path: root/gfx/carbon
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/carbon')
2 files changed, 33 insertions, 1639 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/carbon/gfx_carbon.pas b/gfx/carbon/gfx_carbon.pas
index 11b79c37..745e3afb 100644
--- a/gfx/carbon/gfx_carbon.pas
+++ b/gfx/carbon/gfx_carbon.pas
@@ -15,52 +15,37 @@
unit gfx_carbon;
-{$IFDEF VerboseFPGUI}
{$ifdef fpc}
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- SysUtils, Classes, // FPC units
- MacOSXAll, // Xft font support
- GfxBase, // fpGFX units
- GELDirty; // fpGFX emulation layer
+ { Pascal RTL Units }
+ SysUtils, Classes,
+ { Carbon headers }
+ MacOSXAll,
+ { fpGfx units }
+ GfxBase;
+ ECarbonError = class(EGfxError);
{ TCarbonFont }
TCarbonFont = class(TFCustomFont)
- private
+ class function GetDefaultFontName(const AFontClass: TGfxFontClass): String; override;
constructor Create(const Descriptor: String);
destructor Destroy; override;
- class function GetDefaultFontName(const AFontClass: TGfxFontClass): String; override;
- property FontStruct: TX11FontResourceImpl read FFontStruct;
{ TCarbonCanvas }
TCarbonCanvas = class(TFCustomCanvas)
- private
- FVisual: PVisual;
- FRegion: TRegion;
- FDefaultFont: TX11FontResourceImpl;
- FFontStruct: TX11FontResourceImpl;
- FXftDraw: PXftDraw;
- FStateStackpointer: PX11CanvasState;
- FColormap: TColormap;
- FCurColor: TGfxPixel;
- FFont: TFCustomFont;
- procedure Resized(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer);
function DoExcludeClipRect(const ARect: TRect): Boolean; override;
function DoIntersectClipRect(const ARect: TRect): Boolean; override;
@@ -69,16 +54,14 @@ type
procedure DoDrawArc(const ARect: TRect; StartAngle, EndAngle: Single); override;
procedure DoDrawCircle(const ARect: TRect); override;
procedure DoDrawLine(const AFrom, ATo: TPoint); override;
- procedure DoDrawRect(const ARect: TRect); override;
procedure DoDrawPoint(const APoint: TPoint); override;
procedure DoFillRect(const ARect: TRect); override;
- procedure DoFillTriangle(const P1, P2, P3: TPoint); override;
procedure DoTextOut(const APosition: TPoint; const AText: String); override;
procedure DoCopyRect(ASource: TFCustomCanvas; const ASourceRect: TRect; const ADestPos: TPoint); override;
procedure DoMaskedCopyRect(ASource, AMask: TFCustomCanvas; const ASourceRect: TRect; const AMaskPos, ADestPos: TPoint); override;
procedure DoDrawImageRect(AImage: TFCustomBitmap; ASourceRect: TRect; const ADestPos: TPoint); override;
- constructor Create(AColormap: TColormap; AXDrawable: X.TDrawable; ADefaultFont: TX11FontResourceImpl);
+ constructor Create(AHandle: HDC);
destructor Destroy; override;
function MapColor(const AColor: TGfxColor): TGfxPixel; override;
function FontCellHeight: Integer; override;
@@ -89,33 +72,25 @@ type
procedure SetColor_(AColor: TGfxPixel); override;
procedure SetFont(AFont: TFCustomFont); override;
procedure SetLineStyle(ALineStyle: TGfxLineStyle); override;
- procedure DrawPolyLine(const Coords: array of TPoint); override;
- property GC: TGC read FGC;
- property Visual: PVisual read FVisual;
- property Colormap: TColormap read FColormap;
- property Region: TRegion read FRegion;
+ property Handle: HDC read FHandle;
- TX11WindowCanvas = class(TX11Canvas)
+ TCarbonWindowCanvas = class(TxxxCanvas)
+ private
+ FWnd: HWND;
- constructor Create(AColormap: TColormap;
- AXDrawable: X.TDrawable; ADefaultFont: TX11FontResourceImpl);
+ constructor Create(AWnd: HWND);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
- TX11PixmapCanvas = class(TX11Canvas)
+ TCarbonBitmapCanvas = class(TxxxCanvas)
- constructor Create(AColormap: TColormap;
- AHandle: TPixmap; APixelFormat: TGfxPixelFormat);
+ constructor Create(ABitmap: HBITMAP; AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
destructor Destroy; override;
- TX11MonoPixmapCanvas = class(TX11PixmapCanvas)
- constructor Create(AColormap: TColormap; AHandle: TPixmap);
- end;
{ TCarbonBitmap }
TCarbonBitmap = class(TFCustomBitmap)
@@ -123,26 +98,16 @@ type
IsLocked: Boolean;
constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; APixelFormat: TGfxPixelFormat); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Lock(var AData: Pointer; var AStride: LongWord); override;
- procedure Unlock; override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Lock(var AData: Pointer; var AStride: LongWord); override;
+ procedure Unlock; override;
{ TCarbonScreen }
TCarbonScreen = class(TFCustomScreen)
- private
- FScreenIndex: Integer;
- FScreenInfo: PScreen;
- protected
- procedure SetMousePos(const NewPos: TPoint); override;
- function GetMousePos: TPoint; override;
constructor Create; override;
- function CreateBitmapCanvas(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TFCustomCanvas; override;
- function CreateMonoBitmapCanvas(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TFCustomCanvas; override;
- property ScreenIndex: Integer read FScreenIndex;
- property ScreenInfo: PScreen read FScreenInfo;
@@ -150,43 +115,28 @@ type
TCarbonApplication = class(TFCustomApplication)
+ DoBreakRun: Boolean;
{ default methods }
constructor Create; override;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure AddWindow(AWindow: TFCustomWindow); override;
procedure Initialize(ADisplayName: String = ''); override;
procedure Run; override;
procedure Quit; override;
- { properties }
- property X11Display: PDisplay read Handle;
- property DisplayName: String read FDisplayName write FDisplayName;
- property EventFilter: TX11EventFilter read FEventFilter write FEventFilter;
{ TCarbonWindow }
TCarbonWindow = class(TFCustomWindow)
- private
- FComposeStatus: TXComposeStatus;
- FComposeBuffer: String[32];
- FCurCursorHandle: X.TCursor;
- function StartComposing(const Event: TFEvent): TKeySym;
- procedure EndComposing;
- procedure Expose(var Event: TXExposeEvent); message X.Expose;
- procedure Configure(var Event: TXConfigureEvent); message X.ConfigureNotify;
- procedure ClientMessage(var Event: TXClientMessageEvent); message X.ClientMessage;
- IsExposing: Boolean;
- CanMaximize: Boolean;
function GetTitle: String; override;
- function ConvertShiftState(AState: Cardinal): TShiftState;
- function KeySymToKeycode(KeySym: TKeySym): Word;
procedure SetTitle(const ATitle: String); override;
