path: root/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_oledragdrop.pas
diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2012-11-22 11:48:47 +0000
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2012-11-22 11:48:47 +0000
commitaf45f95f16cee22f8f012f706f4d0a42eaeb68fa (patch)
treec572c1cc6a7d3bb12874d8f9b9363312b275e328 /src/corelib/gdi/fpg_oledragdrop.pas
parent9c62dfaf7217557f08a3d33b20bb302874960f87 (diff)
Fixes line ending issues
Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/gdi/fpg_oledragdrop.pas')
1 files changed, 1074 insertions, 1074 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_oledragdrop.pas b/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_oledragdrop.pas
index 36eed0a5..11798bb6 100644
--- a/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_oledragdrop.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/gdi/fpg_oledragdrop.pas
@@ -1,1074 +1,1074 @@
- fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
- distribution, for details of the copyright.
- See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
- for details about redistributing fpGUI.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Description:
- This unit implements the OLE Drag-n-Drop functionality of Windows.
- This unit is implemented based on the articles posted on
-unit fpg_OLEDragDrop;
-{$mode delphi}{$H+}
- Windows, Classes, ActiveX, ShellAPI, fpg_base;
- TfpgOLEFormatEtcList = class(TList)
- private
- function GetFormatEtc(Index: Integer): PFormatEtc;
- protected
- procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override;
- public
- constructor CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
- property FormatEtc[Index: Integer]: PFormatEtc read GetFormatEtc; default;
- end;
- TfpgOLEStgMediumList = class(TList)
- private
- function GetStgMedium(Index: Integer): PStgMedium;
- protected
- procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override;
- public
- property StgMedium[Index: Integer]: PStgMedium read GetStgMedium; default;
- end;
- TfpgOLEDropSource = class(TInterfacedObject, IDropSource)
- private
- { IDropSource }
- function QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: DWORD):HResult; StdCall;
- function GiveFeedback(dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; StdCall;
- {$ELSE}
- function QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- function GiveFeedback(dwEffect: longint): HResult; stdcall;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- TfpgOLEDragDropEffect = (deNone, deCopy, deMove, deLink);
- TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD) of object;
- TfpgOLEDragOverEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect) of object;
- TfpgOLEDragDropEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect) of object;
- TfpgOLEDropTarget = class(TObject, IInterface, IDropTarget)
- private
- FDropTarget: TfpgWindowBase;
- FRegistered: Boolean;
- FOnDragEnter: TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent;
- FOnDragOver: TfpgOLEDragOverEvent;
- FOnDragLeave: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnDragDrop: TfpgOLEDragDropEvent;
- private
- { IInterface }
- function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid: TGuid; out obj): LongInt; stdcall;
- function _AddRef: longint; stdcall;
- function _Release: longint; stdcall;
- { IDropTarget }
- function DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;StdCall;
- function DragOver(grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
- function DragLeave: HResult; stdcall;
- function Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
- protected
- procedure DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); virtual;
- procedure DoDragOver(KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); virtual;
- procedure DoDragLeave;
- procedure DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); virtual;
- public
- property OnDragEnter: TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent read FOnDragEnter write FOnDragEnter;
- property OnDragOver: TfpgOLEDragOverEvent read FOnDragOver write FOnDragOver;
- property OnDragLeave: TNotifyEvent read FOnDragLeave write FOnDragLeave;
- property OnDragDrop: TfpgOLEDragDropEvent read FOnDragDrop write FOnDragDrop;
- public
- constructor Create(ADropTargetWidget: TfpgWindowBase); reintroduce; { Actually a TfpgWidget }
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure RegisterDragDrop;
- procedure RevokeDragDrop;
- property DropTarget: TfpgWindowBase read FDropTarget;
- end;
- TfpgOLEDataObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IDataObject)
- private
- FFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList;
- FStgMediumList: TfpgOLEStgMediumList;
- function LookupFormatEtc(AFormat: TFormatEtc): Integer;
- protected
- { IDataObject }
- function GetData(const formatetcIn: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetDataHere(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
- function QueryGetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out formatetcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function SetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; const medium: TStgMedium; fRelease: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
- function EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection: DWORD; out enumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function DAdvise(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; advf: DWORD; const advSink: IAdviseSink; out dwConnection: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
- function DUnadvise(dwConnection: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
- function EnumDAdvise(out enumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult; stdcall;
- public
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList); overload;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property FormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList read FFormatEtcList;
- property StgMediumList: TfpgOLEStgMediumList read FStgMediumList;
- end;
- TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc = class(TInterfacedObject, IEnumFORMATETC)
- private
- FFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList;
- FIndex: Integer;
- protected
- function Next(celt: ULong; out elt:FormatEtc; pceltFetched: pULong=nil): HResult; stdcall;
- function Skip(celt: ULong): HResult; stdcall;
- function Reset: HResult; stdcall;
- function Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- public
- constructor Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TDragFilesSource = class(TObject)
- private
- FFileNames: TStrings;
- FAliasFileNames: TStrings;
- function GetAliasFileNames: TStrings;
- function GetSourceFileNames: TStrings;
- procedure SetAliasFileNames(const Value: TStrings);
- procedure SetSourceFileNames(const Value: TStrings);
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Execute;
- property SourceFileNames: TStrings read GetSourceFileNames write SetSourceFileNames;
- property AliasFileNames: TStrings read GetAliasFileNames write SetAliasFileNames;
- end;
- TDragAcceptFilesEvent = function(Sender: TObject; FileNames: TStrings): Boolean of object;
- TDragAcceptPositionEvent = function(Sender: TObject; PT: TPoint): Boolean of object;
- TDropFilesEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; PT: TPoint; FileNames: TStrings) of object;
- TDragFilesTarget = class(TfpgOLEDropTarget)
- private
- FDragAcceptFiles: Boolean;
- FOnDragAcceptFiles: TDragAcceptFilesEvent;
- FOnDragAcceptPosition: TDragAcceptPositionEvent;
- FOnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent;
- procedure GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle: HDROP; SL: TStrings);
- procedure StreamToFile(Stream: IStream; const FileName: string);
- protected
- function DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj: IDataObject): Boolean;
- function DoDragAcceptPosition(PT: TPoint): Boolean;
- procedure DoDropFiles(DataObj: IDataObject; PT: TPoint);
- procedure DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); override;
- procedure DoDragOver(KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); override;
- procedure DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); override;
- public
- property OnDragAcceptFiles: TDragAcceptFilesEvent read FOnDragAcceptFiles write FOnDragAcceptFiles;
