path: root/tests
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2019-11-17 20:45:02 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2019-11-17 20:45:02 +0100
commit8df3db566a3a937b45ebf11adb90d265e6f5e2d4 (patch)
tree4d541098d751d5a9acf8c12f6fb9f308ace066ac /tests
initial checking of customized version 1.0rc9
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 767 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/bootstrap.php b/tests/bootstrap.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..287a16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bootstrap.php
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+function loader($class) {
+ $file = $class . '.php';
+ if (file_exists($file)) {
+ require $file;
+ }
+define('IN_FS', true); # for passing some checks in Flyspray files
+ // Use composer autoloader
+ require 'vendor/autoload.php';
diff --git a/tests/createTestData.php b/tests/createTestData.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae012b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/createTestData.php
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+* For Flyspray development tests only!
+* Script for simulating Flyspray with many testdata like many projets, hundreds of users, thousands of tasks and thousands comments ..
+* TODO:
+# replace some hardcoded IDs by getting the appropriate ids from db instead (autoincrement values of user groups for example)
+# add some supertask_id to some tasks (use flyspray functions/api that should check if legal - no loops of any hop depth, permissions, cross project, existing task)
+# add some related task relations
+# add some dependencies to some tasks (flyspray should check legal - watch for logic deadlocks)
+# add some 'is duplicate of' to some tasks (only when closing)
+# Change: (simulate more daily managing work with tasks)
+# * status of some tasks
+# * progress of some tasks
+# * category of some tasks
+# * reported version of some tasks
+# * milestone version of some tasks
+# close some tasks with resolution status and text
+# assign dev users to tasks
+# add 'notify me' to some tasks
+# add reminders to some tasks
+# add user votes to some tasks
+# add some close requests by some users
+# deactivate and delete some users
+# add some users 'lost password' requests
+# add some failed user login attempts
+# add/change some user avatar gif/png/jpg uploads
+# add some real attachments with uploaded files of different type (generated .docx,.odt,.tex,.ps,.pdf,.txt,.xml,.sql)
+# change some task descriptions:
+# * add some kyrilic, greek, arab, chinese, emoji task description and task summaries
+# * add some code segments for GeShi - some languages are harder to parse than others!
+# tags:
+# * remove some tags from tasks
+* Maybe someday parts of it are moved to phpunit testing in future, so can automatic tested by travis-ci.
+# Only use this script after a fresh Flyspray install (1 project id=1 , 1 user with id=1, 1 task with id=1 existing)
+# choose dokuwiki during setup
+# temp: just wrapped that code in a function so it is not run by phpunit
+function createTestData(){
+ # quick safety
+ exit;
+ if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
+ die('Please call it only from commandline');
+ }
+ global $db, $fs, $conf, $proj, $user, $notify;
+ # Use this only on a new test installation, code does not work on
+ # an existing one, and never will.
+ ### Simulation Settings ###
+ # Set conservative data as default, setup bigger values for further performance tests.
+ # maybe setting moved out of this function to make performance graphs with multiple runs..
+ $years=10;
+ $timerange=3600*24*365*$years;
+ $maxprojects = 3;
+ # ca 100 tasks/sec, 100 comments/sec on an old laptop with Flyspray 1.0-rc7 with mysqli setup in a virtual machine as thumb rule
+ $maxtasks = 1000; # absolute number, e.g. 1000
+ $maxcomments = 1000; # absolute number, e.g. 10000
+ $maxattachments = 500; # only emulated yet, e.g. 500
+ $maxversions = 3; # per project, e.g. 5
+ $maxcorporates = 3; # mmhh
+ # spread some user with different permissions
+ $maxcorporateusers = 20; # absolute number, e.g. 20
+ $maxadmins = 2;
+ $maxmanagers = 2;
+ $maxdevelopers = 500; # a bit higher for due they have more rights, can have more relations with tasks
+ $maxindividualusers = 50;
+ $maxviewers = 50;
+ ### End of Simulation Settings ###
+ $subjects[] = "help me";
+ error_reporting(E_ALL);
+ define('IN_FS', 1);
+ $now=microtime(true); # simple performance times
+ $start=$now;
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/';
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/class.flyspray.php';
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/';
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/';
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/class.tpl.php';
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
+ $conf = parse_ini_file('../flyspray.conf.php', true) or die('Cannot open config file.');
+ # faster generate new users with very weak, but fast password hash generation, only for this test.
