diff options
authorgraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2008-11-11 18:41:41 +0000
committergraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2008-11-11 18:41:41 +0000
commitf19a5912b0b3221612293b320687049079587646 (patch)
parentcb7d1a5936af0adf6b3cc3ee1bcdf3cfa1a729e2 (diff)
* Jean-marc did excellent work fixing up the numeric edit components.
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/fpg_edit.pas b/src/gui/fpg_edit.pas
index e9b74a0b..f69827cb 100644
--- a/src/gui/fpg_edit.pas
+++ b/src/gui/fpg_edit.pas
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ type
FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
FMaxLength: integer;
FSelecting: Boolean;
- procedure Adjust(UsePxCursorPos: boolean = false);
- procedure AdjustTextOffset(UsePxCursorPos: boolean);
- procedure AdjustDrawingInfo;
+ procedure Adjust(UsePxCursorPos: boolean = false); virtual;
+ procedure AdjustTextOffset(UsePxCursorPos: boolean); virtual;
+ procedure AdjustDrawingInfo; virtual;
// function PointToCharPos(x, y: integer): integer;
procedure DeleteSelection;
procedure DoCopy;
@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ type
FNegativeColor: TfpgColor;
FThousandSeparator: TfpgChar;
FShowThousand: boolean;
+ procedure AdjustTextOffset(UsePxCursorPos: boolean); override;
+ procedure AdjustDrawingInfo; override;
procedure SetOldColor(const AValue: TfpgColor);
procedure SetAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment);
procedure SetDecimalSeparator(const AValue: TfpgChar);
@@ -158,7 +160,6 @@ type
procedure SetThousandSeparator(const AValue: TfpgChar);
procedure SetShowThousand;
- procedure HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: Boolean); override;
procedure HandlePaint; override;
procedure FormatEdit; virtual;
procedure Justify; virtual; // to implement in derived classes
@@ -196,6 +197,8 @@ type
function GetValue: integer; virtual;
procedure SetValue(const AValue: integer); virtual;
procedure HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: Boolean); override;
+ procedure HandleSetFocus; override;
+ procedure HandleKillFocus; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
property Alignment;
@@ -227,6 +230,8 @@ type
procedure SetDecimals(const AValue: integer);
procedure SetFixedDecimals(const AValue: boolean);
procedure HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: Boolean); override;
+ procedure HandleSetFocus; override;
+ procedure HandleKillFocus; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
property Alignment;
@@ -259,6 +264,8 @@ type
procedure SetDecimals(AValue: integer);
procedure HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: Boolean); override;
procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: Boolean); override;
+ procedure HandleSetFocus; override;
+ procedure HandleKillFocus; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
property Alignment;
@@ -1229,6 +1236,174 @@ end;
{ TfpgBaseNumericEdit }
+procedure TfpgBaseNumericEdit.AdjustTextOffset(UsePxCursorPos: boolean);
+{If UsePxCursorPos then determines FCursorPos from FCursorPx (that holds mouse pointer coordinates)
+ Calculates exact FCursorPx (relative to the widget bounding box) from FCursorPos
+ Calculates FTextOffset based on FCursorPx}
+ dtext: string;
+ ch: string; // current character
+ chnum: integer; // its ordinal number
+ chx: integer; // its X position relative to widget
+ bestchx: integer; // chx, nearest to the mouse position (indicated by FCursorPx if UsePxCursorPos = True)
+ tw: integer; // total characters width, that becomes FCursorPx relative to the beginning of the text
+ ptw: integer;
+ dpos: integer; // helps to pass through an utf-8 string quickly
+ VisibleWidth: integer; // width of the edit field minus side margins
+ if UsePxCursorPos then
+ begin
+ if FCursorPx > 0 then // bestchx < chx minimum
+ bestchx := Low(chx) + 1 + FCursorPx
+ else // bestchx > chx maximum
+ bestchx := High(chx) - 1 + FCursorPx;
+ end else
+ FCursorPx := 0;
+ dtext := GetDrawText;
+ ch := '';
