path: root/src/gui
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1 files changed, 844 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/gui_menu.pas b/src/gui/gui_menu.pas
index 4429a941..f1d98f62 100644
--- a/src/gui/gui_menu.pas
+++ b/src/gui/gui_menu.pas
@@ -15,24 +15,28 @@ uses
- gui_popupwindow;
+ gfx_popupwindow,
+ gfx_UTF8utils;
- THotKeyDef = string;
+ TfpgHotKeyDef = string;
- TPopupMenu = class;
+ // forward declarations
+ TfpgPopupMenu = class;
+ TfpgMenuBar = class;
- TMenuItem = class(TComponent)
+ TfpgMenuItem = class(TComponent)
FEnabled: boolean;
- FHotKeyDef: THotKeyDef;
+ FHotKeyDef: TfpgHotKeyDef;
FOnClick: TNotifyEvent;
FSeparator: boolean;
- FSubMenu: TPopupMenu;
+ FSubMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
FText: string;
FVisible: boolean;
procedure SetEnabled(const AValue: boolean);
- procedure SetHotKeyDef(const AValue: THotKeyDef);
+ procedure SetHotKeyDef(const AValue: TfpgHotKeyDef);
procedure SetSeparator(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetText(const AValue: string);
procedure SetVisible(const AValue: boolean);
@@ -43,57 +47,132 @@ type
function GetAccelChar: string;
procedure DrawText(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord);
property Text: string read FText write SetText;
- property HotKeyDef: THotKeyDef read FHotKeyDef write SetHotKeyDef;
+ property HotKeyDef: TfpgHotKeyDef read FHotKeyDef write SetHotKeyDef;
property Separator: boolean read FSeparator write SetSeparator;
property Visible: boolean read FVisible write SetVisible;
property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled;
- property SubMenu: TPopupMenu read FSubMenu;
+ property SubMenu: TfpgPopupMenu read FSubMenu write FSubMenu;
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick;
- TPopupMenu = class(TfpgForm) // this should actually descend from a popup window class
+ TfpgPopupMenu = class(TfpgPopupWindow)
+ private
+ FBackgroundColor: TfpgColor;
+ FBeforeShow: TNotifyEvent;
+ FMargin: TfpgCoord;
+ FTextMargin: TfpgCoord;
+ procedure SetBackgroundColor(const AValue: TfpgColor);
+ procedure DoSelect;
+ procedure CloseSubmenus;
+ function GetItemPosY(index: integer): integer;
+ function CalcMouseRow(y: integer): integer;
+ function VisibleCount: integer;
+ function VisibleItem(ind: integer): TfpgMenuItem;
+ function MenuFocused: boolean;
+ protected
+ FMenuFont: TfpgFont;
+ FMenuAccelFont: TfpgFont;
+ FMenuDisabledFont: TfpgFont;
+ FSymbolWidth: integer;
+ FItems: TList;
+ FFocusItem: integer;
+ procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override;
+ procedure HandlePaint; override;
+ procedure HandleShow; override;
+ procedure DrawItem(mi: TfpgMenuItem; rect: TfpgRect); virtual;
+ procedure DrawRow(line: integer; focus: boolean); virtual;
+ function ItemHeight(mi: TfpgMenuItem): integer; virtual;
+ procedure PrepareToShow;
+ public
+ OpenerPopup: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ OpenerMenuBar: TfpgMenuBar;
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function AddMenuItem(const menuname: string; const hotkeydef: string; HandlerProc: TNotifyEvent): TfpgMenuItem;
+ property BackgroundColor: TfpgColor read FBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
+ property BeforeShow: TNotifyEvent read FBeforeShow write FBeforeShow;
- TMenuBar = class(TfpgWidget)
+ TfpgMenuBar = class(TfpgWidget)
+ private
+ FBackgroundColor: TfpgColor;
+ FBeforeShow: TNotifyEvent;
+ FLightColor: TfpgColor;
+ FDarkColor: TfpgColor;
+ procedure SetBackgroundColor(const AValue: TfpgColor);
+ protected
+ FItems: TList; // stores visible items only
+ FFocusItem: integer;
+ procedure PrepareToShow; //
+ function VisibleCount: integer; //