- property OnDragAcceptPosition: TDragAcceptPositionEvent read FOnDragAcceptPosition write FOnDragAcceptPosition;
- property OnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent read FOnDropFiles write FOnDropFiles;
- end;
-function WindowsMimeLookup(const CFFormat: string): string;
-function WindowsClipboardLookup(const AMime: string; var IsTranslated: Boolean): DWORD;
-function EnumDataToStringList(DataObj: IDataObject): TStringList;
-function GetFormatEtc(const CFFormat: DWORD): FORMATETC;
- SysUtils, ShlObj, fpg_widget;
-function WindowsMimeLookup(const CFFormat: string): string;
- { replace known clipboard formats with mime types }
- if CFFormat = 'CF_TEXT' then
- Result := 'text/plain'
- else if CFFormat = 'CF_UNICODETEXT' then
- Result := 'text/plain'
- else if CFFormat = 'CF_OEMTEXT' then
- Result := 'text/plain'
- else if CFFormat = 'CF_HDROP' then
- Result := 'text/uri-list'
- else if CFFormat = 'CF_RICHTEXT' then
- Result := 'text/html'
- else
- Result := CFFormat;
-function WindowsClipboardLookup(const AMime: string; var IsTranslated: Boolean): DWORD;
- { TODO: We need to improve this implementation }
- if AMime = 'text/html' then
- begin
- { We don't want duplicate CF_TEXT in DataObject, so register some of our
- known convenience types (from TfpgMimeData) as-is }
- IsTranslated := False;
- Result := RegisterClipboardFormat('text/html');
- end
- else if Pos('text/', AMime) = 1 then
- begin
- IsTranslated := True;
- Result := CF_TEXT; // fallback result
- end
- else
- begin
- IsTranslated := False;
- Result := RegisterClipboardFormat(PChar(AMime));
- end;
-function WindowsClipboardFormatToString(const CFFormat: integer): string;
- { replace know clipboard formats with mime types }
- case CFFormat of
- CF_DIF : result := 'CF_DIF';
- CF_DIB : result := 'CF_DIB';
- CF_TEXT : result := 'CF_TEXT';
- CF_SYLK : result := 'CF_SYLK';
- CF_TIFF : result := 'CF_TIFF';
- CF_RIFF : result := 'CF_RIFF';
- CF_WAVE : result := 'CF_WAVE';
- CF_HDROP : result := 'CF_HDROP';
- CF_BITMAP : result := 'CF_BITMAP';
- CF_LOCALE : result := 'CF_LOCALE';
- CF_OEMTEXT : result := 'CF_OEMTEXT';
- CF_PALETTE : result := 'CF_PALETTE';
- CF_PENDATA : result := 'CF_PENDATA';
- else
- Result := Format('unknown (%d)', [CFFormat]);
- end;
-function EnumDataToStringList(DataObj: IDataObject): TStringList;
- EnumFormats: IEnumFORMATETC;
- num: integer;
- lname: string;
- lMimeName: string;
- FormatName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- i: integer;
- if DataObj.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, EnumFormats) <> S_OK then
- raise Exception.Create('EnumDataToStringList: Failed to get EnumFormatEtc interface');
- Result := TStringList.Create;
- EnumFormats.Reset;
- while EnumFormats.Next(1, FE, @num) = S_OK do
- begin
- lName := '';
- i := GetClipboardFormatName(FE.cfFormat,FormatName,MAX_PATH);
- if i <> 0 then
- begin
- lName := FormatName;
- end
- else
- begin
- lName := WindowsClipboardFormatToString(FE.cfFormat);
- end;
- Result.Add(lName);
- end;
-function GetFormatEtc(const CFFormat: DWORD): FORMATETC;
- Result.CfFormat := CFFormat;
- Result.Ptd := nil;
- Result.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- Result.lindex := -1;
- Result.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
-procedure DeepCopyFormatEtc(P1, P2: PFormatEtc);
- P2^ := P1^;
- if P1^.ptd <> nil then begin
- P2^.ptd := CoTaskMemAlloc(SizeOf(tagDVTARGETDEVICE));
- P2^.ptd^ := P1^.ptd^;
- end;
-function DupGlobalMem(hMem: HGLOBAL): HGLOBAL;
- len: DWORD;
- Source: Pointer;
- Dest: HGLOBAL;
- len := GlobalSize(hMem);
- Source := GlobalLock(hMem);
- Dest := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, len);
- Move(Source^, Pointer(Dest)^, len);
- GlobalUnlock(hMem);
- Result := Dest;
-{ TDragFilesSource }
-constructor TDragFilesSource.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FFileNames := TStringList.Create;
- FAliasFileNames := TStringList.Create;
-destructor TDragFilesSource.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FFileNames);
- FreeAndNil(FAliasFileNames);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TDragFilesSource.Execute;
- DataObject: TfpgOLEDataObject;
- DropSource: TfpgOLEDropSource;
- dwEffect: DWORD;
- dwResult: HRESULT;
- I: Integer;
- F: PFormatEtc;
- S: string;
- M: PStgMedium;
- DataObject := TfpgOLEDataObject.Create;
- { append filenames as one long string delimited by #0. ie: something like a PChar }
- S := '';
- for I := 0 to FFileNames.Count - 1 do
- begin
- SetLength(S, Length(S)+Length(FFileNames[I])+1);
- Move(FFileNames[I][1], S[Length(S)-Length(FFileNames[I])], Length(FFileNames[I]));
- S[Length(S)] := #0;
- end;
- SetLength(S, Length(S)+1);
- S[Length(S)] := #0;
- { description of data we are sending }
- New(F);
- F^.cfFormat := CF_HDROP;
- F^.ptd := nil;
- F^.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- F^.lindex := -1;
- F^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- DataObject.FormatEtcList.Add(F);
- { storage for data we are sending }
- New(M);
- M^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- M^.hGlobal := Cardinal(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, SizeOf(TDropFiles)+Length(S)));
- PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.pFiles := SizeOf(TDropFiles);
- PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.pt := Point(0,0);
- PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.fNC := FALSE;
- PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.fWide := FALSE;
- Move(S[1], PChar(M^.hGlobal+SizeOf(TDropFiles))^, Length(S));
- DataObject.StgMediumList.Add(M);
- if (FAliasFileNames.Count > 0) and (FAliasFileNames.Count = FFileNames.Count) then
- begin
- { append filename aliases as one long string delimited by #0. ie: something like a PChar }
- S := '';
- for I := 0 to FAliasFileNames.Count - 1 do
- begin
- SetLength(S, Length(S)+Length(FAliasFileNames[I])+1);
- Move(FAliasFileNames[I][1], S[Length(S)-Length(FAliasFileNames[I])], Length(FAliasFileNames[I]));
- S[Length(S)] := #0;
- end;
- SetLength(S, Length(S)+1);
- S[Length(S)] := #0;
- { description of data we are sending }
- New(F);
- F^.cfFormat := CF_FILENAMEMAP;
- F^.ptd := nil;
- F^.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- F^.lindex := -1;
- F^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- DataObject.FormatEtcList.Add(F);
- { storage for data we are sending }
- New(M);
- M^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- M^.hGlobal := Cardinal(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, Length(S)));
- Move(S[1], PChar(M^.hGlobal)^, Length(S));
- DataObject.StgMediumList.Add(M);
- end;
- DropSource := TfpgOLEDropSource.Create;
- dwResult := ActiveX.DoDragDrop(DataObject as IDataObject, DropSource as IDropSource, DROPEFFECT_COPY, @dwEffect);
- if dwResult = DRAGDROP_S_DROP then
- begin
- if dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY then
- begin
- // nothing to do. If this whas xxx_MOVE, we would remove data from source
- end;
- end;
-function TDragFilesSource.GetAliasFileNames: TStrings;
- Result := FAliasFileNames;
-function TDragFilesSource.GetSourceFileNames: TStrings;
- Result := FFileNames;
-procedure TDragFilesSource.SetAliasFileNames(const Value: TStrings);
- FAliasFileNames.Assign(Value);
-procedure TDragFilesSource.SetSourceFileNames(const Value: TStrings);
- FFileNames.Assign(Value);
-{ TfpgOLEDropSource }
-function TfpgOLEDropSource.GiveFeedback(dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;
-function TfpgOLEDropSource.GiveFeedback(dwEffect: longint): HResult;
-function TfpgOLEDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: DWORD):HResult;
-function TfpgOLEDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: LongInt): HResult;
- if FEscapePressed then
- else if (grfKeyState and (MK_LBUTTON or MK_RBUTTON) = 0) then
- else
- Result := S_OK;
- writeln('TfpgOLEDropSource.QueryContinueDrag Result = ', Result);
- {$ENDIF}
-{ TfpgOLEDataObject }
-constructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
- inherited Create;
- FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList);
- FStgMediumList := TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Create;
-constructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Create;
- inherited Create;
- FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.Create;
- FStgMediumList := TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Create;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.DAdvise(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; advf: DWORD;
