diff options
2 files changed, 649 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/docdump/iterator_impl.pas b/src/docdump/iterator_impl.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ad88052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/docdump/iterator_impl.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+unit iterator_impl;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes
+ ,SysUtils
+ ,Regex { to be used with filtered string iterator }
+ ,iterator_intf
+ ,contnrs
+ ;
+ TTBStringsIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBStringIterator, ITBStringAndObjectIterator)
+ private
+ FStrings: TStrings;
+ FCursor: Integer;
+ { Interface methods should always be private because
+ we will only ever access them via an Interface,
+ never via an Object instance }
+ { Interface: ITBStringIterator and ITBStringAndObjectIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: string;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: string;
+ { Interface: ITBStringAndObjectIterator }
+ function HasNextObject: Boolean;
+ function NextObject: TObject;
+ function HasPreviousObject: Boolean;
+ function PreviousObject: TObject;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TStrings); virtual;
+ end;
+ TTBListIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBIterator)
+ private
+ FList: TList;
+ FCursor: Integer;
+ { Interface: ITBIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: TObject;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: TObject;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TList); virtual;
+ end;
+ TTBCollectionIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBIterator)
+ private
+ FCollection: TCollection;
+ FCursor: Integer;
+ { Interface: ITBIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: TObject;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: TObject;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TCollection); virtual;
+ end;
+ TTBInterfaceListIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBInterfaceIterator)
+ private
+ FList: TInterfaceList;
+ FCursor: integer;
+ { Interface: ITBinterfaceIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: IInterface;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: IInterface;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TInterfaceList); virtual;
+ end;
+ TTBFilteredStringsIterator = class(TTBStringsIterator, ITBFilteredStringIterator)
+ private
+ FNextIndex: Integer;
+ FRegex: TRegexEngine;
+ { Interface: ITBFilteredStringIterator }
+ function GetFilter: string;
+ procedure SetFilter(const AValue: string);
+ { Interface: ITBStringIterator and ITBStringAndObjectIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: string;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: string;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TStrings); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TTBObjectListIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, ITBIterator)
+ private
+ FList: TObjectList;
+ FCursor: Integer;
+ { Interface: ITBIterator }
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: TObject;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: TObject;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(const ASource: TObjectList); virtual;
+ end;
+{ TTBStringsIterator }
+function TTBStringsIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FStrings) then
+ if FCursor < FStrings.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBStringsIterator.Next: string;
+ Result := '';
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FStrings.Strings[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBStringsIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FStrings) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBStringsIterator.Previous: string;
+ Result := '';
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FStrings.Strings[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBStringsIterator.HasNextObject: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FStrings) then
+ if FCursor < FStrings.Count - 1 then
+ Result := FStrings.Objects[FCursor] <> nil;
+function TTBStringsIterator.NextObject: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasNextObject then
+ // Note that Next(...) increments the FCursor
+ Result := FStrings.Objects[FCursor];
+function TTBStringsIterator.HasPreviousObject: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FStrings) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := FStrings.Objects[FCursor] <> nil;
+function TTBStringsIterator.PreviousObject: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasPreviousObject then
+ // Note that Previous(...) decrements the FCursor
+ Result := FStrings.Objects[FCursor];
+constructor TTBStringsIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TStrings);
+ inherited Create;
+ FStrings := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
+{ TTBListIterator }
