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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas b/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas
index 693107e0..45306ac5 100644
--- a/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas
+++ b/uidesigner/vfdformparser.pas
@@ -436,47 +436,6 @@ begin
if lok then
wg.Name := sval;
- {
- else if ident = 'TEXT' then
- begin
- lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':=');
- if lok then
- begin
- sval := GetStringValue(s);
- lok := CheckSymbol(s, ';');
- end;
- if lok then
- begin
- if wg is TwgLabel then TwgLabel(wg).Text := sval
- else if wg is TwgEdit then TwgEdit(wg).Text := sval
- else if wg is TwgButton then TwgButton(wg).Text := sval
- else if wg is TwgCheckBox then TwgCheckBox(wg).Text := sval
- else
- lok := false;
- end;
- if lok then SetWidgetText(wg, sval);
- end
- else if (ident = 'LINES') or (ident = 'ITEMS') then
- begin
- lok := CheckSymbol(s, '.');
- lok := lok and (UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s)) = 'ADD');
- lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, '(');
- if lok then
- begin
- sval := GetStringValue(s);
- lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')');
- lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';');
- end;
- if lok then
- begin
- if wg is TwgMemo then TwgMemo(wg).Lines.Add(sval)
- else if wg is TwgChoiceList then TwgChoiceList(wg).Items.Add(sval)
- else if wg is TwgTextListBox then TwgTextListBox(wg).Items.Add(sval)
- else
- lok := false;
- end;
- end
else if ident = 'ANCHORS' then
lok := CheckSymbol(s, ':=');
@@ -533,40 +492,10 @@ begin
wg.Height := GetIntValue(s);
lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')');
lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';');
+ wg.UpdateWindowPosition;
//if lok then Writeln('sd ok.');
//writeln('WT: ',sval);
- end
- {
- else if (wg is TwgDBGrid) and (ident = 'ADDCOLUMN8') then
- begin
- c := TDBColumn.Create;
- lok := CheckSymbol(s, '(');
- if lok then c.Title := u8(GetStringValue(s));
- lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
- if lok then c.FieldName8 := GetStringValue(s);
- lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
- if lok then c.Width := GetIntValue(s);
- lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ',');
- if lok then
- begin
- sval := UpperCase(GetIdentifier(s));
- if sval = 'ALRIGHT' then c.Alignment := alRight
- else if sval = 'ALCENTER' then c.Alignment := alCenter
- else c.Alignment := alLeft;
- end;
- lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ')');
- lok := lok and CheckSymbol(s, ';');
- if lok then
- begin
- TwgDBGrid(wg).AddColumn(c.Title, c.FieldName8, c.Width, c.Alignment)
- end;
- c.Free;
if not lok then
if wgc <> nil then