diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2013-03-21 18:34:35 +0000
committerDavid Laurence Emerson <>2013-05-28 00:42:49 -0700
commit8f95735d23467df45267090e0e1624ddbcc4ae22 (patch)
parent4932e3fbfcfa8e01408f12e5e82cac6a1e68eb9a (diff)
Adds the FPC Language Reference documentation
I'm manually translating the official ref.pdf document to INF format. The work has stalled for some time, but I hope to get going on this again.
1 files changed, 5655 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/fpc_lang_ref.ipf b/docs/fpc_lang_ref.ipf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6440957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/fpc_lang_ref.ipf
@@ -0,0 +1,5655 @@
+:title.Free Pascal&colon. Language Reference guide
+:docprof toc=123456.
+.* ==============================================================
+.* Custom symbols
+.nameit symbol='fpc' text='Free Pascal'
+.nameit symbol='delphi' text='Delphi'
+.nameit symbol='tp' text='Turbo Pascal'
+.nameit symbol='fpcversion' text='2&per.4'
+.nameit symbol='date' text='December 2009'
+.nameit symbol='progref' text='Programmer&apos.s Guide [ ]'
+.nameit symbol='ra' text='►'
+.nameit symbol='la' text='◄'
+.nameit symbol='dar' text='▼'
+.nameit symbol='uar' text='^'
+.nameit symbol='linux' text='Linux'
+.* ==============================================================
+:h1.Free Pascal&colon. Language Reference guide
+:hp2.Language Reference guide for Free Pascal version &fpcversion. :ehp2.
+Document version &fpcversion. (r617)
+Written by :hp1.Michael van Canneyt:ehp1.
+LaTeX to IPF conversion by :hp1.Graeme Geldenhuys:ehp1.
+:note.:color fc=red.Please switch DocView to using the UTF-8 text encoding for this document.:color fc=default.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % About this guide
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+:h2.About this guide
+This document serves as the reference for the Pascal langauge as implemented
+by the &fpc. compiler. It describes all Pascal constructs supported by
+&fpc., and lists all supported data types. It does not, however, give a
+detailed explanation of the Pascal language: it is not a tutorial.
+The aim is to list which Pascal constructs are supported, and to show
+where the &fpc. implementation differs from the &tp. or &delphi.
+The &tp. and &delphi. Pascal compilers introduced various features in the
+Pascal language. The Free Pascal compiler emulates these compilers in the
+appropriate mode of the compiler: certain features are available only
+if the compiler is switched to the appropriate mode. When required for
+a certain feature, the use of the :hp1.-M:ehp1. command-line switch or
+:hp1.{$MODE}:ehp1. directive will be indicated in the text. More information
+about the various modes can be found in the user's manual and the
+programmer's manual.
+Earlier versions of this document also contained the reference documentation
+of the :hp1.system:ehp1. unit and :hp1.objpas:ehp1. unit. This has been moved to the
+RTL reference guide.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Notations
+Throughout this document, we will refer to functions, types and variables
+with :font facename=Courier size=16x16.typewriter:font facename='System Proportional'. font.
+Files are referred to with a sans font: :font facename=Sans size=16x16.filename:font facename='System Proportional'..
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Syntax diagrams
+:h3.Syntax diagrams
+All elements of the Pascal language are explained in syntax diagrams. Syntax diagrams are like flow
+charts. Reading a syntax diagram means getting from the left side to the right side, following the
+arrows. When the right side of a syntax diagram is reached, and it ends with a single arrow, this
+means the syntax diagram is continued on the next line. If the line ends on 2 arrows pointing to each
+other, then the diagram is ended.
+Syntactical elements are written like this:
+&ra.&ra.─── syntactical elemements are like this ───────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+Keywords which must be typed exactly as in the diagram:
+&ra.&ra.─── :hp2.keywords are like this:ehp2. ─────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+When something can be repeated, there is an arrow around it:
+&ra.&ra.─────┬─ this can be repeated ─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^────────────────────────┘
+When there are different possibilities, they are listed in rows:
+&ra.&ra.─────┬─ First possibility ──┬───────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ Second possibility ─┘
+Note, that one of the possibilities can be empty:
+ ├─ First possibility ─┤
+ └─ Second possibility ─┘
+This means that both the first or second possibility are optional. Of course, all these elements can be
+combined and nested.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % About the Pascal Language
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+:h2.About the Pascal Language
+The language Pascal was originally designed by Niklaus Wirth around 1970. It
+has evolved significantly since that day, with a lot of contributions by the
+various compiler constructors (Notably: Borland). The basic elements have been
+kept throughout the years:
+:li. Easy syntax, rather verbose, yet easy to read. Ideal for teaching.
+:li. Strongly typed.
+:li. Procedural.
+:li. Case insensitive.
+:li. Allows nested procedures.
+:li. Easy input/output routines built-in.
+The &tp. and &delphi. Pascal compilers introduced various features in
+the Pascal language, most notably easier string handling and object
+orientedness. The &fpc. compiler initially emulated most of &tp.
+and later on &delphi.. It emulates these compilers in the appropriate mode
+of the compiler: certain features are available only if the compiler is
+switched to the appropriate mode. When required for a certain feature, the use
+of the -M command-line switch or {$MODE } directive will be indicated in the
+text. More information about the various modes can be found in the User's
+Manual and the Programmer's Manual.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Pascal Tokens
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+:h2.Pascal Tokens
+Tokens are the basic lexical building blocks of source code: they
+are the 'words' of the language: characters are combined into tokens according
+to the rules of the programming language. There are five classes of tokens:
+:parml tsize=20 break=none.
+:pt.:hp2.reserved words:ehp2.
+:pd. These are words which have a fixed meaning in the language. They cannot
+be changed or redefined.
+:pd.These are names of symbols that the programmer defines. They can be changed
+and re-used. They are subject to the scope rules of the language.
+:pd.These are usually symbols for mathematical or other operations: +, -, * and
+so on.
+:pd.This is usually white-space.
+:pd.Numerical or character constants are used to denote actual values in the
+source code, such as 1 (integer constant) or 2.3 (float constant) or
+'String constant' (a string: a piece of text).
+In this chapter we describe all the Pascal reserved words&comma. as well as the
+various ways to denote strings&comma. numbers&comma. identifiers etc&per.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Symbols
+&fpc. allows all characters, digits and some special character
+symbols in a Pascal source file.
+:hp2.Recognised symbols:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── letter ──┬─ A..Z ─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ a..z ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── digit ─ 0..9 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.─── hex digit ──┬─ 0..9 ─┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ A..Z ─┤
+ └─ a..z ─┘
+The following characters have a special meaning:
++ - * / = < > [ ] . , ( ) : ^ @ { } $ #
+and the following character pairs too:
+<= >= := += -= *= /= (* *) (. .) //
+When used in a range specifier, the character pair (. is equivalent to the
+left square bracket [. Likewise, the character pair .) is equivalent to the
+right square bracket ]. When used for comment delimiters, the character pair
+(* is equivalent to the left brace { and the character pair *) is equivalent
+to the right brace }. These character pairs retain their normal meaning in
+string expressions.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Comments
+Comments are pieces of the source code which are completely discarded by the
+compiler. They exist only for the benefit of the programmer, so he can explain
+certain pieces of code. For the compiler, it is as if the comments were not
+The following piece of code demonstrates a comment:
+(* My beautiful function returns an interesting result *)
+Function Beautiful: Integer;
+The use of (* and *) as comment delimiters dates from the very first days of
+the Pascal language. It has been replaced mostly by the use of { and } as
+comment delimiters, as in the following example:
+{ My beautiful function returns an interesting result }
+Function Beautiful: Integer;
+The comment can also span multiple lines:
+ My beautiful function returns an interesting result,
+ but only if the argument A is less than B.
+Function Beautiful(A, B: Integer): Integer;
+Single line comments can also be made with the // delimiter:
+// My beautiful function returns an interesting result
+Function Beautiful: Integer;
+The comment extends from the // character till the end of the line. This kind
+of comment was introduced by Borland in the &delphi. Pascal compiler.
+&fpc. supports the use of nested comments. The following constructs are
+valid comments:
+(* This is an old style comment *)
+{ This is a Turbo Pascal comment }
+// This is a &delphi. comment. All is ignored till the end of the line.
+The following are valid ways of nesting comments:
+{ Comment 1 (* comment 2 *) }
+(* Comment 1 { comment 2 } *)
+{ comment 1 // Comment 2 }
+(* comment 1 // Comment 2 *)
+// comment 1 (* comment 2 *)
+// comment 1 { comment 2 }
+The last two comments must be on one line. The following two will give errors:
+// Valid comment { No longer valid comment !!
+ }
+// Valid comment (* No longer valid comment !!
+ *)
+The compiler will react with a 'invalid character' error when it encounters
+such constructs, regardless of the :hp1.-Mturbo:ehp1. switch.
+In :hp1.TP:ehp1. and :hp1.Delphi:ehp1. mode, nested comments are not allowed,
+for maximum compatibility with existing code for those compilers.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Reserved words
+:h3.Reserved words
+Reserved words are part of the Pascal language, and as such, cannot be
+redefined by the programmer. Throughout the syntax diagrams they will be
+denoted using a :hp2.bold:ehp2. typeface. Pascal is not case sensitive so the compiler
+will accept any combination of upper or lower case letters for reserved words.
+We make a distinction between &tp. and &delphi. reserved words. In
+:hp2.TP:ehp2. mode, only the &tp. reserved words are recognised, but
+the &delphi. ones can be redefined. By default, &fpc. recognises the &delphi.
+reserved words.
+:h4.&tp. reserved words
+The following keywords exist in &tp. mode:
+.* * * *
+absolute file object shr
+and for of string
+array function on then
+asm goto operator to
+begin if or type
+case implementation packed unit
+const in procedure until
+constructor inherited program uses
+destructor inline record var
+div interface reintroduce while
+do label repeat with
+downto mod self xor
+else nil set
+end not shl
+:h4.&fpc. reserved words
+On top of the &tp. reserved words, &fpc. also considers the
+following as reserved words:
+.* * * *
+dispose false true
+exit new
+:h4.Object Pascal reserved words
+The reserved words of Object Pascal (used in :hp2.Delphi:ehp2. or :hp2.ObjPas:ehp2. mode) are the
+same as the &tp. ones, with the following additional keywords:
+.* * * *
+as finalization library raise
+class finally on resourcestring
+dispinterface initialization out threadvar
+except inline packed try
+exports is property
+The following is a list of all modifiers. They are not exactly reserved words
+in the sense that they can be used as identifiers, but in specific places, they
+have a special meaning for the compiler, i.e., the compiler considers them as
+part of the Pascal language.
+.* * * *
+absolute external nostackframe read
+abstract far oldfpccall register
+alias far16 override reintroduce
+assembler forward pascal safecall
+cdecl index private softfloat
+cppdecl local protected stdcall
+default name public virtual
+export near published write
+Predefined types such as :hp1.Byte:ehp1., :hp1.Boolean:ehp1. and constants such
+as :hp1.maxint:ehp1. are not reserved words. They are identifiers, declared in the system unit. This means
+that these types can be redefined in other units. The programmer is however
+:hp2.not:ehp2. encouraged to do this, as it will cause a lot of confusion.
+Identifiers denote programmer defined names for specific constants, types,
+variables, procedures and functions, units, and programs. All programmer
+defined names in the source code – excluding reserved words – are designated
+as identifiers.
+Identifiers consist of between 1 and 127 significant characters (letters,
+digits and the underscore character), of which the first must be an alphanumeric
+character, or an underscore (_). The following diagram gives the basic syntax
+for identifiers.
+&ra.&ra.─── identifier ──┬─ letter ─┬─┬──────────────┬──────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─── _ ────┘ ^─┬─ letter ─┬─┘
+ ├─ digit ──┤
+ └─── _ ────┘
+Like Pascal reserved words, identifiers are case insensitive, that is, both
+refer to the same procedure.
+As of version 2.5.1 it is possible to specify a reserved word as an identifier
+by prepending it with an ampersand (&amp.). This means that the following is
+program testdo;
+procedure &;
+ &;
+The reserved word is used as an identifier for the declaration
+as well as the invocation of the procedure 'do'.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Hint directives
+:h3.Hint directives
+Most identifiers (constants, variables, functions or methods, properties) can
+have a hint directive appended to their definition:
+:hp2.Hint directives:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── hint directive ──┬─────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├── Deprecated ───┤
+ ├─ Experimental ──┤
+ ├─── Platform ────┤
+ └─ Unimplemented ─┘
+Whenever an identifier marked with a hint directive is later encountered by the
+compiler, then a warning will be displayed, corresponding to the specified hint.
+:parml tsize=20 break=none.
+:pd.The use of this identifier is deprecated, use an alternative instead.
+:pd.The use of this identifier is experimental: this can be used to flag new
+features that should be used with caution.
+:pd.This is a platform-dependent identifier: it may not be defined on all
+:pd.This should be used on functions and procedures only. It should be used to
+signal that a particular feature has not yet been implemented.
