diff options
1 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/HelpFile.pas b/src/HelpFile.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..727fa948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HelpFile.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+Unit HelpFile;
+// NewView - a new OS/2 Help Viewer
+// Copyright 2001 Aaron Lawrence (aaronl at consultant dot com)
+// This software is released under the Gnu Public License - see readme.txt
+// Encapsulates the basic reading of a help file's structure.
+ classes, BseDos, os2def, SysUtils, Graphics,
+ DataTypes,
+ HelpFileHeader, HelpTopic, HelpBitmap, ACLUtility,
+ TextSearchQuery, SearchTable, CompareWordUnit;
+ EHelpFileException = class( Exception )
+ end;
+ THelpFile = class
+ protected
+ _Data: pointer;
+ _DataLen: longint;
+ _pSlotData: pInt16;
+ _SlotDataSize: longint;
+ _FileName: string;
+ _Title: string;
+ _Header: THelpFileHeader;
+ _Topics: TList; // of TTopics
+ _Dictionary: TList; // pointers to strings.
+ _SlotOffsets: Int32ArrayPointer;
+ _Index: TStringList;
+ _SearchTable: TSearchTable;
+ procedure InitMembers;
+ procedure ReadFile( Filename: string );
+ procedure ReadHeader;
+ procedure ReadContents;
+ procedure ReadDictionary;
+ procedure ReadIndex;
+ procedure ReadFontTable;
+ function GetTopic( Index: longint ): TTopic;
+ function GetTopicCount: longint;
+ function GetDictionaryCount: longint;
+ function GetDictionaryWord( Index: longint ): string;
+ public
+ constructor Create( const FileName: string;
+ UpdateProgress: TProgressCallback );
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Title: string read _Title;
+ property Topics[ Index: longint ]: TTopic read GetTopic;
+ property TopicCount: longint read GetTopicCount;
+ property Index: TStringList read _Index;
+ property Filename: string read _FileName;
+ procedure GetImages( ImageOffsets: TList;
+ Images: TImageList );
+ property DictionaryCount: longint read GetDictionaryCount;
+ property DictionaryWords[ Index: longint ]: string read GetDictionaryWord;
+ function IndexOfTopic( Topic: TTopic ): longint;
+ property SearchTable: TSearchTable read _SearchTable;
+ HighlightWords: Int32ArrayPointer;
+ end;
+// Returns helpfile that the given topic is within
+Function TopicFile( Topic: TTopic ): THelpFile;
+ Dialogs, Forms,
+ BseErr,
+ ACLFileUtility, ACLStringUtility, ACLFileIOUtility, ACLProfile,
+ ACLPCharUtility, ACLDialogs,
+ HelpWindow;
+// Load "missing" bitmap
+{$R Images}
+Function TopicFile( Topic: TTopic ): THelpFile;
+ Result := Topic.HelpFile as THelpFile;
+procedure THelpFile.InitMembers;
+ _pSlotData := nil;
+ _SlotDataSize := 0;
+// _Dictionary:= TStringList.Create;
+ _Dictionary:= TList.Create;
+ _Topics:= TList.Create;
+ _Index:= TStringList.Create;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadFile( Filename: string );
+ OpenAction: ULong;
+ rc: APIRET;
+ szName: Cstring;
+ FileInfo: FILESTATUS3;
+ _FileName:= Filename;
+ if not FileExists( Filename ) then
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'File not found' );
+ szName:= FileName;
+ rc:= DosOpen( szName,
+ F,
+ OpenAction,
+ 0, // file size - irrelevant, not creating,
+ 0, // attrs - ''
+ nil ); // no eas
+ if rc<> 0 then
+ begin
+ case rc of
+ ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: // crap, this doesn't actually occur!
