path: root/examples/gui/concepttest
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/gui/concepttest')
5 files changed, 169 insertions, 790 deletions
diff --git a/examples/gui/concepttest/OpenSoftStyle.pas b/examples/gui/concepttest/OpenSoftStyle.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 60a25f8d..00000000
--- a/examples/gui/concepttest/OpenSoftStyle.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-unit OpenSoftStyle;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes, fpgui, gfxbase;
- TGradientDirection = (gdTopToBottom, gdBottomToTop, gdLeftToRight, gdRightToLeft);
- TCalcGradientEndX = function(Y, H: Integer): Integer;
- TOpenSoftStyle = class(TDefaultStyle)
- private
- procedure PaintGradient(pCanvas: TGfxCanvas; const R: TRect; StartColor, EndColor: TColor; Direction: TGradientDirection; GradLines: Integer = -1);
- public
- // Colors
- function GetGUIColor(Color: TColor): TGfxColor; override;
- // Buttons (todo)
- procedure DrawButtonFace(Canvas: TGfxCanvas; const ARect: TRect; Flags: TFButtonFlags); override;
- // GroupBox
- procedure DrawGroupBox(Canvas: TGfxCanvas; const ARect: TRect; const ALabel: String; WidgetState: TWidgetState); override;
- end;
- FOpenSoftStyle: TOpenSoftStyle;
- // Some predefined colors:
- rgbaDkBlue: TGfxColor = (Red: $0000; Green: $0000; Blue: $8000; Alpha: $0000);
- rgbaLtYellow: TGfxColor = (Red: $ffff; Green: $ffff; Blue: $e100; Alpha: $0000);
- rgbaWindowText: TGfxColor = (Red: $0000; Green: $0000; Blue: $0000; Alpha: $0000);
- rgbaWindow: TGfxColor = (Red: $efef; Green: $efef; Blue: $efef; Alpha: $0000);
- rgbaDkGrey: TGfxColor = (Red: $8686; Green: $8686; Blue: $8686; Alpha: $0000);
- rgbaGbAALtGrey: TGfxColor = (Red: $baba; Green: $baba; Blue: $baba; Alpha: $0000);
- rgbaGbAADkGrey: TGfxColor = (Red: $7878; Green: $7878; Blue: $7878; Alpha: $0000);
-procedure DrawGradient(Canvas: TCanvas; const R: TRect; StartColor, EndColor: TColor;
- Direction: TGradientDirection; GradLines: Integer = -1; CalcEndX: TCalcGradientEndX = nil);
-procedure DrawGradientEx(Canvas: TCanvas; const R: TRect; StartColor: TColor;
- StartToMidHeight: Integer; MidColor, EndColor: TColor;
- Direction: TGradientDirection; CalcEndX: TCalcGradientEndX = nil);
-procedure ToRGB(c: TColor; out rgb: TRGB);
- l: TColorRef;
- c := ColorFromColormap(c);
- l := ColorToRGB(c);
- rgb.r := TRGBValue(l).r;
- rgb.g := TRGBValue(l).g;
- rgb.b := TRGBValue(l).b;
-{ TOpenSoftStyle }
-procedure TOpenSoftStyle.PaintGradient(pCanvas: TGfxCanvas; const R: TRect; StartColor, EndColor: TColor; Direction: TGradientDirection; GradLines: Integer = -1);
- X, i, w, h, Count: Integer;
- EndCol, StartCol, AddCol, Tmp: TGfxColor;
- w := R.Right - R.Left - 1;
- h := R.Bottom - R.Top - 1;
- if (w <= 0) or (h <= 0) then
- Exit; //==>
- StartCol := GetGUIColor(StartColor);
- EndCol := GetGUIColor(EndColor);
- case Direction of
- gdTopToBottom:
- Count := h;
- gdLeftToRight:
- Count := w;
- gdBottomToTop:
- begin
- Count := h;
- Tmp := EndCol;
- EndCol := StartCol;
- StartCol := Tmp;
- end;
- gdRightToLeft:
- begin
- Count := w;
- Tmp := EndCol;
- EndCol := StartCol;
- StartCol := Tmp;
- end;
- else
- Exit; //==>
- end;
- if GradLines < 0 then
- GradLines := Count;
- AddCol.r := (EndCol.r - StartCol.r) / GradLines;
- AddCol.g := (EndCol.g - StartCol.g) / GradLines;
- AddCol.b := (EndCol.b - StartCol.b) / GradLines;
-// Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- pCanvas.SaveState;
-// Canvas.Start;
- try
- StartColor := TColor(Round(StartCol.r), Round(StartCol.g), Round(StartCol.b));
