diff options
10 files changed, 843 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/examples/gui/calendar/calendartest.lpi b/examples/gui/calendar/calendartest.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27ab544a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/calendar/calendartest.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
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+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
diff --git a/examples/gui/calendar/calendartest.lpr b/examples/gui/calendar/calendartest.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..163961fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/calendar/calendartest.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ This is still under development!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+program calendartest;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
+ cthreads,
+ Classes, SysUtils, fpgfx, gui_form, gui_popupcalendar, gui_edit,
+ gui_button, gui_label, gfx_popupwindow;
+ TMainForm = class(TfpgForm)
+ private
+ procedure btnDownClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure DoDropDown;
+ public
+ {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ edtName1: TfpgEdit;
+ btnName1: TfpgButton;
+ lblName1: TfpgLabel;
+ lblName2: TfpgLabel;
+ {@VFD_HEAD_END: MainForm}
+ FDropDown: TfpgPopupCalendar;
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
+ end;
+{ TMainForm }
+procedure TMainForm.btnDownClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ DoDropDown;
+procedure TMainForm.DoDropDown;
+ if (not Assigned(FDropDown)) or (not FDropDown.HasHandle) then
+ begin
+ FDropDown := TfpgPopupCalendar.Create(nil);
+ FDropDown.ShowAt(self, edtName1.Left, edtName1.Top+edtName1.Height);
+ FDropDown.PopupFrame:= True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FDropDown.Close;
+ FreeAndNil(FDropDown);
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.AfterCreate;
+ inherited AfterCreate;
+ {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ Name := 'MainForm';
+ SetPosition(100, 100, 417, 270);
+ WindowTitle := 'fpGUI Calendar Test';
+ WindowPosition := wpUser;
+ edtName1 := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
+ with edtName1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edtName1';
+ SetPosition(84, 48, 120, 22);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ end;
+ btnName1 := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnName1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnName1';
+ SetPosition(204, 48, 19, 22);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageName := '';
+ OnClick := @btnDownClicked;
+ end;
+ lblName1 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with lblName1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblName1';
+ SetPosition(84, 32, 80, 16);
+ Text := 'Enter a date:';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ end;
+ lblName2 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with lblName2 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblName2';
+ SetPosition(68, 116, 276, 16);
+ Text := '***** This is still Work-In-Progress *****';
+ FontDesc := '#Label2';
+ end;
+ {@VFD_BODY_END: MainForm}
+procedure MainProc;
+ frm: TMainForm;
+ fpgApplication.Initialize;
+ frm := TMainForm.Create(nil);
+ try
+ frm.Show;
+ fpgApplication.Run;
+ finally
+ frm.Free;
+ end;
+ MainProc;
diff --git a/examples/gui/calendar/extrafpc.cfg b/examples/gui/calendar/extrafpc.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..073dc4b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/calendar/extrafpc.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/src/corelib/gfx_popupwindow.pas b/src/corelib/gfx_popupwindow.pas
