path: root/post/src/ft.C
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authorsimulation <>2016-02-09 09:54:46 +0100
committersimulation <>2016-02-09 09:54:46 +0100
commit6be0f285adb27f60f058c2937a7885899e17cb88 (patch)
treebe50a15314fe28c5b7b8f721233a34e71ca5b3b4 /post/src/ft.C
Initial commitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'post/src/ft.C')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/post/src/ft.C b/post/src/ft.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8d66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/post/src/ft.C
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ This file is part of LPIC++, a particle-in-cell code for
+ simulating the interaction of laser light with plasma.
+ Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Roland Lichters
+ LPIC++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <ft.h>
+FFT::FFT( int periods, int steps_pp, int screen )
+ periods_input = periods;
+ steps_pp_input = steps_pp;
+ periods_screen = screen;
+ steps_input = periods * steps_pp;
+ dt_input = (double) periods_input / ( steps_input - 1 );
+ steps = steps_ft();
+ steps_half = (int) floor( 0.5*steps + 0.5 );
+ dt = (double) periods_input / ( steps - 1 ); // time step in periods
+ df = (double) 1.0 / periods_input; // frequency step
+ local = new double [steps];
+ data = new double [2*steps+1];
+ frequency = new double [steps];
+ co = new double [steps];
+ si = new double [steps];
+ power = new double [steps];
+ corr = new double [steps];
+int FFT::steps_ft( void )
+ int max_expo = 14;
+ int expo, steps_ft;
+ expo = (int) ceil( log(steps_input)/log(2) ); // steps_ft = next power of 2
+ // larger than steps_input
+ if (expo > max_expo) expo = max_expo;
+ steps_ft = (int) pow( 2, expo );
+ return steps_ft;
+double FFT::window( double t )
+// input: time t in periods
+// window cuts off smoothly first and last period
+ double tscr = (double) periods_screen;
+ double toff = (double) periods_input - tscr;
+ if ( t < tscr ) return pow( sin(0.5*PI*t/tscr), 2 );
+ else {
+ if ( t > toff ) return pow( sin(0.5*PI*(1.0-(t-toff)/tscr)), 2 );
+ else return 1.0;
+ }
+int FFT::RealFt( float* input )
+ takes real input 0, ... , m-1
+ interpolates to local 0, ... , n-1, where n is a power of 2, usually larger than m
+ i.e. t=0 .... t=(n-1)dt
+ returns real output 0, ... , n/2 i.e. f=0 .... f=1/(2*dt)
+ returns cosine-transform co = re
+ sine-transform si = im
+ power spectrum pow = 2*(re*re+im*im)
+ int i, low, high;
+ double t, th, tl;
+ double re, im;
+ for( i=0; i<steps; i++ ) // interpolates vector 1, ... , steps_input
+ { // to vector 0, ... , steps-1
+ low = (int) floor( (double) i * (steps_input-1) / (steps-1) );
+ if ( i<steps-1) high = low+1;
+ else high = low;
+ tl = dt_input * low;
+ th = dt_input * high;
+ t = dt * i;
+ local[i] = (th-t)/dt_input * input[low] + (t-tl)/dt_input * input[high];
+ data[2*i+1] = window(t) * local[i];
+ data[2*i+2] = 0;
+ }
+ fft(data,steps,1);
+ for( i=0; i<=0.5*steps; i++ ) // positive frequency part, since input real
+ {
+ frequency[i] = df * i;
+ re = data[2*i+1]/steps; // cos-part
+ im = data[2*i+2]/steps; // sin-part
+ if ( i==0 ) {
+ co[i] = re;
+ si[i] = im;
+ power[i] = (re*re+im*im);
+ }
+ else {
+ co[i] = 2*re;
+ si[i] = 2*im;
+ power[i] = 2*( re*re+im*im );
+ }
+ }
+ return steps;
+double FFT::frequency_filter( double freq, double mid, double width )
+ if ( fabs(freq)-mid < -0.5*width ) return 0;
+ else if ( fabs(freq)-mid < 0.5*width ) return cos(M_PI*(fabs(freq)-mid)/width);
+ else return 0;
+int FFT::correlation( float* input, double mid, double width )
+ the correlation of 'input' is calculated and returned in vector 'corr'
+ this is done modifying function FFT::RealFt():
+ - input is Fourier transformed
+ - the power spectrum is calculated
+ - the inverse transform of the power spectrum is taken
+ - the result is normalized, divided by the result at delay t=0
+ 'mid' and 'width' denote a frequency window that is used to filter the
+ power spectrum
+ int i, low, high;
+ double t, th, tl;
+ double re, im;
+ for( i=0; i<steps; i++ ) // interpolates vector 1, ... , steps_input
+ { // to vector 0, ... , steps-1
+ low = (int) floor( (double) i * (steps_input-1) / (steps-1) );
+ if ( i<steps-1) high = low+1;
+ else high = low;
+ tl = dt_input * low;
+ th = dt_input * high;
+ t = dt * i;
+ local[i] = (th-t)/dt_input * input[low] + (t-tl)/dt_input * input[high];
+ data[2*i+1] = window(t) * local[i];
+ data[2*i+2] = 0;
+ }
+ fft(data,steps,1);
+ for( i=0; i<steps; i++ ) // for all frequencies
+ {
+ if (i<=steps_half) frequency[i] = df * i;
+ else frequency[i] = df * ( i - steps );
+ re = data[2*i+1]/steps; // cos-part
+ im = data[2*i+2]/steps; // sin-part
+ re *= frequency_filter( frequency[i], mid, width ); // filter in frequency space
+ im *= frequency_filter( frequency[i], mid, width );
+ data[2*i+1] = re*re + im*im; // power spectrum
+ data[2*i+2] = 0; // real!
