diff options
-rw-r--r--examples/corelib/aggcanvas/arial.ttfbin0 -> 275572 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/corelib/aggcanvas/arialbd.ttfbin0 -> 286620 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/corelib/aggcanvas/times.ttfbin0 -> 409280 bytes
-rw-r--r--examples/corelib/aggcanvas/timesi.ttfbin0 -> 248368 bytes
7 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/agg_canvas_test.lpi b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/agg_canvas_test.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f02ac5df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/agg_canvas_test.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <ProjectOptions>
+ <Version Value="9"/>
+ <General>
+ <Flags>
+ <MainUnitHasCreateFormStatements Value="False"/>
+ <MainUnitHasTitleStatement Value="False"/>
+ <LRSInOutputDirectory Value="False"/>
+ </Flags>
+ <SessionStorage Value="InProjectDir"/>
+ <MainUnit Value="0"/>
+ <Title Value="agg_canvas_test"/>
+ </General>
+ <VersionInfo>
+ <StringTable ProductVersion=""/>
+ </VersionInfo>
+ <BuildModes Count="1">
+ <Item1 Name="default" Default="True"/>
+ </BuildModes>
+ <PublishOptions>
+ <Version Value="2"/>
+ <IncludeFileFilter Value="*.(pas|pp|inc|lfm|lpr|lrs|lpi|lpk|sh|xml)"/>
+ <ExcludeFileFilter Value="*.(bak|ppu|ppw|o|so);*~;backup"/>
+ </PublishOptions>
+ <RunParams>
+ <local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/ $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <RequiredPackages Count="1">
+ <Item1>
+ <PackageName Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
+ </Item1>
+ </RequiredPackages>
+ <Units Count="1">
+ <Unit0>
+ <Filename Value="agg_canvas_test.lpr"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="agg_canvas_test"/>
+ </Unit0>
+ </Units>
+ </ProjectOptions>
+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="11"/>
+ <Target>
+ <Filename Value="agg_canvas_test"/>
+ </Target>
+ <SearchPaths>
+ <UnitOutputDirectory Value="units"/>
+ </SearchPaths>
+ <Parsing>
+ <SyntaxOptions>
+ <UseAnsiStrings Value="False"/>
+ </SyntaxOptions>
+ </Parsing>
+ <CodeGeneration>
+ <Optimizations>
+ <OptimizationLevel Value="0"/>
+ </Optimizations>
+ </CodeGeneration>
+ <Other>
+ <CompilerMessages>
+ <UseMsgFile Value="True"/>
+ </CompilerMessages>
+ <CustomOptions Value="-dAggCanvas"/>
+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
diff --git a/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/agg_canvas_test.lpr b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/agg_canvas_test.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63ba1d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/agg_canvas_test.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This demo was simply to test the Agg2D unit and the TAgg2D canvas
+ class. In this demo the AggPas TAgg2D canvas does all the painting.
+ *** IMPORTANT ***
+ For this demo to work, the fpGUI Toolkit MUST be compiled with
+ the AggCanvas compiler define enabled.