- const advSink: IAdviseSink; out dwConnection: DWORD): HResult;
-destructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FFormatEtcList);
- FreeAndNil(FStgMediumList);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.DUnadvise(dwConnection: DWORD): HResult;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.EnumDAdvise(out enumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection: DWORD;
- out enumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult;
- if dwDirection = DATADIR_GET then
- begin
- enumFormatEtc := TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(FFormatEtcList) as IEnumFormatEtc;
- Result := S_OK;
- end
- else begin
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
- end;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
- out formatetcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult;
- // Apparently we have to set this field to NULL even though we don't do anything else
- formatetcOut.ptd := nil;
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetData(const formatetcIn: TFormatEtc;
- out medium: TStgMedium): HResult;
- Idx: Integer;
- Idx := LookupFormatEtc(formatetcIn);
- if Idx = -1 then
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC
- else
- begin
- medium.tymed := FFormatEtcList[Idx]^.tymed;
- medium.PUnkForRelease := nil;
- if medium.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL then
- begin
- medium.hGlobal := DupGlobalMem(FStgMediumList[Idx]^.hGlobal);
- Result := S_OK;
- end
- else
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetDataHere(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
- out medium: TStgMedium): HResult;
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.LookupFormatEtc(AFormat: TFormatEtc): Integer;
- I: Integer;
- Result := -1;
- for I := 0 to FFormatEtcList.Count - 1 do begin
- if (FFormatEtcList[I]^.cfFormat = AFormat.cfFormat) and
- (FFormatEtcList[I]^.dwAspect = AFormat.dwAspect) and
- (FFormatEtcList[I]^.tymed = AFormat.tymed) then begin
- Result := I;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.QueryGetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc): HResult;
- if LookupFormatEtc(formatetc) >= 0 then begin
- Result := S_OK;
- end
- else begin
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
-function TfpgOLEDataObject.SetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
- const medium: TStgMedium; fRelease: BOOL): HResult;
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
-{ TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc }
-function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult;
- C: TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc;
- // make a duplicate enumerator
- C := TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(FFormatEtcList);
- // manually set the index state
- C.FIndex := FIndex;
- Enum := C as IEnumFormatEtc;
- Result := S_OK;
-constructor TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
- FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList);
- FIndex := 0;
-destructor TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Destroy;
- FreeAndNil(FFormatEtcList);
- inherited;
-function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Next(celt: ULong; out elt:FormatEtc;
- pceltFetched: pULong): HResult;
- Copied: Integer;
- OutBuf: PFormatEtc;
- // copy the FORMATETC structures into the caller's buffer
- OutBuf := PFormatEtc(@elt);
- Copied := 0;
- while(FIndex < FFormatEtcList.Count) and (Copied < celt) do begin
- DeepCopyFormatEtc(FFormatEtcList[FIndex], OutBuf);
- OutBuf := PFormatEtc(Cardinal(OutBuf) + SizeOf(TFormatEtc));
- Inc(Copied);
- FIndex := FIndex + 1;
- end;
- // store result
- if (pceltFetched <> nil) then
- pceltFetched^ := Copied;
- // did we copy all that was requested?
- if (Copied = celt) then Result := S_OK
- else Result := S_FALSE;
-function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Reset: HResult;
- FIndex := 0;
- Result := S_OK;
-function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Skip(celt: ULong): HResult;
- FIndex := FIndex + celt;
- if FIndex <= FFormatEtcList.Count then Result := S_OK
- else Result := S_FALSE;
-{ TfpgOLEFormatEtcList }
-constructor TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
- I: Integer;
- P: PFormatEtc;
- Create;
- for I := 0 to AFormatEtcList.Count - 1 do begin
- New(P);
- DeepCopyFormatEtc(AFormatEtcList[I], P);
- Add(P);
- end;
-function TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.GetFormatEtc(Index: Integer): PFormatEtc;
- Result := PFormatEtc(Get(Index));
-procedure TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification);
- if Action = lnDeleted then begin
- if PFormatEtc(Ptr)^.ptd <> nil then begin
- CoTaskMemFree(PFormatEtc(Ptr)^.ptd);
- end;
- Dispose(PFormatEtc(Ptr));
- end;
- inherited;
-{ TfpgOLEStgMediumList }
-function TfpgOLEStgMediumList.GetStgMedium(Index: Integer): PStgMedium;
- Result := PStgMedium(Get(Index));
-procedure TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification);
- if Action = lnDeleted then begin
- if PStgMedium(Ptr)^.hGlobal <> 0 then begin
- GlobalFree(PStgMedium(Ptr)^.hGlobal);
- end;
- Dispose(Ptr);
- end;
- inherited;
-{ TfpgOLEDropTarget }
-function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject;
- grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;
-// Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect;
- //dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
- //Effect := deNone;
- DoDragEnter(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect);
- //case Effect of
- // deNone: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
- // deCopy: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_COPY;
- // deMove: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_MOVE;
- // deLink: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_LINK;
- //end;
- Result := S_OK;
-function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragLeave: HResult;
- Result := S_OK;
- DoDragLeave;
-function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragOver(grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint;
- var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;
- Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect;
- if ((MK_SHIFT and grfKeyState) = MK_SHIFT) and
- ((dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE) = DROPEFFECT_MOVE) then begin
- Effect := deMove;
- end;
- if ((MK_CONTROL and grfKeyState) = MK_CONTROL) and
- ((dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY) = DROPEFFECT_COPY) then begin
- Effect := deCopy;
- end;
- if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY > 0 then Effect := deCopy
- else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE > 0 then Effect := deMove
- else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_LINK > 0 then Effect := deLink
- else Effect := deNone;
- DoDragOver(grfKeyState, pt, Effect);
- case Effect of
- deNone: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
- deCopy: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_COPY;
- deMove: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_MOVE;
- deLink: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_LINK;
- end;
- Result := S_OK;
-function TfpgOLEDropTarget.Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject;
- grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;
- Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect;
- if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY > 0 then
- Effect := deCopy
- else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE > 0 then
- Effect := deMove
- else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_LINK > 0 then
- Effect := deLink
- else
- Effect := deNone;
- DoDragDrop(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, Effect);
- Result := S_OK;
-function TfpgOLEDropTarget._AddRef: longint;
- Result := 1;
-function TfpgOLEDropTarget._Release: longint;
- Result := 1;
-function TfpgOLEDropTarget.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid: TGuid; out obj): longint; stdcall;
- if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
-constructor TfpgOLEDropTarget.Create(ADropTargetWidget: TfpgWindowBase);
- inherited Create;
- FDropTarget := ADropTargetWidget;
- FRegistered := False;
-procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.RegisterDragDrop;
