path: root/docview/src
diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2013-04-10 00:09:29 +0100
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2013-04-10 00:09:29 +0100
commitd24464c8646ffd19e9b02de93626dd20054e2da5 (patch)
treeafaaf3caa81c9d15084d03be62b3f8f57d3444d8 /docview/src
parentde7e463e6210c28b56ba853ec2c2fdfd404a7a1f (diff)
parent6fa2f7ef71b16815e64e6ff547c9fcd6562be87b (diff)
Merge branch 'release-1.0'
Diffstat (limited to 'docview/src')
13 files changed, 863 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/docview/src/HelpBitmap.pas b/docview/src/HelpBitmap.pas
index 0931ce82..692bf64d 100644
--- a/docview/src/HelpBitmap.pas
+++ b/docview/src/HelpBitmap.pas
@@ -1,14 +1,32 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ Encapsulates a bitmap as stored in a IPF file. Once created from
+ file data they can be used as a normal bitmap.
unit HelpBitmap;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+// Debug purposes only
+{.$define LZW_DEBUG}
-// Encapsulates a bitmap as stored in a IPF file.
-// Once created from file data they can be used as a normal bitmap.
- Classes, SysUtils, fpg_main, ctypes,
+ Classes, SysUtils, fpg_main,
@@ -65,7 +83,6 @@ type
_UncompressedBlockSize: longint;
function GetPaletteSize: longint;
procedure BitmapError(Msg: string);
- procedure DecompressLZW(var Buffer: Pointer; const Count: integer; var NewBuffer: PByte; var NewCount: integer);
procedure ReadBitmapData( Blocks: TList; TotalSize: longint );
constructor CreateFromHelpFile(var AFileHandle: TFileStream; Offset: longint);
@@ -73,19 +90,13 @@ type
- LZWDecompressBlock: function( pInput: PBYTE;
- pOutput: PBYTE;
- bytesIn: uint32;
- Var bytesOut: uint32;
- Var FinalCode: byte ): Boolean;
-// 'newview' index 1;
- nvUtilities, Math, fpg_imgfmt_bmp;
+ nvUtilities,
+ Math,
+ LZWDecompress,
+ fpg_imgfmt_bmp;
BFT_bMAP =$4d62; // 'bM'
@@ -102,9 +113,15 @@ type
_Size: uint16;
_CompressionType: uint8;
_Data: PBYTE;
+ constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
+constructor TBitmapBlock.Create;
+ _Data := nil;
destructor TBitmapBlock.Destroy;
FreeMem( _Data );
@@ -119,7 +136,6 @@ var
BytesRead: longint;
Block: TBitmapBlock;
- p: pointer;
Blocks: TList;
BlockIndex: longint;
ImageType: uint16;
@@ -154,7 +170,8 @@ begin
if _Header.usType <> BFT_bMAP then
raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Invalid bitmap header' );
- _Header.usType := $4d42; // sibyl only accepts 'BM' not 'bM'
+// Graeme: we don't need to do this any more. It was only for Sybil
+// _Header.usType := $4d42; // sibyl only accepts 'BM' not 'bM'
// We can only parse bitmaps with 1 colour plane
// (I can't be bothered and have never seen bitmaps
@@ -174,19 +191,19 @@ begin
_BitsSize := LineSize *;
// Correct header offset - it is wrong in the header (why?)
- _Header.OffBits := sizeof( _Header ) + GetPaletteSize; // TODO: Graeme, double check this!
+ _Header.OffBits := sizeof( _Header ) + GetPaletteSize;
// Load palette
if _Header.cBitCount <= 8 then
_pPalette := GetMem( GetPaletteSize );
- bytes := FileHandle.Read(_pPalette, GetPaletteSize);
+ bytes := FileHandle.Read(_pPalette^, GetPaletteSize);
if bytes <> GetPaletteSize then
raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read Palette.' );
// Read data header
- FillChar( DataHeader, sizeof( DataHeader ), 0 );
+// FillChar( DataHeader, sizeof( DataHeader ), 0 );
bytes := FileHandle.Read(DataHeader, SizeOf(DataHeader));
if bytes <> SizeOf(DataHeader) then
raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Failed to read DataHeader.' );
@@ -214,7 +231,7 @@ begin
// Now read the block
Block._Data := GetMem( Block._Size );
- FileHandle.Read(Block._Data, Block._Size);
+ FileHandle.Read(Block._Data^, Block._Size);
inc( BytesRead, Block._Size );
Blocks.Add( Block );
@@ -250,227 +267,7 @@ begin
inherited Destroy;
-procedure THelpBitmap.DecompressLZW(var Buffer: Pointer; const Count: Integer; var NewBuffer: PByte; var NewCount: integer);
- TLZWString = packed record
- Count: integer;
- Data: PByte;
- end;
- PLZWString = ^TLZWString;
- ClearCode = 256; // clear table, start with 9bit codes
- EoiCode = 257; // end of input
-// NewBuffer: PByte;
-// NewCount: PtrInt;
- NewCapacity: PtrInt;
- SrcPos: PtrInt;
- SrcPosBit: integer;
- CurBitLength: integer;
- Code: Word;
- Table: PLZWString;
- TableCapacity: integer;
- TableCount: integer;
- OldCode: Word;
- function GetNextCode: Word;
- var
- v: Integer;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- // CurBitLength can be 9 to 12
- //writeln('GetNextCode CurBitLength=',CurBitLength,' SrcPos=',SrcPos,' SrcPosBit=',SrcPosBit,' ',hexstr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos],2),' ',hexstr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos+1],2),' ',hexstr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos+2],2));
- // read two or three bytes
- if CurBitLength+SrcPosBit>16 then begin
- // read from three bytes
- if SrcPos+3>Count then BitmapError('LZW stream overrun');
- v:=PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos];