-// Canvas.Pen.Color := StartColor;
- pCanvas.SetColor(GetGUIColor(StartColor));
- for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- if Direction in [gdTopToBottom, gdBottomToTop] then
- begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(R.Left, R.Top + i);
- if Assigned(CalcEndX) then
- X := CalcEndX(i, Count)
- else
- X := 0;
- Canvas.LineTo(R.Right + X, R.Top + i);
- end
- else
- begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(R.Left + i, R.Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(R.Left + i, R.Bottom);
- end;
- StartCol.r := StartCol.r + AddCol.r;
- StartCol.g := StartCol.g + AddCol.g;
- StartCol.b := StartCol.b + AddCol.b;
- EndColor := RGB(Round(StartCol.r), Round(StartCol.g), Round(StartCol.b));
- if StartColor <> EndColor then
- begin
-// Canvas.Pen.Color := EndColor;
- pCanvas.SetColor(GetGUIColor(EndColor));
- StartColor := EndColor;
- end;
- end; // for
- finally
-// Canvas.Stop;
- pCanvas.RestoreState;
- end;
-function TOpenSoftStyle.GetGUIColor(Color: TColor): TGfxColor;
- Result := inherited GetGUIColor(Color);
- case Color of
- // UI element colors
- clScrollBar: Result := rgbaWindow;
- clMenu: Result := rgbaWindow;
-// clWindow: Result := GetUIColor(clWhite);
-// clMenuText: Result := GetUIColor(clBlack);
-// clWindowText: Result := GetUIColor(clBlack);
-// clAppWorkSpace: Result := GetUIColor(clGray);
-// clHighlight: Result := GetUIColor(clNavy);
-// clHighlightText: Result := GetUIColor(clWhite);
- cl3DFace: Result := rgbaWindow;
-// cl3DShadow: Result := rgbaDkWhite;
-// clGrayText: Result := GetUIColor(clGray);
-// clBtnText: Result := GetUIColor(clBlack);
-// cl3DHighlight: Result := GetUIColor(clWhite);
- cl3DDkShadow: Result := GetUIColor(clMidnightBlue);
-// cl3DLight: Result := GetUIColor(clDarkWhite);
-// clInfoText: Result := GetUIColor(clBlack);
-// clInfoBk: Result := GetUIColor(clLightYellow);
-// else Result := GetUIColor(clWhite);
- end;
-procedure TOpenSoftStyle.DrawButtonFace(Canvas: TGfxCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
- Flags: TFButtonFlags);
-// inherited DrawButtonFace(Canvas, ARect, Flags);
- PaintGradient(Canvas, ARect, Flags);
- Draw3DFrame(Canvas, ARect, cl3DHighlight, cl3DLight, cl3DDkShadow, cl3DShadow);
-procedure TOpenSoftStyle.DrawGroupBox(Canvas: TGfxCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
- const ALabel: String; WidgetState: TWidgetState);
- TitleWidth, TitleHeight, TopLine: Integer;
- TitleWidth := Canvas.TextWidth(ALabel);
- TitleHeight := Canvas.FontCellHeight;
- TopLine := ARect.Top + TitleHeight div 3;
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaDkGrey);
- // box outline
- with ARect do
- begin
- // top
- Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + 2, TopLine), Point(Left + 12, TopLine));
- Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left + TitleWidth + 16, TopLine), Point(Right - 2, TopLine));
- // right
- Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right-1, TopLine + 2), Point(Right-1, Bottom - 2));
- // bottom
- Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Right - 3, Bottom-1), Point(Left + 1, Bottom-1));
- // left
- Canvas.DrawLine(Point(Left, Bottom - 3), Point(Left, TopLine + 1));
- end;
- // Text caption
- SetUIColor(Canvas, clWindowText);
- DrawText(Canvas, ARect.TopLeft + Point(14, 0), ALabel, WidgetState);
- { Anti-Aliasing - Top/Left }
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaGbAALtGrey);
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(0, TopLine+1));