+function TTBListIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor < FList.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBListIterator.Next: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor, 1);
+ result := TObject(FList.Items[FCursor]);
+ end;
+function TTBListIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ begin
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+function TTBListIterator.Previous: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := TObject(FList.Items[FCursor]);
+ end;
+constructor TTBListIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TList);
+ inherited Create;
+ FList := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
+{ TTBCollectionIterator }
+function TTBCollectionIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FCollection) then
+ if FCursor < FCollection.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBCollectionIterator.Next: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor, 1);
+ result := FCollection.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBCollectionIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FCollection) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBCollectionIterator.Previous: TObject;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FCollection.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+constructor TTBCollectionIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TCollection);
+ inherited Create;
+ FCollection := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
+{ TTBFilteredStringsIterator }
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.GetFilter: string;
+ Result := FRegex.RegexString;
+procedure TTBFilteredStringsIterator.SetFilter(const AValue: string);
+ cFilterErr = 'Error in Filter string at position %d with ErrorCode %d. Filter string <%s>';
+ LErrorCode: TRegexError;
+ LErrorPos: integer;
+ if AValue <> FRegex.RegexString then
+ begin
+ FRegex.RegexString := AValue;
+ if not FRegex.Parse(LErrorPos, LErrorCode) then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt(cFilterErr, [LErrorPos, Ord(LErrorCode), AValue]);
+ end;
+ FNextIndex := -1;
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ LIndex: integer;
+ LMatchPos: integer;
+ LOffset: integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if GetFilter = '' then
+ begin
+ Result := inherited HasNext;
+ if Result then
+ FNextIndex := FCursor + 1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if FCursor < FStrings.Count - 1 then
+ begin
+ { If we haven't already calculated the next matching item }
+ if FNextIndex = -1 then
+ begin
+ LIndex := FCursor + 1;
+ { Peek ahead to find the next matching string }
+ while (LIndex < FStrings.Count) and (FNextIndex = -1) do
+ begin
+ { reset MatchString parameters }
+ LOffset := 0;
+ LMatchPos := 0;
+ if FRegex.MatchString(FStrings.Strings[LIndex], LMatchPos, LOffset) then
+ FNextIndex := LIndex;
+ Inc(LIndex);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FNextIndex <> -1 then
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ end; { if..else }
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.Next: string;
+ Result := '';
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ FCursor := FNextIndex;
+ FNextIndex := -1;
+ Result := FStrings.Strings[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False; // Filtered String is uni-directional
+function TTBFilteredStringsIterator.Previous: string;
+ Result := '';
+ raise EUniDirectionalIterator.Create('Filtered String Iterator is uni-directional (forward) only.');
+constructor TTBFilteredStringsIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TStrings);
+ inherited CreateCustom(ASource);
+ FRegex := TRegexEngine.Create('');
+ FRegex.IgnoreCase := True;
+ FNextIndex := -1;
+destructor TTBFilteredStringsIterator.Destroy;
+ FRegex.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+{ TTBInterfaceListIterator }
+function TTBInterfaceListIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor < FList.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBInterfaceListIterator.Next: IInterface;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FList.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBInterfaceListIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBInterfaceListIterator.Previous: IInterface;
+ Result := nil;
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor, 1);
+ Result := FList.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+constructor TTBInterfaceListIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TInterfaceList);
+ inherited Create;
+ FList := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
+{ TTBObjectListIterator }
+function TTBObjectListIterator.HasNext: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor < FList.Count - 1 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBObjectListIterator.Next: TObject;
+ result := nil;
+ if HasNext then
+ begin
+ Inc(FCursor);
