path: root/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/tests/unit/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/tests/unit/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTest.php')
1 files changed, 1249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/tests/unit/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTest.php b/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/tests/unit/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f49b489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/tests/unit/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1249 @@
+abstract class Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTest extends \SwiftMailerTestCase
+ /** Abstract test method */
+ abstract protected function _getTransport($buf);
+ public function testStartAccepts220ServiceGreeting()
+ {
+ /* -- RFC 2821, 4.2.
+ Greeting = "220 " Domain [ SP text ] CRLF
+ -- RFC 2822, 4.3.2.
+ S: 220
+ E: 554
+ */
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('initialize')
+ ->once();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(0)
+ ->andReturn("220 some.server.tld bleh\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $this->assertFalse($smtp->isStarted(), '%s: SMTP should begin non-started');
+ $smtp->start();
+ $this->assertTrue($smtp->isStarted(), '%s: start() should have started connection');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->fail('220 is a valid SMTP greeting and should be accepted');
+ }
+ }
+ public function testBadGreetingCausesException()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('initialize')
+ ->once();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(0)
+ ->andReturn("554 I'm busy\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $this->assertFalse($smtp->isStarted(), '%s: SMTP should begin non-started');
+ $smtp->start();
+ $this->fail('554 greeting indicates an error and should cause an exception');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->assertFalse($smtp->isStarted(), '%s: start() should have failed');
+ }
+ }
+ public function testStartSendsHeloToInitiate()
+ {
+ /* -- RFC 2821, 3.2.
+ 3.2 Client Initiation
+ Once the server has sent the welcoming message and the client has
+ received it, the client normally sends the EHLO command to the
+ server, indicating the client's identity. In addition to opening the
+ session, use of EHLO indicates that the client is able to process
+ service extensions and requests that the server provide a list of the
+ extensions it supports. Older SMTP systems which are unable to
+ support service extensions and contemporary clients which do not
+ require service extensions in the mail session being initiated, MAY
+ use HELO instead of EHLO. Servers MUST NOT return the extended
+ EHLO-style response to a HELO command. For a particular connection
+ attempt, if the server returns a "command not recognized" response to
+ EHLO, the client SHOULD be able to fall back and send HELO.
+ In the EHLO command the host sending the command identifies itself;
+ the command may be interpreted as saying "Hello, I am <domain>" (and,
+ in the case of EHLO, "and I support service extension requests").
+ -- RFC 2281,
+ ehlo = "EHLO" SP Domain CRLF
+ helo = "HELO" SP Domain CRLF
+ -- RFC 2821, 4.3.2.
+ S: 250
+ E: 504, 550
+ */
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('initialize')
+ ->once();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(0)
+ ->andReturn("220 some.server.tld bleh\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with('~^HELO .*?\r\n$~D')
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 ServerName'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $smtp->start();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->fail('Starting SMTP should send HELO and accept 250 response');
+ }
+ }
+ public function testInvalidHeloResponseCausesException()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('initialize')
+ ->once();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(0)
+ ->andReturn("220 some.server.tld bleh\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with('~^HELO .*?\r\n$~D')
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('504 WTF'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $this->assertFalse($smtp->isStarted(), '%s: SMTP should begin non-started');
+ $smtp->start();
+ $this->fail('Non 250 HELO response should raise Exception');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->assertFalse($smtp->isStarted(), '%s: SMTP start() should have failed');
+ }
+ }
+ public function testDomainNameIsPlacedInHelo()
+ {
+ /* -- RFC 2821, 4.1.4.
+ The SMTP client MUST, if possible, ensure that the domain parameter
+ to the EHLO command is a valid principal host name (not a CNAME or MX
+ name) for its host. If this is not possible (e.g., when the client's
+ address is dynamically assigned and the client does not have an
+ obvious name), an address literal SHOULD be substituted for the
+ domain name and supplemental information provided that will assist in
+ identifying the client.
+ */
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('initialize')
+ ->once();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(0)
+ ->andReturn("220 some.server.tld bleh\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("HELO\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 ServerName'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->setLocalDomain('');
+ $smtp->start();
+ }
+ public function testSuccessfulMailCommand()
+ {
+ /* -- RFC 2821, 3.3.
+ There are three steps to SMTP mail transactions. The transaction
+ starts with a MAIL command which gives the sender identification.
+ .....
+ The first step in the procedure is the MAIL command.
