path: root/extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/frmcontactmaint.pas
diff options
authorgraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2008-09-05 22:47:56 +0000
committergraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2008-09-05 22:47:56 +0000
commita89206b6e0221d5cd71c60541b4f273e294396de (patch)
treed13b8c8f3d9c3113a2e22a377843e294b41f5c3d /extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/frmcontactmaint.pas
parent025b1efbc8918cf7765e9687531d27e93f662201 (diff)
* Started implementing a full Address Book demo, showcasing the new Model-GUI-Mediator implementation. This is still work in progress.
Diffstat (limited to 'extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/frmcontactmaint.pas')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/frmcontactmaint.pas b/extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/frmcontactmaint.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3dc8496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/tiopf/demos/Demo_21_AdrsBook_MGM/frmcontactmaint.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+unit frmcontactmaint;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ SysUtils, Classes, gfxbase, fpgfx, gui_edit,
+ gfx_widget, gui_form, gui_label, gui_button,
+ gui_listview, gui_memo,
+ model, tiFormMediator,
+ tiMediators;
+ TContactEditForm = class(TfpgForm)
+ private
+ FData: TContact;
+ {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: ContactEditForm}
+ lblName1: TfpgLabel;
+ edFName: TfpgEdit;
+ lblName2: TfpgLabel;
+ edLName: TfpgEdit;
+ lblName3: TfpgLabel;
+ edEmail: TfpgEdit;
+ lblName4: TfpgLabel;
+ edMobile: TfpgEdit;
+ lblName5: TfpgLabel;
+ meComments: TfpgMemo;
+ lblName6: TfpgLabel;
+ lvAddresses: TfpgListView;
+ btnSave: TfpgButton;
+ btnCancel: TfpgButton;
+ btnAdd: TfpgButton;
+ btnEdit: TfpgButton;
+ btnDelete: TfpgButton;
+ {@VFD_HEAD_END: ContactEditForm}
+ FMediator: TFormMediator;
+ FAdrsMediator: TFormMediator;
+ procedure SetData(const AValue: TContact);
+ procedure SetupMediators;
+ public
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
+ property Data: TContact read FData write SetData;
+ end;
+function EditContact(AData: TContact): Boolean;
+ contactmanager;
+function EditContact(AData: TContact): Boolean;
+ frm: TContactEditForm;
+ frm:= TContactEditForm.Create(nil);
+ try
+ frm.SetData(AData);
+ result:= frm.ShowModal = mrOK;
+ finally
+ frm.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TContactEditForm.SetupMediators;
+ if not Assigned(FMediator) then
+ begin
+ RegisterFallBackMediators;
+ FMediator := TFormMediator.Create(self);
+ FMediator.AddProperty('FirstName', edFName);
+ FMediator.AddProperty('LastName', edLName);
+ FMediator.AddProperty('EMail', edEmail);
+ FMediator.AddProperty('Mobile', edMobile);
+ FMediator.AddProperty('Comments', meComments);
+ end;
+ FMediator.Subject := FData;
+ FMediator.Active := True;
+ if not Assigned(FAdrsMediator) then
+ begin
+ FAdrsMediator := TFormMediator.Create(self);
+ FAdrsMediator.AddComposite({'AddressType.Name;}'AddressType4GUI(50,"Type");Nr;Street;Telephone1', lvAddresses);
+ end;
+ FAdrsMediator.Subject := FData.AddressList;
+ FAdrsMediator.Active := True;
+procedure TContactEditForm.SetData(const AValue: TContact);
+ if FData=AValue then exit;
+ FData:=AValue;
+ SetupMediators;
+procedure TContactEditForm.AfterCreate;
+ {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: ContactEditForm}
+ Name := 'ContactEditForm';
+ SetPosition(513, 423, 537, 331);
+ WindowTitle := 'Contact Edit Form';
+ lblName1 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with lblName1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblName1';
+ SetPosition(8, 8, 80, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Text := 'Firstname:';
+ end;
+ edFName := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
+ with edFName do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edFName';
+ SetPosition(8, 24, 216, 22);
+ TabOrder := 1;
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ end;
+ lblName2 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with lblName2 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblName2';
+ SetPosition(8, 52, 80, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Text := 'Lastname:';
+ end;
+ edLName := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
+ with edLName do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edLName';
+ SetPosition(8, 68, 216, 22);
+ TabOrder := 3;
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ end;
+ lblName3 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with lblName3 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblName3';
+ SetPosition(8, 96, 80, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Text := 'EMail:';
+ end;
+ edEmail := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
+ with edEmail do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edEmail';
+ SetPosition(8, 112, 216, 22);
+ TabOrder := 5;
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ end;
+ lblName4 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with lblName4 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblName4';
+ SetPosition(8, 140, 80, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Text := 'Mobile:';
+ end;
+ edMobile := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
+ with edMobile do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edMobile';
+ SetPosition(8, 156, 216, 22);
+ TabOrder := 7;
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ end;
+ lblName5 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with lblName5 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblName5';
+ SetPosition(8, 184, 80, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Text := 'Comments:';
+ end;
+ meComments := TfpgMemo.Create(self);
+ with meComments do
+ begin
+ Name := 'meComments';
+ SetPosition(8, 200, 216, 80);
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ TabOrder := 9;
+ end;
+ lblName6 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with lblName6 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lblName6';
+ SetPosition(264, 8, 80, 16);
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Text := 'Addresses:';
+ end;
+ lvAddresses := TfpgListView.Create(self);
+ with lvAddresses do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lvAddresses';
+ SetPosition(264, 24, 260, 124);
+ ShowHeaders := True;
+ TabOrder := 11;
+ end;
+ btnSave := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnSave do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnSave';
+ SetPosition(364, 300, 80, 24);
+ Text := 'Save';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 12;
+ ModalResult := mrOK;
+ end;
+ btnCancel := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnCancel do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnCancel';
+ SetPosition(448, 300, 80, 24);
+ Text := 'Cancel';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 13;
+ ModalResult := mrCancel;
+ end;
+ btnAdd := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnAdd do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnAdd';
+ SetPosition(264, 152, 52, 24);
+ Text := 'Add';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 14;
+ end;
+ btnEdit := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnEdit do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnEdit';
+ SetPosition(320, 152, 52, 24);
+ Text := 'Edit';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 15;
+ end;
+ btnDelete := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnDelete do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnDelete';
+ SetPosition(376, 152, 52, 24);
+ Text := 'Delete';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 16;
+ end;
+ {@VFD_BODY_END: ContactEditForm}