+The following are examples:
+ AConst = 12 deprecated;
+ p: integer platform;
+function Something: Integer; experimental;
+ Something := P + AConst;
+ Something;
+This would result in the following output:
+testhd.pp(11,15) Warning: Symbol "p" is not portable
+testhd.pp(11,22) Warning: Symbol "AConst" is deprecated
+testhd.pp(15,3) Warning: Symbol "Something" is experimental
+Hint directives can follow all kinds of identifiers: units, constants, types,
+variables, functions, procedures and methods.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Numbers
+Numbers are by default denoted in decimal notation.
+Real (or decimal) numbers are written using engineering or scientific
+notation (e.g. 0.314E1).
+For integer type constants, &fpc. supports 4 formats:
+:li. Normal, decimal format (base 10). This is the standard format.
+:li. Hexadecimal format (base 16), in the same way as &tp. does.
+To specify a constant value in hexadecimal format, prepend it with a dollar
+sign ($). Thus, the hexadecimal $FF equals 255 decimal.
+Note that case is insignificant when using hexadecimal constants.
+:li. As of version 1.0.7, Octal format (base 8) is also supported.
+To specify a constant in octal format, prepend it with a ampersand (&amp.).
+For instance 15 is specified in octal notation as &amp.17.
+:li. Binary notation (base 2). A binary number can be specified
+by preceding it with a percent sign (%). Thus, 255 can be
+specified in binary notation as %11111111.
+The following diagrams show the syntax for numbers.
+&ra.&ra.─── hex digit sequence ──┬── hex digit ──┬──────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ &uar.───────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── octal digit sequence ──┬── octal digit ──┬──────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ &uar.─────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── binary digit sequence ──┬┬─ 1 ─┬┬───────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ │└─ 0 ─┘│
+ &uar.───────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── digit sequence ──┬── digit ──┬──────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^───────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── unsigned integer ──┬────── digit sequence ───────┬──────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ $ ─ hex digit sequence ────┤
+ ├─ & ─ octal digit sequence ──┤
+ └─ % ─ binary digit sequence ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── hex digit sequence ──┬── hex digit ──┬──────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^───────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── sign ──┬── + ──┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └── - ──┘
+&ra.&ra.─── unsigned real ─ digit sequence ─┬────────────────────┬┬──────────────┬──&ra.&la.
+ └ . ─ digit sequence ┘└ scale factor ┘
+&ra.&ra.─── scale factor ─┬─ E ─┬┬──────┬─ digit sequence ──────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ e ─┘└ sign ┘
+&ra.&ra.─── unsigned number ──┬─── unsigned real ──┬────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ unsigned integer ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── signed number ──┬────────┬─ unsigned number ────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ sign ─┘
+Octal and Binary notation are not supported in TP or Delphi compatibility mode.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Labels
+A label is a name for a location in the source code to which can be
+jumped to from another location with a :hp2.goto:ehp2. statement. A Label is a
+standard identifier with the exception that it can start with a digit.
+&ra.&ra.─── label ──┬─ digit sequence ─┬────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └── identifier ────┘
+The -Sg or -Mtp switches must be specified before labels can be used. By
+default, &fpc. doesn't support :hp2.label:ehp2. and :hp2.goto:ehp2. statements.
+The :hp2.{$GOTO ON}:ehp2. directive can also be used to allow use of labels and
+the goto statement.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Character strings
+:h3.Character strings
+A character string (or string for short) is a sequence of zero or more
+characters (byte sized), enclosed in single quotes, and on a single
+line of the program source code: no literal carriage return or linefeed
+characters can appear in the string.
+A character set with nothing between the quotes ('') is an empty string.
+:hp2.Character strings:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── character string ──┬┬─ quoted string ──┬┬───────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ │└─ control string ─┘│
+ ^────────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── quoted string ─ ' ──┬─ string character ─┬─ ' ──────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^────────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── string character ──┬─ Any character except ' or CR ─┬───────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └────────────── " ───────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── control string ──┬─ # ─ unsigned integer ─┬─────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^────────────────────────┘
+The string consists of standard, 8-bit ASCII characters or Unicode (normally
+UTF-8 encoded) characters. The :hp1.control string:ehp1. can be used to specify
+characters which cannot be typed on a keyboard, such as :hp1.#27:ehp1. for
+the escape character.
+The single quote character can be embedded in the string by typing it twice.
+The C construct of escaping characters in the string (using a backslash)
+is not supported in Pascal.
+The following are valid string constants:
+ 'This is a pascal string'
+ ''
+ 'a'
+ 'A tabulator character: '#9' is easy to embed'
+The following is an invalid string:
+ 'the string starts here
+ and continues here'
+The above string must be typed as:
+ 'the string starts here'#13#10' and continues here'
+ 'the string starts here'#10' and continues here'
+on unices (including Mac OS X), and as
+ 'the string starts here'#13' and continues here'
+on a classic Mac-like operating system.
+It is possible to use other character sets in strings: in that case the
+codepage of the source file must be specified with the :hp1.{$CODEPAGE XXX}:ehp1.
+directive or with the :hp2.-Fc:ehp2. command line option for the compiler. In that
+case the characters in a string will be interpreted as characters from the
+specified codepage.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Constants
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+Just as in &tp., &fpc. supports both ordinary and typed constants.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=constants_ordinary.Ordinary constants:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=constants_typed.Typed constants:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=constants_resource.Resource strings:elink.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Ordinary constants
+:h3 name=constants_ordinary.Ordinary constants
+Ordinary constants declarations are constructed using an identifier name
+followed by an "=" token, and followed by an optional expression consisting
+of legal combinations of numbers, characters, boolean values or enumerated
+values as appropriate. The following syntax diagram shows how to construct
+a legal declaration of an ordinary constant.
+:hp2.Constant declaration:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── constant declaration ─┬─ identifier ─ = ─ expression ─ hint directives ─ ; ─┬───&ra.&la.
+ ^─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+The compiler must be able to evaluate the expression in a constant
+declaration at compile time. This means that most of the functions
+in the Run-Time library cannot be used in a constant
+Operators such as +, -, *, /, not, and, or, div, mod, ord, chr,
+sizeof, pi, int, trunc, round, frac, odd can be used, however.
+For more information on expressions, see the section :link reftype=hd refid=expressions.Expressions:elink.&per.
+Only constants of the following types can be declared: :hp1.Ordinal types:ehp1.&comma.
+:hp1.Real types:ehp1.&comma. :hp1.Char:ehp1.&comma. and :hp1.String:ehp1.&per.
+The following are all valid constant declarations&colon.
+ e = 2.7182818; { Real type constant. }
+ a = 2; { Ordinal (Integer) type constant. }
+ c = '4'; { Character type constant. }
+ s = 'This is a constant string'; {String type constant.}
+ s = chr(32)
+ ls = SizeOf(Longint);
+Assigning a value to an ordinary constant is not permitted.
+Thus, given the previous declaration, the following will result
+in a compiler error:
+ s := 'some other string';
+For string constants, the type of the string is dependent on some compiler
+switches. If a specific type is desired, a typed constant should be used,
+as explained in the following section.
+Prior to version 1.9, &fpc. did not correctly support 64-bit constants. As
+of version 1.9, 64-bit constants can be specified.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Typed constants
+:h3 name=constants_typed.Typed constants
+Sometimes it is necessary to specify the type of a constant, for instance
+for constants of complex structures (defined later in the manual).
+Their definition is quite simple.
+:hp2.Constant declaration:ehp2.
+ typed
+&ra.&ra.─── constant ───┬─ identifier ─ : ─ type ─ = ─ type constant ─ hint directives ─ ; ─┬───&ra.&la.
+ declaration ^───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── typed constant ──┬────── constant ───────┬──────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ address constant ─┤
+ ├─ array constant ─┤
+ ├─ record constant ─┤
+ └─ procedural constant ─┘
+Contrary to ordinary constants, a value can be assigned to them at
+run-time. This is an old concept from &tp., which has been
+replaced with support for initialized variables: For a detailed
+description, see :link reftype=hd refid='variables_initializedvars'.Initialized variables:elink..
+Support for assigning values to typed constants is controlled by the
+:hp2.{$J}:ehp2. directive: it can be switched off, but is on by default
+(for &tp. compatibility). Initialized variables are always allowed.
+It should be stressed that typed constants are automatically initialized at program start.
+This is also true for :hp1.local:ehp1. typed constants and initialized variables.
+Local typed constants are also initialized at program start. If their value was
+changed during previous invocations of the function, they will retain their
+changed value, i.e. they are not initialized each time the function is invoked.
+.* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+.* % Ordinary constants
+:h3 name=constants_resource.Resource strings
+A special kind of constant declaration block is the :hp1.resourcestring:ehp1.
+block. Resourcestring declarations are much like constant string
+declarations: resource strings act as constant strings, but they
+can be localized by means of a set of special routines in the
+:hp1.objpas:ehp1. unit. A resource string declaration block
+is only allowed in the :hp1.Delphi:ehp1. or :hp1.ObjFPC:ehp1. modes.
+The following is an example of a resourcestring definition:
+ FileMenu = '&amp.File...';
+ EditMenu = '&amp.Edit...';
+All string constants defined in the resourcestring section are stored
+in special tables. The strings in these tables can be manipulated
+at runtime with some special mechanisms in the :hp1.objpas:ehp1. unit.
+Semantically, the strings act like ordinary constants; It is not allowed
+to assign values to them (except through the special mechanisms in the
+objpas unit). However, they can be used in assignments or expressions as
+ordinary string constants. The main use of the resourcestring section is
+to provide an easy means of internationalization.
+More on the subject of resourcestrings can be found in the
+:link reftype=hd database='prog.inf' refid=0.&progref.:elink., and
+in the :hp1.objpas:ehp1. unit reference.
+Note that a resource string which is given as an expression will not change if
+the parts of the expression are changed:
+ Part1 = 'First part of a long string.';
+ Part2 = 'Second part of a long string.';
+ Sentence = Part1 + ' ' + Part2;
+If the localization routines translate :hp1.Part1:ehp1. and :hp1.Part2:ehp1., the
+:hp1.Sentence:ehp1. constant will not be translated automatically: it has a
+separate entry in the resource string tables, and must therefor be
+translated separately. The above construct simply says that the
+initial value of :hp1.Sentence:ehp1. equals :hp1.Part1+' '+Part2:ehp1..
+Likewise, when using resource strings in a constant array, only the initial
+values of the resource strings will be used in the array: when the
+individual constants are translated, the elements in the array will retain
+their original value.
+ Yes = 'Yes.';
+ No = 'No.';
+ YesNo: Array[Boolean] of string = (No, Yes);
+ B: Boolean;
+ Writeln(YesNo[B]);
+This will print 'Yes.' or 'No.' depending on the value of B, even if the
+constants Yes and No have been localized by some localization mechanism.
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=types.Types
+All variables have a type. &fpc. supports the same basic types as &tp., with
+some extra types from &delphi..
+The programmer can declare his own types, which is in essence defining an identifier
+that can be used to denote this custom type when declaring variables further
+in the source code.
+:hp2.Type declaration:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── type declaration ─── identifier ─ = ─ type ─ ; ─────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+There are 7 major type classes:
+&ra.&ra.─── type ──┬─── simple type ────┬──────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ string type ─┤
+ ├─ structured type ─┤
+ ├─ pointer type ─┤
+ ├─ procedural type ─┤
+ ├─ generic type ─┤
+ ├─ specialized type ─┤
+ └─ type identifier ─┘
+The last case, :hp1.type identifier:ehp1., is just a means to give another
+name to a type. This presents a way to make types platform independent, by
+only using these types, and then defining these types for each platform
+individually. Any programmer who then uses these custom types doesn't have to worry
+about the underlying type size: it is opaque to him. It also allows to use shortcut names
+for fully qualified type names. e.g. define :hp1.system.longint:ehp1. as
+:hp1.Olongint:ehp1. and then redefine :hp1.longint:ehp1..
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3 name=base_types.Base types
+The base or simple types of &fpc. are the &delphi. types.
+We will discuss each type separately.
+:hp2.Simple types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── simple type ──┬─ ordinal type ─┬───────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ real type ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── real type ─── real type identifier ─────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4.Ordinal types
+With the exception of :hp1.int64:ehp1., :hp1.qword:ehp1. and Real types,
+all base types are ordinal types. Ordinal types have the following
+:li. Ordinal types are countable and ordered, i.e. it is, in principle,
+possible to start counting them one by one, in a specified order.
+This property allows the operation of functions as :hp2.Inc:ehp2., :hp2.Ord:ehp2.,
+:hp2.Dec:ehp2. on ordinal types to be defined.
+:li. Ordinal values have a smallest possible value. Trying to apply the
+:hp2.Pred:ehp2. function on the smallest possible value will generate a range
+check error if range checking is enabled.
+:li. Ordinal values have a largest possible value. Trying to apply the
+:hp2.Succ:ehp2. function on the largest possible value will generate a range
+check error if range checking is enabled.
