diff options
authorgraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2007-09-28 15:02:26 +0000
committergraemeg <graemeg@ae50a9b5-8222-0410-bf8d-8a13f76226bf>2007-09-28 15:02:26 +0000
commitcaf2f2c9a38328ca554c14c210ea8a092152e89b (patch)
parent6cc7d747a3c1f7acef2484a90cb7b36ca81a1c19 (diff)
* Added a new unit for tiOPF support. I've ported the ListView
composite mediator, but it still needs some testing. * Added a Clear method for the Listview Items and Columns.
5 files changed, 732 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/gui/tiCompositeMediators.pas b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiCompositeMediators.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..225be0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiCompositeMediators.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+ Abstract mediating views for GUI list controls. This allows you to use
+ standard list components and make them object-aware. See the demo
+ application for usage.
+unit tiCompositeMediators;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes
+ ,SysUtils
+ ,tiObject
+ ,gui_listview { TListView }
+ ,Contnrs { TObjectList }
+ ,gui_grid { TStringGrid }
+ ;
+ { Composite mediator for TListView }
+ TCompositeListViewMediator = class(TtiObject)
+ private
+ FIsObserving: Boolean;
+ FDisplayNames: string;
+ FShowDeleted: Boolean;
+ function GetSelectedObject: TtiObject;
+ procedure SetSelectedObject(const AValue: TtiObject);
+ procedure SetShowDeleted(const AValue: Boolean);
+ procedure DoCreateItemMediator(AData: TtiObject);
+ protected
+ FView: TfpgListView;
+ FModel: TtiObjectList;
+ FMediatorList: TObjectList;
+ FObserversInTransit: TList;
+ FSelectedObject: TtiObject;
+ procedure CreateSubMediators;
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; virtual;
+ procedure RebuildList; virtual;
+ function DataAndPropertyValid(const AData: TtiObject): Boolean;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ constructor CreateCustom(AModel: TtiObjectList; AView: TfpgListView; ADisplayNames: string; IsObserving: Boolean = True);
+ procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
+ procedure Update(ASubject: TtiObject); override;
+ { Called from the GUI to trigger events }
+ procedure HandleSelectionChanged; virtual;
+ published
+ property View: TfpgListView read FView;
+ property Model: TtiObjectList read FModel;
+ property DisplayNames: string read FDisplayNames;
+ property IsObserving: Boolean read FIsObserving;
+ property SelectedObject: TtiObject read GetSelectedObject write SetSelectedObject;
+ property ShowDeleted: Boolean read FShowDeleted write SetShowDeleted;
+ end;
+ TCompositeStringGridMediator = class(TtiObject)
+ private
+ FDisplayNames: string;
+ FIsObserving: boolean;
+ FShowDeleted: Boolean;
+ function GetSelectedObjected: TtiObject;
+ procedure SetSelectedObject(const AValue: TtiObject);
+ procedure SetShowDeleted(const AValue: Boolean);
+ procedure DoCreateItemMediator(AData: TtiObject); overload;
+ procedure DoCreateItemMediator(AData: TtiObject; pRowIdx : Integer); overload;
+ protected
+ FView: TStringGrid;
+ FModel: TtiObjectList;
+ FMediatorList: TObjectList;
+ procedure CreateSubMediators;
+ procedure SetupGUIandObject; virtual;
+ procedure RebuildStringGrid; virtual;
+ function DataAndPropertyValid(const AData: TtiObject): Boolean;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(AModel: TtiObjectList; AGrid : TStringGrid; ADisplayNames : string; IsObserving: Boolean = True);
+ procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
+ procedure Update(ASubject: TtiObject); override;
+ published
+ property View: TStringGrid read FView;
+ property Model: TtiObjectList read FModel;
+ property DisplayNames: string read FDisplayNames;
+ property IsObserving: boolean read FIsObserving;
+ property ShowDeleted: Boolean read FShowDeleted write SetShowDeleted;
+ property SelectedObject: TtiObject read GetSelectedObjected write SetSelectedObject;
+ end;
+ tiUtils
+ ,typinfo
+ ,tiExcept
+ ,tiGenericEditMediators
+ ;
+ cFieldDelimiter = ';';
+ cBrackets = '()';
+ TListViewListItemMediator = class(TtiObject)
+ private
+ FModel: TtiObject;
+ FView: TfpgLVItem;
+ FDisplayNames: string;
