path: root/examples/gui
diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2010-03-19 11:58:07 +0200
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2010-03-19 11:58:07 +0200
commitfba3c63cc06de9dc83f4f8a70c92762b6d404fa9 (patch)
treeddf5833ca102d0dceb16e9cd9b3b16d851de2643 /examples/gui
parente9528711617cc017ce4efbe525396d3855a10ae6 (diff)
New demo for MouseCursor property.
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/gui')
4 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/gui/mousecursor/cursordemo.lpi b/examples/gui/mousecursor/cursordemo.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7aea18fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/mousecursor/cursordemo.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <ProjectOptions>
+ <Version Value="7"/>
+ <General>
+ <Flags>
+ <SaveOnlyProjectUnits Value="True"/>
+ </Flags>
+ <SessionStorage Value="None"/>
+ <MainUnit Value="0"/>
+ <TargetFileExt Value=""/>
+ <Title Value="cursordemo"/>
+ <UseAppBundle Value="False"/>
+ <ResourceType Value="res"/>
+ </General>
+ <VersionInfo>
+ <ProjectVersion Value=""/>
+ <Language Value=""/>
+ <CharSet Value=""/>
+ </VersionInfo>
+ <PublishOptions>
+ <Version Value="2"/>
+ <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
+ <IncludeFileFilter Value="*.(pas|pp|inc|lfm|lpr|lrs|lpi|lpk|sh|xml)"/>
+ <ExcludeFileFilter Value="*.(bak|ppu|ppw|o|so);*~;backup"/>
+ </PublishOptions>
+ <RunParams>
+ <local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/ $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <RequiredPackages Count="1">
+ <Item1>
+ <PackageName Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
+ </Item1>
+ </RequiredPackages>
+ <Units Count="1">
+ <Unit0>
+ <Filename Value="cursordemo.lpr"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="cursordemo"/>
+ </Unit0>
+ </Units>
+ </ProjectOptions>
+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="8"/>
+ <SearchPaths>
+ <UnitOutputDirectory Value="units"/>
+ </SearchPaths>
+ <Parsing>
+ <SyntaxOptions>
+ <UseAnsiStrings Value="True"/>
+ </SyntaxOptions>
+ </Parsing>
+ <Linking>
+ <Options>
+ <Win32>
+ <GraphicApplication Value="True"/>
+ </Win32>
+ </Options>
+ </Linking>
+ <Other>
+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
+ <Debugging>
+ <Exceptions Count="3">
+ <Item1>
+ <Name Value="EAbort"/>
+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <Name Value="ECodetoolError"/>
+ </Item2>
+ <Item3>
+ <Name Value="EFOpenError"/>
+ </Item3>
+ </Exceptions>
+ </Debugging>
diff --git a/examples/gui/mousecursor/cursordemo.lpr b/examples/gui/mousecursor/cursordemo.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2cbcf1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/mousecursor/cursordemo.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+program cursordemo;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
+ cthreads,
+ Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_form, fpg_panel, fpg_label;
+ TMainForm = class(TfpgForm)
+ public
+ {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ Panel1: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel2: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel3: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel4: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel5: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel6: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel7: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel8: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel9: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel10: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel11: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel12: TfpgPanel;
+ Panel13: TfpgPanel;
+ Label1: TfpgLabel;
+ {@VFD_HEAD_END: MainForm}
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
+ end;
+procedure TMainForm.AfterCreate;
+ {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold}
+ {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ Name := 'MainForm';
+ SetPosition(388, 200, 311, 204);
+ WindowTitle := 'Mouse Cursor Demo';
+ Hint := '';
+ WindowPosition := wpOneThirdDown;
+ Label1 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
+ with Label1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Label1';
+ SetPosition(20, 4, 256, 16);
+ Alignment := taCenter;
+ FontDesc := '#Label2';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'Available mouse cursors in fpGUI';
+ end;
+ Panel1 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel1';
+ SetPosition(8, 32, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcDefault';
+ MouseCursor := mcDefault;
+ end;
+ Panel2 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel2 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel2';
+ SetPosition(108, 32, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcArrow';
+ MouseCursor := mcArrow;
+ end;
+ Panel3 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel3 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel3';
+ SetPosition(208, 32, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcCross';
+ MouseCursor := mcCross;
+ end;
+ Panel4 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel4 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel4';
+ SetPosition(8, 64, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcIBeam';
+ MouseCursor := mcIBeam;
+ end;
+ Panel5 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel5 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel5';
+ SetPosition(108, 64, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcSizeEW';
+ MouseCursor := mcSizeEW;
+ end;
+ Panel6 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel6 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel6';
+ SetPosition(208, 64, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcSizeNS';
+ MouseCursor := mcSizeNS;
+ end;
+ Panel7 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel7 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel7';
+ SetPosition(8, 96, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcSizeNWSE';
+ MouseCursor := mcSizeNWSE;
+ end;
+ Panel8 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel8 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel8';
+ SetPosition(108, 96, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcSizeNESW';
+ MouseCursor := mcSizeNESW;
+ end;
+ Panel9 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel9 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel9';
+ SetPosition(208, 96, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcSizeSWNE';
+ MouseCursor := mcSizeSWNE;
+ end;
+ Panel10 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel10 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel10';
+ SetPosition(8, 128, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcSizeSENW';
+ MouseCursor := mcSizeSENW;
+ end;
+ Panel11 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel11 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel11';
+ SetPosition(108, 128, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcMove';
+ MouseCursor := mcMove;
+ end;
+ Panel12 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel12 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel12';
+ SetPosition(208, 128, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcHourGlass';
+ MouseCursor := mcHourGlass;
+ end;
+ Panel13 := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with Panel13 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Panel13';
+ SetPosition(8, 160, 92, 24);
+ FontDesc := '#Grid';
+ Hint := '';
+ Text := 'mcHand';
+ MouseCursor := mcHand;
+ end;
+ {@VFD_BODY_END: MainForm}
+ {%endregion}
+procedure MainProc;
+ frm: TMainForm;
+ fpgApplication.Initialize;
+ frm := TMainForm.Create(nil);
+ try
+ frm.Show;
+ fpgApplication.Run;
+ finally
+ frm.Free;
+ end;
+ MainProc;
diff --git a/examples/gui/mousecursor/extrafpc.cfg b/examples/gui/mousecursor/extrafpc.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..775d592f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/mousecursor/extrafpc.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/examples/gui/mousecursor/units/.gitignore b/examples/gui/mousecursor/units/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72e8ffc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gui/mousecursor/units/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@