path: root/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc
diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2012-02-27 19:53:35 +0200
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2012-03-07 22:44:08 +0200
commitb50c7fe536960a49349475f5c361044b097f24dc (patch)
treeeb74f0624ebaca3b6ee64a08b3edb63883eb06c2 /src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc
parenta955b0e4833ba419478be83523fe433d645cd789 (diff)
initial import of AggPas 2.4 RM3
The AggPas demos will not compile at this time, because I have restructured the directories a bit. I wanted a pristine checkin though. The demos will be fixed in the next few commits.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc')
3 files changed, 2110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/copying.txt b/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/copying.txt
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5f1e6bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/copying.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Author: Alan Murta (email:
+Version: 2.31
+Date: 4th June 1999
+Copyright: (C) 1997-1999, Advanced Interfaces Group,
+ University of Manchester.
+ This software is free for non-commercial use. It may be copied,
+ modified, and redistributed provided that this copyright notice
+ is preserved on all copies. The intellectual property rights of
+ the algorithms used reside with the University of Manchester
+ Advanced Interfaces Group.
+ You may not use this software, in whole or in part, in support
+ of any commercial product without the express consent of the
+ author.
+ There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this
+ software for any purpose. It is provided solely "as is".
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/gpc.pas b/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/gpc.pas
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3e8541e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/gpc.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1965 @@
+Project: Generic Polygon Clipper
+ A new algorithm for calculating the difference, intersection,
+ exclusive-or or union of arbitrary polygon sets.
+File: gpc.pas
+Author: Alan Murta (
+Version: 2.30
+Date: 17th October 1998
+Pascal port by: Stefan Schedel (
+Copyright: (C) 1997, Advanced Interfaces Group, University of Manchester.
+ All rights reserved.
+ This software may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed
+ provided that this copyright notice is preserved on all copies.
+ The intellectual property rights of the algorithms used reside
+ with the University of Manchester Advanced Interfaces Group.
+ You may not distribute this software, in whole or in part, as
+ part of any commercial product without the express consent of
+ the author.
+ There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this
+ software for any purpose. It is provided solely "as is".
+unit GPC;
+ Windows;
+// Constants
+ Version = 'GPC_VERSION "2.30"';
+ GPC_EPSILON : double = 2.2204460492503131E-16; { from float.h }
+// Public Data Types
+ Tgpc_op = { Set operation type }
+ (
+ GPC_DIFF, { Difference }
+ GPC_INT, { Intersection }
+ GPC_XOR, { Exclusive or }
+ GPC_UNION { Union }
+ );
+ Tgpc_vertex = record { Polygon vertex structure }
+ x : double; { Vertex x component }
+ y : double; { vertex y component }
+ end;
+ Pgpc_vertex_array = ^Tgpc_vertex_array; { Helper Type for indexing }
+ Tgpc_vertex_array = array[0.. MaxInt div sizeof(Tgpc_vertex) - 1] of Tgpc_vertex;
+ Pgpc_vertex_list = ^Tgpc_vertex_list; { Vertex list structure }
+ Tgpc_vertex_list = record
+ num_vertices : integer; { Number of vertices in list }
+ vertex : Pgpc_vertex_array; { Vertex array pointer }
+ end;
+ PIntegerArray = ^TIntegerArray;
+ TIntegerArray = array[0..MaxInt div sizeof(Integer) - 1] of Integer;
+ Pgpc_vertex_list_array = ^Tgpc_vertex_list_array; { Helper Type for indexing }
+ Tgpc_vertex_list_array = array[0.. MaxInt div sizeof(Tgpc_vertex) - 1] of Tgpc_vertex_list;
+ Pgpc_polygon = ^Tgpc_polygon;
+ Tgpc_polygon = record { Polygon set structure }
+ num_contours : integer; { Number of contours in polygon }
+ hole : PIntegerArray; { Hole / external contour flags }
+ contour : Pgpc_vertex_list_array; { Contour array pointer }
+ end;
+ Pgpc_tristrip = ^Tgpc_tristrip; { Tristrip set structure }
+ Tgpc_tristrip = record
+ num_strips : integer; { Number of tristrips }
+ strip : Pgpc_vertex_list_array; { Tristrip array pointer }
+ end;
+// Public Function Prototypes
+procedure gpc_read_polygon (var f : text; p : Pgpc_polygon);
+procedure gpc_write_polygon (var f : text; p : Pgpc_polygon);
+procedure gpc_add_contour (polygon : Pgpc_polygon;
+ contour : Pgpc_vertex_list;
+ hole : integer);
+procedure gpc_polygon_clip (set_operation : Tgpc_op;
+ subject_polygon : Pgpc_polygon;
+ clip_polygon : Pgpc_polygon;
+ result_polygon : Pgpc_polygon);
+procedure gpc_free_polygon (polygon : Pgpc_polygon);
+procedure gpc_free_tristrip (tristrip : Pgpc_tristrip);
+ SysUtils,
+ Math;
+// Constants
+ DBL_MAX : double = MaxDouble;
+ DBL_DIG = 15;
+ FFALSE = 0;
+ FTRUE = 1;
+ LEFT = 0;
+ RIGHT = 1;
+ ABOVE = 0;
+ BELOW = 1;
+ CLIP = 0;
+ SUBJ = 1;
+// Private Data Types
+ Tvertex_type =
+ ( { Edge intersection classes }
+ NUL, { Empty non-intersection }
+ EMX, { External maximum }
+ ELI, { External left intermediate }
+ TED, { Top edge }
+ ERI, { External right intermediate }
+ RED, { Right edge }
+ IMM, { Internal maximum and minimum }
+ IMN, { Internal minimum }
+ EMN, { External minimum }
+ EMM, { External maximum and minimum }
+ LED, { Left edge }
+ ILI, { Internal left intermediate }
+ BED, { Bottom edge }
+ IRI, { Internal right intermediate }
+ IMX, { Internal maximum }
+ FUL { Full non-intersection }
+ );
+Th_state = { Horizontal edge states }
+ (
+ NH, { No horizontal edge }
+ BH, { Bottom horizontal edge }
+ TH { Top horizontal edge }
+ );
+Tbundle_state =
+ (
+ );
+ PPvertex_node = ^Pvertex_node;
+ Pvertex_node = ^Tvertex_node; { Internal vertex list datatype }
+ Tvertex_node = record
+ x : double; { X coordinate component }
+ y : double; { Y coordinate component }
+ next : Pvertex_node; { Pointer to next vertex in list }
+ end;
+ Pvertex_node_array = ^Tvertex_node_array; { Helper type for indexing }
+ Tvertex_node_array = array[0..1] of Pvertex_node;
+ PPpolygon_node = ^Ppolygon_node;
+ Ppolygon_node = ^Tpolygon_node;
+ Tpolygon_node = record
+ active : integer;
+ hole : integer;
+ v : array[0..1] of Pvertex_node;
+ Next : Ppolygon_node;
+ proxy : Ppolygon_node;
+ end;
+ PPedge_node = ^Pedge_node;
+ Pedge_node = ^Tedge_node;
+ Tedge_node = record
+ vertex : Tgpc_vertex; { Piggy-backed contour vertex data }
+ bot : Tgpc_vertex; { Edge lower (x, y) coordinate }
+ top : Tgpc_vertex; { Edge upper (x, y) coordinate }
+ xb : double; { Scanbeam bottom x coordinate }
+ xt : double; { Scanbeam top x coordinate }
+ dx : double; { Change in x for a unit y increase }
+ typ : integer; { Clip / subject edge flag }
+ bundle : array[0..1, 0..1] of integer;{ Bundle edge flags }
+ bside : array[0..1] of integer; { Bundle left / right indicators }
+ bstate : array[0..1] of Tbundle_state;{ Edge bundle state }
+ outp : array[0..1] of Ppolygon_node;{ Output polygon / tristrip pointer }