index 2ce499da..3450b63d 100644
--- a/src/corelib/gfx_popupwindow.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/gfx_popupwindow.pas
@@ -16,17 +16,22 @@ type
TfpgPopupWindow = class(TfpgWidget)
FDontCloseWidget: TfpgWidget;
+ FPopupFrame: boolean;
+ procedure SetPopupFrame(const AValue: boolean);
procedure MsgClose(var msg: TfpgMessageRec); message FPGM_CLOSE;
procedure AdjustWindowStyle; override;
procedure HandleShow; override;
procedure HandleHide; override;
procedure HandleClose; virtual;
+ procedure ProcessPopupFrame; virtual;
+ procedure DoPaintPopupFrame; virtual;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
procedure ShowAt(AWidget: TfpgWidget; x, y: TfpgCoord);
procedure Close; virtual;
property DontCloseWidget: TfpgWidget read FDontCloseWidget write FDontCloseWidget;
+ property PopupFrame: boolean read FPopupFrame write SetPopupFrame;
@@ -170,6 +175,14 @@ end;
{ TfpgPopupWindow }
+procedure TfpgPopupWindow.SetPopupFrame(const AValue: boolean);
+ if FPopupFrame = AValue then
+ Exit; //==>
+ FPopupFrame := AValue;
+ ProcessPopupFrame;
procedure TfpgPopupWindow.MsgClose(var msg: TfpgMessageRec);
@@ -199,12 +212,52 @@ begin
+procedure TfpgPopupWindow.ProcessPopupFrame;
+ i: integer;
+ if PopupFrame then
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
+ begin
+ if Components[i] is TfpgWidget then
+ TfpgWidget(Components[i]).Anchors := [anRight, anBottom];
+ end;
+ // make space for the frame
+// Width := Width + 1;
+// Height := Height + 1;
+// UpdateWindowPosition;
+ HandleResize(Width+1, Height+1);
+ UpdateWindowPosition;
+ for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
+ begin
+ if Components[i] is TfpgWidget then
+ TfpgWidget(Components[i]).Anchors := [anLeft, anTop];
+ end;
+ HandleResize(Width+1, Height+1);
+ UpdateWindowPosition;
+ Canvas.BeginDraw;
+ DoPaintPopupFrame;
+ Canvas.EndDraw;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgPopupWindow.DoPaintPopupFrame;
+ Canvas.SetLineStyle(1, lsSolid);
+ Canvas.SetColor(clWidgetFrame);
+ Canvas.DrawRectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
constructor TfpgPopupWindow.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
WindowType := wtPopup;
FDontCloseWidget := nil;
Parent := nil;
+ FPopupFrame := False;
procedure TfpgPopupWindow.ShowAt(AWidget: TfpgWidget; x, y: TfpgCoord);
diff --git a/src/gui/fpgui_package.lpk b/src/gui/fpgui_package.lpk
index 9bfe855d..f65ccde6 100644
--- a/src/gui/fpgui_package.lpk
+++ b/src/gui/fpgui_package.lpk
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<License Value="Modified LGPL
<Version Minor="5" Release="1"/>
- <Files Count="26">
+ <Files Count="27">
<Filename Value="gui_button.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="gui_button"/>
@@ -131,15 +131,19 @@
<Filename Value=""/>
<Type Value="Binary"/>
+ <Item27>
+ <Filename Value="gui_popupcalendar.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="gui_popupcalendar"/>
+ </Item27>
<RequiredPkgs Count="2">
- <PackageName Value="FCL"/>
- <MinVersion Major="1" Valid="True"/>
- </Item1>
- <Item2>
<PackageName Value="fpgfx_package"/>
<MinVersion Minor="5" Valid="True"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <PackageName Value="FCL"/>
+ <MinVersion Major="1" Valid="True"/>
diff --git a/src/gui/fpgui_package.pas b/src/gui/fpgui_package.pas
index d26bd4e1..bc3ab192 100644
--- a/src/gui/fpgui_package.pas
+++ b/src/gui/fpgui_package.pas
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ uses
gui_listbox, gui_memo, gui_scrollbar, gui_bevel, gui_checkbox,
gui_radiobutton, gui_trackbar, gui_tab, gui_basegrid, gui_listview,