- ActiveX.RegisterDragDrop(TfpgWidget(FDropTarget).WinHandle, Self as IDropTarget);
- FRegistered := True;
-procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.RevokeDragDrop;
- FRegistered := False;
- ActiveX.RevokeDragDrop(TfpgWidget(FDropTarget).WinHandle);
-destructor TfpgOLEDropTarget.Destroy;
- if FRegistered then RevokeDragDrop;
- inherited;
-procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject;
- KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD);
- if Assigned(FOnDragEnter) then begin
- FOnDragEnter(Self, DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect);
- end;
-procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragOver(KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint;
- var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
- if Assigned(FOnDragOver) then begin
- FOnDragOver(Self, KeyState, PT, Effect);
- end;
-procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragLeave;
- if Assigned(FOnDragLeave) then
- FOnDragLeave(self);
-procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: LongInt;
- PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
- if Assigned(FOnDragDrop) then begin
- FOnDragDrop(Self, DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect);
- end;
-{ TDragFilesTarget }
-function TDragFilesTarget.DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj: IDataObject): Boolean;
- FormatEtcHDrop: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:CF_HDROP;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL);
- FormatEtcFileDescriptor: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL);
- FormatEtcFileContents: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_ISTREAM);
- StgMedium: TStgMedium;
- DropHandle: HDROP;
- EnumFormatEtc: IEnumFORMATETC;
- FE: TFormatEtc;
- FetchedCount: Longint;
- FormatName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- FileGroupDescriptor: PFileGroupDescriptorA;
- I, Count: Integer;
- FileDescriptor: TFileDescriptorA;
- FileNames: TStringList;
- FileNames := TStringList.Create;
- try
- if Assigned(FOnDragAcceptFiles) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- FormatEtcFileDescriptor.cfFormat := CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR;
- FormatEtcFileContents.cfFormat := CF_FILECONTENTS;
- if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcHDrop) = S_OK) and
- (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcHDrop,StgMedium) = S_OK) then
- begin
- DropHandle := StgMedium.hGlobal;
- GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle, FileNames);
- Result := FOnDragAcceptFiles(Self, FileNames);
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- end
- else
- if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor) = S_OK) and
- (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileContents) = S_OK) and
- (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor,StgMedium) = S_OK) then
- begin
- FileGroupDescriptor := GlobalLock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
- if FileGroupDescriptor <> nil then
- begin
- Count := FileGroupDescriptor^.cItems;
- I := 0;
- while I < Count do
- begin
- FileDescriptor := FileGroupDescriptor^.fgd[I];
- FileNames.Add(FileDescriptor.cFileName);
- Inc(I);
- end;
- GlobalUnlock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
- end;
- Result := FOnDragAcceptFiles(Self, FileNames);
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- end
- else
- begin
-// DataObj.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, EnumFormatEtc);
-// EnumFormatEtc.Reset;
-// while EnumFormatEtc.Next(1, FE, @FetchedCount) = S_OK do begin
-// GetClipboardFormatName(FE.cfFormat,FormatName,MAX_PATH);
-// ShowMessage(FormatName);
-// end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := True;
- end;
- finally
- FileNames.Free;
- end;
-procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject;
- KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD);
- FDragAcceptFiles := DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj);
- if FDragAcceptFiles and DoDragAcceptPosition(PT) then
- inherited DoDragEnter(DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect)
- else
-procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragOver(KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
- if FDragAcceptFiles and DoDragAcceptPosition(PT) then
- inherited DoDragOver(KeyState, PT, Effect)
- else
- Effect := deNone;
-procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject;
- KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
- DoDropFiles(DataObj, PT);
- inherited;
-function TDragFilesTarget.DoDragAcceptPosition(PT: TPoint): Boolean;
- if Assigned(FOnDragAcceptPosition) then begin
- Result := FOnDragAcceptPosition(Self, PT);
- end else begin
- Result := True;
- end;
-procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDropFiles(DataObj: IDataObject; PT: TPoint);
- FormatEtcHDrop: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:CF_HDROP;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL);
- FormatEtcFileDescriptor: TFormatEtc =
- (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL);
- FormatEtcFileContents: TFormatEtc =
- (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_ISTREAM);
- StgMedium, StgMediumContents: TStgMedium;
- DropHandle: HDROP;
- FileNames: TStringList;
- FileGroupDescriptor: PFileGroupDescriptorA;
- I, Count: Integer;
- FileDescriptor: TFileDescriptorA;
- Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- TempFileName: string;
- if not Assigned(FOnDropFiles) then Exit;
- FileNames := TStringList.Create;
- try
- FormatEtcFileDescriptor.cfFormat := CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR;
- FormatEtcFileContents.cfFormat := CF_FILECONTENTS;
- if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcHDrop) = S_OK) and
- (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcHDrop,StgMedium) = S_OK) then begin
- DropHandle := StgMedium.hGlobal;
- GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle, FileNames);
- FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames);
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- end else
- if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor) = S_OK) and
- (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileContents) = S_OK) and
- (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor,StgMedium) = S_OK) then begin
- GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, Path);
- GetTempFileName(Path, 'PXM', 0, Path);
- FileGroupDescriptor := GlobalLock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
- if FileGroupDescriptor <> nil then begin
- Count := FileGroupDescriptor^.cItems;
- I := 0;
- while I < Count do begin
- FileDescriptor := FileGroupDescriptor^.fgd[I];
- TempFileName := ChangeFileExt(Path, ExtractFileExt(FileDescriptor.cFileName));
- FormatEtcFileContents.lindex := I;
- if (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileContents,StgMediumContents) = S_OK) then begin
- StreamToFile(IStream(StgMediumContents.pstm), TempFileName);
- FileNames.Clear;
- FileNames.Add(TempFileName);
- FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames);
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMediumContents);
- end;
- Inc(I);
- end;
- GlobalUnlock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
- end;
- FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames);
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
- ReleaseStgMedium(StgMediumContents);
- end;
- finally
- FileNames.Free;
- end;
-procedure TDragFilesTarget.GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle: HDROP; SL: TStrings);
- I: Integer;
- Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- for I := 0 to DragQueryFile(DropHandle, $FFFFFFFF, nil, 0) do begin
- DragQueryFile(DropHandle, I, Path, MAX_PATH);
- SL.Add(Path);
- end;
- DragFinish(DropHandle);
-procedure TDragFilesTarget.StreamToFile(Stream: IStream; const FileName: string);
- BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
- BytesRead: Longint;
- FileStream: TFileStream;
- Buffer: array[0..BLOCK_SIZE] of Byte;
- FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- try
- while (Stream.Read(@Buffer[0], BLOCK_SIZE, @BytesRead) = S_OK) and (BytesRead > 0) do begin
- FileStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead);
- end;
- finally
- FileStream.Free;
- end;
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ This unit implements the OLE Drag-n-Drop functionality of Windows.
