path: root/src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas
diff options
authorgraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2008-09-27 18:24:54 +0000
committergraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2008-09-27 18:24:54 +0000
commit8eb1030c56d6a1228d3145b247f75c733576e511 (patch)
treeb07af847fe22e6ea153e1c0088a257f72dd9f02f /src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas
parent1c50f4279f89d41dd1d85964645217860f5c0b9c (diff)
* Rename all corelib units to the new naming convention.
* Updated the UI Designer to use the new unit names.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7a0ca77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_stringutils.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Library
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ Some handly UTF8 functions copied from the Lazarus LCL. Comes from the
+ LCLProc unit. Surely we can move this into FPC?
+unit fpg_stringutils;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer;
+function UTF8CharStart(UTF8Str: PChar; Len, Index: integer): PChar;
+function UTF8Copy(const s: string; StartCharIndex, CharCount: integer): string;
+function UTF8CStringToUTF8String(SourceStart: PChar; SourceLen: SizeInt): string;
+function UTF8Length(const s: string): integer;
+function UTF8Length(p: PChar; ByteCount: integer): integer;
+function UTF8Pos(const SearchForText, SearchInText: string): integer;
+procedure UTF8Delete(var S: string; Index, Size: integer);
+procedure UTF8Insert(const Source: string; var S: string; Index: integer);
+function UTF8CharAtByte(const s: string; BytePos: integer; var aChar: string): integer;
+// short form (alias or convenience) functions for the UTF8 ones above
+function Copy8(const s: string; StartCharIndex, CharCount: integer): string;
+function Length8(const s: string): integer;
+function Pos8(const SearchForText, SearchInText: string): integer;
+procedure Delete8(var S: string; Index, Size: integer);
+procedure Insert8(const Source: string; var S: string; Index: integer);
+{ If it's a multibyte character, the first byte specifies the amount of bytes
+ used. All subsequent bytes will start with 10xxxxxx. It is assumed that p
+ points to the beginning of a single or multibyte character. }
+function UTF8CharacterLength(p: PChar): integer;
+ if p <> nil then
+ begin
+ if ord(p^) < %11000000 then // 00000000-01111111
+ begin
+ // regular single byte character (#0 is a character, this is pascal ;)
+ Result := 1;
+ end
+ else if ((ord(p^) and %11100000) = %11000000) then // 11000010-11011111
+ begin
+ // could be 2 byte character
+ if (ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000 then
+ Result := 2
+ else
+ Result := 1;
+ end
+ else if ((ord(p^) and %11110000) = %11100000) then // 11100000-11101111
+ begin
+ // could be 3 byte character
+ if ((ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
+ and ((ord(p[2]) and %11000000) = %10000000) then
+ Result := 3
+ else
+ Result := 1;
+ end
+ else if ((ord(p^) and %11111000) = %11110000) then // 11110000-11110100
+ begin
+ // could be 4 byte character
+ if ((ord(p[1]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
+ and ((ord(p[2]) and %11000000) = %10000000)
+ and ((ord(p[3]) and %11000000) = %10000000) then
+ Result := 4
+ else
+ Result := 1;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := 1;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+{ Returns the character starting position as PChar in the UTF8Str string. }
+function UTF8CharStart(UTF8Str: PChar; Len, Index: integer): PChar;
+ CharLen: LongInt;
+ Result := UTF8Str;
+ if Result <> nil then
+ begin
+ while (Index > 0) and (Len > 0) do
+ begin
+ CharLen := UTF8CharacterLength(Result);
+ dec(Len, CharLen);
+ dec(Index);
+ inc(Result, CharLen);
+ end;
+ if (Index > 0) or (Len < 0) then
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+// returns substring
+function UTF8Copy(const s: string; StartCharIndex, CharCount: integer): string;
+ StartBytePos: PChar;
+ EndBytePos: PChar;
+ MaxBytes: PtrInt;
+ Result := '';
+ // Some sanity checks