+ chnum := 0;
+ tw := 0;
+ dpos := 0;
+ while dpos <= Length(dtext) do
+ begin
+ dpos := UTF8CharAtByte(dtext, dpos, ch);
+ ptw := tw;
+ tw := tw + FFont.TextWidth(ch);
+ case FAlignment of
+ taLeftJustify:
+ chx := tw - FTextOffset + FSideMargin;
+ taRightJustify:
+ chx := tw - FTextOffset - FSideMargin + Width - 2 - FFont.TextWidth(dtext);
+ end;
+ if UsePxCursorPos then
+ begin
+ if abs(chx - FCursorPx) < abs(bestchx - FCursorPx) then
+ begin
+ bestchx := chx;
+ FCursorPos := chnum;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tw := ptw;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if chnum >= FCursorPos then
+ break;
+ end;
+ Inc(chnum);
+ end;
+ VisibleWidth := (FWidth - 2 * FSideMargin);
+ if tw - FTextOffset > VisibleWidth - 2 then
+ FTextOffset := tw - VisibleWidth + 2
+ else if tw - FTextOffset < 0 then
+ begin
+ FTextOffset := tw;
+ if tw <> 0 then
+ Dec(FTextOffset, 2);
+ end;
+ case FAlignment of
+ taLeftJustify:
+ FCursorPx := tw - FTextOffset + FSideMargin;
+ taRightJustify:
+ FCursorPx := tw - FTextOffset - FSideMargin + Width - FFont.TextWidth(dtext);
+ end;
+procedure TfpgBaseNumericEdit.AdjustDrawingInfo;
+// Calculates FVisSelStartPx, FVisSelEndPx, FVisibleText, FDrawOffset
+ vtstartbyte, vtendbyte: integer; // visible characters' start/end in utf-8 string, bytes
+ bestfx, bestlx: integer;
+ dtext: string;
+ ch: string; // current character
+ chnum: integer; // its ordinal number
+ chx: integer; // its X position relative to widget
+ tw: integer; // total characters width, that becomes FCursorPx relative to the beginning of the text
+ ptw: integer; // total width on the previous step
+ dpos: integer; // helps to pass through an utf-8 string quickly
+ pdp: integer; // dpos on the previous step
+ vstart, vend: integer; // visible area start and end, pixels
+ slstart, slend: integer; // selection start and end, pixels
+ vstart := FSideMargin;
+ vend := FWidth - FSideMargin;
+ if FSelOffset > 0 then
+ begin
+ slstart := FSelStart;
+ slend := FSelStart + FSelOffset;
+ end else
+ begin
+ slstart := FSelStart + FSelOffset;
+ slend := FSelStart;
+ end;
+ FVisSelStartPx := vend; // because we stop the search
+ FVisSelEndPx := vend; // after last visible character is found
+ bestfx := Low(chx) + 1 + vstart;
+ bestlx := Low(chx) + 1 + vend;
+ dtext := GetDrawText;
+ ch := '';
+ chnum := 0;
+ tw := 0;
+ dpos := 0;
+ FDrawOffset := 0;
+ while dpos <= Length(dtext) do
+ begin
+ pdp := dpos;
+ dpos := UTF8CharAtByte(dtext, dpos, ch);
+ ptw := tw;
+ tw := tw + FFont.TextWidth(ch);
+ case FAlignment of
+ taLeftJustify:
+ chx := tw - FTextOffset + FSideMargin;
+ taRightJustify:
+ chx := tw - FTextOffset - FSideMargin + Width - 2 - FFont.TextWidth(dtext);
+ end;
+ // calculate selection-related fields
+ if chnum = slstart then
+ FVisSelStartPx := chx;
+ if chnum = slend then
+ FVisSelEndPx := chx;
+ // search for the first/last visible characters
+ if abs(chx - vstart) < abs(bestfx - vstart) then
+ begin
+ bestfx := chx;
+ vtstartbyte := pdp;
+ case FAlignment of
+ taLeftJustify:
+ FDrawOffset := ptw;
+ taRightJustify:
+ FDrawOffset := ptw + Width - 2 - FFont.TextWidth(dtext);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // in small edit field the same character can be both the first and the last, so no 'else' allowed
+ if abs(chx - vend) < abs(bestlx - vend) then
+ begin
+ bestlx := chx;
+ vtendbyte := UTF8CharAtByte(dtext, dpos, ch); // plus one more character
+ end else
+ break; // we can safely break after last visible character is found
+ Inc(chnum);
+ end;
+ if FVisSelStartPx < vstart then
+ FVisSelStartPx := vstart;
+ if FVisSelEndPx > vend then
+ FVisSelEndPx := vend;
+ // FVisibleText := UTF8Copy(dtext, fvc, lvc - fvc + 2);
+ FVisibleText := Copy(dtext, vtstartbyte, vtendbyte - vtstartbyte);
+ FDrawOffset := FTextOffset - FDrawOffset;
procedure TfpgBaseNumericEdit.SetOldColor(const AValue: TfpgColor);
if FOldColor=AValue then exit;
@@ -1345,17 +1520,37 @@ begin
//based on Alignment property this method will align the derived edit correctly.
