path: root/examples/apps/ide/src/sha1.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/apps/ide/src/sha1.pas')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/apps/ide/src/sha1.pas b/examples/apps/ide/src/sha1.pas
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index 00000000..c67b9b41
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+++ b/examples/apps/ide/src/sha1.pas
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+// ============================================================================
+// D5-implementation of "US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)" (RFC3174)
+// Copyright (c) 2001, Juergen Haible.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// ============================================================================
+Update by F. Piette for ICS (
+Jan 10, 2004 Defined uint32_t as Cardinal instead of LongInt
+unit Sha1; // "US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)" (RFC3174)
+ Based on the reference implementation in RFC 3174
+uses SysUtils, Classes;
+ shaSuccess = 0;
+ shaNull = 1;
+ shaInputTooLong = 2;
+ shaStateError = 3;
+ SHA1HashSize = 20;
+ uint32_t = Cardinal; // unsigned 32 bit integer
+ uint8_t = Byte; // unsigned 8 bit integer (i.e., unsigned char)
+ int_least16_t = LongInt; // integer of >= 16 bits
+ SHA1Digest = array[0..SHA1HashSize-1] of Char;
+ SHA1DigestString = AnsiString; // string containing 20 chars
+ // This structure will hold context information for the SHA-1
+ // hashing operation
+ SHA1Context = record
+ Intermediate_Hash: array[0..SHA1HashSize div 4-1] of uint32_t; // Message Digest
+ Length_Low : uint32_t; // Message length in bits
+ Length_High: uint32_t; // Message length in bits
+ Message_Block_Index: int_least16_t; // Index into message block array
+ Message_Block: array[0..63] of uint8_t; // 512-bit message blocks
+ Computed: Integer; // Is the digest computed?
+ Corrupted: Integer; // Is the message digest corrupted?
+ end;
+function SHA1Reset ( var context : SHA1Context ): Integer;
+function SHA1Input ( var context : SHA1Context;
+ message_array : PChar;
+ length : Cardinal ): Integer;
+function SHA1Result( var context : SHA1Context;
+ var Message_Digest: SHA1Digest ): Integer;
+function SHA1ofStr ( const s: String ): SHA1DigestString;
+function SHA1ofBuf ( const buf; buflen: Integer ): SHA1DigestString;
+function SHA1ofStream( const strm: TStream ): SHA1DigestString;
+function SHA1toHex( const digest: SHA1DigestString ): String;
+procedure HMAC_SHA1( const Data; DataLen: Integer;
+ const Key; KeyLen : Integer;
+ out Digest : SHA1Digest );
+function HMAC_SHA1_EX( const Data: String;
+ const Key : String ): String; //overload;
+// Define the SHA1 circular left shift macro
+function SHA1CircularShift( const bits, word: uint32_t ): uint32_t;
+ Result := (((word) shl (bits)) or ((word) shr (32-(bits))));
+// This function will process the next 512 bits of the message
+// stored in the Message_Block array.