+ procedure SetupFields;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(AModel: TtiObject; AView: TfpgLVItem; const ADisplayNames: string; IsObserving: Boolean = True);
+ procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
+ procedure Update(ASubject: TtiObject); override;
+ published
+ property View: TfpgLVItem read FView;
+ property Model: TtiObject read FModel;
+ property DisplayNames: string read FDisplayNames;
+ end;
+ TStringGridRowMediator = class(TtiObject)
+ private
+ FDisplayNames: string;
+ FView: TStringGrid;
+ FModel: TtiObject;
+ FRowIndex : Integer;
+// procedure SetupFields;
+ public
+ constructor CreateCustom(AModel: TtiObject; AGrid: TStringGrid; ADisplayNames: string; pRowIndex: integer; IsObserving: Boolean = True);
+ procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
+ procedure Update(ASubject: TtiObject); override;
+ published
+ property Model: TtiObject read FModel;
+ property View: TStringGrid Read FView;
+ property DisplayNames: string read FDisplayNames;
+ end;
+{ Helper functions }
+{ Extract the field name part from the AField string which is in the format
+ fieldname(width,"field caption") eg: Quantity(25,"Qty") will return: Quantity
+ Width and Field Caption is optional }
+function tiFieldName(const AField: string): string;
+ Result := tiToken(AField, cBrackets[1], 1);
+{ Extract the width part from the AField string which is in the format
+ fieldname(width,"field caption") eg: Quantity(25,"Qty") will return: 25
+ Width and Field Caption is optional }
+function tiFieldWidth(const AField: string): integer;
+ s: string;
+ s := tiSubStr(AField, cBrackets[1], cBrackets[2], 1);
+ if trim(s) = '' then
+ Result := 75 // default width
+ else
+ Result := StrToInt(tiToken(s, ',', 1));
+{ Extract the field caption part from the AField string which is in the format
+ fieldname(width,"field caption") eg: Quantity(25,"Qty") will return: Qty
+ Width and Field Caption is optional }
+function tiFieldCaption(const AField: string): string;
+ s: string;
+ p: pchar;
+ s := tiSubStr(AField, cBrackets[1], cBrackets[2]);
+ if (trim(s) = '') or (Pos(',', s) = 0) then
+ // It's only got a width or is blank, so we default to field name
+ Result := tiFieldName(AField)
+ else
+ begin
+ s := tiToken(s, ',', 2);
+ p := PChar(s);
+ Result := AnsiExtractQuotedStr(p, '"');
+ end;
+{ TStringGridRowMediator }
+//procedure TStringGridRowMediator.SetupFields;
+// {$ifdef fpc} {$Note Add the appropriate code here} {$endif}
+constructor TStringGridRowMediator.CreateCustom(AModel: TtiObject; AGrid : TStringGrid; ADisplayNames: string; pRowIndex : integer; IsObserving: Boolean);
+ inherited Create;
+ FModel := AModel;
+ FView := AGrid;
+ FDisplayNames := ADisplayNames;
+ FRowIndex := pRowIndex;
+ if IsObserving then
+ FModel.AttachObserver(self);
+procedure TStringGridRowMediator.BeforeDestruction;
+ FModel.DetachObserver(self);
+ FModel := nil;
+ inherited BeforeDestruction;
+procedure TStringGridRowMediator.Update(ASubject: TtiObject);
+ i : Integer;
+ lField : string;
+ lFieldName : string;
+ Assert(FModel = ASubject);
+ for i := 1 to tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) do
+ begin
+ lField := tiToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, i);
+ lFieldName := tiFieldName(lField);
+ FView.Cells[i, FRowIndex] := FModel.PropValue[lFieldName];
+ end;
+{ TListViewListItemMediator }
+procedure TListViewListItemMediator.SetupFields;
+ c: integer;
+ lField: string;
+ lField := tiToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, 1);
+ FView.Caption := FModel.PropValue[tiFieldName(lField)];
+ for c := 2 to tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) do
+ begin
+ lField := tiToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, c);
+ FView.SubItems.Add(FModel.PropValue[tiFieldName(lField)]);
+ end;
+constructor TListViewListItemMediator.CreateCustom(AModel: TtiObject;
+ AView: TfpgLVItem; const ADisplayNames: string; IsObserving: Boolean);
+ inherited Create;
+ FModel := AModel;
+ FView := AView;
+ FDisplayNames := ADisplayNames;
+ SetupFields;
+ if IsObserving then
+ FModel.AttachObserver(self);
+procedure TListViewListItemMediator.BeforeDestruction;
+ FModel.DetachObserver(self);