procedure DoSetCursor; override;
- procedure UpdateMotifWMHints;
- constructor Create(AParent: TFCustomWindow; AWindowOptions: TFWindowOptions); override;
+ constructor Create(AParent: TFCustomWindow; AWindowOptions: TGfxWindowOptions); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); override;
procedure SetPosition(const APosition: TPoint); override;
procedure SetSize(const ASize: TSize); override;
procedure SetMinMaxSize(const AMinSize, AMaxSize: TSize); override;
@@ -197,1565 +147,9 @@ type
procedure PaintInvalidRegion; override;
procedure CaptureMouse; override;
procedure ReleaseMouse; override;
- procedure ProcessEvent(AEvent: TFEvent); override;
- LeaderWindow: X.TWindow;
- ClientLeaderAtom: TAtom;
-function RectToXRect(const ARect: TRect): TXRectangle;
-function XRectToRect(const ARect: TXRectangle): TRect;
-function GetXEventName(Event: LongInt): String;
- GELImage, fpGFX, fpUTF8Utils;
-{ TCarbonFont }
-constructor TCarbonFont.Create(const Descriptor: String);
- inherited Create;
-destructor TCarbonFont.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-class function TCarbonFont.GetDefaultFontName(const AFontClass: TGfxFontClass): String;
- FontNames: array[TGfxFontClass] of String = (
- 'times', 'bitstream vera sans', 'courier', 'symbol');
- Result := FontNames[AFontClass];
-{ TCarbonFont }
-constructor TCarbonFont.Create(AColormap: TColormap; AXDrawable: X.TDrawable; ADefaultFont: TX11FontResourceImpl);
- inherited Create;
-destructor TX11Canvas.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TX11Canvas.SaveState;
-procedure TX11Canvas.RestoreState;
-procedure TX11Canvas.EmptyClipRect;
-function TX11Canvas.DoExcludeClipRect(const ARect: TRect): Boolean;
-function TX11Canvas.DoIntersectClipRect(const ARect: TRect): Boolean;
-function TX11Canvas.DoUnionClipRect(const ARect: TRect): Boolean;
-function TX11Canvas.DoGetClipRect: TRect;
-function TX11Canvas.MapColor(const AColor: TGfxColor): TGfxPixel;
-procedure TX11Canvas.SetColor_(AColor: TGfxPixel);
-procedure TX11Canvas.SetFont(AFont: TFCustomFont);
-procedure TX11Canvas.SetLineStyle(ALineStyle: TGfxLineStyle);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoDrawArc(const ARect: TRect; StartAngle, EndAngle: Single);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoDrawCircle(const ARect: TRect);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoDrawLine(const AFrom, ATo: TPoint);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DrawPolyLine(const Coords: array of TPoint);
- Points: PXPoint;
- CoordsIndex, PointsIndex: Integer;
- Pt: TPoint;
- Points := nil;
- GetMem(Points, (High(Coords) - Low(Coords) + 1) * SizeOf(TXPoint));
- CoordsIndex := Low(Coords);
- PointsIndex := 0;
- for CoordsIndex := Low(Coords) to High(Coords) do
- begin
- Pt := Transform(Coords[CoordsIndex]);
- Points[PointsIndex].x := Pt.x;
- Points[PointsIndex].y := Pt.y;
- Inc(PointsIndex);
- end;
- XDrawLines(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, GC, Points, PointsIndex, CoordModeOrigin);
- FreeMem(Points);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoDrawRect(const ARect: TRect);
- with ARect do
- XDrawRectangle(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, GC, Left, Top,
- Right - Left - 1, Bottom - Top - 1);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoDrawPoint(const APoint: TPoint);
- XDrawPoint(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, GC, APoint.x, APoint.y);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoFillRect(const ARect: TRect);
- with ARect do
- XFillRectangle(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, GC, Left, Top,
- Right - Left, Bottom - Top);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoFillTriangle(const P1, P2, P3: TPoint);
- pts: array[1..3] of TXPoint;
- pt: TPoint;
- pt := Transform(P1);
- pts[1].X := pt.X; pts[1].Y := pt.Y;
- pt := Transform(P2);
- pts[2].X := pt.X; pts[2].Y := pt.Y;
- pt := Transform(P3);
- pts[3].X := pt.X; pts[3].Y := pt.Y;
- XFillPolygon(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, GC, @pts, 3, 0, CoordModeOrigin);
-function TX11Canvas.FontCellHeight: Integer;
- Result := FFontStruct.GetHeight;
-function TX11Canvas.TextExtent(const AText: String): TSize;
- extents: TXGlyphInfo;
- if Length(AText) = 0 then
- begin
- := 0;
- := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- XftTextExtentsUtf8(GFApplication.Handle, FFontStruct.FontData, PChar(AText), Length(AText), extents);
- := extents.xOff;
- := extents.yOff;
- end;
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoTextOut(const APosition: TPoint; const AText: String);
- fntColor: TXftColor;
- //--------------
- procedure SetXftColor(c: TGfxPixel; var colxft: TXftColor);
- begin
- := (c and $000000FF) shl 8;
- := (c and $0000FF00);
- := (c and $00FF0000) shr 8;
- colxft.color.alpha := (c and $7F000000) shr 15;
- colxft.color.alpha := colxft.color.alpha xor $FFFF; // invert: 0 in GfxColor means not translucent
- colxft.pixel := 0;
- end;
- if UTF8Length(AText) < 1 then
- Exit; //==>
- SetXftColor(FCurColor,fntColor);
- XftDrawSetClip(FXftDraw, FRegion);
- XftDrawStringUtf8(FXftDraw, fntColor, FFontStruct.FontData, APosition.x,
- Aposition.y + FFontStruct.GetAscent, PChar(AText), Length(AText));
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoCopyRect(ASource: TFCustomCanvas; const ASourceRect: TRect;
- const ADestPos: TPoint);
- RealHeight: Integer;
- if not ASource.InheritsFrom(TX11Canvas) then
- raise EX11Error.CreateFmt(SIncompatibleCanvasForBlitting,
- [ASource.ClassName, Self.ClassName]);
- if (ASource <> Self) and (ASource.PixelFormat.FormatType = ftMono) then
- begin
- // !!!: This case will probably be removed completely very soon
- RealHeight := ASourceRect.Bottom - ASourceRect.Top;
- if ADestPos.y + RealHeight > Height then
- RealHeight := Height - ADestPos.y;
- XSetClipMask(GFApplication.Handle, GC, TX11Canvas(ASource).Handle);
- XSetClipOrigin(GFApplication.Handle, GC, ADestPos.x, ADestPos.y);
- XFillRectangle(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, GC, ADestPos.x, ADestPos.y,
- ASource.Width, RealHeight);
- // Restore old clipping settings
- XSetClipOrigin(GFApplication.Handle, GC, 0, 0);
- XSetRegion(GFApplication.Handle, GC, Region);
- end else
