path: root/extras/tiopf
diff options
authorgraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2007-08-24 11:32:56 +0000
committergraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2007-08-24 11:32:56 +0000
commit91e7bc73a36017ccc7a8d94727b2f6f51c0c83f6 (patch)
tree3ff1a6ca0f4091a94f0ae8ec092b1d263d59da0f /extras/tiopf
parent0a8f321682c777bfdfb8f5b3b462f8f154b37fbd (diff)
* Ported the Generic Edit Mediator for use with tiOPF.
* Minor changes to other gui controls like missing published properties etc. * Added a Hint property to TfpgWidget, but it is not usable yet.
Diffstat (limited to 'extras/tiopf')
4 files changed, 965 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGUIConstants.pas b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGUIConstants.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5fec6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGUIConstants.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+unit tiGUIConstants;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ gfxbase
+ ;
+ clError = clYellow;
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGenericEditMediators.pas b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGenericEditMediators.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c485fa5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGenericEditMediators.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+Revision history:
+ 2005-08-17: First release by Graeme Geldenhuys (
+ 2007-08-24: Ported the code to the fpGUI toolkit. [Graeme]
+ Abstract mediating view and Mediator Factory. This allows you to use
+ standard edit components and make them object-aware. See the demo
+ application for usage.
+ * Implement a View Manager class, so we can remove the View Lists
+ created in each Form using mediating views.
+ * As soon as TfpgSpinEdit has been implemented, port the SpinEdit mediator
+unit tiGenericEditMediators;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ tiObject
+ ,Classes
+ ,fpgfx
+ ,gfx_widget
+ ,gui_edit
+ ,gui_checkbox
+ ,gui_label
+// ,Spin { TSpinEdit - standard component included in Lazarus LCL }
+ ,gui_trackbar
+ ,gui_combobox
+ ,gui_memo
+ ;
+ TMediatingViewClass = class of TMediatorView;
+ { Base class to inherit from to make more customised Mediator Views. }
+ TMediatorView = class(TtiObject)
+ private
+ FSettingUp: Boolean;
+ FFieldName: string;
+ FSubject: TtiObject;
+ FEditControl: TfpgWidget;
+ FGuiFieldName: string;
+ FErrorMessage: string;
+ procedure TestIfValid;
+ protected
+ UseInternalOnChange: boolean;
+ function GetSubject: TtiObject; virtual;
+ { Used to setup things like the MaxLength of a edit box, etc. }
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; virtual;
+ { Used for doing validation checks and changing the color of edit controls
+ in error }
+ procedure UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors); virtual;
+ function DataAndPropertyValid: Boolean;
+ procedure DoOnChange(Sender: TObject); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ constructor CreateCustom(pEditControl: TfpgWidget; pSubject: TtiObject; pFieldName: string; pGuiFieldName: string = '');
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ { Copies values from the edit control to the Subject }
+ procedure GuiToObject; virtual;
+ { Copies property values from the Subject to the edit control }
+ procedure ObjectToGui; virtual;
+ procedure Update(pSubject: TtiObject); override;
+ { This is what gets called from the edit controls OnChange event, to
+ trigger a update }
+ procedure GUIChanged;
+ { The object being edited or observed }
+ property Subject: TtiObject read GetSubject write FSubject;
+ { The edit control used for editing a property of the Subject }
+ property EditControl: TfpgWidget read FEditControl write FEditControl;
+ { Not being used at the moment }