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(1, TopLine));
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaGbAADkGrey);
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(1, TopLine+1));
- { Anti-Aliasing - Top/Right }
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaGbAALtGrey);
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(ARect.Right-1, TopLine+1));
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(ARect.Right-2, TopLine));
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaGbAADkGrey);
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(ARect.Right-2, TopLine+1));
- { Anti-Aliasing - Bottom/Right }
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaGbAALtGrey);
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(ARect.Right-1, ARect.Bottom-2));
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(ARect.Right-2, ARect.Bottom-1));
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaGbAADkGrey);
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(ARect.Right-2, ARect.Bottom-2));
- { Anti-Aliasing - Bottom/Left }
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaGbAALtGrey);
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(0, ARect.Bottom-2));
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(1, ARect.Bottom-1));
- Canvas.SetColor(rgbaGbAADkGrey);
- Canvas.DrawPoint(ARect.TopLeft + Point(1, ARect.Bottom-2));
- FOpenSoftStyle := TOpenSoftStyle.Create(Application.Display);
- if Assigned(FOpenSoftStyle) then
- FOpenSoftStyle.Free;
diff --git a/examples/gui/concepttest/compileroptform.frm b/examples/gui/concepttest/compileroptform.frm
index 054601db..708f2e09 100644
--- a/examples/gui/concepttest/compileroptform.frm
+++ b/examples/gui/concepttest/compileroptform.frm
@@ -8,43 +8,43 @@ object CompilerOptForm: TCompilerOptForm
Orientation = Vertical
Spacing = 4
object Box4: TFBoxLayout
- object grpBox1: TGroupBox
+ object grpBox1: TFGroupBox
Text = 'Unit Style:'
object grpBox1VBox1: TFBoxLayout
Orientation = Vertical
- object cbSmartLink: TCheckbox
+ object cbSmartLink: TFCheckbox
Checked = True
Text = 'Smart Linkable (-CX)'
- object grpBox2: TGroupBox
+ object grpBox2: TFGroupBox
Text = 'Checks:'
object grpBox2VBox1: TFBoxLayout
Orientation = Vertical
- object rbIO: TRadioButton
+ object rbIO: TFRadioButton
Checked = True
Text = 'I/O (-Ci)'
- object rbOverflow: TRadioButton
+ object rbOverflow: TFRadioButton
Checked = True
Text = 'Overflow (-Co)'
- object rbRange: TRadioButton
+ object rbRange: TFRadioButton
Checked = True
Text = 'Range (-Cr)'
- object rbStack: TRadioButton
+ object rbStack: TFRadioButton
Checked = True
Text = 'Stack (-Ct)'
- object grpBox3: TGroupBox
+ object grpBox3: TFGroupBox
Text = 'Heap Size (-Ch):'
object grpBox3VBox1: TFBoxLayout
Orientation = Vertical
- object edHeapSize: TEdit
+ object edHeapSize: TFEdit
Text = '0'
CanExpandWidth = False
@@ -52,23 +52,23 @@ object CompilerOptForm: TCompilerOptForm
object Box5: TFBoxLayout
- object grpBox4: TGroupBox
+ object grpBox4: TFGroupBox
Text = 'Generate:'
object grpBox4VBox1: TFBoxLayout
Orientation = Vertical
- object rbNormal: TRadioButton
+ object rbNormal: TFRadioButton
Text = 'Normal Code (none)'
- object rbFaster: TRadioButton
+ object rbFaster: TFRadioButton
Checked = True
Text = 'Faster Code (-OG)'
- object rbSmaller: TRadioButton
+ object rbSmaller: TFRadioButton
Text = 'Smaller Code (-Og)'
- object grpBox5: TGroupBox
+ object grpBox5: TFGroupBox
Text = 'Target Platform:'
CanExpandHeight = True
object grpBox5VBox1: TFBoxLayout