+ prev : Pedge_node; { Previous edge in the AET }
+ next : Pedge_node; { Next edge in the AET }
+ pred : Pedge_node; { Edge connected at the lower end }
+ succ : Pedge_node; { Edge connected at the upper end }
+ next_bound : Pedge_node; { Pointer to next bound in LMT }
+ end;
+ PPedge_node_array = ^Pedge_node_array;
+ Pedge_node_array = ^Tedge_node_array;
+ Tedge_node_array = array[0..MaxInt div sizeof(Tedge_node) - 1] of Tedge_node;
+ PPlmt_node = ^Plmt_node;
+ Plmt_node = ^Tlmt_node;
+ Tlmt_node = record { Local minima table }
+ y : double; { Y coordinate at local minimum }
+ first_bound: Pedge_node; { Pointer to bound list }
+ next : Plmt_node; { Pointer to next local minimum }
+ end;
+ PPsb_tree = ^Psb_tree;
+ Psb_tree = ^Tsb_tree;
+ Tsb_tree = record { Scanbeam tree }
+ y : double; { Scanbeam node y value }
+ less : Psb_tree; { Pointer to nodes with lower y }
+ more : Psb_tree; { Pointer to nodes with higher y }
+ end;
+ PPit_node = ^Pit_node;
+ Pit_node = ^Tit_node; { Intersection table }
+ Tit_node = record
+ ie : array[0..1] of Pedge_node;{ Intersecting edge (bundle) pair }
+ point : Tgpc_vertex; { Point of intersection }
+ next : Pit_node; { The next intersection table node }
+ end;
+ PPst_node = ^Pst_node;
+ Pst_node = ^Tst_node; { Sorted edge table }
+ Tst_node = record
+ edge : Pedge_node; { Pointer to AET edge }
+ xb : double; { Scanbeam bottom x coordinate }
+ xt : double; { Scanbeam top x coordinate }
+ dx : double; { Change in x for a unit y increase }
+ prev : Pst_node; { Previous edge in sorted list }
+ end;
+ Pbbox = ^Tbbox;
+ Tbbox = record { Contour axis-aligned bounding box }
+ xmin : double; { Minimum x coordinate }
+ ymin : double; { Minimum y coordinate }
+ xmax : double; { Maximum x coordinate }
+ ymax : double; { Maximum y coordinate }
+ end;
+ PbboxArray = ^TbboxArray;
+ TbboxArray = array[0..MaxInt div sizeof(Tbbox) - 1] of Tbbox;
+ PDoubleArray = ^TDoubleArray;
+ TDoubleArray = array[0..MaxInt div sizeof(double) - 1] of double;
+// C Macros, defined as function for PASCAL
+function EQ(a, b : double) : boolean; begin EQ := abs(a - b) <= gpc_epsilon end;
+function NE(a, b : double) : boolean; begin NE := abs(a - b) > gpc_epsilon end;
+function GT(a, b : double) : boolean; begin GT := (a - b) > gpc_epsilon end;
+function LT(a, b : double) : boolean; begin LT := (b - a) > gpc_epsilon end;
+function GE(a, b : double) : boolean; begin GE := not LT(a, b) end;
+function LE(a, b : double) : boolean; begin LE := not GT(a, b) end;
+function PREV_INDEX(i, n : integer) : integer; begin PREV_INDEX := ((i - 1 + n) mod n); end;
+function NEXT_INDEX(i, n : integer) : integer; begin NEXT_INDEX := ((i + 1) mod n); end;
+function OPTIMAL(v : Pgpc_vertex_array; i, n : integer) : boolean;
+ OPTIMAL := NE(v[PREV_INDEX(i, n)].y, v[i].y) or NE(v[NEXT_INDEX(i, n)].y, v[i].y);
+function FWD_MIN(v : Pedge_node_array; i, n : integer) : boolean;
+ FWD_MIN := GE(v[PREV_INDEX(i, n)].vertex.y, v[i].vertex.y) and GT(v[NEXT_INDEX(i, n)].vertex.y, v[i].vertex.y);
+function NOT_FMAX(v : Pedge_node_array; i, n : integer) : boolean;
+ NOT_FMAX := GT(v[NEXT_INDEX(i, n)].vertex.y, v[i].vertex.y);
+function REV_MIN(v : Pedge_node_array; i, n : integer) : boolean;
+ REV_MIN := GT(v[PREV_INDEX(i, n)].vertex.y, v[i].vertex.y) and GE(v[NEXT_INDEX(i, n)].vertex.y, v[i].vertex.y);
+function NOT_RMAX(v : Pedge_node_array; i, n : integer) : boolean;
+ NOT_RMAX := GT(v[PREV_INDEX(i, n)].vertex.y, v[i].vertex.y);
+procedure MALLOC(var p : pointer; b : integer; s : string);
+ GetMem(p, b); if (p = nil) and (b <> 0) then raise Exception.Create(s);
+procedure add_vertex(var p : Pvertex_node; x, y : double);
+ if p = nil then
+ begin
+ MALLOC(pointer(p), sizeof(Tvertex_node), 'tristrip vertex creation');
+ p.x := x;
+ p.y := y;
+ := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ { Head further down the list }
+ add_vertex(, x, y);
+procedure VERTEX(var e : Pedge_node; p, s : integer; var x, y : double);
+ add_vertex(e.outp[p].v[s], x, y);
+ Inc(e.outp[p].active);
+procedure P_EDGE(var d, e : Pedge_node; p : integer; var i, j : double);
+ d := e;
+ repeat d := d.prev until d.outp[p] = nil;
+ i := + d.dx * (j -;
+procedure N_EDGE(var d, e : Pedge_node; p : integer; var i, j : double);
+ d := e;
+ repeat d :=; until d.outp[p] = nil;
+ i := + d.dx * (j -;
+procedure Free(var p : pointer);
+ FreeMem(p); p := nil;
+procedure CFree(var p : pointer);
+ if p <> nil then Free(p);
+// Global Data
+{ Horizontal edge state transitions within scanbeam boundary }
+ next_h_state : array[0..2, 0..5] of Th_state =
+ { L R L R L R }
+ { NH } ((BH, TH, TH, BH, NH, NH),
+ { BH } (NH, NH, NH, NH, TH, TH),
+ { TH } (NH, NH, NH, NH, BH, BH));
+// Private Functions
+procedure reset_it(var it : Pit_node);
+ itn : Pit_node;
+ while (it <> nil) do
+ begin
+ itn :=;
+ Free(pointer(it));
+ it := itn;
+ end;
+procedure reset_lmt(var lmt : Plmt_node);
+ lmtn : Plmt_node;
+ while lmt <> nil do
+ begin
+ lmtn := lmt^.next;
+ Free(pointer(lmt));
+ lmt := lmtn;
+ end;
+procedure insert_bound(b : PPedge_node_array; e : Pedge_node_array);
+ existing_bound : pointer;
+ if b^ = nil then
+ begin
+ { Link node e to the tail of the list }
+ b^ := e;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Do primary sort on the x field }
+ if (LT(e[0].bot.x, b^[0].bot.x)) then
+ begin
+ { Insert a new node mid-list }
+ existing_bound := b^;
+ b^ := e;
+ b^[0].next_bound := existing_bound;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (EQ(e[0].bot.x, b^[0].bot.x)) then
+ begin
+ { Do secondary sort on the dx field }
+ if (LT(e[0].dx, b^[0].dx)) then
+ begin
+ { Insert a new node mid-list }
+ existing_bound := b^;
+ b^ := e;
+ b^[0].next_bound := existing_bound;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Head further down the list }
+ insert_bound(@(b^[0].next_bound), e);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Head further down the list }
+ insert_bound(@(b^[0].next_bound), e);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function bound_list(var lmt : Plmt_node; y : double) : PPedge_node_array;
+ existing_node : Plmt_node;
+ if lmt = nil then
+ begin
+ { Add node onto the tail end of the LMT }
+ MALLOC(pointer(lmt), sizeof(Tlmt_node), 'LMT insertion');
+ lmt.y := y;
+ lmt.first_bound := nil;
+ := nil;
+ result := @lmt.first_bound;
+ end
+ else
+ if LT(y, lmt.y) then
+ begin
+ { Insert a new LMT node before the current node }
+ existing_node := lmt;
+ MALLOC(pointer(lmt), sizeof(Tlmt_node), 'LMT insertion');
+ lmt.y := y;
+ lmt.first_bound := nil;
+ := existing_node;
+ result := @lmt.first_bound;
+ end
+ else
+ if EQ(y, lmt.y) then
+ { Use this existing LMT node }
+ Result := @lmt.first_bound
+ else
+ { Head further up the LMT }
+ Result := bound_list(, y);
+procedure add_to_sbtree(var entries : integer; var sbtree : Psb_tree; var y : double);
+ if sbtree = nil then
+ begin
+ { Add a new tree node here }
+ MALLOC(pointer(sbtree), sizeof(Tsb_tree), 'scanbeam tree insertion');
+ sbtree.y := y;
+ sbtree.less := nil;
+ sbtree.more := nil;
+ Inc(entries);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if GT(sbtree.y, y) then
+ begin
+ { Head into the 'less' sub-tree }
+ add_to_sbtree(entries, sbtree.less, y);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if LT(sbtree.y, y) then