+A list of pre-defined integer types are presented below.
+:lm margin=10.
+ :hp2.Name:ehp2.
+ Integer
+ Shortint
+ SmallInt
+ Longint
+ Longword
+ Int64
+ Byte
+ Word
+ Cardinal
+ QWord
+ Boolean
+ ByteBool
+ WordBool
+ LongBool
+ Char
+:lm margin=1.
+The integer types, and their ranges and sizes, that are predefined in
+&fpc. are listed in in the table below. Please note that
+the :hp1.qword:ehp1. and :hp1.int64:ehp1. types are not true ordinals, so
+some Pascal constructs will not work with these two integer types.
+ :hp2.Type Range Size in bytes:ehp2.
+ Byte 0 .. 255 1
+ Shortint -128 .. 127 1
+ Smallint -32768 .. 32767 2
+ Word 0 .. 65535 2
+ Integer either smallint or longint size 2 or 4
+ Cardinal longword 4
+ Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 4
+ Longword 0 .. 4294967295 4
+ Int64 -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 8
+ QWord 0 .. 18446744073709551615 8
+The :hp1.integer:ehp1. type maps to the smallint type in the default
+&fpc. mode. It maps to either a longint in either Delphi or ObjFPC
+mode. The :hp1.cardinal:ehp1. type is currently always mapped to the
+longword type.
+All decimal constants which do no fit within the -2147483648..2147483647 range
+are silently and automatically parsed as 64-bit integer constants as of version
+1.9.0. Earlier versions would convert it to a real-typed constant.
+&fpc. does automatic type conversion in expressions where different kinds of
+integer types are used.
+:h5.Boolean types
+&fpc. supports the :hp1.Boolean:ehp1. type, with its two pre-defined possible
+values :hp1.True:ehp1. and :hp1.False:ehp1.. These are the only two values that can be
+assigned to a :hp1.Boolean:ehp1. type. Of course, any expression that resolves
+to a boolean value, can also be assigned to a boolean type.
+ :hp2.Name Size Ord(True):ehp2.
+ Boolean 1 1
+ ByteBool 1 Any nonzero value
+ WordBool 2 Any nonzero value
+ LongBool 4 Any nonzero value
+&fpc. also supports the :hp1.ByteBool:ehp1., :hp1.WordBool:ehp1. and :hp1.LongBool:ehp1. types.
+These are of type :hp1.Byte:ehp1., :hp1.Word:ehp1. or :hp1.Longint:ehp1., but are
+assignment compatible with a :hp1.Boolean:ehp1.: the value :hp1.False:ehp1. is
+equivalent to 0 (zero) and any nonzero value is considered :hp1.True:ehp1. when
+converting to a boolean value. A boolean value of :hp1.True:ehp1. is converted
+to -1 in case it is assigned to a variable of type :hp1.LongBool:ehp1..
+Assuming :hp1.B:ehp1. to be of type :hp1.Boolean:ehp1., the following are valid
+ B := True;
+ B := False;
+ B := 1 <> 2; { Results in B := True }
+Boolean expressions are also used in conditions.
+In &fpc., boolean expressions are by default always evaluated in such a
+way that when the result is known, the rest of the expression will no longer
+be evaluated: this is called short-cut boolean evaluation.
+In the following example, the function :hp1.Func:ehp1. will never be called,
+which may have strange side-effects.
+ ...
+ B := False;
+ A := B and Func;
+Here :hp1.Func:ehp1. is a function which returns a :hp1.Boolean:ehp1. type.
+This behaviour is controllable by the :hp2.{$B}:ehp2. compiler directive.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h5.Enumeration types
+Enumeration types are supported in &fpc.. On top of the &tp.
+implementation, &fpc. also allows a C-style extension of the
+enumeration type, where a value is assigned to a particular element of
+the enumeration list.
+:hp2.Enumeration types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── enumerated type ─ ( ─┬┬── identifier list ───┬┬─ ) ─────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ │└─ assigned enum list ─┘│
+ ^────────── , ───────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── identifier list ──┬─ identifier ─┬──────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^────── , ─────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── assigned enum list ──┬─ identifier ─ := ─ expression ─┬─────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^─────────────── , ──────────────┘
+(see :link reftype=hd refid=expressions.Expressions:elink. for how to use expressions)
+When using assigned enumerated types, the assigned elements must be in
+ascending numerical order in the list, or the compiler will complain.
+The expressions used in assigned enumerated elements must be known at
+compile time. So the following is a correct enumerated type declaration:
+ Direction = (North, East, South, West);
+A C-style enumeration type looks as follows:
+ EnumType = (one, two, three, forty := 40, fortyone);
+As a result, the ordinal number of :hp1.forty:ehp1. is 40, and not 3,
+as it would be when the ':= 40' wasn't present.
+The ordinal value of :hp1.fortyone:ehp1. is then 41, and not 4, as it
+would be when the assignment wasn't present. After an assignment in an
+enumerated definition the compiler adds 1 to the assigned value to assign to
+the next enumerated value.
+When specifying such an enumeration type, it is important to keep in mind
+that the enumerated elements should be kept in ascending order. The
+following will produce a compiler error:
+ EnumType = (one, two, three, forty := 40, thirty := 30);
+It is necessary to keep :hp1.forty:ehp1. and :hp1.thirty:ehp1. in the correct order.
+When using enumeration types it is important to keep the following points
+in mind:
+:li. The :hp2.Pred:ehp2. and :hp2.Succ:ehp2. functions cannot be used on
+this kind of enumeration types. Trying to do this anyhow will result in a
+compiler error.
+:li. Enumeration types are stored using a default, independent of the
+actual number of values: the compiler does not try to optimize for space.
+This behaviour can be changed with the :hp2.{$PACKENUM n}:ehp2. compiler
+directive, which tells the compiler the minimal number of bytes to be
+used for enumeration types. For instance:
+ LargeEnum = ( BigOne, BigTwo, BigThree );
+ SmallEnum = ( one, two, three );
+ S: SmallEnum;
+ L: LargeEnum;
+ WriteLn('Small enum : ', SizeOf(S));
+ WriteLn('Large enum : ', SizeOf(L));
+More information can be found in the &progref., in the Compiler Directives section.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h5.Subrange types
+A subrange type is a range of values from an ordinal type (the host type). To define a subrange type,
+one must specify its limiting values: the highest and lowest value of the type.
+:hp2.Subrange types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── subrange type ─ constant ─ .. ─ constant ───────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+Some of the predefined integer types are defined as subrange types:
+ Longint = $80000000..$7fffffff;
+ Integer = -32768..32767;
+ shortint = -128..127;
+ byte = 0..255;
+ Word = 0..65535;
+Subrange types of enumeration types can also be defined:
+ Days = (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday);
+ WorkDays = monday..friday;
+ WeekEnd = saturday..sunday;
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4.Real types
+&fpc. uses the math coprocessor (or emulation) for all its floating-point calculations. The Real
+native type is processor dependent, but it is either Single or Double. Only the IEEE floating point
+types are supported, and these depend on the target processor and emulation options. The true &tp.
+compatible types are listed in the table below. The :hp1.Comp:ehp1. type is, in effect, a 64-bit integer and
+is not available on all target platforms. To get more information on the supported types for each
+platform, refer to the &progref..
+ :hp2.Type Range Significant digits Size in bytes:ehp2.
+ Real platform dependent ??? 4 or 8
+ Single 1.5E-45 .. 3.4E38 7-8 4
+ Double 5.0E-324 .. 1.7E308 15-16 8
+ Extended 1.9E-4932 .. 1.1E4932 19-20 10
+ Comp -2E64+1 .. 2E63-1 19-20 8
+ Currency -922337203685477.5808 .. 19-20 8
+ 922337203685477.5807
+The currency type is a fixed-point real data type which is internally used as an 64-bit integer type
+(automatically scaled with a factor 10000), this minimalizes rounding errors.
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3 name=character_types.Character types
+We have eight character types in &fpc..
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=character_types_char.Char:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=character_types_strings.Strings:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=character_types_shortstrings.Short strings:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=character_types_ansistrings.AnsiStrings:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=character_types_widestrings.WideStrings:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=character_types_unicodestrings.UnicodeStrings:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=character_types_constantstrings.Constant strings:elink.
+:li.:link reftype=hd refid=character_types_pcharstrings.PChar - Null terminated strings:elink.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=character_types_char.Char
+&fpc. supports the type :hp2.Char:ehp2.. A :hp2.Char:ehp2. is exactly 1 byte in
+size, and contains one ASCII character.
+A character constant can be specified by enclosing the character in single
+quotes, as follows: 'a' or 'A' are both character constants.
+A character can also be specified by its character
+value (commonly an ASCII code), by preceding the ordinal value with the
+number symbol (#). For example specifying :hp1.#65:ehp1. would be the same as :hp1.'A':ehp1.
+Also, the caret character (^) can be used in combination with a letter to
+specify a character with ASCII value less than 27. Thus ^G equals
+#7 - G is the seventh letter in the alphabet.
+When the single quote character must be represented, it should be typed
+two times successively, thus :hp1.'''':ehp1. represents the single quote character.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=character_types_strings.Strings
+&fpc. supports the :hp2.String:ehp2. type as it is defined in &tp.:
+a sequence of characters with an optional size specification.
+It also supports AnsiStrings (with unlimited length) as in Delphi.
+To declare a variable as a string, use the following type specification:
+:hp2.String Type:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── string type ─ :hp2.string:ehp2. ──┬──────────────────────────────┬─────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ [ ── unsigned integer ── ] ─┘
+If there is a size specifier, then its maximum value - indicating the maximum
+size of the string - is 255.
+The meaning of a string declaration statement without size indicator is
+interpreted differently depending on the :hp2.{$H}:ehp2. switch. If no size
+indication is present, the above declaration can declare an AnsiString or
+a short string.
+Whatever the actual type, AnsiStrings and short strings can be used
+interchangeably. The compiler always takes care of the necessary type
+conversions. Note, however, that the result of an expression that contains
+ansistrings and short strings will always be an AnsiString.
+:h4 name=character_types_shortstrings.Short strings
+A string declaration declares a short string in the following cases:
+:li. If the switch is off: {$H-}, the string declaration
+will always be a short string declaration.
+:li. If the switch is on {$H+}, and there is a maximum length (the
+size) specifier, the declaration is a short string declaration.
+The predefined type :hp2.ShortString:ehp2. is defined as a string of size 255:
+ ShortString = String[255];
+If the size of the string is not specified, 255 is taken as a
+default. The actual length of the string can be obtained with the
+:hp1.Length():ehp1. standard runtime routine. For example in
+ NameString = String[10];
+ StreetString = String;
+:hp1.NameString:ehp1. can contain a maximum of 10 characters. While
+:hp1.StreetString:ehp1. can contain up to 255 characters.
+Short strings have a maximum length of 255 characters: when specifying a
+maximum length, the maximum length may not exceed 255. If a length larger
+than 255 is attempted, then the compiler will give an error message:
+Error: string length must be a value from 1 to 255
+For short strings, the length is stored in the character at index 0. Old
+&tp. code relies on this, and it is implemented similarly in &fpc..
+Despite this, to write portable code, it is best to set the length of a
+shortstring with the :hp1.SetLength():ehp1. call, and to retrieve
+it with the :hp1.Length():ehp1. call. These functions will always work, whatever
+the internal representation of the short strings or other strings in use:
+this allows easy switching between the various string types.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=character_types_ansistrings.AnsiStrings
+AnsiStrings are strings that have no length limit. They are reference
+counted and are guaranteed to be null terminated. Internally, an ansistring is treated as
+a pointer: the actual content of the string is stored on the heap, as much
+memory as needed to store the string content is allocated.
+This is all handled transparantly, i.e. they can be manipulated as a normal
+short string. Ansistrings can be defined using the predefined :hp2.AnsiString:ehp2.
+The null-termination does not mean that null characters (char(0) or #0)
+cannot be used: the null-termination is not used internally, but is there for
+convenience when dealing with external routines that expect a
+null-terminated string (as most C routines do).
+If the {$H} switch is on, then a string definition using the
+regular :hp1.String:ehp1. keyword and that doesn't contain a length specifier,
+will be regarded as an ansistring as well. If a length specifier is present,
+a short string will be used, regardless of the {$H} setting.
+If the string is empty (''), then the internal pointer representation
+of the string pointer is :hp1.Nil:ehp1.. If the string is not empty, then the
+pointer points to a structure in heap memory.
+The internal representation as a pointer, and the automatic null-termination
+make it possible to typecast an ansistring to a pchar. If the string is empty
+(so the pointer is Nil) then the compiler makes sure that the typecasted
+pchar will point to a null byte.
+Assigning one ansistring to another doesn't involve moving the actual
+string. A statement
+ S2 := S1;
+results in the reference count of :hp1.S2:ehp1. being decreased with 1,
+the reference count of :hp1.S1:ehp1. is increased by 1, and finally :hp1.S1:ehp1.