+ function VisibleItem(ind: integer): TfpgMenuItem; //
+ procedure HandleShow; override;
+ procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override;
+ procedure HandlePaint; override; //
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; //
+ destructor Destroy; override; //
+ function ItemWidth(mi: TfpgMenuItem): integer; //
+ procedure DrawColumn(col: integer; focus: boolean); //
+ function CalcMouseCol(x: integer): integer; //
+ function GetItemPosX(index: integer): integer; //
+ procedure DoSelect; //
+ procedure CloseSubmenus; //
+ function MenuFocused: boolean; //
+ function SearchItemByAccel(s: string): integer; //
+ procedure DeActivateMenu; //
+ procedure ActivateMenu; //
+ function AddMenuItem(const AMenuTitle: string; OnClickProc: TNotifyEvent): TfpgMenuItem; //
+ property BackgroundColor: TfpgColor read FBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
+ property BeforeShow: TNotifyEvent read FBeforeShow write FBeforeShow;
-{ TMenuItem }
+ uFocusedPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
-procedure TMenuItem.SetText(const AValue: string);
+{ TfpgMenuItem }
+procedure TfpgMenuItem.SetText(const AValue: string);
if FText=AValue then exit;
-procedure TMenuItem.SetVisible(const AValue: boolean);
+procedure TfpgMenuItem.SetVisible(const AValue: boolean);
if FVisible=AValue then exit;
-procedure TMenuItem.SetHotKeyDef(const AValue: THotKeyDef);
+procedure TfpgMenuItem.SetHotKeyDef(const AValue: TfpgHotKeyDef);
if FHotKeyDef=AValue then exit;
-procedure TMenuItem.SetEnabled(const AValue: boolean);
+procedure TfpgMenuItem.SetEnabled(const AValue: boolean);
if FEnabled=AValue then exit;
-procedure TMenuItem.SetSeparator(const AValue: boolean);
+procedure TfpgMenuItem.SetSeparator(const AValue: boolean);
if FSeparator=AValue then exit;
-constructor TMenuItem.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+constructor TfpgMenuItem.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
Text := '';
@@ -105,25 +184,768 @@ begin
FOnClick := nil;
-procedure TMenuItem.Click;
+procedure TfpgMenuItem.Click;
if Assigned(FOnClick) then
-function TMenuItem.Selectable: boolean;
+function TfpgMenuItem.Selectable: boolean;
Result := Enabled and Visible and (not Separator);
-function TMenuItem.GetAccelChar: string;
+function TfpgMenuItem.GetAccelChar: string;
+ p: integer;
+ p := UTF8Pos('&', Text);
+ if p > 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := UTF8Copy(Text, p+1, 1);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := '';
+procedure TfpgMenuItem.DrawText(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord);
+ s: string;
+ p: integer;
+ achar: string;
+// writeln('DrawText x:', x, ' y:', y);
+ if not Enabled then
+ ACanvas.SetFont(fpgStyle.MenuDisabledFont)
+ else
+ ACanvas.SetFont(fpgStyle.MenuFont);
+ achar := '&';
+ s := Text;
+ repeat
+ p := UTF8Pos(achar, s);
+ if p > 0 then
+ begin
+ // first part of text before the & sign
+ ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, UTF8Copy(s, 1, p-1));
+ inc(x, fpgStyle.MenuFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(s, 1, p-1)));
+ if UTF8Copy(s, p+1, 1) = achar then
+ begin
+ // Do we need to paint a actual & sign (create via && in item text)
+ ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, achar);
+ inc(x, fpgStyle.MenuFont.TextWidth(achar));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // Draw the HotKey text
+ if Enabled then
+ ACanvas.SetFont(fpgStyle.MenuAccelFont);
+ ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, UTF8Copy(s, p+1, 1));
+ inc(x, ACanvas.Font.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(s, p+1, 1)));
+ if Enabled then
+ ACanvas.SetFont(fpgStyle.MenuFont);
