path: root/examples/apps/ide
diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2013-02-23 16:01:26 +0000
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2013-02-23 16:01:26 +0000
commitc6033d01c21b27742c5d5ed57afc23e6ad8703d7 (patch)
treecb987f284a974217ce6c9a57033af1d67a40bea2 /examples/apps/ide
parent596f957ed701d22f32f6e03ad2c31f78ba9c2127 (diff)
maximus: implemented diff/patch syntax highlighting
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/apps/ide')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/examples/apps/ide/src/frm_main.pas b/examples/apps/ide/src/frm_main.pas
index 6c1ffb8c..d0b87fa6 100644
--- a/examples/apps/ide/src/frm_main.pas
+++ b/examples/apps/ide/src/frm_main.pas
@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ type
procedure miTest(Sender: TObject);
function GetUnitsNode: TfpgTreeNode;
procedure UpdateWindowTitle;
- procedure TextEditDrawLine(Sender: TObject; ALineText: TfpgString; ALineIndex: Integer; ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; ATextRect: TfpgRect; var AllowSelfDraw: Boolean);
+ procedure HighlightObjectPascal(Sender: TObject; ALineText: TfpgString; ALineIndex: Integer; ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; ATextRect: TfpgRect; var AllowSelfDraw: Boolean);
+ procedure HighlightPatch(Sender: TObject; ALineText: TfpgString; ALineIndex: Integer; ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; ATextRect: TfpgRect; var AllowSelfDraw: Boolean);
procedure SetupEditorPreference;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
@@ -150,25 +151,6 @@ const
cSourceFiles = '*.pas;*.pp;*.lpr;*.dpr;*.inc';
cProjectFiles = '*.project';
- { nicely working so far }
- cKeywords1 = '\b(begin|end|read|write|with|try|finally|except|uses|interface'
- + '|implementation|procedure|function|constructor|destructor|property|operator'
- + '|private|protected|public|published|type|virtual|abstract|overload'
- + '|override|class|unit|program|library|set|of|if|then|for|downto|to|as|div|mod|shr|shl'
- + '|do|else|while|and|inherited|const|var|initialization|finalization'
- + '|on|or|in|raise|not|case|record|array|out|resourcestring|default'
- + '|xor|repeat|until|constref|stdcall|cdecl|external|generic|specialize)\b';
- cComments1 = '(\s*\/\/.*$)|(\{[^\{]*\})';
- cComments2 = '\{[^\{]*\}';
- cDefines1 = '\{\$[^\{]*\}';
- cString1 = '''.*''';
- cDecimal = '\b(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.[0-9]+([Ee][-]?[0-9]+)?))\b';
- cHexadecimal = '\$[0-9a-fA-F]+';
@@ -661,9 +643,14 @@ begin
if gINI.ReadBool(cEditor, 'SyntaxHighlighting', True) then
ext := fpgExtractFileExt(AFilename);
- if (ext = '.pas') or (ext = '.pp') or (ext = '.inc') or (ext = '.lpr')
- or (ext = '.dpr') then
- TfpgTextEdit(ts.Components[0]).OnDrawLine := @TextEditDrawLine;
+ if (ext = '.pas') or (ext = '.pp') or (ext = '.inc') or (ext = '.lpr') or (ext = '.dpr') then
+ begin
+ TfpgTextEdit(ts.Components[0]).OnDrawLine := @HighlightObjectPascal;
+ end
+ else if (ext = '.patch') or (ext = '.diff') then
+ begin
+ TfpgTextEdit(ts.Components[0]).OnDrawLine := @HighlightPatch;
+ end;
pcEditor.ActivePage := ts;
@@ -697,9 +684,28 @@ begin
WindowTitle := Format(cTitle, [GProject.ProjectName]);
-procedure TMainForm.TextEditDrawLine(Sender: TObject; ALineText: TfpgString;
+procedure TMainForm.HighlightObjectPascal(Sender: TObject; ALineText: TfpgString;
ALineIndex: Integer; ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; ATextRect: TfpgRect;
var AllowSelfDraw: Boolean);
+ { nicely working so far }
+ cKeywords1 = '\b(begin|end|read|write|with|try|finally|except|uses|interface'
+ + '|implementation|procedure|function|constructor|destructor|property|operator'
+ + '|private|protected|public|published|type|virtual|abstract|overload'
+ + '|override|class|unit|program|library|set|of|if|then|for|downto|to|as|div|mod|shr|shl'
+ + '|do|else|while|and|inherited|const|var|initialization|finalization'
+ + '|on|or|in|raise|not|case|record|array|out|resourcestring|default'
+ + '|xor|repeat|until|constref|stdcall|cdecl|external|generic|specialize)\b';
+ cComments1 = '(\s*\/\/.*$)|(\{[^\{]*\})';
+ cComments2 = '\{[^\{]*\}';
+ cDefines1 = '\{\$[^\{]*\}';
+ cString1 = '''.*''';
+ cDecimal = '\b(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.[0-9]+([Ee][-]?[0-9]+)?))\b';
+ cHexadecimal = '\$[0-9a-fA-F]+';
oldfont: TfpgFont;
s: TfpgString; // copy of ALineText we work with
@@ -850,6 +856,146 @@ begin
// writeln('------');
+procedure TMainForm.HighlightPatch(Sender: TObject; ALineText: TfpgString;