- XCopyArea(GFApplication.Handle, TX11Canvas(ASource).Handle, Handle, GC,
- ASourceRect.Left, ASourceRect.Top,
- ASourceRect.Right - ASourceRect.Left,
- ASourceRect.Bottom - ASourceRect.Top, ADestPos.x, ADestPos.y);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoMaskedCopyRect(ASource, AMask: TFCustomCanvas;
- const ASourceRect: TRect; const AMaskPos, ADestPos: TPoint);
- RectWidth, RectHeight: Integer;
- DestPos, MaskPos: TPoint;
- SourceRect: TRect;
- if not ASource.InheritsFrom(TX11Canvas) then
- raise EX11Error.CreateFmt(SIncompatibleCanvasForBlitting,
- [ASource.ClassName, Self.ClassName]);
- if not AMask.InheritsFrom(TX11MonoPixmapCanvas) then
- raise EX11Error.CreateFmt(SIncompatibleCanvasForBlitting,
- [AMask.ClassName, Self.ClassName]);
- RectWidth := ASourceRect.Right - ASourceRect.Left;
- RectHeight := ASourceRect.Bottom - ASourceRect.Top;
- { !!!: Attention! The current implementation only clips to the ClipRect,
- i.e. the outer bounds of the current clipping region. In other words, the
- result is only correct for a simple rectangle clipping region. }
- with DoGetClipRect do
- begin
- if (ADestPos.x + RectWidth <= Left) or (ADestPos.y + RectHeight <= Top) then
- exit;
- DestPos := ADestPos;
- MaskPos := AMaskPos;
- SourceRect := ASourceRect;
- if DestPos.x < Left then
- begin
- Inc(MaskPos.x, Left - DestPos.x);
- Inc(SourceRect.Left, Left - DestPos.x);
- DestPos.x := Left;
- end;
- if DestPos.y < Top then
- begin
- Inc(MaskPos.y, Top - DestPos.y);
- Inc(SourceRect.Top, Top - DestPos.y);
- DestPos.y := Top;
- end;
- if (DestPos.x >= Right) or (DestPos.y >= Bottom) then
- exit;
- if DestPos.x + RectWidth > Right then
- RectWidth := Right - DestPos.x;
- if DestPos.y + RectHeight > Bottom then
- RectHeight := Bottom - DestPos.y;
- end;
- if (RectWidth <= 0) or (RectHeight <= 0) then
- exit;
- XSetClipMask(GFApplication.Handle, GC, TX11Canvas(AMask).Handle);
- XSetClipOrigin(GFApplication.Handle, GC,
- DestPos.x - MaskPos.x, DestPos.y - MaskPos.y);
- XCopyArea(GFApplication.Handle, TX11Canvas(ASource).Handle, Handle, GC,
- SourceRect.Left, SourceRect.Top, RectWidth, RectHeight,
- DestPos.x, DestPos.y);
- // Restore old clipping settings
- XSetClipOrigin(GFApplication.Handle, GC, 0, 0);
- XSetRegion(GFApplication.Handle, GC, Region);
-procedure TX11Canvas.DoDrawImageRect(AImage: TFCustomBitmap; ASourceRect: TRect;
- const ADestPos: TPoint);
- Image: XLib.PXImage;
- ConvertFormat: TGfxPixelFormat;
- ASSERT(AImage.InheritsFrom(TX11Bitmap));
- {$IFDEF Debug}
- ASSERT(not TXImage(AImage).IsLocked);
- {$ENDIF}
- // !!!: Add support for XF86 4 and XShm etc. to speed this up!
- Image := XCreateImage(GFApplication.Handle, Visual,
- FormatTypeBPPTable[PixelFormat.FormatType], ZPixmap, 0, nil,
- ASourceRect.Right - ASourceRect.Left,
- ASourceRect.Bottom - ASourceRect.Top, 8, 0);
-// WriteLn('Size allocated: ', Image^.bytes_per_line * (ASourceRect.Bottom - ASourceRect.Top) + 1);
- { Here its necessary to alloc an extra byte, otherwise it will fail on 32-bits
- machines, but still work on 64-bits machines. The cause of this is unknown. }
- Image^.data := GetMem(Image^.bytes_per_line * (ASourceRect.Bottom - ASourceRect.Top) + 1);
- if (AImage.PixelFormat.FormatType = ftMono) and
- Self.InheritsFrom(TX11MonoPixmapCanvas) then
- // mirror the bits within all image data bytes...:
- FlipMonoImageBits(ASourceRect, TX11Bitmap(AImage).Data,
- TX11Bitmap(AImage).Stride, 0, 0, Image^.data, Image^.bytes_per_line)
- else
- begin
- ConvertFormat := PixelFormat;
- ConvertImage(ASourceRect, AImage.PixelFormat, AImage.Palette,
- TX11Bitmap(AImage).Data, TX11Bitmap(AImage).Stride,
- 0, 0, ConvertFormat, Image^.data, Image^.bytes_per_line);
- end;
- XPutImage(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, GC,
- Image, 0, 0, ADestPos.x, ADestPos.y, AImage.Width, AImage.Height);
- FreeMem(Image^.data);
- Image^.data := nil;
- XDestroyImage(Image);
-procedure TX11Canvas.Resized(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer);
- XRect: TXRectangle;
- FWidth := NewWidth;
- FHeight := NewHeight;
- XDestroyRegion(Region);
- XRect.x := 0;
- XRect.y := 0;
- XRect.Width := Width;
- XRect.Height := Height;
- FRegion := XCreateRegion;
- XUnionRectWithRegion(@XRect, Region, Region);
-{ TX11WindowCanvas }
-constructor TX11WindowCanvas.Create(AColormap: TColormap;
- AXDrawable: X.TDrawable; ADefaultFont: TX11FontResourceImpl);
- Attr: XLib.TXWindowAttributes;
- inherited Create(AColormap, AXDrawable, ADefaultFont);
- XGetWindowAttributes(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, @Attr);
- FVisual := Attr.Visual;
- case Attr.Depth of
- 1: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftMono;
- 4: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftPal4;
- 8: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftPal8;
- 16: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftRGB16;
- 24: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftRGB24;
- 32: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftRGB32;
- else
- raise EX11Error.CreateFmt(SWindowUnsupportedPixelFormat, [Attr.Depth]);
- end;
- if Attr.Depth >= 16 then
- begin
- PixelFormat.RedMask := Visual^.red_mask;
- PixelFormat.GreenMask := Visual^.green_mask;
- PixelFormat.BlueMask := Visual^.blue_mask;
- end;
-{ TX11PixmapCanvas }
-constructor TX11PixmapCanvas.Create(AColormap: TColormap;
- AHandle: TPixmap; APixelFormat: TGfxPixelFormat);
- inherited Create(AColormap, AHandle, nil);
- FPixelFormat := APixelFormat;
-destructor TX11PixmapCanvas.Destroy;
- XFreePixmap(GFApplication.Handle, Handle);
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TX11MonoPixmapCanvas }
-constructor TX11MonoPixmapCanvas.Create(AColormap: TColormap; AHandle: TPixmap);
- inherited Create(AColormap, AHandle, PixelFormatMono);
-{ TX11Bitmap }
-constructor TX11Bitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; APixelFormat: TGfxPixelFormat);
- inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight, APixelFormat);
- case APixelFormat.FormatType of
- ftMono:
- FStride := (AWidth + 7) shr 3;
- ftPal4, ftPal4A:
- FStride := (AWidth + 1) and not 1;
- else
- FStride := AWidth * (FormatTypeBPPTable[APixelFormat.FormatType] shr 3);
- end;
- GetMem(FData, FStride * Height);
-destructor TX11Bitmap.Destroy;