+ end;
+ s := UTF8Copy(s, p+2, UTF8Length(s));
+ end; { if }
+ until p < 1;
+ // Draw the remaining text after the & sign
+ if UTF8Length(s) > 0 then
+ ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, s);
+{ TfpgMenuBar }
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.SetBackgroundColor(const AValue: TfpgColor);
+ if FBackgroundColor=AValue then exit;
+ FBackgroundColor:=AValue;
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.PrepareToShow;
+ n: integer;
+ mi: TfpgMenuItem;
+// writeln(Classname, ' PrepareToShow');
+ if Assigned(FBeforeShow) then
+ FBeforeShow(self);
+ FItems.Count := 0;
+ // Collecting visible items
+ for n := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
+ begin
+ if Components[n] is TfpgMenuItem then
+ begin
+ mi := TfpgMenuItem(Components[n]);
+ if mi.Visible then
+ FItems.Add(mi);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TfpgMenuBar.VisibleCount: integer;
+ Result := FItems.Count;
+function TfpgMenuBar.VisibleItem(ind: integer): TfpgMenuItem;
+ if (ind < 1) or (ind > FItems.Count) then
+ Result := nil
+ else
+ Result := TfpgMenuItem(FItems.Items[ind-1]);
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.HandleShow;
+ PrepareToShow;
+ inherited HandleShow;
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ newf: integer;
+ inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate);
+ if not MenuFocused then
+ Exit; //==>
+ newf := CalcMouseCol(x);
+ if not VisibleItem(newf).Selectable then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if newf = FFocusItem then
+ Exit; //==>
+ DrawColumn(FFocusItem, False);
+ FFocusItem := newf;
+ DrawColumn(FFocusItem, True);
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ newf: integer;
+ inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate);
+ if not Focused then
+ ActivateMenu;
+ //else
+ //begin
+ //CloseSubmenus;
+ //DeActivateMenu;
+ //Exit; //==>
+ //end;
+ newf := CalcMouseCol(x);
+ if not VisibleItem(newf).Selectable then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if newf <> FFocusItem then
+ begin
+ DrawColumn(FFocusItem, False);
+ FFocusItem := newf;
+ DrawColumn(FFocusItem, True);
+ end;
+ DoSelect;
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word;
+ var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean);
+ inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed);
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.HandlePaint;
+ n: integer;
+ r: TfpgRect;
+ Canvas.BeginDraw;
+ inherited HandlePaint;
+ r.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height);
+ Canvas.GradientFill(r, FLightColor, FDarkColor, gdVertical);
+// Canvas.Clear(FBackgroundColor);
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ DrawColumn(n, n = FFocusItem);
+ Canvas.EndDraw;
+constructor TfpgMenuBar.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FItems := TList.Create;
+ FBeforeShow := nil;
+ FFocusItem := 1;
+ FFocusable := False;
+ FBackgroundColor := clWindowBackground;
+ FLightColor := TfpgColor($f0ece3); // color at top of menu bar
+ FDarkColor := TfpgColor($beb8a4); // color at bottom of menu bar
+destructor TfpgMenuBar.Destroy;
+ FItems.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TfpgMenuBar.ItemWidth(mi: TfpgMenuItem): integer;
+ Result := fpgStyle.MenuFont.TextWidth(mi.Text) + 2*6;
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.DrawColumn(col: integer; focus: boolean);
+ n: integer;
+ r: TfpgRect;
+ mi: TfpgMenuItem;
+ r2: TfpgRect;
+ Canvas.BeginDraw;
+ r.SetRect(2, 1, 1, fpgStyle.MenuFont.Height+2);
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ begin
+ mi := VisibleItem(n);
+ r.width := ItemWidth(mi);
+ if col = n then