+ begin
+ { Head into the 'more' sub-tree }
+ add_to_sbtree(entries, sbtree.more, y);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure build_sbt(var entries : integer; var sbt : TDoubleArray; sbtree : Psb_tree);
+ if sbtree.less <> nil then
+ build_sbt(entries, sbt, sbtree.less);
+ sbt[entries] := sbtree.y;
+ Inc(entries);
+ if sbtree.more <> nil then
+ build_sbt(entries, sbt, sbtree.more);
+procedure free_sbtree(var sbtree : Psb_tree);
+ if sbtree <> nil then
+ begin
+ free_sbtree(sbtree.less);
+ free_sbtree(sbtree.more);
+ Free(pointer(sbtree));
+ end;
+function count_optimal_vertices(c : Tgpc_vertex_list) : integer;
+ i : integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ { Ignore non-contributing contours }
+ if c.num_vertices > 0 then
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to c.num_vertices - 1 do
+ { Ignore superfluous vertices embedded in horizontal edges }
+ if OPTIMAL(c.vertex, i, c.num_vertices) then Inc(Result);
+ end;
+function build_lmt(var lmt : Plmt_node; var sbtree : Psb_tree; var sbt_entries : integer;
+ p : Pgpc_polygon; typ : integer; op : Tgpc_op) : Pedge_node_array;
+ c, i, min, max, num_edges, v, num_vertices : integer;
+ total_vertices, e_index : integer;
+ e, edge_table : Pedge_node_array;
+ total_vertices := 0; e_index := 0;
+ for c := 0 to p.num_contours - 1 do
+ Inc(total_vertices, count_optimal_vertices(p.contour[c]));
+ { Create the entire input polygon edge table in one go }
+ MALLOC(pointer(edge_table), total_vertices * sizeof(Tedge_node),
+ 'edge table creation');
+ for c := 0 to p.num_contours - 1 do
+ begin
+ if p.contour[c].num_vertices < 0 then
+ begin
+ { Ignore the non-contributing contour and repair the vertex count }
+ p.contour[c].num_vertices := -p.contour[c].num_vertices;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Perform contour optimisation }
+ num_vertices := 0;
+ for i := 0 to p.contour[c].num_vertices - 1 do
+ if (OPTIMAL(p.contour[c].vertex, i, p.contour[c].num_vertices)) then
+ begin
+ edge_table[num_vertices].vertex.x := p.contour[c].vertex[i].x;
+ edge_table[num_vertices].vertex.y := p.contour[c].vertex[i].y;
+ { Record vertex in the scanbeam table }
+ add_to_sbtree(sbt_entries, sbtree, edge_table[num_vertices].vertex.y);
+ Inc(num_vertices);
+ end;
+ { Do the contour forward pass }
+ for min := 0 to num_vertices - 1 do
+ begin
+ { If a forward local minimum... }
+ if FWD_MIN(edge_table, min, num_vertices) then
+ begin
+ { Search for the next local maximum... }
+ num_edges := 1;
+ max := NEXT_INDEX(min, num_vertices);
+ while (NOT_FMAX(edge_table, max, num_vertices)) do
+ begin
+ Inc(num_edges);
+ max := NEXT_INDEX(max, num_vertices);
+ end;
+ { Build the next edge list }
+ e := @edge_table[e_index];
+ Inc(e_index, num_edges);
+ v := min;
+ e[0].bstate[BELOW] := UNBUNDLED;
+ e[0].bundle[BELOW][CLIP] := FFALSE;
+ e[0].bundle[BELOW][SUBJ] := FFALSE;
+ for i := 0 to num_edges - 1 do
+ begin
+ e[i].xb := edge_table[v].vertex.x;
+ e[i].bot.x := edge_table[v].vertex.x;
+ e[i].bot.y := edge_table[v].vertex.y;
+ v := NEXT_INDEX(v, num_vertices);
+ e[i].top.x := edge_table[v].vertex.x;
+ e[i].top.y := edge_table[v].vertex.y;
+ e[i].dx := (edge_table[v].vertex.x - e[i].bot.x) /
+ (e[i].top.y - e[i].bot.y);
+ e[i].typ := typ;
+ e[i].outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ e[i].outp[BELOW] := nil;
+ e[i].next := nil;
+ e[i].prev := nil;
+ if (num_edges > 1) and (i < (num_edges - 1)) then e[i].succ := @e[i + 1] else
+ e[i].succ := nil;
+ if (num_edges > 1) and (i > 0) then e[i].pred := @e[i - 1] else e[i].pred := nil;
+ e[i].next_bound := nil;
+ if op = GPC_DIFF then e[i].bside[CLIP] := RIGHT else e[i].bside[CLIP] := LEFT;
+ e[i].bside[SUBJ] := LEFT;
+ end;
+ insert_bound(bound_list(lmt, edge_table[min].vertex.y), e);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Do the contour reverse pass }
+ for min := 0 to num_vertices - 1 do
+ begin
+ { If a reverse local minimum... }
+ if REV_MIN(edge_table, min, num_vertices) then
+ begin
+ { Search for the previous local maximum... }
+ num_edges := 1;
+ max := PREV_INDEX(min, num_vertices);
+ while NOT_RMAX(edge_table, max, num_vertices) do
+ begin
+ Inc(num_edges);
+ max := PREV_INDEX(max, num_vertices);
+ end;
+ { Build the previous edge list }
+ e := @edge_table[e_index];
+ Inc(e_index, num_edges);
+ v := min;
+ e[0].bstate[BELOW] := UNBUNDLED;
+ e[0].bundle[BELOW][CLIP] := FFALSE;
+ e[0].bundle[BELOW][SUBJ] := FFALSE;
+ for i := 0 to num_edges - 1 do
+ begin
+ e[i].xb := edge_table[v].vertex.x;
+ e[i].bot.x := edge_table[v].vertex.x;
+ e[i].bot.y := edge_table[v].vertex.y;
+ v := PREV_INDEX(v, num_vertices);
+ e[i].top.x := edge_table[v].vertex.x;
+ e[i].top.y := edge_table[v].vertex.y;
+ e[i].dx := (edge_table[v].vertex.x - e[i].bot.x) /
+ (e[i].top.y - e[i].bot.y);
+ e[i].typ := typ;
+ e[i].outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ e[i].outp[BELOW] := nil;
+ e[i].next := nil;
+ e[i].prev := nil;
+ if (num_edges > 1) and (i < (num_edges - 1)) then e[i].succ := @e[i + 1] else
+ e[i].succ := nil;
+ if (num_edges > 1) and (i > 0) then e[i].pred := @e[i - 1] else e[i].pred := nil;
+ e[i].next_bound := nil;
+ if op = GPC_DIFF then e[i].bside[CLIP] := RIGHT else e[i].bside[CLIP] := LEFT;
+ e[i].bside[SUBJ] := LEFT;
+ end;
+ insert_bound(bound_list(lmt, edge_table[min].vertex.y), e);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := edge_table;
+procedure add_edge_to_aet(var aet : Pedge_node; edge : Pedge_node; prev : Pedge_node);
+ if aet = nil then
+ begin
+ { Append edge onto the tail end of the AET }
+ aet := edge;
+ edge.prev := prev;
+ := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Do primary sort on the xb field }
+ if LT(edge.xb, aet.xb) then
+ begin
+ { Insert edge here (before the AET edge) }
+ edge.prev := prev;
+ := aet;
+ aet.prev := edge;
+ aet := edge;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if EQ(edge.xb, aet.xb) then
+ begin
+ { Do secondary sort on the dx field }
+ if LT(edge.dx, aet.dx) then
+ begin
+ { Insert edge here (before the AET edge) }
+ edge.prev := prev;
+ := aet;
+ aet.prev := edge;
+ aet := edge;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Head further into the AET }
+ add_edge_to_aet(, edge, aet);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Head further into the AET }
+ add_edge_to_aet(, edge, aet);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure add_intersection(var it : Pit_node; edge0, edge1 : Pedge_node; x, y : double);
+ existing_node : Pit_node;
+ if it = nil then
+ begin
+ { Append a new node to the tail of the list }
+ MALLOC(pointer(it), sizeof(Tit_node), 'IT insertion');
+[0] := edge0;
+[1] := edge1;
+ it.point.x := x;
+ it.point.y := y;
+ := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if GT(it.point.y, y) then
+ begin
+ { Insert a new node mid-list }
+ existing_node := it;
+ MALLOC(pointer(it), sizeof(Tit_node), 'IT insertion');
+[0] := edge0;
+[1] := edge1;
+ it.point.x := x;
+ it.point.y := y;
+ := existing_node;
+ end
+ else
+ { Head further down the list }
+ add_intersection(, edge0, edge1, x, y);
+ end;
+procedure add_st_edge(var st : Pst_node; var it : Pit_node; edge : Pedge_node; dy : double);
+ existing_node : Pst_node;
