path: root/src/corelib/gfx_cmdlineparams.pas
diff options
authorgraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2008-09-27 18:24:54 +0000
committergraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2008-09-27 18:24:54 +0000
commit8eb1030c56d6a1228d3145b247f75c733576e511 (patch)
treeb07af847fe22e6ea153e1c0088a257f72dd9f02f /src/corelib/gfx_cmdlineparams.pas
parent1c50f4279f89d41dd1d85964645217860f5c0b9c (diff)
* Rename all corelib units to the new naming convention.
* Updated the UI Designer to use the new unit names.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/gfx_cmdlineparams.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 432 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/gfx_cmdlineparams.pas b/src/corelib/gfx_cmdlineparams.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e833f81..00000000
--- a/src/corelib/gfx_cmdlineparams.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
- fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library
- Unit to handle command line processing
- Copyright (C) 2007 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
- distribution, for details of the copyright.
- See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
- for details about redistributing fpGUI.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-unit gfx_cmdlineparams;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes;
- ctiCommandLineParamPrefix = '-';
- TGfxCommandLineParams = class(TObject)
- private
- FsParams: string;
- FslParams: TStringList;
- procedure ReadParams;
- function WordExtract(const AInput: string; const APos: integer; const ADelims: string): string;
- function WordCount(const AStrToProcess: string; ADelims: string): integer;
- function WordPosition(const AN: integer; const AStr: string; ADelims: string): integer;
- function ExtractChar(const AValue: string; const APos: integer): char;
- function CharInStr(const AChr: char; const AStr: string): boolean;
- function StripLeadingDelims(const AStrToProcess: string; ADelims: string): string;
- function StripTrailingDelims(const AStrToProcess: string; ADelims: string): string;
- function NumToken(const AValue, AToken: string): integer;
- function Token(const AValue, AToken: string; const APos: integer): string;
- function StrTran(AValue, ADel, AIns: string): string;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function IsParam(const AParam: string): boolean; overload;
- function IsParam(const AParams: array of string): boolean; overload;
- function GetParam(const AParam: string): string;
- property Params: TStringList read FslParams;
- property AsString: string read FsParams;
- end;
-// Singleton
-function gCommandLineParams: TGfxCommandLineParams;
- SysUtils;
- uCommandLineParams: TGfxCommandLineParams;
-// Singleton
-function gCommandLineParams: TGfxCommandLineParams;
- if uCommandLineParams = nil then
- uCommandLineParams := TGfxCommandLineParams.Create;
- result := uCommandLineParams;
-{ TGfxCommandLineParams }
-constructor TGfxCommandLineParams.Create;
- inherited;
- FslParams := TStringList.Create;
- ReadParams;
-destructor TGfxCommandLineParams.destroy;
- FslParams.Free;
- inherited;
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.GetParam(const AParam: string): string;
- result := FslParams.Values[ upperCase(AParam)];
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.IsParam(const AParam: string): boolean;
- i: integer;
- result := false;
- for i := 0 to FslParams.Count - 1 do begin
- if FslParams.Names[i] = upperCase(AParam) then begin
- result := true;
- break; //==>
- end;
- end;
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.IsParam(const AParams: array of string): boolean;
- i: integer;
- result := false;
- for i := Low(AParams) to High(AParams) do
- if IsParam(AParams[i]) then
- begin
- result := true;
- Exit; //==>
- end;
-procedure TGfxCommandLineParams.ReadParams;
- i: integer;
- j: integer;
- lsNameValue: string;
- lsValue: string;
- lsName: string;
- cDelim = ' ';
- lsValue := '';
- FsParams := '';
- j := ParamCount;
- for i := 1 to j do begin
- if FsParams <> '' then FsParams := FsParams + cDelim;
- FsParams := FsParams + ParamStr(i);
- end ;
- j := WordCount(FsParams, ctiCommandLineParamPrefix);
- for i := 1 to j do begin
- lsNameValue := WordExtract(FsParams, i, ctiCommandLineParamPrefix);
- lsName := Token(lsNameValue, cDelim, 1);
- lsValue := copy(lsNameValue, length(lsName) + 1,
- length(FsParams) - length(lsValue));
- lsValue := Trim(lsValue);
- lsName := StrTran(lsName, ctiCommandLineParamPrefix, '');
- lsName := upperCase(lsName);
- FslParams.Add(lsName + '=' + lsValue);
- end;
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.StrTran(AValue, ADel, AIns: string): string;
- i: integer;
- sToChange: string;
- result := '';
- sToChange := AValue;
- i := pos(ADel, sToChange);
- while i <> 0 do
- begin
- result := result + copy(sToChange, 1, i-1) + AIns;
- delete(sToChange, 1, i+length(ADel)-1);
- i := pos(ADel, sToChange);
- end;
- result := result + sToChange;
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.NumToken(const AValue, AToken: string): integer;
- i, iCount: integer;
- lsValue: string;
- result := 0;
- if AValue = '' then
- Exit; //==>
- iCount := 0;
- lsValue := AValue;
- i := pos(AToken, lsValue);
- while i <> 0 do
- begin
- delete(lsValue, i, length(AToken));
- inc(iCount);
- i := pos(AToken, lsValue);
- end;
- result := iCount + 1;