- inc(SrcPos);
- v:=(v shl 8)+PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos];
- inc(SrcPos);
- v:=(v shl 8)+PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos];
- v:=v shr (24-CurBitLength-SrcPosBit);
- end else begin
- // read from two bytes
- if SrcPos+2>Count then BitmapError('LZW stream overrun');
- v:=PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos];
- inc(SrcPos);
- v:=(v shl 8)+PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos];
- if CurBitLength+SrcPosBit=16 then
- inc(SrcPos);
- v:=v shr (16-CurBitLength-SrcPosBit);
- end;
- Result:=v and ((1 shl CurBitLength)-1);
- SrcPosBit:=(SrcPosBit+CurBitLength) and 7;
- //writeln('GetNextCode END SrcPos=',SrcPos,' SrcPosBit=',SrcPosBit,' Result=',Result,' Result=',hexstr(Result,4));
- end;
- procedure ClearTable;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to TableCount-1 do
- ReAllocMem(Table[i].Data,0);
- TableCount:=0;
- end;
- procedure InitializeTable;
- begin
- CurBitLength:=9;
- ClearTable;
- end;
- function IsInTable(Code: word): boolean;
- begin
- Result:=Code<258+TableCount;
- end;
- procedure WriteStringFromCode(Code: integer; AddFirstChar: boolean = false);
- var
- s: TLZWString;
- b: byte;
- begin
- //WriteLn('WriteStringFromCode Code=',Code,' AddFirstChar=',AddFirstChar,' x=',(NewCount div 4) mod IDF.ImageWidth,' y=',(NewCount div 4) div IDF.ImageWidth,' PixelByte=',NewCount mod 4);
- if Code<256 then begin
- // write byte
- b:=Code;
- s.Data:=@b;
- s.Count:=1;
- end else if Code>=258 then begin
- // write string
- if Code-258>=TableCount then
- BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds');
- s:=Table[Code-258];
- end else
- BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds');
- if NewCount+s.Count+1>NewCapacity then begin
- NewCapacity:=NewCapacity*2+8;
- ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,NewCapacity);
- end;
- System.Move(s.Data^,NewBuffer[NewCount],s.Count);
- //for i:=0 to s.Count-1 do write(HexStr(NewBuffer[NewCount+i],2)); // debug
- inc(NewCount,s.Count);
- if AddFirstChar then begin
- NewBuffer[NewCount]:=s.Data^;
- //write(HexStr(NewBuffer[NewCount],2)); // debug
- inc(NewCount);
- end;
- //writeln(',WriteStringFromCode'); // debug
- end;
- procedure AddStringToTable(Code, AddFirstCharFromCode: integer);
- // add string from code plus first character of string from code as new string
- var
- b1, b2: byte;
- s1, s2: TLZWString;
- p: PByte;
- begin
- //WriteLn('AddStringToTable Code=',Code,' FCFCode=',AddFirstCharFromCode,' TableCount=',TableCount,' TableCapacity=',TableCapacity);
- // grow table
- if TableCount>=TableCapacity then begin
- TableCapacity:=TableCapacity*2+128;
- ReAllocMem(Table,TableCapacity*SizeOf(TLZWString));
- end;
- // find string 1
- if Code<256 then begin
- // string is byte
- b1:=Code;
- s1.Data:=@b1;
- s1.Count:=1;
- end else if Code>=258 then begin
- // normal string
- if Code-258>=TableCount then
- BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds');
- s1:=Table[Code-258];
- end else
- BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds');
- // find string 2
- if AddFirstCharFromCode<256 then begin
- // string is byte
- b2:=AddFirstCharFromCode;
- s2.Data:=@b2;
- s2.Count:=1;
- end else begin
- // normal string
- if AddFirstCharFromCode-258>=TableCount then
- BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds');
- s2:=Table[AddFirstCharFromCode-258];
- end;
- // set new table entry
- Table[TableCount].Count:=s1.Count+1;
- p:=nil;
- GetMem(p,s1.Count+1);
- Table[TableCount].Data:=p;
- System.Move(s1.Data^,p^,s1.Count);
- // add first character from string 2
- p[s1.Count]:=s2.Data^;
- // increase TableCount
- inc(TableCount);
- case TableCount+259 of
- 512,1024,2048: inc(CurBitLength);
- 4096: BitmapError('LZW too many codes');
- end;
- end;
- if Count=0 then exit;
- //WriteLn('TFPReaderTiff.DecompressLZW START Count=',Count);
- //for SrcPos:=0 to 19 do
- // write(HexStr(PByte(Buffer)[SrcPos],2));
- //writeln();
- NewBuffer:=nil;
- NewCount:=0;
- NewCapacity:=Count*2;
- ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,NewCapacity);
- SrcPos:=0;
- SrcPosBit:=0;
- CurBitLength:=9;
- Table:=nil;
- TableCount:=0;
- TableCapacity:=0;
- try
- repeat
- Code:=GetNextCode;
- //WriteLn('TFPReaderTiff.DecompressLZW Code=',Code);
- if Code=EoiCode then break;
- if Code=ClearCode then begin
- InitializeTable;
- Code:=GetNextCode;
- //WriteLn('TFPReaderTiff.DecompressLZW after clear Code=',Code);
- if Code=EoiCode then break;
- if Code=ClearCode then
- BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds');
- WriteStringFromCode(Code);
- OldCode:=Code;
- end else begin
- if Code<TableCount+258 then begin
- WriteStringFromCode(Code);
- AddStringToTable(OldCode,Code);
- OldCode:=Code;
- end else if Code=TableCount+258 then begin
- WriteStringFromCode(OldCode,true);
- AddStringToTable(OldCode,OldCode);
- OldCode:=Code;
- end else
- BitmapError('LZW code out of bounds');
- end;
- until false;
- finally
- ClearTable;
- ReAllocMem(Table,0);
