path: root/gui/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gui/')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gui/ b/gui/
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+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library
+ ScrollBox class declarations
+ Copyright (C) 2000 - 2006 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+{%mainunit fpgui.pas}
+{ Scrolling support implementation }
+{$IFDEF read_interface}
+ TScrollingSupport = class
+ private
+ Parent: TWidget;
+ FBorders: TRect;
+ FClientRect: TRect;
+ FVirtualSize: TSize;
+ FHorzScrollBar, FVertScrollBar: TScrollBar;
+ FOnClientRectChange: TNotifyEvent;
+ function EvMouseWheel(Event: TMouseWheelEventObj): Boolean;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AParent: TWidget);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function ProcessEvent(Event: TEventObj): Boolean;
+ function DistributeEvent(Event: TEventObj): Boolean;
+ function SendToChild(AChild: TWidget; Event: TEventObj): Boolean;
+ procedure CalcSizes;
+ procedure Resized;
+ function CalcClientSize(AHorzBarVisible, AVertBarVisible: Boolean): TSize;
+ procedure SetVirtualSize(const ASize: TSize);
+ function ScrollPos: TPoint;
+ procedure DefHorzScrollHandler(Sender: TObject; var APosition: Integer);
+ procedure DefVertScrollHandler(Sender: TObject; var APosition: Integer);
+ property Borders: TRect read FBorders;
+ property ClientRect: TRect read FClientRect;
+ property HorzScrollBar: TScrollBar read FHorzScrollBar;
+ property VertScrollBar: TScrollBar read FVertScrollBar;
+ property OnClientRectChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnClientRectChange write FOnClientRectChange;
+ end;
+ TCustomScrollBox = class(TWidget)
+ protected
+ ScrollingSupport: TScrollingSupport;
+ procedure Paint(Canvas: TFCanvas); override;
+ function ProcessEvent(Event: TEventObj): Boolean; override;
+ function DistributeEvent(Event: TEventObj): Boolean; override;
+// procedure EvKeyPressed(Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure CalcSizes; override;
+ procedure Resized; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TScrollBox = class(TCustomScrollBox)
+ end;
+{$ENDIF read_interface}
+{$IFDEF read_implementation}
+// ===================================================================
+// TScrollingSupport
+// ===================================================================
+constructor TScrollingSupport.Create(AParent: TWidget);
+ Parent := AParent;
+ FHorzScrollBar := TScrollBar.Create(Parent);
+ HorzScrollBar.Name := '#Scrolling_HorzBar';
+ HorzScrollBar.Embedded := True;
+ HorzScrollBar.SetEmbeddedParent(Parent);
+ FVertScrollBar := TScrollBar.Create(Parent);
+ VertScrollBar.Name := '#Scrolling_VertBar';
+ VertScrollBar.Orientation := Vertical;
+ VertScrollBar.Embedded := True;
+ VertScrollBar.SetEmbeddedParent(Parent);
+destructor TScrollingSupport.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TScrollingSupport.ProcessEvent(Event: TEventObj): Boolean;
+ HorzScrollBarHeight, VertScrollBarWidth: Integer;
+ Canvas: TFCanvas;
+ if Event.InheritsFrom(TPaintEventObj) then
+ begin
+ if HorzScrollBar.Visible then
+ HorzScrollBarHeight :=
+ else
+ HorzScrollBarHeight := 0;
+ if VertScrollBar.Visible then
+ VertScrollBarWidth :=
+ else
+ VertScrollBarWidth := 0;
+ Canvas := TPaintEventObj(Event).Canvas;
+ Parent.Style.DrawScrollBoxBorder(Canvas,
+ Rect(0, 0, Parent.Width, Parent.Height));
+ Parent.Style.DrawWindowBackground(Canvas, Rect(VertScrollBar.Left,
+ HorzScrollBar.Top, VertScrollBar.Left + VertScrollBarWidth,
+ HorzScrollBar.Top + HorzScrollBarHeight));
+ Result := False;
+ end else if Event.InheritsFrom(TMouseWheelEventObj) then
+ Result := EvMouseWheel(TMouseWheelEventObj(Event))
+ else
+ Result := False;
