path: root/src
diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2013-04-05 10:05:09 +0100
committerDavid Laurence Emerson <>2013-05-28 00:42:51 -0700
commit6d8f7199812c53f7454df1bac7d7432bb6719f10 (patch)
tree11201e46aa0332025cd6c50d1bf0c1e5f4926105 /src
parentff433474f28f66608e936a9f2c26304e4888ae32 (diff)
Initial support for reading OS/2 Bitmap files.
They have a slightly different structure to Windows BMP files - now the more common format.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_imgfmt_bmp.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_imgfmt_bmp.pas
index 5add70ba..296e515d 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_imgfmt_bmp.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_imgfmt_bmp.pas
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ uses
+procedure ReadImage_OS2BMP(img: TfpgImage; bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword); forward;
function CreateImage_BMP(bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword): TfpgImage;
Result := TfpgImage.Create;
@@ -147,6 +150,13 @@ begin
p := bmp;
PByte(bh) := p;
+ if bh^.signature = $4d62 then { 'bM' }
+ begin
+ ReadImage_OS2BMP(img, bmp, bmpsize);
+ exit;
+ end;
ppal := nil;
if bh^.filesize <> bmpsize then
Exit; //==>
@@ -323,5 +333,226 @@ begin
+ { These records come from the HelpBitmap unit - part of DocView }
+ INFBITMAPHEADER = packed record
+ usType: uint16; // = 'bM'
+ cbSize: uint32;
+ xHotspot: uint16;
+ yHotspot: uint16;
+ DataOffset: uint32; // =size(hdr)+size(palette)
+ cbFIx: uint32; // =size(info_hdr) (usually = 12?)
+ Width: uint16; // width size
+ Height: uint16; // height size
+ cPlanes: uint16; // planes, =1 (always seems to be one)
+ BitCount: uint16; // bits per pixel
+ // followed by RGB triples if <= 8bpp
+ end;
+procedure ReadImage_OS2BMP(img: TfpgImage; bmp: Pointer; bmpsize: longword);
+ p: PByte;
+ ppal: plongword;
+ pcol: Plongword;
+ palsize: integer;
+ pdata: PByte;
+ b: byte;
+ bit: byte;
+ bcnt: byte;
+ linecnt: integer;
+ pixelcnt: integer;
+ pdest: Plongword;
+ depth: integer;
+ function GetPalColor(cindex: longword): longword;
+ var
+ pc: Plongword;
+ begin
+ pc := ppal;
+ Inc(pc, cindex);
+ Result := pc^;
+ end;
+ if img = nil then
+ Exit; //==>
+ img.FreeImage;
+ ppal := nil;
+ p := bmp;
+ PByte(bh) := p;
+ pdata := bmp;
+ Inc(pdata, bh^.DataOffset);
+ depth := bh^.BitCount;
+ if depth > 1 then
+ img.AllocateImage(32, bh^.Width, bh^.Height)// color image (RGB or Indexed)
+ else
+ begin
+ img.AllocateImage(1, bh^.Width, bh^.Height);
+ img.AllocateMask;
+ end;
+ if depth <= 8 then
+ begin
+ // reading color palette
+ case depth of
+ 1: palsize := 2;
+ 4: palsize := 16;
+ else
+ palsize := 256;
+ end;
+ GetMem(ppal, palsize * SizeOf(longword));
+ pcol := ppal;
+ pixelcnt := 0;
+ while (p) < (pdata) do
+ begin
+ pcol^ := (LongWord(p[3]) shl 24) + (LongWord(p[2]) shl 16) + (LongWord(p[1]) shl 8) + LongWord(p[0]);
+ Inc(pcol);
+ inc(p, 4);
+ Inc(pixelcnt);
+ end;
+ end;
+ pdest := img.ImageData;
+ Inc(pdest, img.Width * (img.Height - 1)); // bottom-up line order
+ p := bmp;
+ Inc(p, bh^.DataOffset);
+ // reading the data...
+ case depth of
+ 1:
+ begin
+ // direct line transfer
+ //writeln('reading 1-bit color bitmap');
+ linecnt := 0;
+ bcnt := img.Width div 32;
+ if (img.Width and $1F) > 0 then
+ Inc(bcnt);
+ pdest := img.ImageData;
+ Inc(pdest, bcnt * (img.Height - 1)); // bottom-up line order
+ repeat
+ move(p^, pdest^, bcnt * 4);
+ Inc(p, bcnt * 4);
+ Dec(pdest, bcnt);
+ Inc(linecnt);
+ until linecnt >= img.Height;
+ //Writeln(linecnt,' lines loaded.');
+ move(img.ImageData^, img.MaskData^, img.ImageDataSize);
+ img.Invert(True);
+ end;
+ 4:
+ begin
+ //writeln('reading 4-bit color');
+ linecnt := 0;
+ repeat
+ // parse one line..
+ bit := 0;
+ pixelcnt := 0;
+ bcnt := 0;
+ repeat
+ if bit = 0 then
+ b := (p^ shr 4) and $0F
+ else
+ begin
+ b := p^ and $0F;
+ Inc(p);
+ Inc(bcnt);
+ end;
+ pdest^ := GetPalColor(b);
+ Inc(pdest);
+ Inc(pixelcnt);
+ bit := bit xor 1;
+ until pixelcnt >= img.Width;
+ while (bcnt mod 4) <> 0 do
+ begin
+ Inc(bcnt);
+ Inc(p);
+ end;
+ Inc(linecnt);
+ Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line
+ until linecnt >= img.Height;
+ end;
+ 8:
+ begin
+ //writeln('reading 8-bit color');
+ linecnt := 0;
+ repeat
+ // parse one line..
+ pixelcnt := 0;
+ repeat
+ pdest^ := GetPalColor(p^);
+ Inc(p);
+ Inc(pdest);
+ Inc(pixelcnt);
+ until pixelcnt >= img.Width;
+ while (pixelcnt mod 4) <> 0 do
+ begin
+ Inc(pixelcnt);
+ Inc(p);
+ end;
+ Inc(linecnt);
+ Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line
+ until linecnt >= img.Height;
+ end;
+ 24:
+ begin
+ //writeln('reading truecolor');
+ linecnt := 0;
+ repeat
+ // parse one line..
+ pixelcnt := 0;
+ repeat
+ pdest^ := p^;
+ Inc(p);
+ pdest^ := pdest^ or (longword(p^) shl 8);
+ Inc(p);
+ pdest^ := pdest^ or (longword(p^) shl 16) or ($FF shl 24) {alpha set to full opaque};
+ Inc(p);
+ Inc(pdest);
+ Inc(pixelcnt);
+ until pixelcnt >= img.Width;
+ pixelcnt := img.Width * 3;
+ while (pixelcnt mod 4) <> 0 do
+ begin
+ Inc(pixelcnt);
+ Inc(p);
+ end;
+ Inc(linecnt);
+ Dec(pdest, img.Width * 2); // go to next line
+ until linecnt >= img.Height;
+ end;
+ else
+ raise Exception.Create('Unsupported BMP format!');
+ end;
+ if ppal <> nil then
+ FreeMem(ppal);
+ img.UpdateImage;