gui_customgrid, gui_progressbar, gui_menu, gui_style, gui_grid, gui_tree,
- gui_iniutils, gui_mru, fpgui_db;
+ gui_iniutils, gui_mru, fpgui_db, gui_popupcalendar;
diff --git a/src/gui/gui_basegrid.pas b/src/gui/gui_basegrid.pas
index 6da2f53a..79dbd899 100644
--- a/src/gui/gui_basegrid.pas
+++ b/src/gui/gui_basegrid.pas
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ type
FFont: TfpgFont;
FHeaderFont: TfpgFont;
FRowSelect: boolean;
+ FScrollBarStyle: TfpgScrollStyle;
FShowGrid: boolean;
FShowHeader: boolean;
FTemp: integer;
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ type
procedure SetFontDesc(const AValue: string);
procedure SetHeaderFontDesc(const AValue: string);
procedure SetRowSelect(const AValue: boolean);
+ procedure SetScrollBarStyle(const AValue: TfpgScrollStyle);
procedure VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer);
procedure SetBackgroundColor(const AValue: TfpgColor);
procedure SetDefaultColWidth(const AValue: integer);
@@ -121,6 +123,7 @@ type
property RowCount: integer read GetRowCount;
property ShowHeader: boolean read FShowHeader write SetShowHeader default True;
property ShowGrid: boolean read FShowGrid write SetShowGrid default True;
+ property ScrollBarStyle: TfpgScrollStyle read FScrollBarStyle write SetScrollBarStyle default ssAutoBoth;
property HeaderHeight: integer read FHeaderHeight;
property ColResizing: boolean read FColResizing write FColResizing;
property ColumnWidth[ACol: integer]: integer read GetColumnWidth write SetColumnWidth;
@@ -179,6 +182,13 @@ begin
+procedure TfpgBaseGrid.SetScrollBarStyle(const AValue: TfpgScrollStyle);
+ if FScrollBarStyle = AValue then
+ Exit; //==>
+ FScrollBarStyle := AValue;
procedure TfpgBaseGrid.VScrollBarMove(Sender: TObject; position: integer);
if FFirstRow <> position then
@@ -404,7 +414,7 @@ begin
// This needs improving while resizing
if cw > vw then
- FHScrollBar.Visible := True
+ FHScrollBar.Visible := not (FScrollBarStyle in [ssNone, ssVertical])
FHScrollBar.Visible := False;
@@ -413,7 +423,7 @@ begin
// This needs improving while resizing
if (RowCount > VisibleLines) then
- FVScrollBar.Visible := True
+ FVScrollBar.Visible := not (FScrollBarStyle in [ssNone, ssHorizontal])
FVScrollBar.Visible := False;
@@ -982,6 +992,7 @@ begin
FShowHeader := True;
FShowGrid := True;
FRowSelect := False;
+ FScrollBarStyle := ssAutoBoth;
FFont := fpgGetFont('#Grid');
FHeaderFont := fpgGetFont('#GridHeader');
diff --git a/src/gui/gui_grid.pas b/src/gui/gui_grid.pas
index 0d64c09a..ef56ff40 100644
--- a/src/gui/gui_grid.pas
+++ b/src/gui/gui_grid.pas
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ type
property ColumnCount;
property Columns;
property FocusRow;
+ property ScrollBarStyle;
property OnRowChange;
property OnDoubleClick;
@@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ type
property RowSelect;
property ColumnCount;
property RowCount;
+ property ScrollBarStyle;
property ShowHeader;
property ShowGrid;
property HeaderHeight;
diff --git a/src/gui/gui_popupcalendar.pas b/src/gui/gui_popupcalendar.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9bc41c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/gui_popupcalendar.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ A calendar component. Soon it would be possible to use it in a
+ popup windows like Calender Combobox, or directly in a Form.
+unit gui_popupcalendar;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+{$Define DEBUG} // while developing the component
+ * This is still under development!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ * Support highlighting special days.
+ * Support custom colors.
+ * Must be able to switch the first day of the week.
+ * Keyboard support.