+ den, x, y, r : double;
+ if st = nil then
+ begin
+ { Append edge onto the tail end of the ST }
+ MALLOC(pointer(st), sizeof(Tst_node), 'ST insertion');
+ st.edge := edge;
+ st.xb := edge.xb;
+ st.xt := edge.xt;
+ st.dx := edge.dx;
+ st.prev := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ den := (st.xt - st.xb) - (edge.xt - edge.xb);
+ { If new edge and ST edge don't cross }
+ if (GE(edge.xt, st.xt) or EQ(edge.dx, st.dx) or EQ(den, 0.0)) then
+ begin
+ { No intersection - insert edge here (before the ST edge) }
+ existing_node := st;
+ MALLOC(pointer(st), sizeof(Tst_node), 'ST insertion');
+ st.edge := edge;
+ st.xb := edge.xb;
+ st.xt := edge.xt;
+ st.dx := edge.dx;
+ st.prev := existing_node;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Compute intersection between new edge and ST edge }
+ r := (edge.xb - st.xb) / den;
+ x := st.xb + r * (st.xt - st.xb);
+ y := r * dy;
+ { Insert the edge pointers and the intersection point in the IT }
+ add_intersection(it, st.edge, edge, x, y);
+ { Head further into the ST }
+ add_st_edge(st.prev, it, edge, dy);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure build_intersection_table(var it : Pit_node; aet : Pedge_node; dy : double);
+ st, stp : Pst_node;
+ edge : Pedge_node;
+ { Build intersection table for the current scanbeam }
+ reset_it(it);
+ st := nil;
+ { Process each AET edge }
+ edge := aet;
+ while edge <> nil do
+ begin
+ if (edge.bstate[ABOVE] = BUNDLE_HEAD) or
+ (edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] <> 0) or (edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] <> 0) then
+ add_st_edge(st, it, edge, dy);
+ edge :=;
+ end;
+ { Free the sorted edge table }
+ while st <> nil do
+ begin
+ stp := st.prev;
+ Free(pointer(st));
+ st := stp;
+ end;
+function count_contours(polygon : Ppolygon_node) : integer;
+ nv : integer;
+ v, nextv : Pvertex_node;
+ Result := 0;
+ while polygon <> nil do
+ begin
+ if <> 0 then
+ begin
+ { Count the vertices in the current contour }
+ nv := 0;
+ v := polygon.proxy.v[LEFT];
+ while v <> nil do begin Inc(nv); v :=; end;
+ { Record valid vertex counts in the active field }
+ if (nv > 2) then
+ begin
+ := nv;
+ Inc(Result);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Invalid contour: just free the heap }
+ v := polygon.proxy.v[LEFT];
+ while v <> nil do begin nextv :=; FREE(pointer(v)); v := nextv; end;
+ := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ polygon :=;
+ end;
+procedure add_left(p : Ppolygon_node; x, y : double);
+ nv : Pvertex_node;
+ { Create a new vertex node and set its fields }
+ MALLOC(pointer(nv), sizeof(Tvertex_node), 'vertex node creation');
+ nv.x := x;
+ nv.y := y;
+ { Add vertex nv to the left end of the polygon's vertex list }
+ := P.proxy.v[LEFT];
+ { Update proxy[LEFT] to point to nv }
+ P.proxy.v[LEFT] := nv;
+procedure merge_left(P : Ppolygon_node; Q :Ppolygon_node; list : Ppolygon_node);
+ target : Ppolygon_node;
+ { Label contour as a hole }
+ q.proxy.hole := FTRUE;
+ if P.proxy <> Q.proxy then
+ begin
+ { Assign P's vertex list to the left end of Q's list }
+ P.proxy.v[RIGHT].next := Q.proxy.v[LEFT];
+ Q.proxy.v[LEFT] := P.proxy.v[LEFT];
+ { Redirect any P->proxy references to Q->proxy }
+ target := P.proxy;
+ while list <> nil do
+ begin
+ if list.proxy = target then
+ begin
+ := FFALSE;
+ list.proxy := Q.proxy;
+ end;
+ list :=;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure add_right(P : Ppolygon_node; x, y : double);
+ nv : Pvertex_node;
+ { Create a new vertex node and set its fields }
+ MALLOC(pointer(nv), sizeof(Tvertex_node), 'vertex node creation');
+ nv.x := x;
+ nv.y := y;
+ := nil;
+ { Add vertex nv to the right end of the polygon's vertex list }
+ P.proxy.v[RIGHT].next := nv;
+ { Update proxy.v[RIGHT] to point to nv }
+ P.proxy.v[RIGHT] := nv;
+procedure merge_right(P : Ppolygon_node; Q : Ppolygon_node; list : Ppolygon_node);
+ target : PPolygon_node;
+ { Label contour as external }
+ Q.proxy.hole := FFALSE;
+ if P.proxy <> Q.proxy then
+ begin
+ { Assign P's vertex list to the right end of Q's list }
+ Q.proxy.v[RIGHT].next := P.proxy.v[LEFT];
+ Q.proxy.v[RIGHT] := P.proxy.v[RIGHT];
+ { Redirect any P->proxy references to Q->proxy }
+ target := P.proxy;
+ while list <> nil do
+ begin
+ if list.proxy = target then
+ begin
+ := FFALSE;
+ list.proxy := Q.proxy;
+ end;
+ list :=;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure add_local_min(P : PPpolygon_node; edge : Pedge_node; x, y : double);
+ nv : Pvertex_node;
+ existing_min : Ppolygon_node;
+ existing_min := p^;
+ MALLOC(pointer(P^), sizeof(Tpolygon_node), 'polygon node creation');
+ { Create a new vertex node and set its fields }
+ MALLOC(pointer(nv), sizeof(Tvertex_node), 'vertex node creation');
+ nv.x := x;
+ nv.y := y;
+ := nil;
+ { Initialise proxy to point to p itself }
+ p^.proxy := P^;
+ p^.active := FTRUE;
+ p^.next := existing_min;
+ { Make v[LEFT] and v[RIGHT] point to new vertex nv }
+ p^.v[LEFT] := nv;
+ p^.v[RIGHT] := nv;
+ { Assign polygon p to the edge }
+ edge.outp[ABOVE] := p^;
+function count_tristrips(tn : Ppolygon_node) : integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ while tn <> nil do
+ begin
+ if > 2 then Inc(Result);
+ tn :=;
+ end;
+procedure add_vertex(t : PPvertex_node; x, y : double)
+ if t^ <> nil then
+ begin
+ MALLOC(t^, sizeof(Tvertex_node), ttristrip vertex creationt');
+ t^.x := x;
+ t^.y := y;
+ t^.next := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ { Head further down the list }
+ add_vertex(@t^.next, x, y);
+procedure new_tristrip(var tn : Ppolygon_node; edge : Pedge_node; x, y : double);
+ if tn = nil then
+ begin
+ MALLOC(pointer(tn), sizeof(Tpolygon_node), 'tristrip node creation');
+ := nil;
+ tn.v[LEFT] := nil;
+ tn.v[RIGHT] := nil;
+ := 1;
+ add_vertex(tn.v[LEFT], x, y);
+ edge.outp[ABOVE] := tn;
+ end
+ else
+ { Head further down the list }
+ new_tristrip(, edge, x, y);
+function create_contour_bboxes(p : Pgpc_polygon) : PbboxArray;
+ c, v : integer;
+ MALLOC(pointer(Result), p.num_contours * sizeof(Tbbox), 'Bounding box creation');
+ { Construct contour bounding boxes }
+ for c := 0 to p.num_contours - 1 do
+ begin
+ { Initialise bounding box extent }
+ Result[c].xmin := DBL_MAX;
+ Result[c].ymin := DBL_MAX;
+ Result[c].xmax := -DBL_MAX;
+ Result[c].ymax := -DBL_MAX;
+ for v := 0 to p.contour[c].num_vertices - 1 do
+ begin
+ { Adjust bounding Result }
+ if (p.contour[c].vertex[v].x < Result[c].xmin) then
+ Result[c].xmin := p.contour[c].vertex[v].x;
+ if (p.contour[c].vertex[v].y < Result[c].ymin) then
+ Result[c].ymin := p.contour[c].vertex[v].y;
+ if (p.contour[c].vertex[v].x > Result[c].xmax) then
+ Result[c].xmax := p.contour[c].vertex[v].x;
+ if (p.contour[c].vertex[v].y > Result[c].ymax) then
+ Result[c].ymax := p.contour[c].vertex[v].y;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure minimax_test(subj : Pgpc_polygon; clip : Pgpc_polygon; op : Tgpc_op);
+ s_bbox, c_bbox : PbboxArray;
+ s, c : integer;
+ o_table : PIntegerArray;
+ overlap : integer;
+ s_bbox := create_contour_bboxes(subj);
+ c_bbox := create_contour_bboxes(clip);
+ MALLOC(pointer(o_table), subj.num_contours * clip.num_contours * sizeof(Integer),
+ 'overlap table creation');
+ { Check all subject contour bounding boxes against clip boxes }