+procedure SHA1ProcessMessageBlock( var context: SHA1Context );
+const K: array[0..3] of uint32_t = ( //* Constants defined in SHA-1 */
+ $5A827999,
+ $6ED9EBA1,
+ $8F1BBCDC,
+ $CA62C1D6
+ );
+ t: Integer; //* Loop counter */
+ temp: uint32_t; //* Temporary word value */
+ W: array[0..79] of uint32_t; //* Word sequence */
+ A, B, C, D, E: uint32_t; //* Word buffers */
+ // Initialize the first 16 words in the array W
+ for t := 0 to 15 do begin
+ W[t] := context.Message_Block[t * 4 ] shl 24
+ or context.Message_Block[t * 4 + 1] shl 16
+ or context.Message_Block[t * 4 + 2] shl 8
+ or context.Message_Block[t * 4 + 3];
+ end;
+ for t := 16 to 79 do begin
+ W[t] := SHA1CircularShift(1,W[t-3] xor W[t-8] xor W[t-14] xor W[t-16]);
+ end;
+ A := context.Intermediate_Hash[0];
+ B := context.Intermediate_Hash[1];
+ C := context.Intermediate_Hash[2];
+ D := context.Intermediate_Hash[3];
+ E := context.Intermediate_Hash[4];
+ for t := 0 to 19 do begin
+ temp := SHA1CircularShift(5,A) +
+ ((B and C) or ((not B) and D)) + E + W[t] + K[0];
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := SHA1CircularShift(30,B);
+ B := A;
+ A := temp;
+ end;
+ for t := 20 to 39 do begin
+ temp := SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + (B xor C xor D) + E + W[t] + K[1];
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := SHA1CircularShift(30,B);
+ B := A;
+ A := temp;
+ end;
+ for t := 40 to 59 do begin
+ temp := SHA1CircularShift(5,A) +
+ ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + E + W[t] + K[2];
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := SHA1CircularShift(30,B);
+ B := A;
+ A := temp;
+ end;
+ for t := 60 to 79 do begin
+ temp := SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + (B xor C xor D) + E + W[t] + K[3];
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := SHA1CircularShift(30,B);
+ B := A;
+ A := temp;
+ end;
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[0], A );
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[1], B );
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[2], C );
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[3], D );
+ inc( context.Intermediate_Hash[4], E );
+ context.Message_Block_Index := 0;
+// According to the standard, the message must be padded to an even
+// 512 bits. The first padding bit must be a '1'. The last 64
+// bits represent the length of the original message. All bits in
+// between should be 0. This function will pad the message
+// according to those rules by filling the Message_Block array
+// accordingly. It will also call the ProcessMessageBlock function
+// provided appropriately. When it returns, it can be assumed that
+// the message digest has been computed.
+procedure SHA1PadMessage( var context: SHA1Context );
+ (*
+ * Check to see if the current message block is too small to hold
+ * the initial padding bits and length. If so, we will pad the
+ * block, process it, and then continue padding into a second
+ * block.
+ *)
+ if (context.Message_Block_Index > 55) then begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := $80;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ while (context.Message_Block_Index < 64) do begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := 0;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ end;
+ SHA1ProcessMessageBlock( context );
+ while (context.Message_Block_Index < 56) do begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := 0;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := $80;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ while (context.Message_Block_Index < 56) do begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := 0;
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Store the message length as the last 8 octets
+ context.Message_Block[56] := context.Length_High shr 24;
+ context.Message_Block[57] := context.Length_High shr 16;
+ context.Message_Block[58] := context.Length_High shr 8;
+ context.Message_Block[59] := context.Length_High;
+ context.Message_Block[60] := context.Length_Low shr 24;
+ context.Message_Block[61] := context.Length_Low shr 16;
+ context.Message_Block[62] := context.Length_Low shr 8;
+ context.Message_Block[63] := context.Length_Low;
+ SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(context);
+// This function will initialize the SHA1Context in preparation
+// for computing a new SHA1 message digest.
+function SHA1Reset( var context: SHA1Context ): Integer;
+ // if (context=0) then begin Result:=shaNull; exit end;
+ context.Length_Low := 0;
+ context.Length_High := 0;
+ context.Message_Block_Index := 0;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[0] := $67452301;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[1] := $EFCDAB89;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[2] := $98BADCFE;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[3] := $10325476;
+ context.Intermediate_Hash[4] := $C3D2E1F0;
+ context.Computed := 0;
+ context.Corrupted := 0;
+ Result := shaSuccess;
+// This function will return the 160-bit message digest into the
+// Message_Digest array provided by the caller.
