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1 files changed, 47 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/bin/bootstrap-mysql b/bin/bootstrap-mysql
index 54d9da6..967a65d 100755
--- a/bin/bootstrap-mysql
+++ b/bin/bootstrap-mysql
@@ -691,6 +691,14 @@ fi
printf ' JOIN `architectures`'
printf ' ON `architectures`.`name`=`blacklist`.`arch`;\n'
+ printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `available_install_targets` ('
+ printf '`architecture` SMALLINT,'
+ printf '`install_target` BIGINT,'
+ printf 'UNIQUE KEY `content`(`architecture`,`install_target`),'
+ printf 'KEY (`architecture`),'
+ printf 'KEY (`install_target`)'
+ printf ');\n'
printf 'REPEAT\n'
printf 'DELETE FROM `bl_copy`;\n'
@@ -721,6 +729,37 @@ fi
printf ' `bl`.`pkgbase`'
printf ' FROM `bl`;\n'
+ printf 'DELETE FROM `available_install_targets`;\n'
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `available_install_targets` (`architecture`,`install_target`)'
+ printf 'SELECT'
+ printf ' `architectures`.`id`,'
+ printf '`install_target_providers`.`install_target`'
+ printf ' FROM `install_target_providers`'
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
+ printf ' JOIN `architectures`'
+ printf ' ON ('
+ printf '`architectures`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`'
+ printf ' OR `binary_packages`.`architecture`=%s' \
+ "${architecture_ids__any}"
+ printf ' OR `architectures`.`id`=%s' \
+ "${architecture_ids__any}"
+ printf ')'
+ printf ' LEFT JOIN `bl_copy`'
+ printf ' ON `bl_copy`.`pkgbase`=`package_sources`.`pkgbase`'
+ printf ' AND ('
+ printf '`bl_copy`.`arch`=`build_assignments`.`architecture`'
+ printf ' OR `bl_copy`.`arch`=%s' \
+ "${architecture_ids__any}"
+ # we intentionally do not allow arch-specific packages to cause
+ # "any"-packages to be blacklisted (this is seldom and makes the
+ # query quite complex, because we must check if /all/
+ # arch-specific packages are unavailable)
+ printf ')'
+ # we're only interested in those which are not (yet) blacklisted
+ printf ' WHERE `bl_copy`.`pkgbase` IS NULL;\n'
printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `bl` (`arch`,`pkgbase`)'
printf ' SELECT'
printf ' `a_bp`.`architecture`,'
@@ -744,40 +783,11 @@ fi
printf ' OR `itp_bp_dummy`.`architecture`=%s' \
printf ')'
- printf ' LEFT JOIN ('
- printf ' `install_target_providers`.`install_target`,'
- printf '`architectures`.`id` AS `architecture`'
- printf ' FROM `install_target_providers`'
- mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages
- mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources
- printf ' JOIN `architectures`'
- printf ' ON ('
- printf '`architectures`.`id`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`'
- printf ' OR `binary_packages`.`architecture`=%s' \
- "${architecture_ids__any}"
- printf ' OR `architectures`.`id`=%s' \
- "${architecture_ids__any}"
- printf ')'
- printf ' LEFT JOIN `bl_copy`'
- printf ' ON `bl_copy`.`pkgbase`=`package_sources`.`pkgbase`'
- printf ' AND ('
- printf '`bl_copy`.`arch`=`build_assignments`.`architecture`'
- printf ' OR `bl_copy`.`arch`=%s' \
- "${architecture_ids__any}"
- # we intentionally do not allow arch-specific packages to cause
- # "any"-packages to be blacklisted (this is seldom and makes the
- # query quite complex, because we must check if /all/
- # arch-specific packages are unavailable)
- printf ')'
- # we're only interested in those which are not (yet) blacklisted
- printf ' WHERE `bl_copy`.`pkgbase` IS NULL'
- printf ') AS `itp_query`' # list of not-blacklisted install targets
- printf ' ON `itp_query`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`'
- printf ' AND `itp_query`.`architecture`=`a_ba`.`architecture`'
+ printf ' LEFT JOIN `available_install_targets`' # list of not-blacklisted install targets
+ printf ' ON `available_install_targets`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`'
+ printf ' AND `available_install_targets`.`architecture`=`a_ba`.`architecture`'
# we only add those to the blacklist, that have not install_target_provider
- printf ' WHERE `itp_query`.`install_target` IS NULL'
+ printf ' WHERE `available_install_targets`.`install_target` IS NULL'
printf ';\n'
printf 'UNTIL ROW_COUNT()=0\n'
@@ -791,9 +801,10 @@ fi
printf ' ON `architectures`.`id`=`bl`.`arch`'
printf ';\n'
- printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `bl%s`;\n' \
- '' \
- '_copy'
+ printf 'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `%s`;\n' \
+ 'bl' \
+ 'bl_copy' \
+ 'available_install_targets'
printf 'END\n'
printf '//\n'