path: root/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_')
4 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/ b/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..637d5e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+\include ""
+#(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t)
+\include ""
+\include ""
+#(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #f)
+\version "2.19.83"
+\header {
+ tagline = ""
+\paper {
+ top-margin = 5
+ print-all-headers = ##t
+\score {
+ \header {
+ title = "Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele"
+ poet = "Text: Psalm 103, 1-5"
+ composer = "Musik: Eduard August Grell (1800-1886)"
+ arranger = "Bearbeitung: Klaus Heizmann"
+ }
+ <<
+ \set Score.skipBars = ##t
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = oberstimme { \global \oneVoice \oberstimmeMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics = sopranText { }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \new Voice = frauen { \global \oneVoice \frauenPausen }
+ \new Voice = sopran { \global \voiceOne \sopranMelodie }
+ \new Voice = alt { \global \voiceTwo \altMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics = altText { }
+ \new Lyrics = tenorText { }
+ \new Staff <<
+ \clef "bass"
+ \new Voice = maenner { \global \oneVoice \maennerPausen }
+ \new Voice = tenor { \global \voiceOne \tenorMelodie }
+ \new Voice = bass { \global \voiceTwo \bassMelodie }
+ >>
+ \new Lyrics = bassText { }
+ \context Lyrics = sopranText \lyricsto sopran \sopranText
+ \context Lyrics = altText \lyricsto alt \altText
+ \context Lyrics = tenorText \lyricsto tenor \tenorText
+ \context Lyrics = bassText \lyricsto bass \bassText
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ indent = #0
+ }
diff --git a/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/Makefile b/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..300cdb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+CURDOC=$(shell basename "$(CURDIR)")
+ifeq ($(FUER),ewe)
+ SPEZIFISCH=\#(set! paper-alist (cons '(\"kindle\" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 130 mm))) paper-alist))\n\#(set-default-paper-size \"kindle\")
+ # \#(set-global-staff-size 14)
+all: $(CURDOC).pdf
+ pkill -SIGHUP -xf 'mupdf(-x11)? (.*/)?$<' || true
+ rm -f *.pre
+Clean: clean
+ rm -f *.pdf *.midi
+ sed "s@%spezifisch%@$(SPEZIFISCH)@" "$<" > "$@"
+%.pdf: %.pre *.ly
+ lilypond $<
diff --git a/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/ b/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d5f469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+\version "2.12"
+global = {
+ \key f \major
+ %\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
+ \time 3/4
+ \autoBeamOff
+% Die Stimmen
+oberstimmeMelodie = \relative f'' {
+ f4( g a |
+ b a g |
+ a2 f4~ |
+ f) r2 |
+ R2.*2 |
+ f4( g a |
+ b2.) |
+ g4( f g |
+ a2.) |
+ d,4( b' a |
+ g f e |
+ f2.~ |
+ f) | \bar "||"
+ R2.*2 |
+ f4( g a |
+ c b a |
+ g2 f4 |
+ c) r8 c[( g' c] |
+ a4. b8 g[ a] |
+ f2.~ |
+ f2) r4 |
+ R2. |
+ c8[( f) f( a) a( c)] |
+ g2 r4 |
+ R2.*2 |
+ f4(^\mf g a |
+ c b a |
+ g4. a8 g[ f] |
+ e2) r4 |
+ a4.( b8 g[ a] |
+ a2) r4 |
+ R2. |
+ b4^\f c d |
+ f4.( e8) d4 |
+ c2. |
+ R2.*3 |
+ r2 a4^\mf |
+ g4. g8 f[( e]) |
+ f4 g a |
+ c2( h4) |
+ c2 r4 |
+ R2.*6 |
+ f,4(^\mf g a |
+ c b a |
+ g2 f4 |
+ g) r8 g[-. g( c)] |
+ a4.( b8) g[( a]) |
+ f2 r4 |
+ r2 f,4( |
+ b c d8[ e] |
+ f4 g a8[ b] |
+ c2.~ | \bar "||" \time 4/4
+ c2) r |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ R1*4 |
+ r4 a8[(^\f f]) f[( c) c( d16 e]) |
+ \tuplet 3/2 { f4( c) f-. } \tuplet 3/2 { a4( f) a-. } |
+ c1~^\markup { tr } |
+ c~ |
+ c2.^\> r4^\! |
+ R1 |
+ r2. f,4(^\mf |
+ b8 a g f] e4 f8[ g] |
+ f2.) c4 |
+ b8[( c16 d] e[ f g a]) b8[( g) g( d']) |
+ c2 c |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ c1^\prall |
+ }
+ {
+ c2^\prall r |
+ }
+ }
+ R1 |
+ r2 c4^\f f |
+ e4.( d8) c4( g8[ a16 b]) |
+ a2.\breathe a,4( |
+ b8[ a16 b c8 d] e[ d16 e f8 g] |
+ a2^\markup { tr } \grace { g16[ a] } b2^\markup { tr } |
+ \grace { a16[ b] } c1~^\markup { tr } |
+ c) |
+ R1 |
+ c,8[( f) f( c']) c4( f,) |
+ d'(^\markup { rit. } b) f( b) |
+ c1^\fermata | \bar "|."
