CA62C1D6
+ );
+ t: Integer; //* Loop counter */
+ temp: uint32_t; //* Temporary word value */
+ W: array[0..79] of uint32_t; //* Word sequence */
+ A, B, C, D, E: uint32_t; //* Word buffers */
+ // Initialize the first 16 words in the array W
+ for t := 0 to 15 do begin
+ W[t] := context.Message_Block[t * 4 ] shl 24
+ or context.Message_Block[t * 4 + 1] shl 16
+ or context.Message_Block[t * 4 + 2] shl 8
+ or context.Message_Block[t * 4 + 3];
+ end;
+ for t := 16 to 79 do begin
+ W[t] := SHA1CircularShift(1,W[t-3] xor W[t-8] xor W[t-14] xor W[t-16]);
+ end;
+ A := context.Intermediate_Hash[0];
+ B := context.Intermediate_Hash[1];
+ C := context.Intermediate_Hash[2];
+ D := context.Intermediate_Hash[3];
+ E := context.Intermediate_Hash[4];
+ for t := 0 to 19 do begin
+ temp := SHA1CircularShift(5,A) +
+ ((B and C) or ((not B) and D)) + E + W[t] + K[0];
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := SHA1CircularShift(30,B);
+ B := A;
+ A := temp;
+ end;
+ for t := 20 to 39 do begin
+ temp := SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + (B xor C xor D) + E + W[t] + K[1];
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := SHA1CircularShift(30,B);
+ B := A;
+ A := temp;
+ end;
+ for t := 40 to 59 do begin
+ temp := SHA1CircularShift(5,A) +
+ ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + E + W[t] + K[2];
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := SHA1CircularShift(30,B);
+ B := A;
+ A := temp;
+ end;
+ for t := 60 to 79 do begin
+ temp := SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + (B xor C xor D) + E + W[t] + K[3];
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := SHA1CircularShift(30,B);
+ B := A;
+ A := temp;
+ end;
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[0], A );
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[1], B );
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[2], C );
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[3], D );
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[4], E );
+ context.Message_Block_Index := 0;
+// According to the standard, the message must be padded to an even
+// 512 bits. The first padding bit must be a '1'. The last 64
+// bits represent the length of the original message. All bits in
+// between should be 0. This function will pad the message
+// according to those rules by filling the Message_Block array
+// accordingly. It will also call the ProcessMessageBlock function
+// provided appropriately. When it returns, it can be assumed that
+// the message digest has been computed.
+procedure SHA1PadMessage( var context: SHA1Context );
+ (*
+ * Check to see if the current message block is too small to hold
+ * the initial padding bits and length. If so, we will pad the
+ * block, process it, and then continue padding into a second
+ * block.
+ *)
+ if (context.Message_Block_Index > 55) then begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := $80;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ while (context.Message_Block_Index < 64) do begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := 0;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ end;
+ SHA1ProcessMessageBlock( context );
+ while (context.Message_Block_Index < 56) do begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := 0;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := $80;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ while (context.Message_Block_Index < 56) do begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := 0;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Store the message length as the last 8 octets
+ context.Message_Block[56] := context.Length_High shr 24;
+ context.Message_Block[57] := context.Length_High shr 16;
+ context.Message_Block[58] := context.Length_High shr 8;
+ context.Message_Block[59] := context.Length_High;
+ context.Message_Block[60] := context.Length_Low shr 24;
+ context.Message_Block[61] := context.Length_Low shr 16;
+ context.Message_Block[62] := context.Length_Low shr 8;
+ context.Message_Block[63] := context.Length_Low;
+ SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(context);
+// This function will initialize the SHA1Context in preparation
+// for computing a new SHA1 message digest.
+function SHA1Reset( var context: SHA1Context ): Integer;
+ // if (context=0) then begin Result:=shaNull; exit end;
+ context.Length_Low := 0;
+ context.Length_High := 0;
+ context.Message_Block_Index := 0;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[0] := $67452301;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[1] := $EFCDAB89;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[2] := $98BADCFE;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[3] := $10325476;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[4] := $C3D2E1F0;
+ context.Computed := 0;
+ context.Corrupted := 0;
+ Result := shaSuccess;
+// This function will return the 160-bit message digest into the
+// Message_Digest array provided by the caller.
