path: root/harmoneff/harmoneff.pas
diff options
authorsimulation <>2016-02-09 09:54:46 +0100
committersimulation <>2016-02-09 09:54:46 +0100
commit6be0f285adb27f60f058c2937a7885899e17cb88 (patch)
treebe50a15314fe28c5b7b8f721233a34e71ca5b3b4 /harmoneff/harmoneff.pas
Initial commitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'harmoneff/harmoneff.pas')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/harmoneff/harmoneff.pas b/harmoneff/harmoneff.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b273a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/harmoneff/harmoneff.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+program harmoneff;
+uses sysutils, myMath, classes, process, math;
+Type TTodo = record
+ p_pol,
+ transmitted,
+ plasma: boolean;
+ order: integer;
+ end;
+ TLookAt = record
+ key,name: string;
+ end;
+var datadir: string;
+function catchValue(fnam,key,name: string): string;
+var f: textfile;
+ s: string;
+ kf: boolean;
+ if not fileexists(fnam) then Writeln(fnam);
+ assign(f,fnam);
+ reset(f);
+ kf:=false;
+ while not eof(f) do
+ begin
+ readln(f,s);
+ if pos('#',s)>0 then s:= copy(s,1,pos('#',s)-1);
+ while pos(' ',s)>0 do
+ delete(s,pos(' ',s),1);
+ while pos(#9,s)>0 do
+ delete(s,pos(#9,s),1);
+ if length(s)=0 then continue;
+ if s[1]='&' then
+ begin
+ kf:='&'+key=s;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ if kf and (pos(name+'=',s)=1) then
+ begin
+ delete(s,1,length(name)+1);
+ catchValue:=s;
+ close(f);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ close(f);
+ catchValue:='-1';//'arrrgh, couldn''t find &'+key+' -> '+name+' in '+fnam+'!';
+function getIntensity(wen: string; Spalte: Integer; Ordnung,Otol: extended; fit: boolean): TExtPoint;
+var F: Textfile;
+ S: String;
+ n: float;
+ I,J: integer;
+ Daten: array of TExtPoint;
+ y0,dt,err: extended;
+ erg: TExtPoint;
+ if not fileexists(datadir+'/Post/ft-'+wen) then writeln(datadir+'/Post/ft-'+wen);
+ assign(F,datadir+'/Post/ft-'+wen);
+ reset(F);
+ n:=0;
+ Setlength(Daten,0);
+ while not eof(F) do
+ begin
+ readln(F,S);
+ while (length(S)>0) and (S[1] in [#9,' ']) do
+ delete(S,1,1);
+ if (length(S)=0) or (S[1]='#') then continue;
+ S:=S+' ';
+ n:=strtofloat(copy(S,1,pos(' ',S)-1));
+ for I:=1 to Spalte do
+ begin
+ delete(S,1,pos(' ',S));
+ while (length(S)>0) and (S[1] in [#9,' ']) do
+ delete(S,1,1);
+ end;
+ S:=copy(S,1,pos(' ',S)-1);
+ if (abs(n-Ordnung)<=Otol/2) or (Otol<0) then
+ begin
+ Setlength(Daten,length(Daten)+1);
+ Daten[length(Daten)-1].x:=n-Ordnung;
+ Daten[length(Daten)-1].y:=strtofloat(S);
+ end;
+ end;
+ close(F);
+ err:=0.001;
+ if length(Daten)=0 then writeln('keine Daten zum fitten!');
+ if fit then
+ begin
+ y0:=0; // generate some usable values of y0 and dt to start with
+ I:=0;
+ while (Daten[I].x<0) and (I<length(Daten)) do
+ begin
+ y0:=Daten[I].y;
+ inc(I);
+ end;
+ J:=I;
+ while (I<length(Daten)-1) and (Daten[I].y > exp(-1)*y0) do
+ inc(I);
+ while (J>0) and (Daten[J].y > exp(-1)*y0) do
+ dec(J);
+ dt:=(Daten[I].x-Daten[J].x)/2;