+function TScrollingSupport.DistributeEvent(Event: TEventObj): Boolean;
+ Result := Event.SendToChild(HorzScrollBar) or
+ Event.SendToChild(VertScrollBar);
+function TScrollingSupport.SendToChild(AChild: TWidget;
+ Event: TEventObj): Boolean;
+ Canvas: TFCanvas;
+ OldMatrix: TGfxMatrix;
+ if Event.InheritsFrom(TPreparePaintEventObj) then
+ begin
+ Canvas := TPaintEventObj(Event).Canvas;
+ OldMatrix := Canvas.Matrix;
+ Canvas.AppendTranslation(Point(ClientRect.Left - HorzScrollBar.Position,
+ ClientRect.Top - VertScrollBar.Position));
+ Result := Event.SendToChild(AChild);
+ Canvas.Matrix := OldMatrix;
+ end else if Event.InheritsFrom(TPaintEventObj) then
+ begin
+ Canvas := TPaintEventObj(Event).Canvas;
+ Canvas.SaveState;
+ try
+ Canvas.AppendTranslation(Point(-HorzScrollBar.Position,
+ -VertScrollBar.Position));
+ if Canvas.IntersectClipRect(ClientRect) {and Canvas.IntersectClipRect(
+ Rect(AChild.Left + ClientRect.Left, AChild.Top + ClientRect.Top,
+ AChild.Left + AChild.Width + ClientRect.Left,
+ AChild.Top + AChild.Height + ClientRect.Top))} then
+ begin
+ {Canvas.AppendTranslation(AChild.Left + ClientRect.Left,
+ AChild.Top + ClientRect.Top);
+ Inc(Event.RefCount);
+ Result := AChild.SendEvent(Event);}
+ Canvas.AppendTranslation(ClientRect.TopLeft);
+ Result := Event.SendToChild(AChild);
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ finally
+ Canvas.RestoreState;
+ end;
+ end else
+ Result := Event.SendToChild(AChild);
+procedure TScrollingSupport.CalcSizes;
+ FBorders := Parent.Style.GetScrollBoxBorders;
+ with Parent, Borders do
+ begin
+ FMinSize := HorzScrollBar.MinSize + VertScrollBar.MinSize +
+ TopLeft + BottomRight;
+ FDefSize := HorzScrollBar.DefSize + VertScrollBar.DefSize +
+ TopLeft + BottomRight;
+ end;
+procedure TScrollingSupport.Resized;
+ HorzScrollBarHeight, VertScrollBarWidth: Integer;
+ procedure CalcScrollBarSizes;
+ begin
+ if HorzScrollBar.Visible then
+ HorzScrollBarHeight :=
+ else
+ HorzScrollBarHeight := 0;
+ if VertScrollBar.Visible then
+ VertScrollBarWidth :=
+ else
+ VertScrollBarWidth := 0;
+ end;
+ Canvas: TFCanvas;
+ HorzBarVisible, VertBarVisible,
+ LastHorzBarVisible, LastVertBarVisible: Boolean;
+ HorzBarVisible := HorzScrollBar.Visible;
+ VertBarVisible := VertScrollBar.Visible;
+ LastHorzBarVisible := not HorzBarVisible;
+ if FVirtualSize <> gfxbase.Size(0, 0) then
+ with gfxbase.Size(ClientRect) do
+ begin
+ HorzScrollBar.PageSize := cx;
+ VertScrollBar.PageSize := cy;
+ end;
+ FBorders := Parent.Style.GetScrollBoxBorders;
+ with FBorders do
+ begin
+ while (HorzBarVisible <> LastHorzBarVisible) or
+ (VertBarVisible <> LastVertBarVisible) do
+ begin
+ LastHorzBarVisible := HorzBarVisible;
+ LastVertBarVisible := VertBarVisible;
+ CalcScrollBarSizes;
+ HorzScrollBar.SetBounds(
+ Point(Left, Parent.Height - - Bottom),
+ gfxbase.Size(Parent.Width - VertScrollBarWidth - Left - Right,
+ VertScrollBar.SetBounds(
+ Point(Parent.Width - - Right, Top),
+ gfxbase.Size(,
+ Parent.Height - HorzScrollBarHeight - Top - Bottom));
+ ClientRect.Left := Left;
+ ClientRect.Top := Top;
+ ClientRect.Right := Parent.Width - Right - VertScrollBarWidth;
+ ClientRect.Bottom := Parent.Height - Bottom - HorzScrollBarHeight;
+ if Assigned(OnClientRectChange) then
+ OnClientRectChange(Self);
+ HorzBarVisible := HorzScrollBar.Visible;
+ VertBarVisible := VertScrollBar.Visible;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TScrollingSupport.CalcClientSize(AHorzBarVisible,
+ AVertBarVisible: Boolean): TSize;
+ FBorders := Parent.Style.GetScrollBoxBorders;
+ Result := Parent.BoundsSize - Borders.TopLeft - Borders.BottomRight;
+ if AVertBarVisible then
+ Dec(,;
+ if AHorzBarVisible then
+ Dec(,;
+procedure TScrollingSupport.SetVirtualSize(const ASize: TSize);
+ FVirtualSize := ASize;