+ for s := 0 to subj.num_contours - 1 do
+ for c := 0 to clip.num_contours - 1 do
+ o_table[c * subj.num_contours + s] := integer(
+ (not(LT(s_bbox[s].xmax, c_bbox[c].xmin) or
+ GT(s_bbox[s].xmin, c_bbox[c].xmax))) and
+ (not(LT(s_bbox[s].ymax, c_bbox[c].ymin) or
+ GT(s_bbox[s].ymin, c_bbox[c].ymax))));
+ { For each clip contour, search for any subject contour overlaps }
+ for c := 0 to clip.num_contours - 1 do
+ begin
+ overlap := 0; s := 0;
+ while (overlap = 0) and (s < subj.num_contours) do
+ begin
+ overlap := o_table[c * subj.num_contours + s];
+ Inc(s);
+ end;
+ if overlap = 0 then
+ { Flag non contributing status by negating vertex count }
+ clip.contour[c].num_vertices := -clip.contour[c].num_vertices;
+ end;
+ if (op = GPC_INT) then
+ begin
+ { For each subject contour, search for any clip contour overlaps }
+ for s := 0 to subj.num_contours - 1 do
+ begin
+ overlap := 0; c := 0;
+ while (overlap = 0) and (c < clip.num_contours) do
+ begin
+ overlap := o_table[c * subj.num_contours + s];
+ Inc(c);
+ end;
+ if overlap = 0 then
+ { Flag non contributing status by negating vertex count }
+ subj.contour[s].num_vertices := -subj.contour[s].num_vertices;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FREE(pointer(s_bbox));
+ FREE(pointer(c_bbox));
+ FREE(pointer(o_table));
+// Public Functions
+procedure gpc_free_polygon(Polygon : Pgpc_polygon);
+ c : integer;
+ for c := 0 to Polygon.num_contours - 1 do
+ CFree(pointer(Polygon.contour[c].vertex));
+ CFree(pointer(Polygon.hole));
+ CFree(pointer(Polygon.contour));
+ Polygon.num_contours := 0;
+procedure gpc_read_polygon(var f : text; p : Pgpc_polygon);
+ c, v : integer;
+ readln(f, p.num_contours);
+ MALLOC(pointer(p.contour), p.num_contours * sizeof(Tgpc_vertex_list), 'contour creation');
+ for c := 0 to p.num_contours - 1 do
+ begin
+ readln(f, p.contour[c].num_vertices);
+ MALLOC(pointer(p.contour[c].vertex), p.contour[c].num_vertices * sizeof(Tgpc_vertex), 'vertex creation');
+ for v := 0 to p.contour[c].num_vertices - 1 do
+ begin
+ read(f, p.contour[c].vertex[v].x);
+ readln(f, p.contour[c].vertex[v].y);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure gpc_write_polygon(var f : text; p : Pgpc_polygon);
+ c, v : integer;
+ writeln(f, p.num_contours);
+ for c := 0 to p.num_contours - 1 do
+ begin
+ writeln(f, p.contour[c].num_vertices);
+ for v := 0 to p.contour[c].num_vertices - 1 do
+ writeln(f, p.contour[c].vertex[v].x:20:DBL_DIG , ' ' , p.contour[c].vertex[v].y:20:DBL_DIG);
+ end;
+procedure gpc_add_contour(polygon : Pgpc_polygon; contour : Pgpc_vertex_list; hole : integer);
+ c, v : integer;
+ extended_hole : PIntegerArray;
+ extended_contour : Pgpc_vertex_list_array;
+ { Create an extended hole array }
+ MALLOC(pointer(extended_hole), (polygon.num_contours + 1)
+ * sizeof(integer), 'contour hole addition');
+ { Create an extended contour array }
+ MALLOC(pointer(extended_contour), (polygon.num_contours + 1)
+ * sizeof(Tgpc_vertex_list), 'contour addition');
+ { Copy the old contour into the extended contour array }
+ for c := 0 to polygon.num_contours - 1 do
+ begin
+ extended_hole[c] := polygon.hole[c];
+ extended_contour[c] := polygon.contour[c];
+ end;
+ { Copy the new contour onto the end of the extended contour array }
+ c := polygon.num_contours;
+ extended_hole[c] := hole;
+ extended_contour[c].num_vertices := contour.num_vertices;
+ MALLOC(pointer(extended_contour[c].vertex), contour.num_vertices
+ * sizeof(Tgpc_vertex), 'contour addition');
+ for v := 0 to contour.num_vertices - 1 do
+ extended_contour[c].vertex[v] := contour.vertex[v];
+ { Dispose of the old contour }
+ CFREE(pointer(polygon.contour));
+ CFREE(pointer(polygon.hole));
+ { Update the polygon information }
+ Inc(polygon.num_contours);
+ polygon.hole := extended_hole;
+ polygon.contour := extended_contour;
+procedure gpc_polygon_clip(set_operation : Tgpc_op; subject_polygon : Pgpc_polygon;
+ clip_polygon : Pgpc_polygon; result_polygon : Pgpc_polygon);
+ sbtree : Psb_tree;
+ it, intersect : Pit_node;
+ edge, prev_edge, next_edge, succ_edge : Pedge_node;
+ e0, e1 : Pedge_node;
+ aet : Pedge_node;
+ c_heap, s_heap : Pedge_node_array;
+ lmt, local_min : Plmt_node;
+ out_poly, P, Q, poly, npoly, cf : Ppolygon_node;
+ vtx, nv : Pvertex_node;
+ horiz : array[0..1] of Th_state;
+ inn, exists, parity : array[0..1] of integer;
+ c, v, contributing, search, scanbeam : integer;
+ sbt_entries, _class, bl, br, tl, tr : integer;
+ sbt : PDoubleArray;
+ xb, px, yb, yt, dy, ix, iy : double;
+ edge := nil;
+ sbtree := nil; it := nil; aet := nil; lmt := nil;
+ out_poly := nil; cf := nil;
+ inn[0] := LEFT; inn[1] := LEFT;
+ exists[0] := LEFT; exists[1] := LEFT;
+ parity[0] := LEFT; parity[1] := LEFT;
+ scanbeam := 0; sbt_entries := 0;
+ sbt := nil;
+ { Test for trivial NULL result cases }
+ if ((subject_polygon.num_contours = 0) and (clip_polygon.num_contours = 0))
+ or ((subject_polygon.num_contours = 0) and ((set_operation = GPC_INT) or (set_operation = GPC_DIFF)))
+ or ((clip_polygon.num_contours = 0) and (set_operation = GPC_INT)) then
+ begin
+ result_polygon.num_contours := 0;
+ result_polygon.hole := nil;
+ result_polygon.contour := nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Identify potentialy contributing contours }
+ if (((set_operation = GPC_INT) or (set_operation = GPC_DIFF))
+ and (subject_polygon.num_contours > 0) and (clip_polygon.num_contours > 0)) then
+ minimax_test(subject_polygon, clip_polygon, set_operation);
+ { Build LMT }
+ if subject_polygon.num_contours > 0 then
+ s_heap := build_lmt(lmt, sbtree, sbt_entries, subject_polygon, SUBJ, set_operation);
+ if clip_polygon.num_contours > 0 then
+ c_heap := build_lmt(lmt, sbtree, sbt_entries, clip_polygon, CLIP, set_operation);
+ { Return a NULL result if no contours contribute }
+ if lmt = nil then
+ begin
+ result_polygon.num_contours := 0;
+ result_polygon.hole := nil;
+ result_polygon.contour := nil;
+ reset_lmt(lmt);
+ FREE(pointer(s_heap));
+ FREE(pointer(c_heap));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Build scanbeam table from scanbeam tree }
+ MALLOC(pointer(sbt), sbt_entries * sizeof(double), 'sbt creation');
+ build_sbt(scanbeam, sbt^, sbtree);
+ scanbeam := 0;
+ free_sbtree(sbtree);
+ { Allow pointer re-use without causing memory leak }
+ if subject_polygon = result_polygon then
+ gpc_free_polygon(subject_polygon);
+ if clip_polygon = result_polygon then
+ gpc_free_polygon(clip_polygon);
+ { Invert clip polygon for difference operation }
+ if set_operation = GPC_DIFF then
+ parity[CLIP] := RIGHT;
+ local_min := lmt;
+ { Process each scanbeam }
+ while (scanbeam < sbt_entries) do
+ begin
+ { Set yb and yt to the bottom and top of the scanbeam }
+ yb := sbt[scanbeam]; Inc(scanbeam);
+ if scanbeam < sbt_entries then
+ begin
+ yt := sbt[scanbeam];
+ dy := yt - yb;
+ end;
+ { === SCANBEAM BOUNDARY PROCESSING ================================ }
+ { If LMT node corresponding to yb exists }
+ if local_min <> nil then
+ begin
+ if EQ(local_min.y, yb) then
+ begin
+ { Add edges starting at this local minimum to the AET }
+ edge := local_min.first_bound;
+ while edge <> nil do
+ begin
+ add_edge_to_aet(aet, edge, nil);
+ edge := edge.next_bound;
+ end;