+ $conf['general']['passwdcrypt']='md5';
+ error_reporting(E_ALL); # overwrite settings in
+ $db = new Database;
+ $db->dbOpenFast($conf['database']);
+ $RANDOP = 'RAND()';
+ if ($db->dblink->dataProvider == 'postgres') {
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6)." s database connection\n";
+ $fs = new Flyspray();
+ $user = new User(1);
+ $proj = new Project(1);
+ $notify = new Notifications;
+ load_translations();
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6)." s Flyspray objects\n";
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxadmins; $i++) {
+ $user_name = "admin$i";
+ $real_name = "Admin $i";
+ $password = $user_name;
+ $time_zone = 0; // Assign different one!
+ $email = null; // $user_name . '';
+ Backend::create_user($user_name, $password, $real_name, '', $email, 0, $time_zone, 1, 1);
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxadmins." admins created\n";
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxmanagers; $i++) {
+ $user_name = "pm$i";
+ $real_name = "Project Manager $i";
+ $password = $user_name;
+ $time_zone = 0; // Assign different one!
+ $email = null; // $user_name . '';
+ Backend::create_user($user_name, $password, $real_name, '', $email, 0, $time_zone, 2, 1);
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxmanagers." managers created\n";
+ $db->query('UPDATE {projects} SET project_is_active = 0 WHERE project_id = 1');
+ // Show more columns by default, trying to make database or flyspray crash under stress.
+ $db->query("UPDATE {prefs} SET pref_value = 'id project category tasktype severity summary status openedby dateopened progress comments attachments votes' WHERE pref_name = 'visible_columns'");
+ // Add 3 different global developer groups with different
+ // view rights first, then assign developers to them at random.
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups} "
+ . "(group_name,group_desc,project_id,group_open,view_comments,manage_project,view_tasks, view_groups_tasks, view_own_tasks,open_new_tasks,modify_own_tasks) "
+ . "VALUES('Developer Group 1', 'Developer Group 1', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)");
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups} "
+ . "(group_name,group_desc,project_id,group_open,view_comments,manage_project,view_tasks, view_groups_tasks, view_own_tasks,open_new_tasks,modify_own_tasks) "
+ . "VALUES('Developer Group 2', 'Developer Group 2', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)");
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups} "
+ . "(group_name,group_desc,project_id,group_open,view_comments,manage_project,view_tasks, view_groups_tasks, view_own_tasks,open_new_tasks,modify_own_tasks) "
+ . "VALUES('Developer Group 3', 'Developer Group 3', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)");
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '."3 global dev groups created\n";
+ // Add also general groups for corporate users, individual users and viewers.
+ // Allow only login. Not so relaxed with them bastards.