- end;
- ReAllocMem(NewBuffer,NewCount);
-// FreeMem(Buffer);
-// Buffer:=NewBuffer;
-// Count:=NewCount;
-procedure THelpBitmap.ReadBitmapData( Blocks: TList;
- TotalSize: longint );
+procedure THelpBitmap.ReadBitmapData( Blocks: TList; TotalSize: longint );
BytesWritten: longint;
BytesWrittenFromBlock: longword;
@@ -483,16 +280,22 @@ var
BlockIndex: longint;
BitmapData: PBYTE;
ptr: PByte;
+ i: integer;
+ img: TfpgImage;
+ BitmapOutputPointer := nil;
+ BitmapData := nil;
+ ptr := nil;
// Allocate memory to store the bitmap
- Bitmapdata := GetMem( TotalSize );
+ BitmapData := GetMem( TotalSize );
// Copy header to bitmap
- MemCopy( _Header, BitmapData, sizeof( _Header ) );
+ MemCopy( _Header, BitmapData^, sizeof( _Header ) );
// Copy palette into bitmap
ptr := BitmapData + sizeof( _Header );
- MemCopy( _pPalette, ptr, GetPaletteSize );
+ MemCopy( _pPalette^, ptr^, GetPaletteSize );
BytesWritten := 0;
@@ -506,23 +309,18 @@ begin
case Block._CompressionType of
0,1: // uncompressed (I'm not sure about 1)
- MemCopy( Block._Data, BitmapOutputPointer, Block._Size );
+ MemCopy( Block._Data^, BitmapOutputPointer^, Block._Size );
BytesWrittenFromBlock := Block._Size;
inc( BytesWritten, BytesWrittenFromBlock );
2: // LZW compression
- // decompress block
- if not Assigned( LZWDecompressBlock )then
- raise EHelpBitmapException.Create( 'Cannot decode bitmap - DLL not found' );
-// DecompressLZW(Block._Data, Block._Size);
- //LZWDecompressBlock( Block._Data,
- // BitmapOutputPointer,
- // Block._Size,
- // BytesWrittenFromBlock,
- // lastOutByte );
+ LZWDecompressBlock( Block._Data,
+ Block._Size,
+ BitmapOutputPointer,
+ BytesWrittenFromBlock,
+ lastOutByte );
inc( BytesWritten, BytesWrittenFromBlock );
@@ -555,15 +353,37 @@ begin
> BitmapData + TotalSize ) then
assert( false );
- inc( BitmapOutputPointer, BytesWrittenFromBlock );
+{ NOTE: This doesn't seem right. It moves the pointer so later the moving of data to
+ ImageData will be wrong! }
+// inc( BitmapOutputPointer, BytesWrittenFromBlock ); TPersistentObjectState
+ i := TotalSize + SizeOf(_Header) + GetPaletteSize;
+ img := CreateImage_BMP(BitmapData, i);
- if TotalSize <> ImageDataSize then
- writeln('Warning: INF Bitmap size and allocated bitmap size are different. ', TotalSize, ' vs ', ImageDataSize);
- Move(BitmapData^, ImageData^, TotalSize);
+ writeln('Width = ', Width);
+ writeln('Height = ', Height);
+ writeln('ImageDataSize = ', ImageDataSize);
+ writeln('------------- START -------------');
+ for i := 1 to ImageDataSize do
+ begin
+ write(HexStr(BitmapOutputPointer[i-1],2)+' ');
+ if (i mod 16 = 0) then
+ writeln('')
+ else if (i mod 4 = 0) then
+ write (' | ');
+ end;
+ Writeln('');
+ writeln('------------- END -------------');
+ {$ENDIF}
+// Move(BitmapOutputPointer^, ImageData^, ImageDataSize);
+ Move(img.ImageData^, self.ImageData^, img.ImageDataSize);
+ img.Free;
FreeMem( BitmapData, TotalSize );
diff --git a/docview/src/HelpFile.pas b/docview/src/HelpFile.pas
index cc4657d9..ce3d9f8a 100644
--- a/docview/src/HelpFile.pas
+++ b/docview/src/HelpFile.pas
@@ -321,29 +321,6 @@ const
entries.AddObject(anIndexEntry.getLabel, anIndexEntry);
-//Procedure OnLanguageEvent( Language: TLanguageFile;
-// const Apply: boolean );
-// tmpPrefix : String;
-// tmpPrefix := 'HelpFile' + LANGUAGE_LABEL_DELIMITER;
-// Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorNotFound, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorNotFound', 'File not found' );
-// Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorAccessDenied, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorAccessDenied', 'Access denied' );
-// Language.LL( Apply, FileErrorInUse, tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorInUse', 'File in use by another program' );
-// Language.LL( Apply,
-// FileErrorInvalidHeader,
-// tmpPrefix + 'FileErrorInvalidHeader',
-// 'File doesn''t appear to be an OS/2 Help document (header ID not correct)' );
-// Language.LL( Apply,
-// ErrorCorruptHelpFile,
-// tmpPrefix + 'ErrorCorruptHelpFile',
-// 'File is corrupt' );
Function TopicFile( Topic: TTopic ): THelpFile;
Result := Topic.HelpFile as THelpFile;
@@ -1119,9 +1096,7 @@ begin
+ ': '
+ e.Message );}
-// Bitmap := THelpBitmap.Create;
Bitmap := THelpBitmap(fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.dlg.critical'));
-// Bitmap.LoadFromResourceName( 'MissingBitmap' ); // TODO: Add image resource to DocView
diff --git a/docview/src/HelpTopic.pas b/docview/src/HelpTopic.pas
index 5a8245a7..a9b981f1 100644
--- a/docview/src/HelpTopic.pas
+++ b/docview/src/HelpTopic.pas
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ implementation
- ,NewViewConstantsUnit
+ ,dvConstants
diff --git a/docview/src/NewViewConstantsUnit.pas b/docview/src/NewViewConstantsUnit.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aed1cd0..00000000
--- a/docview/src/NewViewConstantsUnit.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
- Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
- distribution, for details of the copyright.
