path: root/examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdfile.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdfile.pas')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdfile.pas b/examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdfile.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f31f82da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/apps/uidesigner/vfdfile.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This unit handles the load, save and merge functions. Doing
+ marker searching.
+unit vfdfile;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes;
+ TVFDFileBlock = class
+ public
+ BlockID: string;
+ FormName: string;
+ Position: integer;
+ Data: string;
+ end;
+ TVFDFile = class
+ protected
+ FFileData: string;
+ FParsedData: string;
+ FBlocks: TList;
+ public
+ NewFormsDecl: string;
+ NewFormsImpl: string;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function LoadFile(fname: string): boolean;
+ procedure AddBlock(aposition: integer; ablockid, aformname, ablockdata: string);
+ function BlockCount: integer;
+ function Block(index: integer): TVFDFileBlock;
+ procedure FreeBlocks;
+ function GetBlocks: integer; // parse file
+ function MergeBlocks: string; // store file
+ procedure AddNewFormDecl(formname, formheadblock: string);
+ procedure AddNewFormImpl(formname, formbody: string);
+ function FindFormBlock(blockid, formname: string): TVFDFileBlock;
+ procedure SetFormData(formname, headblock, bodyblock: string);
+ procedure NewFileSkeleton(unitname: string);
+ end;
+{ TVFDFile }
+procedure TVFDFile.AddBlock(aposition: integer; ablockid, aformname, ablockdata: string);
+ fb: TVFDFileBlock;
+ fb := TVFDFileBlock.Create;
+ fb.Position := aposition;
+ fb.BlockID := ablockid;
+ fb.FormName := aformname;
+ fb.Data := ablockdata;
+ FBlocks.Add(fb);
+procedure TVFDFile.AddNewFormDecl(formname, formheadblock: string);
+ s: string;
+ s :=
+ ' T' + formname + ' = class(TGfxForm)'#10 + ' public'#10 + ' {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: ' + formname + '}'#10 +
+ formheadblock + ' {@VFD_HEAD_END: ' + formname + '}'#10 + #10 + ' procedure AfterCreate; override;'#10
+ + ' end;'#10 + ''#10;
+ NewFormsDecl := NewFormsDecl + s;
+procedure TVFDFile.AddNewFormImpl(formname, formbody: string);
+ s: string;
+ s := #10#10 + 'procedure T' + formname + '.AfterCreate;'#10 + 'begin'#10 + ' {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: ' + formname + '}'#10 +
+ formbody + ' {@VFD_BODY_END: ' + formname + '}'#10 + 'end;'#10;
+ NewFormsImpl := NewFormsImpl + s;
+function TVFDFile.Block(index: integer): TVFDFileBlock;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (index < 1) or (index > FBlocks.Count) then
+ Exit;
+ Result := TVFDFileBlock(FBlocks[index - 1]);
+function TVFDFile.BlockCount: integer;
+ Result := FBlocks.Count;
+constructor TVFDFile.Create;
+ FFileData := '';
+ FParsedData := '';
+ NewFormsDecl := '';
+ NewFormsImpl := '';
+ FBlocks := TList.Create;
+destructor TVFDFile.Destroy;
+ FreeBlocks;
+ FBlocks.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TVFDFile.FindFormBlock(blockid, formname: string): TVFDFileBlock;
+ n: integer;
+ fb: TVFDFileBlock;
+ Result := nil;
+ for n := 1 to BlockCount do
+ begin
+ fb := Block(n);
+ if (fb.BlockID = blockid) and (UpperCase(fb.FormName) = UpperCase(formname)) then
+ begin
+ Result := fb;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TVFDFile.FreeBlocks;
+ n: integer;
+ for n := 0 to FBlocks.Count - 1 do
+ TVFDFileBlock(FBlocks[n]).Free;
+ FBlocks.Clear;
+ NewFormsDecl := '';
+ NewFormsImpl := '';
+function TVFDFile.GetBlocks: integer;
+ n: integer;
+ s: string;
+ startp, endp: integer;
+ formname: string;
+ bname, startmarker, endmarker: string;
+ datablock: string;
+ deletelen: integer;
+ dropmarker: boolean;
+ FreeBlocks;
+ FParsedData := FFileData;
+ // searching blocks:
+ repeat
+ bname := '';
+ formname := '';
+ datablock := '';
+ s := '{@VFD_';
+ startp := pos(s, FParsedData);
+ if startp > 0 then
+ begin
+ // marker found
+ n := startp + 2;
+ while (n < length(FParsedData)) and (FParsedData[n] in ['_', 'A'..'Z']) do
+ begin
+ bname := bname + FParsedData[n];
+ Inc(n);
+ end;
+ if FParsedData[n] = ':' then
+ Inc(n, 2);
+ while (n < length(FParsedData)) and (FParsedData[n] <> '}') do
+ begin
+ formname := formname + FParsedData[n];
+ Inc(n);
+ end;
+ startmarker := copy(FParsedData, startp, n - startp + 1);
+ deletelen := length(startmarker);
+ dropmarker := False;
+ Writeln('marker: ', startmarker);
+ // block marker ?
