path: root/examples/apps/ide/src/fpg_textedit.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/apps/ide/src/fpg_textedit.pas')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/apps/ide/src/fpg_textedit.pas b/examples/apps/ide/src/fpg_textedit.pas
index c63bd3a8..dac81657 100644
--- a/examples/apps/ide/src/fpg_textedit.pas
+++ b/examples/apps/ide/src/fpg_textedit.pas
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ type
// forward declaration
TfpgBaseTextEdit = class;
+ TfpgFindOptions = set of (foMatchCase, foWholeWords, foEntireScope);
TfpgGutter = class(TfpgWidget)
FOwner: TfpgBaseTextEdit; // convenience reference variable
@@ -66,6 +68,12 @@ type
ALineIndex: Integer; ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; ATextRect: TfpgRect;
var AllowSelfDraw: Boolean) of object;
+ TfpgFindText = procedure(Sender: TObject; FindPos: TPoint; var ScrollToWord: Boolean) of object;
+ TfpgReplaceText = procedure(Sender: TObject; FindPos: TPoint; var ScrollToWord, ReplaceText: Boolean) of object;
+ TfpgOnSearchEnd = procedure(Sender: TObject; FindIt, ReplaceMode: Boolean) of object;
TfpgBaseTextEdit = class(TfpgWidget)
@@ -74,6 +82,9 @@ type
FLines: TStrings;
CaretPos: TPoint;
FOnDrawLine: TfpgDrawLineEvent;
+ FOnFindText: TfpgFindText;
+ FOnReplaceText: TfpgReplaceText;
+ FOnSearchEnd: TfpgOnSearchEnd;
FScrollBarStyle: TfpgScrollStyle;
MousePos: TPoint;
FChrW: Integer;
@@ -137,6 +148,7 @@ type
function calcmousewheeldelta(var info: TfpgMsgParmMouse; const fmin,fmax,deltamin,deltamax: double): double;
function mousewheelacceleration(const avalue: double): double;
function mousewheelacceleration(const avalue: integer): integer;
+ function FindReplaceProc(TextToFind: TfpgString; FindOptions: TfpgFindOptions; Backward, ReplaceMode: Boolean; var ReplaceText: Boolean): Boolean;
{ -- internal events -- }
procedure HandleShow; override;
@@ -163,6 +175,9 @@ type
property TabWidth: Integer read FTabWidth write SetTabWidth default 8;
property Tracking: Boolean read FTracking write FTracking default True;
property OnDrawLine: TfpgDrawLineEvent read FOnDrawLine write FOnDrawLine;
+ property OnFindText: TfpgFindText read FOnFindText write FOnFindText;
+ property OnSearchEnd: TfpgOnSearchEnd read FOnSearchEnd write FOnSearchEnd;
+ property OnReplaceText: TfpgReplaceText read FOnReplaceText write FOnReplaceText;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
@@ -175,6 +190,7 @@ type
procedure DeleteSelection;
procedure SaveToFile(const AFileName: TfpgString);
procedure LoadFromFile(const AFileName: TfpgString);
+ procedure FindText(TextToFind: TfpgString; FindOptions: TfpgFindOptions; Backward: Boolean);
property FontHeight: Integer read FChrH;
property FontWidth: Integer read FChrW;
property ScrollPos_H: Integer read GetHScrollPos write SetHScrollPos;
@@ -197,6 +213,9 @@ type
property TabWidth;
property Tracking;
property OnDrawLine;
+ property OnFindText;
+ property OnSearchEnd;
+ property OnReplaceText;
@@ -1273,6 +1292,199 @@ begin
result:= round(mousewheelacceleration(avalue*1.0));
+function TfpgBaseTextEdit.FindReplaceProc(TextToFind: TfpgString;
+ FindOptions: TfpgFindOptions; Backward, ReplaceMode: Boolean;
+ var ReplaceText: Boolean): Boolean;
+ SrcBegin, SrcEnd, I, WordPos, ScrollX, ScrollY, Fill: Integer;
+ SLine, SrcWord: TfpgString;
+ FindPos: TPoint;
+ AllowScroll, ContinueSrc: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if foEntireScope in FindOptions then
+ begin
+ SrcBegin := 0;
+ SrcEnd := pred(FLines.Count);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SrcBegin := CaretPos.Y;
+ if Backward then
+ SrcEnd := 0
+ else
+ SrcEnd := pred(FLines.Count);
+ end;
+ if not (foMatchCase in FindOptions) then
+ SrcWord := UpperCase(TextToFind)
+ else
+ SrcWord := TextToFind;
+ if SrcBegin <= SrcEnd then
+ begin
+ for I := SrcBegin to SrcEnd do
+ begin
+ SLine := FLines[I];
+ if not (foMatchCase in FindOptions) then
+ SLine := UpperCase(SLine);
+ FindPos.x := 0;
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ while WordPos > 0 do
+ begin
+ if (I = CaretPos.Y) and (WordPos < CaretPos.X) then
+ begin
+ for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do
+ SLine[Fill] := '*';
+ FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos;
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ FindPos.x := WordPos;
+ FindPos.y := I;
+ AllowScroll := True;
+ ContinueSrc := False;
+ if foWholeWords in FindOptions then
+ begin
+ if WordPos > 1 then
+ if (SLine[WordPos - 1] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then
+ begin