-procedure TfpgBaseNumericEdit.HandleKeyChar(var AText: TfpgChar;
- var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: Boolean);
- inherited HandleKeyChar(AText, shiftstate, consumed);
- FormatEdit; // just call FormatEdit virtual procedure to have a simple way to manage polymorphism here
procedure TfpgBaseNumericEdit.HandlePaint;
x: TfpgCoord;
r: TfpgRect;
+ // paint selection rectangle
+ procedure DrawSelection;
+ var
+ lcolor: TfpgColor;
+ r: TfpgRect;
+ begin
+ if Focused then
+ begin
+ lcolor := clSelection;
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clSelectionText);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lcolor := clInactiveSel;
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clText1);
+ end;
+ r.SetRect(FVisSelStartPx, 3, FVisSelEndPx - FVisSelStartPx, FFont.Height);
+ Canvas.SetColor(lcolor);
+ Canvas.FillRectangle(r);
+ Canvas.SetTextColor(clWhite);
+ Canvas.AddClipRect(r);
+ fpgStyle.DrawString(Canvas, -FDrawOffset - FSideMargin, 3, FVisibleText, Enabled);
+ Canvas.ClearClipRect;
+ end;
if Alignment = taRightJustify then
@@ -1368,7 +1563,12 @@ begin
x := r.Right - Font.TextWidth(Text) - 1; // 1 is the spacing from client edge
if Focused then
- fpgCaret.SetCaret(Canvas, x + Font.TextWidth(Text) - 1, r.Top+1, fpgCaret.Width, Font.Height);
+ begin
+ // drawing selection
+ if FSelOffset <> 0 then
+ DrawSelection;
+ fpgCaret.SetCaret(Canvas, FCursorPx - FSideMargin, r.Top+1, fpgCaret.Width, Font.Height);
+ end;
@@ -1457,7 +1657,32 @@ begin
consumed := True;
inherited HandleKeyChar(AText, shiftstate, consumed);
- Repaint;
+procedure TfpgEditInteger.HandleSetFocus;
+ try
+ if GetValue = 0 then
+ Text := ''
+ else
+ Text := IntToStr(GetValue);
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Text := '';
+ end;
+ inherited HandleSetFocus;
+procedure TfpgEditInteger.HandleKillFocus;
+ try
+ Text := IntToStr(GetValue);
+ FormatEdit;
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Text := '';
+ end;
+ inherited HandleKillFocus;
constructor TfpgEditInteger.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
@@ -1558,7 +1783,38 @@ begin
consumed := True;
inherited HandleKeyChar(AText, shiftstate, consumed);
- Repaint;
+procedure TfpgEditFloat.HandleSetFocus;
+ try
+ if GetValue = 0 then
+ Text := ''
+ else
+ if FFixedDecimals then
+ Text := FloatToStrF(GetValue, ffFixed, 18, FDecimals)
+ else
+ Text := FloatToStr(GetValue);
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Text := '';
+ end;
+ inherited HandleSetFocus;
+procedure TfpgEditFloat.HandleKillFocus;
+ try
+ if FFixedDecimals then
+ Text := FloatToStrF(GetValue, ffFixed, 18, FDecimals)
+ else
+ Text := FloatToStr(GetValue);
+ FormatEdit;
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Text := '';
+ end;
+ inherited HandleKillFocus;
constructor TfpgEditFloat.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
@@ -1615,9 +1871,6 @@ begin
procedure TfpgEditCurrency.SetValue(const AValue: Currency);
- i,long: integer;
- txt, texte, decimal: string;
Text := FloatToStrF(AValue, ffFixed, -1, FDecimals);
@@ -1672,6 +1925,32 @@ begin
inherited HandleKeyChar(AText, shiftstate, consumed);
+procedure TfpgEditCurrency.HandleSetFocus;
+ try
+ if GetValue = 0 then
+ Text := ''
+ else
+ Text := FloatToStrF(GetValue, ffFixed, -1, FDecimals);
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Text := '';
+ end;
+ inherited HandleSetFocus;
+procedure TfpgEditCurrency.HandleKillFocus;
+ try
+ Text := FloatToStrF(GetValue, ffFixed, -1, FDecimals);
+ FormatEdit;
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Text := '';
+ end;
+ inherited HandleKillFocus;
constructor TfpgEditCurrency.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);