+ property ErrorMessage: string read FErrorMessage write FErrorMessage;
+ class function ComponentClass: TClass; virtual; abstract;
+ published
+ { Property of the Subject being edited }
+ property FieldName: string read FFieldName write FFieldName;
+ { Property of the edit control used to get/set the new updated value }
+ property GuiFieldName: string read FGuiFieldName write FGuiFieldName;
+ end;
+ { Base class to handle TfpgEdit controls }
+ TMediatorEditView = class(TMediatorView)
+ private
+ function GetEditControl: TfpgEdit;
+ procedure SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgEdit);
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ procedure UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors); override;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(pEditControl: TfpgWidget; pSubject: TtiObject; pFieldName: string; pGuiFieldName: string = 'Text'); reintroduce;
+ property EditControl: TfpgEdit read GetEditControl write SetEditControl;
+ class function ComponentClass: TClass; override;
+ end;
+ { Base class to handle TfpgCheckBox controls }
+ TMediatorCheckBoxView = class(TMediatorView)
+ private
+ function GetEditControl: TfpgCheckBox;
+ procedure SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgCheckBox);
+ protected
+ procedure UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors); override;
+ public
+ property EditControl: TfpgCheckBox read GetEditControl write SetEditControl;
+ class function ComponentClass: TClass; override;
+ end;
+ { Base class to handle TfpgLabel controls }
+ TMediatorStaticTextView = class(TMediatorView)
+ private
+ function GetEditControl: TfpgLabel;
+ procedure SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgLabel);
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ public
+ property EditControl: TfpgLabel read GetEditControl write SetEditControl;
+ class function ComponentClass: TClass; override;
+ end;
+ { Base class to handle TSpinEdit controls }
+ TMediatorSpinEditView = class(TMediatorView)
+ private
+ function GetEditControl: TSpinEdit;
+ procedure OnLostFocus(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SetEditControl(const AValue: TSpinEdit);
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ procedure UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors); override;
+ public
+ property EditControl: TSpinEdit read GetEditControl write SetEditControl;
+ procedure GuiToObject; override;
+ class function ComponentClass: TClass; override;
+ end;
+ { Base class to handle TfpgTrackBar controls }
+ TMediatorTrackBarView = class(TMediatorView)
+ private
+ function GetEditControl: TfpgTrackBar;
+ procedure SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgTrackBar);
+ public
+ property EditControl: TfpgTrackBar read GetEditControl write SetEditControl;
+ class function ComponentClass: TClass; override;
+ end;
+ { Base class to handle TfpgComboBox controls }
+ TMediatorComboBoxView = class(TMediatorView)
+ private
+ function GetEditControl: TfpgComboBox;
+ procedure SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgComboBox);
+ protected
+ procedure UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors); override;
+ public
+ property EditControl: TfpgComboBox read GetEditControl write SetEditControl;
+ procedure ObjectToGui; override;
+ class function ComponentClass: TClass; override;
+ end;
+ { TComboBox observing a list and setting a Object property }
+ TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView = class(TMediatorComboBoxView)
+ private
+ FList: TtiObjectList;
+ FExternalOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
+ procedure SetList(const AValue: TtiObjectList);
+ procedure InternalListRefresh;
+ protected
+ procedure SetOnChangeActive(AValue: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(pList: TtiObjectList; pEditControl: TfpgWidget; pSubject: TtiObject; pFieldName: string); reintroduce;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure GuiToObject; override;
