path: root/themes/CleanFS/templates/details.tabs.remind.tpl
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2019-11-17 20:45:02 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2019-11-17 20:45:02 +0100
commit8df3db566a3a937b45ebf11adb90d265e6f5e2d4 (patch)
tree4d541098d751d5a9acf8c12f6fb9f308ace066ac /themes/CleanFS/templates/details.tabs.remind.tpl
initial checking of customized version 1.0rc9
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/CleanFS/templates/details.tabs.remind.tpl')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/CleanFS/templates/details.tabs.remind.tpl b/themes/CleanFS/templates/details.tabs.remind.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3332304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/CleanFS/templates/details.tabs.remind.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+<?php if (!$task_details['is_closed']): ?>
+ <div id="remind" class="tab">
+ <?php echo tpl_form(Filters::noXSS(CreateUrl('details', $task_details['task_id'])).'#remind'); ?>
+ <?php if (count($reminders)): ?>
+ <table id="reminders" class="userlist">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>
+ <a class="toggle_selected" title="<?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('toggleselected')); ?>"
+ href="javascript:ToggleSelected('reminders')"></a>
+ </th>
+ <th><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('user')); ?></th>
+ <th><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('startat')); ?></th>
+ <th><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('frequency')); ?></th>
+ <th><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('message')); ?></th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <?php foreach ($reminders as $row): ?>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="ttcolumn">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="reminder_id[]" <?php echo tpl_disableif(!$user->can_edit_task($task_details)); ?> value="<?php echo Filters::noXSS($row['reminder_id']); ?>" />
+ </td>
+ <td><?php echo tpl_userlink($row['user_id']); ?></td>
+ <td><?php echo Filters::noXSS(formatDate($row['start_time'])); ?></td>
+ <?php
+ // Work out the unit of time to display
+ if ($row['how_often'] < 86400) {
+ $how_often = $row['how_often'] / 3600 . ' ' . L('hours');
+ } elseif ($row['how_often'] < 604800) {
+ $how_often = $row['how_often'] / 86400 . ' ' . L('days');
+ } else {
+ $how_often = $row['how_often'] / 604800 . ' ' . L('weeks');
+ }
+ ?>
+ <td><?php echo Filters::noXSS($how_often); ?></td>
+ <td><?php echo TextFormatter::render($row['reminder_message']); ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+ </tbody>
+ <tfoot>
+ <tr><td colspan="5">
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="deletereminder" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="task_id" value="<?php echo Filters::noXSS($task_details['task_id']); ?>" />
+ <button type="submit"><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('remove')); ?></button></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tfoot>
+ </table>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </form>
+ <fieldset><legend><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('addreminder')); ?></legend>
+ <?php echo tpl_form(Filters::noXSS(CreateUrl('details', $task_details['task_id'])).'#remind',null,null,null,'id="formaddreminder"'); ?>
+ <div>
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="details.addreminder" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="task_id" value="<?php echo Filters::noXSS($task_details['task_id']); ?>" />
+ <label class="default multisel" for="to_user_id"><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('remindthisuser')); ?></label>
+ <?php echo tpl_userselect('to_user_id', Req::val('to_user_id'), 'to_user_id'); ?>
+ <br />
+ <label for="timeamount1"><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('thisoften')); ?></label>
+ <input class="text" type="text" value="<?php echo Filters::noXSS(Req::val('timeamount1')); ?>" id="timeamount1" name="timeamount1" size="3" maxlength="3" />
+ <select class="adminlist" name="timetype1">
+ <?php echo tpl_options(array(3600 => L('hours'), 86400 => L('days'), 604800 => L('weeks')), Req::val('timetype1')); ?>
+ </select>
+ <br />
+ <?php echo tpl_datepicker('timeamount2', L('startat'), Req::val('timeamount2', formatDate(time()))); ?>
+ <br />
+ <textarea class="text" name="reminder_message"
+ rows="10" cols="72"><?php echo Filters::noXSS(Req::val('reminder_message', L('defaultreminder') . "\n\n" . CreateURL('details', $task_details['task_id']))); ?></textarea>
+ <br />
+ <button type="submit"><?php echo Filters::noXSS(L('addreminder')); ?></button>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </fieldset>
+<?php endif; ?>