+ SysUtils, Classes, gfxbase, fpgfx, gui_edit,
+ gfx_widget, gui_form, gui_label, gui_button,
+ gui_listbox, gui_memo, gui_combobox, gui_grid,
+ gui_dialogs, gui_checkbox, gui_tree, gui_trackbar,
+ gui_progressbar, gui_radiobutton, gui_tab, gui_menu,
+ gui_bevel, gfx_popupwindow;
+ TfpgPopupCalendar = class(TfpgPopupWindow)
+ private
+ FMonthOffset: integer;
+ FDate: TDateTime;
+ function GetDateElement(Index: integer): Word;
+ procedure PopulateDays;
+ procedure CalculateMonthOffset;
+ function CalculateCellDay(const ACol, ARow: LongWord): Word;
+ procedure SetDateElement(Index: integer; const AValue: Word);
+ procedure SetDateValue(const AValue: TDateTime);
+ procedure UpdateCalendar;
+ procedure btnYearUpClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnYearDownClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnMonthUpClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnMonthDownClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure grdName1DoubleClick(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ protected
+ procedure HandlePaint; override;
+ public
+ {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: fpgPopupCalendar}
+ edtYear: TfpgEdit;
+ btnYearUp: TfpgButton;
+ btnYearDown: TfpgButton;
+ edtMonth: TfpgEdit;
+ btnMonthUp: TfpgButton;
+ btnMonthDown: TfpgButton;
+ grdName1: TfpgStringGrid;
+ {@VFD_HEAD_END: fpgPopupCalendar}
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ procedure AfterCreate;
+ property Day: Word index 1 read GetDateElement write SetDateElement;
+ property Month: Word index 2 read GetDateElement write SetDateElement;
+ property Year: Word index 3 read GetDateElement write SetDateElement;
+ published
+ property Value: TDateTime read FDate write SetDateValue;
+ end;
+ gui_scrollbar;
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.PopulateDays;
+ r, c: integer;
+ lCellDay: Word;
+ lCellText: string;
+ lCellText := '';
+ for r := 0 to 6 do
+ for c := 1 to 7 do
+ begin
+ if r = 0 then
+ grdName1.ColumnTitle[c] := ShortDayNames[c]
+ else
+ begin
+ lCellDay := CalculateCellDay(c, r);
+ if lCellDay = 0 then
+ grdName1.Cells[c, r] := ''
+ else
+ grdName1.Cells[c, r] := IntToStr(lCellDay);
+ end;
+ end;
+// drawtext(canvas,
+// msestring(inttostr(dayof(incday(ffirstdate,cell.row*7+cell.col)))),
+// rect,flags1);
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.grdName1DoubleClick(Sender: TObject;
+ AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ lD: Word;
+ s: string;
+ s := grdName1.Cells[grdName1.FocusCol, grdName1.FocusRow];
+ if s = '' then
+ Exit; //==>
+ lD := StrToInt(s);
+ Value := EncodeDate(Year, Month, lD);
+ writeln('Selected date: ', FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', Value));
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Close;
+function TfpgPopupCalendar.GetDateElement(Index: integer): Word;
+ lD, lM, lY: Word;
+ DecodeDate(FDate, lY, lM, lD);
+ case Index of
+ 1: Result := lD;
+ 2: Result := lM;
+ 3: Result := lY;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.CalculateMonthOffset;
+ lD, lM, lY: Word;
+ lTheFirst: TDateTime;
+ if FDate > 0 then
+ begin
+ DecodeDate(FDate, lY, lM, lD);
+ lTheFirst := EncodeDate(lY, lM, 1);
+ FMonthOffset := 2 - DayOfWeek(lTheFirst);
+ end;
+function TfpgPopupCalendar.CalculateCellDay(const ACol, ARow: LongWord): Word;
+ Result := FMonthOffset + (ACol-1) + (ARow-1) * 7;
+ if (Result < 1) or (Result > MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year), Month]) then
+ Result := 0;
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.SetDateElement(Index: integer; const AValue: Word);
+ lD, lM, lY: Word;
+ if AValue > 0 then
+ begin
+ DecodeDate(FDate, lY, lM, lD);
+ case Index of
+ 1: lD := AValue;
+ 2: lM := AValue;
+ 3: lY := AValue;
+ end;
+ FDate := EncodeDate(lY, lM, lD);
+ UpdateCalendar;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.SetDateValue(const AValue: TDateTime);
+ if FDate = AValue then
+ Exit; //==>
+ FDate := AValue;
+ UpdateCalendar;
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.UpdateCalendar;
+ CalculateMonthOffset;
+ PopulateDays;
+ edtYear.Text := IntToStr(Year);
+ edtMonth.Text := LongMonthNames[Month];