+ MAIL FROM:<reverse-path> [SP <mail-parameters> ] <CRLF>
+ -- RFC 2821,
+ Syntax:
+ "MAIL FROM:" ("<>" / Reverse-Path)
+ [SP Mail-parameters] CRLF
+ -- RFC 2821, 4.1.2.
+ Reverse-path = Path
+ Forward-path = Path
+ Path = "<" [ A-d-l ":" ] Mailbox ">"
+ A-d-l = At-domain *( "," A-d-l )
+ ; Note that this form, the so-called "source route",
+ ; MUST BE accepted, SHOULD NOT be generated, and SHOULD be
+ ; ignored.
+ At-domain = "@" domain
+ -- RFC 2821, 4.3.2.
+ S: 250
+ E: 552, 451, 452, 550, 553, 503
+ */
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('initialize')
+ ->once();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->fail('MAIL FROM should accept a 250 response');
+ }
+ }
+ public function testInvalidResponseCodeFromMailCausesException()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('553 Bad'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ $this->fail('MAIL FROM should accept a 250 response');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public function testSenderIsPreferredOverFrom()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getSender')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Someone'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ }
+ public function testReturnPathIsPreferredOverSender()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getSender')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Someone'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getReturnPath')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn('');
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ }
+ public function testSuccessfulRcptCommandWith250Response()
+ {
+ /* -- RFC 2821, 3.3.
+ The second step in the procedure is the RCPT command.
+ RCPT TO:<forward-path> [ SP <rcpt-parameters> ] <CRLF>
+ The first or only argument to this command includes a forward-path
+ (normally a mailbox and domain, always surrounded by "<" and ">"
+ brackets) identifying one recipient. If accepted, the SMTP server
+ returns a 250 OK reply and stores the forward-path. If the recipient
+ is known not to be a deliverable address, the SMTP server returns a
+ 550 reply, typically with a string such as "no such user - " and the
+ mailbox name (other circumstances and reply codes are possible).
+ This step of the procedure can be repeated any number of times.
+ -- RFC 2821,
+ This command is used to identify an individual recipient of the mail
+ data; multiple recipients are specified by multiple use of this
+ command. The argument field contains a forward-path and may contain
+ optional parameters.
+ The forward-path normally consists of the required destination
+ mailbox. Sending systems SHOULD not generate the optional list of
+ hosts known as a source route.
+ .......
+ "RCPT TO:" ("<Postmaster@" domain ">" / "<Postmaster>" / Forward-Path)
+ [SP Rcpt-parameters] CRLF
+ -- RFC 2821, 4.2.2.
+ 250 Requested mail action okay, completed
+ 251 User not local; will forward to <forward-path>
+ (See section 3.4)
+ 252 Cannot VRFY user, but will accept message and attempt
+ delivery
+ -- RFC 2821, 4.3.2.
+ S: 250, 251 (but see section 3.4 for discussion of 251 and 551)
+ E: 550, 551, 552, 553, 450, 451, 452, 503, 550
+ */
+ //We'll treat 252 as accepted since it isn't really a failure
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->fail('RCPT TO should accept a 250 response');
+ }
+ }
+ public function testMailFromCommandIsOnlySentOncePerMessage()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->never()
+ ->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ }
+ public function testMultipleRecipientsSendsMultipleRcpt()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array(
+ 'foo@bar' => null,
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<zip@button>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<test@domain>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(3);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(3)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ }
+ public function testCcRecipientsSendsMultipleRcpt()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getCc')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<zip@button>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<test@domain>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(3);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(3)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ }
+ public function testSendReturnsNumberOfSuccessfulRecipients()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getCc')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<zip@button>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn('501 Nobody here'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<test@domain>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(3);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(3)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $smtp->send($message),
+ '%s: 1 of 3 recipients failed so 2 should be returned'
+ );
+ }
+ public function testRsetIsSentIfNoSuccessfulRecipients()
+ {
+ /* --RFC 2821,
+ This command specifies that the current mail transaction will be
+ aborted. Any stored sender, recipients, and mail data MUST be
+ discarded, and all buffers and state tables cleared. The receiver
+ MUST send a "250 OK" reply to a RSET command with no arguments. A
+ reset command may be issued by the client at any time.
+ -- RFC 2821, 4.3.2.
+ S: 250
+ */
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('503 Bad'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RSET\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $smtp->send($message),
+ '%s: 1 of 1 recipients failed so 0 should be returned'
+ );
+ }
+ public function testSuccessfulDataCommand()
+ {
+ /* -- RFC 2821, 3.3.
