path: root/extras/tiopf/gui/tiLogToGUI.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'extras/tiopf/gui/tiLogToGUI.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 318 deletions
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/gui/tiLogToGUI.pas b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiLogToGUI.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 9acd5ff1..00000000
--- a/extras/tiopf/gui/tiLogToGUI.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
- Log to a window above the application's main form, but only if
- the -lv parameter is passed on the command line
- This in normally controlled by the tiLogReg unit.
- *** NOTE ***
- If you application doesn't terminate when you activated LogToGUI, it probably
- means a TThread.WaitFor deadlock occured. In that case, call ReleaseLog()
- after fpgApplication.Run in you project's *.lpr file.
-unit tiLogToGUI;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- fpg_widget,
- fpg_form,
- fpg_memo,
- fpg_menu,
- fpg_panel,
- fpg_button,
- fpg_main,
- tiLog;
- TtiLogToGUI = class(TtiLogToCacheAbs)
- private
- FForm: TfpgForm;
- FMemoLog: TfpgMemo;
- FToolBar: TfpgBevel;
- FPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
- FViewLogMenuItem: TfpgMenuItem;
- function GetFormParent: TfpgWidget;
- procedure SetFormParent(const AValue: TfpgWidget);
- function CreateForm: TfpgForm;
- procedure FormClearMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormWordWrapMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
- procedure FormLogLevelButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DoViewLogFile(Sender: TObject);
- procedure DoOnPopup(Sender: TObject);
- procedure WriteToMemo(const AMessage: string);
- protected
- procedure WriteToOutput; override;
- procedure SetSevToLog(const AValue: TtiSevToLog); override;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property FormParent: TfpgWidget read GetFormParent; // write SetFormParent;
- procedure Log(const ADateTime, AThreadID, AMessage: string; ASeverity: TtiLogSeverity); override;
- end;
- fpg_base,
- tiUtils,
- tiCommandLineParams,
- tiDialogs;
-{ TtiLogToGUI }
-constructor TtiLogToGUI.Create;
- // GUI output must be synchronized with the main thread.
- inherited CreateSynchronized;
- FForm := CreateForm;
- ThrdLog.Resume;
-destructor TtiLogToGUI.Destroy;
-// writeln('>> TtiLogToGUI.Destroy');
- if Assigned(FForm) then
- FForm.Free;
- FForm := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
-// writeln('<< TtiLogToGUI.Destroy');
-function TtiLogToGUI.CreateForm: TfpgForm;
- lMenuItem: TfpgMenuItem;
- lLogSev: TtiLogSeverity;
- lToolButton: TfpgButton;
- x: integer;
- FForm := TfpgForm.Create(fpgApplication);
- FForm.WindowPosition := wpUser;
- FForm.Top := 10;
- FForm.Left := 10;
- FForm.Height := 150;
- FForm.Width := fpgApplication.ScreenWidth - 20;
- FForm.WindowTitle := 'Application event log - ' + ApplicationName;
- FForm.OnCloseQuery := @FormCloseQuery;
- FPopupMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(FForm);
- FPopupMenu.Name := 'PopupMenu';
- FPopupMenu.BeforeShow := @DoOnPopup;
- FToolBar := TfpgBevel.Create(FForm);
- FToolBar.Name := 'ToolBar';
- FToolBar.SetPosition(0, 0, FForm.Width, 30);
- FToolbar.Shape := bsSpacer;
- FToolBar.Align := alTop;
- FToolBar.TabOrder := 1;
- FMemoLog := TfpgMemo.Create(FForm);
- FMemoLog.Name := 'MemoLog';
- FMemoLog.Top := 29;
- FMemoLog.Align := alClient;
- FMemoLog.FontDesc := '#Edit2'; // monospaced font
- FMemoLog.PopupMenu := FPopupMenu;
-// FMemoLog.ReadOnly := True;
-// FMemoLog.ScrollBars := ssBoth;
- FMemoLog.TabOrder := 0;
-// FMemoLog.WordWrap := False;
- FMemoLog.Lines.Clear;
- { Setup popup menu items}
- FViewLogMenuItem := FPopupMenu.AddMenuItem('View log file', '', @DoViewLogFile);
- FViewLogMenuItem.Name := 'Viewlogfile1';
- lMenuItem := FPopupMenu.AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
- lMenuItem.Name := 'N1';
- lMenuItem := FPopupMenu.AddMenuItem('Clear', '', @FormClearMenuItemClick);
- lMenuItem.Name := 'ClearMenuItem';
- lMenuItem := FPopupMenu.AddMenuItem('Word wrap', '', @FormWordWrapMenuItemClick);
- lMenuItem.Name := 'WordWrapMenuItem';
- lMenuItem.Enabled := False;
- { Setup severity toolbar buttons }
- x := 1;
- for lLogSev := Low(TtiLogSeverity) to High(TtiLogSeverity) do
- begin
- lToolButton := TfpgButton.Create(FToolBar);
- lToolButton.SetPosition(x, 1, 50, 28);
- lToolButton.Text := cTILogSeverityStrings[lLogSev];