+ begin
+ if focus and Focused then
+ begin
+ if MenuFocused then
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(clSelection);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clSelectionText);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(clInactiveSel);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clInactiveSelText);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if mi.Enabled then
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(BackgroundColor);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clMenuText);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(BackgroundColor);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clMenuDisabled);
+ end;
+ end; { if/else }
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ mi.DrawText(Canvas, r.left+4,;
+ Canvas.EndDraw;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end; { if col=n }
+ inc(r.Left, ItemWidth(mi));
+ end; { for }
+function TfpgMenuBar.CalcMouseCol(x: integer): integer;
+ w: integer;
+ n: integer;
+ Result := 1;
+ w := 0;
+ n := 1;
+ while (w <= x) and (n <= VisibleCount) do
+ begin
+ Result := n;
+ inc(w, ItemWidth(VisibleItem(n)));
+ inc(n);
+ end;
+function TfpgMenuBar.GetItemPosX(index: integer): integer;
+ n: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ if index < 1 then
+ Exit; //==>
+ n := 1;
+ while (n <= VisibleCount) and (n < index) do
+ begin
+ Inc(result, ItemWidth(VisibleItem(n)));
+ inc(n);
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.DoSelect;
+ mi: TfpgMenuItem;
+ mi := VisibleItem(FFocusItem);
+ CloseSubMenus; // deactivates menubar!
+ if mi.SubMenu <> nil then
+ begin
+ ActivateMenu;
+ // showing the submenu
+ mi.SubMenu.ShowAt(self, GetItemPosX(FFocusItem)+2, fpgStyle.MenuFont.Height+4);
+ mi.SubMenu.OpenerPopup := nil;
+ mi.SubMenu.OpenerMenuBar := self;
+ mi.SubMenu.DontCloseWidget := self;
+ uFocusedPopupMenu := mi.SubMenu;
+ RePaint;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ VisibleItem(FFocusItem).Click;
+ DeActivateMenu;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.CloseSubmenus;
+ n: integer;
+ // Close all previous popups
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ with VisibleItem(n) do
+ begin
+ if (SubMenu <> nil) and (SubMenu.HasHandle) then
+ SubMenu.Close;
+ end;
+function TfpgMenuBar.MenuFocused: boolean;
+ n: integer;
+ mi: TfpgMenuItem;
+ Result := True;
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ begin
+ mi := VisibleItem(n);
+ if (mi.SubMenu <> nil) and (mi.SubMenu.HasHandle) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TfpgMenuBar.SearchItemByAccel(s: string): integer;
+ n: integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ begin
+ with VisibleItem(n) do
+ begin
+ {$Note Should UpperCase take note of UTF-8? }
+ if Enabled and (UpperCase(s) = UpperCase(GetAccelChar)) then
+ begin
+ Result := n;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.DeActivateMenu;
+ Parent.ActiveWidget := nil;
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.ActivateMenu;
+ Parent.ActiveWidget := self;
+function TfpgMenuBar.AddMenuItem(const AMenuTitle: string; OnClickProc: TNotifyEvent): TfpgMenuItem;
+ Result := TfpgMenuItem.Create(self);
+ Result.Text := AMenuTitle;
+ Result.HotKeyDef := '';
+ Result.OnClick := OnClickProc;
+ Result.Separator := False;
+{ TfpgPopupMenu }
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.SetBackgroundColor(const AValue: TfpgColor);
+ if FBackgroundColor=AValue then exit;
+ FBackgroundColor:=AValue;
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.DoSelect;
+ mi: TfpgMenuItem;
+ op: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ mi := VisibleItem(FFocusItem);