+ procedure ObjectToGui; override;
+ property List: TtiObjectList read FList write SetList;
+ end;
+ { Base class to handle TfpgMemo controls }
+ TMediatorMemoView = class(TMediatorView)
+ private
+ function GetEditControl: TfpgMemo;
+ procedure SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgMemo);
+ protected
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; override;
+ public
+ property EditControl: TfpgMemo read GetEditControl write SetEditControl;
+ procedure ObjectToGui; override;
+ procedure GuiToObject; override;
+ class function ComponentClass: TClass; override;
+ end;
+ { Data class for mapping a name to a class }
+ TMediatorViewMapping = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FMediatingViewClass: TMediatingViewClass;
+ FName: string;
+ public
+ constructor CreateExt( pName: String; pMediatingClass: TMediatingViewClass );
+ property Name: string read FName write FName;
+ property MediatingViewClass: TMediatingViewClass read FMediatingViewClass write FMediatingViewClass;
+ end;
+ { This is a parameter object, instead of a whole bunch of single parameters }
+ TMGMEditLink = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FEditControl: TfpgWidget;
+ FEditObject: TtiObject;
+ FObjectEditProperty: string;
+ FControlEditProperty: string;
+ public
+ property EditControl: TfpgWidget read FEditControl write FEditControl;
+ property EditObject: TtiObject read FEditObject write FEditObject;
+ property ObjectEditProperty: string read FObjectEditProperty write FObjectEditProperty;
+ property ControlEditProperty: string read FControlEditProperty write FControlEditProperty;
+ end;
+ { Factory class to register and create your mediating views }
+ { TMediatorFactory }
+ TMediatorFactory = class(TObject)
+ private
+ MappingList: TStringList;
+ function FindMediatorClass(pSubject: TtiObject; pComponentClass: TClass; pFieldName: string): TMediatingViewClass;
+ function GetMediatorClass(pSubject: TtiObject; pComponentClass: TClass; pFieldName: string): TMediatingViewClass;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function CreateMediator(pComponent: TfpgWidget; pSubject: TtiObject; pFieldName: String; pGuiFieldName: string): TMediatorView; overload;
+ function CreateMediator(pEditLink: TMGMEditLink): TMediatorView; overload;
+// function FindMediator(pComponent: TControl): TMediatorView;
+ procedure RegisterMediatorClass(FieldName: string; MediatorClass: TMediatingViewClass);
+ end;
+ { Simple singelton for the Factory }
+ function gMediatorFactory: TMediatorFactory;
+ SysUtils
+ ,TypInfo
+ ,tiExcept
+// ,Dialogs { MessageDlg }
+ ,gui_dialogs // for ShowMessage
+ ,tiGUIConstants // for error color
+ ,gfxbase // for predefined colors
+ ;
+ uMediatorFactory: TMediatorFactory;
+ cErrorListHasNotBeenAssigned = 'List has not been assigned';
+function gMediatorFactory: TMediatorFactory;
+ if not Assigned(uMediatorFactory) then
+ uMediatorFactory := TMediatorFactory.Create;
+ result := uMediatorFactory;
+{ TMediatorView }
+constructor TMediatorView.Create;
+ inherited;
+ FSettingUp := True;
+ UseInternalOnChange := True;
+constructor TMediatorView.CreateCustom(pEditControl: TfpgWidget; pSubject: TtiObject; pFieldName: string; pGuiFieldName: string);
+ Create;
+ FSubject := pSubject;
+ FFieldName := pFieldName;
+ FGuiFieldName := pGuiFieldName;
+ FEditControl := pEditControl;
+ FSubject.AttachObserver(self);
+ SetupGUIandObject;
+ // I prefer to do this once in the form after all mediator are created.
+// FSubject.NotifyObservers;
+ FSettingUp := False;
+destructor TMediatorView.Destroy;
+ FSubject.DetachObserver(self);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TMediatorView.GUIChanged;
+ if not FSettingUp then
+ begin
+ GuiToObject;
+ TestIfValid;
+ end;
+procedure TMediatorView.UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors);