+ This unit is implemented based on the articles posted on
+unit fpg_OLEDragDrop;
+{$mode delphi}{$H+}
+ Windows, Classes, ActiveX, ShellAPI, fpg_base;
+ TfpgOLEFormatEtcList = class(TList)
+ private
+ function GetFormatEtc(Index: Integer): PFormatEtc;
+ protected
+ procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
+ property FormatEtc[Index: Integer]: PFormatEtc read GetFormatEtc; default;
+ end;
+ TfpgOLEStgMediumList = class(TList)
+ private
+ function GetStgMedium(Index: Integer): PStgMedium;
+ protected
+ procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override;
+ public
+ property StgMedium[Index: Integer]: PStgMedium read GetStgMedium; default;
+ end;
+ TfpgOLEDropSource = class(TInterfacedObject, IDropSource)
+ private
+ { IDropSource }
+ function QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: DWORD):HResult; StdCall;
+ function GiveFeedback(dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; StdCall;
+ {$ELSE}
+ function QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GiveFeedback(dwEffect: longint): HResult; stdcall;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ TfpgOLEDragDropEffect = (deNone, deCopy, deMove, deLink);
+ TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD) of object;
+ TfpgOLEDragOverEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect) of object;
+ TfpgOLEDragDropEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect) of object;
+ TfpgOLEDropTarget = class(TObject, IInterface, IDropTarget)
+ private
+ FDropTarget: TfpgWindowBase;
+ FRegistered: Boolean;
+ FOnDragEnter: TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent;
+ FOnDragOver: TfpgOLEDragOverEvent;
+ FOnDragLeave: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnDragDrop: TfpgOLEDragDropEvent;
+ private
+ { IInterface }
+ function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid: TGuid; out obj): LongInt; stdcall;
+ function _AddRef: longint; stdcall;
+ function _Release: longint; stdcall;
+ { IDropTarget }
+ function DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;StdCall;
+ function DragOver(grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DragLeave: HResult; stdcall;
+ function Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ protected
+ procedure DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); virtual;
+ procedure DoDragOver(KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); virtual;
+ procedure DoDragLeave;
+ procedure DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); virtual;
+ public
+ property OnDragEnter: TfpgOLEDragEnterEvent read FOnDragEnter write FOnDragEnter;
+ property OnDragOver: TfpgOLEDragOverEvent read FOnDragOver write FOnDragOver;
+ property OnDragLeave: TNotifyEvent read FOnDragLeave write FOnDragLeave;
+ property OnDragDrop: TfpgOLEDragDropEvent read FOnDragDrop write FOnDragDrop;
+ public
+ constructor Create(ADropTargetWidget: TfpgWindowBase); reintroduce; { Actually a TfpgWidget }
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure RegisterDragDrop;
+ procedure RevokeDragDrop;
+ property DropTarget: TfpgWindowBase read FDropTarget;
+ end;
+ TfpgOLEDataObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IDataObject)
+ private
+ FFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList;
+ FStgMediumList: TfpgOLEStgMediumList;
+ function LookupFormatEtc(AFormat: TFormatEtc): Integer;
+ protected
+ { IDataObject }
+ function GetData(const formatetcIn: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetDataHere(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
+ function QueryGetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out formatetcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function SetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; const medium: TStgMedium; fRelease: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection: DWORD; out enumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DAdvise(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; advf: DWORD; const advSink: IAdviseSink; out dwConnection: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function DUnadvise(dwConnection: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function EnumDAdvise(out enumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult; stdcall;
+ public
+ constructor Create; overload;
+ constructor Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList); overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property FormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList read FFormatEtcList;
+ property StgMediumList: TfpgOLEStgMediumList read FStgMediumList;
+ end;
+ TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc = class(TInterfacedObject, IEnumFORMATETC)
+ private
+ FFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList;
+ FIndex: Integer;
+ protected
+ function Next(celt: ULong; out elt:FormatEtc; pceltFetched: pULong=nil): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Skip(celt: ULong): HResult; stdcall;
+ function Reset: HResult; stdcall;
+ function Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TDragFilesSource = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FFileNames: TStrings;
+ FAliasFileNames: TStrings;
+ function GetAliasFileNames: TStrings;
+ function GetSourceFileNames: TStrings;
+ procedure SetAliasFileNames(const Value: TStrings);
+ procedure SetSourceFileNames(const Value: TStrings);
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Execute;
+ property SourceFileNames: TStrings read GetSourceFileNames write SetSourceFileNames;
+ property AliasFileNames: TStrings read GetAliasFileNames write SetAliasFileNames;
+ end;
+ TDragAcceptFilesEvent = function(Sender: TObject; FileNames: TStrings): Boolean of object;
+ TDragAcceptPositionEvent = function(Sender: TObject; PT: TPoint): Boolean of object;
+ TDropFilesEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; PT: TPoint; FileNames: TStrings) of object;
+ TDragFilesTarget = class(TfpgOLEDropTarget)
+ private
+ FDragAcceptFiles: Boolean;
+ FOnDragAcceptFiles: TDragAcceptFilesEvent;
+ FOnDragAcceptPosition: TDragAcceptPositionEvent;
+ FOnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent;
+ procedure GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle: HDROP; SL: TStrings);
+ procedure StreamToFile(Stream: IStream; const FileName: string);
+ protected
+ function DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj: IDataObject): Boolean;
+ function DoDragAcceptPosition(PT: TPoint): Boolean;
+ procedure DoDropFiles(DataObj: IDataObject; PT: TPoint);
+ procedure DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD); override;
+ procedure DoDragOver(KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); override;
+ procedure DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: Longint; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect); override;
+ public
+ property OnDragAcceptFiles: TDragAcceptFilesEvent read FOnDragAcceptFiles write FOnDragAcceptFiles;
+ property OnDragAcceptPosition: TDragAcceptPositionEvent read FOnDragAcceptPosition write FOnDragAcceptPosition;
+ property OnDropFiles: TDropFilesEvent read FOnDropFiles write FOnDropFiles;
+ end;
+function WindowsMimeLookup(const CFFormat: string): string;
+function WindowsClipboardLookup(const AMime: string; var IsTranslated: Boolean): DWORD;
+function EnumDataToStringList(DataObj: IDataObject): TStringList;
+function GetFormatEtc(const CFFormat: DWORD): FORMATETC;
+ SysUtils, ShlObj, fpg_widget;
+function WindowsMimeLookup(const CFFormat: string): string;
+ { replace known clipboard formats with mime types }
+ if CFFormat = 'CF_TEXT' then
+ Result := 'text/plain'
+ else if CFFormat = 'CF_UNICODETEXT' then
+ Result := 'text/plain'
+ else if CFFormat = 'CF_OEMTEXT' then
+ Result := 'text/plain'
+ else if CFFormat = 'CF_HDROP' then
+ Result := 'text/uri-list'
+ else if CFFormat = 'CF_RICHTEXT' then
+ Result := 'text/html'
+ else
+ Result := CFFormat;
+function WindowsClipboardLookup(const AMime: string; var IsTranslated: Boolean): DWORD;
+ { TODO: We need to improve this implementation }
