BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterbugfixErich Eckner16 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-12-26bugfixHEADmasterErich Eckner
2022-12-22do not rely on tornado's cookie encryption functionalityErich Eckner
2022-12-22/create prints json of cookie for FEErich Eckner
2022-12-22set Access-Control-Allow-Origin headerErich Eckner
2022-12-21note, whether the trial is actually in the dictionaryErich Eckner
2022-12-21make README valid htmlErich Eckner
2022-12-21README and ReadmeHandler for / newErich Eckner
2022-12-21make more robust: trial can be shorter than the solutionErich Eckner
2022-12-21make more robust: trial can be longer than the solutionErich Eckner
2022-12-21some refactoringErich Eckner