+ if y0=0 then writeln('y0 ist vorher null!');
+ GaussFitDownhillSimplex(Daten,y0,dt,err);
+ if y0=0 then writeln('y0 ist nachher null!');
+ erg.val:=abs(y0*dt*sqrt(pi));
+ erg.err:=abs(sqrt(err/(length(Daten)-1))/y0);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ erg.val:=0;
+ erg.err:=0;
+ J:=0;
+ for I:=0 to length(Daten)-1 do
+ begin
+ erg.val:=erg.val+Daten[I].y;
+ if (10*I<length(Daten)) or
+ ((length(Daten)-I-1)*10<length(Daten)) then
+ begin
+ erg.err:=erg.err+Daten[I].y;
+ inc(J);
+ end;
+ end;
+ erg.val:=erg.val*(Daten[1].x-Daten[0].x);
+ if J>0 then erg.err:=erg.err/J*(Daten[length(Daten)-1].x-Daten[0].x);
+ erg.err:=erg.err/erg.val;
+ end;
+ getIntensity:=erg;
+procedure fehler(errnum: integer);
+var i: integer;
+ case errnum of
+ 0:
+ begin
+ writeln('number of given Params was '+inttostr(paramcount)+':');
+ for i:=0 to paramcount do
+ writeln(' '+inttostr(i)+': "'+paramstr(i)+'"');
+ writeln('usage:');
+ writeln(' '+paramstr(0)+' output input ($key $name)* \# (p|s)(t|r)(P?[0..9]*)');
+ writeln(' -- efficiency of p/s-pol., transm./refl., n-th (plasma) harmonic over $key-$name''s');
+ writeln(' '+paramstr(0)+' output ($key $name)* \# (p|s)(t|r)(P?[0..9]*)');
+ writeln(' -- headlines for above');
+ end;
+ 1:
+ begin
+ writeln('error: corrupt harmoneff.ini');
+ end;
+ else
+ writeln('*** unknown error: error '+inttostr(errnum)+' ***');
+ end{of Case};
+ halt;
+function readString(Key,Nam: string): String;
+var f: textfile;
+ s: string;
+ rightKey: boolean;
+ assign(f,extractfilepath(Paramstr(0))+'harmoneff.ini');
+ reset(f);
+ rightKey:=false;
+ while not eof(f) do
+ begin
+ readln(f,s);
+ if pos('#',s)>0 then delete(s,pos('#',s),length(s));
+ while (length(s)>0) and (s[1] in [' ',#9]) do
+ delete(s,1,1);
+ while (length(s)>0) and (s[length(s)] in [' ',#9]) do
+ delete(s,length(s),1);
+ if length(s)=0 then continue;
+ if s[1]='&' then
+ begin
+ delete(s,1,1);
+ rightKey:=copy(s,1,length(Key))=Key;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ if not rightKey then continue;
+ if copy(s,1,length(Nam))=Nam then
+ begin
+ delete(s,1,length(Nam));
+ delete(s,1,pos('=',s));
+ while (length(s)>0) and (s[1] in [' ',#9]) do
+ delete(s,1,1);
+ readString:=s;
+ close(f);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ close(f);
+ writeln('&'+Key+' '+Nam+' not found!');
+ fehler(1);
+function readFloat(Key,Nam: string): extended;
+ readFloat:=strtofloat(readString(Key,Nam));
+function readInt(Key,Nam: string): integer;
+ readInt:=strtoint(readString(Key,Nam));
+function readBool(Key,Nam: string): boolean;
+ readBool:=readInt(Key,Nam)<>0;
+var inputintens,
+ outputintens,
+ zuPapier: TExtPoint;
+ i,j,numl: integer;
+ todos: array of TTodo;
+ lookats: array of TLookAt;
+ heading: boolean;
+ S: string;
+ nion,max_err,
+ lfbreite,
+ pfbreite: extended;
+ FOut: Textfile;
+ fitten,
+ mit_fehler,
+ plusminus: boolean;
+ spalte: array[boolean] of Integer; // [transm?]
+ input_pol: boolean; // p-pol?
+ wer: array[boolean,boolean] of String = (('gp','fm'),('gm','fp')); // [transm?,p-pol?]