@@ -87,28 +87,28 @@ object CompilerOptForm: TCompilerOptForm
object Box6: TFBoxLayout
- object grpBox6: TGroupBox
+ object grpBox6: TFGroupBox
Text = 'Optimizations:'
object grpBox6VBox1: TFBoxLayout
Orientation = Vertical
CanExpandWidth = True
- object rbLevel0: TRadioButton
+ object rbLevel0: TFRadioButton
Text = 'Level 0 (no extra Optimizations) (none)'
- object rbLevel1: TRadioButton
+ object rbLevel1: TFRadioButton
Checked = True
Text = 'Level 1 (Quick Optimizations) (-O1)'
- object rbLevel2: TRadioButton
+ object rbLevel2: TFRadioButton
Text = 'Level 2 (Level 1 + Slower Optimizations) (-O2)'
- object rbLevel3: TRadioButton
+ object rbLevel3: TFRadioButton
Text = 'Level 3 (Level 2 + Uncertain) (-O3)'
- object rbKeepVarReg: TCheckbox
+ object rbKeepVarReg: TFCheckbox
Text = 'Keep certain variables in registers (-Or)'
- object rbUncOpt: TCheckbox
+ object rbUncOpt: TFCheckbox
Text = 'Uncertain Optimizations (-Ou)'
diff --git a/examples/gui/concepttest/frmCompilerOpt.pas b/examples/gui/concepttest/frmCompilerOpt.pas
index b472e2ab..1a883c64 100644
--- a/examples/gui/concepttest/frmCompilerOpt.pas
+++ b/examples/gui/concepttest/frmCompilerOpt.pas
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ type
{ TCompilerOptForm }
- TCompilerOptForm = Class(TForm)
+ TCompilerOptForm = Class(TFForm)
- FGroupBoxStyle: TStyle;
+ FGroupBoxStyle: TStyleAbs;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
@@ -28,34 +28,34 @@ type
Box5: TFBoxLayout;
Box6: TFBoxLayout;
btnOK, btnCancel, btnShowOp, btnTest, btnLoadSave : TFButton;
- grpBox1: TGroupBox;
+ grpBox1: TFGroupBox;
grpBox1VBox1: TFBoxLayout;
cbSmartLink: TFCheckbox;
- grpBox2: TGroupBox;
+ grpBox2: TFGroupBox;
grpBox2VBox1: TFBoxLayout;
- rbIO: TRadioButton;
- rbOverflow: TRadioButton;
- rbRange: TRadioButton;
- rbStack: TRadioButton;
- grpBox3: TGroupBox;
+ rbIO: TFRadioButton;
+ rbOverflow: TFRadioButton;
+ rbRange: TFRadioButton;
+ rbStack: TFRadioButton;
+ grpBox3: TFGroupBox;
grpBox3VBox1: TFBoxLayout;
- edHeapSize: TEdit;
- grpBox4: TGroupBox;
+ edHeapSize: TFEdit;
+ grpBox4: TFGroupBox;
grpBox4VBox1: TFBoxLayout;
- rbNormal: TRadioButton;
- rbFaster: TRadioButton;
- rbSmaller: TRadioButton;
- grpBox5: TGroupBox;
+ rbNormal: TFRadioButton;
+ rbFaster: TFRadioButton;
+ rbSmaller: TFRadioButton;
+ grpBox5: TFGroupBox;
grpBox5VBox1: TFBoxLayout;
lblTarget1: TFLabel;
lblTarget2: TFLabel;
lblTarget3: TFLabel;
- grpBox6: TGroupBox;
+ grpBox6: TFGroupBox;
grpBox6VBox1: TFBoxLayout;
- rbLevel0: TRadioButton;
- rbLevel1: TRadioButton;
- rbLevel2: TRadioButton;
- rbLevel3: TRadioButton;
+ rbLevel0: TFRadioButton;
+ rbLevel1: TFRadioButton;
+ rbLevel2: TFRadioButton;
+ rbLevel3: TFRadioButton;
rbKeepVarReg: TFCheckbox;
rbUncOpt: TFCheckbox;
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ var
CompOpt: TCompilerOptForm;
- OpenSoftStyle;
+// OpenSoftStyle;
{ TCompilerOptForm }
diff --git a/examples/gui/concepttest/hello.lpi b/examples/gui/concepttest/hello.lpi
index 98611428..7d035197 100644
--- a/examples/gui/concepttest/hello.lpi
+++ b/examples/gui/concepttest/hello.lpi
@@ -4,14 +4,16 @@
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@@ -26,407 +28,30 @@
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- <UsageCount Value="10"/>
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- <Filename Value="../layouttest/mainform.frm"/>
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+ <Unit2>
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- <UsageCount Value="4"/>
- <SyntaxHighlighter Value="None"/>