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups} "
+ . "(group_name,group_desc,project_id,group_open) "
+ . "VALUES('Corporate Users', 'Corporate Users', 0, 1)");
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups} "
+ . "(group_name,group_desc,project_id,group_open) "
+ . "VALUES('Trusted Users', 'Trusted Users', 0, 1)");
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups} "
+ . "(group_name,group_desc,project_id,group_open) "
+ . "VALUES('Non-trusted Users', 'Non-trusted Users', 0, 1)");
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '."3 global user groups created\n";
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxdevelopers; $i++) {
+ $user_name = "dev$i";
+ $real_name = "Developer $i";
+ $password = $user_name;
+ $time_zone = 0;
+ $email = null; // $user_name . '';
+ $group = rand(7, 9);
+ if($i==1){
+ $registered = time() - rand($timerange-3600, $timerange);
+ }else{
+ $registered = $prevuserreg + rand(0, 0.9*2*$timerange/$maxdevelopers); # 0.9 to be sure not in future
+ }
+ Backend::create_user($user_name, $password, $real_name, '', $email, 0, $time_zone, $group, 1);
+ # a bit weired, but simple UPDATE {users} SET register_date = ? WHERE user_id = (SELECT MAX(user_id) FROM {users}) doesn't work for mysql
+ $db->query('UPDATE {users} SET register_date = ? WHERE user_id = (SELECT user_id FROM (SELECT * FROM {users}) AS tempusers ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1)',
+ array($registered) );
+ $prevuserreg=$registered;
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxdevelopers." dev users created\n";
+ $tags=array(
+ array('name'=>'blue', 'color'=>'#00c'),
+ array('name'=>'red', 'color'=>'#c00'),
+ array('name'=>'green', 'color'=>'#090'),
+ array('name'=>'rosa', 'color'=>'#f9f'),
+ array('name'=>'lila', 'color'=>'#c0c'),
+ array('name'=>'black', 'color'=>'#000'),
+ array('name'=>'brown', 'color'=>'#c90'),
+ array('name'=>'darkred', 'color'=>'#600'),
+ array('name'=>'darkblue', 'color'=>'#006')
+ );
+ // add some projects and some tag definitions
+ $tgcounter=0;
+ $project_id=0;
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxprojects; $i++) {
+ $projname = 'Product '.($i+1);
+ $db->query('INSERT INTO {projects}
+ ( project_title, theme_style, intro_message,
+ others_view, anon_open, project_is_active,
+ visible_columns, visible_fields, lang_code,
+ notify_email, notify_jabber, disp_intro)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ array($projname, 'CleanFS', "Welcome to $projname", 0, 0,
+ 'id category tasktype severity summary status openedby dateopened progress comments attachments votes',
+ 'supertask tasktype category severity priority status private assignedto reportedin dueversion duedate progress os votes',
+ 'en', '', '', 1)
+ );
+ $project_id=$db->insert_Id();
+ add_project_data($project_id);
+ for($t=0; $t<count($tags); $t++){
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {list_tag} (project_id, tag_name, show_in_list, class) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ array($project_id, $tags[$t]['name'].($i+1), rand(0,1), $tags[$t]['color'])
+ );
+ $tgcounter++;
+ }
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxprojects.' projects created, '.$tgcounter." tags created\n";
+ // Assign some developers to project manager or project developer groups
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxprojects; $i++) {
+ $projid = $i + 1;
+ $sql = $db->query('SELECT group_id FROM {groups} WHERE project_id = ? AND manage_project = 1', array($projid));
+ $pmgroup = $db->fetchOne($sql);
+ $sql = $db->query('SELECT group_id FROM {groups} WHERE project_id = ? AND manage_project = 0', array($projid));
+ $pdgroup = $db->fetchOne($sql);
+ $pmlimit = intval($maxdevelopers / 100) + rand(-2, 2);
+ $pdlimit = intval($maxdevelopers / 20) + rand(-10, 10);
+ $pmlimit = $pmlimit < 1 ? 1 : $pmlimit;
+ $pdlimit = $pdlimit < 1 ? 1 : $pdlimit;
+ $sql = $db->query("SELECT user_id FROM {users_in_groups} WHERE group_id in (7, 8, 9) ORDER BY $RANDOP limit $pmlimit");
+ $pms = $db->fetchCol($sql);
+ $sql = $db->query("SELECT user_id FROM {users_in_groups} WHERE group_id in (8, 9) ORDER BY $RANDOP limit $pdlimit");
+ $pds = $db->fetchCol($sql);
+ foreach ($pms as $pm) {
+ $db->query('INSERT INTO {users_in_groups} (user_id, group_id) values (?, ?)', array($pm, $pmgroup));
+ }
+ foreach ($pds as $pd) {
+ $check = $db->query('SELECT * FROM {users_in_groups} WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ?', array($pd, $pmgroup));
+ if (!$db->countRows($check)) {
+ $db->query('INSERT INTO {users_in_groups} (user_id, group_id) values (?, ?)', array($pd, $pdgroup));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxprojects." projects assigned some developers to project groups\n";
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxcorporateusers; $i++) {
+ $user_name = "cu$i";
+ $real_name = "Corporate user $i";
+ $password = $user_name;
+ $time_zone = 0; // Assign different ones!