+(as a pointer) is copied to :hp1.S2:ehp1.. This is a significant speed-up in
+the code.
+If the reference count of a string reaches zero, then the memory occupied
+by the string is deallocated automatically, and the pointer is set to
+:hp1.Nil:ehp1., so no memory leaks arise.
+When an ansistring is declared, the &fpc. compiler initially
+allocates just memory for a pointer, not more. This pointer is guaranteed
+to be :hp1.Nil:ehp1., meaning that the string is initially empty. This is
+true for local and global ansistrings or ansistrings that are part of a
+structure (arrays, records or objects).
+This does introduce an overhead. For instance, declaring
+ A: array[1..100000] of string;
+will copy the value :hp1.Nil:ehp1. 100,000 times into :hp1.A:ehp1..
+When :hp1.A:ehp1. goes out of scope, then the reference
+count of the 100,000 strings will be decreased by 1 for each
+of these strings. All this happens invisible to the programmer,
+but when considering performance issues, this is important.
+Memory for the string content will be allocated only when the string is
+assigned a value. If the string goes out of scope, then its reference
+count is automatically decreased by 1. If the reference count reaches
+zero, the memory reserved for the string is released.
+If a value is assigned to a character of a string that has a reference count
+greater than 1, such as in the following statements:
+ S := T; { reference count for S and T are now 2 }
+ S[I] := '@';
+then a copy of the string is created before the assignment. This is known
+as :hp1.copy-on-write:ehp1. semantics. It is possible to force a string to have
+a reference count equal to 1 with the :hp1.UniqueString():ehp1. call:
+ S := T;
+ R := T; // Reference count of T is at least 3
+ UniqueString(T); // Reference count of T is quaranteed 1
+It's recommended to do this e.g. when typecasting an ansistring to a PChar var
+and passing it to a C routine that modifies the string.
+The :hp1.Length():ehp1. function must be used to get the length of an
+ansistring: the length is not stored at character 0 of the ansistring.
+The construct
+ L := ord(S[0]);
+which was valid for &tp. shortstrings, is no longer correct for
+AnsiStrings. The compiler will warn if such a construct is encountered.
+To set the length of an ansistring, the :hp1.SetLength():ehp1. function must be used.
+Constant ansistrings have a reference count of -1 and are treated specially.
+The same remark as for :hp1.Length():ehp1. must be given: The construct
+ L := 12;
+ S[0] := Char(L);
+which was valid for &tp. shortstrings, is no longer correct for
+AnsiStrings. The compiler will warn if such a construct is encountered.
+AnsiStrings are converted to short strings by the compiler if needed,
+this means that the use of ansistrings and short strings can be mixed
+without problems.
+AnsiStrings can be typecasted to :hp1.PChar:ehp1. or :hp1.Pointer:ehp1. types:
+ P: Pointer;
+ PC: PChar;
+ S: AnsiString;
+ S := 'This is an ansistring';
+ PC := Pchar(S);
+ P := Pointer(S);
+There is a difference between the two typecasts. When an empty
+ansistring is typecasted to a pointer, the pointer wil be :hp1.Nil:ehp1.. If an
+empty ansistring is typecasted to a :hp1.PChar:ehp1., then the result will be a pointer to a
+zero byte (an empty string).
+The result of such a typecast must be used with care. In general, it is best
+to consider the result of such a typecast as read-only, i.e. only suitable for
+passing to a procedure that needs a constant pchar argument.
+It is therefore :hp2.not:ehp2. advisable to typecast one of the following:
+:li. Expressions.
+:li. Strings that have a reference count larger than 1.
+In this case you should call :hp1.UniqueString():ehp1. to ensure the
+string has a reference count 1.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=character_types_widestrings.WideStrings
+WideStrings (used to represent Unicode character strings) are implemented in much
+the same way as AnsiStrings: reference counted, null-terminated arrays, only they
+are implemented as arrays of :hp1.WideChars:ehp1. instead of regular :hp1.Chars:ehp1..
+A :hp1.WideChar:ehp1. is a two-byte character (an element of a DBCS: Double Byte
+Character Set). Mostly the same rules apply for WideStrings as for
+AnsiStrings. The compiler transparently converts WideStrings to
+AnsiStrings and vice versa.
+Similarly to the typecast of an Ansistring to a PChar null-terminated
+array of characters, a WideString can be converted to a PWideChar
+null-terminated array of characters.
+Note that the :hp1.PWideChar:ehp1. array is terminated by 2 null bytes instead of
+1, so a typecast to a PChar is not automatic.
+The compiler itself provides no support for any conversion from Unicode to
+AnsiStrings or vice versa. The :hp2.system:ehp2. unit has a widestring manager
+record, which can be initialized with some OS-specific Unicode handling
+routines. For more information, see the :hp2.system:ehp2. unit reference.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=character_types_unicodestrings.UnicodeStrings
+[text to be written]
+Same as WideString, but reference counted on all platforms.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=character_types_constantstrings.Constant strings
+To specify a constant string, it must be enclosed in single quotes, just
+as a :hp1.Char:ehp1. type, only now more than one character is allowed.
+Given that :hp1.S:ehp1. is of type :hp1.String:ehp1., the following are valid
+S := 'This is a string.';
+S := 'One'+', Two'+', Three';
+S := 'This isn''t difficult!';
+S := 'This is a weird character: '#145' !';
+As can be seen, the single quote character is represented by 2 single-quote
+characters next to each other. Strange characters can be specified by their
+character value (usually an ASCII code).
+The example shows also that two strings can be added. The resulting string is
+just the concatenation of the first with the second string, without spaces in
+between them. Strings can not be substracted, however.
+Whether the constant string is stored as an AnsiString or a short string
+depends on the settings of the :hp2.{$H}:ehp2. switch.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=character_types_pcharstrings.PChar - Null terminated strings
+&fpc. supports the Delphi implementation of the :hp1.PChar:ehp1. type. :hp1.PChar:ehp1.
+is defined as a pointer to a \var{Char} type, but allows additional
+The :hp1.PChar:ehp1. type can be understood best as the Pascal equivalent of a
+C-style null-terminated string, i.e. a variable of type :hp1.PChar:ehp1. is a
+pointer that points to an array of type :hp1.Char:ehp1., which is ended by a
+null-character (#0).
+&fpc. supports initializing of :hp1.PChar:ehp1. typed constants, or a direct
+assignment. For example, the following pieces of code are equivalent:
+program one;
+ p: PChar;
+ P := 'This is a null-terminated string.';
+ WriteLn (P);
+Results in the same as
+program two;
+ P: PChar = 'This is a null-terminated string.'
+ WriteLn (P);
+These examples also show that it is possible to write the contents of
+the string to a file of type :hp1.Text:ehp1.
+The :hp2.strings:ehp2. unit contains procedures and functions that manipulate the
+:hp1.PChar:ehp1. type as in the standard C library.
+Since it is equivalent to a pointer to a type :hp1.Char:ehp1. variable, it is
+also possible to do the following:
+program three;
+ S: String[30];
+ P: PChar;
+ S := 'This is a null-terminated string.'#0;
+ P := @S[1];
+ WriteLn (P);
+This will have the same result as the previous two examples.
+Null-terminated strings cannot be added as normal Pascal
+strings. If two :hp1.PChar:ehp1. strings must be concatenated; the functions from
+the unit :hp2.strings:ehp2. must be used.
+However, it is possible to do some pointer arithmetic. The
+operators + and - can be used to do operations
+on :hp1.PChar:ehp1. pointers.
+In the table below, :hp1.P:ehp1. and :hp1.Q:ehp1. are of type :hp1.PChar:ehp1., and
+:hp1.I:ehp1. is of type :hp1.Longint:ehp1..
+ :hp2.Operation Result:ehp2.
+ P + I Adds I to the address pointed to by P.
+ I + P Adds I to the address pointed to by P.
+ P - I Substracts I from the address pointed to by P.
+ P - Q Returns, as an integer, the distance between 2 addresses
+ (or the number of characters between P and Q)
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3 name=structured_types.Structured types
+A structured type is a type that can hold multiple values in one variable.
+Stuctured types can be nested to unlimited levels.
+:hp2.Structured Types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── structured type ──┬──── array type ────┬───────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├──── record type ────┤
+ ├──── object type ────┤
+ ├──── class type ────┤
+ ├─ class reference type ─┤
+ ├──── interface type ────┤
+ ├──── set type ────┤
+ └───── file type ──────┘
+Unlike Delphi, &fpc. does not support the keyword :hp1.packed:ehp1. for all
+structured types. In the following sections each of the possible
+structured types is discussed. It will be mentioned when a type supports
+the :hp1.packed:ehp1. keyword.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=structured_types_packed.Packed structured types
+When a structured type is declared, no assumptions should be made about
+the internal position of the elements in the type. The compiler will lay
+out the elements of the structure in memory as it thinks will be most
+suitable. That is, the order of the elements will be kept, but the location
+of the elements are not guaranteed, and is partially governed by the :hp2.$PACKRECORDS:ehp2.
+directive (this directive is explained in the &progref.).
+However, &fpc. allows controlling the layout with the :hp1.Packed:ehp1. and
+:hp1.Bitpacked:ehp1. keywords. The meaning of these words depends on the context:
+:parml tsize=15 break=none.
+:pd.In this case, the compiler will attempt to align ordinal
+types on bit boundaries, as explained below.
+:pd.The meaning of the :hp1.Packed:ehp1. keyword depends on the
+:li. In :hp1.MACPAS:ehp1. mode, it is equivalent to the :hp1.Bitpacked:ehp1. keyword.
+:li. In other modes, with the :hp1.$BITPACKING:ehp1. directive set to :hp1.ON:ehp1.,
+it is also equivalent to the :hp1.Bitpacked:ehp1. keyword.
+:li. In other modes, with the :hp1.$BITPACKING:ehp1. directive set to :hp1.OFF:ehp1.,
+it signifies normal packing on byte boundaries.
+:lp. Packing on byte boundaries means that each new element of a structured type
+starts on a byte boundary.
+The byte packing mechanism is simple: the compiler aligns each element of
+the structure on the first available byte boundary, even if the size of the
+previous element (small enumerated types, subrange types) is less than a
+When using the bit packing mechanism, the compiler calculates for each
+ordinal type how many bits are needed to store it. The next ordinal type
+is then stored on the next free bit. Non-ordinal types - which include but
+are not limited to - sets, floats, strings, (bitpacked) records, (bitpacked)
+arrays, pointers, classes, objects, and procedural variables, are stored
+on the first available byte boundary.
+Note that the internals of the bitpacking are opaque: they can change
+at any time in the future. What is more: the internal packing depends
+on the endianness of the platform for which the compilation is done,
+and no conversion between platforms are possible. This makes bitpacked
+structures unsuitable for storing on disk or transport over networks.
+The format is however the same as the one used by the GNU Pascal
+Compiler, and the &fpc. team aims to retain this compatibility in the future.
+There are some more restrictions to elements of bitpacked structures:
+:li. The address cannot be retrieved, unless the bit size is a multiple of
+8 and the element happens to be stored on a byte boundary.
+:li. An element of a bitpacked structure cannot be used as a var parameter,
+unless the bit size is a multiple of 8 and the element happens to be stored
+on a byte boundary.
+To determine the size of an element in a bitpacked structure, there is the
+:hp1.BitSizeOf():ehp1. function. It returns the size - in bits - of the element.
+For other types or elements of structures which are not bitpacked, this will
+simply return the size in bytes multiplied by 8, i.e., the return value is
+then the same as :hp1.8*SizeOf:ehp1..
+The size of bitpacked records and arrays is limited:
+:li. On 32 bit systems the maximal size is 2^29 (2 to the power 29) bytes (512 MB).
+:li. On 64 bit systems the maximal size is 2^61 (2 to the power 61) bytes.
+The reason is that the offset of an element must be calculated with
+the maximum integer size of the system.
+.* ...................................................................
+:h4 name=structured_types_arrays.Arrays
+&fpc. supports arrays as in &tp.. Multi-dimensional arrays and (bit)packed
+arrays are also supported, as well as the dynamic arrays of &delphi.:
+:hp2.Array types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.── array type ─┬───────────────┬─ :hp2.array:ehp2. ─┬────────────────────────────┬─ :hp2.of:ehp2. ─ type ──&ra.&la.
+ ├─ :hp2.packed:ehp2. ─┤ └─ :hp2.[:ehp2. ─┬─ ordinal type ─┬─ :hp2.]:ehp2. ─┘
+ └─ :hp2.bitpacked:ehp2. ─┘ ^────── , ───────┘
+:h5.Static arrays
+When the range of the array is included in the array definition, it is
+called a static array. Trying to access an element with an index that is
+outside the declared range will generate a run-time error (if range checking
+is on). The following is an example of a valid array declaration:
+ RealArray = Array [1..100] of Real;
+Valid indexes for accessing an element of the array are between 1 and 100,
+where the borders 1 and 100 are included.