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- <Unit29>
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- <UnitName Value="WidgetTest"/>
- <CursorPos X="1" Y="497"/>
- <TopLine Value="461"/>
- <UsageCount Value="6"/>
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- <Unit30>
- <Filename Value="../../src/"/>
- <CursorPos X="15" Y="26"/>
- <TopLine Value="3"/>
- <UsageCount Value="4"/>
- </Unit30>
- <Unit31>
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- <CursorPos X="19" Y="32"/>
- <TopLine Value="30"/>
- <UsageCount Value="4"/>
- </Unit31>
- <Unit32>
- <Filename Value="../../src/"/>
- <CursorPos X="17" Y="871"/>
- <TopLine Value="613"/>
- <UsageCount Value="29"/>
- </Unit32>
- <Unit33>
- <Filename Value="../../src/win32/"/>
- <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
- <TopLine Value="1"/>
- <UsageCount Value="4"/>
- </Unit33>
- <Unit34>
- <Filename Value="../../src/defimpl/"/>
- <CursorPos X="42" Y="57"/>
- <TopLine Value="23"/>
- <UsageCount Value="12"/>
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- <TopLine Value="93"/>
- <UsageCount Value="5"/>
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- <Unit37>
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- <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
- <TopLine Value="737"/>
- <UsageCount Value="25"/>
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- <Unit38>
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- <CursorPos X="31" Y="25"/>
- <TopLine Value="2"/>
- <UsageCount Value="15"/>
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- <Unit39>
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- <Unit40>
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- </Unit40>
- <Unit41>
- <Filename Value="media/sda5/Programming/MasterMaths/M2Browser_v3/3rdParty/Gauge/TGauge.pas"/>
- <UnitName Value="TGauge"/>
- <CursorPos X="39" Y="3"/>
- <TopLine Value="90"/>
- <UsageCount Value="7"/>
- </Unit41>
- <Unit42>
- <Filename Value="../../src/"/>
- <CursorPos X="3" Y="89"/>
- <TopLine Value="83"/>
- <UsageCount Value="12"/>
- </Unit42>
- <Unit43>
- <Filename Value="../../src/"/>
- <CursorPos X="24" Y="171"/>
- <TopLine Value="148"/>
- <UsageCount Value="6"/>
- </Unit43>
- <Unit44>
- <Filename Value="../../../personal/fpgui/src/"/>
- <CursorPos X="27" Y="121"/>
- <TopLine Value="101"/>
- <UsageCount Value="6"/>
- </Unit44>
- <Unit45>
- <Filename Value="../../src/"/>
- <CursorPos X="19" Y="107"/>
- <TopLine Value="85"/>
- <UsageCount Value="12"/>
- </Unit45>
- <Unit46>
- <Filename Value="../../../lptk/src/gfxbase.pas"/>
- <UnitName Value="gfxbase"/>
- <CursorPos X="38" Y="2355"/>
- <TopLine Value="3421"/>
- <UsageCount Value="25"/>
- </Unit46>
- <Unit47>
- <Filename Value="../../../lptk/src/schar16.pas"/>
- <UnitName Value="schar16"/>
- <CursorPos X="10" Y="35"/>
- <TopLine Value="1"/>
- <UsageCount Value="7"/>
- </Unit47>
- <Unit48>
- <Filename Value="../../../lptk/src/unitkeys.pas"/>
- <UnitName Value="unitkeys"/>
- <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
- <TopLine Value="302"/>
- <UsageCount Value="7"/>
- </Unit48>
- <Unit49>
- <Filename Value="../../../lptk/src/wgbutton.pas"/>
- <UnitName Value="wgbutton"/>
- <CursorPos X="15" Y="34"/>
- <TopLine Value="11"/>
- <UsageCount Value="7"/>
- </Unit49>
- <Unit50>
- <Filename Value="../../../lptk/src/wglabel.pas"/>
- <UnitName Value="wglabel"/>
- <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
- <TopLine Value="1"/>
- <UsageCount Value="7"/>
- </Unit50>
- <Unit51>
- <Filename Value="../../src/"/>