+ { These lines reset the EditControl in the case of no errors, but will be
+ further implemented by a concrete class }
+ EditControl.Hint := '';
+function TMediatorView.DataAndPropertyValid: Boolean;
+ result := (FSubject <> nil) and (FFieldName <> '');
+ if not result then
+ Exit; //==>
+ result := (IsPublishedProp(FSubject, FFieldName));
+ if not result then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('<%s> is not a property of <%s>',
+ [FFieldName, FSubject.ClassName ]);
+// EditControl.ReadOnly := ReadOnly or IsPropReadOnly;
+procedure TMediatorView.DoOnChange(Sender: TObject);
+ GUIChanged;
+procedure TMediatorView.TestIfValid;
+ Errors: TtiObjectErrors;
+ Errors := TtiObjectErrors.Create;
+ try
+ Subject.IsValid(Errors);
+ UpdateGuiValidStatus(Errors); // always execute this as it also resets EditControl
+ finally
+ Errors.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TMediatorView.Update(pSubject: TtiObject);
+ inherited;
+ ObjectToGui;
+ TestIfValid;
+function TMediatorView.GetSubject: TtiObject;
+ Result := FSubject;
+procedure TMediatorView.GuiToObject;
+ Subject.PropValue[FieldName] := TypInfo.GetPropValue((FEditControl as ComponentClass), GuiFieldName);
+procedure TMediatorView.ObjectToGui;
+ TypInfo.SetPropValue( (FEditControl as ComponentClass), GuiFieldName,
+ Subject.PropValue[FieldName]);
+procedure TMediatorView.SetupGUIandObject;
+ { do nothing here }
+{ TMediatorFactory }
+constructor TMediatorFactory.Create;
+ MappingList := TStringList.Create;
+function TMediatorFactory.CreateMediator(pComponent: TfpgWidget; pSubject: TtiObject;
+ pFieldName: string; pGuiFieldName: string): TMediatorView;
+ MediatorClass: TMediatingViewClass;
+ if not Assigned(pComponent) then
+ raise Exception.Create('TMediatorFactory.CreateMediator: pComponent is not assigned');
+ if not Assigned(pSubject) then
+ raise Exception.Create('TMediatorFactory.CreateMediator: pSubject is not assigned');
+ MediatorClass := GetMediatorClass(
+ pSubject,
+ pComponent.ClassType,
+ pFieldName );
+ result := MediatorClass.CreateCustom(
+ pComponent,
+ pSubject,
+ pFieldName,
+ pGuiFieldName );
+ pSubject.AttachObserver( result );
+function TMediatorFactory.CreateMediator(pEditLink: TMGMEditLink): TMediatorView;
+ MediatorClass: TMediatingViewClass;
+ MediatorClass := GetMediatorClass(
+ pEditLink.EditObject,
+ pEditLink.EditControl.ClassType,
+ pEditLink.ObjectEditProperty );
+ result := MediatorClass.CreateCustom(
+ pEditLink.EditControl,
+ pEditLink.EditObject,
+ pEditLink.ObjectEditProperty,
+ pEditLink.ControlEditProperty );
+ pEditLink.EditObject.AttachObserver( Result );
+destructor TMediatorFactory.Destroy;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := 0 to MappingList.Count -1 do
+ TObject(MappingList.Objects[i]).Free;
+ MappingList.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TMediatorFactory.FindMediatorClass(pSubject: TtiObject; pComponentClass: TClass; pFieldName: string): TMediatingViewClass;
+ cName = '%s.%s.%s'; { Subject Classname, FieldName, Edit control name }
+ i: Integer;
+ lName: string;
+ { Get the name formatting correct }
+ lName := Format(cName, [UpperCase(pSubject.ClassName), UpperCase(pFieldName), UpperCase(pComponentClass.ClassName)]);
+ { Does the Type exist in the list? }
+ i := MappingList.IndexOf( lName );
+ if i <> -1 then
+ Result := TMediatorViewMapping(MappingList.Objects[i]).MediatingViewClass
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+function TMediatorFactory.GetMediatorClass(pSubject: TtiObject; pComponentClass: TClass; pFieldName: string): TMediatingViewClass;
+ Result := FindMediatorClass(pSubject, pComponentClass, pFieldName);
+ if not Assigned(Result) then
+ raise Exception.Create('No mediator registered for:' + #13#10 +
+ ' Component: ' + pComponentClass.ClassName + #13#10 +
