path: root/examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas')
1 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas b/examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..334b4199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ Some Pascal source code parsing functionality.
+unit vfdformparser;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ fpgfx,
+ gfx_widget,
+ gui_form,
+ vfddesigner,
+ vfdwidgetclass,
+ vfdwidgets;
+ TVFDFormParser = class(TObject)
+ protected
+ ffd: TFormDesigner;
+ fformname: string;
+ BodyLines: TStringList;
+ eob: boolean;
+ line: string;
+ lineindex: integer;
+ public
+ procedure nextline;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const FormName, FormHead, FormBody: string);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function ParseForm: TFormDesigner;
+ procedure ParseFormProperties;
+ procedure ParseFormWidgets;
+ function ReadWGProperty(propline: string; wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass): boolean;
+ end;
+function GetIdentifier(var s: string): string;
+function GetStringValue(var s: string): string;
+procedure SkipSpaces(var s: string);
+function CheckSymbol(var s: string; const sym: string): boolean;
+function GetIntValue(var s: string): integer;
+{ TVFDFormParser }
+constructor TVFDFormParser.Create(const FormName, FormHead, FormBody: string);
+ fformname := FormName;
+ ffd := nil;
+ BodyLines := TStringList.Create;
+ BodyLines.Text := FormBody;
+ lineindex := 0;
+destructor TVFDFormParser.Destroy;
+ BodyLines.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TVFDFormParser.nextline;
+ repeat
+ Inc(lineindex);
+ eob := (lineindex > BodyLines.Count);
+ if not eob then
+ line := trim(bodylines.Strings[lineindex - 1])
+ else
+ line := '';
+ until eob or (line <> '');
+function TVFDFormParser.ParseForm: TFormDesigner;
+ ffd := TFormDesigner.Create;
+ ffd.Form.Name := fformname;
+ // parsing line by line
+ // the unknown lines will be "other properties"
+ lineindex := 0;
+ nextline;
+ ParseFormProperties;
+ ParseFormWidgets;
+ Result := ffd;
+procedure SkipSpaces(var s: string);
+ while (s <> '') and (s[1] in [' ', #9, #13, #10]) do
+ Delete(s, 1, 1);
+function CheckSymbol(var s: string; const sym: string): boolean;
+ SkipSpaces(s);
+ Result := (pos(sym, s) = 1);
+ if Result then
+ Delete(s, 1, length(sym));
+function GetIntValue(var s: string): integer;
+ n: integer;
+ ns: string;
+ SkipSpaces(s);
+ ns := '';
+ n := 1;
+ while (n <= length(s)) and (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '-']) do
+ begin
+ ns := ns + s[n];
+ Inc(n);
+ end;
+ Result := StrToIntDef(ns, 0);
+ Delete(s, 1, length(ns));
+function GetStringValue(var s: string): string;
+ n: integer;
+ quot: boolean;
+ c, prevc: char;
+ ccode: string;
+ ids: string;
+ Result := '';
+ ids := GetIdentifier(s);
+ if ids <> '' then
+{ if ids = 'u8' then
+ begin
+ if not CheckSymbol(s, '(') then
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ Exit;
+ SkipSpaces(s);
+ prevc := #0;
+ n := 1;
+ quot := False;
+ while n <= length(s) do
+ begin
+ c := s[n];
+ if c = '''' then
+ begin
+ quot := not quot;
+ if quot and (prevc = '''') then
+ Result := Result + c;
+ end
+ else if not quot then
+ begin
+ if not (c in ['+', ' ', #9, #13, #10]) then
+ if (c = '#') then
+ begin
+ Inc(n);
+ ccode := '';
+ while (n <= length(s)) and (s[n] in ['0'..'9']) do
+ begin
+ ccode := ccode + s[n];