- See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
- for details about redistributing fpGUI.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Description:
- Common used constants for DocView
-unit NewViewConstantsUnit;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- PARAM_LINK_NOTE = 'note';
- PARAM_LINK_PROGRAM = 'program';
- PARAM_LINK_URL = 'url';
- PARAM_LINK_EXTERNAL = 'external';
- PRGM_EXPLORER = 'explore'; // web explorer
- PRGM_NETSCAPE = 'netscape';
- PRGM_MOZILLA = 'mozilla';
- PRGM_FIREFOX = 'firefox';
diff --git a/docview/src/docview.lpi b/docview/src/docview.lpi
index 30c8e7ff..6fc2c4cb 100644
--- a/docview/src/docview.lpi
+++ b/docview/src/docview.lpi
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
<FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <CommandLineParams Value="/data/devel/tests/inf_test/test2.inf"/>
<LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/ $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
<PackageName Value="fpgui_toolkit"/>
- <Units Count="36">
+ <Units Count="37">
<Filename Value="docview.lpr"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
@@ -132,80 +133,85 @@
<UnitName Value="HelpWindowDimensions"/>
- <Filename Value="NewViewConstantsUnit.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="SettingsUnit.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="NewViewConstantsUnit"/>
+ <UnitName Value="SettingsUnit"/>
- <Filename Value="SettingsUnit.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="dvconstants.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="SettingsUnit"/>
+ <UnitName Value="dvConstants"/>
- <Filename Value="dvconstants.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="dvHelpers.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="dvConstants"/>
+ <UnitName Value="dvHelpers"/>
- <Filename Value="dvHelpers.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="HelpWindow.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="dvHelpers"/>
+ <UnitName Value="HelpWindow"/>
- <Filename Value="HelpWindow.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="../TODO.txt"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="HelpWindow"/>
- <Filename Value="../TODO.txt"/>
+ <Filename Value="frm_configuration.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="frm_configuration"/>
- <Filename Value="frm_configuration.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value=""/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="frm_configuration"/>
- <Filename Value=""/>
+ <Filename Value="HelpBitmap.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="HelpBitmap"/>
- <Filename Value="HelpBitmap.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value=""/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="HelpBitmap"/>
- <Filename Value=""/>
+ <Filename Value="frm_text.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="frm_text"/>
- <Filename Value="frm_text.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="docview.rc"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="frm_text"/>
- <Filename Value="docview.rc"/>
+ <Filename Value="../docs/docview.ipf"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <Filename Value="../docs/docview.ipf"/>
+ <Filename Value="frm_note.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="frm_note"/>
- <Filename Value="frm_note.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="HelpNote.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="frm_note"/>
+ <UnitName Value="HelpNote"/>
- <Filename Value="HelpNote.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="HelpBookmark.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="HelpNote"/>
+ <UnitName Value="HelpBookmark"/>
- <Filename Value="HelpBookmark.pas"/>
+ <Filename Value="frm_bookmarks.pas"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <UnitName Value="HelpBookmark"/>
+ <UnitName Value="frm_bookmarks"/>
+ <Unit36>
+ <Filename Value="lzwdecompress.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="LZWDecompress"/>
+ </Unit36>
diff --git a/docview/src/docview.lpr b/docview/src/docview.lpr
index e49aa4c3..0bee1dbe 100644
--- a/docview/src/docview.lpr
+++ b/docview/src/docview.lpr
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ uses
- Classes, fpg_main, frm_main, IPFEscapeCodes, HelpTopic, CompareWordUnit, SearchTable,
- TextSearchQuery, nvUtilities, HelpFile, SearchUnit, fpg_cmdlineparams,
- IPFFileFormatUnit, HelpWindowDimensions, NewViewConstantsUnit, SettingsUnit,
+ Classes, fpg_main, frm_main, IPFEscapeCodes, HelpTopic, CompareWordUnit,
+ SearchTable, TextSearchQuery, nvUtilities, HelpFile, SearchUnit,
+ fpg_cmdlineparams, IPFFileFormatUnit, HelpWindowDimensions, SettingsUnit,
RichTextStyleUnit, CanvasFontManager, ACLStringUtility, RichTextDocumentUnit,
RichTextView, RichTextLayoutUnit, RichTextDisplayUnit, dvconstants, dvHelpers,
- frm_configuration, HelpBitmap, frm_text, frm_note, HelpNote, HelpBookmark;
+ frm_configuration, HelpBitmap, frm_text, frm_note, HelpNote, HelpBookmark,
+ frm_bookmarks, LZWDecompress;
{$R docview.rc}
diff --git a/docview/src/docview.rc b/docview/src/docview.rc
index 87597a3f..34ed0c18 100644
--- a/docview/src/docview.rc
+++ b/docview/src/docview.rc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
MAINICON ICON "../images/docview-48x48.ico"
-FILEVERSION 0, 8, 0, 0
+FILEVERSION 1, 0, 0, 0
FILEOS 0x40000
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ FILETYPE 1
VALUE "CompanyName", "fpGUI Toolkit"
VALUE "FileDescription", "fpGUI's INF Documentation Viewer"
- VALUE "FileVersion", "0.8.0"
+ VALUE "FileVersion", "1.0.0"
VALUE "InternalName", "docview"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "GNU Public License"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "docview"
VALUE "ProductName", "fpGUI Toolkit"
- VALUE "ProductVersion", "0.8.0"
+ VALUE "ProductVersion", "1.0.0"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
diff --git a/docview/src/dvHelpers.pas b/docview/src/dvHelpers.pas
index 28dc7809..2aaf710a 100644
--- a/docview/src/dvHelpers.pas
+++ b/docview/src/dvHelpers.pas
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ interface
Classes, SysUtils, fpg_base;
function GetOwnHelpFileName: String;
// Given a filename, which may or may not contain a path or extension,
diff --git a/docview/src/dvconstants.pas b/docview/src/dvconstants.pas
index 9e0073be..e549bfe8 100644
--- a/docview/src/dvconstants.pas
+++ b/docview/src/dvconstants.pas
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ const
NOTES_FILE_EXTENSION = ExtensionSeparator + 'notes';
BOOKMARK_FILE_EXTENSION = ExtensionSeparator + 'bookmark';
cDocViewHelpFile = 'docview.inf';
@@ -60,6 +61,18 @@ const
hcConfigGeneralTab = 510;
hcConfigFontsColorTab = 520;
+ PARAM_LINK_NOTE = 'note';
+ PARAM_LINK_PROGRAM = 'program';
+ PARAM_LINK_URL = 'url';
+ PARAM_LINK_EXTERNAL = 'external';
+ PRGM_EXPLORER = 'explore'; // web explorer