+ FModel := nil;
+ FView := nil;
+ inherited BeforeDestruction;
+procedure TListViewListItemMediator.Update(ASubject: TtiObject);
+ c: integer;
+ lField: string;
+ Assert(FModel = ASubject);
+ lField := tiToken(DisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, 1);
+ FView.Caption := FModel.PropValue[tiFieldName(lField)];
+ for c := 2 to tiNumToken(DisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) do
+ begin
+ lField := tiToken(DisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, c);
+ FView.SubItems[c-2] := FModel.PropValue[tiFieldName(lField)];
+ end;
+{ TCompositeListViewMediator }
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.SetSelectedObject(const AValue: TtiObject);
+ i: integer;
+ for i := 0 to FView.Items.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if TtiObject(FView.Items.Item[i].UserData) = AValue then
+ begin
+// FView.Selected := FView.Items.Item[i];
+ FView.ItemIndex := i;
+ HandleSelectionChanged;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end;
+ end;
+function TCompositeListViewMediator.GetSelectedObject: TtiObject;
+// if FView.SelCount = 0 then
+ if FView.ItemIndex = -1 then
+ FSelectedObject := nil
+ else
+// FSelectedObject := TtiObject(FView.Selected.Data);
+ FSelectedObject := TtiObject(FView.Items.Item[FView.ItemIndex].UserData);
+ result := FSelectedObject;
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.SetShowDeleted(const AValue: Boolean);
+ if FShowDeleted = AValue then
+ exit; //==>
+ BeginUpdate;
+ try
+ FShowDeleted := AValue;
+ RebuildList;
+ finally
+ EndUpdate;
+ end;
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.DoCreateItemMediator(AData: TtiObject);
+ li: TfpgLVItem;
+ m: TListViewListItemMediator;
+ DataAndPropertyValid(AData);
+ { Create ListItem and Mediator }
+ li := TfpgLVItem.Create(FView.Items);
+ li.UserData := AData;
+ FView.Items.Add(li);
+ m := TListViewListItemMediator.CreateCustom(AData, li, FDisplayNames, FIsObserving);
+ FMediatorList.Add(m);
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.CreateSubMediators;
+ c: integer;
+ lc: TfpgLVColumn;
+ lField: string;
+ { Create column headers }
+ for c := 1 to tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) do
+ begin
+ lc := TfpgLVColumn.Create(FView.Columns);
+ lc.AutoSize := False;
+ lField := tiToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, c);
+ lc.Caption := tiFieldCaption(lField);
+ lc.Width := tiFieldWidth(lField);
+ FView.Columns.Add(lc);
+ end;
+ FModel.ForEach(@DoCreateItemMediator, FShowDeleted);
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.SetupGUIandObject;
+ { Setup TListView defaults }
+ FView.Columns.Clear;
+ FView.Items.Clear;
+// FView.ViewStyle := vsReport;
+ FView.ShowHeaders := True;
+// FView.RowSelect := True;
+// FView.AutoSize := False;
+// FView.ScrollBars := ssAutoBoth;
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.RebuildList;
+ { This rebuilds the whole list. Not very efficient. You can always override
+ this in your mediators to create a more optimised rebuild. }
+ {$ifdef fpc}
+ View.BeginUpdate;
+ {$else}
+ View.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ {$endif}
+ try
+ FMediatorList.Clear;
+ View.Columns.Clear;
+ View.Items.Clear;
+ CreateSubMediators;
+ finally
+ {$ifdef fpc}
+ View.EndUpdate;
+ {$else}
+ View.Items.EndUpdate;
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+function TCompositeListViewMediator.DataAndPropertyValid(const AData: TtiObject): Boolean;
+ c: integer;
+ lField: string;
+ result := (FModel <> nil) and (FDisplayNames <> '');
+ if not result then
+ Exit; //==>
+ for c := 1 to tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) do
+ begin
+ lField := tiToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, c);
+ { WRONG!! We should test the items of the Model }
+ result := (IsPublishedProp(AData, tiFieldName(lField)));
+ if not result then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('<%s> is not a property of <%s>',
+ [tiFieldName(lField), AData.ClassName ]);
+ end;
+constructor TCompositeListViewMediator.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FObserversInTransit := TList.Create;
+constructor TCompositeListViewMediator.CreateCustom(AModel: TtiObjectList;