+ ' FieldName: ' + pSubject.ClassName + '.' + pFieldName);
+procedure TMediatorFactory.RegisterMediatorClass(FieldName: string; MediatorClass: TMediatingViewClass);
+ cName = '%s.%s';
+ lName: String;
+ i: Integer;
+ lMapping: TMediatorViewMapping;
+ lName := Format(cName, [UpperCase(FieldName), UpperCase(MediatorClass.ComponentClass.ClassName)]);
+ { Does the Medator mapping already exist? }
+ i := MappingList.IndexOf( lName );
+ if i <> -1 then
+ begin { If yes, notify the user }
+ { We cannot raise an exception as this will be called in the Initialization
+ section of a unit. FPC's exception handling may not have been loaded yet! }
+// MessageDlg('Registering a duplicate Mediator View Type <' + FieldName + '> with ' + ClassName,
+// mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
+ ShowMessage('Registering a duplicate Mediator View Type <' + FieldName + '> with ' + ClassName);
+ end
+ else
+ begin { If no, then add it to the list }
+ lMapping := TMediatorViewMapping.CreateExt( lName, MediatorClass );
+ MappingList.AddObject( lName, lMapping );
+ end;
+{ TMediatorEditView }
+function TMediatorEditView.GetEditControl: TfpgEdit;
+ Result := TfpgEdit(FEditControl);
+procedure TMediatorEditView.SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgEdit);
+ FEditControl := AValue;
+procedure TMediatorEditView.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+procedure TMediatorEditView.UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors);
+ oError: TtiObjectError;
+ inherited UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors);
+ oError := pErrors.FindByErrorProperty(FieldName);
+ if oError <> nil then
+ begin
+ EditControl.BackgroundColor := clError;
+ EditControl.Hint := oError.ErrorMessage;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ EditControl.BackgroundColor := clBoxColor;
+ EditControl.Hint := '';
+ end;
+constructor TMediatorEditView.CreateCustom(pEditControl: TfpgWidget;
+ pSubject: TtiObject; pFieldName: string; pGuiFieldName: string);
+ inherited;
+class function TMediatorEditView.ComponentClass: TClass;
+ Result := TfpgEdit;
+{ TMediatorSpinEditView}
+class function TMediatorSpinEditView.ComponentClass: TClass;
+ Result := TSpinEdit;
+procedure TMediatorSpinEditView.GuiToObject;
+ { Control is busy clearing the value before replacing it with what the user
+ typed. }
+ if (TSpinEdit(EditControl).Text = '') then
+ Exit; //==>
+ { continue as normal }
+ inherited;
+function TMediatorSpinEditView.GetEditControl: TSpinEdit;
+ Result := TSpinEdit(FEditControl);
+procedure TMediatorSpinEditView.OnLostFocus(Sender: TObject);
+ if (TSpinEdit(EditControl).Text = '') then
+ begin
+ { Default the EditControl to a valid value }
+ TSpinEdit(EditControl).Value := 0;
+ GUIChanged;
+ end;
+procedure TMediatorSpinEditView.SetEditControl(const AValue: TSpinEdit);
+ FEditControl := AValue;
+procedure TMediatorSpinEditView.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited;
+ TSpinEdit(EditControl).Text := '';
+ TSpinEdit(EditControl).OnExit := OnLostFocus;
+procedure TMediatorSpinEditView.UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors);
+ oError: TtiObjectError;
+ inherited UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors);
+ oError := pErrors.FindByErrorProperty(FieldName);
+ if oError <> nil then
+ begin
+ EditControl.Color := clError;
+ EditControl.Hint := oError.ErrorMessage;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ EditControl.Color := ColorToRGB(clWindow);
+ EditControl.Hint := '';
+ end;
+{ TMediatorTrackBarView}
+function TMediatorTrackBarView.GetEditControl: TfpgTrackBar;
+ Result := TfpgTrackBar(FEditControl);
+procedure TMediatorTrackBarView.SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgTrackBar);
+ FEditControl := AValue;
+class function TMediatorTrackBarView.ComponentClass: TClass;
+ Result := TfpgTrackBar;
+{ TMediatorComboBoxView }