+As in &tp., if the array component type is in itself an array, it is
+possible to combine the two arrays into one multi-dimensional array. The
+following declaration:
+ APoints = array[1..100] of Array[1..3] of Real;
+is equivalent to the declaration:
+ APoints = array[1..100, 1..3] of Real;
+The functions :hp1.High():ehp1. and :hp1.Low():ehp1. return the high and low bounds of
+the leftmost index type of the array. In the above case, this would be 100
+and 1. You should use them whenever possible, since it improves maintainability
+of your code. The use of both functions is just as efficient as using
+constants, because they are evaluated at compile time.
+When static array-type variables are assigned to each other, the contents of the
+whole array is copied. This is also true for multi-dimensional arrays:
+program testarray1;
+ TA = Array[0..9, 0..9] of Integer;
+ A, B: TA;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ for I := 0 to 9 do
+ for J := 0 to 9 do
+ A[I,J] := I * J;
+ for I := 0 to 9 do
+ begin
+ for J := 0 to 9 do
+ Write(A[I, J]:2, ' ');
+ writeln;
+ end;
+ B := A;
+ writeln;
+ for I := 0 to 9 do
+ for J := 0 to 9 do
+ A[9-I, 9-J] := I * J;
+ for I := 0 to 9 do
+ begin
+ for J := 0 to 9 do
+ write(B[I, J]:2, ' ');
+ writeln;
+ end;
+The output of this program will be 2 identical matrices.
+:h5.Dynamic arrays
+As of version 1.1, &fpc. also knows dynamic arrays: In that case the array
+range is omitted, as in the following example:
+ TByteArray = Array of Byte;
+When declaring a variable of a dynamic array type, the initial length of the
+array is zero. The actual length of the array must be set with the standard
+:hp1.SetLength():ehp1. function, which will allocate the necessary memory to contain
+the array elements on the heap. The following example will set the length to
+ A: TByteArray;
+ SetLength(A, 1000);
+After a call to :hp1.SetLength():ehp1., valid array indexes are 0 to 999: the array
+index is always zero-based.
+Note that the length of the array is set in elements, not in bytes of
+allocated memory (although these may be the same). The amount of
+memory allocated is the size of the array multiplied by the size of
+1 element in the array. The memory will be disposed of at the exit of the
+current procedure or function.
+It is also possible to resize the array: in that case, as much of the
+elements in the array as will fit in the new size, will be kept. The array
+can be resized to zero, which effectively resets the variable.
+At all times, trying to access an element of the array with an index
+that is not in the current length of the array will generate a run-time
+Dynamic arrays are reference counted: assignment of one dynamic array-type
+variable to another will let both variables point to the same array.
+Contrary to ansistrings, an assignment to an element of one array will
+be reflected in the other: there is no copy-on-write. Consider the following
+ A, B: TByteArray;
+ SetLength(A, 10);
+ A[0] := 33;
+ B := A;
+ A[0] := 31;
+After the second assignment, the first element in B will also contain 31.
+It can also be seen from the output of the following example:
+program testarray1;
+ TA = array of array of Integer;
+ A, B: TA;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Setlength(A, 10, 10);
+ for I := 0 to 9 do
+ for J := 0 to 9 do
+ A[I, J] := I * J;
+ for I:=0 to 9 do
+ begin
+ for J := 0 to 9 do
+ Write(A[I, J]:2, ' ');
+ writeln;
+ end;
+ B := A;
+ writeln;
+ for I := 0 to 9 do
+ for J := 0 to 9 do
+ A[9-I, 9-J] := I * J;
+ for I := 0 to 9 do
+ begin
+ for J := 0 to 9 do
+ Write(B[I, J]:2, ' ');
+ writeln;
+ end;
+The output of this program will be a matrix of numbers, and then the same
+matrix, mirrorred.
+As remarked earlier, dynamic arrays are reference counted: if in one of the previous examples A
+goes out of scope and B does not, then the array is not yet disposed of: the
+reference count of A (and B) is decreased with 1. As soon as the reference
+count reaches zero the memory, allocated for the contents of the array, is disposed of.
+It is also possible to copy and/or resize the array with the standard
+:hp1.Copy():ehp1. function, which acts as the copy function for strings:
+program testarray3;
+ TA = array of Integer;
+ A, B: TA;
+ I: Integer;
+ Setlength(A, 10);
+ for I := 0 to 9 do
+ A[I] := I;
+ B := Copy(A, 3, 6);
+ for I := 0 to 5 do
+ Writeln(B[I]);
+The :hp1.Copy():ehp1. function will copy 6 elements of the array to a new array.
+Starting at the element at index 3 (i.e. the fourth element) of the array.
+The :hp1.Length():ehp1. function will return the number of elements in the array.
+The :hp1.Low():ehp1. function on a dynamic array will always return 0, and the
+:hp1.High():ehp1. function will return the value :hp1.Length-1:ehp1., i.e., the value of the
+highest allowed array index.
+:h5.Packing and unpacking an array
+Arrays can be packed and bitpacked. Two array types which have the same index
+type and element type, but which are differently packed are not assignment
+However, it is possible to convert a normal array to a bitpacked array with the
+:hp1.pack:ehp1. routine. The reverse operation is possible as well; a bitpacked
+array can be converted to a normally packed array using the :hp1.unpack:ehp1.
+routine, as in the following example:
+ foo: array [ 'a'..'f' ] of Boolean
+ = ( false, false, true, false, false, false );
+ bar: packed array [ 42..47 ] of Boolean;
+ baz: array [ '0'..'5' ] of Boolean;
+ pack(foo,'a',bar);
+ unpack(bar,baz,'0');
+More information about the pack and unpack routines can be found in the
+:hp2.system:ehp2. unit reference.
+:h4 name='record_types'.Record types
+&fpc. supports fixed records and records with variant parts.
+The syntax diagram for a record type is:
+:hp2.Record types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.── record type ─┬───────────────┬─ :hp2.record:ehp2. ─┬──────────────┬─ :hp2.end:ehp2. ───────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ :hp2.packed:ehp2. ─┤ └─ field list ─┘
+ └─ :hp2.bitpacked:ehp2. ─┘
+&ra.&ra.── field list ─┬─── fixed fields ───────────────────────┬─┬─────┬───────────&ra.&la.
+ └─┬─────────────────────┬─ variant part ─┘ └─ ; ─┘
+ └─ fixed fields ─ ; ─┘
+&ra.&ra.── fixed fields ─┬─ identifier list ─ : ─ type ─┬───────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └──────────── ; ───────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.── variant part ─ ─┬────────────────┬─ ordinal type identifier ─ :hp2.of:ehp2. ─┬─ variant─┬───&ra.&la.
+ └ identifier ─ : ┘ ^──── ; ───┘
+&ra.&ra.── variant ─┬─ constant ─ , ─┬─ : ─ ( ─┬────────────────┬─ ) ───────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^────────────────┘ ^── field list ──┘
+So the following are valid record type declarations:
+ Point = record
+ X, Y, Z: Real;
+ end;
+ RPoint = record
+ case Boolean of
+ False: (X, Y, Z: Real);
+ True: (R, theta, phi: Real);
+ end;
+ BetterRPoint = record
+ case UsePolar: Boolean of
+ False: (X, Y, Z: Real);
+ True: (R, theta, phi: Real);
+ end;
+.* :fn id=record1.
+.* However, it is up to the programmer to maintain this field.
+.* :efn.
+The variant part must be last in the record. The optional identifier in the
+case statement serves to access the tag field value, which otherwise would
+be invisible to the programmer. It can be used to see which variant is
+active at a certain time [However, it is up to the programmer to maintain this field].
+.* :link refid=record1 reftype=fn.(footnote here):elink.].
+In effect, it introduces a new field in the record.
+It is possible to nest variant parts, as in&colon.
+ MyRec = Record
+ X: Longint;
+ case byte of
+ 2: (Y: Longint;
+ case byte of
+ 3: (Z: Longint);
+ );
+ end;
+By default the size of a record is the sum of the sizes of its fields, each size of a
+field is rounded up to a power of two. If the record contains a variant part, the size
+of the variant part is the size of the biggest variant, plus the size of the
+tag field type :hp1.if an identifier was declared for it:ehp1.. Here also, the size of
+each part is first rounded up to two. So in the above example:
+:li. :hp1.SizeOf():ehp1. would return 24 for :hp1.Point:ehp1.
+:li. It would result in 24 for :hp1.RPoint}:ehp1.
+:li. Finally, 26 would be the size of :hp1.BetterRPoint:ehp1.
+:li. For :hp1.MyRec:ehp1., the value would be 12.
+If a typed file with records, produced by a &tp. program, must be read,
+then chances are that attempting to read that file correctly will fail.
+The reason for this is that by default, elements of a record are aligned at
+2-byte boundaries, for performance reasons.
+This default behaviour can be changed with the :hp1.{$PACKRECORDS N}:ehp1.
+switch. Possible values for :hp1.N:ehp1. are 1, 2, 4, 16 or :hp1.Default:ehp1.
+This switch tells the compiler to align elements of a record or object or
+class that have size larger than :hp1.n:ehp1. on :hp1.n:ehp1. byte boundaries.
+Elements that have size smaller or equal than :hp1.n:ehp1. are aligned on
+natural boundaries, i.e. to the first power of two that is larger than or
+equal to the size of the record element.
+The keyword :hp1.Default:ehp1. selects the default value for the platform
+that the code is compiled for (currently, this is 2 on all platforms)
+Take a look at the following program:
+Program PackRecordsDemo;
+ {$PackRecords 2}
+ Trec1 = Record
+ A : byte;
+ B : Word;
+ end;
+ {$PackRecords 1}
+ Trec2 = Record
+ A : Byte;
+ B : Word;
+ end;
+ {$PackRecords 2}
+ Trec3 = Record
+ A,B : byte;
+ end;
+ {$PackRecords 1}
+ Trec4 = Record
+ A,B : Byte;
+ end;
+ {$PackRecords 4}
+ Trec5 = Record
+ A : Byte;
+ B : Array[1..3] of byte;
+ C : byte;
+ end;
+ {$PackRecords 8}
+ Trec6 = Record
+ A : Byte;
+ B : Array[1..3] of byte;
+ C : byte;
+ end;
+ {$PackRecords 4}
+ Trec7 = Record
+ A : Byte;
+ B : Array[1..7] of byte;
+ C : byte;
+ end;
+ {$PackRecords 8}
+ Trec8 = Record
+ A : Byte;
+ B : Array[1..7] of byte;
+ C : byte;
+ end;
+ rec1 : TRec1;
+ rec2 : TRec2;
+ rec3 : TRec3;
+ rec4 : TRec4;
+ rec5 : TRec5;
+ rec6 : TRec6;
+ rec7 : TRec7;
+ rec8 : TRec8;
+ Write ('Size TRec1 : ',SizeOf(Trec1));
+ Writeln (' Offset B : ',Longint(@rec1.B)-Longint(@rec1));
+ Write ('Size TRec2 : ',SizeOf(Trec2));
+ Writeln (' Offset B : ',Longint(@rec2.B)-Longint(@rec2));
+ Write ('Size TRec3 : ',SizeOf(Trec3));
+ Writeln (' Offset B : ',Longint(@rec3.B)-Longint(@rec3));
+ Write ('Size TRec4 : ',SizeOf(Trec4));
+ Writeln (' Offset B : ',Longint(@rec4.B)-Longint(@rec4));
+ Write ('Size TRec5 : ',SizeOf(Trec5));
+ Writeln (' Offset B : ',Longint(@rec5.B)-Longint(@rec5),
+ ' Offset C : ',Longint(@rec5.C)-Longint(@rec5));
+ Write ('Size TRec6 : ',SizeOf(Trec6));
+ Writeln (' Offset B : ',Longint(@rec6.B)-Longint(@rec6),
+ ' Offset C : ',Longint(@rec6.C)-Longint(@rec6));
+ Write ('Size TRec7 : ',SizeOf(Trec7));
+ Writeln (' Offset B : ',Longint(@rec7.B)-Longint(@rec7),
+ ' Offset C : ',Longint(@rec7.C)-Longint(@rec7));
+ Write ('Size TRec8 : ',SizeOf(Trec8));
+ Writeln (' Offset B : ',Longint(@rec8.B)-Longint(@rec8),
+ ' Offset C : ',Longint(@rec8.C)-Longint(@rec8));
+The output of this program will be:
+Size TRec1 : 4 Offset B : 2
+Size TRec2 : 3 Offset B : 1
+Size TRec3 : 2 Offset B : 1
+Size TRec4 : 2 Offset B : 1
+Size TRec5 : 8 Offset B : 4 Offset C : 7
+Size TRec6 : 8 Offset B : 4 Offset C : 7
+Size TRec7 : 12 Offset B : 4 Offset C : 11
+Size TRec8 : 16 Offset B : 8 Offset C : 15
+And this is as expected:
+:li. In Trec1, since B has size 2, it is aligned on a 2 byte boundary, thus leaving an empty byte
+between A and B, and making the total size 4. In Trec2, B is aligned on a 1-byte boundary,
+right after A, hence, the total size of the record is 3.