+ $email = null; // $user_name . '';
+ $group = 10;
+ Backend::create_user($user_name, $password, $real_name, '', $email, 0, $time_zone, $group, 1);
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxcorporateusers." corp users created\n";
+ // Now, create corporate user groups for some of our projects.
+ // Just %5 change of getting added.
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxcorporates; $i++) {
+ for ($j = 1; $j <= $maxprojects; $j++) {
+ if (rand(1, 20) == 1) {
+ $projid = $j + 1;
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups} "
+ . "(group_name,group_desc,project_id,manage_project,view_tasks, view_groups_tasks, view_own_tasks,open_new_tasks,add_comments,create_attachments,group_open,view_comments) "
+ . "VALUES('Corporate $i', 'Corporate $i Users', $projid, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1,1)");
+ $group_id = $db->insert_ID();
+ for ($k = $i; $k <= $maxcorporateusers; $k += $maxcorporates) {
+ $username = "cu$k";
+ $sql = $db->query('SELECT user_id FROM {users} WHERE user_name = ?', array($username));
+ $user_id = $db->fetchOne($sql);
+ $db->query('INSERT INTO {users_in_groups} (user_id, group_id) VALUES (?, ?)', array($user_id, $group_id));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxcorporates." corporate usergroups created\n";
+ // And also those individual users...
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxindividualusers; $i++) {
+ $user_name = "iu$i";
+ $real_name = "Individual user $i";
+ $password = $user_name;
+ $time_zone = 0; // Assign different ones!
+ $email = null; // $user_name . '';
+ $group = rand(11, 12);
+ Backend::create_user($user_name, $password, $real_name, '', $email, 0, $time_zone, $group, 1);
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxindividualusers." indi users created\n";
+ // That's why we need some more global groups with different viewing rights
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxindividualusers; $i++) {
+ $user_name = "basic$i";
+ $real_name = "Basic $i";
+ $password = $user_name;
+ $time_zone = 0; // Assign different ones!
+ $email = null; // $user_name . '';
+ $group = 4;
+ Backend::create_user($user_name, $password, $real_name, '', $email, 0, $time_zone, $group, 1);
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxindividualusers." basic users created\n";
+ // Must recreate, so rights for new projects get loaded. Otherwise,
+ // even first user in database can't create tasks.
+ $user = new User(1);
+ # for generating pseudo task description
+ $vocals=array('e','e','a','i','o','u'); # e most freq vocal in western languages
+ $conso=array('s','sch','st','z','r','l','b','p','g','k','m','n','v','w','d','t','qu');
+ $wordlen=array(3,12);
+ $clauselen=array(3,8); # 3: words per sub clause
+ $commas=array(0,2); # 1: commas per sentence
+ $paralen=array(1,5); # sentences per paragraph
+ $parts=array(1,10); # parts per task description (paragraphs or lists or code..)
+ $codes=array('','php','xml','sql','html');
+ echo "Creating $maxtasks tasks: ";
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxtasks; $i++) {
+ $project_id = rand(2, $maxprojects+1); # project id 1 is default project which we exclude here
+ if ($i==1) {
+ $opened = time() - rand($timerange-(30*24*3600), $timerange);
+ } else {
+ $opened = $prevtaskopened + rand(0, 0.9*2*$timerange/$maxtasks); # 0.9 to be sure not in future
+ }
+ // Find someone who is allowed to open a task, do not use global groups
+ $sql = $db->query("SELECT u.user_id
+ FROM {users} u
+ JOIN {users_in_groups} uig ON u.user_id=uig.user_id
+ JOIN {groups} g ON g.group_id = uig.group_id AND g.open_new_tasks = 1 AND (g.project_id = 0 OR g.project_id = ?)
+ WHERE g.group_id NOT IN (1)
+ AND u.register_date < ?
+ ORDER BY $RANDOP LIMIT 1", array($project_id, $opened)
+ );
+ $reporter = $db->fetchOne($sql);
+ $sql = $db->query("SELECT category_id FROM {list_category}
+ WHERE project_id = ?