+function SHA1Result( var context: SHA1Context;
+ var Message_Digest: SHA1Digest ): Integer;
+var i: Integer;
+ // if (!context || !Message_Digest) then begin Result:=shaNull; exit end;
+ if (context.Corrupted<>0) then begin Result:=context.Corrupted; exit end;
+ if (context.Computed=0) then begin
+ SHA1PadMessage( context );
+ for i:=0 to 63 do begin
+ //* message may be sensitive, clear it out */
+ context.Message_Block[i] := 0;
+ end;
+ context.Length_Low := 0; //* and clear length */
+ context.Length_High := 0;
+ context.Computed := 1;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to SHA1HashSize-1 do begin
+ Message_Digest[i] := chr( context.Intermediate_Hash[i shr 2]
+ shr ( 8 * ( 3 - ( uint32_t(i) and $03 ) ) ) );
+ end;
+ Result := shaSuccess;
+// This function accepts an array of octets as the next portion
+// of the message.
+function SHA1Input( var context: SHA1Context;
+ message_array: PChar;
+ length: Cardinal ): Integer;
+ if (length=0) then begin Result:=shaSuccess; exit end;
+ // if (!context || !message_array) then begin Result:=shaNull; exit end;
+ if (message_array=nil) then begin Result:=shaNull; exit end;
+ if (context.Computed<>0) then begin
+ context.Corrupted := shaStateError;
+ Result := shaStateError;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (context.Corrupted<>0) then begin
+ Result := context.Corrupted;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ while (length>0) and (context.Corrupted=0) do begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := (ord(message_array^) and $FF);
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ inc( context.Length_Low, 8 );
+ if (context.Length_Low = 0) then begin
+ inc( context.Length_High );
+ if (context.Length_High = 0) then begin
+ // Message is too long
+ context.Corrupted := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (context.Message_Block_Index = 64) then begin
+ SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(context);
+ end;
+ inc( message_array );
+ dec( length );
+ end;
+ Result := shaSuccess;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// returns SHA1 digest of given string
+function SHA1ofStr( const s: String ): SHA1DigestString;
+var context: SHA1Context;
+ digest : SHA1Digest;
+ SHA1Reset ( context);
+ SHA1Input ( context, PChar( @s[1] ), length(s) );
+ SHA1Result( context, digest );
+ SetLength( Result, sizeof(digest) );
+ Move( digest, Result[1], sizeof(digest) );
+// returns SHA1 digest of given buffer
+function SHA1ofBuf( const buf; buflen: Integer ): SHA1DigestString;
+var context: SHA1Context;
+ digest : SHA1Digest;
+ SHA1Reset ( context);
+ SHA1Input ( context, PChar( buf ), buflen );
+ SHA1Result( context, digest );
+ SetLength( Result, sizeof(digest) );
+ Move( digest, Result[1], sizeof(digest) );
+// returns SHA1 digest of given stream
+function SHA1ofStream( const strm: TStream ): SHA1DigestString;
+var context: SHA1Context;
+ digest : SHA1Digest;
+ buf: array[0..4095] of char;
+ buflen: Integer;
+ SHA1Reset ( context);
+ strm.Position := 0;
+ repeat
+ buflen := strm.Read( buf[0], 4096 );
+ if buflen>0 then SHA1Input ( context, buf, buflen );
+ until buflen<4096;
+ SHA1Result( context, digest );
+ SetLength( Result, sizeof(digest) );
+ Move( digest, Result[1], sizeof(digest) );
+// converts SHA1 digest into a hex-string
+function SHA1toHex( const digest: SHA1DigestString ): String;
+var i: Integer;
+ Result := '';
+ for i:=1 to length(digest) do Result := Result + inttohex( ord( digest[i] ), 2 );
+ Result := LowerCase( Result );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Keyed SHA1 (HMAC-SHA1), RFC 2104
+procedure HMAC_SHA1( const Data; DataLen: Integer;