+:li.For Trec3, the sizes of A,B are 1, and hence they are aligned on 1 byte boundaries. The same
+is true for Trec4.
+:li.For Trec5, since the size of B – 3 – is smaller than 4, B will be on a 4-byte boundary, as this
+is the first power of two that is larger than its size. The same holds for Trec6.
+:li.For Trec7, B is aligned on a 4 byte boundary, since its size – 7 – is larger than 4. However, in
+Trec8, it is aligned on a 8-byte boundary, since 8 is the first power of two that is greater than
+7, thus making the total size of the record 16.
+&fpc. supports also the 'packed record', this is a record where all the elements are byte-aligned.
+Thus the two following declarations are equivalent:
+ {$PackRecords 1}
+ Trec2 = Record
+ A : Byte;
+ B : Word;
+ end;
+ {$PackRecords 2}
+ Trec2 = Packed Record
+ A : Byte;
+ B : Word;
+ end;
+Note the :hp1.{$PackRecords 2}:ehp1. after the first declaration!
+:h4 name='set_types'.Set types
+&fpc. supports the set types as in &tp.. The prototype of a set declaration is:
+:hp2.Set types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.── set type ── :hp2.set:ehp2. ── :hp2.of:ehp2. ── ordinal type ───────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+Each of the elements of :hp1.SetType:ehp1. must be of type :hp1.TargetType:ehp1..
+:hp1.TargetType:ehp1. can be any ordinal
+type with a range between 0 and 255. A set can contain at most 255 elements.
+The following are valid set declaration:
+ Junk = set of Char;
+ Days = (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun);
+ WorkDays: set of Days;
+Given these declarations, the following assignment is legal:
+WorkDays := [Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri];
+The compiler stores small sets (less than 32 elements) in a Longint, if the
+type range allows it. This
+allows for faster processing and decreases program size. Otherwise, sets
+are stored in 32 bytes.
+Several operations can be done on sets: taking unions or differences, adding
+or removing elements,
+comparisons. These are documented in :link refid='set_operators' reftype=hd.set operators:elink..
+:h4 name='file_types'.File types
+File types are types that store a sequence of some base type, which can be any type except another file
+type. It can contain (in principle) an infinite number of elements. File types are used commonly to
+store data on disk. However, nothing prevents the programmer, from writing a file driver that stores
+its data for instance in memory.
+Here is the type declaration for a file type:
+:hp2.File types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.── file type ── :hp2.file:ehp2. ─┬─────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ :hp2.of:ehp2. ─ type ─┘
+If no type identifier is given, then the file is an untyped file; it can be
+considered as equivalent to a file
+of bytes. Untyped files require special commands to act on them
+(see :hp1.Blockread:ehp1., :hp1.Blockwrite:ehp1.).
+The following declaration declares a file of records:
+ Point = Record
+ X,Y,Z : real;
+ end;
+ PointFile = File of Point;
+Internally, files are represented by the :hp1.FileRec:ehp1. record, which is declared
+in the Dos or SysUtils units.
+A special file type is the :hp1.Text:ehp1. file type, represented by the :hp1.TextRec:ehp1. record.
+A file of type :hp1.Text:ehp1. uses special input-output routines. The default :hp1.Input:ehp1.,
+:hp1.Output:ehp1. and :hp1.StdErr:ehp1. file types are defined in the system unit: they are all of
+type :hp1.Text:ehp1., and are opened by the system unit initialization code.
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3 name=pointer_types.Pointers
+&fpc. supports the use of pointers. A variable of the pointer type contains an
+address in memory, where the data of another variable may be stored. A pointer
+type can be defined as follows:
+:hp2.Pointer types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.── pointer type ── ^ ── type identifier ────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+As can be seen from this diagram, pointers are typed, which means that they point to a particular
+kind of data. The type of this data must be known at compile time.
+Dereferencing the pointer (denoted by adding ^ after the variable name) behaves then like a variable.
+This variable has the type declared in the pointer declaration, and the variable is stored in the address
+that is pointed to by the pointer variable. Consider the following example:
+program pointers;
+ Buffer = String[255];
+ BufPtr = ^Buffer;
+ B: Buffer;
+ BP: BufPtr;
+ PP: Pointer;
+In this example, BP a pointer to:ehp1. a Buffer type; while B is a variable of type Buffer. B takes
+256 bytes memory, and BP only takes 4 (or 8) bytes of memory: enough memory to store an address.
+The expression
+is known as the dereferencing of BP. The result is of type Buffer, so
+Denotes the 23-rd character in the string pointed to by BP.
+:nt. &fpc. treats pointers much the same way as C does. This means that a pointer to some type
+can be treated as being an array of this type.
+From this point of view, the pointer then points to the zeroeth element of this
+array. Thus the following pointer declaration
+ p: ^Longint;
+can be considered equivalent to the following array declaration:
+ p: array[0..Infinity] of Longint;
+The difference is that the former declaration allocates memory for the pointer only (not for the array),
+and the second declaration allocates memory for the entire array. If the former is used, the memory
+must be allocated manually, using the :hp1.Getmem:ehp1. function. The reference P^ is then the same as p[0].
+The following program illustrates this maybe more clear:
+program PointerArray;
+ i: Longint;
+ p: ^Longint;
+ pp: array[0..100] of Longint;
+ for i := 0 to 100 do pp[i] := i; { Fill array }
+ p := @pp[0]; { Let p point to pp }
+ for i := 0 to 100 do
+ if p[i] <> pp[i] then
+ WriteLn ('Ohoh, problem !')
+&fpc. supports pointer arithmetic as C does. This means that, if P is a typed pointer, the
+Will increase, respectively decrease the address the pointer points to with the size of the type P is a
+pointer to. For example
+ P: ^Longint;
+ Inc(p);
+will increase P with 4, because 4 is the size of a longint. If the pointer is untyped, a size of 1 byte is
+assumed (i.e. as if the pointer were a pointer to a byte: ^byte.)
+Normal arithmetic operators on pointers can also be used, that is, the following are valid pointer
+arithmetic operations:
+ p1, p2: ^Longint;
+ L: Longint;
+ P1 := @P2;
+ P2 := @L;
+ L := P1-P2;
+ P1 := P1-4;
+ P2 := P2+4;
+Here, the value that is added or substracted is multiplied by the size of the type the pointer points to.
+In the previous example P1 will be decremented by 16 bytes, and P2 will be incremented by 16.
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3 name=forward_type_declarations.Forward type declarations
+Programs often need to maintain a linked list of records. Each record then contains a pointer to the
+next record (and possibly to the previous record as well). For type safety, it is best to define this
+pointer as a typed pointer, so the next record can be allocated on the heap using the New call. In
+order to do so, the record should be defined something like this:
+ TListItem = Record
+ Data: Integer;
+ Next: ^TListItem;
+ end;
+When trying to compile this, the compiler will complain that the TListItem type is not yet defined
+when it encounters the :hp1.Next:ehp1. declaration: This is correct, as the definition is still being parsed.
+To be able to have the Next element as a typed pointer, a 'Forward type declaration'
+must be introduced:
+ PListItem = ^TListItem;
+ TListItem = Record
+ Data : Integer;
+ Next : PTListItem;
+When the compiler encounters a typed pointer declaration where the referenced type is not yet known,
+it postpones resolving the reference till later. The pointer definition is a 'Forward type declaration'.
+The referenced type should be introduced later in the same Type block. No other block may come
+between the definition of the pointer type and the referenced type. Indeed, even the word Type
+itself may not re-appear: in effect it would start a new type-block, causing the compiler to resolve all
+pending declarations in the current block.
+In most cases, the definition of the referenced type will follow immediatly after the definition of
+the pointer type, as shown in the above listing. The forward defined type can be used in any type
+definition following its declaration.
+Note that a forward type declaration is only possible with pointer types and classes, not with other
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3 name=procedural_types.Procedural types
+&fpc. has support for procedural types, although it differs a little from the &tp. or
+&delphi. implementation of them. The type declaration remains the same, as can be seen in the following
+syntax diagram:
+:hp2.Procedural types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.── procedural type ─┬─ function header ──┬┬───────────────┬┬─────────────────────┬──────&ra.&la.
+ └─ procedure header ─┘└─ :hp2.of:ehp2. ─ :hp2.object:ehp2. ─┘└─ ; ─ call modifier ─┘
+&ra.&ra.── function header ── :hp2.function:ehp2. ─ formal parameter list ─ : ─ result type ───────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.── procedure header ── :hp2.procedure:ehp2. ─ formal parameter list ───────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.── call modifiers ─┬─ :hp2.register:ehp2. ─┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ :hp2.cdecl:ehp2. ─┤
+ ├─ :hp2.pascal:ehp2. ─┤
+ ├─ :hp2.stdcall:ehp2. ─┤
+ ├─ :hp2.safecall:ehp2. ─┤
+ └─ :hp2.inline:ehp2. ─┘
+For a description of formal parameter lists, see :link refid='procedure_declarations' reftype=hd. Procedure declarations:elink..
+The two following examples are valid type declarations:
+ TOneArg = Procedure (Var X : integer);
+ TNoArg = Function : Real;
+ proc : TOneArg;
+ func : TNoArg;
+One can assign the following values to a procedural type variable:
+:li. Nil, for both normal procedure pointers and method pointers.
+:li. A variable reference of a procedural type, i.e. another variable of the same type.
+:li. A global procedure or function address, with matching function or procedure header
+and calling convention.
+:li. A method address.
+Given these declarations, the following assignments are valid:
+Procedure printit (Var X : Integer);
+ WriteLn (x);
+Proc := @printit;
+Func := @Pi;
+From this example, the difference with &tp. is clear: In &tp. it isn't necessary to
+use the address operator (@) when assigning a procedural type variable, whereas
+in &fpc. it is required. In case the :hp1.-MDelphi:ehp1. or :hp1.-MTP:ehp1. switches
+are used, the address operator can be dropped.
+The modifiers concerning the calling conventions must be the same as the
+declaration; i.e. the following code would give an error:
+ TOneArgCcall = procedure(Var X: integer); cdecl;
+ proc: TOneArgCcall;
+procedure printit(Var X : Integer);
+ WriteLn (x);
+ Proc := @printit;
+Because the TOneArgCcall type is a procedure that uses the cdecl calling convention.
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3 name=variant_types.Variant types
+:li.:link refid='variant_types_definition' reftype='hd'.Definition:elink.
+:li.:link refid='variant_types_inassignment' reftype='hd'.Variants in assignments and expressions:elink.
+:li.:link refid='variant_types_andinterfaces' reftype='hd'.Variants and interfaces:elink.
+.* ...............................................................
+:h4 name='variant_types_definition'.Definition
+As of version 1.1, &fpc. has support for variants. For maximum variant support it is recommended to
+add the variants unit to the uses clause of every unit that uses variants in some way: the variants unit
+contains support for examining and transforming variants other than the default support offered by
+the :hp1.System:ehp1. or :hp1.ObjPas:ehp1. units.
+The type of a value stored in a variant is only determined at runtime: it depends what has been
+assigned to the to the variant. Almost any simple type can be assigned to variants: ordinal types,
+string types, int64 types.
+Structured types such as sets, records, arrays, files, objects and classes are not assignment-compatible
+with a variant, as well as pointers. Interfaces and COM or CORBA objects can be assigned to a
+variant (basically because they are simply a pointer).
+This means that the following assignments are valid:
+ TMyEnum = (One, Two, Three);
+ V: Variant;
+ I: Integer;
+ B: Byte;
+ W: Word;
+ Q: Int64;
+ E: Extended;
+ D: Double;
+ En: TMyEnum;
+ AS: AnsiString;
+ WS: WideString;
+ V := I;
+ V := B;
+ V := W;
+ V := Q;
+ V := E;
+ V := En;
+ V := D:
+ V := AS;
+ V := WS;
+And of course vice-versa as well.
+A variant can hold an an array of values: All elements in the array have the same type (but can be of
+type 'variant'). For a variant that contains an array, the variant can be indexed:
+program testv;
+ Variants;
+ A: variant;
+ I: integer;
+ A := VarArrayCreate([1, 10], varInteger);
+ For I := 1 to 10 do
+ A[I] := I;
+For the explanation of :hp1.VarArrayCreate:ehp1., see Unit Reference.
+Note that when the array contains a string, this is not considered an 'array of characters', and so the
+variant cannot be indexed to retrieve a character at a certain position in the string.
+.* ..................................................................
+:h4 name='variant_types_inassignment'.Variants in assignments and expressions
+As can be seen from the definition above, most simple types can be assigned to a variant. Likewise,
+a variant can be assigned to a simple type: If possible, the value of the variant will be converted to
+the type that is being assigned to. This may fail: Assigning a variant containing a string to an integer
+will fail unless the string represents a valid integer. In the following example, the first assignment
+will work, the second will fail:
+program testv3;
+ Variants;
+ V: Variant;
+ I: Integer;
+ V := '100';
+ I := V;
+ writeln('I : ', I);
+ V := 'Something else';
+ I := V;
+ writeln('I : ', I);
+The first assignment will work, but the second will not, as :hp1.Something else:ehp1. cannot be converted
+to a valid integer value. An EConvertError exception will be the result.