- <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
- <TopLine Value="39"/>
- <UsageCount Value="24"/>
- </Unit51>
- <Unit52>
- <Filename Value="../../../fpgfx.trunk/src/gfxbase.pp"/>
- <UnitName Value="GfxBase"/>
- <CursorPos X="19" Y="402"/>
- <TopLine Value="507"/>
- <UsageCount Value="8"/>
- </Unit52>
- <Unit53>
- <Filename Value="opt/lazarus/ide/editoroptions.pp"/>
- <ComponentName Value="EditorOptionsForm"/>
- <HasResources Value="True"/>
- <ResourceFilename Value="opt/lazarus/ide/editoroptions.lrs"/>
- <UnitName Value="EditorOptions"/>
- <CursorPos X="28" Y="2302"/>
- <TopLine Value="2595"/>
- <UsageCount Value="21"/>
- </Unit53>
- <Unit54>
- <Filename Value="opt/lazarus/components/synedit/synedit.pp"/>
- <UnitName Value="SynEdit"/>
- <CursorPos X="28" Y="6001"/>
- <TopLine Value="5978"/>
- <UsageCount Value="21"/>
- </Unit54>
- <Unit55>
- <Filename Value="opt/lazarus/components/synedit/synedittextbuffer.pp"/>
- <UnitName Value="SynEditTextBuffer"/>
- <CursorPos X="15" Y="135"/>
- <TopLine Value="181"/>
- <UsageCount Value="21"/>
- </Unit55>
- <Unit56>
- <Filename Value="opt/lazarus/components/synedit/synedithighlighter.pp"/>
- <UnitName Value="SynEditHighlighter"/>
- <CursorPos X="34" Y="145"/>
- <TopLine Value="766"/>
- <UsageCount Value="21"/>
- </Unit56>
- <Unit57>
- <Filename Value="opt/lazarus/components/synedit/synhighlighterpas.pp"/>
- <UnitName Value="SynHighlighterPas"/>
- <CursorPos X="3" Y="83"/>
- <TopLine Value="658"/>
- <UsageCount Value="21"/>
- </Unit57>
- <Unit58>
- <Filename Value="../../../tiOPF2/Source/Core/tiObject.pas"/>
- <UnitName Value="tiObject"/>
- <CursorPos X="1" Y="1756"/>
- <TopLine Value="1933"/>
- <UsageCount Value="19"/>
- </Unit58>
+ </Unit2>
- <JumpHistory Count="0" HistoryIndex="-1"/>
<Version Value="5"/>
+ <Parsing>
+ <SyntaxOptions>
+ <AllowLabel Value="False"/>
+ </SyntaxOptions>
+ </Parsing>
<Generate Value="Faster"/>
diff --git a/examples/gui/concepttest/hello.lpr b/examples/gui/concepttest/hello.lpr
index 7e723696..8a2fbc31 100644
--- a/examples/gui/concepttest/hello.lpr
+++ b/examples/gui/concepttest/hello.lpr
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ uses
- fpgui, gfxbase, frmCompilerOpt, OpenSoftStyle, fpguipackage;
+ fpGUI, fpGFX, gfxbase, frmCompilerOpt, StyleManager;
{ TMainForm }
- TMainForm = class(TForm)
+ TMainForm = class(TFForm)
procedure Button3Clicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
@@ -24,23 +24,23 @@ type
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- HBox: TBoxLayout;
- VBox: TBoxLayout;
- TextLabel: TLabel;
- Button: TButton;
- btnGridForm: TButton;
- btnCompOpt: TButton;
- Button1: TButton;
- Button2: TButton;
- Button3: TButton;
+ HBox: TFBoxLayout;
+ VBox: TFBoxLayout;
+ TextLabel: TFLabel;
+ Button: TFButton;
+ btnGridForm: TFButton;
+ btnCompOpt: TFButton;
+ Button1: TFButton;
+ Button2: TFButton;
+ Button3: TFButton;
{ TGridForm }
- TGridForm = Class(TForm)
- Layout : TGridLayout;
- Button1,Button2,Button3,Button4,Button5 : TButton;
+ TGridForm = Class(TFForm)
+ Layout: TFGridLayout;
+ Button1,Button2,Button3,Button4,Button5: TFButton;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@ type
{ TFindDialog }
- TFindDialog = class(TForm)
+ TFindDialog = class(TFForm)
procedure btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- lblFind: TLabel;
- btnFindNext, btnClose: TButton;
- edFind: TEdit;
- GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
- grpBox1Layout: TBoxLayout;
- Radio1, Radio2: TRadioButton;
- cbCase: TCheckBox;
- leftLayout, rightLayout: TBoxLayout;