+class function TMediatorComboBoxView.ComponentClass: TClass;
+ Result := TfpgComboBox;
+function TMediatorComboBoxView.GetEditControl: TfpgComboBox;
+ result := TfpgComboBox(FEditControl);
+procedure TMediatorComboBoxView.SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgComboBox);
+ FEditControl := AValue;
+procedure TMediatorComboBoxView.UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors);
+ oError: TtiObjectError;
+ inherited UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors);
+ oError := pErrors.FindByErrorProperty(FieldName);
+ if oError <> nil then
+ begin
+ EditControl.BackgroundColor := clError;
+ EditControl.Hint := oError.ErrorMessage;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ EditControl.BackgroundColor := clBoxColor;
+ EditControl.Hint := '';
+ end;
+procedure TMediatorComboBoxView.ObjectToGui;
+ EditControl.FocusItem :=
+ EditControl.Items.IndexOf(Subject.PropValue[FieldName]);
+{ TMediatorMemoView }
+class function TMediatorMemoView.ComponentClass: TClass;
+ Result := TfpgMemo;
+procedure TMediatorMemoView.GuiToObject;
+ Subject.PropValue[FieldName] := EditControl.Lines.Text;
+procedure TMediatorMemoView.ObjectToGui;
+ EditControl.Lines.Text := Subject.PropValue[FieldName];
+function TMediatorMemoView.GetEditControl: TfpgMemo;
+ Result := TfpgMemo(FEditControl);
+procedure TMediatorMemoView.SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgMemo);
+ FEditControl := AValue;
+procedure TMediatorMemoView.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited;
+ EditControl.Lines.Clear;
+// EditControl.ScrollBars := ssVertical;
+// EditControl.WordWrap := True;
+{ TMediatorViewMapping }
+constructor TMediatorViewMapping.CreateExt(pName: String; pMediatingClass: TMediatingViewClass);
+ Create;
+ Name := pName;
+ MediatingViewClass := pMediatingClass;
+{ TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView }
+procedure TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView.SetList(const AValue: TtiObjectList);
+ if FList = AValue then
+ Exit; //==>
+ FList := AValue;
+ InternalListRefresh;
+procedure TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView.InternalListRefresh;
+ lItems: TStrings;
+ i: Integer;
+ lItems := EditControl.Items;
+ lItems.Clear;
+// EditControl.Text := '';
+ if (FList = nil) or
+ (FList.Count < 1) or
+ (SameText(FFieldName, EmptyStr)) then
+ Exit; //==>
+ try
+ for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ lItems.Add(FList.Items[i].Caption);
+ end;
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Error adding list items to combobox ' +
+ 'Message: %s, Item Property Name: %s',
+ [E.message, FFieldName]);
+ end;
+ ObjectToGui;
+procedure TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView.SetOnChangeActive(AValue: Boolean);
+ if AValue then
+ begin
+ if not UseInternalOnChange then
+ EditControl.OnChange := FExternalOnChange
+ else
+ EditControl.OnChange := @DoOnChange;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if not UseInternalOnChange then
+ FExternalOnChange := EditControl.OnChange;
+ EditControl.OnChange := nil;
+ end;
+procedure TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+ if UseInternalOnChange then
+ EditControl.OnChange := @DoOnChange; // default OnChange event handler
+ EditControl.Enabled := (FList.Count > 0);
+constructor TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView.CreateCustom(pList: TtiObjectList;
+ pEditControl: TfpgWidget; pSubject: TtiObject; pFieldName: string);
+ Create;
+ FGuiFieldName := 'Text'; // TComboBox defaults to Text property
+ FSubject := pSubject;
+ FFieldName := pFieldName;
+ FEditControl := pEditControl;
+ if Assigned(EditControl.OnChange) then
+ UseInternalOnChange := False;
+ { This will fire a refresh }
+ List := pList;
+ FSubject.AttachObserver(self);
+ SetupGUIandObject;
+ // I prefer to do this once in the form after all mediator are created.