+frauenPausen = {
+ s2.*14 | \bar "||"
+ s2.*11 |
+ s2 r4 |
+ s2.*23 |
+ s2 r4 |
+ s2.*12 | \bar "||" \time 4/4
+ s2 r |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ r4 s2. |
+ s1*3 |
+ r4 s2. |
+ s1*10 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ }
+ s1*12 | \bar "|."
+maennerPausen = {
+ s2.*14 | \bar "||"
+ s2.*7 |
+ s2 r4 |
+ r s2 |
+ s2.*2 |
+ s2 r4 |
+ s2.*7 |
+ s2 r4 |
+ s2.*15 |
+ s2 r4 |
+ s2.*12 | \bar "||" \time 4/4
+ s2 r |
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ r4 s2. |
+ s1*3 |
+ r4 s2. |
+ s1*10 |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ {
+ s1 |
+ }
+ }
+ s1*12 | \bar "|."
+sopranMelodie = \relative f' {
+ f4 g a |
+ b a g | \oneVoice
+ <f a>2 f4 |
+ <f a> <g b> <a c> | \voiceOne
+ d c b | \oneVoice
+ <f c'>2 <d f>4 |
+ <d f> <e g> <f a> | \voiceOne
+ d b' a |
+ g f \oneVoice <e g> |
+ <f a>2. | \voiceOne
+ d4 b' a |
+ g f \oneVoice <c e> |
+ <c f>2.~ |
+ <c f> | \bar "||" \voiceOne
+ f4 g a |
+ b a g |
+ a2. |
+ f4\breathe f f |
+ b2 a4 g\breathe g g |
+ c2 b4 |
+ a2 r4 |
+ r b c d c b |
+altMelodie = \relative f' {
+ f2. |
+ f2 s4 |
+ s2.*2 |
+ f2. |
+ s2.*2 |
+ d2 s4 |
+ d2 s4 |
+ s2. |
+ d |
+ d2 s4 |
+ c2.~ |
+ c | \bar "||"
+ f4 f f |
+ f f f |
+ f2. |
+ f4 f f |
+ e2 f4 |
+ e e e |
+ f2 e4 |
+ f f f |
+ f2.~ |
+ f4 f f |
+tenorMelodie = \relative a {
+ a4 b c |
+ d c b |
+ c2. | \oneVoice
+ c |
+ b4 a g |
+ a g f8[ e] |
+ d2. |
+ b |
+ c |
+ f4 g a |
+ b2. |
+ <b b,>2 <b c,>4~ | \voiceOne
+ b4 g b | \oneVoice
+ <a f>2. | \bar "||" \voiceOne
+ a4 b c |
+ d c b |
+ c2. |
+ a4\breathe d c |
+ c2 c4 |
+ c\breathe c c |
+ c2 c4 c2 s4 |
+ s b a |
+ b c d |
+bassMelodie = \relative f {
+ f2. |
+ f |
+ f4 g a |
+ s2.*9 |
+ f2. |
+ f | \bar "||"
+ f4 f f |
+ f f f |
+ f2. |
+ f4 b a |
+ g2 f4 |
+ c c' b |
+ a2 g4 |
+ f2 s4 |
+ s d c |
+ b a b |
diff --git a/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/ b/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e20787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lobe_den_Herrn_meine_Seele_/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+% Abkürzungen
+% Die Textaufteilungen
+textRefrain = \lyricmode {
+ Lo -- be den Herrn, mei -- ne See -- le, und sei -- nen hei -- li -- gen Na -- men.
+ Was er dir Gu -- tes ge -- tan hat, See -- le ver -- giss es nicht, a -- men.
+ \repeat unfold 2 { Lo -- be, lo -- be den Herrn, lo -- be den Herrn, mei -- ne See -- le. }
+textI = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "1."
+ Der mei -- ne Sün -- den ver -- ge -- ben hat, der mich von Krank -- heit ge -- sund ge -- macht,
+ \set stanza = "1.-4."
+ den will ich prei -- sen mit Psal -- men und Wei -- sen, von Her -- zen ihm e -- wig -- lich sin -- gen:
+textII = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "2."
+ Der mich im Lei -- den ge -- trös -- tet hat, der mei -- nen Mund wie -- der fröh -- lich macht,
+textIII = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "3."
+ Der mich vom To -- de er -- ret -- tet hat, der mich be -- hü -- tet bei Tag und Nacht,
+textIV = \lyricmode {
+ \set stanza = "4."
+ Der Erd und Him -- mel zu -- sam -- men -- hält, un -- ter sein gött -- li -- ches Ja -- wort stellt,
+sopranText = \lyricmode {
+altText = \lyricmode {
+tenorText = \lyricmode {
+bassText = \lyricmode {