+ PRGM_NETSCAPE = 'netscape';
+ PRGM_MOZILLA = 'mozilla';
+ PRGM_FIREFOX = 'firefox';
diff --git a/docview/src/frm_bookmarks.pas b/docview/src/frm_bookmarks.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4180b74f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/frm_bookmarks.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+unit frm_bookmarks;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ fpg_base,
+ fpg_main,
+ fpg_form,
+ fpg_listbox,
+ fpg_button,
+ HelpBookmark;
+ TBookmarkCallback = procedure(Bookmark: TBookmark) of object;
+ TBookmarksForm = class(TfpgForm)
+ private
+ {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: BookmarksForm}
+ lbBookmarks: TfpgListBox;
+ btnRename: TfpgButton;
+ btnDelete: TfpgButton;
+ btnGoTo: TfpgButton;
+ btnHelp: TfpgButton;
+ btnClose: TfpgButton;
+ {@VFD_HEAD_END: BookmarksForm}
+ FBookmarkList: TList;
+ FOnBookmarksChanged: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnGotoBookmark: TBookmarkCallback;
+ procedure lbBookmarksKeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure lbBookmarksDoubleClicked(Sender: TObject; AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ procedure btnRenameClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnDeleteClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnGotoClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnHelpClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnCloseClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ function SelectedObject(ListBox: TfpgListBox): TObject;
+ procedure UpdateControls;
+ function GetSelectedBookmark: TBookmark;
+ procedure GotoSelectedBookmark;
+ public
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
+ procedure RefreshList;
+ published
+ property BookmarkList: TList read FBookmarkList write FBookmarkList;
+ property OnBookmarksChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnBookmarksChanged write FOnBookmarksChanged;
+ property OnGotoBookmark: TBookmarkCallback read FOnGotoBookmark write FOnGotoBookmark;
+ end;
+ fpg_dialogs;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.lbBookmarksKeyPressed(Sender: TObject;
+ var KeyCode: word; var ShiftState: TShiftState; var Consumed: boolean);
+ if (KeyCode = keyEnter) or (KeyCode = keyPEnter) then
+ begin
+ GotoSelectedBookmark;
+ Close;
+ end;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ RefreshList;
+ lbBookmarks.SetFocus;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.lbBookmarksDoubleClicked(Sender: TObject;
+ AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
+ GotoSelectedBookmark;
+ Close;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.btnRenameClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ Bookmark: TBookmark;
+ lName: TfpgString;
+ Bookmark := GetSelectedBookmark;
+ if Bookmark = nil then
+ exit;
+ lName := Bookmark.Name;
+ if fpgInputQuery( 'Rename Bookmark', 'Enter the new name of the bookmark', lName ) then
+ begin
+ Bookmark.Name := lName;
+ if Assigned(OnBookmarksChanged) then
+ OnBookmarksChanged(self);
+ // redisplay name in list
+ lbBookmarks.Items[lbBookmarks.FocusItem] := Bookmark.Name;
+ lbBookmarks.Invalidate;
+ end;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.btnDeleteClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ Bookmark: TBookmark;
+ BookmarkIndex: integer;
+ Bookmark := GetSelectedBookmark;
+ if Bookmark = nil then
+ exit;
+ if TfpgMessageDialog.Question('Delete Bookmark',
+ Format('Delete the bookmark named "%s"?', [Bookmark.Name])) = mbYes then
+ begin
+ BookmarkIndex := BookmarkList.IndexOf( Bookmark );
+ lbBookmarks.Items.Delete( BookmarkIndex );
+ BookmarkList.Delete( BookmarkIndex );
+ if BookmarkIndex > BookmarkList.Count - 1 then
+ BookmarkIndex := BookmarkList.Count - 1;
+ lbBookmarks.FocusItem := BookmarkIndex;
+ Bookmark.Free;
+ if Assigned(OnBookmarksChanged) then
+ OnBookmarksChanged(self);
+ lbBookmarks.Invalidate;
+ UpdateControls;
+ end;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.btnGotoClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ GotoSelectedBookmark;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.btnHelpClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ InvokeHelp;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.btnCloseClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ Close;
+function TBookmarksForm.SelectedObject(ListBox: TfpgListBox): TObject;
+ if (ListBox.FocusItem >= 0) and (ListBox.FocusItem < ListBox.Items.Count) then
+ Result := ListBox.Items.Objects[ListBox.FocusItem]
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.UpdateControls;
+ Selected: Boolean;
+ Selected := GetSelectedBookmark <> nil;
+ btnRename.Enabled := Selected;
+ btnDelete.Enabled := Selected;
+ btnGoto.Enabled := Selected;
+ if not btnGoto.Enabled then
+ btnGoto.Default := false;
+function TBookmarksForm.GetSelectedBookmark: TBookmark;
+ if SelectedObject(lbBookmarks) = nil then
+ result := nil
+ else
+ result := SelectedObject(lbBookmarks) as TBookmark;
+procedure TBookmarksForm.GotoSelectedBookmark;
+ if Assigned(FOnGotoBookmark) then
+ if GetSelectedBookmark <> nil then
+ FOnGotoBookmark(GetSelectedBookmark);
+procedure TBookmarksForm.AfterCreate;
+ {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold}
+ {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: BookmarksForm}
+ Name := 'BookmarksForm';
+ SetPosition(553, 246, 393, 247);
+ WindowTitle := 'Bookmarks';
+ Hint := '';
+ HelpType := htContext;
+ HelpContext := 8;
+ OnShow := @FormShow;
+ lbBookmarks := TfpgListBox.Create(self);
+ with lbBookmarks do
+ begin
+ Name := 'lbBookmarks';
+ SetPosition(8, 12, 272, 227);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom];
+ FontDesc := '#List';
+ Hint := '';
+ TabOrder := 1;
+ OnDoubleClick := @lbBookmarksDoubleClicked;
+ OnKeyPress := @lbBookmarksKeyPressed;
+ end;
+ btnRename := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnRename do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnRename';
+ SetPosition(288, 16, 96, 23);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anTop];
+ Text := 'Rename...';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 2;
+ OnClick := @btnRenameClicked;
+ end;
+ btnDelete := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnDelete do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnDelete';
+ SetPosition(288, 44, 96, 23);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anTop];
+ Text := 'Delete';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 3;
+ OnClick := @btnDeleteClicked;
+ end;
+ btnGoTo := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnGoTo do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnGoTo';
+ SetPosition(288, 72, 96, 23);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anTop];
+ Text := 'Goto';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 4;
+ Default := True;
+ OnClick := @btnGotoClicked;
+ end;
