path: root/src
diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2010-10-21 16:37:59 +0200
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2010-10-28 10:57:21 +0200
commit90ba379b6ee18be060051eee83e14eb26bf1770b (patch)
tree4666fab10798be7799160f0c713cb78a91f58287 /src
parentd0c9a38672f9eeb25c57a6a0a10a72266ce9b033 (diff)
GDI: Implemented HandleDNDLeave, DNDEnter and DNDPosition event handlers
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_gdi.pas b/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_gdi.pas
index 68284f42..33563935 100644
--- a/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_gdi.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_gdi.pas
@@ -147,7 +147,11 @@ type
TfpgGDIWindow = class(TfpgWindowBase)
FDropManager: TfpgOLEDropTarget;
+ FDropPos: TPoint;
function GetDropManager: TfpgOLEDropTarget;
+ procedure HandleDNDLeave(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure HandleDNDEnter(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD);
+ procedure HandleDNDPosition(Sender: TObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
FMouseInWindow: boolean;
FNonFullscreenRect: TfpgRect;
@@ -1326,10 +1330,96 @@ var
// this are required for Windows MouseEnter & MouseExit detection.
uLastWindowHndl: TfpgWinHandle;
+procedure TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDLeave(Sender: TObject);
+ wg: TfpgWidget;
+ wg := self as TfpgWidget;
+ if wg.AcceptDrops then { if we get here, this should always be true anyway }
+ begin
+ if Assigned(wg.OnDragLeave) then
+ wg.OnDragLeave(nil);
+ end;
+procedure TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDEnter(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject;
+ KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD);
+ wg: TfpgWidget;
+ lMimeList: TStringList;
+ lMimeChoice: TfpgString;
+ lAccept: Boolean;
+ lDropAction: TfpgDropAction;
+ EnumIntf: IEnumFORMATETC;
+ msgp: TfpgMessageParams;
+ wg := self as TfpgWidget;
+ if wg.AcceptDrops then
+ begin
+ lAccept := False;
+ { enumerate the available formats }
+// DataObj.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, EnumIntf);
+// EnumIntf.Next();
+ lMimeList := EnumDataToStringList(DataObj);
+ lMimeChoice := 'text/plain';
+// lMimeList := TStringList.Create;
+// lMimeList.Add(lMimeChoice);
+// lMimeList.Add('text/html');
+ lDropAction := TranslateToFPGDropAction(Effect);
+ if Assigned(wg.OnDragEnter) then
+ wg.OnDragEnter(self, nil, lMimeList, lMimeChoice, lDropAction, lAccept);
+ if not lAccept then
+ else
+ Effect := TranslateToWinDragEffect(lDropAction);
+ { Notify widget of drag status, so it can update its look }
+ if lAccept then
+ begin
+ FDropPos.x := PT.x;
+ FDropPos.y := PT.y;
+ fillchar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0);
+ msgp.mouse.x := PT.x;
+ msgp.mouse.y := PT.y;
+ fpgPostMessage(nil, wg, FPGM_DROPENTER, msgp);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TfpgGDIWindow.HandleDNDPosition(Sender: TObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
+ msgp: TfpgMessageParams;
+ wg: TfpgWidget;
+ wg := self as TfpgWidget;
+ { Notify widget of drag status, so it can update its look. We do the pos
+ check because OLE framework calls DragOver repeatedly even if the mouse
+ doesn't move, but simply because the mouse is over the widget. We don't
+ want that, for performance reasons. }
+ if FDropPos <> PT then
+ begin
+ FDropPos.x := PT.x;
+ FDropPos.y := PT.y;
+ fillchar(msgp, sizeof(msgp), 0);
+ msgp.mouse.x := PT.x;
+ msgp.mouse.y := PT.y;
+ fpgPostMessage(nil, wg, FPGM_DROPENTER, msgp);
+ end;
function TfpgGDIWindow.GetDropManager: TfpgOLEDropTarget;
if not Assigned(FDropManager) then
+ begin
FDropManager := TfpgOLEDropTarget.Create(self);
+ FDropManager.OnDragLeave := @HandleDNDLeave;
+ FDropManager.OnDragEnter := @HandleDNDEnter;
+ FDropManager.OnDragOver := @HandleDNDPosition;
+ end;
Result := FDropManager;
@@ -1750,6 +1840,8 @@ begin
inherited Create(AOwner);
FWinHandle := 0;
FDropManager := nil;
+ FDropPos.x := 0;
+ FDropPos.y := 0;
FFullscreenIsSet := false;