diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2020-01-16 15:07:54 +0100
committerErich Eckner <>2020-01-16 15:07:54 +0100
commit26c056cc6fabbff24db824ca6cdede106fc43217 (patch)
parent05f9208e1f05f1ab5faffa7611a8cb3c149ddf96 (diff)
statistics.pas new
3 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c9870e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8efab47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+statistics: statistics.pas
+ mkdir -p lib
+ fpc -Mobjfpc -FUlib -Fu/usr/lib/fpc/src/packages/* -Fu../units "$<"
+run: statistics
+ find ~/tmp/ -name '*.gpx' \
+ | sort \
+ | tr '\n' '\0' \
+ | xargs -0r cat \
+ | ./gpx-to-tsv \
+ | ./statistics
diff --git a/statistics.pas b/statistics.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..525b353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/statistics.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+program statistics;
+ lowlevelunit, SysUtils, math;
+ tPosition = class
+ breite,laenge,hoehe: extended;
+ zeit: int64;
+ constructor create;
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ procedure load(s: ansiString);
+ function toString: ansiString;
+ procedure copyFrom(p: tPosition);
+ end;
+ tMesswert = class(tPosition)
+ wert: extended;
+ end;
+constructor tPosition.create;
+ inherited create;
+destructor tPosition.destroy;
+ inherited destroy;
+procedure tPosition.load(s: ansiString);
+ breite:=strToFloat(erstesArgument(s,#9));
+ laenge:=strToFloat(erstesArgument(s,#9));
+ hoehe:=strToFloat(erstesArgument(s,#9));
+ zeit:=round(strToDate(erstesArgument(s,'T')));
+ zeit:=round(24*60*60*(zeit + strToTime(erstesArgument(s,'Z'))));
+function tPosition.toString: ansiString;
+ result:=
+ '"'+floatToStr(breite)+'" "'+
+ floatToStr(laenge)+'" "'+
+ floatToStr(hoehe)+'" "'+
+ floatToStr(zeit)+'"';
+procedure tPosition.copyFrom(p: tPosition);
+ breite:=p.breite;
+ laenge:=p.laenge;
+ hoehe:=p.hoehe;
+ zeit:=p.zeit;
+function abstand(p1,p2: tPosition): extended;
+ result:=sqrt(
+ sqr(p1.hoehe-p2.hoehe) +
+ sqr((12756320 + p1.hoehe + p2.hoehe)/2) * (
+ sqr((p1.breite-p2.breite)/180*pi) +
+ sqr(
+ sin((p1.breite+p2.breite)/2) *
+ (p1.laenge - p2.laenge)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ b: boolean;
+ s: ansiString;
+ i,x,y: int64;
+ ps: array[boolean] of tPosition;
+ ws: array of tMesswert;
+ minB,maxB,minL,maxL: extended;
+ zoom: extended;
+ wL,wU,wBr,wHo: int64;
+ anz: array of int64;
+ sum,qSum: array of extended;
+ i:=0;
+ ShortDateFormat:='y-m-d';
+ zoom:=500;
+ for b:=false to true do
+ ps[b]:=tPosition.create;
+ setLength(ws,0);
+ minB:=0;
+ maxB:=0;
+ minL:=0;
+ maxL:=0;
+ while not eof() do begin
+ readln(s);
+ ps[true].copyFrom(ps[false]);
+ ps[false].load(s);
+ if i>0 then begin
+ if ps[false].zeit<ps[true].zeit then
+ writeln(stderr, 'ERROR: ' + ps[false].toString + ' < ' + ps[true].toString);
+ if ps[false].zeit-ps[true].zeit < 30 then begin
+ setLength(ws,length(ws)+1);
+ ws[length(ws)-1]:=tMesswert.create;
+ with ws[length(ws)-1] do begin
+ copyFrom(ps[true]);
+ wert:=abstand(ps[true],ps[false])/(ps[false].zeit-ps[true].zeit);
+ if (length(ws)=1) or (minB>breite) then
+ minB:=breite;
+ if (length(ws)=1) or (maxB<breite) then
+ maxB:=breite;
+ if (length(ws)=1) or (minL>laenge) then
+ minL:=laenge;
+ if (length(ws)=1) or (maxL<laenge) then
+ maxL:=laenge;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ if i>10000 then
+ break;
+ end;
+ for b:=false to true do
+ ps[b].free;
+ writeln(minB,' .. ',maxB,' x ',minL,' .. ',maxL);
+ wU:=round(floor(minB*zoom));
+ wHo:=round(floor(maxB*zoom)+1)-wU;
+ wL:=round(floor(minL*cos(minB+maxB)*zoom));
+ wBr:=round(floor(maxL*cos(minB+maxB)*zoom)+1)-wL;
+ writeln(wBr,' x ',wHo);
+ setLength(anz,wBr*wHo);
+ setLength(sum,wBr*wHo);
+ setLength(qSum,wBr*wHo);
+ fillchar(anz[0],sizeof(anz[0])*length(anz),0);
+ fillchar(sum[0],sizeof(sum[0])*length(sum),0);
+ fillchar(qSum[0],sizeof(qSum[0])*length(qSum),0);
+ for i:=0 to length(ws)-1 do begin
+ x:=round(ws[i].laenge*cos(minB+maxB)*zoom)-wL;
+ y:=round(ws[i].breite*zoom)-wU;
+ inc(anz[x+wBr*y]);
+ sum[x+wBr*y]:= sum[x+wBr*y] + ws[i].wert;
+ qSum[x+wBr*y]:= qSum[x+wBr*y] + sqr(ws[i].wert);
+ end;
+ for y:=0 to wHo-1 do begin
+ for x:=0 to wBr-1 do begin
+ if x>0 then
+ write(',');
+ write(intToStr(anz[x+y*wBr])+':');
+ if anz[x+y*wBr]>0 then begin
+ write(floatToStr(sum[x+y*wBr]/anz[x+y*wBr]));
+ write('±');
+ write(floatToStr(sqrt(qSum[x+y*wBr]/anz[x+y*wBr]-sqr(sum[x+y*wBr]/anz[x+y*wBr]))));
+ end
+ else
+ write('NaN±NaN');
+ end;
+ writeln;
+ end;