path: root/extras/tiopf/mvp/basic_intf.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'extras/tiopf/mvp/basic_intf.pas')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/mvp/basic_intf.pas b/extras/tiopf/mvp/basic_intf.pas
index efe58d4a..1d1aad80 100644
--- a/extras/tiopf/mvp/basic_intf.pas
+++ b/extras/tiopf/mvp/basic_intf.pas
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ interface
// forward declarations
ISubject = interface;
+ IMVPView = interface;
+ ICommandMenuItem = interface;
+ IString = interface;
+ // event types
+ TSelectStringEvent = procedure(const AString: IString) of object;
IObserver = interface(IInterface)
@@ -34,23 +41,23 @@ type
procedure Accept(const Visitor: IVisitor);
IListModel = interface(IInterface)
function GetCount: Integer;
function GetItem(Idx: Integer): IInterface;
- procedure Add(Item: IInterface);
+ procedure Add(const Item: IInterface);
procedure Clear;
- procedure Insert(Item, Before: IInterface);
- procedure Move(Item, Before: IInterface);
- procedure Remove(Item: IInterface);
+ function IndexOf(const Item: IInterface): Integer;
+ procedure Insert(const Item, Before: IInterface);
+ procedure Move(const Item, Before: IInterface);
+ procedure Remove(const Item: IInterface);
property Count: Integer read GetCount;
property Item[Idx: Integer]: IInterface read GetItem;
IController = interface(IInterface)
function GetModel: IModel;
@@ -60,7 +67,7 @@ type
property Model: IModel read GetModel write SetModel;
property View: IView read GetView write SetView;
IString = interface(IInterface)
@@ -70,9 +77,9 @@ type
- IStringListModel = interface(IInterface)
+ IStringListModel = interface(IListModel)
- function GetItem(Idx: Integer): IString;
+ function GetItem(Idx: Integer): IString; overload;
property Item[Idx: Integer]: IString read GetItem;
@@ -81,8 +88,9 @@ type
procedure AddItem(const Item: IInterface);
procedure Clear;
+ function GetCount: integer;
procedure RemoveItem(const Item: IInterface);
- procedure SelectModel;
+ property Count: integer read GetCount;
@@ -90,7 +98,9 @@ type
procedure BindSelection(const Selection: ISelection);
function Execute: Boolean;
+ function GetEnabled: Boolean;
function GetText: string;
+ property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled;
property Text: string read GetText;
@@ -100,6 +110,88 @@ type
// empty interface
+ ICommandVisitor = interface(IVisitor)
+ ['{628B3A4A-30D1-48D3-8B46-090F08AD2AC8}']
+ procedure VisitComand(const Command: ICommand);
+ end;
+ ICommandMenu = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{3C666D8F-6BED-454B-8BFE-28422943B300}']
+ function AddItem(const Caption: string; Enabled: Boolean): ICommandMenuItem;
+ end;
+ ICommandMenuItem = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{7DFCF2BD-70DA-4DAC-B8D5-C6FB882267CF}']
+ function GetCaption: string;
+ function GetChecked: Boolean;
+ function GetCommand: ICommand;
+ procedure SetCaption(const AValue: string);
+ procedure SetChecked(const AValue: Boolean);
+ procedure SetCommand(const AValue: ICommand);
+ property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
+ property Checked: Boolean read GetChecked write SetChecked;
+ property Command: ICommand read GetCommand write SetCommand;
+ end;
+ IStringVisitor = interface(IVisitor)
+ ['{DA12355F-0727-41B3-9080-DDAF20797FC5}']
+ procedure VisitString(const Str: IString);
+ end;
+ IMVPModel = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{85223140-B263-4413-89E3-BFA37E9D3112}']
+ function GetCommandSet: ICommandSet;
+ function GetCurrentSelection: ISelection;
+ property CommandSet: ICommandSet read GetCommandSet;
+ property CurrentSelection: ISelection read GetCurrentSelection;
+ end;
+ IMVPPresenter = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{5B8477DA-A006-4DE1-B304-9512BFAD7507}']
+ function GetCommandMenu: ICommandMenu;
+ function GetModel: IMVPModel;
+ function GetView: IMVPView;
+ procedure SetCommandMenu(const AValue: ICommandMenu);
+ procedure SetModel(const AValue: IMVPModel);
+ procedure SetView(const AValue: IMVPView);
+ property CommandMenu: ICommandMenu read GetCommandMenu write SetCommandMenu;
+ property Model: IMVPModel read GetModel write SetModel;
+ property View: IMVPView read GetView write SetView;
+ end;
+ IMVPView = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{2C575FE7-BACD-46EC-9D72-AEDA44836B20}']
+ procedure AdoptCommandMenu(const Value: ICommandMenu);
+ procedure OrphanCommandMenu(const Value: ICommandMenu);
+ end;
+ IStringListView = interface(IMVPView)
+ ['{D834710A-9C1A-42D1-A29B-7F9F8FB46426}']
+ function GetOnSelectString: TSelectStringEvent;
+ procedure SetOnSelectString(const AValue: TSelectStringEvent);
+ property OnSelectString: TSelectStringEvent read GetOnSelectString write SetOnSelectString;
+ end;
+ IStringMoveVisitor = interface(IStringVisitor)
+ ['{DB89C96F-DA90-43ED-A621-51B70E6C600E}']
+ function GetCanDemote: Boolean;
+ function GetCanPromote: Boolean;
+ property CanDemote: Boolean read GetCanDemote;
+ property CanPromote: Boolean read GetCanPromote;
+ end;