+ HorzScrollBar.Max :=;
+ VertScrollBar.Max :=;
+function TScrollingSupport.ScrollPos: TPoint;
+ Result.x := HorzScrollBar.Position;
+ Result.y := VertScrollBar.Position;
+procedure TScrollingSupport.DefHorzScrollHandler(Sender: TObject;
+ var APosition: Integer);
+ Delta: Integer;
+ r: TRect;
+ Delta := HorzScrollBar.Position - APosition;
+ r := ClientRect;
+ if Delta < 0 then // Scrolling to the right side
+ Dec(r.Left, Delta)
+ else // Scrolling to the left side
+ Dec(r.Right, Delta);
+ Parent.Scroll(r, Delta, 0);
+procedure TScrollingSupport.DefVertScrollHandler(Sender: TObject;
+ var APosition: Integer);
+ Delta: Integer;
+ r: TRect;
+ Delta := VertScrollBar.Position - APosition;
+ r := ClientRect;
+ if Delta < 0 then // Scrolling downwards
+ Dec(r.Top, Delta)
+ else // Scrolling upwards
+ Dec(r.Bottom, Delta);
+ Parent.Scroll(r, 0, Delta);
+function TScrollingSupport.EvMouseWheel(Event: TMouseWheelEventObj): Boolean;
+ mshift: TShiftState;
+ if Parent.DistributeEvent(Event) then
+ exit;
+ mshift := Event.Shift * [ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssMeta,
+ ssSuper, ssHyper, ssAltGr];
+ if not VertScrollBar.Visible then
+ Include(mshift, ssShift);
+ if mshift = [] then
+ VertScrollBar.Position := VertScrollBar.Position +
+ Round(Event.WheelDelta * VertScrollBar.SmallChange)
+ else if mshift = [ssShift] then
+ HorzScrollBar.Position := HorzScrollBar.Position +
+ Round(Event.WheelDelta * VertScrollBar.SmallChange);
+ Result := True;
+// ===================================================================
+// TCustomScrollBox
+// ===================================================================
+constructor TCustomScrollBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ WidgetStyle := WidgetStyle + [wsClickable, wsOpaque];
+ FCanExpandWidth := True;
+ FCanExpandHeight := True;
+ ScrollingSupport := TScrollingSupport.Create(Self);
+destructor TCustomScrollBox.Destroy;
+ ScrollingSupport.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+// Protected methods
+procedure TCustomScrollBox.Paint(Canvas: TFCanvas);
+ Assert(Canvas = Canvas);
+ Style.DrawWindowBackground(Canvas, Rect(HorzScrollBar.Left,
+ VertScrollBar.Top, HorzScrollBar.Left + HorzScrollBar.Width,
+ VertScrollBar.Top + VertScrollBar.Height));}
+function TCustomScrollBox.ProcessEvent(Event: TEventObj): Boolean;
+ Result := ScrollingSupport.ProcessEvent(Event) or
+ inherited ProcessEvent(Event);
+function TCustomScrollBox.DistributeEvent(Event: TEventObj): Boolean;
+ Result := ScrollingSupport.DistributeEvent(Event) or
+ inherited DistributeEvent(Event);
+procedure TCustomScrollBox.CalcSizes;
+ ScrollingSupport.CalcSizes;
+procedure TCustomScrollBox.Resized;
+ ScrollingSupport.Resized;
+{ !!!: Move to TScrollingSupport as soon as this is a real event
+procedure TCustomScrollBox.EvKeyPressed(Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ mshift: TShiftState;
+ mshift := Shift * [ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssMeta, ssSuper, ssHyper, ssAltGr];
+ if mshift = [] then
+ case Key of
+ keyLeft:
+ HorzScrollBar.ButtonUpClick(nil);
+ keyRight:
+ HorzScrollBar.ButtonDownClick(nil);
+ keyUp:
+ VertScrollBar.ButtonUpClick(nil);
+ keyDown:
+ VertScrollBar.ButtonDownClick(nil);
+ keyPageUp:
+ VertScrollBar.PageUp;
+ keyPageDown:
+ VertScrollBar.PageDown;
+ keyHome:
+ VertScrollBar.Position := 0;
+ keyEnd:
+ VertScrollBar.Position := VertScrollBar.Max - VertScrollBar.PageSize;
+ end
+ else if mshift = [ssShift] then
+ case Key of
+ keyPageUp:
+ HorzScrollBar.PageUp;
+ keyPageDown:
+ HorzScrollBar.PageDown;
+ keyHome:
+ HorzScrollBar.Position := 0;
+ keyEnd:
+ HorzScrollBar.Position := HorzScrollBar.Max - HorzScrollBar.PageSize;
+ end
+ else
+ inherited EvKeyPressed(Key, Shift);
+{$ENDIF read_implementation}