- FreeMem(FData);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TX11Bitmap.Lock(var AData: Pointer; var AStride: LongWord);
- ASSERT(not IsLocked);
- IsLocked := True;
- AData := Data;
- AStride := Stride;
-procedure TX11Bitmap.Unlock;
- ASSERT(IsLocked);
- IsLocked := False;
-{ TX11Screen }
-procedure TX11Screen.SetMousePos(const NewPos: TPoint);
-function TX11Screen.GetMousePos: TPoint;
-constructor TX11Screen.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FScreenIndex := 0;
- FScreenInfo := XScreenOfDisplay(GFApplication.Handle, ScreenIndex);
-function TX11Screen.CreateBitmapCanvas(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TFCustomCanvas;
- Depth: Integer;
- PixelFormat: TGfxPixelFormat;
- Depth := XDefaultDepthOfScreen(ScreenInfo);
- case Depth of
- 1: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftMono;
- 4: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftPal4;
- 8: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftPal8;
- 16: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftRGB16;
- 24: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftRGB24;
- 32: PixelFormat.FormatType := ftRGB32;
- else
- raise EX11Error.CreateFmt(SWindowUnsupportedPixelFormat, [Depth]);
- end;
- if Depth >= 16 then
- with XDefaultVisualOfScreen(ScreenInfo)^ do
- begin
- PixelFormat.RedMask := red_mask;
- PixelFormat.GreenMask := green_mask;
- PixelFormat.BlueMask := blue_mask;
- end;
- Result := TX11PixmapCanvas.Create(
- XDefaultColormapOfScreen(ScreenInfo),
- XCreatePixmap(GFApplication.Handle, XRootWindowOfScreen(ScreenInfo), AWidth, AHeight, Depth),
- PixelFormat);
-function TX11Screen.CreateMonoBitmapCanvas(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TFCustomCanvas;
- Result := TX11MonoPixmapCanvas.Create(
- XDefaultColormap(GFApplication.Handle, ScreenIndex),
- XCreatePixmap(GFApplication.Handle, XRootWindowOfScreen(ScreenInfo),
- AWidth, AHeight, 1));
-{ TX11Application }
-constructor TX11Application.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FDirtyList := TDirtyList.Create;
-destructor TX11Application.Destroy;
- i: Integer;
- if Assigned(Forms) then
- begin
- for i := 0 to Forms.Count - 1 do
- TFCustomWindow(Forms[i]).Free;
- end;
- DirtyList.Free;
- if Assigned(FDefaultFont) then
- begin
- FDefaultFont.Free;
- if FDefaultFont^.fid <> 0 then
- XUnloadFont(Handle, FDefaultFont^.fid);
- XFreeFontInfo(nil, FDefaultFont, 0);
- end;
- if Assigned(Handle) then
- XCloseDisplay(Handle);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TX11Application.Run;
- XEvent: TXEvent;
- WindowEntry: TFCustomWindow;
- Event: TFEvent;
- inherited Run;
- while (not (QuitWhenLastWindowCloses and (Forms.Count = 0))) and
- (DoBreakRun = False) do
- begin
- if Assigned(OnIdle) or Assigned(DirtyList.First) then
- begin
- if not XCheckMaskEvent(Handle, MaxInt, @XEvent) then
- begin
- if Assigned(DirtyList.First) then DirtyList.PaintAll
- else if Assigned(OnIdle) then OnIdle(Self);
- continue;
- end;
- end
- else
- XNextEvent(Handle, @XEvent);
- // if the event filter returns true then it ate the message
- if Assigned(FEventFilter) and FEventFilter(XEvent) then continue;
- if Forms.Count = 0 then continue;
- // According to a comment in X.h, the valid event types start with 2!
- if XEvent._type >= 2 then
- begin
-// WriteLn('=== Received X event "', GetXEventName(XEvent._type), '"');
- WindowEntry := FindWindowByXID(XEvent.XAny.Window);
- if not Assigned(WindowEntry) then
- begin
-// writeln(Format('==unknown== Window ID = %d', [XEvent.XAny.Window]));
- WriteLn('fpGFX/X11: Received X event "', GetXEventName(XEvent._type), '" for unknown window');
- continue;
- end;
- Event := TFEvent.Create;
- Event.EventPointer := @XEvent;
- case XEvent._type of
- X.DestroyNotify:
- begin
- Forms.Remove(WindowEntry);
- end;
- X.KeyPress:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etKeyPressed;
- Event.State := XEvent.xkey.state;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.KeyRelease:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etKeyReleased;
- Event.State := XEvent.xkey.state;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.ButtonPress:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etMousePressed;
- Event.State := XEvent.xbutton.state;
- Event.Button := XEvent.xbutton.button;
- Event.X := XEvent.xbutton.x;
- Event.Y := XEvent.xbutton.y;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.ButtonRelease:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etMouseReleased;
- Event.State := XEvent.xbutton.state;
- Event.Button := XEvent.xbutton.button;
- Event.X := XEvent.xbutton.x;
- Event.Y := XEvent.xbutton.y;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.EnterNotify:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etMouseEnter;
- Event.State := XEvent.xbutton.state;
- Event.Button := XEvent.xbutton.button;
- Event.X := XEvent.xbutton.x;
- Event.Y := XEvent.xbutton.y;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.LeaveNotify:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etMouseLeave;
- Event.State := XEvent.xbutton.state;
- Event.Button := XEvent.xbutton.button;
- Event.X := XEvent.xbutton.x;
- Event.Y := XEvent.xbutton.y;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.MotionNotify:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etMouseMove;
- Event.State := XEvent.xbutton.state;
- Event.Button := XEvent.xbutton.button;
- Event.X := XEvent.xbutton.x;
- Event.Y := XEvent.xbutton.y;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.FocusIn:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etFocusIn;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.FocusOut:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etFocusOut;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.MapNotify:
- begin
-// writeln(Format('==MapNotify== Window ID = %d', [XEvent.XAny.Window]));
- Event.EventType := etShow;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.UnmapNotify:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etHide;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.ReparentNotify:
- begin
- Event.EventType := etCreate;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- X.Expose:
- begin
- {$Note We can do performance tuning here by looking at Count.