+ local_min :=;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Set dummy previous x value }
+ px := -DBL_MAX;
+ { Create bundles within AET }
+ e0 := aet;
+ e1 := aet;
+ { Set up bundle fields of first edge }
+ aet.bundle[ABOVE][integer(aet.typ <> 0)] := integer(NE(, yb));
+ aet.bundle[ABOVE][integer(aet.typ = 0)] := FFALSE;
+ aet.bstate[ABOVE] := UNBUNDLED;
+ next_edge :=;
+ while next_edge <> nil do
+ begin
+ { Set up bundle fields of next edge }
+ next_edge.bundle[ABOVE][next_edge.typ] := integer(NE(, yb));
+ next_edge.bundle[ABOVE][integer(next_edge.typ = 0)] := FFALSE;
+ next_edge.bstate[ABOVE] := UNBUNDLED;
+ { Bundle edges above the scanbeam boundary if they coincide }
+ if next_edge.bundle[ABOVE][next_edge.typ] <> 0 then
+ begin
+ if (EQ(e0.xb, next_edge.xb) and EQ(e0.dx, next_edge.dx)
+ and NE(, yb)) then
+ begin
+ next_edge.bundle[ABOVE][next_edge.typ] := next_edge.bundle[ABOVE][next_edge.typ] xor
+ e0.bundle[ABOVE][ next_edge.typ];
+ next_edge.bundle[ABOVE][integer(next_edge.typ = 0)] :=
+ e0.bundle[ABOVE][integer(next_edge.typ = 0)];
+ next_edge.bstate[ABOVE] := BUNDLE_HEAD;
+ e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] := FFALSE;
+ e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] := FFALSE;
+ e0.bstate[ABOVE] := BUNDLE_TAIL;
+ end;
+ e0 := next_edge;
+ end;
+ next_edge :=;
+ end;
+ horiz[CLIP] := NH;
+ horiz[SUBJ] := NH;
+ { Process each edge at this scanbeam boundary }
+ edge := aet;
+ while edge <> nil do
+ begin
+ exists[CLIP] := edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] +
+ (edge.bundle[BELOW][CLIP] shl 1);
+ exists[SUBJ] := edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] +
+ (edge.bundle[BELOW][SUBJ] shl 1);
+ if (exists[CLIP] <> 0) or (exists[SUBJ] <> 0) then
+ begin
+ { Set bundle side }
+ edge.bside[CLIP] := parity[CLIP];
+ edge.bside[SUBJ] := parity[SUBJ];
+ { Determine contributing status and quadrant occupancies }
+ case set_operation of
+ GPC_INT: begin
+ contributing := integer( ((exists[CLIP] <> 0) and ((parity[SUBJ] <> 0) or (horiz[SUBJ] <> NH)))
+ or ((exists[SUBJ] <> 0) and ((parity[CLIP] <> 0) or (horiz[CLIP] <> NH)))
+ or ((exists[CLIP] <> 0) and (exists[SUBJ] <> 0) and (parity[CLIP] = parity[SUBJ])));
+ br := integer((parity[CLIP] <> 0) and (parity[SUBJ] <> 0));
+ bl := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ and ((parity[SUBJ] xor edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ tr := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor integer(horiz[CLIP] <> NH)) <> 0)
+ and ((parity[SUBJ] xor integer(horiz[SUBJ] <> NH)) <> 0));
+ tl := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor integer(horiz[CLIP] <> NH) xor edge.bundle[BELOW][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ and ((parity[SUBJ] xor integer(horiz[SUBJ] <> NH) xor edge.bundle[BELOW][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ end;
+ GPC_XOR: begin
+ contributing := integer((exists[CLIP] <> 0) or (exists[SUBJ] <> 0));
+ br := integer(parity[CLIP] xor parity[SUBJ]);
+ bl := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ xor ((parity[SUBJ] xor edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ tr := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor integer(horiz[CLIP] <> NH)) <> 0)
+ xor ((parity[SUBJ] xor integer(horiz[SUBJ] <> NH)) <> 0));
+ tl := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor integer(horiz[CLIP] <> NH) xor edge.bundle[BELOW][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ xor ((parity[SUBJ] xor integer(horiz[SUBJ] <> NH) xor edge.bundle[BELOW][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ end;
+ GPC_UNION: begin
+ contributing := integer( ((exists[CLIP] <> 0) and ((parity[SUBJ] = 0) or (horiz[SUBJ] <> NH)))
+ or ((exists[SUBJ] <> 0) and ((parity[CLIP] = 0) or (horiz[CLIP] <> NH)))
+ or ((exists[CLIP] <> 0) and (exists[SUBJ] <> 0) and (parity[CLIP] = parity[SUBJ])));
+ br := integer((parity[CLIP] <> 0) or (parity[SUBJ] <> 0));
+ bl := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ or ((parity[SUBJ] xor edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ tr := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor integer(horiz[CLIP] <> NH)) <> 0)
+ or ((parity[SUBJ] xor integer(horiz[SUBJ] <> NH)) <> 0));
+ tl := integer( ((parity[CLIP] xor integer(horiz[CLIP] <> NH) xor edge.bundle[BELOW][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ or ((parity[SUBJ] xor integer(horiz[SUBJ] <> NH) xor edge.bundle[BELOW][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ end;
+ end; { case }
+ { Update parity }
+(* parity[CLIP] := integer((parity[CLIP] <> 0) xor (edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] <> 0));
+ parity[SUBJ] := integer((parity[SUBJ] <> 0) xor (edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] <> 0));
+ *)
+ parity[CLIP] := parity[CLIP] xor edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP];
+ parity[SUBJ] := parity[SUBJ] xor edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ];
+ { Update horizontal state }
+ if exists[CLIP] <> 0 then
+ horiz[CLIP] :=
+ next_h_state[integer(horiz[CLIP])]
+ [((exists[CLIP] - 1) shl 1) + parity[CLIP]];
+ if exists[SUBJ] <> 0 then
+ horiz[SUBJ] :=
+ next_h_state[integer(horiz[SUBJ])]
+ [((exists[SUBJ] - 1) shl 1) + parity[SUBJ]];
+ _class := tr + (tl shl 1) + (br shl 2) + (bl shl 3);
+ if contributing <> 0 then
+ begin
+ xb := edge.xb;
+ case Tvertex_type(_class) of
+ EMN,
+ IMN: begin
+ add_local_min(@out_poly, edge, xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ cf := edge.outp[ABOVE];
+ end;
+ ERI: begin
+ if NE(xb, px) then
+ begin
+ add_right(cf, xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ end;
+ edge.outp[ABOVE] := cf;
+ cf := nil;
+ end;
+ ELI: begin
+ add_left(edge.outp[BELOW], xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ cf := edge.outp[BELOW];
+ end;
+ EMX: begin
+ if NE(xb, px) then
+ begin
+ add_left(cf, xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ end;
+ merge_right(cf, edge.outp[BELOW], out_poly);
+ cf := nil;
+ end;
+ ILI: begin
+ if NE(xb, px) then
+ begin
+ add_left(cf, xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ end;
+ edge.outp[ABOVE] := cf;
+ cf := nil;
+ end;
+ IRI: begin
+ add_right(edge.outp[BELOW], xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ cf := edge.outp[BELOW];
+ edge.outp[BELOW] := nil;
+ end;
+ IMX: begin
+ if NE(xb, px) then
+ begin
+ add_right(cf, xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ end;
+ merge_left(cf, edge.outp[BELOW], out_poly);
+ cf := nil;
+ edge.outp[BELOW] := nil;
+ end;
+ IMM: begin
+ if NE(xb, px) then
+ begin
+ add_right(cf, xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ end;
+ merge_left(cf, edge.outp[BELOW], out_poly);
+ edge.outp[BELOW] := nil;
+ add_local_min(@out_poly, edge, xb, yb);
+ cf := edge.outp[ABOVE];
+ end;
+ EMM: begin
+ if NE(xb, px) then
+ begin
+ add_left(cf, xb, yb);
+ px := xb;
+ end;
+ merge_right(cf, edge.outp[BELOW], out_poly);
+ edge.outp[BELOW] := nil;
+ add_local_min(@out_poly, edge, xb, yb);
+ cf := edge.outp[ABOVE];
+ end;
+ LED: begin
+ if EQ(, yb) then
+ add_left(edge.outp[BELOW], xb, yb);
+ edge.outp[ABOVE] := edge.outp[BELOW];
+ px := xb;
+ end;
+ RED: begin
+ if EQ(, yb) then
+ add_right(edge.outp[BELOW], xb, yb);
+ edge.outp[ABOVE] := edge.outp[BELOW];