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.btnYearUpClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ Year := Year + 1;
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.btnYearDownClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ Year := Year - 1;
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.btnMonthUpClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ Value := IncMonth(FDate);
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.btnMonthDownClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ Value := IncMonth(FDate, -1);
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.HandlePaint;
+ Canvas.BeginDraw;
+ inherited HandlePaint;
+ if PopupFrame then
+ Canvas.SetClipRect(fpgRect(1, 1, Width-2, Height-2));
+ Canvas.Clear(clWindowBackground);
+ Canvas.ClearClipRect;
+ Canvas.EndDraw;
+constructor TfpgPopupCalendar.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ AfterCreate;
+ FDate := Date;
+ FMonthOffset := 0;
+ UpdateCalendar;
+procedure TfpgPopupCalendar.AfterCreate;
+ {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: fpgPopupCalendar}
+ Name := 'fpgPopupCalendar';
+ SetPosition(100, 268, 233, 179);
+// WindowTitle := 'fpgPopupCalendar';
+// WindowPosition := wpUser;
+// Sizeable := False;
+ edtYear := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
+ with edtYear do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edtYear';
+ SetPosition(0, 0, 72, 22);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ Focusable := False;
+ end;
+ btnYearUp := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnYearUp do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnYearUp';
+ SetPosition(72, 0, 13, 11);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageMargin := 0;
+ ImageName := '';
+ Embedded := True;
+ OnClick := @btnYearUpClicked;
+ end;
+ btnYearDown := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnYearDown do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnYearDown';
+ SetPosition(72, 11, 13, 11);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageMargin := 0;
+ ImageName := '';
+ Embedded := True;
+ OnClick := @btnYearDownClicked;
+ end;
+ edtMonth := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
+ with edtMonth do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edtMonth';
+ SetPosition(85, 0, 136, 22);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ Focusable := False;
+ end;
+ btnMonthUp := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnMonthUp do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnMonthUp';
+ SetPosition(220, 0, 13, 11);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageMargin := 0;
+ ImageName := '';
+ Embedded := True;
+ OnClick := @btnMonthUpClicked;
+ end;
+ btnMonthDown := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnMonthDown do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnMonthDown';
+ SetPosition(220, 11, 13, 11);
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageMargin := 0;
+ ImageName := '';
+ Embedded := True;
+ OnClick := @btnMonthDownClicked;
+ end;
+ grdName1 := TfpgStringGrid.Create(self);
+ with grdName1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'grdName1';
+ SetPosition(0, 23, 233, 156);
+ AddColumn('Mon', 33, taLeftJustify);
+ AddColumn('Tue', 32, taLeftJustify);
+ AddColumn('Wed', 33, taLeftJustify);
+ AddColumn('Thu', 32, taLeftJustify);
+ AddColumn('Fri', 33, taLeftJustify);
+ AddColumn('Sat', 32, taLeftJustify);
+ AddColumn('Sun', 33, taLeftJustify);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ HeaderFontDesc := '#GridHeader';
+ RowCount := 6;
+ ScrollBarStyle := ssNone;
+ ColResizing := False;
+ OnDoubleClick:=@grdName1DoubleClick;
+ end;
+ {@VFD_BODY_END: fpgPopupCalendar}
diff --git a/src/gui/gui_scrollbar.pas b/src/gui/gui_scrollbar.pas
index e1199167..17413e21 100644
--- a/src/gui/gui_scrollbar.pas
+++ b/src/gui/gui_scrollbar.pas
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ uses
TScrollNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; position: integer) of object;
- { TfpgScrollBar }
+ TfpgScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssAutoBoth);
TfpgScrollBar = class(TfpgWidget)