+ btnHelp := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnHelp do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnHelp';
+ SetPosition(288, 100, 96, 23);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anTop];
+ Text := 'Help';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 5;
+ OnClick := @btnHelpClicked;
+ end;
+ btnClose := TfpgButton.Create(self);
+ with btnClose do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnClose';
+ SetPosition(288, 217, 96, 23);
+ Anchors := [anRight,anBottom];
+ Text := 'Close';
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageName := '';
+ TabOrder := 6;
+ OnClick := @btnCloseClicked;
+ end;
+ {@VFD_BODY_END: BookmarksForm}
+ {%endregion}
+procedure TBookmarksForm.RefreshList;
+ i: integer;
+ Bookmark: TBookmark;
+ lbBookmarks.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ lbBookmarks.Items.Clear;
+ if not Assigned(BookmarkList) then
+ exit;
+ for i := 0 to BookmarkList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Bookmark := TBookmark(BookmarkList[i]);
+ lbBookmarks.Items.AddObject(Bookmark.Name, Bookmark);
+ end;
+ if lbBookmarks.Items.Count > 0 then
+ lbBookmarks.FocusItem := 0;
+ lbBookmarks.Items.EndUpdate;
+ UpdateControls;
diff --git a/docview/src/frm_main.pas b/docview/src/frm_main.pas
index ddad88d8..97a9fd04 100644
--- a/docview/src/frm_main.pas
+++ b/docview/src/frm_main.pas
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ type
RichView: TRichTextView;
MainMenu: TfpgMenuBar;
miFile: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ miActions: TfpgPopupMenu;
miSettings: TfpgPopupMenu;
miBookmarks: TfpgPopupMenu;
miView: TfpgPopupMenu;
@@ -129,9 +130,19 @@ type
procedure miFileOpenAdditionalFileClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miFileOpenSpecialClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miFileCloseClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsContentsClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsIndexClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsSearchClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsNotesClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsHistoryClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsBackClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsForwardClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsPrevTopicClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miActionsNextTopicClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miConfigureClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miViewExpandAllClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miViewCollapseAllClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miOpenBookmarksMenuClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miBookmarksMenuItemClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miHelpProdInfoClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miHelpAboutFPGui(Sender: TObject);
@@ -234,7 +245,6 @@ type
procedure ClearBookmarks;
procedure OnBookmarksChanged(Sender: TObject);
procedure BuildBookmarksMenu;
- procedure UpdateBookmarksDisplay;
procedure NavigateToBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark);
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
@@ -265,7 +275,7 @@ uses
- ,NewViewConstantsUnit
+ ,frm_bookmarks
@@ -298,6 +308,26 @@ begin
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsBackClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ btnBack.Click;
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsForwardClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ btnFwd.Click;
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsPrevTopicClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ btnPrev.Click;
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsNextTopicClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ btnNext.Click;
procedure TMainForm.Splitter1DoubleClicked(Sender: TObject;
AButton: TMouseButton; AShift: TShiftState; const AMousePos: TPoint);
@@ -420,9 +450,12 @@ end;
procedure TMainForm.RichViewClickLink(Sender: TRichTextView; Link: string);
+ LinkDetails: TfpgString;
LinkIndex: integer;
lLink: THelpLink;
lHelp: THelpFile;
+ f: THelpFile;
+ lHelpFileName: TfpgString;
i: integer;
lTopic: TTopic;
lFound: Boolean;
@@ -441,7 +474,32 @@ begin
else if pos(PARAM_LINK_EXTERNAL, Link) > 0 then
- TfpgMessageDialog.Warning('', 'External links are not supported in DocView yet. Please try again with a later build.')
+ LinkDetails := StrRightFrom( Link, 10 ); // 10 is starting pos of data, after 'external '
+ LinkIndex := StrToInt( ExtractNextValue( LinkDetails, ' ' ) );
+ lHelp := CurrentTopic.HelpFile as THelpFile;
+ lHelpFileName := lHelp.ReferencedFiles[ LinkIndex ];
+ { Only open the external file once. So see if it is already openned. }
+ lFound := False;
+ for i := 0 to CurrentOpenFiles.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ f := THelpFile(CurrentOpenFiles[i]);
+ if SameText(fpgExtractFileName(f.Filename), lHelpFileName) then
+ lFound := True;
+ end;
+ if not lFound then
+ begin
+ OpenAdditionalFile := True;
+ OpenFile(lHelpFileName, '', false);
+ OpenAdditionalFile := False;
+ end;
+ { Not sure if we have an ID or Resource Name, so lets try both if possible }
+ if TryStrToInt(LinkDetails, i) then
+ DisplayTopicByResourceID(i)
+ else
+ DisplayTopicByName(LinkDetails);
else if pos(PARAM_LINK_URL, Link) > 0 then
@@ -578,6 +636,31 @@ begin
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsContentsClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ PageControl1.ActivePage := tsContents;
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsIndexClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ PageControl1.ActivePage := tsIndex;
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsSearchClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ PageControl1.ActivePage := tsSearch;
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsNotesClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ PageControl1.ActivePage := tsNotes;
+procedure TMainForm.miActionsHistoryClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ PageControl1.ActivePage := tsHistory;
procedure TMainForm.miConfigureClicked(Sender: TObject);
@@ -594,6 +677,21 @@ begin
+procedure TMainForm.miOpenBookmarksMenuClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ frm: TBookmarksForm;
+ frm := TBookmarksForm.Create(nil);
+ try
+ frm.BookmarkList := Bookmarks;
+ frm.OnGotoBookmark := @NavigateToBookmark;
+ frm.OnBookmarksChanged := @OnBookmarksChanged;
+ frm.ShowModal;
+ finally
+ frm.Free;
+ end;
procedure TMainForm.miBookmarksMenuItemClicked(Sender: TObject);
t: PtrInt;
@@ -2465,8 +2563,7 @@ begin
if ImageIndices.Count > 0 then
- { TODO -oGraeme : We do not support images yet }
-// THelpFile(CurrentTopic.HelpFile).GetImages(ImageIndices, FImages);
+ THelpFile(CurrentTopic.HelpFile).GetImages(ImageIndices, FImages);
@@ -2531,6 +2628,7 @@ var