+ if AMime = 'text/html' then
+ begin
+ { We don't want duplicate CF_TEXT in DataObject, so register some of our
+ known convenience types (from TfpgMimeData) as-is }
+ IsTranslated := False;
+ Result := RegisterClipboardFormat('text/html');
+ end
+ else if Pos('text/', AMime) = 1 then
+ begin
+ IsTranslated := True;
+ Result := CF_TEXT; // fallback result
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ IsTranslated := False;
+ Result := RegisterClipboardFormat(PChar(AMime));
+ end;
+function WindowsClipboardFormatToString(const CFFormat: integer): string;
+ { replace know clipboard formats with mime types }
+ case CFFormat of
+ CF_DIF : result := 'CF_DIF';
+ CF_DIB : result := 'CF_DIB';
+ CF_TEXT : result := 'CF_TEXT';
+ CF_SYLK : result := 'CF_SYLK';
+ CF_TIFF : result := 'CF_TIFF';
+ CF_RIFF : result := 'CF_RIFF';
+ CF_WAVE : result := 'CF_WAVE';
+ CF_HDROP : result := 'CF_HDROP';
+ CF_BITMAP : result := 'CF_BITMAP';
+ CF_LOCALE : result := 'CF_LOCALE';
+ CF_OEMTEXT : result := 'CF_OEMTEXT';
+ CF_PALETTE : result := 'CF_PALETTE';
+ CF_PENDATA : result := 'CF_PENDATA';
+ else
+ Result := Format('unknown (%d)', [CFFormat]);
+ end;
+function EnumDataToStringList(DataObj: IDataObject): TStringList;
+ EnumFormats: IEnumFORMATETC;
+ num: integer;
+ lname: string;
+ lMimeName: string;
+ FormatName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ i: integer;
+ if DataObj.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, EnumFormats) <> S_OK then
+ raise Exception.Create('EnumDataToStringList: Failed to get EnumFormatEtc interface');
+ Result := TStringList.Create;
+ EnumFormats.Reset;
+ while EnumFormats.Next(1, FE, @num) = S_OK do
+ begin
+ lName := '';
+ i := GetClipboardFormatName(FE.cfFormat,FormatName,MAX_PATH);
+ if i <> 0 then
+ begin
+ lName := FormatName;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lName := WindowsClipboardFormatToString(FE.cfFormat);
+ end;
+ Result.Add(lName);
+ end;
+function GetFormatEtc(const CFFormat: DWORD): FORMATETC;
+ Result.CfFormat := CFFormat;
+ Result.Ptd := nil;
+ Result.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
+ Result.lindex := -1;
+ Result.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
+procedure DeepCopyFormatEtc(P1, P2: PFormatEtc);
+ P2^ := P1^;
+ if P1^.ptd <> nil then begin
+ P2^.ptd := CoTaskMemAlloc(SizeOf(tagDVTARGETDEVICE));
+ P2^.ptd^ := P1^.ptd^;
+ end;
+function DupGlobalMem(hMem: HGLOBAL): HGLOBAL;
+ len: DWORD;
+ Source: Pointer;
+ Dest: HGLOBAL;
+ len := GlobalSize(hMem);
+ Source := GlobalLock(hMem);
+ Dest := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, len);
+ Move(Source^, Pointer(Dest)^, len);
+ GlobalUnlock(hMem);
+ Result := Dest;
+{ TDragFilesSource }
+constructor TDragFilesSource.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FFileNames := TStringList.Create;
+ FAliasFileNames := TStringList.Create;
+destructor TDragFilesSource.Destroy;
+ FreeAndNil(FFileNames);
+ FreeAndNil(FAliasFileNames);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TDragFilesSource.Execute;
+ DataObject: TfpgOLEDataObject;
+ DropSource: TfpgOLEDropSource;
+ dwEffect: DWORD;
+ dwResult: HRESULT;
+ I: Integer;
+ F: PFormatEtc;
+ S: string;
+ M: PStgMedium;
+ DataObject := TfpgOLEDataObject.Create;
+ { append filenames as one long string delimited by #0. ie: something like a PChar }
+ S := '';
+ for I := 0 to FFileNames.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ SetLength(S, Length(S)+Length(FFileNames[I])+1);
+ Move(FFileNames[I][1], S[Length(S)-Length(FFileNames[I])], Length(FFileNames[I]));
+ S[Length(S)] := #0;
+ end;
+ SetLength(S, Length(S)+1);
+ S[Length(S)] := #0;
+ { description of data we are sending }
+ New(F);
+ F^.cfFormat := CF_HDROP;
+ F^.ptd := nil;
+ F^.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
+ F^.lindex := -1;
+ F^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
+ DataObject.FormatEtcList.Add(F);
+ { storage for data we are sending }
+ New(M);
+ M^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
+ M^.hGlobal := Cardinal(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, SizeOf(TDropFiles)+Length(S)));
+ PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.pFiles := SizeOf(TDropFiles);
+ PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.pt := Point(0,0);
+ PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.fNC := FALSE;
+ PDropFiles(M^.hGlobal)^.fWide := FALSE;
+ Move(S[1], PChar(M^.hGlobal+SizeOf(TDropFiles))^, Length(S));
+ DataObject.StgMediumList.Add(M);
+ if (FAliasFileNames.Count > 0) and (FAliasFileNames.Count = FFileNames.Count) then
+ begin
+ { append filename aliases as one long string delimited by #0. ie: something like a PChar }
+ S := '';
+ for I := 0 to FAliasFileNames.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ SetLength(S, Length(S)+Length(FAliasFileNames[I])+1);
+ Move(FAliasFileNames[I][1], S[Length(S)-Length(FAliasFileNames[I])], Length(FAliasFileNames[I]));
+ S[Length(S)] := #0;
+ end;
+ SetLength(S, Length(S)+1);
+ S[Length(S)] := #0;
+ { description of data we are sending }
+ New(F);
+ F^.cfFormat := CF_FILENAMEMAP;
+ F^.ptd := nil;
+ F^.dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
+ F^.lindex := -1;
+ F^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
+ DataObject.FormatEtcList.Add(F);
+ { storage for data we are sending }
+ New(M);
+ M^.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
+ M^.hGlobal := Cardinal(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, Length(S)));
+ Move(S[1], PChar(M^.hGlobal)^, Length(S));
+ DataObject.StgMediumList.Add(M);
+ end;
+ DropSource := TfpgOLEDropSource.Create;
+ dwResult := ActiveX.DoDragDrop(DataObject as IDataObject, DropSource as IDropSource, DROPEFFECT_COPY, @dwEffect);
+ if dwResult = DRAGDROP_S_DROP then
+ begin
+ if dwEffect = DROPEFFECT_COPY then
+ begin
+ // nothing to do. If this whas xxx_MOVE, we would remove data from source
+ end;
+ end;
+function TDragFilesSource.GetAliasFileNames: TStrings;
+ Result := FAliasFileNames;
+function TDragFilesSource.GetSourceFileNames: TStrings;
+ Result := FFileNames;
+procedure TDragFilesSource.SetAliasFileNames(const Value: TStrings);
+ FAliasFileNames.Assign(Value);
+procedure TDragFilesSource.SetSourceFileNames(const Value: TStrings);
+ FFileNames.Assign(Value);
+{ TfpgOLEDropSource }
+function TfpgOLEDropSource.GiveFeedback(dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;
+function TfpgOLEDropSource.GiveFeedback(dwEffect: longint): HResult;
+function TfpgOLEDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: DWORD):HResult;
+function TfpgOLEDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: LongInt): HResult;
+ if FEscapePressed then
+ else if (grfKeyState and (MK_LBUTTON or MK_RBUTTON) = 0) then
+ else
+ Result := S_OK;
+ writeln('TfpgOLEDropSource.QueryContinueDrag Result = ', Result);
+ {$ENDIF}
+{ TfpgOLEDataObject }
+constructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
+ inherited Create;
+ FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList);
+ FStgMediumList := TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Create;
+constructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.Create;
+ FStgMediumList := TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Create;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.DAdvise(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; advf: DWORD;
+ const advSink: IAdviseSink; out dwConnection: DWORD): HResult;
+destructor TfpgOLEDataObject.Destroy;
+ FreeAndNil(FFormatEtcList);
+ FreeAndNil(FStgMediumList);
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.DUnadvise(dwConnection: DWORD): HResult;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.EnumDAdvise(out enumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection: DWORD;
+ out enumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult;
+ if dwDirection = DATADIR_GET then
+ begin
+ enumFormatEtc := TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(FFormatEtcList) as IEnumFormatEtc;
+ Result := S_OK;
+ end
+ else begin
