path: root/extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/model.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/model.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 553 deletions
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/model.pas b/extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/model.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 643fe7c0..00000000
--- a/extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/model.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
- The business object model
-unit model;
- {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes, SysUtils, tiObject;
- TMarkObject = class(TtiObject)
- protected
- procedure Mark;
- end;
- TMarkObjectList = class(TtiObjectList)
- protected
- procedure Mark;
- end;
- TCountry = class(TMarkObject)
- private
- FISO: string;
- FName: string;
- procedure SetISO(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetName(const AValue: string);
- protected
- function GetCaption: string; override;
- public
- constructor CreateNew(const AISO: string; const AName: string); reintroduce; overload;
- published
- property ISO: string read FISO write SetISO;
- property Name: string read FName write SetName;
- end;
- TCountryList = class(TMarkObjectList)
- protected
- function GetItems(i: integer): TCountry; reintroduce;
- procedure SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TCountry); reintroduce;
- public
- function Add(const AObject: TCountry): integer; reintroduce;
- property Items[i: integer]: TCountry read GetItems write SetItems; default;
- end;
- TCity = class(TMarkObject)
- private
- FZIP: string;
- FName: string;
- FCountry: TCountry;
- function GetCountryAsString: string;
- procedure SetCountry(const AValue: TCountry);
- procedure SetName(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetZIP(const AValue: string);
- protected
- function GetCaption: string; override;
- public
- procedure AssignClassProps(ASource: TtiObject); override;
- published
- property Country: TCountry read FCountry write SetCountry;
- property Name: string read FName write SetName;
- property ZIP: string read FZIP write SetZIP;
- property CountryAsString: string read GetCountryAsString;
- end;
- TCityList = class(TMarkObjectList)
- protected
- function GetItems(i: integer): TCity; reintroduce;
- procedure SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TCity); reintroduce;
- public
- function Add(const AObject: TCity): integer; reintroduce;
- property Items[i: integer]: TCity read GetItems write SetItems; default;
- end;
- TAddressType = class(TMarkObject)
- private
- FName: string;
- procedure SetName(const AValue: string);
- protected
- function GetCaption: string; override;
- published
- property Name: string read FName write SetName;
- end;
- TAddressTypeList = class(TMarkObjectList)
- protected
- function GetItems(i: integer): TAddressType; reintroduce;
- procedure SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TAddressType); reintroduce;
- public
- function Add(const AObject: TAddressType): integer; reintroduce;
- property Items[i: integer]: TAddressType read GetItems write SetItems; default;
- end;
- TAddress = class(TMarkObject)
- private
- FAddressType: TAddressType;
- FCity: TCity;
- FFax: string;
- FNr: integer;
- FStreet: string;
- FTelephone1: string;
- FTelephone2: string;
- function GetAddressType4GUI: string;
- procedure SetAddressType(const AValue: TAddressType);
- procedure SetCity(const AValue: TCity);
- procedure SetFax(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetNr(const AValue: integer);
- procedure SetStreet(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetTelephone1(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetTelephone2(const AValue: string);
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure AssignClassProps(ASource: TtiObject); override;
- published
- property Street: string read FStreet write SetStreet;
- property Nr: integer read FNr write SetNr;
- property Telephone1: string read FTelephone1 write SetTelephone1;
- property Telephone2: string read FTelephone2 write SetTelephone2;
- property Fax: string read FFax write SetFax;
- property AddressType: TAddressType read FAddressType write SetAddressType;
- property AddressType4GUI: string read GetAddressType4GUI;
- property City: TCity read FCity write SetCity;
- end;
- TAddressList = class(TMarkObjectList)
- protected
- function GetItems(i: integer): TAddress; reintroduce;
- procedure SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TAddress); reintroduce;
- public
- function Add(const AObject: TAddress): integer; reintroduce;
- property Items[i: integer]: TAddress read GetItems write SetItems; default;
- end;
- TContact = class(TMarkObject)
- private
- FAddressList: TAddressList;
- FComments: string;
- FEmail: string;
- FFirstName: string;
- FLastName: string;
- FMobile: string;
- procedure SetComments(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetEmail(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetFirstName(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetLastName(const AValue: string);
- procedure SetMobile(const AValue: string);
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property FirstName: string read FFirstName write SetFirstName;
- property LastName: string read FLastName write SetLastName;
- property EMail: string read FEmail write SetEmail;
- property Mobile: string read FMobile write SetMobile;
- property Comments: string read FComments write SetComments;
- property AddressList: TAddressList read FAddressList;
- end;
- TContactList = class(TMarkObjectList)
- protected
- function GetItems(i: integer): TContact; reintroduce;
- procedure SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TContact); reintroduce;
- public
- function Add(const AObject: TContact): integer; reintroduce;
- property Items[i: integer]: TContact read GetItems write SetItems; default;
- end;
-{ TMarkObject }
-procedure TMarkObject.Mark;
- if (ObjectState <> posEmpty) then
- Dirty:= True;
-{ TMarkObjectList }