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'File not found' );
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Access denied' );
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'File in use by another program' );
+ else
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'File open error' );
+ end;
+ end;
+ DosQueryFileInfo( F,
+ FileInfo,
+ sizeof( FileInfo ) );
+ _DataLen:= FileInfo.cbFile; // file size
+ GetMem( _Data, _DataLen );
+ MyRead( F, _Data, _DataLen );
+ DosClose( F );
+procedure THelpFile.ReadHeader;
+ MemCopy( _Data, Addr( _Header ), sizeof( _Header ) );
+ if _Header.ID <> $5348 then
+ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'File doesn''t appear to be an OS/2 Help document (header ID not correct)' );
+ _Title:= StrPas( _Header.Title );
+constructor THelpFile.Create( const FileName: string;
+ UpdateProgress: TProgressCallback );
+ SearchTableOffset: longint;
+ SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit: boolean;
+ ProfileEvent( 'Helpfile Load: ' + FileName );
+ InitMembers;
+ UpdateProgress( 1, 100, 'Reading file' );
+ ReadFile( FileName );
+ UpdateProgress( 20, 100, 'Interpreting file' );
+ ProfileEvent( 'Read header' );
+ ReadHeader;
+ UpdateProgress( 40, 100, 'Reading contents' );
+ ProfileEvent( 'Read contents' );
+ ReadContents;
+ UpdateProgress( 60, 100, 'Reading dictionary' );
+ ProfileEvent( 'Read dictionary' );
+ ReadDictionary;
+ UpdateProgress( 80, 100, 'Reading index' );
+ ProfileEvent( 'Read index' );
+ ReadIndex;
+ UpdateProgress( 90, 100, 'Reading search table' );
+ ProfileEvent( 'Read search table' );
+ SearchTableOffset := _Header.SearchStart and $7fffffff;
+ SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit := _Header.SearchStart and $80000000 > 0;
+ _SearchTable := TSearchTable.Create( _Data + SearchTableOffset,
+ SearchTableRecordLengthIs16Bit,
+ _Dictionary.Count,
+ _Topics.Count );
+ UpdateProgress( 100, 100, 'Done' );
+ GetMem( HighlightWords,
+ _Dictionary.Count * sizeof( longint ) );
+destructor THelpFile.Destroy;
+ TopicIndex: longint;
+ FreeMem( HighlightWords,
+ _Dictionary.Count * sizeof( longint ) );
+ FreeMem( _Data, _DataLen );
+ for TopicIndex:= 0 to _Topics.Count - 1 do
+ TTopic( _Topics[ TopicIndex ] ).Destroy;
+ _Topics.Destroy;
+ _Index.Destroy;
+ _Dictionary.Destroy;
+ _SearchTable.Destroy;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadContents;
+ Topic: TTopic;
+ EntryIndex: longint;
+ pEntry: pTTOCEntryStart;
+ _Topics.Capacity:= _Header.ntoc;
+ pEntry:= _Data + _Header.tocstart;
+ for EntryIndex:= 0 to integer( _Header.ntoc ) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Topic:= TTopic.Create( _Data,
+ _Header,
+ _Dictionary,
+ pEntry );
+ Topic.HelpFile:= Self;
+ Topic.Index:= EntryIndex;
+ _Topics.Add( Topic );
+ inc( pEntry, pEntry ^. Length );
+ end;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadDictionary;
+ i: longint;
+ Len: int8;
+ p: pbyte;
+ P:= _Data + _Header.dictstart;
+ for i:= 0 to integer( _Header.ndict ) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Len:= p^ - 1;
+ p^ := Len; // adjust so we can use as a string
+// S:= StrNPas( P, RecordLen-1 );
+ _Dictionary.Add( P );
+ inc( P, Len + 1 );
+ end;
+ TIndexEntryHeader = record
+ TextLength: int8;
+ Flags: int8;
+ NumberOfRoots: int8;
+ TOCIndex: int16;
+ end;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadIndex;
+ IndexIndex: longint; // I can't resist :-)
+ pEntryHeader: ^TIndexEntryHeader;
+ EntryText: string;
+ IndexTitleLen: longint;
+ p: pointer;
+ p:= _Data + _Header.indexstart;
+ for IndexIndex:= 0 to longint( _Header.nindex ) - 1 do
+ begin
+ pEntryHeader:= p;
+ IndexTitleLen:= pEntryHeader^.TextLength;
+ inc( p, sizeof( TIndexEntryHeader ) );
+ GetMemString( p, EntryText, IndexTitleLen );
+ if ( pEntryHeader^.flags and 2 ) > 0 then
+ EntryText:= '- ' + EntryText;
+ if pEntryHeader^.TOCIndex < _Topics.Count then
+ _Index.AddObject( EntryText, _Topics[ pEntryHeader^.TOCIndex ] )
+ else
+// raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error reading help file index - out of range topic reference' );
+ ; // pass! something special
+ inc( p, IndexTitleLen
+ + pEntryHeader^.NumberOfRoots ); // skip 'roots' for index search
+ end;
+ HelpFontSpec = class
+ FaceName: array[ 0..32 ] of char;
+ Height: int16;
+ Width: int16;
+ Codepage: int16;
+ end;
+procedure THelpFile.ReadFontTable;
+procedure THelpFile.GetImages( ImageOffsets: TList;
+ Images: TImageList );
+ ListIndex: longint;
+ ImageOffset: longint;
+ Bitmap: THelpBitmap;
+ Images.Clear;
+ for ListIndex:= 0 to ImageOffsets.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ImageOffset := longint( ImageOffsets[ ListIndex ] );
+ try
+ Bitmap:= THelpBitmap.CreateFromHelpFile( _Data
+ + _Header.imgstart
+ + ImageOffset );
+ except
+ on e: EHelpBitmapException do
+{ raise EHelpFileException.Create( 'Error loading help bitmap at'
+ + IntToStr( ImageOffset )
+ + ': '
+ + e.Message );}
+ begin
+ Bitmap:= THelpBitmap.Create;
+ Bitmap.LoadFromResourceName( 'MissingBitmap' );
+ end;
+ end;
+ Images.Add( Bitmap, nil );
+ Bitmap.Destroy;
+ end;
+function THelpFile.GetTopic( Index: longint ): TTopic;
+ Result:= _Topics[ Index ];
+function THelpFile.GetTopicCount: longint;
+ Result:= _Topics.Count;
+function THelpFile.IndexOfTopic( Topic: TTopic ): longint;
+ Result:= _Topics.IndexOf( Topic );
+function THelpFile.GetDictionaryCount: longint;
+ Result := _Dictionary.Count;
+function THelpFile.GetDictionaryWord( Index: longint ): string;
+ Result := pstring( _Dictionary[ Index ] )^;