+ result := FList.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+function TTBObjectListIterator.HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FList) then
+ if FCursor > 0 then
+ Result := True;
+function TTBObjectListIterator.Previous: TObject;
+ result := nil;
+ if HasPrevious then
+ begin
+ Dec(FCursor);
+ result := FList.Items[FCursor];
+ end;
+constructor TTBObjectListIterator.CreateCustom(const ASource: TObjectList);
+ inherited Create;
+ FList := ASource;
+ FCursor := -1;
diff --git a/src/docdump/iterator_intf.pas b/src/docdump/iterator_intf.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e82b59a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/docdump/iterator_intf.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+unit iterator_intf;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes
+ ,SysUtils
+ ;
+ { A custom exception class }
+ ENoIteratorImpl = class(Exception);
+ EUniDirectionalIterator = class(Exception);
+ { Standard iterators }
+ ITBIterator = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{9C2BC10D-54C8-4B59-88B5-A564921CF0E3}']
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: TObject;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: TObject;
+ end;
+ ITBStringIterator = interface(IInterface)
+ ['{B2A449B4-5D0A-4F14-AC11-CA055EDA3ED7}']
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: string;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: string;
+ end;
+ ITBStringAndObjectIterator = interface(ITBStringIterator)
+ ['{287373DC-A90D-400E-BAEE-C85474C317A8}']
+ function HasNextObject: Boolean;
+ function NextObject: TObject;
+ function HasPreviousObject: Boolean;
+ function PreviousObject: TObject;
+ end;
+ ITBInterfaceIterator = interface
+ ['{9B599C5B-4BBB-43F6-AF8E-09FEE9AE0E20}']
+ function HasNext: Boolean;
+ function Next: IInterface;
+ function HasPrevious: Boolean;
+ function Previous: IInterface;
+ end;
+ { TODO:
+ More interfaces could be added for collections like:
+ TTreeView, TStringGrid etc... }
+ { Filtered iterators }
+ ITBFilteredStringIterator = interface(ITBStringIterator)
+ ['{CF1B9E2D-DD05-4D15-95C6-686EAFA4ED82}']
+ function GetFilter: string;
+ procedure SetFilter(const AValue: string);
+ property Filter: string read GetFilter write SetFilter;
+ end;
+ { TODO:
+ More filtered versions of the standard iterators could
+ be added here... }
+ { Iterator Factory }
+ TTBIteratorFactory = class(TObject)
+ function Iterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBIterator;
+ function StringIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBStringIterator;
+ function StringAndObjectIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBStringAndObjectIterator;
+ function InterfaceIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBInterfaceIterator;
+ function FilteredStringIterator(const ASource: TObject; const AFilter: string): ITBFilteredStringIterator;
+ end;
+{ Global iterator factory singleton }
+function gIteratorFactory: TTBIteratorFactory;
+ iterator_impl;
+ uIteratorFactory: TTBIteratorFactory;
+ cNoIteratorImpl = 'No Iterator implementation found for <%s>';
+{ The lazy mans singleton implementation, but it does the job just fine. }
+function gIteratorFactory: TTBIteratorFactory;
+ if not Assigned(uIteratorFactory) then
+ uIteratorFactory := TTBIteratorFactory.Create;
+ Result := uIteratorFactory;
+{ TTBIteratorFactory }
+function TTBIteratorFactory.Iterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBIterator;
+ if ASource is TList then
+ Result := TTBListIterator.CreateCustom(TList(ASource))
+ else if ASource is TCollection then
+ Result := TTBCollectionIterator.CreateCustom(TCollection(ASource))
+ //else if ASource is TTreeNodes then
+ //Result := TTBTreeNodesIterator.CreateCustom(TTreeNodes(ASource))
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+function TTBIteratorFactory.StringIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBStringIterator;
+ if ASource is TStrings then
+ Result := TTBStringsIterator.CreateCustom(TStrings(ASource))
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+function TTBIteratorFactory.StringAndObjectIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBStringAndObjectIterator;
+ if ASource is TStrings then
+ Result := TTBStringsIterator.CreateCustom(TStrings(ASource))
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+function TTBIteratorFactory.InterfaceIterator(const ASource: TObject): ITBInterfaceIterator;
+ if ASource is TInterfaceList then
+ Result := TTBInterfaceListIterator.CreateCustom(TInterfaceList(ASource))
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+function TTBIteratorFactory.FilteredStringIterator(const ASource: TObject; const AFilter: string): ITBFilteredStringIterator;
+ if ASource is TStrings then
+ begin
+ Result := TTBFilteredStringsIterator.CreateCustom(TStrings(ASource));
+ Result.Filter := AFilter;
+ end
+ else
+ raise ENoIteratorImpl.CreateFmt(cNoIteratorImpl, [ASource.ClassName]);
+ uIteratorFactory := nil;
+ uIteratorFactory.Free;