+The result of an expression involving a variant will be of type variant again, but this can be assigned
+to a variable of a different type - if the result can be converted to a variable of this type.
+Note that expressions involving variants take more time to be evaluated, and should therefore be used
+with caution. If a lot of calculations need to be made, it is best to avoid the use of variants.
+When considering implicit type conversions (e.g. byte to integer, integer to double, char to string)
+the compiler will ignore variants unless a variant appears explicitly in the expression.
+.* ..................................................................
+:h4 name='variant_types_andinterfaces'.Variants and interfaces
+:note.Dispatch interface support for variants is currently broken in the compiler.
+Variants can contain a reference to an interface - a normal interface (descending from IInterface)
+or a dispatchinterface (descending from IDispatch). Variants containing a reference to a dispatch
+interface can be used to control the object behind it: the compiler will use late binding to perform
+the call to the dispatch interface: there will be no run-time checking of the function names and
+parameters or arguments given to the functions. The result type is also not checked. The compiler
+will simply insert code to make the dispatch call and retrieve the result.
+This means basically, that you can do the following on Windows:
+ W: Variant;
+ V: String;
+ W := CreateOleObject('Word.Application');
+ V := W.Application.Version;
+ Writeln('Installed version of MS Word is : ', V);
+The line
+V := W.Application.Version;
+is executed by inserting the necessary code to query the dispatch interface stored in the variant W, and
+execute the call if the needed dispatch information is found.
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=variables.Variables
+:li.:link refid='variables_definition' reftype='hd'.Definition:elink.
+:li.:link refid='variables_declaration' reftype='hd'.Declaration:elink.
+:li.:link refid='variables_scope' reftype='hd'.Scope:elink.
+:li.:link refid='variables_initializedvars' reftype='hd'.Initialized variables:elink.
+:li.:link refid='variables_threadvars' reftype='hd'.Thread variables:elink.
+:li.:link refid='variables_properties' reftype='hd'.Properties:elink.
+:h3 name='variables_definition'.Definition
+Variables are explicitly named memory locations with a certain type. When assigning values to
+variables, the Free Pascal compiler generates machine code to move the value to the memory location
+reserved for this variable. Where this variable is stored depends on where it is declared:
+:li.Global variables are variables declared in a unit or program, but not inside a procedure or
+function. They are stored in fixed memory locations, and are available during the whole execution
+time of the program.
+:li.Local variables are declared inside a procedure or function. Their value is stored on the
+program stack, i.e. not at fixed locations.
+The &fpc. compiler handles the allocation of these memory locations transparantly, although
+this location can be influenced in the declaration.
+The &fpc. compiler also handles reading values from or writing values to the variables transparantly.
+But even this can be explicitly handled by the programmer when using properties.
+Variables must be explicitly declared when they are needed. No memory is allocated unless a variable
+is declared. Using an variable identifier (for instance, a loop variable) which is not declared first, is
+an error which will be reported by the compiler.
+:h3 name='variables_declaration'.Declaration
+The variables must be declared in a variable declaration section of a unit or a procedure or function.
+It looks as follows:
+:hp2.Variable declaration:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.── variable declaration ── identifier ── : ── type ─┬──────────────────┬──&ra.
+ └─ :hp2.=:ehp2. ─ expression ─┘
+&ra.───┬──────────────────────┬─ hintdirective ── :hp2.;:ehp2. ─────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ variable modifiers ─┘
+&ra.&ra.── variable modifiers ─┬─┬───── :hp2.absolute:ehp2. ─┬─ integer expression ─┬───────────────────────┬┬─&ra.
+ ^ │ └─ identifier ─┘ ││
+ │ ├────────────────────── :hp2.; export:ehp2. ───────────────────────────────┤│
+ │ ├────────────────────── :hp2.; cvar:ehp2. ─────────────────────────────────┤│
+ │ ├─ :hp2.; external:ehp2. ─┬───────────────────┬┬──────────────────────────┬┤│
+ │ │ └─ string constant ─┘└─ ─ string constant ─┘││
+ │ └────────────────────── hintdirective ──────────────────────────┘│
+ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
+This means that the following are valid variable declarations:
+ curterm1: integer;
+ curterm2: integer; cvar;
+ curterm3: integer; cvar; external;
+ curterm4: integer; external name 'curterm3';
+ curterm5: integer; external 'libc' name 'curterm9';
+ curterm6: integer absolute curterm1;
+ curterm7: integer; cvar; export;
+ curterm8: integer; cvar; public;
+ curterm9: integer; export name 'me';
+ curterm10: integer; public name 'ma';
+ curterm11: integer = 1;
+The difference between these declarations is as follows:
+:li.The first form (curterm1) defines a regular variable. The compiler manages everything by
+:li.The second form (curterm2) declares also a regular variable, but specifies that the assembler
+name for this variable equals the name of the variable as written in the source.
+:li.The third form (curterm3) declares a variable which is located externally: the compiler will
+assume memory is located elsewhere, and that the assembler name of this location is specified
+by the name of the variable, as written in the source. The name may not be specified.
+:li.The fourth form is completely equivalent to the third, it declares a variable which is stored
+externally, and explicitly gives the assembler name of the location. If cvar is not used, the
+name must be specified.
+:li.The fifth form is a variant of the fourth form, only the name of the library in which the memory
+is reserved is specified as well.
+:li.The sixth form declares a variable (curterm6), and tells the compiler that it is stored in the
+same location as another variable (curterm1).
+:li.The seventh form declares a variable (curterm7), and tells the compiler that the assembler
+label of this variable should be the name of the variable (case sensitive) and must be made
+public. i.e. it can be referenced from other object files.
+:li.The eighth form (curterm8) is equivalent to the seventh: 'public' is an alias for 'export'.
+:li.The ninth and tenth form are equivalent: they specify the assembler name of the variable.
+:li.The eleventh form declares a variable (curterm11) and initializes it with a value (1 in the
+above case).
+Note that assembler names must be unique. It’s not possible to declare or export 2 variables with the
+same assembler name.
+:h3 name='variables_scope'.Scope
+Variables, just as any identifier, obey the general rules of scope. In addition,
+initialized variables are initialized when they enter scope:
+:li.Global initialized variables are initialized once, when the program starts.
+:li.Local initialized variables are initialized each time the procedure is entered.
+Note that the behaviour for local initialized variables is different from the one
+of a local typed constant. A local typed constant behaves like a global initialized
+:h3 name='variables_initializedvars'.Initialized variables
+By default, variables in Pascal are not initialized after their declaration. Any assumption that they
+contain 0 or any other default value is erroneous: They can contain rubbish. To remedy this, the
+concept of initialized variables exists. The difference with normal variables is that their declaration
+includes an initial value, as can be seen in the diagram in the previous section.
+Given the declaration:
+ S: String = 'This is an initialized string';
+The value of the variable following will be initialized with the provided value. The following is an
+even better way of doing this:
+ SDefault = 'This is an initialized string';
+ S: String = SDefault;
+Initialization is often used to initialize arrays and records. For arrays, the initialized elements must
+be specified, surrounded by round brackets, and separated by commas. The number of initialized
+elements must be exactly the same as the number of elements in the declaration of the type. As an
+ tt: array [1..3] of string[20] = ('ikke', 'gij', 'hij');
+ ti: array [1..3] of Longint = (1,2,3);
+For constant records, each element of the record should be specified, in
+the form :hp1.Field: Value:ehp1., separated by semicolons, and surrounded by round
+ Point = record
+ X, Y: Real
+ end;
+ Origin: Point = (X:0.0; Y:0.0);
+The order of the fields in a constant record needs to be the same as in the type declaration, otherwise
+a compile-time error will occur.
+It should be stressed that initialized variables are initialized when they come into scope, in difference
+with typed constants, which are initialized at program start. This is also true for local initialized
+variables. Local initialized are initialized whenever the routine is called. Any changes that occurred
+in the previous invocation of the routine will be undone, because they are again initialized.
+:h3 name='variables_threadvars'.Thread variables
+For a program which uses threads, the variables can be really global, i.e. the same for all threads, or
+thread-local: this means that each thread gets a copy of the variable. Local variables (defined inside
+a procedure) are always thread-local. Global variables are normally the same for all threads. A
+global variable can be declared thread-local by replacing the :hp1.var:ehp1. keyword at the start of the variable
+declaration block with :hp1.Threadvar:ehp1.:
+ IOResult: Integer;
+If no threads are used, the variable behaves as an ordinary variable. If threads are used then a copy is
+made for each thread (including the main thread). Note that the copy is made with the original value
+of the variable, :hp1.not:ehp1. with the value of the variable at the time the thread is started.
+Threadvars should be used sparingly: There is an overhead for retrieving or setting the variable's
+value. If possible at all, consider using local variables; they are always faster than thread variables.
+Threads are not enabled by default. For more information about programming threads, see the chapter
+on threads in the &progref..
+:h3 name='variables_properties'.Properties
+A global block can declare properties, just as they could be defined in a class. The difference is that
+the global property does not need a class instance: there is only 1 instance of this property. Other
+than that, a global property behaves like a class property. The read/write specifiers for the global
+property must also be regular procedures, not methods.
+The concept of a global property is specific to &fpc., and does not exist in &delphi.. :hp1.ObjFPC:ehp1.
+mode is required to work with properties.
+The concept of a global property can be used to 'hide' the location of the value, or to calculate the
+value on the fly, or to check the values which are written to the property.
+The declaration is as follows:
+&ra.&ra.── property definition ── identifier ─┬──────────────────────┬─ property specifiers ──────&ra.&la.
+ └─ property interface ─┘
+&ra.&ra.── property interface ─┬───────────────────────────┬─ : ── type identifier ──&ra.
+ └─ property parameter list ─┘
+ └─ :hp2.index:ehp2. ─ integerconstant ─┘
+&ra.&ra.── property parameter list ── :hp2.[:ehp2. ─┬─ parameter declaration ─┬─ :hp2.]:ehp2. ────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^─────────── ; ───────────┘
+&ra.&ra.── property specifiers ─┬──────────────────┬┬───────────────────┬┬─────────────────────┬───&ra.&la.
+ └─ read specifier ─┘└─ write specifier ─┘└─ default specifier ─┘
+&ra.&ra.── read specifier ── ── field or function ─────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.── write specifier ── :hp2.write:ehp2. ── field or function ───────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.── default specifier ──┬─ :hp2.default:ehp2. ──┬────────────┬┬─────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ │ └─ constant ─┘│
+ └──────── :hp2.nodefault:ehp2. ───────┘
+&ra.&ra.── field or procedure ──┬─── field identifier ───┬──────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ procedure identifier ─┘
+&ra.&ra.── field or function ──┬─── field identifier ───┬───────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ function identifier ──┘
+The following is an example:
+unit testprop;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+function GetMyInt: Integer;
+procedure SetMyInt(AValue: Integer);
+property MyProp: Integer read GetMyInt write SetMyInt;
+ sysutils;
+ FMyInt: Integer;
+function GetMyInt: Integer;
+ Result := FMyInt;
+procedure SetMyInt(AValue: Integer);
+ if ((AValue mod 2) = 1) then
+ raise Exception.Create('MyProp can only contain even value');
+ FMyInt := AValue;
+The read/write specifiers can be hidden by declaring them in another unit which must be in the :hp1.uses:ehp1.
+clause of the unit. This can be used to hide the read/write access specifiers for programmers, just as
+if they were in a private section of a class (discussed below). For the previous example, this could
+look as follows:
+unit testrw;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+function GetMyInt: Integer;
+procedure SetMyInt(AValue: Integer);
+ sysutils;
+ FMyInt: Integer;
+function GetMyInt: Integer;
+ Result := FMyInt;
+procedure SetMyInt(AValue: Integer);
+ If ((AValue mod 2) = 1) then
+ Raise Exception.Create('Only even values are allowed');
+ FMyInt := AValue;
+The unit testprop would then look like:
+unit testprop;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ testrw;
+property MyProp: Integer read GetMyInt write SetMyInt;
+More information about properties can be found in the :link refid='classes' reftype='hd'.Classes chapter:elink..
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=objects.Objects
+:li.:link refid='objects_declaration' reftype='hd'.Declaration:elink.
+:li.:link refid='objects_fields' reftype='hd'.Fields:elink.
+:li.:link refid='objects_staticfields' reftype='hd'.Static Fields:elink.
+:li.:link refid='objects_constructordestructor' reftype='hd'.Constructors and Destructors:elink.
+:li.:link refid='objects_methods' reftype='hd'.Methods:elink.
+:li.:link refid='objects_visibility' reftype='hd'.Visibility:elink.