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+ end;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
+ out formatetcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult;
+ // Apparently we have to set this field to NULL even though we don't do anything else
+ formatetcOut.ptd := nil;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetData(const formatetcIn: TFormatEtc;
+ out medium: TStgMedium): HResult;
+ Idx: Integer;
+ Idx := LookupFormatEtc(formatetcIn);
+ if Idx = -1 then
+ Result := DV_E_FORMATETC
+ else
+ begin
+ medium.tymed := FFormatEtcList[Idx]^.tymed;
+ medium.PUnkForRelease := nil;
+ if medium.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL then
+ begin
+ medium.hGlobal := DupGlobalMem(FStgMediumList[Idx]^.hGlobal);
+ Result := S_OK;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
+ end;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.GetDataHere(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
+ out medium: TStgMedium): HResult;
+ Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.LookupFormatEtc(AFormat: TFormatEtc): Integer;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ for I := 0 to FFormatEtcList.Count - 1 do begin
+ if (FFormatEtcList[I]^.cfFormat = AFormat.cfFormat) and
+ (FFormatEtcList[I]^.dwAspect = AFormat.dwAspect) and
+ (FFormatEtcList[I]^.tymed = AFormat.tymed) then begin
+ Result := I;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.QueryGetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc): HResult;
+ if LookupFormatEtc(formatetc) >= 0 then begin
+ Result := S_OK;
+ end
+ else begin
+ Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
+ end;
+function TfpgOLEDataObject.SetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
+ const medium: TStgMedium; fRelease: BOOL): HResult;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+{ TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc }
+function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult;
+ C: TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc;
+ // make a duplicate enumerator
+ C := TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(FFormatEtcList);
+ // manually set the index state
+ C.FIndex := FIndex;
+ Enum := C as IEnumFormatEtc;
+ Result := S_OK;
+constructor TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Create(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
+ FFormatEtcList := TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList);
+ FIndex := 0;
+destructor TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Destroy;
+ FreeAndNil(FFormatEtcList);
+ inherited;
+function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Next(celt: ULong; out elt:FormatEtc;
+ pceltFetched: pULong): HResult;
+ Copied: Integer;
+ OutBuf: PFormatEtc;
+ // copy the FORMATETC structures into the caller's buffer
+ OutBuf := PFormatEtc(@elt);
+ Copied := 0;
+ while(FIndex < FFormatEtcList.Count) and (Copied < celt) do begin
+ DeepCopyFormatEtc(FFormatEtcList[FIndex], OutBuf);
+ OutBuf := PFormatEtc(Cardinal(OutBuf) + SizeOf(TFormatEtc));
+ Inc(Copied);
+ FIndex := FIndex + 1;
+ end;
+ // store result
+ if (pceltFetched <> nil) then
+ pceltFetched^ := Copied;
+ // did we copy all that was requested?
+ if (Copied = celt) then Result := S_OK
+ else Result := S_FALSE;
+function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Reset: HResult;
+ FIndex := 0;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TfpgOLEEnumFormatEtc.Skip(celt: ULong): HResult;
+ FIndex := FIndex + celt;
+ if FIndex <= FFormatEtcList.Count then Result := S_OK
+ else Result := S_FALSE;
+{ TfpgOLEFormatEtcList }
+constructor TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.CreateCopy(AFormatEtcList: TfpgOLEFormatEtcList);
+ I: Integer;
+ P: PFormatEtc;
+ Create;
+ for I := 0 to AFormatEtcList.Count - 1 do begin
+ New(P);
+ DeepCopyFormatEtc(AFormatEtcList[I], P);
+ Add(P);
+ end;
+function TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.GetFormatEtc(Index: Integer): PFormatEtc;
+ Result := PFormatEtc(Get(Index));
+procedure TfpgOLEFormatEtcList.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification);
+ if Action = lnDeleted then begin
+ if PFormatEtc(Ptr)^.ptd <> nil then begin
+ CoTaskMemFree(PFormatEtc(Ptr)^.ptd);
+ end;
+ Dispose(PFormatEtc(Ptr));
+ end;
+ inherited;
+{ TfpgOLEStgMediumList }
+function TfpgOLEStgMediumList.GetStgMedium(Index: Integer): PStgMedium;
+ Result := PStgMedium(Get(Index));
+procedure TfpgOLEStgMediumList.Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification);
+ if Action = lnDeleted then begin
+ if PStgMedium(Ptr)^.hGlobal <> 0 then begin
+ GlobalFree(PStgMedium(Ptr)^.hGlobal);
+ end;
+ Dispose(Ptr);
+ end;
+ inherited;
+{ TfpgOLEDropTarget }
+function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject;
+ grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;
+// Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect;
+ //dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
+ //Effect := deNone;
+ DoDragEnter(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect);
+ //case Effect of
+ // deNone: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
+ // deCopy: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_COPY;
+ // deMove: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_MOVE;
+ // deLink: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_LINK;
+ //end;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragLeave: HResult;
+ Result := S_OK;
+ DoDragLeave;
+function TfpgOLEDropTarget.DragOver(grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint;
+ var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;
+ Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect;
+ if ((MK_SHIFT and grfKeyState) = MK_SHIFT) and
+ ((dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE) = DROPEFFECT_MOVE) then begin
+ Effect := deMove;
+ end;
+ if ((MK_CONTROL and grfKeyState) = MK_CONTROL) and
+ ((dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY) = DROPEFFECT_COPY) then begin
+ Effect := deCopy;
+ end;
+ if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY > 0 then Effect := deCopy
+ else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE > 0 then Effect := deMove
+ else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_LINK > 0 then Effect := deLink
+ else Effect := deNone;
+ DoDragOver(grfKeyState, pt, Effect);
+ case Effect of
+ deNone: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
+ deCopy: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_COPY;
+ deMove: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_MOVE;
+ deLink: dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_LINK;
+ end;
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TfpgOLEDropTarget.Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject;
+ grfKeyState: DWORD; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;
+ Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect;
+ if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY > 0 then
+ Effect := deCopy
+ else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE > 0 then
+ Effect := deMove
+ else if dwEffect and DROPEFFECT_LINK > 0 then
+ Effect := deLink
+ else
+ Effect := deNone;
+ DoDragDrop(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, Effect);
+ Result := S_OK;
+function TfpgOLEDropTarget._AddRef: longint;
+ Result := 1;
+function TfpgOLEDropTarget._Release: longint;
+ Result := 1;
+function TfpgOLEDropTarget.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid: TGuid; out obj): longint; stdcall;
+ if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
+constructor TfpgOLEDropTarget.Create(ADropTargetWidget: TfpgWindowBase);
+ inherited Create;
+ FDropTarget := ADropTargetWidget;
+ FRegistered := False;
+procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.RegisterDragDrop;
+ ActiveX.RegisterDragDrop(TfpgWidget(FDropTarget).WinHandle, Self as IDropTarget);
+ FRegistered := True;
+procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.RevokeDragDrop;
+ FRegistered := False;
+ ActiveX.RevokeDragDrop(TfpgWidget(FDropTarget).WinHandle);