+ px := xb;
+ end;
+ else
+ end; { End of case }
+ end; { End of contributing conditional }
+ end; { End of edge exists conditional }
+ edge :=;
+ end; { End of AET loop }
+ { Delete terminating edges from the AET, otherwise compute xt }
+ edge := aet;
+ while edge <> nil do
+ begin
+ if EQ(, yb) then
+ begin
+ prev_edge := edge.prev;
+ next_edge :=;
+ if prev_edge <> nil then
+ := next_edge
+ else
+ aet := next_edge;
+ if next_edge <> nil then
+ next_edge.prev := prev_edge;
+ { Copy bundle head state to the adjacent tail edge if required }
+ if (edge.bstate[BELOW] = BUNDLE_HEAD) and (prev_edge <> nil) then
+ begin
+ if prev_edge.bstate[BELOW] = BUNDLE_TAIL then
+ begin
+ prev_edge.outp[BELOW] := edge.outp[BELOW];
+ prev_edge.bstate[BELOW] := UNBUNDLED;
+ if prev_edge.prev <> nil then
+ if prev_edge.prev.bstate[BELOW] = BUNDLE_TAIL then
+ prev_edge.bstate[BELOW] := BUNDLE_HEAD;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if EQ(, yt) then
+ edge.xt :=
+ else
+ edge.xt := + edge.dx * (yt -;
+ end;
+ edge :=;
+ end;
+ if scanbeam < sbt_entries then
+ begin
+ { === SCANBEAM INTERIOR PROCESSING ============================== }
+ build_intersection_table(it, aet, dy);
+ { Process each node in the intersection table }
+ intersect := it;
+ while intersect <> nil do
+ begin
+ e0 :=[0];
+ e1 :=[1];
+ { Only generate output for contributing intersections }
+ if ((e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] <> 0) or (e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] <> 0))
+ and ((e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] <> 0) or (e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] <> 0)) then
+ begin
+ P := e0.outp[ABOVE];
+ Q := e1.outp[ABOVE];
+ ix := intersect.point.x;
+ iy := intersect.point.y + yb;
+ inn[CLIP] := integer( ((e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] <> 0) and (e0.bside[CLIP] = 0))
+ or ((e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] <> 0) and (e1.bside[CLIP] <> 0))
+ or ((e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] = 0) and (e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] = 0)
+ and (e0.bside[CLIP] <> 0) and (e1.bside[CLIP] <> 0)));
+ inn[SUBJ] := integer( ((e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] <> 0) and (e0.bside[SUBJ] = 0))
+ or ((e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] <> 0) and (e1.bside[SUBJ] <> 0))
+ or ((e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] = 0) and (e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] = 0)
+ and (e0.bside[SUBJ] <> 0) and (e1.bside[SUBJ] <> 0)));
+ { Determine quadrant occupancies }
+ case set_operation of
+ GPC_INT: begin
+ tr := integer((inn[CLIP] <> 0) and (inn[SUBJ] <> 0));
+ tl := integer( ((inn[CLIP] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ and ((inn[SUBJ] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ br := integer( ((inn[CLIP] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ and ((inn[SUBJ] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ bl := integer( ((inn[CLIP] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ and ((inn[SUBJ] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ end;
+ GPC_XOR: begin
+ tr := integer((inn[CLIP] <> 0) xor (inn[SUBJ] <> 0));
+ tl := integer( (inn[CLIP] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP])
+ xor (inn[SUBJ] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]));
+ br := integer( (inn[CLIP] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP])
+ xor (inn[SUBJ] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]));
+ bl := integer( (inn[CLIP] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP])
+ xor (inn[SUBJ] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]));
+ end;
+ GPC_UNION: begin
+ tr := integer((inn[CLIP] <> 0) or (inn[SUBJ] <> 0));
+ tl := integer( ((inn[CLIP] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ or ((inn[SUBJ] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ br := integer( ((inn[CLIP] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ or ((inn[SUBJ] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ bl := integer( ((inn[CLIP] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP]) <> 0)
+ or ((inn[SUBJ] xor e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] xor e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ]) <> 0));
+ end;
+ end; { case }
+ _class := tr + (tl shl 1) + (br shl 2) + (bl shl 3);
+ case Tvertex_type(_class) of
+ EMN: begin
+ add_local_min(@out_poly, e0, ix, iy);
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := e0.outp[ABOVE];
+ end;
+ ERI: begin
+ if P <> nil then
+ begin
+ add_right(P, ix, iy);
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := P;
+ e0.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ELI: begin
+ if Q <> nil then
+ begin
+ add_left(Q, ix, iy);
+ e0.outp[ABOVE] := Q;
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ EMX: begin
+ if (P <> nil) and (Q <> nil) then
+ begin
+ add_left(P, ix, iy);
+ merge_right(P, Q, out_poly);
+ e0.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ IMN: begin
+ add_local_min(@out_poly, e0, ix, iy);
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := e0.outp[ABOVE];
+ end;
+ ILI: begin
+ if P <> nil then
+ begin
+ add_left(P, ix, iy);
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := P;
+ e0.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ IRI: begin
+ if Q <> nil then
+ begin
+ add_right(Q, ix, iy);
+ e0.outp[ABOVE] := Q;
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ IMX: begin
+ if (P <> nil) and (Q <> nil) then
+ begin
+ add_right(P, ix, iy);
+ merge_left(P, Q, out_poly);
+ e0.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ IMM: begin
+ if (P <> nil) and (Q <> nil) then
+ begin
+ add_right(P, ix, iy);
+ merge_left(P, Q, out_poly);
+ add_local_min(@out_poly, e0, ix, iy);
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := e0.outp[ABOVE];
+ end;
+ end;
+ EMM: begin
+ if (P <> nil) and (Q <> nil) then
+ begin
+ add_left(P, ix, iy);
+ merge_right(P, Q, out_poly);
+ add_local_min(@out_poly, e0, ix, iy);
+ e1.outp[ABOVE] := e0.outp[ABOVE];
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ end; { End of case }
+ end; { End of contributing intersection conditional }
+ { Swap bundle sides in response to edge crossing }
+ if (e0.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] <> 0) then
+ e1.bside[CLIP] := integer(e1.bside[CLIP] = 0);
+ if (e1.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP] <> 0) then
+ e0.bside[CLIP] := integer(e0.bside[CLIP] = 0);
+ if (e0.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] <> 0) then
+ e1.bside[SUBJ] := integer(e1.bside[SUBJ] = 0);
+ if (e1.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ] <> 0) then
+ e0.bside[SUBJ] := integer(e0.bside[SUBJ] = 0);
+ { Swap e0 and e1 bundles in the AET }
+ prev_edge := e0.prev;
+ next_edge :=;
+ if next_edge <> nil then
+ next_edge.prev := e0;
+ if e0.bstate[ABOVE] = BUNDLE_HEAD then
+ begin
+ search := FTRUE;
+ while search <> 0 do
+ begin
+ prev_edge := prev_edge.prev;
+ if prev_edge <> nil then
+ begin
+ if prev_edge.bstate[ABOVE] <> BUNDLE_TAIL then
+ search := FFALSE;
+ end
+ else
+ search := FFALSE;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if prev_edge = nil then
+ begin