inherited Create(AOwner);
fpgApplication.OnException := @MainFormException;
+ fpgApplication.HelpFile := cDocViewHelpFile;
OnShow := @MainFormShow;
OnDestroy := @MainFormDestroy;
// Files := TList.Create;
@@ -3078,17 +3176,34 @@ begin
Name := 'miFile';
SetPosition(292, 96, 132, 20);
- AddMenuItem('Open...', 'Ctrl+O', @miFileOpenClicked);
- AddMenuItem('Open additional file...', 'Ctrl+Shift+O', @miFileOpenAdditionalFileClicked);
- AddMenuItem('Open Special...', 'Ctrl+L', @miFileOpenSpecialClicked);
- AddMenuItem('Save current Topic to IPF...', 'Ctrl+S', @miFileSaveTopicAsIPF);
- AddMenuItem('Close', 'Ctrl+W', @miFileCloseClicked);
- AddMenuitem('-', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('Open...', rsKeyCtrl+'O', @miFileOpenClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Open additional file...', rsKeyCtrl+rsKeyShift+'O', @miFileOpenAdditionalFileClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Open Special...', rsKeyCtrl+'L', @miFileOpenSpecialClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Save current Topic to IPF...', rsKeyCtrl+'S', @miFileSaveTopicAsIPF);
+ AddMenuItem('Close', rsKeyCtrl+'W', @miFileCloseClicked);
+ AddSeparator;
FFileOpenRecent := AddMenuItem('Open Recent...', '', nil);
AddMenuitem('-', '', nil);
AddMenuItem('Quit', 'Ctrl+Q', @miFileQuitClicked);
+ miActions := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ with miActions do
+ begin
+ Name := 'miActions';
+ SetPosition(282, 96, 132, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('Contents', 'F5', @miActionsContentsClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Index', 'F6', @miActionsIndexClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Search', 'F7', @miActionsSearchClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Notes', 'F8', @miActionsNotesClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('History', 'F9', @miActionsHistoryClicked);
+ AddSeparator;
+ AddMenuItem('Back', rsKeyCtrl+'Left', @miActionsBackClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Forward', rsKeyCtrl+'Right', @miActionsForwardClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Previous Topic', rsKeyCtrl+'Up', @miActionsPrevTopicClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Next Topic', rsKeyCtrl+'Down', @miActionsNextTopicClicked);
+ end;
miSettings := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
with miSettings do
@@ -3102,8 +3217,10 @@ begin
Name := 'miBookmarks';
SetPosition(292, 144, 132, 20);
- AddMenuItem('Add..', '', nil).Enabled := False;
- AddMenuItem('Show', '', nil).Enabled := False;
+ AddMenuItem('Add', rsKeyCtrl+'B', @btnBookmarkClick);
+ AddMenuItem('Edit...', rsKeyCtrl+'D', @miOpenBookmarksMenuClicked);
+ AddSeparator;
+ AddMenuItem('Add note at cursor position', rsKeyCtrl+'M', @btnNotesAddClick);
miView := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
@@ -3113,7 +3230,7 @@ begin
SetPosition(292, 216, 132, 20);
AddMenuItem('Expand All', '', @miViewExpandAllClicked);
AddMenuItem('Collapse All', '', @miViewCollapseAllClicked);
- AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
+ AddSeparator;
AddMenuItem('Topic Properties', '', @miTopicPropertiesClicked);
@@ -3137,9 +3254,9 @@ begin
Name := 'miHelp';
SetPosition(292, 168, 132, 20);
- AddMenuItem('Help using DocView', '', @miHelpUsingDocView);
- AddMenuItem('Command line parameters', '', @miHelpCmdLineParams);
- AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('Help using DocView', rsKeyCtrl+'F1', @miHelpUsingDocView);
+ AddMenuItem('Command line parameters', rsKeyCtrl+rsKeyShift+'F1', @miHelpCmdLineParams);
+ AddSeparator;
AddMenuItem('About fpGUI Toolkit...', '', @miHelpAboutFPGui);
AddMenuItem('Product Information...', '', @miHelpProdInfoClicked);
@@ -3375,6 +3492,7 @@ begin
// hook up the sub-menus.
MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&File', nil).SubMenu := miFile;
MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Settings', nil).SubMenu := miSettings;
+ MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Actions', nil).SubMenu := miActions;
MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Bookmarks', nil).SubMenu := miBookmarks;
MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Tools', nil).SubMenu := miTools;
MainMenu.AddMenuItem('&Help', nil).SubMenu := miHelp;
@@ -3842,7 +3960,6 @@ end;
procedure TMainForm.OnBookmarksChanged(Sender: TObject);
-// UpdateBookmarksForm;
@@ -3870,33 +3987,6 @@ begin
-procedure TMainForm.UpdateBookmarksDisplay;
- i: integer;
- Bookmark: TBookmark;
- BookmarksListBox.Items.BeginUpdate;
- BookmarksListBox.Clear;
- if not Assigned( BookmarkList ) then
- exit;
- for i := 0 to BookmarkList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- Bookmark := BookmarkList[ i ];
- BookmarksListBox.Items.AddObject( Bookmark.Name,
- Bookmark );
- end;
- if BookmarksListBox.Items.Count > 0 then
- BookmarksListBox.ItemIndex := 0;
- BookmarksListBox.Items.EndUpdate;
- UpdateControls;
procedure TMainForm.NavigateToBookmark(Bookmark: TBookmark);
diff --git a/docview/src/frm_note.pas b/docview/src/frm_note.pas
index 2e280a89..310cc252 100644
--- a/docview/src/frm_note.pas
+++ b/docview/src/frm_note.pas
@@ -5,7 +5,13 @@ unit frm_note;
- SysUtils, Classes, fpg_base, fpg_main, fpg_form, fpg_memo, fpg_button;
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ fpg_base,
+ fpg_main,
+ fpg_form,
+ fpg_memo,
+ fpg_button;
@@ -23,6 +29,7 @@ type
function GetText: TfpgString;
procedure SetText(const AValue: TfpgString);
procedure SetCanDelete(const AValue: boolean);
+ procedure btnHelpClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure AfterCreate; override;
property Text: TfpgString read GetText write SetText;
@@ -56,6 +63,11 @@ begin
btnDelete.Enabled := FCanDelete;
+procedure TNoteForm.btnHelpClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ InvokeHelp;
procedure TNoteForm.AfterCreate;
{%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold}
@@ -65,6 +77,8 @@ begin
WindowTitle := 'Notes';
Hint := '';
OnShow := @FormShow;
+ HelpType := htContext;
+ HelpContext := 7;
Memo1 := TfpgMemo.Create(self);
with Memo1 do
@@ -102,6 +116,7 @@ begin
Hint := '';
ImageName := '';
TabOrder := 3;
+ OnClick := @btnHelpClicked;
btnCancel := TfpgButton.Create(self);
diff --git a/docview/src/lzwdecompress.pas b/docview/src/lzwdecompress.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ebba38c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docview/src/lzwdecompress.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ fpGUI - Free Pascal GUI Toolkit
+ Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 See the file AUTHORS.txt, included in this
+ distribution, for details of the copyright.
+ See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
+ for details about redistributing fpGUI.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Description:
+ LZW decompression code for uncompressing IPF bitmaps.