- topLeftLayout: TBoxLayout;
- mainLayout: TBoxLayout;
+ lblFind: TFLabel;
+ btnFindNext, btnClose: TFButton;
+ edFind: TFEdit;
+ GroupBox1: TFGroupBox;
+ grpBox1Layout: TFBoxLayout;
+ Radio1, Radio2: TFRadioButton;
+ cbCase: TFCheckBox;
+ leftLayout, rightLayout: TFBoxLayout;
+ topLeftLayout: TFBoxLayout;
+ mainLayout: TFBoxLayout;
@@ -80,49 +80,54 @@ begin
inherited Create(AOwner);
Text := 'Find Dialog';
BorderWidth := 8;
- WindowType := wtWindow;
- topLeftLayout := TBoxLayout.Create(self);
- lblFind := TLabel.Create(self);
- lblFind.Text := 'Find what';
- edFind := TEdit.Create(self);
+ topLeftLayout := TFBoxLayout.Create(self);
+ topLeftLayout.CanExpandWidth := True;
+ lblFind := TFLabel.Create(self);
+ lblFind.Text := 'Find what:';
+ edFind := TFEdit.Create(self);
- leftLayout := TBoxLayout.Create(self);
+ leftLayout := TFBoxLayout.Create(self);
leftLayout.Orientation := Vertical;
- leftLayout.CanExpandHeight := True;
- GroupBox1 := TGroupBox.Create(self);
+ leftLayout.CanExpandWidth := True;
+ GroupBox1 := TFGroupBox.Create(self);
GroupBox1.Text := 'Direction';
- grpBox1Layout := TBoxLayout.Create(self);
-// grpBox1Layout.Orientation := Vertical;
+ GroupBox1.CanExpandWidth := True;
+ grpBox1Layout := TFBoxLayout.Create(self);
+ Radio1 := TFRadioButton.Create(self);
+ Radio1.Text := 'Up';
+ Radio1.CanExpandWidth := True;
+ Radio2 := TFRadioButton.Create(self);
+ Radio2.Text := 'Down';
+ Radio2.CanExpandWidth := True;
- Radio1 := TRadioButton.Create(self);
- Radio1.Text := 'Up';
- Radio2 := TRadioButton.Create(self);
- Radio2.Text := 'Down';
- cbCase := TCheckBox.Create(self);
+ cbCase := TFCheckBox.Create(self);
cbCase.Text := 'Case sensitive';
+ cbCase.CanExpandWidth := True;
- rightLayout := TBoxLayout.Create(self);
+ rightLayout := TFBoxLayout.Create(self);
rightLayout.Orientation := Vertical;
rightLayout.VertAlign := vertTop;
- btnFindNext := TButton.Create(self);
- btnFindNext.Text := 'Find Next';
- btnClose := TButton.Create(self);
- btnClose.Text := 'Close';
- btnClose.CanExpandWidth := True;
- btnClose.OnClick := @btnCloseClick;
+ btnFindNext := TFButton.Create(self);
+ btnFindNext.Text := 'Find Next';
+ btnClose := TFButton.Create(self);
+ btnClose.Text := 'Close';
+ btnClose.CanExpandWidth := True;
+ btnClose.OnClick := @btnCloseClick;
- mainLayout := TBoxLayout.Create(self);
+ mainLayout := TFBoxLayout.Create(self);
@@ -166,30 +171,30 @@ begin
BorderWidth := 8;
self.BorderWidth := 11;
- Layout := TGridLayout.Create(Self);
+ Layout := TFGridLayout.Create(Self);
Layout.Name := 'Layout';
Layout.RowCount := 3;
Layout.ColCount := 3;
- Button1 := TButton.Create(Self);
+ Button1 := TFButton.Create(Self);
Button1.Name := 'TopLeft';
Button1.Text := 'Top Left';
Layout.AddWidget(Button1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
- Button2 := TButton.Create(Self);
+ Button2 := TFButton.Create(Self);
Button2.Name := 'TopRight';
Button2.Text := 'Top Right';
Layout.AddWidget(Button2, 2,0,1,1);
- Button3 := TButton.Create(Self);
+ Button3 := TFButton.Create(Self);
Button3.Name := 'CenterCenter';
Button3.Text := 'Center Center';
// Button3.CanExpandWidth := False;
// Button3.CanExpandHeight := False;
Layout.AddWidget(Button3, 1,1,1,1);
- Button4 := TButton.Create(Self);
+ Button4 := TFButton.Create(Self);
Button4.Name := 'BottomLeft';
Button4.Text := 'Bottom Left';
- Button5 := TButton.Create(Self);
+ Button5 := TFButton.Create(Self);
Button5.Name := 'BottomRight';
Button5.Text := 'Bottom Right';
Layout.AddWidget(Button5, 2,2,1,1);
@@ -226,7 +231,12 @@ end;