+ The third step in the procedure is the DATA command (or some
+ alternative specified in a service extension).
+ If accepted, the SMTP server returns a 354 Intermediate reply and
+ considers all succeeding lines up to but not including the end of
+ mail data indicator to be the message text.
+ -- RFC 2821,
+ The receiver normally sends a 354 response to DATA, and then treats
+ the lines (strings ending in <CRLF> sequences, as described in
+ section 2.3.7) following the command as mail data from the sender.
+ This command causes the mail data to be appended to the mail data
+ buffer. The mail data may contain any of the 128 ASCII character
+ codes, although experience has indicated that use of control
+ characters other than SP, HT, CR, and LF may cause problems and
+ SHOULD be avoided when possible.
+ -- RFC 2821, 4.3.2.
+ I: 354 -> data -> S: 250
+ E: 552, 554, 451, 452
+ E: 451, 554, 503
+ */
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("DATA\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('354 Go ahead'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->fail('354 is the expected response to DATA');
+ }
+ }
+ public function testBadDataResponseCausesException()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("DATA\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('451 Bad'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ $this->fail('354 is the expected response to DATA (not observed)');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public function testMessageIsStreamedToBufferForData()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("DATA\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('354 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("\r\n.\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn('250 OK'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ }
+ public function testBadResponseAfterDataTransmissionCausesException()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->once()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("DATA\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn('354 OK'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("\r\n.\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn('554 Error'."\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ try {
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ $this->fail('250 is the expected response after a DATA transmission (not observed)');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public function testBccRecipientsAreRemovedFromHeaders()
+ {
+ /* -- RFC 2821, 7.2.
+ Addresses that do not appear in the message headers may appear in the
+ RCPT commands to an SMTP server for a number of reasons. The two
+ most common involve the use of a mailing address as a "list exploder"
+ (a single address that resolves into multiple addresses) and the
+ appearance of "blind copies". Especially when more than one RCPT
+ command is present, and in order to avoid defeating some of the
+ purpose of these mechanisms, SMTP clients and servers SHOULD NOT copy
+ the full set of RCPT command arguments into the headers, either as
+ part of trace headers or as informational or private-extension
+ headers. Since this rule is often violated in practice, and cannot
+ be enforced, sending SMTP systems that are aware of "bcc" use MAY
+ find it helpful to send each blind copy as a separate message
+ transaction containing only a single RCPT command.
+ */
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getBcc')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(array());
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes();
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ }
+ public function testEachBccRecipientIsSentASeparateMessage()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getBcc')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->atLeast()->once()
+ ->with(array());
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(array('zip@button' => 'Zip Button'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(array('test@domain' => 'Test user'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->atLeast()->once()
+ ->with(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(1)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(2)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("DATA\r\n")->andReturn(3);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(3)->andReturn("354 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("\r\n.\r\n")->andReturn(4);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(4)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")->andReturn(5);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(5)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("RCPT TO:<zip@button>\r\n")->andReturn(6);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(6)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("DATA\r\n")->andReturn(7);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(7)->andReturn("354 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("\r\n.\r\n")->andReturn(8);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(8)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")->andReturn(9);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(9)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("RCPT TO:<test@domain>\r\n")->andReturn(10);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(10)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("DATA\r\n")->andReturn(11);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(11)->andReturn("354 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("\r\n.\r\n")->andReturn(12);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(12)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $this->assertEquals(3, $smtp->send($message));
+ }
+ public function testMessageStateIsRestoredOnFailure()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getBcc')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(array());
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(2)
+ ->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("DATA\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(3);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(3)
+ ->andReturn("451 No\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ try {
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ $this->fail('A bad response was given so exception is expected');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public function testStopSendsQuitCommand()
+ {
+ /* -- RFC 2821,
+ This command specifies that the receiver MUST send an OK reply, and
+ then close the transmission channel.
+ The receiver MUST NOT intentionally close the transmission channel
+ until it receives and replies to a QUIT command (even if there was an
+ error). The sender MUST NOT intentionally close the transmission
+ channel until it sends a QUIT command and SHOULD wait until it
+ receives the reply (even if there was an error response to a previous
+ command). If the connection is closed prematurely due to violations
+ of the above or system or network failure, the server MUST cancel any
+ pending transaction, but not undo any previously completed
+ transaction, and generally MUST act as if the command or transaction
+ in progress had received a temporary error (i.e., a 4yz response).