+ if (Length(s) = 0) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if CharCount = 0 then
+ Exit; //==>
+ StartBytePos := UTF8CharStart(PChar(s),length(s),StartCharIndex-1);
+ if StartBytePos = nil then
+ Result := ''
+ else
+ begin
+ MaxBytes := PtrInt(PChar(s)+length(s)-StartBytePos);
+ EndBytePos := UTF8CharStart(StartBytePos,MaxBytes,CharCount);
+ if EndBytePos = nil then
+ Result := copy(s,StartBytePos-PChar(s)+1,MaxBytes)
+ else
+ Result := copy(s,StartBytePos-PChar(s)+1,EndBytePos-StartBytePos);
+ end;
+function UTF8CStringToUTF8String(SourceStart: PChar; SourceLen: SizeInt): string;
+ Source: PChar;
+ Dest: PChar;
+ SourceEnd: PChar;
+ CharLen: integer;
+ SourceCopied: PChar;
+ // Copies from SourceStart till Source to Dest and updates Dest
+ procedure CopyPart; inline;
+ var
+ CopyLength: SizeInt;
+ begin
+ CopyLength := Source - SourceCopied;
+ if CopyLength=0 then exit;
+ move(SourceCopied^ , Dest^, CopyLength);
+ SourceCopied:=Source;
+ inc(Dest, CopyLength);
+ end;
+ SetLength(Result, SourceLen);
+ if SourceLen=0 then
+ Exit; //==>
+ SourceCopied:=SourceStart;
+ Source:=SourceStart;
+ Dest:=PChar(Result);
+ SourceEnd := Source + SourceLen;
+ while Source<SourceEnd do
+ begin
+ CharLen := UTF8CharacterLength(Source);
+ if (CharLen=1) and (Source^='\') then
+ begin
+ CopyPart;
+ inc(Source);
+ if Source^ in ['t', 'n', '"', '\'] then
+ begin
+ case Source^ of
+ 't' : Dest^ := #9;
+ '"' : Dest^ := '"';
+ '\' : Dest^ := '\';
+ 'n' :
+ // fpc 2.1.1 stores string constants as array of char so maybe this
+ // will work for without ifdef (once available in 2.0.x too):
+ // move(lineending, dest^, sizeof(LineEnding));
+ begin
+ move(lineending[1], dest^, length(LineEnding));
+ inc(dest^, length(LineEnding)-1);
+ end;
+ Dest^ := LineEnding;
+ end;
+ inc(Source);
+ inc(Dest);
+ end;
+ SourceCopied := Source;
+ end
+ else
+ Inc(Source, CharLen);
+ end;
+ CopyPart;
+ SetLength(Result, Dest - PChar(Result));
+function UTF8Length(const s: string): integer;
+ if s = '' then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := UTF8Length(PChar(s),length(s));
+function UTF8Length(p: PChar; ByteCount: integer): integer;
+ CharLen: LongInt;
+ Result := 0;
+ while (ByteCount > 0) do
+ begin
+ inc(Result);
+ CharLen := UTF8CharacterLength(p);
+ inc(p, CharLen);
+ dec(ByteCount, CharLen);
+ end;
+// returns the character index, where the SearchForText starts in SearchInText
+function UTF8Pos(const SearchForText, SearchInText: string): integer;
+ p: LongInt;
+ p := System.Pos(SearchForText, SearchInText);
+ if p > 0 then
+ Result := UTF8Length(PChar(SearchInText), p-1) + 1
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+procedure UTF8Delete(var S: string; Index, Size: integer);
+ ls: integer;
+ b: string;
+ e: string;
+ ls := UTF8Length(S);
+ if (Index > ls) or (Index <= 0) or (Size <= 0) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ b := UTF8Copy(S, 1, Index-1); // beginning string
+ e := UTF8Copy(S, Index+Size, UTF8Length(S)-(Index+Size-1)); // ending string
+ S := b + e;
+procedure UTF8Insert(const Source: string; var S: string; Index: integer);
+ b: string;
+ e: string;
+ if UTF8Length(Source) = 0 then
+ Exit; //==>
+ b := UTF8Copy(S, 1, Index-1); // beginning string
+ e := UTF8Copy(S, Index, UTF8Length(S)-Index+1); // ending string
+ S := b + Source + e;
+function UTF8CharAtByte(const s: string; BytePos: integer;
+ var aChar: string): integer;
+ CharLen: Integer;
+ if BytePos > 0 then
+ begin
+ CharLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@s[BytePos]);
+ aChar := Copy(s, BytePos, CharLen);
+ Result := BytePos + CharLen;
+ end else
+ begin
+ aChar := '';
+ Result := 1;
+ end;
+function Copy8(const s: string; StartCharIndex, CharCount: integer): string;
+ Result := UTF8Copy(s, StartCharIndex, CharCount);
+function Length8(const s: string): integer;
+ Result := UTF8Length(s);
+function Pos8(const SearchForText, SearchInText: string): integer;
+ Result := UTF8Pos(SearchForText, SearchInText);
+procedure Delete8(var S: string; Index, Size: integer);
+ UTF8Delete(S, Index, Size);
+procedure Insert8(const Source: string; var S: string; Index: integer);
+ UTF8Insert(Source, S, Index);