+ endmarker := '';
+ if bname = 'VFD_HEAD_BEGIN' then //or (bname = 'VFD_BODY_BEGIN') then
+ endmarker := '{@VFD_HEAD_END: ' + formname + '}'
+ else if bname = 'VFD_BODY_BEGIN' then
+ endmarker := '{@VFD_BODY_END: ' + formname + '}';
+ if endmarker <> '' then
+ begin
+ //Writeln('Block: ',bname,' form: ',formname);
+ // find the end of the block
+ endp := pos(endmarker, FParsedData);
+ if endp > 0 then
+ begin
+ //Writeln('end marker found.');
+ datablock := copy(FParsedData, startp + length(startmarker), endp - startp - length(startmarker));
+ //Writeln('data block:');
+ //writeln(datablock);
+ //writeln('.');
+ deletelen := endp - startp + length(endmarker);
+ end
+ else
+ dropmarker := True// error: end marker did not found
+ //Writeln('file error: ',endmarker,' marker wasn''t found.');
+ // block length = 0
+ ;
+ end;
+ Delete(FParsedData, startp, deletelen);
+ if not dropmarker then
+ AddBlock(startp, bname, formname, datablock);
+ end;
+ until startp <= 0;
+ //writeln(FParsedData);
+ Result := BlockCount;
+function TVFDFile.LoadFile(fname: string): boolean;
+ ff: file;
+ s: string;
+ cnt: integer;
+ Result := False;
+ AssignFile(ff, fname);
+ try
+ Reset(ff, 1);
+ except
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ FFileData := '';
+ try
+ while not EOF(ff) do
+ begin
+ SetLength(s, 4096);
+ BlockRead(ff, s[1], length(s), cnt);
+ FFileData := FFileData + copy(s, 1, cnt);
+ if cnt < length(s) then
+ break;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ finally
+ CloseFile(ff);
+ end;
+ //Writeln('data length: ',length(FFileData));
+function TVFDFile.MergeBlocks: string;
+ rs: string;
+ n: integer;
+ iofs, startp: integer;
+ fb: TVFDFileBlock;
+ startmarker, endmarker: string;
+ iblock: string;
+ newsaved: boolean;
+ // Writeln('merging blocks: ');
+ newsaved := False;
+ rs := FParsedData;
+ iofs := 0;
+ for n := 0 to FBlocks.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ fb := TVFDFileBlock(FBlocks[n]);
+ startmarker := '{@' + fb.BlockID;
+ if fb.formname <> '' then
+ startmarker := startmarker + ': ' + fb.FormName;
+ startmarker := startmarker + '}';
+ if fb.BlockID = 'VFD_HEAD_BEGIN' then
+ endmarker := ' {@VFD_HEAD_END: ' + fb.FormName + '}'
+ else if fb.BlockID = 'VFD_BODY_BEGIN' then
+ endmarker := ' {@VFD_BODY_END: ' + fb.FormName + '}'
+ else
+ endmarker := '';
+ iblock := startmarker;
+ if endmarker <> '' then
+ iblock := iblock + #10 + fb.Data + endmarker;
+ if fb.BlockID = 'VFD_NEWFORM_DECL' then
+ iblock := NewFormsDecl + iblock
+ else if fb.BlockID = 'VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL' then
+ begin
+ iblock := iblock + NewFormsImpl;
+ newsaved := True;
+ end;
+ startp := fb.Position + iofs;
+ insert(iblock, rs, startp);
+ Inc(iofs, length(iblock));
+ end;
+ if not newsaved and (NewFormsImpl <> '') then
+ rs := rs + NewFormsImpl// do not loose new form data.
+ ;
+ //writeln(rs);
+ Result := rs;
+procedure TVFDFile.NewFileSkeleton(unitname: string);
+ FFileData :=
+ 'unit ' + unitname + ';'#10 + #10 + '{$ifdef FPC}'#10 + '{$mode objfpc}{$H+}'#10 +
+ '{$endif}'#10 + ''#10 + 'interface'#10 + ''#10 + 'uses'#10 +
+ ' SysUtils, Classes, gfxbase, wgedit, unitkeys, schar16, gfxstyle,'#10 +
+ ' gfxwidget, gfxform, wglabel, wgbutton,'#10 + ' wglistbox, wgmemo, wgchoicelist, wggrid, sqldb, sqluis,'#10
+ + ' wgdbgrid, gfxdialogs, wgcheckbox;'#10 + ''#10 + 'type'#10 + ''#10 +
+ '{@VFD_NEWFORM_DECL}'#10 + ''#10 + 'implementation'#10 + ''#10 + '{@VFD_NEWFORM_IMPL}'#10
+ + ''#10 + 'end.'#10;
+ GetBlocks;
+procedure TVFDFile.SetFormData(formname, headblock, bodyblock: string);
+ fb: TVFDFileBlock;
+ fb := FindFormBlock('VFD_HEAD_BEGIN', formname);
+ if fb <> nil then
+ fb.Data := HeadBlock
+ else
+ AddNewFormDecl(formname, headblock);
+ fb := FindFormBlock('VFD_BODY_BEGIN', formname);
+ if fb <> nil then
+ fb.Data := bodyblock
+ else
+ AddNewFormImpl(formname, bodyblock);