+ The QUIT command may be issued at any time.
+ Syntax:
+ */
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('initialize')
+ ->once();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->once()
+ ->with("QUIT\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn("221 Bye\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('terminate')
+ ->once();
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $this->assertFalse($smtp->isStarted());
+ $smtp->start();
+ $this->assertTrue($smtp->isStarted());
+ $smtp->stop();
+ $this->assertFalse($smtp->isStarted());
+ }
+ public function testBufferCanBeFetched()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $ref = $smtp->getBuffer();
+ $this->assertEquals($buf, $ref);
+ }
+ public function testBufferCanBeWrittenToUsingExecuteCommand()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with("FOO\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $res = $smtp->executeCommand("FOO\r\n");
+ $this->assertEquals("250 OK\r\n", $res);
+ }
+ public function testResponseCodesAreValidated()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with("FOO\r\n")
+ ->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with(1)
+ ->andReturn("551 Not ok\r\n");
+ try {
+ $smtp->executeCommand("FOO\r\n", array(250, 251));
+ $this->fail('A 250 or 251 response was needed but 551 was returned.');
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ }
+ }
+ public function testFailedRecipientsCanBeCollectedByReference()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getBcc')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->atLeast()->once()
+ ->with(array());
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(array('zip@button' => 'Zip Button'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->once()
+ ->with(array('test@domain' => 'Test user'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('setBcc')
+ ->atLeast()->once()
+ ->with(array(
+ 'zip@button' => 'Zip Button',
+ 'test@domain' => 'Test user',
+ ));
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")->andReturn(1);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(1)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("RCPT TO:<foo@bar>\r\n")->andReturn(2);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(2)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("DATA\r\n")->andReturn(3);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(3)->andReturn("354 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("\r\n.\r\n")->andReturn(4);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(4)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")->andReturn(5);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(5)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("RCPT TO:<zip@button>\r\n")->andReturn(6);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(6)->andReturn("500 Bad\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("RSET\r\n")->andReturn(7);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(7)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("MAIL FROM:<>\r\n")->andReturn(9);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(9)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("RCPT TO:<test@domain>\r\n")->andReturn(10);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(10)->andReturn("500 Bad\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')->once()->with("RSET\r\n")->andReturn(11);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')->once()->with(11)->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $smtp->send($message, $failures));
+ $this->assertEquals(array('zip@button', 'test@domain'), $failures,
+ '%s: Failures should be caught in an array'
+ );
+ }
+ public function testSendingRegeneratesMessageId()
+ {
+ $buf = $this->_getBuffer();
+ $smtp = $this->_getTransport($buf);
+ $message = $this->_createMessage();
+ $message->shouldReceive('getFrom')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('' => 'Me'));
+ $message->shouldReceive('getTo')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(array('foo@bar' => null));
+ $message->shouldReceive('generateId')
+ ->once();
+ $this->_finishBuffer($buf);
+ $smtp->start();
+ $smtp->send($message);
+ }
+ protected function _getBuffer()
+ {
+ return $this->getMockery('Swift_Transport_IoBuffer')->shouldIgnoreMissing();
+ }
+ protected function _createMessage()
+ {
+ return $this->getMockery('Swift_Mime_Message')->shouldIgnoreMissing();
+ }
+ protected function _finishBuffer($buf)
+ {
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with(0)
+ ->andReturn('220 foo'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with('~^(EH|HE)LO .*?\r\n$~D')
+ ->andReturn($x = uniqid());
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with($x)
+ ->andReturn('250 ServerName'."\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with('~^MAIL FROM:<.*?>\r\n$~D')
+ ->andReturn($x = uniqid());
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with($x)
+ ->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with('~^RCPT TO:<.*?>\r\n$~D')
+ ->andReturn($x = uniqid());
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with($x)
+ ->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with("DATA\r\n")
+ ->andReturn($x = uniqid());
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with($x)
+ ->andReturn("354 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with("\r\n.\r\n")
+ ->andReturn($x = uniqid());
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with($x)
+ ->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with("RSET\r\n")
+ ->andReturn($x = uniqid());
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->with($x)
+ ->andReturn("250 OK\r\n");
+ $buf->shouldReceive('write')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(false);
+ $buf->shouldReceive('readLine')
+ ->zeroOrMoreTimes()
+ ->andReturn(false);
+ }