+function SHA1Result( var context: SHA1Context;
+ var Message_Digest: SHA1Digest ): Integer;
+var i: Integer;
+ // if (!context || !Message_Digest) then begin Result:=shaNull; exit end;
+ if (context.Corrupted<>0) then begin Result:=context.Corrupted; exit end;
+ if (context.Computed=0) then begin
+ SHA1PadMessage( context );
+ for i:=0 to 63 do begin
+ //* message may be sensitive, clear it out */
+ context.Message_Block[i] := 0;
+ end;
+ context.Length_Low := 0; //* and clear length */
+ context.Length_High := 0;
+ context.Computed := 1;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to SHA1HashSize-1 do begin
+ Message_Digest[i] := chr( context.Intermediate_Hash[i shr 2]
+ shr ( 8 * ( 3 - ( uint32_t(i) and $03 ) ) ) );
+ end;
+ Result := shaSuccess;
+// This function accepts an array of octets as the next portion
+// of the message.
+function SHA1Input( var context: SHA1Context;
+ message_array: PChar;
+ length: Cardinal ): Integer;
+ if (length=0) then begin Result:=shaSuccess; exit end;
+ // if (!context || !message_array) then begin Result:=shaNull; exit end;
+ if (message_array=nil) then begin Result:=shaNull; exit end;
+ if (context.Computed<>0) then begin
+ context.Corrupted := shaStateError;
+ Result := shaStateError;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (context.Corrupted<>0) then begin
+ Result := context.Corrupted;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ while (length>0) and (context.Corrupted=0) do begin
+ context.Message_Block[context.Message_Block_Index] := (ord(message_array^) and $FF);
+ inc( context.Message_Block_Index );
+ inc( context.Length_Low, 8 );
+ if (context.Length_Low = 0) then begin
+ inc( context.Length_High );
+ if (context.Length_High = 0) then begin
+ // Message is too long
+ context.Corrupted := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (context.Message_Block_Index = 64) then begin
+ SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(context);
+ end;
+ inc( message_array );
+ dec( length );
+ end;
+ Result := shaSuccess;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// returns SHA1 digest of given string
+function SHA1ofStr( const s: String ): SHA1DigestString;
+var context: SHA1Context;
+ digest : SHA1Digest;
+ SHA1Reset ( context);
+ SHA1Input ( context, PChar( @s[1] ), length(s) );
+ SHA1Result( context, digest );
+ SetLength( Result, sizeof(digest) );
+ Move( digest, Result[1], sizeof(digest) );
+// returns SHA1 digest of given buffer
+function SHA1ofBuf( const buf; buflen: Integer ): SHA1DigestString;
+var context: SHA1Context;
+ digest : SHA1Digest;
+ SHA1Reset ( context);
+ SHA1Input ( context, PChar( buf ), buflen );
+ SHA1Result( context, digest );
+ SetLength( Result, sizeof(digest) );
+ Move( digest, Result[1], sizeof(digest) );
+// returns SHA1 digest of given stream
+function SHA1ofStream( const strm: TStream ): SHA1DigestString;
+var context: SHA1Context;
+ digest : SHA1Digest;
+ buf: array[0..4095] of char;
+ buflen: Integer;
+ SHA1Reset ( context);
+ strm.Position := 0;
+ repeat
+ buflen := strm.Read( buf[0], 4096 );
+ if buflen>0 then SHA1Input ( context, buf, buflen );
+ until buflen<4096;
+ SHA1Result( context, digest );
+ SetLength( Result, sizeof(digest) );
+ Move( digest, Result[1], sizeof(digest) );
+// converts SHA1 digest into a hex-string
+function SHA1toHex( const digest: SHA1DigestString ): String;
+var i: Integer;
+ Result := '';
+ for i:=1 to length(digest) do Result := Result + inttohex( ord( digest[i] ), 2 );
+ Result := LowerCase( Result );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Keyed SHA1 (HMAC-SHA1), RFC 2104