+ AND category_name <> 'root'
+ array($project_id));
+ $category = $db->fetchOne($sql);
+ $args = array();
+ $args['project_id'] = $project_id;
+ $args['date_opened'] = $opened;
+ // 'last_edited_time' => time(),
+ $args['opened_by'] = $reporter;
+ $args['product_category'] = $category;
+ $args['task_severity'] = rand(1,5); # 5 fixed severities
+ $args['task_priority'] = rand(1,6); # 6 fixed priorities
+ $args['task_type'] = rand(1,2); # 2 global tasktypes after install
+ // 'product_version'
+ // 'operating_system'
+ // 'estimated_effort'
+ // 'supertask_id' - find existing task of project
+ $sql = $db->query("SELECT project_title FROM {projects} WHERE project_id = ?",
+ array($project_id));
+ $projectname = $db->fetchOne($sql);
+ $subject = $subjects[rand(0, count($subjects) - 1)];
+ $subject = sprintf($subject, $projectname);
+ $args['item_summary'] = "task $i ($subject)";
+ $dparts=rand($parts[0],$parts[1]);
+ $descr='';
+ for($p=0;$p<$dparts;$p++){
+ $para='';
+ $type=rand(0,2); # text, list, code
+ if($type==0){
+ $dsent=rand($paralen[0],$paralen[1]);
+ for($s=0;$s<$dsent;$s++){
+ $sent='';
+ $dcommas=rand($commas[0],$commas[1]);
+ for($c=0;$c<$dcommas;$c++){
+ $clausepart='';
+ $dwords=rand($clauselen[0],$clauselen[1]);
+ for($w=0;$w<$dwords;$w++){
+ $v=rand(0,1);
+ $wd='';
+ $dletters=rand($wordlen[0],$wordlen[1]);
+ for($l=0;$l<$dletters;$l++){
+ $wd.= ($v % 2) ? $vocals[rand(0,count($vocals)-1)] : $conso[rand(0,count($conso)-1)];
+ $v++;
+ }
+ if(rand(0,100)<1){
+ $wd='FS#'.rand(2,$i);
+ }
+ if(rand(0,100)<2){
+ $wd='//'.$wd.'//';
+ }
+ if(rand(0,100)<2){
+ $wd='**'.$wd.'**';
+ }
+ if(rand(0,100)<2){
+ $wd='__'.$wd.'__';
+ }
+ $clausepart.=$wd.' ';
+ }
+ $sent.=$clausepart;
+ $sent.=($c+1 < $dcommas) ? ', ': '.';
+ }
+ $para.=$sent;
+ }
+ }elseif($type==1){
+ # dokuwiki list
+ $para.=" * listitem\n * listitem\n * listitem3";
+ }elseif($type==2) {
+ # dokuwiki code
+ $para.='<code '.$codes[rand(0, count($codes)-1)].'> some signs<<y<>>> """</code>';
+ }
+ $descr.=$para."\n\n";
+ }
+ $args['detailed_desc'] = $descr;
+ $ok = Backend::create_task($args);
+ if ($ok === 0) {
+ echo "Failed to create task.\n";
+ } else {
+ list($task_id, $token) = $ok;
+ $db->query('UPDATE {tasks} SET opened_by = ?, date_opened = ? WHERE task_id = ?',
+ array($reporter, $opened, $task_id));
+ $limit=rand(0,3);
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {task_tag} (task_id, tag_id)
+ SELECT $task_id, tag_id FROM {list_tag}
+ WHERE project_id=?
+ LIMIT $limit",
+ array($project_id)
+ );
+ }
+ $prevtaskopened=$opened;
+ if($i%500==0){
+ echo $i.' mem:'.memory_get_usage()."\n";
+ }
+ } # end for maxtasks
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true); echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxtasks." tasks created\n";
+ echo "Creating $maxcomments comments: \n";
+ $maxtask=$task_id;
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxcomments; $i++) {
+ $taskid = rand(2, $maxtask);
+ $task = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($taskid);
+ $project_id = $task['project_id'];
+ # XXX only allow comments after task created date and also later as existing comments in that task.