+ if mi.SubMenu <> nil then
+ begin
+ CloseSubMenus;
+ // showing the submenu
+ mi.SubMenu.ShowAt(self, Width, GetItemPosY(FFocusItem));
+ mi.SubMenu.OpenerPopup := self;
+ mi.SubMenu.OpenerMenuBar := OpenerMenuBar;
+ uFocusedPopupMenu := mi.SubMenu;
+ RePaint;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // Close this popup
+ Close;
+ op := OpenerPopup;
+ while op <> nil do
+ begin
+ if op.HasHandle then
+ op.Close;
+ op := op.OpenerPopup;
+ end;
+ VisibleItem(FFocusItem).Click;
+ end; { if/else }
+ if OpenerMenuBar <> nil then
+ OpenerMenuBar.DeActivateMenu;
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.CloseSubmenus;
+ n: integer;
+ // Close all previous popups
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ with VisibleItem(n) do
+ begin
+ if (SubMenu <> nil) and (SubMenu.HasHandle) then
+ SubMenu.Close;
+ end;
+function TfpgPopupMenu.GetItemPosY(index: integer): integer;
+ n: integer;
+ Result := 2;
+ if index < 1 then
+ Exit; //==>
+ n := 1;
+ while (n <= VisibleCount) and (n < index) do
+ begin
+ Inc(Result, ItemHeight(VisibleItem(n)));
+ inc(n);
+ end;
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ newf: integer;
+ inherited HandleMouseMove(x, y, btnstate, shiftstate);
+ if not MenuFocused then
+ Exit; //==>
+ newf := CalcMouseRow(y);
+ if not VisibleItem(newf).Selectable then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if newf = FFocusItem then
+ Exit; //==>
+ DrawRow(FFocusItem,false);
+ FFocusItem := newf;
+ DrawRow(FFocusItem,true);
-procedure TMenuItem.DrawText(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord);
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
+ newf: integer;
+ mi: TfpgMenuItem;
+ inherited HandleLMouseDown(x, y, shiftstate);
+ newf := CalcMouseRow(y);
+ if not VisibleItem(newf).Selectable then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if newf <> FFocusItem then
+ begin
+ DrawRow(FFocusItem, False);
+ FFocusItem := newf;
+ DrawRow(FFocusItem, True);
+ end;
+ mi := VisibleItem(FFocusItem);
+ if (mi <> nil) and (not MenuFocused) and (mi.SubMenu <> nil) and mi.SubMenu.HasHandle then
+ mi.SubMenu.Close
+ else
+ DoSelect;
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean);
+ inherited HandleKeyPress(keycode, shiftstate, consumed);
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.HandlePaint;
+ n: integer;
+ Canvas.BeginDraw;
+ inherited HandlePaint;
+ Canvas.Clear(FBackgroundColor);
+ Canvas.SetColor(clWidgetFrame);
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ begin
+ DrawRow(n, n = FFocusItem);
+ end;
+ Canvas.EndDraw;
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.HandleShow;
+ PrepareToShow;
+ inherited HandleShow;
+function TfpgPopupMenu.VisibleCount: integer;
+ Result := FItems.Count;
+function TfpgPopupMenu.VisibleItem(ind: integer): TfpgMenuItem;
+ if (ind < 1) or (ind > FItems.Count) then
+ Result := nil
+ else
+ Result := TfpgMenuItem(FItems.Items[ind-1]);
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.DrawItem(mi: TfpgMenuItem; rect: TfpgRect);
+ s: string;
+ x: integer;
+ if mi.Separator then
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(clMenuText);
+ Canvas.DrawLine(rect.Left, rect.Top+2, rect.Right+1, rect.Top+2);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ x := rect.Left + FSymbolWidth + FTextMargin;
+ mi.DrawText(Canvas,x,;
+ if mi.HotKeyDef <> '' then
+ begin
+ s := mi.HotKeyDef;
+ Canvas.DrawString(rect.Right-FMenuFont.TextWidth(s)-FTextMargin, rect.Top, s);
+ end;
+ if mi.SubMenu <> nil then
+ begin
+ canvas.SetColor(canvas.TextColor);
+ x := (rect.height div 2) - 3;
+ canvas.FillTriangle(rect.right-x-2,,
+ rect.right-2,,