+procedure HMAC_SHA1( const Data; DataLen: Integer;
+ const Key; KeyLen : Integer;
+ out Digest : SHA1Digest );
+var k_ipad, k_opad: array[0..64] of Byte;
+ Context: SHA1Context;
+ i : Integer;
+ // clear pads
+ FillChar( k_ipad, sizeof(k_ipad), 0 );
+ FillChar( k_opad, sizeof(k_ipad), 0 );
+ if KeyLen > 64 then begin
+ // if key is longer than 64 bytes reset it to key=SHA1(key)
+ SHA1Reset ( Context);
+ SHA1Input ( Context, PChar(@Key), KeyLen );
+ SHA1Result( Context, Digest );
+ // store key in pads
+ Move( Digest, k_ipad, SHA1HashSize );
+ Move( Digest, k_opad, SHA1HashSize );
+ end else begin
+ // store key in pads
+ Move( Key, k_ipad, KeyLen );
+ Move( Key, k_opad, KeyLen );
+ end;
+ // XOR key with ipad and opad values
+ for i:=0 to 63 do begin
+ k_ipad[i] := k_ipad[i] xor $36;
+ k_opad[i] := k_opad[i] xor $5c;
+ end;
+ // perform inner SHA1
+ SHA1Reset ( Context );
+ SHA1Input ( Context, PChar(@k_ipad[0]), 64 );
+ SHA1Input ( Context, PChar(@Data), DataLen );
+ SHA1Result( Context, Digest );
+ // perform outer SHA1
+ SHA1Reset ( Context );
+ SHA1Input ( Context, PChar(@k_opad[0]), 64 );
+ SHA1Input ( Context, Digest, SHA1HashSize );
+ SHA1Result( Context, Digest );
+function HMAC_SHA1_EX( const Data: String;
+ const Key : String ): String;
+var Digest: SHA1Digest;
+ HMAC_SHA1( Data[1], length(Data), Key[1], length(Key), Digest );
+ SetLength( Result, SHA1HashSize );
+ Move( digest[0], Result[1], SHA1HashSize );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+SHA1 test suit:
+procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+const TEST1 = 'abc';
+ TEST2a = 'abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhi';
+ TEST2b = 'jkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq';
+ TEST2 = TEST2a + TEST2b;
+ TEST3 = 'a';
+ TEST4a = '01234567012345670123456701234567';
+ TEST4b = '01234567012345670123456701234567';
+ TEST4 = TEST4a + TEST4b;
+ testarray: array[0..3] of String = ( TEST1, TEST2, TEST3, TEST4 );
+ repeatcount: array[0..3] of Integer = ( 1, 1, 1000000, 10 );
+ resultarray: array [0..3] of String = (
+ 'A9 99 3E 36 47 06 81 6A BA 3E 25 71 78 50 C2 6C 9C D0 D8 9D',
+ '84 98 3E 44 1C 3B D2 6E BA AE 4A A1 F9 51 29 E5 E5 46 70 F1',
+ '34 AA 97 3C D4 C4 DA A4 F6 1E EB 2B DB AD 27 31 65 34 01 6F',
+ 'DE A3 56 A2 CD DD 90 C7 A7 EC ED C5 EB B5 63 93 4F 46 04 52' );
+var sha: SHA1Context;
+ i, j, err: Integer;
+ Message_Digest: SHA1Digest;
+ s: String;
+ for j := 0 to 3 do begin
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( Format( 'Test %d: %d, "%s"',
+ [ j+1, repeatcount[j], testarray[j] ] ) );
+ err := SHA1Reset(sha);
+ if (err<>0) then begin
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( Format( 'SHA1Reset Error %d.', [err] ) );
+ break; //* out of for j loop */
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to repeatcount[j]-1 do begin
+ err := SHA1Input( sha, @testarray[j][1], length(testarray[j]) );
+ if (err<>0) then begin
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( Format('SHA1Input Error %d.', [err] ) );
+ break; //* out of for i loop */
+ end;
+ end;
+ err := SHA1Result(sha, Message_Digest);
+ if (err<>0) then begin
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( Format(
+ 'SHA1Result Error %d, could not compute message digest.', [err] ) );
+ end else begin
+ s := '';
+ for i := 0 to 19 do begin
+ s := s + Format('%02X ', [ ord(Message_Digest[i]) ] );
+ end;
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( 'Result: ' + s );
+ end;
+ ListBox1.Items.Add( 'Wanted: ' + Format('%s', [resultarray[j]] ) );
+ end;
+HMAC-SHA1 test suite of RFC 2202:
+procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);