+program agg_canvas_test;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils,
+ fpg_base,
+ fpg_main,
+ fpg_form,
+ fpg_imgfmt_bmp,
+ fpg_widget,
+ Agg2D,
+ fpg_dialogs;
+ TMainForm = class(TfpgForm)
+ private
+ {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ {@VFD_HEAD_END: MainForm}
+ procedure FormKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure CustomPaintJob;
+ public
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
+ end;
+{ TMainForm }
+procedure TMainForm.FormKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word;
+ var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ if KeyCode = keyF1 then
+ begin
+ ShowMessage('This is a simple Canvas primitives painting test.');
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
+ CustomPaintJob;
+// We can now call all the paint methods from HandlePaint or
+// the OnPaint event.fpgcanvas
+procedure TMainForm.CustomPaintJob;
+ r: TfpgRect;
+ fnt: TfpgFont;
+ y: integer;
+ ac: TAgg2D;
+ c1, c2: TAggColor;
+ d: double;
+ i: integer;
+ procedure DrawMacLionButton(const x, y: double; const astate: byte; const atext: ansistring);
+ { AState values are interpreted as follows:
+ 0: normal state
+ 1: hover state
+ 2: clicked state }
+ var
+ x1, y1, x2, y2, h, w: double;
+ c1, c2: TAggColor;
+ begin
+ h := 21;
+ w := 100;
+ x1 := x;
+ y1 := y;
+ x2 := x1 + w;
+ y2 := y1 + h;
+ ac.NoLine;
+ // Top vertical gradient
+ case astate of
+ 0: begin
+ c1.Construct(255, 255, 255, 255);
+ c2.Construct(243, 243, 243, 255);
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ c1.Construct(204, 229, 252, 255);
+ c2.Construct(161, 209, 249, 255);
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ c1.Construct(144, 195, 241, 255);
+ c2.Construct(113, 180, 239, 255);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ac.FillLinearGradient(x1, y1, x1, y1+(h/2), c1, c2);
+ ac.RoundedRect(x1+1, y1+1, x2+0.5, y2-(h/2)+0.5, 0.3, 3/2, 0.3, 3/2);
+ // Bottom vertical gradient
+ case astate of
+ 0: begin
+ c1.Construct(236, 236, 236, 255);
+ c2.Construct(242, 242, 242, 255);
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ c1.Construct(143, 202, 251, 255);
+ c2.Construct(207, 245, 253, 255);
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ c1.Construct(97, 173, 240, 255);
+ c2.Construct(147, 206, 241, 255);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ac.FillLinearGradient(x1, y1+(h/2)+1, x1, y2, c1, c2);
+ ac.RoundedRect(x1+1, y1+(h/2)+0.5, x2+0.5, y2+0.5, 0.3, 3/2, 0.3, 3/2);
+ // outer rounded rectangle
+ ac.NoFill;
+ case astate of
+ 0: begin
+ ac.LineColor($9a, $9a, $9a);
+ end;
+ 1,
+ 2: begin
+ ac.LineColor(86, 87, 143);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ac.LineWidth(1.0);
+ ac.RoundedRect(x1+0.5, y1+0.5, x2+0.5, y2+0.5, 3, 3);
+ // Slight shadow under the button
+ ac.LineColor($df, $df, $df, $ff);
+ ac.Line(x1+0.5, y2+1.5, x2-0.5, y2+1.5);
+ // button text
+ c1.Construct(0,0,0);
+ ac.FillColor(c1);
+ ac.NoLine;
+ ac.Font('arialbd.ttf', 13);
+ ac.TextAlignment(AGG_AlignCenter ,AGG_AlignCenter );
+ ac.Text(
+ (x1 + x2 ) / 2.0 ,
+ (y1 + y2 ) / 2.0 ,
+ atext,
+ true ,0.0 ,0.0 );
+ end;
+ // casting so we have full access to the Agg2D canvas functions
+ ac := TAgg2D(Canvas);
+ ac.LineWidth(1.0);
+// ac.ClearAll($ed, $ed, $ed); // mac os x window background color
+ ac.ClearAll(255, 255, 255);
+ // Testing Rectangles
+ Canvas.SetColor(clBlack);
+ r.SetRect(0, 0, 1, 1); // 1x1 (this is really a dot)
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(r);
+ Canvas.SetColor(clRed);
+ r.SetRect(0, 1, 1, 5); // 1x5 (this is really a vertical line)