+ const Key; KeyLen : Integer;
+ out Digest : SHA1Digest );
+var k_ipad, k_opad: array[0..64] of Byte;
+ Context: SHA1Context;
+ i : Integer;
+ // clear pads
+ FillChar( k_ipad, sizeof(k_ipad), 0 );
+ FillChar( k_opad, sizeof(k_ipad), 0 );
+ if KeyLen > 64 then begin
+ // if key is longer than 64 bytes reset it to key=SHA1(key)
+ SHA1Reset ( Context);
+ SHA1Input ( Context, PChar(@Key), KeyLen );
+ SHA1Result( Context, Digest );
+ // store key in pads
+ Move( Digest, k_ipad, SHA1HashSize );
+ Move( Digest, k_opad, SHA1HashSize );
+ end else begin
+ // store key in pads
+ Move( Key, k_ipad, KeyLen );
+ Move( Key, k_opad, KeyLen );
+ end;
+ // XOR key with ipad and opad values
+ for i:=0 to 63 do begin
+ k_ipad[i] := k_ipad[i] xor $36;
+ k_opad[i] := k_opad[i] xor $5c;
+ end;
+ // perform inner SHA1
+ SHA1Reset ( Context );
+ SHA1Input ( Context, PChar(@k_ipad[0]), 64 );
+ SHA1Input ( Context, PChar(@Data), DataLen );
+ SHA1Result( Context, Digest );
+ // perform outer SHA1
+ SHA1Reset ( Context );
+ SHA1Input ( Context, PChar(@k_opad[0]), 64 );
+ SHA1Input ( Context, Digest, SHA1HashSize );
+ SHA1Result( Context, Digest );
+function HMAC_SHA1_EX( const Data: String;
+ const Key : String ): String;
+var Digest: SHA1Digest;
+ HMAC_SHA1( Data[1], length(Data), Key[1], length(Key), Digest );
+ SetLength( Result, SHA1HashSize );
+ Move( digest[0], Result[1], SHA1HashSize );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SHA1 test suit:
+procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+const TEST1 = 'abc';
+ TEST2a = 'abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhi';
+ TEST2b = 'jkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq';
+ TEST2 = TEST2a + TEST2b;
+ TEST3 = 'a';
+ TEST4a = '01234567012345670123456701234567';
+ TEST4b = '01234567012345670123456701234567';
+ TEST4 = TEST4a + TEST4b;
+ testarray: array[0..3] of String = ( TEST1, TEST2, TEST3, TEST4 );
+ repeatcount: array[0..3] of Integer = ( 1, 1, 1000000, 10 );
+ resultarray: array [0..3] of String = (
+ 'A9 99 3E 36 47 06 81 6A BA 3E 25 71 78 50 C2 6C 9C D0 D8 9D',
+ '84 98 3E 44 1C 3B D2 6E BA AE 4A A1 F9 51 29 E5 E5 46 70 F1',
+ '34 AA 97 3C D4 C4 DA A4 F6 1E EB 2B DB AD 27 31 65 34 01 6F',
+ 'DE A3 56 A2 CD DD 90 C7 A7 EC ED C5 EB B5 63 93 4F 46 04 52' );
+var sha: SHA1Context;
+ i, j, err: Integer;
+ Message_Digest: SHA1Digest;
+ s: String;
+ for j := 0 to 3 do begin
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( Format( 'Test %d: %d, "%s"',
+ [ j+1, repeatcount[j], testarray[j] ] ) );
+ err := SHA1Reset(sha);
+ if (err<>0) then begin
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( Format( 'SHA1Reset Error %d.', [err] ) );
+ break; //* out of for j loop */
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to repeatcount[j]-1 do begin
+ err := SHA1Input( sha, @testarray[j][1], length(testarray[j]) );
+ if (err<>0) then begin
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( Format('SHA1Input Error %d.', [err] ) );
+ break; //* out of for i loop */
+ end;
+ end;
+ err := SHA1Result(sha, Message_Digest);
+ if (err<>0) then begin
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( Format(
+ 'SHA1Result Error %d, could not compute message digest.', [err] ) );
+ end else begin
+ s := '';
+ for i := 0 to 19 do begin
+ s := s + Format('%02X ', [ ord(Message_Digest[i]) ] );
+ end;
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( 'Result: ' + s );
+ end;
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( 'Wanted: ' + Format('%s', [resultarray[j]] ) );
+ end;
+HMAC-SHA1 test suite of RFC 2202:
+procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);