+ ALineIndex: Integer; ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; ATextRect: TfpgRect;
+ var AllowSelfDraw: Boolean);
+ cRemovedLines = '^(-[^-]|\<|!).*'; // starts with "-" or "<" or "!" symbols
+ cAddedLines = '^(\+[^\+]|\>).*'; // starts with "+" or ">" symbols
+ cLeftFile = '^--- .*'; // starts with "--- " symbols
+ cRightFile = '^(\+\+\+|\*\*\*) .*'; // starts with "+++ " or "*** " symbols
+ cHunk = '^\@\@.*'; // starts with "@@" symbols
+ cStartOfFile = '^(diff|index) .*'; // starts with "diff " or "index " symbols
+ oldfont: TfpgFont;
+ s: TfpgString; // copy of ALineText we work with
+ i, j, c: integer; // i = position of reserved word; c = last character pos
+ iLength: integer; // length of reserved word
+ w: integer; // reserved word loop variable
+ r: TfpgRect; // string rectangle to draw in
+ edt: TfpgTextEdit;
+ lMatchPos, lOffset: integer; // user for regex
+ edt := TfpgTextEdit(Sender);
+ AllowSelfDraw := False;
+ oldfont := TfpgFont(ACanvas.Font);
+ ACanvas.Color := clWhite;
+ { draw the plain text first }
+ ACanvas.TextColor := clBlack;
+ ACanvas.DrawText(ATextRect, ALineText);
+ lMatchPos := 0;
+ lOffset := 0;
+ { syntax highlighting for: cRemovedLines }
+ ACanvas.TextColor := clRed;
+ FRegex.Expression := cRemovedLines;
+ if FRegex.Exec(ALineText) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ lMatchPos := FRegex.MatchPos[0];
+ lOffset := FRegex.MatchLen[0];
+ s := FRegex.Match[0];
+ j := Length(s);
+ r.SetRect(ATextRect.Left + (edt.FontWidth * (lMatchPos-1)), ATextRect.Top,
+ (edt.FontWidth * j), ATextRect.Height);
+ ACanvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ ACanvas.DrawText(r, s);
+ until not FRegex.ExecNext;
+ end;
+ { syntax highlighting for: cAddedLines }
+ ACanvas.TextColor := clGreen;
+ FRegex.Expression := cAddedLines;
+ if FRegex.Exec(ALineText) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ lMatchPos := FRegex.MatchPos[0];
+ lOffset := FRegex.MatchLen[0];
+ s := FRegex.Match[0];
+ j := Length(s);
+ r.SetRect(ATextRect.Left + (edt.FontWidth * (lMatchPos-1)), ATextRect.Top,
+ (edt.FontWidth * j), ATextRect.Height);
+ ACanvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ ACanvas.DrawText(r, s);
+ until not FRegex.ExecNext;
+ end;
+ { syntax highlighting for: cLeftFile }
+ ACanvas.TextColor := clMagenta;
+ FRegex.Expression := cLeftFile;
+ if FRegex.Exec(ALineText) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ lMatchPos := FRegex.MatchPos[0];
+ lOffset := FRegex.MatchLen[0];
+ s := FRegex.Match[0];
+ j := Length(s);
+ r.SetRect(ATextRect.Left + (edt.FontWidth * (lMatchPos-1)), ATextRect.Top,
+ (edt.FontWidth * j), ATextRect.Height);
+ ACanvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ ACanvas.DrawText(r, s);
+ until not FRegex.ExecNext;
+ end;
+ { syntax highlighting for: cRightFile }
+ ACanvas.TextColor := clMagenta;
+ FRegex.Expression := cRightFile;
+ if FRegex.Exec(ALineText) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ lMatchPos := FRegex.MatchPos[0];
+ lOffset := FRegex.MatchLen[0];
+ s := FRegex.Match[0];
+ j := Length(s);
+ r.SetRect(ATextRect.Left + (edt.FontWidth * (lMatchPos-1)), ATextRect.Top,
+ (edt.FontWidth * j), ATextRect.Height);
+ ACanvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ ACanvas.DrawText(r, s);
+ until not FRegex.ExecNext;
+ end;
+ { syntax highlighting for: cHunk }
+ ACanvas.TextColor := clBlue;
+ FRegex.Expression := cHunk;
+ if FRegex.Exec(ALineText) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ lMatchPos := FRegex.MatchPos[0];
+ lOffset := FRegex.MatchLen[0];
+ s := FRegex.Match[0];
+ j := Length(s);
+ r.SetRect(ATextRect.Left + (edt.FontWidth * (lMatchPos-1)), ATextRect.Top,
+ (edt.FontWidth * j), ATextRect.Height);
+ ACanvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ ACanvas.DrawText(r, s);
+ until not FRegex.ExecNext;
+ end;
+ { syntax highlighting for: cStartOfFile }
+ ACanvas.TextColor := clBlack;
+ ACanvas.Color := clSilver;
+ FRegex.Expression := cStartOfFile;
+ if FRegex.Exec(ALineText) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ lMatchPos := FRegex.MatchPos[0];
+ lOffset := FRegex.MatchLen[0];
+ s := FRegex.Match[0];
+ j := Length(s);
+ r.SetRect(ATextRect.Left + (edt.FontWidth * (lMatchPos-1)), ATextRect.Top,
+ (edt.FontWidth * j), ATextRect.Height);
+ ACanvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ ACanvas.DrawText(r, s);
+ until not FRegex.ExecNext;
+ end;
+ ACanvas.Color := clWhite;
+ ACanvas.Font := oldfont;
procedure TMainForm.SetupEditorPreference;
i: integer;