+ $added = time() - rand(1, $timerange);
+ // Find someone who is allowed to add comment, do not use global groups
+ $sqltext = "SELECT uig.user_id
+ FROM {users_in_groups} uig
+ JOIN {groups} g ON g.group_id = uig.group_id AND g.add_comments = 1
+ AND (g.project_id = 0 OR g.project_id = ?)
+ WHERE g.group_id NOT IN (1, 2, 7, 8, 9)
+ $sql = $db->query($sqltext, array($project_id));
+ $row = $db->fetchRow($sql);
+ $reporter = new User($row['user_id']);
+ // User might still not be able to add a comment, if he can not see the task...
+ // Just try again until a suitable one comes out from the query. It will finally.
+ // Try to enhance the query also to return fewer unsuitable ones.
+ while (!$reporter->can_view_task($task)) {
+ $row = $db->fetchRow($sql);
+ $reporter = new User($row['user_id']);
+ }
+ $comment = 'Comment.';
+ $comment_id=Backend::add_comment($task, $comment);
+ $db->query('UPDATE {comments} SET user_id = ?, date_added = ? WHERE comment_id = ?',
+ array($reporter->id, $added, $comment_id));
+ if($i%500==0){
+ echo $i.' mem:'.memory_get_usage()."\n";
+ }
+ } # end for maxcomments
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxcomments." comments created\n";
+ // And $maxattachments total, either to task or comment
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxattachments; $i++) {
+ $sql = $db->query("SELECT comment_id, task_id, user_id, date_added FROM {comments} ORDER BY $RANDOP LIMIT 1");
+ list($comment_id, $task_id, $user_id, $date_added) = $db->fetchRow($sql);
+ $fname = "Attachment $i";
+ if (rand(1, 100) == 1) {
+ $comment_id = 0;
+ }
+ $origname = getAttachmentDescription() . " $i";
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {attachments}
+ ( task_id, comment_id, file_name,
+ file_type, file_size, orig_name,
+ added_by, date_added)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ array($task_id, $comment_id, $fname,
+ 'application/octet-stream', 1024,
+ $origname,
+ $user_id, $date_added));
+ }
+ $last=$now;$now=microtime(true);echo round($now-$last,6).': '.$maxattachments." pseudo attachments created\n";
+ echo "\nTestdata filled in ".round($now-$start,1)." s.\n\n";
+ $db->dbClose();
+} // end function createTestData
+function getAttachmentDescription() {
+ $type = rand(1, 100);
+ if ($type > 80 && $type <= 100) {
+ return 'Information that might help solve the problem';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 79) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet alligator';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 78) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet rhinoceros';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 77) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet elephant';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 76 || $type == 75) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet monkey';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 74 || $type == 73) {
+ return 'Pic of my undulate';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 72 || $type == 71) {
+ return 'Pic of my goldfish';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 70 || $type == 69) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet pig';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 68 || $type == 67) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet snake';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 66 || $type == 65) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet rat';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 64 || $type == 63) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet goat';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 62 || $type == 61) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet rabbit';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 60 || $type == 59) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet gerbil';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 58 || $type == 57) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet hamster';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 56 || $type == 55) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet chinchilla';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 54 || $type == 53) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet guinea pig';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 52 || $type == 51) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet turtle';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 50 || $type == 49) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet lizard';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 48 || $type == 47) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet frog';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 46 || $type == 45) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet tarantula';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 44 || $type == 43) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet hermit crab';
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 42 || $type == 41) {
+ return 'Pic of my pet parrot';
+ }
+ elseif ($type >= 40 && $type < 25) {
+ return 'Pic of my dog';
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'Pic of my cat';
+ }
+function add_project_data($pid = 0) {
+ global $db;
+ if(!$pid>0){
+ $sql = $db->query('SELECT project_id FROM {projects} ORDER BY project_id DESC', false, 1);
+ $pid = $db->fetchOne($sql);
+ }
+ $cols = array(
+ 'manage_project',
+ 'view_tasks',
+ 'open_new_tasks',
+ 'modify_own_tasks',
+ 'modify_all_tasks',
+ 'view_comments',
+ 'add_comments',
+ 'edit_comments',
+ 'delete_comments',
+ 'show_as_assignees',
+ 'create_attachments',
+ 'delete_attachments',
+ 'view_history',
+ 'add_votes',
+ 'close_own_tasks',
+ 'close_other_tasks',
+ 'assign_to_self',
+ 'edit_own_comments',
+ 'assign_others_to_self',
+ 'add_to_assignees',
+ 'view_reports',
+ 'group_open',
+ 'view_estimated_effort',
+ 'view_current_effort_done',
+ 'track_effort',
+ 'add_multiple_tasks',
+ 'view_roadmap',
+ 'view_own_tasks',
+ 'view_groups_tasks',
+ 'edit_assignments'
+ );
+ $args = array_fill(0, count($cols), '1');
+ array_unshift($args, 'Project Managers', 'Permission to do anything related to this project.', intval($pid));
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups}
+ ( group_name, group_desc, project_id,
+ " . join(',', $cols) . ")
+ VALUES ( " . $db->fill_placeholders($cols, 3) . ")", $args);
+ // Add 1 project specific developer group too.