+ aet.prev := e1;
+ := aet;
+ aet :=;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ := e1;
+ :=;
+ :=;
+ end;
+ := prev_edge;
+ := e1;
+ := next_edge;
+ intersect :=;
+ end; { End of IT loop}
+ { Prepare for next scanbeam }
+ edge := aet;
+ while edge <> nil do
+ begin
+ next_edge :=;
+ succ_edge := edge.succ;
+ if EQ(, yt) and (succ_edge <> nil) then
+ begin
+ { Replace AET edge by its successor }
+ succ_edge.outp[BELOW] := edge.outp[ABOVE];
+ succ_edge.bstate[BELOW] := edge.bstate[ABOVE];
+ succ_edge.bundle[BELOW][CLIP] := edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP];
+ succ_edge.bundle[BELOW][SUBJ] := edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ];
+ prev_edge := edge.prev;
+ if prev_edge <> nil then
+ := succ_edge
+ else
+ aet := succ_edge;
+ if next_edge <> nil then
+ next_edge.prev := succ_edge;
+ succ_edge.prev := prev_edge;
+ := next_edge;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Update this edge }
+ edge.outp[BELOW] := edge.outp[ABOVE];
+ edge.bstate[BELOW] := edge.bstate[ABOVE];
+ edge.bundle[BELOW][CLIP] := edge.bundle[ABOVE][CLIP];
+ edge.bundle[BELOW][SUBJ] := edge.bundle[ABOVE][SUBJ];
+ edge.xb := edge.xt;
+ end;
+ edge.outp[ABOVE] := nil;
+ edge := next_edge;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; { === END OF SCANBEAM PROCESSING ================================== }
+ { Generate result polygon from out_poly }
+ result_polygon.contour := nil;
+ result_polygon.num_contours := count_contours(out_poly);
+ if result_polygon.num_contours > 0 then
+ begin
+ MALLOC(pointer(result_polygon.hole), result_polygon.num_contours
+ * sizeof(Integer), 'hole flag table creation');
+ MALLOC(pointer(result_polygon.contour), result_polygon.num_contours
+ * sizeof(Tgpc_vertex_list), 'contour creation');
+ poly := out_poly;
+ c := 0;
+ while poly <> nil do
+ begin
+ npoly :=;
+ if <> 0 then
+ begin
+ result_polygon.hole[c] := poly.proxy.hole;
+ result_polygon.contour[c].num_vertices :=;
+ MALLOC(pointer(result_polygon.contour[c].vertex),
+ result_polygon.contour[c].num_vertices * sizeof(Tgpc_vertex),
+ 'vertex creation');
+ v := result_polygon.contour[c].num_vertices - 1;
+ vtx := poly.proxy.v[LEFT];
+ while vtx <> nil do
+ begin
+ nv :=;
+ result_polygon.contour[c].vertex[v].x := vtx.x;
+ result_polygon.contour[c].vertex[v].y := vtx.y;
+ FREE(pointer(vtx));
+ Dec(v);
+ vtx := nv;
+ end;
+ Inc(c);
+ end;
+ FREE(pointer(poly));
+ poly := npoly;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Tidy up }
+ reset_it(it);
+ reset_lmt(lmt);
+ FREE(pointer(c_heap));
+ FREE(pointer(s_heap));
+ FREE(pointer(sbt));
+procedure gpc_free_tristrip(tristrip : Pgpc_tristrip);
+ s : integer;
+ for s := 0 to tristrip.num_strips - 1 do
+ CFREE(pointer(tristrip.strip[s].vertex));
+ CFREE(pointer(tristrip.strip));
+ tristrip.num_strips := 0;
+// End of file: gpc.pas
diff --git a/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/versions.txt b/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/versions.txt
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0b877b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/render/software/agg-demos/gpc/versions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Generic Polygon Clipper (gpc) Revision History
+v2.32 17th Dec 2004
+ Fixed occasional memory leak occurring when processing some
+ degenerate polygon arrangements.
+ Added explicit type casting to memory allocator in support of
+ increased code portability.
+v2.31 4th Jun 1999
+ Separated edge merging measure based on a user-defined GPC_EPSILON
+ value from general numeric equality testing and ordering, which now
+ uses direct arithmetic comparison rather an EPSILON based proximity
+ test.
+ Fixed problem with numerical equality test during construction of
+ local minima and scanbeam tables, leading to occasional crash.
+ Fixed hole array memory leak in gpc_add_contour.
+ Fixed uninitialised hole field bug in gpc_polygon_clip result.
+v2.30 11th Apr 1999
+ Major re-write.
+ Minor API change: additional 'hole' array field added to gpc_polygon
+ datatype to indicate which constituent contours are internal holes,
+ and which form external boundaries.
+ Minor API change: additional 'hole' argument to gpc_add_contour
+ to indicate whether the new contour is a hole or external contour.
+ Minor API change: additional parameter to gpc_read_polygon and
+ gpc_write_polygon to indicate whether or not to read or write
+ contour hole flags.
+ Fixed NULL pointer bug in add/merge left/right operations.
+ Fixed numerical problem in intersection table generation.
+ Fixed zero byte malloc problem.
+ Fixed problem producing occasional 2 vertex contours.
+ Added bounding box test optimisations.
+ Simplified edge bundle creation, detection of scanbeam internal
+ edge intersections and tristrip scanbeam boundary code.
+ Renamed 'class' variable to be C++ friendly.
+v2.22 17th Oct 1998
+ Re-implemented edge interpolation and intersection calculations
+ to improve numerical robustness.
+ Simplified setting of GPC_EPSILON.
+v2.21 19th Aug 1998
+ Fixed problem causing occasional incorrect output when processing
+ self-intersecting polygons (bow-ties etc).
+ Removed bug which may lead to non-generation of uppermost triangle
+ in tristrip output.
+v2.20 26th May 1998
+ Major re-write.
+ Added exclusive-or polygon set operation.
+ Replaced table-based processing of edge intersections with
+ rule-based system.
+ Replaced two-pass approach to scanbeam interior processing with
+ single pass method.
+v2.10a 14th May 1998
+ Minor bug-fixes to counter some v2.10 reliability problems.
+v2.10 11th May 1998
+ Major re-write.
+ Incorporated edge bundle processing of AET to overcome coincident
+ edge problems present in previous releases.
+ Replaced Vatti's method for processing scanbeam interior regions
+ with an adapted version of the scanbeam boundary processing
+ algorithm.
+v2.02 16th Apr 1998 (unreleased)
+ Fixed internal minimum vertex duplication in gpc_polygon_clip
+ result.
+ Improved line intersection code discourage superfluous
+ intersections near line ends.
+ Removed limited precision number formatting in gpc_write_polygon.
+ Modification to allow subject or clip polygon to be reused as the
+ result in gpc_polygon_clip without memory leakage.
+v2.01 23rd Feb 1998
+ Removed bug causing duplicated vertices in output polygon.
+ Fixed scanbeam table index overrun problem.
+v2.00 25th Nov 1997
+ Major re-write.
+ Replaced temporary horizontal edge work-around (using tilting)
+ with true horizontal edge handling.
+ Trapezoidal output replaced by tristrips.
+ gpc_op constants now feature a `GPC_' prefix.
+ Data structures now passed by reference to gpc functions.
+ Replaced AET search by proxy addressing in polygon table.
+ Eliminated most (all?) coincident vertex / edge crashes.
+v1.02 18th Oct 1997 (unreleased)
+ Significantly reduced number of mallocs in build_lmt.
+ Scanbeam table now built using heapsort rather than insertion
+ sort.
+v1.01 12th Oct 1997
+ Fixed memory leak during output polygon build in
+ gpc_clip_polygon.
+ Removed superfluous logfile debug code.
+ Commented out malloc counts.
+ Added missing horizontal edge tilt-correction code in
+ gpc_clip_polygon.
+v1.00 8th Oct 1997
+ First release.