-procedure TMarkObjectList.Mark;
- if (ObjectState <> posEmpty) then
- Dirty:= True;
-{ TCountry }
-procedure TCountry.SetISO(const AValue: string);
- if FISO = AValue then
- Exit; //==>
- BeginUpdate;
- FISO:= AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TCountry.SetName(const AValue: string);
- if FName = AValue then
- Exit; //==>
- BeginUpdate;
- FName:= AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-function TCountry.GetCaption: string;
- Result:= Name;
-constructor TCountry.CreateNew(const AISO: string; const AName: string);
- inherited CreateNew;
- FName:= AName;
-{ TCity }
-procedure TCity.SetCountry(const AValue: TCountry);
- if FCountry = AValue then
- Exit; //==>
- BeginUpdate;
- FCountry:= AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-function TCity.GetCountryAsString: string;
- result:= Country.Name + ' (' + Country.ISO + ')';
-procedure TCity.SetName(const AValue: string);
- if FName = AValue then
- Exit; //==>
- BeginUpdate;
- FName:= AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TCity.SetZIP(const AValue: string);
- if FZip = AValue then
- Exit; //==>
- BeginUpdate;
- FZip:= AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-function TCity.GetCaption: string;
- Result := Name;
-procedure TCity.AssignClassProps(ASource: TtiObject);
- FCountry:= TCity(ASource).Country; // reference only
-{ TAddressType }
-procedure TAddressType.SetName(const AValue: string);
- if FName = AValue then
- Exit; //==>
- BeginUpdate;
- FName:= AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-function TAddressType.GetCaption: string;
- Result := Name;
-{ TAddress }
-procedure TAddress.SetStreet(const AValue: string);
- if FStreet=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FStreet:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TAddress.SetTelephone1(const AValue: string);
- if FTelephone1=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FTelephone1:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TAddress.SetTelephone2(const AValue: string);
- if FTelephone2=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FTelephone2:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-constructor TAddress.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FAddressType := nil;
-procedure TAddress.AssignClassProps(ASource: TtiObject);
- FAddressType := TAddress(ASource).AddressType; // reference only
- FCity := TAddress(ASource).City; // reference only
-procedure TAddress.SetNr(const AValue: integer);
- if FNr=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FNr:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TAddress.SetAddressType(const AValue: TAddressType);
- if FAddressType = AValue then
- Exit; //==>
- BeginUpdate;
- FAddressType := AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-function TAddress.GetAddressType4GUI: string;
- Result := FAddressType.Name;
-procedure TAddress.SetCity(const AValue: TCity);
- if FCity=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FCity:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TAddress.SetFax(const AValue: string);
- if FFax=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FFax:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-{ TContact }
-procedure TContact.SetFirstName(const AValue: string);
- if FFirstName=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FFirstName:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TContact.SetEmail(const AValue: string);
- if FEmail=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FEmail:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TContact.SetComments(const AValue: string);
- if FComments=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FComments:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TContact.SetLastName(const AValue: string);
- if FLastName=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FLastName:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-procedure TContact.SetMobile(const AValue: string);
- if FMobile=AValue then exit;
- BeginUpdate;
- FMobile:=AValue;
- Mark;
- EndUpdate;
-constructor TContact.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FAddressList:= TAddressList.Create;
- FAddressList.Owner:= self;
- // ToDo: Refactor to remove need for ItemOwner. Use Parent instead
- FAddressList.ItemOwner:= self;
-destructor TContact.Destroy;
- FAddressList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-{ TCountryList }
-function TCountryList.GetItems(i: integer): TCountry;
- Result:= TCountry(inherited GetItems(i));
-procedure TCountryList.SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TCountry);
- inherited SetItems(i, AValue);
-function TCountryList.Add(const AObject: TCountry): integer;
- Result:= inherited Add(AObject);
-{ TCityList }
-function TCityList.GetItems(i: integer): TCity;
- result:= TCity(inherited GetItems(i));
-procedure TCityList.SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TCity);
- inherited SetItems(i, AValue);
-function TCityList.Add(const AObject: TCity): integer;
- result:= inherited Add(AObject);
-{ TAddressList }
-function TAddressList.GetItems(i: integer): TAddress;
- result:= TAddress(inherited GetItems(i));
-procedure TAddressList.SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TAddress);
- inherited SetItems(i, AValue);
-function TAddressList.Add(const AObject: TAddress): integer;
- result:= inherited Add(AObject);
-{ TContactList }
-function TContactList.GetItems(i: integer): TContact;
- result:= TContact(inherited GetItems(i));
-procedure TContactList.SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TContact);
- inherited SetItems(i, AValue);
-function TContactList.Add(const AObject: TContact): integer;
- result:= inherited Add(AObject);
-{ TAddressTypeList }
-function TAddressTypeList.GetItems(i: integer): TAddressType;
- result := TAddressType(inherited GetItems(i));
-procedure TAddressTypeList.SetItems(i: integer; const AValue: TAddressType);
- inherited SetItems(i, AValue);
-function TAddressTypeList.Add(const AObject: TAddressType): integer;
- result := inherited Add(AObject);