- For now we are just ignoring all expose messages where Count <> 0 }
- if XEvent.xexpose.count = 0 then
- begin
- Event.EventType := etPaint;
- Event.X := XEvent.xexpose.x;
- Event.Y := XEvent.xexpose.y;
- Event.Width := XEvent.xexpose.width;
- Event.Height := Xevent.xexpose.height;
- WindowEntry.ProcessEvent(Event);
- end;
- end;
- X.ConfigureNotify:
- begin
- WindowEntry.Dispatch(XEvent);
- end;
- X.ClientMessage:
- begin
- WindowEntry.Dispatch(XEvent);
- end;
- else
- WriteLn('fpGFX/X11: Unhandled X11 event received: ', GetXEventName(XEvent._type));
- end;
- Event.Free;
- end;
- end;
- DoBreakRun := False;
-procedure TX11Application.Quit;
- DoBreakRun := True;
-function TX11Application.FindWindowByXID(XWindowID: X.TWindow): TFCustomWindow;
- i: Integer;
- EndSubSearch: Boolean; { Necessary to quit the recursion }
- { Recursively searches sub-windows }
- procedure SearchSubWindows(AForm: TFCustomWindow; var ATarget: TFCustomWindow);
- var
- j: Integer;
- begin
- for j := 0 to AForm.ChildWindows.Count - 1 do
- begin
- if EndSubSearch then Exit;
- if TFCustomWindow(AForm.ChildWindows[j]).Handle = XWindowID then
- begin
- ATarget := TFCustomWindow(Result.ChildWindows[j]);
- EndSubSearch := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- SearchSubWindows(TFCustomWindow(AForm.ChildWindows[j]), ATarget);
- end;
- end;
- { Loops througth all windows on the application }
- for i := 0 to Forms.Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result := TFCustomWindow(Forms[i]);
- if Result.Handle = XWindowID then exit;
- EndSubSearch := False;
- SearchSubWindows(TFCustomWindow(Forms[i]), Result);
- if Result.Handle = XWindowID then exit;
- end;
- Result := nil;
-procedure TX11Application.Initialize(ADisplayName: String = '');
- if Length(ADisplayName) = 0 then
- begin
- // Maybe it was passed as a -display parameter. Lets check first!
- if FDisplayName = '' then
- FDisplayName := XDisplayName(nil)
- end
- else
- FDisplayName := ADisplayName;
- Handle := XOpenDisplay(PChar(DisplayName));
- if not Assigned(Handle) then
- raise EX11Error.CreateFmt(SOpenDisplayFailed, [DisplayName]);
-// FDefaultFont := TX11FontResourceImpl.Create('Arial-10');
- FDefaultFont := TX11FontResourceImpl.Create('Sans-10');
- if not Assigned(FDefaultFont) then
- raise EX11Error.Create(SNoDefaultFont);
-{ TX11Window }
- ButtonTable: array[1..3] of TMouseButton = (mbLeft, mbMiddle, mbRight);
-{ Note, this only creates a window, it doesn't actually show the window. It
- is still invisible. To make it visible, we need to call Show(). }
-constructor TX11Window.Create(AParent: TFCustomWindow; AWindowOptions: TFWindowOptions);
- WindowHints: TXWMHints = (
- flags: InputHint or StateHint or WindowGroupHint;
- input: True;
- initial_state: NormalState;
- icon_pixmap: 0;
- icon_window: 0;
- icon_x: 0;
- icon_y: 0;
- icon_mask: 0;
- window_group: 0;
- );
- Colormap: TColormap;
- Attr: TXSetWindowAttributes;
- SizeHints: TXSizeHints;
- ClassHint: PXClassHint;
- lParentHandle: X.TWindow;
- mask: longword;
- inherited Create(AParent, AWindowOptions);
- if (not (woX11SkipWMHints in WindowOptions)) and (woWindow in WindowOptions) then
- begin
- if LeaderWindow = 0 then
- begin
- LeaderWindow := XCreateSimpleWindow(GFApplication.Handle,
- XDefaultRootWindow(GFApplication.Handle), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
- ClassHint := XAllocClassHint;
- ClassHint^.res_name := 'fpGFX'; // !!! use app name
- ClassHint^.res_class := 'FpGFX';
- XSetWMProperties(GFApplication.Handle, LeaderWindow, nil, nil, nil, 0, nil, nil,
- ClassHint);
- XFree(ClassHint);
- ClientLeaderAtom := XInternAtom(GFApplication.Handle, 'WM_CLIENT_LEADER', False);
- end;
- end;
- Colormap := XDefaultColormap(GFApplication.Handle, XDefaultScreen(GFApplication.Handle));
- Attr.Colormap := Colormap;
- SizeHints.flags := XUtil.PSize;
- SizeHints.x := 0;
- SizeHints.y := 0;
- SizeHints.width := 200;
- SizeHints.height := 200;
- { Make sure we use the correct parent handle }
- if FParent <> nil then
- lParentHandle := TX11Window(FParent).Handle
- else
- lParentHandle := XDefaultRootWindow(GFApplication.Handle);
- { setup attributes and masks }
- if (woBorderless in WindowOptions) or (woToolWindow in WindowOptions) then
- begin
- Attr.Override_Redirect := True; // this removes window borders
- mask := CWOverrideRedirect;// or CWColormap;
- end
- else if (woPopup in WindowOptions) then
- begin
- Attr.Override_Redirect := True; // this removes window borders
- Attr.save_under := True;
- mask := CWOverrideRedirect or CWSaveUnder;
- end
- else
- begin
- Attr.Override_Redirect := False;
- mask := CWColormap;
- end;
- FHandle := XCreateWindow(
- GFApplication.Handle,
- lParentHandle, // parent
- SizeHints.x, SizeHints.x, // position (top, left)
- SizeHints.width, SizeHints.height, // default size (width, height)
- 0, // border size
- CopyFromParent, // depth
- InputOutput, // class
- XDefaultVisual(GFApplication.Handle, XDefaultScreen(GFApplication.Handle)), // visual
- mask,
- @Attr);
- if FHandle = 0 then
- raise EX11Error.Create(SWindowCreationFailed);
- XSelectInput(GFApplication.Handle, FHandle, KeyPressMask or KeyReleaseMask
- or ButtonPressMask or ButtonReleaseMask
- or EnterWindowMask or LeaveWindowMask
- or ButtonMotionMask or PointerMotionMask
- or ExposureMask
- or FocusChangeMask
- or StructureNotifyMask
-// or PropertyChangeMask
- );
- if (not (woX11SkipWMHints in WindowOptions)) and (woWindow in WindowOptions) then
- begin
- XSetStandardProperties(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, nil, nil, 0,
- argv, argc, @SizeHints);
- XSetWMNormalHints(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, @SizeHints);
- WindowHints.flags := WindowGroupHint;
- WindowHints.window_group := LeaderWindow;
- XSetWMHints(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, @WindowHints);
- XChangeProperty(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, ClientLeaderAtom, 33, 32,
- PropModeReplace, @LeaderWindow, 1);
- // We want to get a Client Message when the user tries to close this window
- if GFApplication.FWMProtocols = 0 then
- GFApplication.FWMProtocols := XInternAtom(GFApplication.Handle, 'WM_PROTOCOLS', False);
- if GFApplication.FWMDeleteWindow = 0 then
- GFApplication.FWMDeleteWindow := XInternAtom(GFApplication.Handle, 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', False);
- // send close event instead of quitting the whole application...