+ AView: TfpgListView; ADisplayNames: string; IsObserving: Boolean);
+ Create; // don't forget this
+ FModel := AModel;
+ FView := AView;
+ FMediatorList := TObjectList.Create;
+ FIsObserving := IsObserving;
+ FDisplayNames := ADisplayNames;
+ FShowDeleted := False;
+ SetupGUIandObject;
+ { TODO: This must be improved. If no ADisplayNames value maybe default to a
+ single column listview using the Caption property }
+ if (ADisplayNames <> '') and (tiNumToken(ADisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) > 0) then
+ begin
+ CreateSubMediators;
+ end;
+ if IsObserving then
+ FModel.AttachObserver(self);
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.BeforeDestruction;
+ FObserversInTransit.Free;
+ FMediatorList.Free;
+ FModel.DetachObserver(self);
+ FModel := nil;
+ FView := nil;
+ inherited BeforeDestruction;
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.Update(ASubject: TtiObject);
+ Assert(FModel = ASubject);
+ RebuildList;
+{ TODO: This is not working 100% yet. Be warned! }
+procedure TCompositeListViewMediator.HandleSelectionChanged;
+ i: integer;
+// if View.SelCount = 0 then
+ if View.ItemIndex = -1 then
+ FSelectedObject := nil
+ else
+ begin
+ FObserversInTransit.Clear;
+ { If an item is already selected, assign the item's List of observers to a
+ temporary container. This is done so that the same observers can be
+ assigned to the new item. }
+ if Assigned(FSelectedObject) then
+ FObserversInTransit.Assign(FSelectedObject.ObserverList);
+ // Assign Newly selected item to SelectedObject Obj.
+// FSelectedObject := TtiObject(View.Selected.Data);
+ FSelectedObject := TtiObject(View.Items.Item[View.ItemIndex]);
+ { If an object was selected, copy the old item's observer List
+ to the new item's observer List. }
+ if FObserversInTransit.Count > 0 then
+ FSelectedObject.ObserverList.Assign(FObserversInTransit);
+ { Set the Observers Subject property to the selected object }
+ for i := 0 to FSelectedObject.ObserverList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ TMediatorView(FSelectedObject.ObserverList.Items[i]).Subject :=
+ FSelectedObject;
+ end;
+ // execute the NotifyObservers event to update the observers.
+ FSelectedObject.NotifyObservers;
+ end;
+{ TCompositeStringGridMediator }
+function TCompositeStringGridMediator.GetSelectedObjected: TtiObject;
+ if FView.Selection.Top = 0 then
+ Result := nil
+ else
+ Result := TtiObject(FView.Objects[1, FView.Selection.Top]);
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.SetSelectedObject(const AValue: TtiObject);
+ i : integer;
+ for i := 1 to FView.RowCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ if TtiObject(FView.Objects[1, i]) = AValue then
+ begin
+ FView.Row := i;
+ Exit; //==>
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.SetShowDeleted(const AValue: Boolean);
+ if FShowDeleted = AValue then
+ Exit; //==>
+ BeginUpdate;
+ try
+ FShowDeleted := AVAlue;
+ RebuildStringGrid;
+ finally
+ EndUpdate;
+ end;
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.DoCreateItemMediator(AData: TtiObject);
+ DataAndPropertyValid(AData);
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.DoCreateItemMediator(AData: TtiObject; pRowIdx: Integer);
+ i: Integer;
+ lField: string;
+ lFieldName: string;
+ lMediatorView: TStringGridRowMediator;
+ FView.Objects[1, pRowIdx + 1] := AData;
+ for i := 1 to tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) do
+ begin
+ lField := tiToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, i);
+ lFieldName := tiFieldName(lField);
+ FView.Cells[i, pRowIdx + 1] := AData.PropValue[lFieldName];
+ lMediatorView := TStringGridRowMediator.CreateCustom(AData, FView, FDisplayNames, pRowIdx + 1, FIsObserving);
+ FMediatorList.Add(lMediatorView);
+ end;
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.CreateSubMediators;
+ i: integer;
+ lField: string;
+ lColumnTotalWidth: integer;
+ lColumnTotalWidth:= 0;
+ for i := 1 to tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) do
+ begin
+ lField := tiToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, i);
+ FView.Cells[i, 0] := tiFieldName(lField);
+ FView.ColWidths[i] := tiFieldWidth(lField);
+ //resize the last column to fill the grid.