+destructor TfpgOLEDropTarget.Destroy;
+ if FRegistered then RevokeDragDrop;
+ inherited;
+procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject;
+ KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD);
+ if Assigned(FOnDragEnter) then begin
+ FOnDragEnter(Self, DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect);
+ end;
+procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragOver(KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint;
+ var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
+ if Assigned(FOnDragOver) then begin
+ FOnDragOver(Self, KeyState, PT, Effect);
+ end;
+procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragLeave;
+ if Assigned(FOnDragLeave) then
+ FOnDragLeave(self);
+procedure TfpgOLEDropTarget.DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject; KeyState: LongInt;
+ PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
+ if Assigned(FOnDragDrop) then begin
+ FOnDragDrop(Self, DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect);
+ end;
+{ TDragFilesTarget }
+function TDragFilesTarget.DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj: IDataObject): Boolean;
+ FormatEtcHDrop: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:CF_HDROP;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL);
+ FormatEtcFileDescriptor: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL);
+ FormatEtcFileContents: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_ISTREAM);
+ StgMedium: TStgMedium;
+ DropHandle: HDROP;
+ EnumFormatEtc: IEnumFORMATETC;
+ FE: TFormatEtc;
+ FetchedCount: Longint;
+ FormatName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ FileGroupDescriptor: PFileGroupDescriptorA;
+ I, Count: Integer;
+ FileDescriptor: TFileDescriptorA;
+ FileNames: TStringList;
+ FileNames := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ if Assigned(FOnDragAcceptFiles) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ FormatEtcFileDescriptor.cfFormat := CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR;
+ FormatEtcFileContents.cfFormat := CF_FILECONTENTS;
+ if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcHDrop) = S_OK) and
+ (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcHDrop,StgMedium) = S_OK) then
+ begin
+ DropHandle := StgMedium.hGlobal;
+ GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle, FileNames);
+ Result := FOnDragAcceptFiles(Self, FileNames);
+ ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
+ end
+ else
+ if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor) = S_OK) and
+ (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileContents) = S_OK) and
+ (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor,StgMedium) = S_OK) then
+ begin
+ FileGroupDescriptor := GlobalLock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
+ if FileGroupDescriptor <> nil then
+ begin
+ Count := FileGroupDescriptor^.cItems;
+ I := 0;
+ while I < Count do
+ begin
+ FileDescriptor := FileGroupDescriptor^.fgd[I];
+ FileNames.Add(FileDescriptor.cFileName);
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ GlobalUnlock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
+ end;
+ Result := FOnDragAcceptFiles(Self, FileNames);
+ ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+// DataObj.EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, EnumFormatEtc);
+// EnumFormatEtc.Reset;
+// while EnumFormatEtc.Next(1, FE, @FetchedCount) = S_OK do begin
+// GetClipboardFormatName(FE.cfFormat,FormatName,MAX_PATH);
+// ShowMessage(FormatName);
+// end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FileNames.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragEnter(DataObj: IDataObject;
+ KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: DWORD);
+ FDragAcceptFiles := DoDragAcceptFiles(DataObj);
+ if FDragAcceptFiles and DoDragAcceptPosition(PT) then
+ inherited DoDragEnter(DataObj, KeyState, PT, Effect)
+ else
+procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragOver(KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; var Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
+ if FDragAcceptFiles and DoDragAcceptPosition(PT) then
+ inherited DoDragOver(KeyState, PT, Effect)
+ else
+ Effect := deNone;
+procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDragDrop(DataObj: IDataObject;
+ KeyState: LongInt; PT: TPoint; Effect: TfpgOLEDragDropEffect);
+ DoDropFiles(DataObj, PT);
+ inherited;
+function TDragFilesTarget.DoDragAcceptPosition(PT: TPoint): Boolean;
+ if Assigned(FOnDragAcceptPosition) then begin
+ Result := FOnDragAcceptPosition(Self, PT);
+ end else begin
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+procedure TDragFilesTarget.DoDropFiles(DataObj: IDataObject; PT: TPoint);
+ FormatEtcHDrop: TFormatEtc = (cfFormat:CF_HDROP;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL);
+ FormatEtcFileDescriptor: TFormatEtc =
+ (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_HGLOBAL);
+ FormatEtcFileContents: TFormatEtc =
+ (cfFormat:0;ptd:nil;dwAspect:DVASPECT_CONTENT;lindex:-1;tymed:TYMED_ISTREAM);
+ StgMedium, StgMediumContents: TStgMedium;
+ DropHandle: HDROP;
+ FileNames: TStringList;
+ FileGroupDescriptor: PFileGroupDescriptorA;
+ I, Count: Integer;
+ FileDescriptor: TFileDescriptorA;
+ Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ TempFileName: string;
+ if not Assigned(FOnDropFiles) then Exit;
+ FileNames := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ FormatEtcFileDescriptor.cfFormat := CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR;
+ FormatEtcFileContents.cfFormat := CF_FILECONTENTS;
+ if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcHDrop) = S_OK) and
+ (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcHDrop,StgMedium) = S_OK) then begin
+ DropHandle := StgMedium.hGlobal;
+ GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle, FileNames);
+ FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames);
+ ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
+ end else
+ if (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor) = S_OK) and
+ (DataObj.QueryGetData(FormatEtcFileContents) = S_OK) and
+ (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileDescriptor,StgMedium) = S_OK) then begin
+ GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, Path);
+ GetTempFileName(Path, 'PXM', 0, Path);
+ FileGroupDescriptor := GlobalLock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
+ if FileGroupDescriptor <> nil then begin
+ Count := FileGroupDescriptor^.cItems;
+ I := 0;
+ while I < Count do begin
+ FileDescriptor := FileGroupDescriptor^.fgd[I];
+ TempFileName := ChangeFileExt(Path, ExtractFileExt(FileDescriptor.cFileName));
+ FormatEtcFileContents.lindex := I;
+ if (DataObj.GetData(FormatEtcFileContents,StgMediumContents) = S_OK) then begin
+ StreamToFile(IStream(StgMediumContents.pstm), TempFileName);
+ FileNames.Clear;
+ FileNames.Add(TempFileName);
+ FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames);
+ ReleaseStgMedium(StgMediumContents);
+ end;
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ GlobalUnlock(StgMedium.hGlobal);
+ end;
+ FOnDropFiles(Self, PT, FileNames);
+ ReleaseStgMedium(StgMedium);
+ ReleaseStgMedium(StgMediumContents);
+ end;
+ finally
+ FileNames.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TDragFilesTarget.GetFileNamesFromDropHandle(DropHandle: HDROP; SL: TStrings);
+ I: Integer;
+ Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ for I := 0 to DragQueryFile(DropHandle, $FFFFFFFF, nil, 0) do begin
+ DragQueryFile(DropHandle, I, Path, MAX_PATH);
+ SL.Add(Path);
+ end;
+ DragFinish(DropHandle);
+procedure TDragFilesTarget.StreamToFile(Stream: IStream; const FileName: string);
+ BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
+ BytesRead: Longint;
+ FileStream: TFileStream;
+ Buffer: array[0..BLOCK_SIZE] of Byte;
+ FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ try
+ while (Stream.Read(@Buffer[0], BLOCK_SIZE, @BytesRead) = S_OK) and (BytesRead > 0) do begin
+ FileStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead);
+ end;
+ finally
+ FileStream.Free;
+ end;