+ }
+ fft(data,steps,-1); // inverse transform should be real
+ for( i=0; i<steps; i++ ) // for all time delays
+ {
+ corr[i] = data[2*i+1] / data[1]; // normalize, correlation is real
+ }
+ return steps;
+#define SWAP(a,b) tempr=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=tempr
+void FFT::fft( double* data, int nn, int isign)
+// numerical recipies routine "four1.c"
+ int n,mmax,m,j,istep,i;
+ double wtemp,wr,wpr,wpi,wi,theta;
+ double tempr,tempi;
+ n=nn << 1;
+ j=1;
+ for (i=1;i<n;i+=2) {
+ if (j > i) {
+ SWAP(data[j],data[i]);
+ SWAP(data[j+1],data[i+1]);
+ }
+ m=n >> 1;
+ while (m >= 2 && j > m) {
+ j -= m;
+ m >>= 1;
+ }
+ j += m;
+ }
+ mmax=2;
+ while (n > mmax) {
+ istep=2*mmax;
+ theta=6.28318530717959/(isign*mmax);
+ wtemp=sin(0.5*theta);
+ wpr = -2.0*wtemp*wtemp;
+ wpi=sin(theta);
+ wr=1.0;
+ wi=0.0;
+ for (m=1;m<mmax;m+=2) {
+ for (i=m;i<=n;i+=istep) {
+ j=i+mmax;
+ tempr=wr*data[j]-wi*data[j+1];
+ tempi=wr*data[j+1]+wi*data[j];
+ data[j]=data[i]-tempr;
+ data[j+1]=data[i+1]-tempi;
+ data[i] += tempr;
+ data[i+1] += tempi;
+ }
+ wr=(wtemp=wr)*wpr-wi*wpi+wr;
+ wi=wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi+wi;
+ }
+ mmax=istep;
+ }
+#undef SWAP
+void FFT::out( float* input, char* path, char* appendix )
+ int MAX_STEPS = 5000;
+ int sample = 1 + (int) floor( (double) steps_input / MAX_STEPS );
+ FILE* f;
+ int i;
+ double time;
+ char file[filename_size];
+ sprintf( file, "%s/ft.%s.trace_1", path, appendix );
+ f=fopen( file, "w" );
+ for( i=0; i<steps_input; i+=sample )
+ {
+ time=dt_input*i;
+ fprintf( f, "\n %.5e %.5e", time, input[i] );
+ }
+ fclose( f );
+ sprintf( file, "%s/ft.%s.trace_2", path, appendix );
+ f=fopen( file, "w" );
+ for( i=0; i<steps; i++ )
+ {
+ time=dt*i;
+ fprintf( f, "\n %.5e %.5e", time, local[i] );
+ }
+ fclose( f );
+ sprintf( file, "%s/ft.%s", path, appendix );
+ f=fopen( file, "w" );
+ for( i=0; i<=0.5*steps; i++ )
+ {
+ fprintf( f, "\n %.5e", frequency[i] );
+ fprintf( f, " %.5e", co[i] );
+ fprintf( f, " %.5e", si[i] );
+ fprintf( f, " %.5e", power[i] );
+ }
+ fclose( f );