path: root/hr/issi/silence/
diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2014-09-10 17:47:07 +0200
committerErich Eckner <>2014-09-10 17:47:07 +0200
commit49d14358c33b7d0ba7e7c381f91943617c7723ea (patch)
treefd55f0d3900d53978587d2228553359f86e69bbe /hr/issi/silence/
parent646f69a657326ca8dd733dfa579a90f89823d677 (diff)
Hauke eingefügt
Diffstat (limited to 'hr/issi/silence/')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hr/issi/silence/ b/hr/issi/silence/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..add6a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hr/issi/silence/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+%some settings% vim: ai sw=2 lbr nu et
+% Abkürzungen
+% Die Textaufteilungen
+ sopranText = \lyrics {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Sopran eintragen+>
+ }
+ altText = \lyrics {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Alt eintragen+>
+ }
+ tenorText = \lyricmode {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Tenor eintragen+>
+ Si -- lence, si -- lence, %si -- lence
+ sounds,
+ si -- lence.
+ Doo doo doo,
+ doo doo,
+ be -- cause a vi -- sion soft -- ly creep -- ing,
+ doo doo doo,
+ left its seeds while I was sleep -- ing,
+ and the vi -- sion,
+ the vi -- sion,
+ in my brain
+ still re -- mains,
+ sound.
+ Hm ba ba ja da hm,
+ ba doo dap,
+ ba ba ja da hm
+ ba,
+ of a street lamp,
+ hm ba,
+ \set ignoreMelismata = ##t
+ to the cold and
+ \unset ignoreMelismata
+ damp.
+ When my
+ eyes were stabbed by the flash of a ne -- on light,
+ that split the night,
+ the night,
+ sound.
+ „Do not know,
+ can -- cer grows.“
+ „Hear my words that I might teach you.“
+ Doo doo doo,
+ „take my arms that I might reach you,
+ might reach you.“
+ But my words,
+ rain -- drops fell,
+ like rain -- drops fell,
+ echo -- ed,
+ wells %of si -- lence.
+ Peo -- ple bowed and prayed,
+ yes, they bowed and prayed
+ to god they made.
+ And the sign flashed its warn -- ing,
+ in the words it was form -- ing.
+ And the sign said:
+ „The words of the pro -- phets are writ -- ten on the sub -- way walls,
+ sub -- way walls.“
+ Sounds,
+ si -- lence,
+ si -- lence,
+ hm.
+ }
+ tenorTextTwo = \lyricmode {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Tenor eintragen+>
+ _ _ _ _ %_ _
+ _
+ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _
+ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _
+ _
+ with -- out spea -- king,
+ %\_ _ = ##_
+ _ _
+ with -- out list’n -- ing.
+ %\_ _
+ Peo -- ple
+ writ -- ing songs, songs that voic -- es _ nev -- er share,
+ and no -- one dared,
+ one dared
+ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _
+ _ _
+ _ %_ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+ _ _ _
+ _
+ _ _
+ _ _
+ _
+ }
+ bassText = \lyrics {
+ %<+hier den Text für den Baß eintragen+>
+ }