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(r);
+ Canvas.SetColor(clMagenta);
+ r.SetRect(1, 0, 5, 1); // 5x1 (this is really a horizontal line)
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(r);
+ Canvas.SetColor(clBlack);
+ r.Top := 5;
+ r.Left := 60;
+ r.Width := 50;
+ r.Height := 50;
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(r);
+ r.Left := 120;
+ Canvas.SetLineStyle(2, lsDash);
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(r);
+ r.Left := 180;
+ Canvas.SetColor(clGreen);
+ Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsDot);
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(r);
+ r.Left := 240;
+ Canvas.SetColor(clBlue);
+ Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid);
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ // Testing line drawing
+ ac.NoFill;
+ Canvas.SetColor(clBlue);
+ Canvas.DrawLine(5, 5, 54, 54);
+ Canvas.DrawLine(54, 5, 5, 54);
+ Canvas.SetColor(clRed);
+ { Diagonal line }
+ r.SetRect(60, 5, 50, 50);
+ Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom);
+ { Horizontal line }
+ Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left, r.Top-2, r.Right, r.Top-2);
+ { Vertical line }
+ Canvas.DrawLine(r.Left-2, r.Top, r.Left-2, r.Bottom);
+ // Testing Text and Fonts
+ y := 60;
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clBlack);
+ Canvas.DrawString(5, y, 'This text must be black and default font');
+ // red dot indicates top/left corner of where previous text was started
+ Canvas.Pixels[5,y] := clRed;
+// Canvas.DrawLine(5,y-4, 5,y+5);
+// Canvas.DrawLine(1,y, 10, y);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clRed);
+ y := y + Canvas.Font.Height; // fonts are different sizes on differet OS's
+ Canvas.DrawString(5, y, 'This text must be red.');
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clBlack);
+ y := y + Canvas.Font.Height;
+ Canvas.DrawString(5, y, 'Russian (UTF-8) text: Невозможно создать директорию');
+ y := y + Canvas.Font.Height;
+ fnt := fpgApplication.GetFont('Times-14:bold');
+ Canvas.Font := fnt;
+ Canvas.DrawString(5, y, 'Font used is ' + Canvas.Font.FontDesc);
+ y := y + Canvas.Font.Height;
+ // Testing basic style drawings
+ Canvas.Font := fpgApplication.DefaultFont;
+ Canvas.DrawString(320, 3, 'DrawButtonFace():');
+ r.SetRect(300, 20, 75, 25);
+ Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r, []);
+ Canvas.DrawString(385, 20, '= []');
+ r.Top := 50;
+ Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r, [btfIsDefault]);
+ Canvas.DrawString(385, 50, '= [btnIsDefault]');
+ r.Top := 80;
+ Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r, [btfIsPressed]);
+ Canvas.DrawString(385, 80, '= [btnIsPressed]');
+ r.Top := 110;
+ Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r, [btfIsEmbedded, btfIsPressed]);
+ Canvas.DrawString(385, 110, '= [embed & press]');
+ r.Top := 140;
+ Canvas.DrawButtonFace(r, [btfIsEmbedded]);
+ Canvas.DrawString(385, 140, '= [btnIsEmbedded]');
+ Canvas.DrawString(45, y, 'DrawControlFrame():');
+ y := y + Canvas.Font.Height;
+ Canvas.DrawControlFrame(5, y, 150, 23);
+ // A Vector Text example
+ //----------------------
+ ac.LineWidth(1 );
+ ac.TextAlignment(AGG_AlignLeft ,AGG_AlignBottom );
+ // Normal Text
+ ac.LineColor($00 ,$00 ,$8B );
+ ac.FillColor($1E ,$90 ,$FF );
+ ac.Font('times.ttf' ,45);
+ ac.Text(20 ,250 , 'Vectors are cool !' );
+ // Upside-down Text
+ ac.FlipText(true );
+ ac.LineColor($C0 ,$C0 ,$C0 );
+ ac.FillColor($C0 ,$C0 ,$C0 );
+ ac.Text(20 ,255 ,'Vectors are cool !' );
+ // reset the text flip effect