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.Token(const AValue, AToken: string;
- const APos: integer): string;
- i, iCount, iNumToken: integer;
- lsValue: string;
- result := '';
- iNumToken := NumToken(AValue, AToken);
- if APos = 1 then
- begin
- if pos(AToken, AValue) = 0 then
- result := AValue
- else
- result := copy(AValue, 1, pos(AToken, AValue)-1);
- end
- else if (iNumToken < APos-1) or (APos<1) then
- begin
- result := '';
- end
- else
- begin
- { Remove leading blocks }
- iCount := 1;
- lsValue := AValue;
- i := pos(AToken, lsValue);
- while (i<>0) and (iCount<APos) do
- begin
- delete(lsValue, 1, i + length(AToken) - 1);
- inc(iCount);
- i := pos(AToken, lsValue);
- end;
- if (i=0) and (iCount=APos) then
- result := lsValue
- else if (i=0) and (iCount<>APos) then
- result := ''
- else
- result := copy(lsValue, 1, i-1);
- end;
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.WordExtract(const AInput: string;
- const APos: integer; const ADelims: string): string;
- iStart: integer;
- i: integer;
- iLen: integer;
- result := '';
- // Find the starting pos of the Nth word
- iStart := WordPosition(APos, AInput, ADelims);
- if iStart <> 0 then
- begin
- i := iStart;
- iLen := length(AInput);
- // Build up result until we come to our next wordDelim
- // while (i <= iLen) and not(S[i] in ADelims) do begin
- while (i <= iLen) and not(CharInStr(ExtractChar(AInput, i), ADelims)) do
- begin
- result := result + ExtractChar(AInput, i);
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.WordPosition(const AN: integer;
- const AStr: string; ADelims: string): integer;
- lCount: integer;
- lI: Word;
- lSLen: integer;
- lCount := 0;
- lI := 1;
- Result := 0;
- lSLen := length(AStr);
- while (lI <= lSLen) and (lCount <> AN) do
- begin
- while (lI <= lSLen) and (CharInStr(ExtractChar(AStr, lI), ADelims)) do
- begin
- Inc(lI);
- end;
- // if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word
- if lI <= lSLen then
- begin
- Inc(lCount);
- end;
- // if not finished, find the end of the current word
- if lCount <> AN then
- begin
- while (lI <= lSLen) and not(CharInStr(ExtractChar(AStr, lI), ADelims)) do
- begin
- Inc(lI);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := lI;
- end;
- end;
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.ExtractChar(const AValue: string;
- const APos: integer): char;
- lResult: string;
- if APos > length(AValue) then
- begin
- result := ' ';
- exit;
- end;
- lResult := copy(AValue, APos, 1);
- result := lResult[1];
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.StripLeadingDelims(const AStrToProcess: string;
- ADelims: string): string;
- i: integer;
- lCharCurrent: char;
- result := AStrToProcess;
- // Loop through each char in the string
- for i := 1 to length(AStrToProcess) do
- begin
- // Extract the current character
- lCharCurrent := ExtractChar(AStrToProcess, i);
- // Is this character a NON word delim?, then we have found the body of the string.
- if not CharInStr(lCharCurrent, ADelims) then
- begin
- result := copy(AStrToProcess, i,
- length(AStrToProcess) - i + 1);
- exit; //==>
- // The current char is a word delim, but we are at the end of the string -
- // so no words
- end
- else
- begin
- if i = length(AStrToProcess) then
- begin
- result := '';
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// Strip any trailing ADelims
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.StripTrailingDelims(const AStrToProcess: string;
- ADelims: string): string;
- i: integer;
- lCharCurrent: char;
- result := AStrToProcess;
- // Loop through each char in the string
- for i := length(AStrToProcess) downto 1 do
- begin
- // Extract the current character
- lCharCurrent := ExtractChar(AStrToProcess, i);
- // Is this character a NON word delim?, then we have found the body of the string.
- if not CharInStr(lCharCurrent, ADelims) then
- begin
- result := copy(AStrToProcess, 1, i);
- exit; //==>
- // The current char is a word delim, but we are at the beginning of the string -
- // so no words
- end
- else
- begin
- if i = length(AStrToProcess) then
- begin
- result := '';
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// Given a set of word delimiters, return number of words in S
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.WordCount(const AStrToProcess: string;
- ADelims: string): integer;
- i: integer;
- lCharLast: char;
- lCharCurrent: char;
- lStrToProcess: string;
- // Strip any leading ADelims
- lStrToProcess := StripLeadingDelims(AStrToProcess, ADelims);
- lStrToProcess := StripTrailingDelims(lStrToProcess, ADelims);
- // If lStrToProcess is empty, then there are no words
- if lStrToProcess = '' then
- begin
- result := 0;
- Exit; //==>
- end;
- // lStrToProcess is not empty, therefore there must be at least one word
- // Every wordDelim we find equals another word:
- // 0 word delim := 1 word
- // 1 word delim := 2 words...
- result := 1;
- // lCharLast is used to check for more than 1 wordDelim together
- lCharLast := #0;
- for i := 1 to length(lStrToProcess) do
- begin
- lCharCurrent := ExtractChar(lStrToProcess, i);
- if CharInStr(lCharCurrent, ADelims) and not(CharInStr(lCharLast, ADelims)) then
- begin
- inc(result);
- end;
- lCharLast := lCharCurrent;
- end;
-// Is AChr in the string AStr ?
-function TGfxCommandLineParams.CharInStr(const AChr: char; const AStr: string): boolean;
- result := pos(AChr, AStr) <> 0;
- uCommandLineParams.Free;