+ Inc(n);
+ end;
+ c := chr(StrToIntDef(ccode, Ord('?')) and $FF);
+ Result := Result + c;
+ end
+ else
+ break;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := Result + c;
+ prevc := c;
+ Inc(n);
+ end;
+ if (n - 1) > 0 then
+ Delete(s, 1, n - 1);
+ SkipSpaces(s);
+// if ids <> '' then
+// CheckSymbol(s, ')');
+// if ids = 'u8' then
+// Result := u8(Result);
+function GetIdentifier(var s: string): string;
+ n: integer;
+ SkipSpaces(s);
+ Result := '';
+ n := 1;
+ while n <= length(s) do
+ begin
+ if s[n] in ['_', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9'] then
+ Result := Result + s[n]
+ else
+ Break;
+ Inc(n);
+ end;
+ if length(Result) > 0 then
+ Delete(s, 1, length(Result));
+procedure TVFDFormParser.ParseFormProperties;
+ lok: boolean;
+ while not eob and (pos('.CREATE(', UpperCase(line)) = 0) do
+ begin
+ lok := ReadWGProperty(line, ffd.Form, VFDFormWidget);
+ if not lok then
+ ffd.FormOther := ffd.FormOther + line + LineEnding;
+ NextLine;
+ end;
+procedure TVFDFormParser.ParseFormWidgets;
+ n: integer;
+ lok: boolean;
+ s: string;
+ ident: string;
+ wgname, wgclass, wgclassuc, wgparent: string;
+ pwg, wg: TfpgWidget;
+ wgother: string;
+ wd: TWidgetDesigner;
+ wgc: TVFDWidgetClass;
+ while not eob do
+ begin
+ //s := UpperCase(line);
+ s := line;
+ wgname := GetIdentifier(s);
+ //writeln('wg: ',wgname);
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':=');
+ if lok then
+ wgclass := GetIdentifier(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '.');
+ lok := lok and (UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) = 'CREATE');
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '(');
+ if lok then
+ wgparent := GetIdentifier(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')');
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ //writeln('wg create: ',wgname,' (',wgclass,') - ',wgparent);
+ // searching for the parent ...
+ pwg := nil;
+ if UpperCase(wgparent) <> 'SELF' then
+ begin
+ pwg := ffd.FindWidgetByName(wgparent);
+ if pwg = nil then
+ Writeln('Warning! Parent object "' + wgparent + '" not found for "' + wgname + '"');
+ end;
+ if pwg = nil then
+ pwg := ffd.Form;
+ wgclassuc := UpperCase(wgclass);
+ wg := nil;
+ wgc := nil;
+ for n := 1 to VFDWidgetCount do
+ begin
+ wgc := VFDWidget(n);
+ if wgclassuc = UpperCase(wgc.WidgetClass.ClassName) then
+ begin
+ wg := wgc.CreateWidget(pwg);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {
+ if wgclassuc = 'TWGLABEL' then wg := TwgLabel.Create(pwg)
+ else if wgclassuc = 'TWGEDIT' then wg := TwgEdit.Create(pwg)
+ else if wgclassuc = 'TWGCHECKBOX' then wg := TwgCheckBox.Create(pwg)
+ else if wgclassuc = 'TWGBUTTON' then wg := TwgButton.Create(pwg)
+ else if wgclassuc = 'TWGMEMO' then wg := TwgMemo.Create(pwg)
+ else if wgclassuc = 'TWGCHOICELIST' then wg := TwgChoiceList.Create(pwg)
+ else if wgclassuc = 'TWGDBGRID' then wg := TwgDBGrid.Create(pwg)
+ else if wgclassuc = 'TWGTEXTLISTBOX' then wg := TwgTextListBox.Create(pwg)
+ else
+ if wg = nil then
+ begin
+ wgc := VFDOtherWidget;
+ wg := TOtherWidget.Create(pwg);
+ TOtherWidget(wg).wgClassName := wgclass;
+ end;
+ wg.Name := wgname;
+ NextLine;
+ s := UpperCase(line);
+ ident := GetIdentifier(s);
+ if ident = 'WITH' then
+ begin
+ // skip with line...
+ NextLine;
+ s := UpperCase(line);
+ ident := GetIdentifier(s);
+ if ident = 'BEGIN' then
+ NextLine;
+ // reading widget properties...