procedure TMainForm.btnCompOptClick(Sender: TObject);
if not Assigned(CompOpt) then
- Application.CreateForm(TCompilerOptForm, CompOpt)
+ begin
+ CompOpt := TCompilerOptForm.Create(GFApplication);
+ LoadForm(CompOpt);
+ CompOpt.Style := gStyleManager.CreateInstance('OpenSoft');
+ CompOpt.Show;
+ end
@@ -255,59 +265,56 @@ begin
inherited Create(AOwner);
Name := 'frmMain';
BorderWidth := 8;
- WindowType := wtWindow;
OnActivate := @MainFormActivate;
- HBox := TBoxLayout.Create(self);
- HBox.Name := 'HBox';
- HBox.Parent := self;
- HBox.Spacing := 3;
- HBox.Orientation := Horizontal;
- TextLabel := TLabel.Create(self);
- TextLabel.Name := 'TextLabel';
- TextLabel.Text := 'Hello';
- TextLabel.Parent := HBox;
- Button := TButton.Create(self);
- Button.Parent := HBox;
- Button.Text := 'Close';
- Button.OnClick := @btnCloseClick;
- btnGridForm := TButton.Create(self);
- btnGridForm.Parent := HBox;
- btnGridForm.Text := 'Grid Form';
- btnGridForm.OnClick := @btnGridFormClick;
+ HBox := TFBoxLayout.Create(self);
+ HBox.Name := 'HBox';
+ HBox.Parent := self;
+ HBox.Spacing := 3;
+ HBox.Orientation := Horizontal;
+ TextLabel := TFLabel.Create(self);
+ TextLabel.Name := 'TextLabel';
+ TextLabel.Text := 'Hello';
+ TextLabel.Parent := HBox;
+ Button := TFButton.Create(self);
+ Button.Parent := HBox;
+ Button.Text := 'Close';
+ Button.OnClick := @btnCloseClick;
+ btnGridForm := TFButton.Create(self);
+ btnGridForm.Parent := HBox;
+ btnGridForm.Text := 'Grid Form';
+ btnGridForm.OnClick := @btnGridFormClick;
- btnCompOpt := TButton.Create(Self);
- btnCompOpt.Parent := HBox;
- btnCompOpt.Name := 'btnCompOpt';
- btnCompOpt.Text := 'Compiler Options';
- btnCompOpt.OnClick := @btnCompOptClick;
-// btnCompOpt.FCanExpandWidth := True; // if not used, button is smaller than others
- VBox := TBoxLayout.Create(self);
- VBox.Orientation := Vertical;
- Button1 := TButton.Create(Self);
- Button1.Name := 'Top';
- Button1.Text := 'Top';
- Button1.CanExpandWidth := True; // if not used, button is smaller than others
- Button1.OnClick := @btnTopClick;
+ btnCompOpt := TFButton.Create(Self);
+ btnCompOpt.Parent := HBox;
+ btnCompOpt.Name := 'btnCompOpt';
+ btnCompOpt.Text := 'Compiler Options';
+ btnCompOpt.OnClick := @btnCompOptClick;
+ VBox := TFBoxLayout.Create(self);
+ VBox.Orientation := Vertical;
+ Button1 := TFButton.Create(Self);
+ Button1.Name := 'Top';
+ Button1.Text := 'Top';
+ Button1.CanExpandWidth := True; // if not used, button is smaller than others
+ Button1.OnClick := @btnTopClick;
- Button2 := TButton.Create(Self);
- Button2.Name := 'Centre';
- Button2.Text := 'Centre';
- Button2.CanExpandWidth := True;
+ Button2 := TFButton.Create(Self);
+ Button2.Name := 'Centre';
+ Button2.Text := 'Centre';
+ Button2.CanExpandWidth := True;
- Button3 := TButton.Create(Self);
- Button3.Name := 'Bottom';
- Button3.Text := 'Bottom (SetBounds)';
- Button3.OnClick :=@Button3Clicked;
+ Button3 := TFButton.Create(Self);
+ Button3.Name := 'Bottom';
+ Button3.Text := 'Bottom (SetBounds)';
+ Button3.OnClick := @Button3Clicked;
Child := HBox;
@@ -317,18 +324,19 @@ var
MainForm := nil;
- { set application wide style }
- Application.SetStyle(FOpenSoftStyle);
+ { set application wide style }
+ GFApplication.Initialize;
+// gStyleManager.CreateInstance('OpenSoft');
- MainForm := TMainForm.Create(Application);
-// MainForm.SetBounds(Point(100, 300), Size(300,200));
+ MainForm := TMainForm.Create(GFApplication);
+ MainForm.Style := gStyleManager.CreateInstance('OpenSoft');
- Application.Run;
+ GFApplication.Run;