diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2009-10-14 14:58:02 +0200
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2009-10-14 14:58:02 +0200
commitd7b5d307e6a06601d093e9663a22f8157d25336c (patch)
parent4a572f2022600eadd96d925c07a19a6db3740e0c (diff)
A few new string utility functions implemented.
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/components/richtext/ACLStringUtility.pas b/components/richtext/ACLStringUtility.pas
index 898ed19f..33c542d4 100644
--- a/components/richtext/ACLStringUtility.pas
+++ b/components/richtext/ACLStringUtility.pas
@@ -23,14 +23,26 @@ const
StrSingleQuote = CharSingleQuote;
StrDoubleQuote = CharDoubleQuote;
- TSetOfChars = set of char;
-// ----------- Character testing functions -----------------------
+ TSetOfChars = set of char;
TCharMatchFunction = function( const a: char ): boolean;
+ TSerializableStringList = class(TObject)
+ private
+ stringList: TStringList;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function getCount : LongInt;
+ function get(const anIndex : LongInt) : String;
+ function getSerializedString : String;
+ procedure add(const aString : String);
+ procedure readValuesFromSerializedString(const aSerializedString : String);
+ end;
// Returns true if c is a digit 0..9
Function IsDigit( const c: char ): boolean;
@@ -103,6 +115,11 @@ Function StrFullDoubleQuote( const s: string ): string;
// Returns S without double quotes
Function StrUnDoubleQuote( const s: string ): string;
+// Returns aString enclosed in single quotes
+Function StrInSingleQuotes(const aString : String) : String;
+// Returns aString enclosed in double quotes
+Function StrInDoubleQuotes(const aString : String) : String;
@@ -138,6 +155,17 @@ Function StrEnds( const endStr: string; const s: string ): boolean;
// Returns first word from S
Function StrFirstWord( const S: String ): string;
+// prefixes all occurences of one of the chars in aReceiver with
+// anEscape char if the escapeChar itself is found, then it is doubled
+Function StrEscapeAllCharsBy(Const aReceiver: String; const aSetOfChars: TSetOfChars; const anEscapeChar: char): String;
+// Trims punctuation characters from start and end of s
+// such as braces, periods, commas.
+procedure TrimPunctuation( var s: string );
+// Returns true if S contains a URL. MAY MODIFY CONTENTS OF S
+function CheckAndEncodeURL( var s: string ): boolean;
// ------------ Seperated value utilities ---------------------
// Returns the next item starting at Index. Spaces are the separator,
@@ -185,8 +213,7 @@ Procedure ParseConfigLine( const S: string;
var KeyValue: string );
// Removes spaces around the separator in the given string
-Procedure RemoveSeparatorSpaces( var S: string;
- const Separator:string );
+Procedure RemoveSeparatorSpaces( var S: string; const Separator:string );
{$ifdef os2}
// ------------ Ansi String utilities ------------------------
@@ -292,13 +319,20 @@ function MatchValueParam( const Param: string;
// Return true if param matches the form
// /Flag
// dash (-) can be used instead of slash (/)
-function MatchFlagParam( const Param: string;
- const Flag: string ): boolean;
+function MatchFlagParam( const Param: string; const Flag: string ): boolean;
+// returns true if the String starts with the provided one
+// this is case INsensitive
+function StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(const aReceiver: String; const aStartString: String): Boolean;
+function StrIsEmptyOrSpaces(const AText: string): boolean;
- SysUtils;//, ACLUtility;
+ SysUtils
+ ,nvUtilities
+ ;
// ---------------------- Pascal String Utilities ---------------------------------------
@@ -514,6 +548,16 @@ begin
Delete( Result, Length( Result ), 1 );
+Function StrInSingleQuotes(const aString : String) : String;
+ Result := StrSingleQuote + aString + StrSingleQuote;
+Function StrInDoubleQuotes(const aString : String) : String;
+ Result := StrDoubleQuote + aString + StrDoubleQuote;
Function SubstituteChar( const S: string; const Find: Char; const Replace: Char ): string;
i: longint;
@@ -1035,6 +1079,157 @@ Begin
Result:= temp;
+Function StrEscapeAllCharsBy(Const aReceiver: String; const aSetOfChars: TSetOfChars; const anEscapeChar: char): String;
+ i : Integer;
+ tmpChar : Char;
+ Result := '';
+ for i := 1 To length(aReceiver) do
+ begin
+ tmpChar := aReceiver[i];
+ if (tmpChar = anEscapeChar) or (tmpChar IN aSetOfChars) then
+ result := result + anEscapeChar + tmpChar
+ else
+ result := result + tmpChar;
+ end;
+ StartPunctuationChars: set of char =
+ [ '(', '[', '{', '<', '''', '"' ];
+ EndPunctuationChars: set of char =
+ [ ')', ']', '}', '>', '''', '"', '.', ',', ':', ';', '!', '?' ];
+procedure TrimPunctuation( var s: string );
+ ChangesMade: boolean;
+ c: Char;
+ while Length(s) > 0 do
+ begin
+ ChangesMade := false;
+ c := s[1];
+ if c in StartPunctuationChars then
+ begin
+ ChangesMade := true;
+ Delete(s, 1, 1);
+ end;
+ if Length(s) = 0 then
+ exit;
+ c := s[Length(s)];
+ if c in EndPunctuationChars then
+ begin
+ ChangesMade := true;
+ Delete(s, Length(s), 1);
+ end;
+ if not ChangesMade then
+ exit; // done
+ end;
+function IsDomainName( const s: string; StartingAt: longint ): boolean;
+ DotPos: longint;
+ t: string;
+ Result := false;
+ t := Copy(s, StartingAt+1, Length(s));
+ // must be a dot in the domain...