+unit LZWDecompress;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ SysUtils, types;
+procedure LZWDecompressBlock( pbInput: pByte;
+ number_bytes: LongWord;
+ pbOutput: PBYTE;
+ Var bytesOut: LongWord;
+ Var FinalCode: byte );
+ * *
+ * LZW decompression *
+ * *
+ *******************************************************************/
+ * This is based on code (W) by Peter Fitzsimmons,
+ * His liner notes in the original:
+ * has its roots in a June 1990
+ * DDJ article "LZW REVISITED", by Shawn M. Regan
+ * --=>revision history<=--
+ * 1 lzw.c 21-Aug-96,2:24:36,`PLF' ;
+ * 2 lzw.c 24-Aug-96,2:27:24,`PLF' wip
+ *
+ * The code has been modified to take the input not from an
+ * open file, but from any memory region. For this, a double
+ * pointer is used, which must be passed to LZWDecompressBlock.
+ * I've also added a few comments for clarity.
+ *
+ * Ported to Sibyl Pascal by Aaron Lawrence
+ * Variables renamed etc to make things clearer.
+ */
+// -- Stuff for LZW decompression -- */
+const INIT_BITS = 9;
+const MAX_BITS = 12; //PLF Tue 95-10-03 02:16:56*/
+{if MAX_BITS == 15
+const TABLE_SIZE 36768
+#elif MAX_BITS == 14
+const TABLE_SIZE 18041
+#elif MAX_BITS == 13
+const TABLE_SIZE 9029
+// For max_bits = 12:
+const TABLE_SIZE = 5021;
+const CLEAR_TABLE = 256;
+const TERMINATOR = 257;
+const FIRST_CODE = 258;
+function MaxValNBits( N: word ): word;
+ Result:= ( 1 shl n ) - 1;
+ prefix_code: array[ 0..TABLE_SIZE ] of longword;
+ append_character: array[ 0..TABLE_SIZE ] of Byte;
+ decode_stack: array[ 0..10000 ] of byte;
+ bitsPerCode: longint;
+ maxDictionaryCode: longint;
+ * decode_string:
+ *
+ *)
+function decode_string( buffer: PByte; code: longword ): PByte;
+ i: longint;
+ i:= 0;
+ while Code > 255 do
+ begin
+ buffer^:= append_character[ Code ];
+ inc( Buffer );
+ code:= prefix_code[ code ];
+ inc( i );
+ if i > High( decode_stack ) then
+ assert( false, 'Out of space decompressing bitmap!' );
+ end;
+ buffer^ := code;
+ Result:= buffer;
+ * input_code:
+ * this function reads in bytes from the input
+ * stream.
+ *)
+ bytes_out: longword = 0;
+ input_bit_count: longword = 0;
+ input_bit_buffer: longword = 0;
+// I think this simply reads the next bitsPerCode bits of the input data
+// returning the resulting code.
+function input_code( var pbInput: PBYTE; bytes_to_read: longword ): longword;
+ return_value: longword;
+ while input_bit_count <= 24 do
+ begin
+ if bytes_out <= bytes_to_read then
+ begin
+ input_bit_buffer:= input_bit_buffer
+ or
+ ( ( longword( pbInput^ ) shl (24 - input_bit_count) ) );
+ inc( pbInput );
+ end
+ else
+ input_bit_buffer:= input_bit_buffer
+ or
+ ( longword( 0 ) shl ( 24 - input_bit_count ) );
+ inc( bytes_out );
+ inc( input_bit_count, 8 );
+ end;
+ return_value:= input_bit_buffer shr (32 - bitsPerCode);
+ input_bit_buffer:= input_bit_buffer shl bitsPerCode;
+ dec( input_bit_count, bitsPerCode );
+ if bytes_out > bytes_to_read then
+ begin
+ // flush static vars and quit */
+ bytes_out:= 0;
+ input_bit_count:= 0;
+ input_bit_buffer:= 0;
+ Result:= TERMINATOR;
+ end
+ else
+ Result:= return_value;
+// LZWDecompressBlock:
+// this takes one of the INF bitmap blocks
+// and decompresses it using LZW algorithms.
+procedure LZWDecompressBlock( pbInput: pByte;
+ number_bytes: LongWord;
+ pbOutput: PBYTE;
+ Var bytesOut: LongWord;
+ Var FinalCode: byte );
+ nextAvailableCode: LongWord;
+ currentCode: LongWord;
+ lastCode: LongWord;
+ character: longword;
+ clear_flag: boolean;
+ theString: pByte;
+ clear_flag:= true;
+ nextAvailableCode:= FIRST_CODE;
+ bitsPerCode:= INIT_BITS;
+ maxDictionaryCode:= MaxValNBits( bitsPerCode );
+ bytesOut:= 0;
+ input_bit_count:= 0;
+ input_bit_buffer:= 0;
+ // read the first code from input
+ currentCode:= input_code( pbInput, number_bytes );
+ while currentCode <> TERMINATOR do
+ begin
+ if clear_flag then
+ begin
+ clear_flag:= false;
+ lastCode:= currentCode;
+ character:= currentCode;
+ pbOutput^:= currentCode;
+ inc( pbOutput );
+ FinalCode:= currentCode;
+ inc( BytesOut );
+ end
+ else if currentCode = CLEAR_TABLE then
+ begin
+ clear_flag:= true;
+ nextAvailableCode:= FIRST_CODE;
+ bitsPerCode:= INIT_BITS;
+ maxDictionaryCode:= MaxValNBits( bitsPerCode );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if currentCode >= nextAvailableCode then
+ begin
+ decode_stack[ 0 ]:= character;
+ theString:= decode_string( Addr( decode_stack[ 1 ] ),
+ lastCode );
+ end
+ else
+ theString:= decode_string( Addr( decode_stack[ 0 ] ),
+ currentCode );
+ character:= longword( theString^ );
+ while theString >= Addr( decode_stack[ 0 ] ) do
+ begin
+ FinalCode:= theString^;
+ pbOutput^:= theString^;
+ inc( pbOutput );
+ dec( TheString );
+ inc( BytesOut );
+ end;
+ if nextAvailableCode <= maxDictionaryCode then
+ begin
+ prefix_code[ nextAvailableCode ]:= lastCode;
+ append_character[ nextAvailableCode ]:= character;
+ inc( nextAvailableCode );
+ if ( nextAvailableCode = maxDictionaryCode ) and ( bitsPerCode < MAX_BITS ) then
+ begin
+ // expand dictionary
+ inc( bitsPerCode );
+ maxDictionaryCode:= MaxValNBits( bitsPerCode );
+ end;
+ end;
+ lastCode:= currentCode;
+ end;
+ // Read next code from input
+ currentCode:= input_code( pbInput, number_bytes );
+ end;