+ for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do
+ SLine[Fill] := '*';
+ FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos;
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ if WordPos + Length(SrcWord) <= Length(SLine) then
+ if (SLine[WordPos + Length(SrcWord)] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then
+ begin
+ for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do
+ SLine[Fill] := '*';
+ FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos;
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FSelStartNo := I;
+ FSelEndNo := I;
+ Self.FSelStartOffs := FindPos.x - 1;
+ FSelEndOffs := FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord) - 1;
+ FSelected := True;
+ CaretPos.Y := I;
+ CaretPos.X := FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord) - 1;
+ if AllowScroll then
+ begin
+ ScrollX := 0;
+ ScrollY := (FTopLine * FChrH);
+ if ((FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord)) * FChrW) - FChrW > GetClientRect.Width then
+ ScrollX := (FindPos.x * FChrW) - 2 * FChrW;
+ if I > (FTopLine + FVisLines - 2) then
+ ScrollY := I * FChrH;
+ ScrollTo(ScrollX, ScrollY);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ Invalidate;
+ if ReplaceMode then
+ begin
+ if Assigned(FOnReplaceText) then
+ FOnReplaceText(Self, FindPos, AllowScroll, ReplaceText);
+// RepPos := FindPos;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if Assigned(FOnFindText) then
+ FOnFindText(Self, FindPos, AllowScroll);
+ end;
+ for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do
+ SLine[Fill] := '*';
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ if not ContinueSrc then
+ Exit; //==>
+ end; { while }
+ end; { for I ... }
+ end { if..else }
+ else
+ begin
+ for I := SrcBegin downto SrcEnd do
+ begin
+ SLine := FLines[I];
+ if not (foMatchCase in FindOptions) then
+ SLine := UpperCase(SLine);
+ FindPos.x := 0;
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ while WordPos > 0 do
+ begin
+ if (I = CaretPos.Y) and (WordPos < CaretPos.X) then
+ begin
+ for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do
+ SLine[Fill] := '*';
+ FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos;
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ FindPos.x := WordPos;
+ FindPos.y := I;
+ AllowScroll := True;
+ ContinueSrc := False;
+ if foWholeWords in FindOptions then
+ begin
+ if WordPos > 1 then
+ if (SLine[WordPos - 1] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then
+ begin
+ for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do
+ SLine[Fill] := '*';
+ FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos;
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ if WordPos + Length(SrcWord) <= Length(SLine) then
+ if (SLine[WordPos + Length(SrcWord)] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then
+ begin
+ for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do
+ SLine[Fill] := '*';
+ FindPos.x := FindPos.x + WordPos;
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FSelStartNo := I;
+ FSelEndNo := I;
+ Self.FSelStartOffs := FindPos.x - 1;
+ FSelEndOffs := FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord) - 1;
+ FSelected := True;
+ CaretPos.Y := I;
+ CaretPos.X := FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord) - 1;
+ if AllowScroll then
+ begin
+ ScrollX := 0;
+ ScrollY := (FTopLine * FChrH);
+ if ((FindPos.x + Length(SrcWord)) * FChrW) - FChrW > GetClientRect.Width then
+ ScrollX := (FindPos.x * FChrW) - 2 * FChrW;
+ if I > FTopLine + FVisLines - 2 then
+ ScrollY := I * FChrH;
+ ScrollTo(ScrollX, ScrollY);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ Invalidate;
+ if ReplaceMode then
+ begin
+ if Assigned(FOnReplaceText) then
+ FOnReplaceText(Self, FindPos, AllowScroll, ReplaceText);
+// RepPos := FindPos;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if Assigned(FOnFindText) then
+ FOnFindText(Self, FindPos, AllowScroll);
+ end;
+ for Fill := WordPos to WordPos + Length(SrcWord) do
+ SLine[Fill] := '*';
+ WordPos := Pos(SrcWord, SLine);
+ if not ContinueSrc then
+ Exit; //==>
+ end; { while }
+ end; { for I ... }
+ end;
procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.HandleMouseScroll(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState;
delta: smallint);
@@ -1951,6 +2163,15 @@ begin
+procedure TfpgBaseTextEdit.FindText(TextToFind: TfpgString; FindOptions: TfpgFindOptions; Backward: Boolean);
+ Rep, SrcRes: Boolean;
+ SrcRes := FindReplaceProc(TextToFind, FindOptions, Backward, False, Rep);
+ if Assigned(FOnSearchEnd) then
+ FOnSearchEnd(Self, SrcRes, False);