+ wgother := '';
+ while (not eob) and (pos('END;', UpperCase(line)) <> 1) do
+ begin
+ lok := ReadWGProperty(line, wg, wgc);
+ if not lok then
+ wgother := wgother + line + LineEnding;
+ nextline;
+ end;
+ if (pos('END;', UpperCase(line)) = 1) then
+ nextline;
+ end;
+ wd := ffd.AddWidget(wg, nil);
+ wd.FVFDClass := wgc;
+ wd.other.Text := wgother;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ffd.FormOther := ffd.FormOther + line + LineEnding;
+ NextLine;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TVFDFormParser.ReadWGProperty(propline: string; wg: TfpgWidget; wgc: TVFDWidgetClass): boolean;
+ s: string;
+ n: integer;
+ ident: string;
+ lok: boolean;
+ sval: string;
+ wga: TAnchors;
+ s := propline;
+ ident := UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s));
+ //writeln('ident: ',ident);
+ sval := '';
+ lok := False;
+ if ident = 'NAME' then
+ begin
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':=');
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ sval := GetStringValue(s);
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ end;
+ if lok then
+ wg.Name := sval;
+ end
+ {
+ else if ident = 'TEXT' then
+ begin
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':=');
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ sval := GetStringValue(s);
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ end;
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ if wg is TwgLabel then TwgLabel(wg).Text := sval
+ else if wg is TwgEdit then TwgEdit(wg).Text := sval
+ else if wg is TwgButton then TwgButton(wg).Text := sval
+ else if wg is TwgCheckBox then TwgCheckBox(wg).Text := sval
+ else
+ lok := false;
+ end;
+ if lok then SetWidgetText(wg, sval);
+ end
+ else if (ident = 'LINES') or (ident = 'ITEMS') then
+ begin
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, '.');
+ lok := lok and (UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) = 'ADD');
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '(');
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ sval := GetStringValue(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')');
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ end;
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ if wg is TwgMemo then TwgMemo(wg).Lines.Add(sval)
+ else if wg is TwgChoiceList then TwgChoiceList(wg).Items.Add(sval)
+ else if wg is TwgTextListBox then TwgTextListBox(wg).Items.Add(sval)
+ else
+ lok := false;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if ident = 'ANCHORS' then
+ begin
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':=');
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '[');
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ wga := [];
+ repeat
+ sval := UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s));
+ if sval = 'ANLEFT' then
+ wga := wga + [anLeft]
+ else if sval = 'ANTOP' then
+ wga := wga + [anTop]
+ else if sval = 'ANRIGHT' then
+ wga := wga + [anRight]
+ else if sval = 'ANBOTTOM' then
+ wga := wga + [anBottom];
+ until not CheckSymbol(s, ',');
+ end;
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ']');
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ if lok then
+ wg.Anchors := wga;
+ end
+ else if ident = 'WINDOWTITLE' then
+ begin
+ lok := (wg is TfpgForm);
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':=');
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ sval := GetStringValue(s);
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ end;
+ if lok then
+ TfpgForm(wg).WindowTitle := sval;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if ident = 'SETPOSITION' then
+ begin
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, '(');
+ if lok then
+ wg.Left := GetIntValue(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
+ if lok then
+ wg.Top := GetIntValue(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
+ if lok then
+ wg.Width := GetIntValue(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
+ if lok then
+ wg.Height := GetIntValue(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')');
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ //if lok then Writeln('sd ok.');
+ //writeln('WT: ',sval);
+ end
+ {
+ else if (wg is TwgDBGrid) and (ident = 'ADDCOLUMN8') then
+ begin
+ c := TDBColumn.Create;
+ lok := CheckSymbol(s, '(');
+ if lok then c.Title := u8(GetStringValue(s));
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
+ if lok then c.FieldName8 := GetStringValue(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
+ if lok then c.Width := GetIntValue(s);
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ sval := UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s));
+ if sval = 'ALRIGHT' then c.Alignment := alRight
+ else if sval = 'ALCENTER' then c.Alignment := alCenter
+ else c.Alignment := alLeft;
+ end;
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')');
+ lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ if lok then
+ begin
+ TwgDBGrid(wg).AddColumn(c.Title, c.FieldName8, c.Width, c.Alignment)
+ end;
+ c.Free;
+ end;
+ if not lok then
+ if wgc <> nil then
+ for n := 1 to wgc.PropertyCount do
+ begin
+ lok := wgc.GetProperty(n).ParseSourceLine(wg, line);
+ if lok then
+ Break;
+ end;
+ if not lok then
+ Writeln('unknown: ', line);
+ Result := lok;