+ $args = array_fill(1, count($cols) - 1, '1');
+ array_unshift($args, 'Project Developers', 'Permission to do almost anything but not manage project.', intval($pid), 0);
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {groups}
+ ( group_name, group_desc, project_id,
+ " . join(',', $cols) . ")
+ VALUES ( " . $db->fill_placeholders($cols, 3) . ")", $args);
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {list_category}
+ ( project_id, category_name,
+ show_in_list, category_owner, lft, rgt)
+ VALUES ( ?, ?, 1, 0, 1, 4)", array($pid, 'root'));
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {list_category}
+ ( project_id, category_name,
+ show_in_list, category_owner, lft, rgt )
+ VALUES ( ?, ?, 1, 0, 2, 3)", array($pid, 'Backend / Core'));
+ $os = 1;
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {list_os}
+ ( project_id, os_name, list_position, show_in_list )
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1)", array($pid, 'All', $os++));
+ $totalversions = rand(3, 10);
+ $present = rand(1, $totalversions);
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalversions; $i++) {
+ $tense = ($i == $present ? 2 : ($i < $present ? 1 : 3));
+ $db->query("INSERT INTO {list_version}
+ ( project_id, version_name, list_position, show_in_list, version_tense )
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1, ?)",
+ array($pid, sprintf('%d.0', $i), $i, $tense)
+ );
+ }
+} # end function add_project_data
diff --git a/tests/flysprayTest.php b/tests/flysprayTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda84db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/flysprayTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+class FlysprayTest extends TestCase{
+ #private $pdo;
+ private $db;
+ # just taken as first test from github project travis-ci-examples/php
+ protected function setUp(): void
+ {
+ #$this->pdo = new PDO($GLOBALS['db_dsn'], $GLOBALS['db_username'], $GLOBALS['db_password']);
+ #$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
+ #$this->pdo->query("CREATE TABLE hello (what VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)");
+ $this->db = new Database;
+ $this->db->dbOpen($GLOBALS['dbhost'], $GLOBALS['dbuser'], $GLOBALS['dbpass'], $GLOBALS['dbname'], $GLOBALS['dbtype'], $GLOBALS['dbprefix']);
+ $this->db->query("CREATE TABLE {projects} (what VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)");
+ }
+ public function tearDown(): void
+ {
+ #$this->pdo->query("DROP TABLE hello");
+ $this->db->query("DROP TABLE {projects}");
+ }
+ public function testHelloWorld(){
+ $helloWorld = 'Hello World';
+ $this->assertEquals('Hello World', $helloWorld);
+ }
+ public function testTranslationSyntax(){
+ if ($handle = opendir('lang')) {
+ $languages=array();
+ while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
+ # exclude temporary files from onsite translations
+ if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && !(substr($file,-4)=='.bak') && !(substr($file,-5)=='.safe') ) {
+ $langfiles[]=$file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($langfiles as $lang){
+ $this->assertStringStartsWith('No syntax errors', shell_exec("php -l lang/$lang"));
+ }
+ }