+procedure readIni;
+ fitten:=readBool('integration','fitten');
+ mit_fehler:=readBool('output','mit_fehler');
+ plusminus:=readBool('output','plusminus');
+ max_err:=readFloat('output','max_err');
+ spalte[false]:=readInt('daten','l_pos');
+ spalte[true]:=readInt('daten','l_pos');
+ input_pol:=readBool('daten','input_pol');
+ lfbreite:=readFloat('integration','lfbreite');
+ pfbreite:=readFloat('integration','pfbreite');
+ if paramcount <= 1 then
+ fehler(0);
+ readIni;
+ Assign(FOut,Paramstr(1));
+ if fileexists(Paramstr(1)) then
+ Append(FOut)
+ else
+ Rewrite(FOut);
+ heading:=not fileexists(Paramstr(2));
+ setlength(lookats,0);
+ numl:=-1;
+ For i:=2+byte(not heading) to Paramcount do
+ if (Paramstr(i)='#') or (Paramstr(i)='\#') then
+ begin
+ if numl<>-1 then fehler(0);
+ numl:=i-1;
+ end;
+ if (numl=-1) or (odd(numl) xor heading) then fehler(0);
+ for i:=1 to (numl-1-Byte(not heading)) div 2 do
+ begin
+ setlength(lookats,length(lookats)+1);
+ lookats[length(lookats)-1].key:=Paramstr(Byte(not heading)+2*i);
+ lookats[length(lookats)-1].name:=Paramstr(Byte(not heading)+2*i+1);
+ end;
+ inc(numl,2);
+ setlength(todos,0);
+ For i:=numl to Paramcount do
+ begin
+ S:=paramstr(i);
+ if (length(S)<3) or
+ not (upcase(S[1]) in ['P','S']) or
+ not (upcase(S[2]) in ['T','R']) or
+ not (upcase(S[3]) in ['P','0'..'9']) then fehler(0);
+ for j:=4 to length(S) do
+ if not (S[j] in ['0'..'9']) then fehler(0);
+ setlength(todos,length(todos)+1);
+ todos[length(todos)-1].p_pol:=upcase(S[1]) = 'P';
+ todos[length(todos)-1].transmitted:=upcase(S[2]) = 'T';
+ todos[length(todos)-1].plasma:=upcase(S[3]) = 'P';
+ delete(S,1,2+Byte(todos[length(todos)-1].plasma));
+ todos[length(todos)-1].order:=strtoint(S);
+ end;
+ if heading then
+ begin
+ write(FOut,'source');
+ for i:=0 to length(lookats)-1 do
+ write(FOut,#9+lookats[i].key+'-'+lookats[i].name);
+ for i:=0 to length(todos)-1 do
+ begin
+ write(FOut,#9);
+ if todos[i].p_pol then S:='p'
+ else S:='s';
+ S:=S+'-pol ';
+ if todos[i].transmitted then S:=S+'transm.'
+ else S:=S+'refl.';
+ S:=S+' '+inttostr(todos[i].order);
+ if todos[i].plasma then S:=S+' (pl.)';
+ write(FOut,S);
+ if mit_fehler then write(FOut,#9'd_abs'#9'd_rel');
+ if plusminus then write(FOut,#9'min'+S+#9'max'+S);
+ end;
+ writeln(FOut);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ datadir:=catchValue(Paramstr(2),'output','path');
+ if not directoryexists(datadir) then
+ begin
+ delete(datadir,1,pos('/',datadir));
+ if directoryexists('../daten_alt/'+datadir) then
+ datadir:='../daten_alt/'+datadir
+ else
+ begin
+ if directoryexists('../daten_mittelalt/'+datadir) then
+ datadir:='../daten_mittelalt/'+datadir
+ else
+ begin
+ writeln('**************************************************************************');
+ writeln(datadir);
+ halt;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inputintens:=getIntensity(wer[true,input_pol],1,1,-1,fitten); //'fp'
+ write(FOut,datadir);
+ for i:=0 to length(lookats)-1 do
+ write(FOut,#9+myfloattostr(strtofloat(catchValue(Paramstr(2),lookats[i].key,lookats[i].name))));
+ for i:=0 to length(todos)-1 do
+ begin
+ if todos[i].plasma then
+ begin
+ nion:=strtofloat(catchValue(Paramstr(2),'box','n_ion_over_nc'));
+ outputintens:=getIntensity(wer[todos[i].transmitted,todos[i].p_pol],
+ Spalte[todos[i].transmitted],
+ todos[i].order*sqrt(nion),
+ pfbreite/2*sqrt(nion),fitten);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ outputintens:=getIntensity(wer[todos[i].transmitted,todos[i].p_pol],
+ Spalte[todos[i].transmitted],
+ todos[i].order,
+ lfbreite,fitten);
+ end;
+ zuPapier:=divide(outputintens,inputintens);
+ if (zuPapier.Err <= max_err) or (max_err < 0) then
+ begin
+ write(FOut,#9+valuetostr(zuPapier,mit_fehler));
+ if plusminus then
+ write(FOut,#9+myfloattostr(zuPapier.Val*(1-zuPapier.Err))+
+ #9+myfloattostr(zuPapier.Val*(1+zuPapier.Err)));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ for J:=0 to 2*Byte(mit_fehler) + 2*Byte(plusminus) do
+ write(FOut,#9);
+ end;
+ end;
+ writeln(FOut);
+ end;
+ Close(FOut);