- XSetWMProtocols(GFApplication.Handle, FHandle, @GFApplication.FWMDeleteWindow, 1);
- end;
- { Child windows do not appear until parent (lParentHandle) is mapped }
- if FParent <> nil then
- XMapSubwindows(GFApplication.Handle, lParentHandle);
- FCanvas := TX11WindowCanvas.Create(Colormap, Handle, GFApplication.FDefaultFont);
- // for modal windows, this is necessary
-// if (woModal in WindowOptions) then
-// XSetTransientForHint(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, Handle);
-destructor TX11Window.Destroy;
- if Assigned(OnClose) then
- OnClose(Self);
- Canvas.Free;
- if FCurCursorHandle <> 0 then
- XFreeCursor(GFApplication.Handle, FCurCursorHandle);
- GFApplication.DirtyList.ClearQueueForWindow(Self);
- GFApplication.RemoveWindow(Self);
- XDestroyWindow(GFApplication.Handle, Handle);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TX11Window.SetPosition(const APosition: TPoint);
- Supplied: PtrInt;
- SizeHints: PXSizeHints;
- dx, dy: integer;
- lx, ly: integer;
- cw : PWindow;
- if FParent = nil then
- begin
- {$Note This doesn't work yet. I want to position a new window relative to
- another window. Used for popup windows, like the TComboBox dropdown. }
- {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('SetPosition with no Parent'); {$ENDIF}
- lx := APosition.x;
- ly := APosition.y;
- XTranslateCoordinates(GFApplication.Handle, Handle,
- XDefaultRootWindow(GFApplication.Handle),
- lx, ly, @dx, @dy, @cw);
- lx := dx;
- ly := dy;
- end
- else
- begin
- {$IFDEF DEBUG} writeln('SetPosition inside parent'); {$ENDIF}
- lx := APosition.x;
- ly := APosition.y;
- end;
- {$IFDEF DEBUG} Writeln(Format('was (%d,%d) and is now (%d,%d)', [APosition.x, APosition.y, lx, ly])); {$ENDIF}
- SizeHints := XAllocSizeHints;
- XGetWMNormalHints(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, SizeHints, @Supplied);
- SizeHints^.flags := SizeHints^.flags or PPosition;
- SizeHints^.x := lx;
- SizeHints^.y := ly;
- XSetWMNormalHints(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, SizeHints);
- XFree(SizeHints);
- XMoveWindow(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, lx, ly);
-procedure TX11Window.SetSize(const ASize: TSize);
- // !!!: Implement this properly
- WriteLn('fpGFX/X11: TXWindow.SetSize is not properly implemented yet');
- SetClientSize(ASize);
-procedure TX11Window.SetMinMaxSize(const AMinSize, AMaxSize: TSize);
- // !!!: Implement this properly
- WriteLn('fpGFX/X11: TXWindow.SetMinMaxSize is not properly implemented yet');
- SetMinMaxClientSize(AMinSize, AMaxSize);
-procedure TX11Window.SetClientSize(const ASize: TSize);
- ChangeMask: Cardinal;
- Changes: TXWindowChanges;
- ChangeMask := 0;
- if <> ClientWidth then
- begin
- ChangeMask := CWWidth;
- Changes.Width :=;
- end;
- if <> ClientHeight then
- begin
- ChangeMask := ChangeMask or CWHeight;
- Changes.Height :=;
- end;
- if ChangeMask <> 0 then
- XConfigureWindow(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, ChangeMask, @Changes);
-procedure TX11Window.SetMinMaxClientSize(const AMinSize, AMaxSize: TSize);
- Supplied: PtrInt;
- SizeHints: PXSizeHints;
- CanMaximize := ( = 0) or ( = 0) or
- ( > or ( >;
- UpdateMotifWMHints;
- SizeHints := XAllocSizeHints;
- XGetWMNormalHints(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, SizeHints, @Supplied);
- with SizeHints^ do
- begin
- if ( > 0) or ( > 0) then
- begin
- flags := flags or PMinSize;
- min_width :=;
- min_height :=;
- end else
- flags := flags and not PMinSize;
- if ( > 0) or ( > 0) then
- begin
- flags := flags or PMaxSize;
- if > 0 then
- max_width :=
- else
- max_width := 32767;
- if > 0 then
- max_height :=
- else
- max_height := 32767;
- end else
- flags := flags and not PMaxSize;
- end;
- XSetWMNormalHints(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, SizeHints);
- XFree(SizeHints);
-{ Makes the window visible and raises it to the top of the stack. }
-procedure TX11Window.Show;
- GFApplication.AddWindow(self);
- XMapRaised(GFApplication.Handle, Handle);
-procedure TX11Window.Invalidate(const ARect: TRect);
- GFApplication.DirtyList.AddRect(Self, ARect);
-procedure TX11Window.PaintInvalidRegion;
- GFApplication.DirtyList.PaintQueueForWindow(Self);
-procedure TX11Window.CaptureMouse;
- XGrabPointer(GFApplication.Handle, Handle,
- True,
- ButtonPressMask or ButtonReleaseMask or EnterWindowMask or LeaveWindowMask or PointerMotionMask,
- GrabModeAsync,
- GrabModeAsync,
- 0,
- 0,
- CurrentTime
- );
-procedure TX11Window.ReleaseMouse;
- XUngrabPointer(GFApplication.Handle, CurrentTime);
-procedure TX11Window.ProcessEvent(AEvent: TFEvent);
- KeySym: TKeySym;
- Sum: Integer;
- NewEvent: TXEvent;
- case AEvent.EventType of
- etCreate:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnCreate) then OnCreate(Self)
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- end;
- etCanClose:
- begin
- end;
- etClose:
- begin
- end;
- etFocusIn:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnFocusIn) then OnFocusIn(Self);
- end;
- etFocusOut:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnFocusOut) then OnFocusOut(Self);
- end;
- etHide:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnHide) then OnHide(Self);
- end;
- etKeyPressed:
- begin
- KeySym := StartComposing(AEvent);
- if Assigned(OnKeyPressed) then
- OnKeyPressed(Self, KeySymToKeycode(KeySym), ConvertShiftState(AEvent.State))
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- if (AEvent.State and (ControlMask or Mod1Mask)) = 0 then EndComposing;
- end;
- etKeyReleased:
- begin
- KeySym := StartComposing(AEvent);
- if Assigned(OnKeyReleased) then
- OnKeyReleased(Self, KeySymToKeycode(KeySym), ConvertShiftState(AEvent.State))
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- // Do not call EndComposing, as this would generate duplicate KeyChar events!