- lToolButton.Tag := Ord(lLogSev);
- lToolButton.AllowAllUp := True; // enables toggle button mode
- lToolButton.GroupIndex := Ord(lLogSev) + 1; // enables toggle button mode
- lToolButton.Down := lLogSev in GLog.SevToLog;
- lToolButton.OnClick := @FormLogLevelButtonClick;
- lToolButton.Focusable := False;
- Inc(x, 51);
- end;
- Result := FForm;
-function TtiLogToGUI.GetFormParent: TfpgWidget;
- result := FForm.Parent;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.Log(const ADateTime, AThreadID, AMessage: string; ASeverity: TtiLogSeverity);
- if Terminated then
- Exit; //==>
- if not FForm.HasHandle then
- FForm.Show;
- inherited Log(ADateTime, AThreadID, AMessage, ASeverity);
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.SetFormParent(const AValue: TfpgWidget);
- {$Note This is untested!!! }
- FForm.Parent := AValue;
- FForm.Align := alClient;
- FForm.WindowAttributes := FForm.WindowAttributes + [waBorderless];
-// FForm.BorderStyle := bsNone;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.SetSevToLog(const AValue: TtiSevToLog);
- i: integer;
- lLogSev: TtiLogSeverity;
- // Let parent perform important task(s)
- inherited;
- // All we do here is reflect any changes to LogSeverity in the visual controls
- for i := 0 to FToolBar.ComponentCount - 1 do
- begin
- lLogSev := TtiLogSeverity(FToolBar.Components[i].Tag);
- if FToolBar.Components[i] is TfpgButton then
- TfpgButton(FToolBar.Components[i]).Down := lLogSev in AValue;
- end;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.WriteToMemo(const AMessage: string);
- i: integer;
- LLine: string;
- LCount: integer;
- LCount := tiNumToken(AMessage, CrLf);
- if LCount = 1 then
- FMemoLog.Lines.Add(tiTrimTrailingWhiteSpace(AMessage))
- else
- for i := 1 to LCount do
- begin
- LLine := tiTrimTrailingWhiteSpace(tiToken(AMessage, CrLf, i));
- FMemoLog.Lines.Add(LLine);
- end;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.WriteToOutput;
- i: integer;
- LLogEvent: TtiLogEvent;
- LPosStart: integer;
- LPosEnd: integer;
- ciMaxLineCount = 200;
- if ThrdLog.Terminated then
- Exit; //==>
- inherited WriteToOutput;
- if ListWorking.Count > ciMaxLineCount * 2 then
- begin
- FMemoLog.Lines.Clear;
- LPosStart := ListWorking.Count - 1 - ciMaxLineCount;
- LPosEnd := ListWorking.Count - 1;
- end else
- begin
- if FMemoLog.Lines.Count > ciMaxLineCount then
- begin
- for i := 0 to ciMaxLineCount div 2 do
- FMemoLog.Lines.Delete(0);
- //SendMessage(FMemoLog.handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_Bottom, 0);
- end;
- LPosStart := 0;
- LPosEnd := ListWorking.Count - 1;
- end;
- for i := LPosStart to LPosEnd do begin
- if ThrdLog.Terminated then
- Break; //==>
- LLogEvent := TtiLogEvent(ListWorking.Items[i]);
- WriteToMemo(LLogEvent.AsLeftPaddedString);
- end;
- ListWorking.Clear;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.FormClearMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- FMemoLog.Lines.Clear;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.FormWordWrapMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
- //FMemoLog.WordWrap := not FMemoLog.WordWrap;
- //FWordWrapMenuItem.Checked := FMemoLog.WordWrap;
- //if FMemoLog.WordWrap then
- //FMemoLog.ScrollBars := ssVertical
- //else
- //FMemoLog.ScrollBars := ssBoth;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
- CanClose := False;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.FormLogLevelButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- lLogSev: TtiLogSeverity;
- lLogChecked: boolean;
- if not (Sender is TfpgButton) then
- Exit; //==>
- lLogSev := TtiLogSeverity(TfpgWidget(Sender).Tag);
- lLogChecked := TfpgButton(Sender).Down;
- if lLogChecked then
- GLog.SevToLog := GLog.SevToLog + [lLogSev]
- else
- GLog.SevToLog := GLog.SevToLog - [lLogSev];
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.DoViewLogFile(Sender: TObject);
- sl: TStringList;
- if (GLog.LogToFileName <> '') and
- (FileExists(GLog.LogToFileName)) then
- begin
- sl := TStringList.Create;
- try
- sl.LoadFromFile(GLog.LogToFilename);
- tiShowStringList(sl, GLog.LogToFilename);
-// tiEditFile(GLog.LogToFileName);
- finally
- sl.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TtiLogToGUI.DoOnPopup(Sender: TObject);
- { If we are logging to file as well, then enable the menu option }
- FViewLogMenuItem.Enabled :=
- (GLog.LogToFileName <> '') and
- (FileExists(GLog.LogToFileName));