+ rect.right-x-2,*x);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.DrawRow(line: integer; focus: boolean);
+ n: integer;
+ r: TfpgRect;
+ mi: TfpgMenuItem;
+ Canvas.BeginDraw;
+ r.SetRect(FMargin, FMargin, FWidth-(2*FMargin), FHeight-(2*FMargin));
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ begin
+ mi := VisibleItem(n);
+ r.height := ItemHeight(mi);
+ if line = n then
+ begin
+ if focus and (not mi.Separator) then
+ begin
+ if MenuFocused then
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(clSelection);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clSelectionText);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(clInactiveSel);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clInactiveSelText);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if mi.Enabled then
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(BackgroundColor);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clMenuText);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Canvas.SetColor(BackgroundColor);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clMenuDisabled);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ DrawItem(mi, r);
+ Canvas.EndDraw;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end;
+ inc(r.Top, ItemHeight(mi) );
+ end;
+function TfpgPopupMenu.ItemHeight(mi: TfpgMenuItem): integer;
+ if mi.Separator then
+ Result := 5
+ else
+ Result := FMenuFont.Height + 2;
+function TfpgPopupMenu.MenuFocused: boolean;
+ Result := (uFocusedPopupMenu = self);
+// Collecting visible items and measuring sizes
+procedure TfpgPopupMenu.PrepareToShow;
+ n: integer;
+ h: integer;
+ tw: integer;
+ hkw: integer;
+ x: integer;
+ mi: TfpgMenuItem;
+ if Assigned(FBeforeShow) then
+ FBeforeShow(self);
+ // Collecting visible items
+ FItems.Count := 0;
+ for n := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
+ begin
+ if Components[n] is TfpgMenuItem then
+ begin
+ mi := TfpgMenuItem(Components[n]);
+ if mi.Visible then
+ FItems.Add(mi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Measuring sizes
+ h := 0;
+ tw := 0;
+ hkw := 0;
+ FSymbolWidth := 0;
+ for n := 1 to VisibleCount do
+ begin
+ mi := VisibleItem(n);
+ x := ItemHeight(mi);
+ inc(h, x);
+ x := FMenuFont.TextWidth(mi.Text);
+ if tw < x then
+ tw := x;
+ if mi.SubMenu <> nil then
+ x := FMenuFont.Height
+ else
+ x := FMenuFont.TextWidth(mi.HotKeyDef);
+ if hkw < x then
+ hkw := x;
+ end;
+ if hkw > 0 then
+ hkw := hkw + 5;
+ FHeight := FMargin*2 + h;
+ FWidth := (FMargin+FTextMargin)*2 + FSymbolWidth + tw + hkw;
+ uFocusedPopupMenu := self;
+function TfpgPopupMenu.CalcMouseRow(y: integer): integer;
+ h: integer;
+ n: integer;
+ Result := 1;
+ h := 2;
+ n := 1;
+ while (h <= y) and (n <= VisibleCount) do
+ begin
+ Result := n;
+ inc(h, ItemHeight(VisibleItem(n)));
+ inc(n);
+ end;
+constructor TfpgPopupMenu.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FMargin := 2;
+ FTextMargin := 3;
+ FItems := TList.Create;
+ FBackgroundColor := clWindowBackground;
+ // fonts
+ FMenuFont := fpgStyle.MenuFont;
+ FMenuAccelFont := fpgStyle.MenuAccelFont;
+ FMenuDisabledFont := fpgStyle.MenuDisabledFont;
+ FSymbolWidth := FMenuFont.Height+2;
+ FBeforeShow := nil;
+ FFocusItem := 1;
+ OpenerPopup := nil;
+ OpenerMenubar := nil;
+destructor TfpgPopupMenu.Destroy;
+ FItems.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TfpgPopupMenu.AddMenuItem(const menuname: string;
+ const hotkeydef: string; HandlerProc: TNotifyEvent): TfpgMenuItem;
+ result := TfpgMenuItem.Create(self);
+ if menuname <> '-' then
+ begin
+ result.Text := menuname;
+ result.hotkeydef := hotkeydef;
+ result.OnClick := HandlerProc;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ result.Separator := true;
+ end;