+ if i = tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) then
+ FView.ColWidths[i] := FView.width - lColumnTotalWidth + 10
+ else
+ lColumnTotalWidth := lColumnTotalWidth + FView.ColWidths[i] + 20;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to FModel.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if not FModel.Items[i].Deleted or FShowDeleted then
+ begin
+ DoCreateItemMediator(FModel.Items[i], i);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.SetupGUIandObject;
+ //Setup default properties for the StringGrid
+ {$ifdef fpc}
+ FView.Clear;
+ FView.Columns.Clear;
+ {$endif}
+ FView.Options := FView.Options + [goRowSelect];
+ FView.ColCount := tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) + 1;
+ FView.RowCount := FModel.Count + 1;
+ FView.FixedCols := 1;
+ FView.FixedRows := 1;
+ FView.ColWidths[0] := 20;
+ FView.AutoSize := False;
+ FView.ScrollBars := ssAutoBoth;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.RebuildStringGrid;
+ { Do nothing. Can be implement as you see fit. A simple example is given
+ in the Demos/GenericMediatingViews/Composite_ListView_Mediator }
+ raise EtiOPFProgrammerException.Create('You are trying to call ' + Classname
+ + '.RebuildStringGrid, which must be overridden in the concrete class.');
+function TCompositeStringGridMediator.DataAndPropertyValid(const AData: TtiObject): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ lField: string;
+ Result := (FModel <> nil) and (FDisplayNames <> '');
+ if not Result then
+ Exit; //==>
+ for i := 1 to tiNumToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) do
+ begin
+ lField := tiToken(FDisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter, i);
+ Result := IsPublishedProp(AData, tiFieldName(lField));
+ if not Result then
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('<%s> is not a property of <%s>',
+ [tiFieldName(lField), AData.ClassName]);
+ end;
+constructor TCompositeStringGridMediator.CreateCustom(AModel: TtiObjectList;
+ AGrid: TStringGrid; ADisplayNames: string; IsObserving: Boolean);
+ inherited Create;
+ FModel := AModel;
+ FView := AGrid;
+ FMediatorList := TObjectList.Create;
+ FIsObserving := IsObserving;
+ FDisplayNames := ADisplayNames;
+ FShowDeleted := False;
+ SetupGUIandObject;
+ if (FDisplayNames <> '') and (tiNumToken(ADisplayNames, cFieldDelimiter) > 0) then
+ begin
+ CreateSubMediators;
+ end;
+ if IsObserving then
+ FModel.AttachObserver(Self);
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.BeforeDestruction;
+ FMediatorList.Free;
+ FModel.DetachObserver(Self);
+ FModel := nil;
+ FView := nil;
+ inherited BeforeDestruction;
+procedure TCompositeStringGridMediator.Update(ASubject: TtiObject);
+ Assert(FModel = ASubject);
+ RebuildStringGrid;
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGenericEditMediators.pas b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGenericEditMediators.pas
index 299fed26..b5a9159f 100644
--- a/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGenericEditMediators.pas
+++ b/extras/tiopf/gui/tiGenericEditMediators.pas
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Revision history:
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ToDo:
created in each Form using mediating views.