+ DotPos := pos('.', t);
+ if DotPos = 0 then
+ // nope
+ exit;
+ // must be some text between start and dot,
+ // and between dot and end
+ // ie. a.b not .b or a.
+ if DotPos = Length(t) then
+ // no b;
+ exit;
+ Result := true;
+function IsEmailAddress( const s: string ): boolean;
+ AtPos: longint;
+ SecondAtPos: longint;
+ result := false;
+ // must be a @...
+ AtPos := pos('@', s);
+ if AtPos = 0 then
+ // no @
+ exit;
+ if AtPos = 1 then
+ // can't be the first char though
+ exit;
+ // there is? There must be only one though...
+ SecondAtPos := LastDelimiter('@', s);
+ if (SecondAtPos <> AtPos) then
+ // there's a second @
+ exit;
+ Result := IsDomainName( s, AtPos + 1 );
+function CheckAndEncodeURL( var s: string ): boolean;
+ // simple userfriendly routine
+ function StartsWith(const s:string; const text: string): boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := pos(text, s) = 1;
+ end;
+ if StartsWith(s, 'www.') then
+ begin
+ if not IsDomainName( s, 4 ) then
+ exit;
+ Insert('http://', s, 1);
+ Result := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if StartsWith(s, 'ftp.') then
+ begin
+ if not IsDomainName( s, 4 ) then
+ exit;
+ Insert('ftp://', s, 1);
+ Result := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if StartsWith(s, 'http://' )
+ or StartsWith(s, 'https://' )
+ or StartsWith(s, 'ftp://' )
+ or StartsWith(s, 'mailto:' )
+ or StartsWith(s, 'news:' ) then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if IsEmailAddress( s ) then
+ begin
+ Insert('mailto:', s, 1);
+ Result := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := false;
Function IncrementNumberedString( StartString: string ): string;
Number: string;
@@ -1445,6 +1640,90 @@ begin
Flag );
+function StrStartsWithIgnoringCase(const aReceiver: String; const aStartString: String): Boolean;
+ tmpStringPos : integer;
+ tmpStartStringLength : integer;
+ tmpStartStringLength := Length(aStartString);
+ if Length(aReceiver) < tmpStartStringLength then
+ begin
+ result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ for tmpStringPos := 1 to tmpStartStringLength do
+ begin
+ if UpCase(aReceiver[tmpStringPos]) <> UpCase(aStartString[tmpStringPos]) then
+ begin
+ result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := true;
+function StrIsEmptyOrSpaces(const AText: string): boolean;
+ Result := Trim(AText) = '';
+{ TSerializableStringList }
+constructor TSerializableStringList.Create;
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TSerializableStringList createdestroy');
+ inherited Create;
+ stringList := TStringList.Create;
+destructor TSerializableStringList.Destroy;
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'TSerializableStringList destroy');
+ stringList.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TSerializableStringList.getCount: LongInt;
+ Result := stringlist.Count;
+function TSerializableStringList.get(const anIndex: LongInt): String;
+ Result := stringList[anIndex];
+function TSerializableStringList.getSerializedString: String;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := '';
+ for i := 0 to stringList.count-1 do
+ begin
+ if (i > 0) then result := result + '&';
+ Result := Result + StrEscapeAllCharsBy(stringList[i], ['&'], '\');
+ end;
+procedure TSerializableStringList.add(const aString: String);
+ stringList.add(aString);
+procedure TSerializableStringList.readValuesFromSerializedString(const aSerializedString: String);
+ if length(aSerializedString) < 1 then
+ exit;
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'readValuesFromSerializedString');
+ stringList.Clear;
+ LogEvent(LogObjConstDest, 'readValuesFromSerializedString clear done');
+ StrExtractStrings(stringList, aSerializedString, ['&'], '\');