- end;
- etKeyChar:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnKeyChar) then OnKeyChar(Self, Chr(AEvent.wParam))
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- end;
- etMouseEnter:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnMouseEnter) then
- OnMouseEnter(Self, ConvertShiftState(AEvent.State), Point(AEvent.x, AEvent.y))
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- end;
- etMouseLeave:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnMouseLeave) then OnMouseLeave(Self)
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- end;
- etMousePressed:
- begin
- case AEvent.Button of
- Button1..Button3:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnMousePressed) then
- OnMousePressed(Self, ButtonTable[AEvent.Button],
- ConvertShiftState(AEvent.State), Point(AEvent.x, AEvent.y))
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- end;
- Button4, Button5: // Mouse wheel message
- begin
- if AEvent.Button = Button4 then
- Sum := -1
- else
- Sum := 1;
- // Check for other mouse wheel messages in the queue
- while XCheckTypedWindowEvent(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, X.ButtonPress, @NewEvent) do
- begin
- if NewEvent.xbutton.Button = 4 then
- Dec(Sum)
- else if NewEvent.xbutton.Button = 5 then
- Inc(Sum)
- else
- begin
- XPutBackEvent(GFApplication.Handle, @NewEvent);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(OnMouseWheel) then
- OnMouseWheel(Self, ConvertShiftState(AEvent.State), Sum, Point(AEvent.x, AEvent.y))
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- etMouseReleased:
- begin
- if (AEvent.Button >= 1) and (AEvent.Button <= 3) and Assigned(OnMouseReleased) then
- OnMouseReleased(Self, ButtonTable[AEvent.Button],
- ConvertShiftState(AEvent.State), Point(AEvent.x, AEvent.y))
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- end;
- etMouseMove:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnMouseMove) then
- OnMouseMove(Self, ConvertShiftState(AEvent.State), Point(AEvent.x, AEvent.y))
- else if Assigned(Parent) then Parent.ProcessEvent(AEvent);
- end;
- etMouseWheel:
- begin
- end;
- etPaint:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnPaint) then OnPaint(Self, Rect(AEvent.X, AEvent.Y, AEvent.Width, AEvent.Height));
- end;
- etMove:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnMove) then OnMove(Self);
- end;
- etResize:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnResize) then OnResize(Self);
- end;
- etShow:
- begin
- if Assigned(OnShow) then OnShow(Self);
- end;
- end;
-function TX11Window.GetTitle: String;
- s: PChar;
- XFetchName(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, @s);
- Result := s;
- XFree(s);
-procedure TX11Window.SetTitle(const ATitle: String);
- XStoreName(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, PChar(ATitle));
-procedure TX11Window.DoSetCursor;
- CursorTable: array[TFCursor] of Integer = (
- -1, // crDefault
- -2, // crNone !!!: not implemented
- -1, // crArrow
- 34, // crCross
- 152, // crIBeam
- 52, // crSize
- 116, // crSizeNS
- 108, // crSizeWE
- 114, // crUpArrow
- 150, // crHourGlass
- 0, // crNoDrop
- 92); // crHelp
- ID: Integer;
- if FCurCursorHandle <> 0 then
- XFreeCursor(GFApplication.Handle, FCurCursorHandle);
- ID := CursorTable[Cursor];
- if ID = -1 then
- FCurCursorHandle := 0
- else
- FCurCursorHandle := XCreateFontCursor(GFApplication.Handle, ID);
- XDefineCursor(GFApplication.Handle, Handle, FCurCursorHandle);
-function TX11Window.ConvertShiftState(AState: Cardinal): TShiftState;
- Result := [];
- if (AState and Button1Mask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssLeft);
- if (AState and Button2Mask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssMiddle);
- if (AState and Button3Mask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssRight);
- if (AState and ShiftMask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssShift);
- if (AState and LockMask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssCaps);
- if (AState and ControlMask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssCtrl);
- if (AState and Mod1Mask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssAlt);
- if (AState and Mod2Mask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssNum);
- if (AState and Mod4Mask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssSuper);
- if (AState and Mod5Mask) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssScroll);
- if (AState and (1 shl 13)) <> 0 then
- Include(Result, ssAltGr);
-function TX11Window.KeySymToKeycode(KeySym: TKeySym): Word;
- Table_20aX: array[$20a0..$20ac] of Word = (keyEcuSign, keyColonSign,
- keyCruzeiroSign, keyFFrancSign, keyLiraSign, keyMillSign, keyNairaSign,
- keyPesetaSign, keyRupeeSign, keyWonSign, keyNewSheqelSign, keyDongSign,
- keyEuroSign);
- Table_feXX: array[$fe50..$fe60] of Word = (keyDeadGrave, keyDeadAcute,
- keyDeadCircumflex, keyDeadTilde, keyDeadMacron,keyDeadBreve,
- keyDeadAbovedot, keyDeadDiaeresis, keyDeadRing, keyDeadDoubleacute,
- keyDeadCaron, keyDeadCedilla, keyDeadOgonek, keyDeadIota,
- keyDeadVoicedSound, keyDeadSemivoicedSound, keyDeadBelowdot);
- Table_ff5X: array[$ff50..$ff58] of Word = (keyHome, keyLeft, keyUp, keyRight,
- keyDown, keyPrior, keyNext, keyEnd, keyBegin);
- Table_ff6X: array[$ff60..$ff6b] of Word = (keySelect, keyPrintScreen,
- keyExecute, keyNIL, keyInsert, keyUndo, keyRedo, keyMenu, keyFind,
- keyCancel, keyHelp, keyBreak);
- Table_ff9X: array[$ff91..$ff9f] of Word = (keyPF1, keyPF2, keyPF3, keyPF4,
- keyP7, keyP4, keyP8, keyP6, keyP2, keyP9, keyP3, keyP1, keyP5, keyP0,
- keyPDecimal);
- Table_ffeX: array[$ffe1..$ffee] of Word = (keyShiftL, keyShiftR, keyCtrlL,
- keyCtrlR, keyCapsLock, keyShiftLock, keyMetaL, keyMetaR, keyAltL, keyAltR,