* As soon as TfpgSpinEdit has been implemented, port the SpinEdit mediator
unit tiGenericEditMediators;
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.lpk b/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.lpk
index bd03d245..3b116810 100644
--- a/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.lpk
+++ b/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.lpk
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<License Value="Mozilla Public License v1.1
<Version Major="2" Release="3"/>
- <Files Count="6">
+ <Files Count="7">
<Filename Value="gui/tiGUIUtils.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="tiGUIUtils"/>
@@ -46,19 +46,23 @@
<Filename Value="gui/tiGenericListMediators.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="tiGenericListMediators"/>
+ <Item7>
+ <Filename Value="gui/tiCompositeMediators.pas"/>
+ <UnitName Value="tiCompositeMediators"/>
+ </Item7>
<RequiredPkgs Count="3">
- <PackageName Value="fpgui_package"/>
- <MinVersion Minor="5" Valid="True"/>
+ <PackageName Value="FCL"/>
+ <MinVersion Major="1" Valid="True"/>
<PackageName Value="tiOPF"/>
<MinVersion Major="2" Release="3" Valid="True"/>
- <PackageName Value="FCL"/>
- <MinVersion Major="1" Valid="True"/>
+ <PackageName Value="fpgui_package"/>
+ <MinVersion Minor="5" Valid="True"/>
diff --git a/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.pas b/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.pas
index ef6bee5f..b7d5cc8b 100644
--- a/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.pas
+++ b/extras/tiopf/tiOPFfpGUI.pas
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ interface
tiGUIUtils, tiDialogs, tiGUIINI, tiGenericEditMediators, tiGUIConstants,
- tiGenericListMediators;
+ tiGenericListMediators, tiCompositeMediators;
diff --git a/src/gui/gui_listview.pas b/src/gui/gui_listview.pas
index 88c6a57e..52a0946d 100644
--- a/src/gui/gui_listview.pas
+++ b/src/gui/gui_listview.pas
@@ -30,14 +30,13 @@ uses
- TfpgListView = class;
- TfpgLVItem = class;
- TfpgLVColumns = class;
- TfpgLVColumn = class;
+ TfpgListView = class;
+ TfpgLVItem = class;
+ TfpgLVColumns = class;
+ TfpgLVColumn = class;
TfpgLVColumnClickEvent = procedure(Listview: TfpgListView; Column: TfpgLVColumn; Button: Integer) of object;
- { TfpgLVColumn }
TfpgLVColumn = class(TComponent)
@@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ type
property Resizable: Boolean read FResizable write SetResizable;
- { TfpgLVColumns }
TfpgLVColumns = class(TPersistent)
@@ -89,11 +87,13 @@ type
constructor Create(AListView: TfpgListView);
destructor Destroy; override;
function Add(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn): Integer;
+ procedure Clear;
procedure Delete(AIndex: Integer);
procedure Insert(AColumn: TfpgLVColumn; AIndex: Integer);
function Count: Integer;
property Column[AIndex: Integer]: TfpgLVColumn read GetColumn write SetColumn;
TfpgLVItemState = set of (lisFocused, lisSelected, lisHotTrack);
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ type
procedure ItemsUpdated;
- { TfpgLVItems }
TfpgLVItems = class(TObject)
@@ -134,24 +133,23 @@ type
procedure DoAdd(AItem: TfpgLVItem);
procedure DoDelete(AItem: TfpgLVItem);
procedure DoEndUpdate;
- protected
constructor Create(AViewer: IfpgLVItemViewer);
destructor Destroy; override;
function Add(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer;
function Count: Integer;
+ procedure Clear;
procedure Delete(AIndex: Integer);
function IndexOf(AItem: TfpgLVItem): Integer;
procedure InsertItem(AItem: TfpgLVItem; AIndex: Integer);
procedure BeginUpdate;
procedure EndUpdate;
property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
property Columns: TfpgLVColumns read FColumns;
property Item[AIndex: Integer]: TfpgLVItem read GetItem write SetItem;
TfpgLVItem = class(TObject)
FCaption: String;
@@ -171,8 +169,6 @@ type
property Selected[ListView: TfpgListView]: Boolean read GetSelected write SetSelected;
- { TfpgListView }
TfpgListView = class(TfpgWidget, IfpgLVItemViewer)
@@ -208,7 +204,7 @@ type
procedure ItemAdded(AIndex: Integer);
procedure ItemChanged(AIndex: Integer);
procedure ItemsUpdated;
+ //
function GetClientRect: TfpgRect;
function GetVisibleColumnsWidth: Integer;
function GetItemAreaHeight: Integer;
@@ -405,6 +401,15 @@ begin
Result := FItems.Count;
+procedure TfpgLVItems.Clear;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := FItems.Count-1 downto 0 do
+ Delete(i);
+ FItems.Clear;
procedure TfpgLVItems.Delete(AIndex: Integer);
@@ -1619,6 +1624,15 @@ begin
Insert(AColumn, Count);
+procedure TfpgLVColumns.Clear;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := FColumns.Count-1 downto 0 do
+ Delete(i);
+ FColumns.Clear;
procedure TfpgLVColumns.Delete(AIndex: Integer);