+ ac.FlipText(False);
+ // Cool new button styles are now possible
+ DrawMacLionButton(65, 300, 0, 'Normal');
+ DrawMacLionButton(65, 330, 1, 'Hover');
+ DrawMacLionButton(65, 360, 2, 'Clicked');
+ // nice display of virtical text
+ c1.Construct(0,0,0);
+ ac.FillColor(c1);
+ ac.TextHints(true);
+ ac.NoLine;
+ ac.Font('arial.ttf', 13, false,
+ false, AGG_VectorFontCache, 45.0);
+ ac.Text(190, 310, 'Mac OS X Lion buttons', true ,0.0 ,0.0 );
+ // reset text alignment to normal behaviour
+ ac.TextAlignment(AGG_AlignLeft ,AGG_AlignBottom );
+ // Star shape
+ ac.LineCap(AGG_CapRound);
+ ac.LineWidth(5);
+ ac.LineColor($32 ,$cd ,$32 );
+ c1.Construct(0, 0 , 255, 200);
+ c2.Construct(0, 0, 255, 50);
+ ac.FillLinearGradient(100, 100, 150, 150, c1, c2);
+ ac.Star(100 ,150 ,30 ,70 ,55 ,5 );
+ // Draw Arc from 45 degrees to 270 degrees
+ ac.LineColor($FF ,$00 ,$00 );
+ ac.LineWidth(5 );
+ ac.Arc(300 ,320 ,80 ,50 ,Deg2Rad(45 ) ,Deg2Rad(270 ) );
+ // Lines at various thicknesses & coordinate translation
+ ac.LineColor(0, 0, 0);
+ ac.LineCap(AGG_CapRound);
+ d := 0.1;
+ for i := 1 to 10 do
+ begin
+ ac.LineWidth(d);
+ ac.Line(350, 240, 410, 180);
+ ac.Translate(8, 0);
+ d := d + 0.3;
+ end;
+ ac.ResetTransformations;
+ ac.LineWidth(20 );
+ ac.ResetPath;
+ ac.MoveTo(360 ,310 );
+ ac.LineTo(400 ,270 );
+ ac.LineTo(440 ,310 );
+ // Default AGG_JoinRound
+ ac.Translate(10 ,-10 );
+ ac.DrawPath(AGG_StrokeOnly );
+ // Change to AGG_JoinMiter
+ ac.LineJoin (AGG_JoinMiter );
+ ac.Translate(0 ,50 );
+ ac.DrawPath (AGG_StrokeOnly );
+ // Change to AGG_JoinBevel
+ ac.LineJoin (AGG_JoinBevel );
+ ac.Translate(0 ,50 );
+ ac.DrawPath (AGG_StrokeOnly );
+ ac.ResetTransformations;
+procedure TMainForm.AfterCreate;
+ {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold}
+ {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ Name := 'MainForm';
+ SetPosition(357, 214, 500, 400);
+ WindowTitle := 'fpGUI with AGG-powered Canvas test';
+ Hint := '';
+ WindowPosition := wpOneThirdDown;
+ OnKeyPress := @FormKeyPressed;
+ OnPaint := @FormPaint;
+ {@VFD_BODY_END: MainForm}
+ {%endregion}
+ fpgApplication.HelpKey := keyNul;
+procedure MainProc;
+ frm: TMainForm;
+ fpgApplication.Initialize;
+ frm := TMainForm.Create(nil);
+ frm.Show;
+ fpgApplication.Run;
+ frm.Free;
+ MainProc;
diff --git a/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/arial.ttf b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/arial.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ff88f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/arial.ttf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/arialbd.ttf b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/arialbd.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2eb3ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/arialbd.ttf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/extrafpc.cfg b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/extrafpc.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..775d592f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/extrafpc.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/times.ttf b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/times.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a998feec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/times.ttf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/timesi.ttf b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/timesi.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28798d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/corelib/aggcanvas/timesi.ttf
Binary files differ