- keySuperL, keySuperR, keyHyperL, keyHyperR);
- case KeySym of
- 0..Ord('a')-1, Ord('z')+1..$bf, $f7:
- Result := KeySym;
- Ord('a')..Ord('z'), $c0..$f6, $f8..$ff:
- Result := KeySym - 32;
- $20a0..$20ac: Result := Table_20aX[KeySym];
- $fe20: Result := keyTab;
- $fe50..$fe60: Result := Table_feXX[KeySym];
- $ff08: Result := keyBackspace;
- $ff09: Result := keyTab;
- $ff0a: Result := keyLinefeed;
- $ff0b: Result := keyClear;
- $ff0d: Result := keyReturn;
- $ff13: Result := keyPause;
- $ff14: Result := keyScrollLock;
- $ff15: Result := keySysRq;
- $ff1b: Result := keyEscape;
- $ff50..$ff58: Result := Table_ff5X[KeySym];
- $ff60..$ff6b: Result := Table_ff6X[KeySym];
- $ff7e: Result := keyModeSwitch;
- $ff7f: Result := keyNumLock;
- $ff80: Result := keyPSpace;
- $ff89: Result := keyPTab;
- $ff8d: Result := keyPEnter;
- $ff91..$ff9f: Result := Table_ff9X[KeySym];
- $ffaa: Result := keyPAsterisk;
- $ffab: Result := keyPPlus;
- $ffac: Result := keyPSeparator;
- $ffad: Result := keyPMinus;
- $ffae: Result := keyPDecimal;
- $ffaf: Result := keyPSlash;
- $ffb0..$ffb9: Result := keyP0 + KeySym - $ffb0;
- $ffbd: Result := keyPEqual;
- $ffbe..$ffe0: Result := keyF1 + KeySym - $ffbe;
- $ffe1..$ffee: Result := Table_ffeX[KeySym];
- $ffff: Result := keyDelete;
- else
- Result := keyNIL;
- end;
-{$IFDEF Debug}
- if Result = keyNIL then
- WriteLn('fpGFX/X11: Unknown KeySym: $', IntToHex(KeySym, 4));
-procedure TX11Window.UpdateMotifWMHints;
- PMotifWmHints = ^TMotifWmHints;
- TMotifWmHints = packed record
- Flags, Functions, Decorations: LongWord;
- InputMode: LongInt;
- Status: LongWord;
- end;
- FuncAll = 1;
- FuncResize = 2;
- FuncMove = 4;
- FuncMinimize = 8;
- FuncMaximize = 16;
- FuncClose = 32;
- DecorAll = 1;
- DecorBorder = 2;
- DecorResizeH = 4;
- DecorTitle = 8;
- DecorMenu = 16;
- DecorMinimize = 32;
- DecorMaximize = 64;
- PropType: TAtom;
- PropFormat: LongInt;
- PropItemCount, PropBytesAfter: LongWord;
- Hints: PMotifWmHints;
- NewHints: TMotifWmHints;
- if GFApplication.FWMHints = 0 then
- GFApplication.FWMHints :=
- XInternAtom(GFApplication.Handle, '_MOTIF_WM_HINTS', False);
- XGetWindowProperty(GFApplication.Handle, Handle,
- GFApplication.FWMHints, 0, 5, False, AnyPropertyType, @PropType,
- @PropFormat, @PropItemCount, @PropBytesAfter, @Hints);
- NewHints.Functions := FuncResize or FuncMove or FuncMinimize or FuncClose;
- if (woToolWindow in WindowOptions) or (woWindow in WindowOptions) or
- (woPopup in WindowOptions) then
- NewHints.Decorations := DecorBorder or DecorTitle or DecorMenu or DecorMinimize
- else
- NewHints.Decorations := 0;
- if CanMaximize then
- begin
- NewHints.Functions := NewHints.Functions or FuncMaximize;
- NewHints.Decorations := NewHints.Decorations or DecorMaximize;
- end;
- if Assigned(Hints) then
- begin
- Hints^.Flags := Hints^.Flags or NewHints.Flags;
- Hints^.Decorations := NewHints.Decorations;
- Hints^.Functions := NewHints.Functions;
- end else
- Hints := @NewHints;
- XChangeProperty(GFApplication.Handle, Handle,
- GFApplication.FWMHints, GFApplication.FWMHints,
- 32, PropModeReplace, Pointer(Hints), 5);
- if Hints <> @NewHints then
- XFree(Hints);
-function TX11Window.StartComposing(const Event: TFEvent): TKeySym;
- SetLength(FComposeBuffer,
- XLookupString(Event.EventPointer, @FComposeBuffer[1],
- SizeOf(FComposeBuffer) - 1, @Result, @FComposeStatus));
-procedure TX11Window.EndComposing;
- i: Integer;
- if Assigned(OnKeyChar) then
- for i := 1 to Length(FComposeBuffer) do
- OnKeyChar(Self, FComposeBuffer[i]);
-procedure TX11Window.Expose(var Event: TXExposeEvent);
- IsNotEmpty: Boolean;
- if Assigned(OnPaint) then
- with Event do
- begin
- if not IsExposing then
- begin
- IsExposing := True;
- Canvas.SaveState;
- Canvas.EmptyClipRect;
- end;
- IsNotEmpty := Canvas.UnionClipRect(Rect(x, y, x + Width, y + Height));
- if Count = 0 then
- begin
- if IsNotEmpty then
- OnPaint(Self, Canvas.GetClipRect);
- IsExposing := False;
- Canvas.RestoreState;
- end;
- end;
- r: TRect;
- with Event do
- r := Rect(x, y, x + Width, y + Height);
- GFApplication.DirtyList.AddRect(Self, r);
-procedure TX11Window.Configure(var Event: TXConfigureEvent);
- while XCheckTypedWindowEvent(GFApplication.Handle, Handle,
- X.ConfigureNotify, @Event) do;
- if (Event.x <> Left) or (Event.y <> Top) then
- begin
- FLeft := Event.x;
- FTop := Event.y;
- if Assigned(OnMove) then
- OnMove(Self);
- end;
- if (Event.Width <> Width) or (Event.Height <> Height) then
- begin
- // !!!: The following 2 lines are _quite_ wrong... :)
- FWidth := Event.Width;
- FHeight := Event.Height;
- FClientWidth := Event.Width;
- FClientHeight := Event.Height;
- TX11Canvas(Canvas).Resized(ClientWidth, ClientHeight);
- if Assigned(OnResize) then
- OnResize(Self);
- end;
-procedure TX11Window.ClientMessage(var Event: TXClientMessageEvent);
- if Event.message_type = GFApplication.FWMProtocols then
- if Event.Data.l[0] = GFApplication.FWMDeleteWindow then
- begin
- if CanClose then
- Free;
- end else
- WriteLn('fpGFX/X11: Unknown client protocol message: ', Event.Data.l[0])
- else
- WriteLn('fpGFX/X11: Unknown client message: ', Event.message_type);
diff --git a/gfx/carbon/gfxinterface.pas b/gfx/carbon/gfxinterface.pas
index f6df234c..0a2bd181 100644
--- a/gfx/carbon/gfxinterface.pas
+++ b/gfx/carbon/gfxinterface.pas
@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ unit gfxinterface;
- GFX_X11;
+ gfx_carbon;
- TDefCanvas = TX11Canvas;
+ TDefCanvas = TCarbonCanvas;
- TDefFont = TX11Font;
+ TDefFont = TCarbonFont;
- TDefScreen = TX11Screen;
+ TDefScreen = TCarbonScreen;
- TDefApplication = TX11Application;
+ TDefApplication = TCarbonApplication;
- TDefWindow = TX11Window;
+ TDefWindow = TCarbonWindow;
- TDefBitmap = TX11Bitmap;
+ TDefBitmap = TCarbonBitmap;