+// FSubject.NotifyObservers;
+ FSettingUp := False;
+destructor TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView.Destroy;
+ FList := nil;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView.GuiToObject;
+ lValue: TtiObject;
+ lPropType: TTypeKind;
+ if not DataAndPropertyValid then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if EditControl.FocusItem < 0 then
+ Exit; //==>
+ lValue := TtiObject(FList.Items[EditControl.FocusItem]);
+ lPropType := typinfo.PropType(Subject, FieldName);
+ if lPropType = tkClass then
+ typinfo.SetObjectProp(Subject, FieldName, lValue)
+ else
+ raise EtiOPFProgrammerException.Create('Error property type not a Class');
+procedure TMediatorDynamicComboBoxView.ObjectToGui;
+ i: Integer;
+ lValue: TtiObject;
+ lPropType: TTypeKind;
+ SetOnChangeActive(false);
+ // Set the index only (We're assuming the item is present in the list)
+ EditControl.FocusItem := -1;
+ if FSubject = nil then
+ Exit; //==>
+ if not Assigned(FList) then
+ raise EtiOPFProgrammerException.Create(cErrorListHasNotBeenAssigned);
+ lPropType := typinfo.PropType(Subject, FieldName);
+ if lPropType = tkClass then
+ lValue := TtiObject(typinfo.GetObjectProp(Subject, FieldName))
+ else
+ raise Exception.Create('Property is not a class type!');
+ for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
+ if FList.Items[i] = lValue then
+ begin
+ EditControl.FocusItem := i;
+ Break; //==>
+ end;
+ SetOnChangeActive(true);
+{ TMediatorCheckBoxView }
+function TMediatorCheckBoxView.GetEditControl: TfpgCheckBox;
+ Result := TfpgCheckBox(FEditControl);
+procedure TMediatorCheckBoxView.SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgCheckBox);
+ FEditControl := AValue;
+procedure TMediatorCheckBoxView.UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors: TtiObjectErrors);
+ oError: TtiObjectError;
+ inherited UpdateGuiValidStatus(pErrors);
+ oError := pErrors.FindByErrorProperty(FieldName);
+ if oError <> nil then
+ begin
+ EditControl.BackgroundColor := clError;
+ EditControl.Hint := oError.ErrorMessage;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ EditControl.BackgroundColor := clWindowBackground;
+ EditControl.Hint := '';
+ end;
+class function TMediatorCheckBoxView.ComponentClass: TClass;
+ Result := TfpgCheckBox;
+{ TMediatorStaticTextView }
+function TMediatorStaticTextView.GetEditControl: TfpgLabel;
+ Result := TfpgLabel(FEditControl);
+procedure TMediatorStaticTextView.SetEditControl(const AValue: TfpgLabel);
+ FEditControl := AValue;
+procedure TMediatorStaticTextView.SetupGUIandObject;
+ inherited SetupGUIandObject;
+ EditControl.Text := '';
+class function TMediatorStaticTextView.ComponentClass: TClass;
+ Result := TfpgLabel;
+ gMediatorFactory.Free;
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.lpk b/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.lpk
index 854b0a0e..6b38e720 100644
--- a/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.lpk
+++ b/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.lpk
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<License Value="Mozilla Public License v1.1
<Version Major="2" Release="3"/>
- <Files Count="3">
+ <Files Count="5">
<Filename Value="gui/tiGUIUtils.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="tiGUIUtils"/>
@@ -35,6 +35,14 @@
<Filename Value="gui/tiGUIINI.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="tiGUIINI"/>
+ <Item4>
+ <Filename Value="gui/tiGenericEditMediators.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="tiGenericEditMediators"/>
+ </Item4>
+ <Item5>
+ <Filename Value="gui/tiGUIConstants.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="tiGUIConstants"/>
+ </Item5>
<RequiredPkgs Count="3">
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.pas b/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.pas
index 80f74737..c452a52f 100644
--- a/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.pas
+++ b/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.pas
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ unit tiOPFfpGUI;
- tiGUIUtils, tiDialogs, tiGUIINI;
+ tiGUIUtils, tiDialogs, tiGUIINI, tiGenericEditMediators, tiGUIConstants;