+:h3 name='objects_declaration'.Declaration
+&fpc. supports object oriented programming. In fact, most of the compiler is written using
+objects. Here we present some technical questions regarding object oriented programming in &fpc.
+Objects should be treated as a special kind of record. The record contains all the fields that are
+declared in the objects definition, and pointers to the methods that are associated to the objects’ type.
+An object is declared just as a record would be declared; except that now, procedures and functions
+can be declared as if they were part of the record. Objects can “inherit” fields and methods from
+“parent” objects. This means that these fields and methods can be used as if they were included in
+the objects declared as a “child” object.
+Furthermore, a concept of visibility is introduced: fields, procedures and functions can be declared as
+public, protected or private. By default, fields and methods are public, and are exported
+outside the current unit.
+Fields or methods that are declared private are only accessible in the current unit: their scope is
+limited to the implementation of the current unit.
+The prototype declaration of an object is as follows:
+:hp2.Object types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.───┬──────────┬─ :hp2.object:ehp2. ─┬────────────┬─┬─ component list ─┬─ end ────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ :hp2.packed:ehp2. ─┘ └─ heritage ─┘ ^──────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── heritage ── ( ── object type identifier ── ) ─────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.─── component list ─┬───────────────────────────────┬┬──────────────────────┬─&ra.
+ └─ object visibility specifier ─┘└┬─ field definition ─┬┘
+ ^────────────────────┘
+ └┬─ method definition ─┬┘
+ ^─────────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── field definition ── identifier list ── : ── type ── ; ──┬───────────┬─────&ra.&la.
+ └─ :hp2.static;:ehp2. ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── object visibility specifier ─┬─ :hp2.private:ehp2. ─┬──────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ :hp2.protected:ehp2. ─┤
+ └─ :hp2.public:ehp2. ─┘
+.* TODO: The "method definition" is missing from the above graph.
+As can be seen, as many private and public blocks as needed can be declared.
+The following is a valid definition of an object:
+ TObj = object
+ private
+ Caption: ShortString;
+ public
+ constructor init;
+ destructor done;
+ procedure SetCaption(AValue: String);
+ property GetCaption: String;
+ end;
+It contains a constructor/destructor pair, and a method to get and set a
+caption. The :hp1.Caption:ehp1. field is private to the object: it cannot be accessed
+outside the unit in which :hp1.TObj:ehp1. is declared.
+In MacPas mode, the :hp1.Object:ehp1. keyword is replaced by the :hp1.class:ehp1.
+keyword for compatibility with other pascal compilers available on the Mac.
+That means that objects cannot be used in MacPas mode.
+&fpc. also supports the packed object. This is the same as an object, only
+the elements (fields) of the object are byte-aligned, just as in the packed
+record. The declaration of a packed object is similar to the declaration
+of a packed record:
+ TObj = packed object
+ constructor init;
+ ...
+ end;
+ Pobj = ^TObj;
+ pp: Pobj;
+Similarly, the :hp1.{$PackRecords}:ehp1. directive acts on objects as well.
+:h3 name='objects_fields'.Fields
+Object Fields are like record fields. They are accessed in the same way as
+a record field would be accessed: by using a qualified identifier. Given the
+following declaration:
+ TAnObject = object
+ AField: Longint;
+ procedure AMethod;
+ end;
+ AnObject: TAnObject;
+then the following would be a valid assignment:
+AnObject.AField := 0;
+Inside methods, fields can be accessed using the short identifier:
+procedure TAnObject.AMethod;
+ ...
+ AField := 0;
+ ...
+Or, one can use the :hp1.self:ehp1. identifier. The :hp1.self:ehp1. identifier refers
+to the current instance of the object:
+procedure TAnObject.AMethod;
+ ...
+ self.AField := 0;
+ ...
+One cannot access fields that are in a private or protected sections of an object from
+outside the objects’ methods. If this is attempted anyway, the compiler will complain about
+an unknown identifier.
+It is also possible to use the :hp1.with:ehp1. statement with an object instance,
+just as with a record:
+with AnObject do
+ AField := 12;
+ AMethod;
+In this example, between the :hp1.begin:ehp1. and :hp1.end:ehp1., it is as if
+:hp1.AnObject:ehp1. was prepended to the :hp1.AField:ehp1. and :hp1.AMethod:ehp1.
+identifiers. More about this in :link refid='statements_structured_with' reftype='hd'.The With Statement:elink..
+:h3 name='objects_staticfields'.Static Fields
+When the :hp1.{$STATIC ON}:ehp1. directive is active, then an object
+can contain static fields: these fields are global to the object type, and act
+like global variables, but are known only as part of the object. They can be
+referenced from within the objects methods, but can also be referenced from
+outside the object by providing the fully qualified name.
+For instance, the output of the following program:
+{$static on}
+ cl = object
+ l: longint; static;
+ end;
+ c1, c2: cl;
+ c1.l := 2;
+ writeln(c2.l);
+ c2.l := 3;
+ writeln(c1.l);
+ writeln(cl.l);
+will be the following
+Note that the last line of code references the object type itself (cl),
+and not an instance of the object (cl1 or cl2).
+:h3 name='objects_constructordestructor'.Constructors and Destructors
+As can be seen in the syntax diagram for an object declaration, &fpc. supports
+constructors and destructors. The programmer is responsible for calling the
+constructor and the destructor explicitly when using objects.
+The declaration of a constructor or destructor is as follows:
+:hp2.Constructors and Destructors:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── constructor declaration ── constructor header ── ; ── subroutine block ──────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.─── destructor declaration ── destructor header ── ; ── subroutine block ────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.─── constructor header ── :hp2.constructor:ehp2. ──┬───────── identifier ──────────┬────────&ra.
+ └─ qualified method identifier ─┘
+&ra.──── formal parameter list ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.─── destructor header ── :hp2.destructor:ehp2. ──┬───────── identifier ──────────┬──────────&ra.
+ └─ qualified method identifier ─┘
+&ra.──── formal parameter list ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+A constructor/destructor pair is :hp1.required:ehp1. if the object uses virtual methods.
+The reason is that for an object with virtual methods, some internal
+housekeeping must be done: this housekeeping is done by the
+constructor [A pointer to the VMT must be set up].
+In the declaration of the object type, a simple identifier should be used
+for the name of the constuctor or destructor. When the constructor or destructor
+is implemented, A qualified method identifier should be used,
+i.e. an identifier of the form :hp1.objectidentifier.methodidentifier:ehp1..
+&fpc. supports also the extended syntax of the :hp1.New:ehp1. and :hp1.Dispose:ehp1.
+procedures. In case a dynamic variable of an object type must be allocated
+the constructor’s name can be specified in the call to :hp1.New:ehp1..
+The :hp1.New:ehp1. is implemented as a function which returns a pointer to the
+instantiated object. Consider the following declarations:
+ TObj = object;
+ constructor init;
+ ...
+ end;
+ Pobj = ^TObj;
+ PP: Pobj;
+Then the following 3 calls are equivalent:
+pp := new (Pobj,Init);
+and also
+new (pp);
+In the last case, the compiler will issue a warning that the
+extended syntax of :hp1.New:ehp1. and :hp1.Dispose:ehp1. must be used to generate instances of an
+object. It is possible to ignore this warning, but it’s better programming practice to
+use the extended syntax to create instances of an object.
+Similarly, the :hp1.Dispose:ehp1. procedure accepts the name of a destructor. The
+destructor will then be called, before removing the object from the heap.
+In view of the compiler warning remark, the following chapter presents the
+&delphi. approach to object-oriented programming, and may be considered a
+more natural way of object-oriented programming.
+:h3 name='objects_methods'.Methods
+Object methods are just like ordinary procedures or functions, only they
+have an implicit extra parameter: :hp1.self:ehp1.. Self points to the object
+with which the method was invoked.
+When implementing methods, the fully qualified identifier must be given
+in the function header. When declaring methods, a normal identifier must be
+:h4 name='objects_methods_declaration'.Declaration
+The declaration of a method is much like a normal function or procedure
+declaration, with some additional specifiers, as can be seen from the
+following diagram, which is part of the object declaration:
+&ra.&ra.─── method definition ─┬─ function header ─┬─ ; ── method directives ─────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ procedure header ─┤
+ ├─ constructor header ─┤
+ └─ destructor header ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── method directives ─┬──────────────────────────────────┬┬─────────────────────┬───&ra.&la.
+ └─ :hp2.virtual:ehp2. ─ ; ─┬────────────────┬─┘└─ call modifier ─ ; ─┘
+ └─ :hp2.abstract:ehp2. ─ ; ─┘
+from the point of view of declarations, :hp1.Method definitions:ehp1. are
+normal function or procedure declarations.
+Contrary to &tp. and &delphi., fields can be declared after methods in the same
+block, i.e. the following will generate an error when compiling with &delphi.
+or &tp., but not with &fpc.:
+ MyObj = object
+ procedure Doit;
+ Field: Longint;
+ end;
+:h4 name='objects_method_invocation'.Method invocation
+Methods are called just as normal procedures are called, only they have an
+object instance identifier prepended to them (see also :link refid='statements' reftype='hd'.Statements:elink.).
+To determine which method is called, it is necessary to know the type of
+the method. We treat the different types in what follows.
+:link refid='objects_static_methods' reftype='hd'.Static Methods:elink.
+:link refid='objects_virtual_methods' reftype='hd'.Virtual Methods:elink.
+:link refid='objects_abstract_methods' reftype='hd'.Abstract Methods:elink.
+:h5 name='objects_static_methods'.Static Methods
+Static methods are methods that have been declared without a abstract or virtual keyword.
+When calling a static method, the declared (i.e. compile time) method of the object is used. For
+example, consider the following declarations:
+ TParent = object
+ ...
+ procedure Doit;
+ ...
+ end;
+ PParent = ^TParent;
+ TChild = Object(TParent)
+ ...
+ procedure Doit;
+ ...
+ end;
+ PChild = ^TChild;
+As it is visible, both the parent and child objects have a method
+called :hp1.Doit:ehp1.. Consider now the following declarations and calls:
+ ParentA, ParentB: PParent;
+ Child: PChild;
+ ParentA := New(PParent,Init);
+ ParentB := New(PChild,Init);
+ Child := New(PChild,Init);
+ ParentA^.Doit;
+ ParentB^.Doit;
+ Child^.Doit;
+Of the three invocations of :hp1.Doit:ehp1., only the last one will call
+:hp1.TChild.Doit:ehp1., the other two calls will call :hp1.TParent.Doit:ehp1..
+This is because for static methods, the compiler determines at compile
+time which method should be called. Since :hp1.ParentB:ehp1. is of type
+:hp1.TParent:ehp1., the compiler decides that it must be called with
+:hp1.TParent.Doit:ehp1., even though it will be created as a :hp1.TChild:ehp1..
+There may be times when the method that is actually called should
+depend on the actual type of the object at run-time. If so, the method
+cannot be a static method, but must be a virtual method.
+:h5 name='objects_virtual_methods'.Virtual Methods
+To remedy the situation in the previous section, :hp1.virtual:ehp1. methods are
+created. This is simply done by appending the method declaration with the
+:hp1.virtual:ehp1. modifier. The descendent object can then override the method
+with a new implementation by re-declaring the method (with the same
+parameter list) using the :hp1.virtual:ehp1. keyword.
+Going back to the previous example, consider the following alternative
+ TParent = object
+ ...
+ procedure Doit; virtual;
+ ...
+ end;
+ PParent = ^TParent;
+ TChild = Object(TParent)
+ ...
+ procedure Doit; virtual;
+ ...
+ end;
+ PChild = ^TChild;
+As it is visible, both the parent and child objects have a method called
+:hp1.Doit:ehp1.. Consider now the following declarations and calls:
+ ParentA, ParentB: PParent;
+ Child: PChild;
+ ParentA := New(PParent, Init);
+ ParentB := New(PChild, Init);
+ Child := New(PChild, Init);
+ ParentA^.Doit;
+ ParentB^.Doit;
+ Child^.Doit;
+Now, different methods will be called, depending on the actual run-time type
+of the object. For :hp1.ParentA:ehp1., nothing changes, since it is created as
+a :hp1.TParent:ehp1. instance. For :hp1.Child:ehp1., the situation also doesn't
+change: it is again created as an instance of :hp1.TChild:ehp1..
+For :hp1.ParentB:ehp1. however, the situation does change: Even though it was
+declared as a :hp1.TParent:ehp1., it is created as an instance of :hp1.TChild:ehp1..
+Now, when the program runs, before calling :hp1.Doit:ehp1., the program
+checks what the actual type of :hp1.ParentB:ehp1. is, and only then decides which
+method must be called. Seeing that :hp1.ParentB:ehp1. is of type :hp1.TChild:ehp1.,
+:hp1.TChild.Doit:ehp1. will be called. The code for this run-time checking of
+the actual type of an object is inserted by the compiler at compile time.
+The :hp1.TChild.Doit:ehp1. is said to "override" the
+:hp1.TParent.Doit:ehp1.. It is possible to acces the :hp1.TParent.Doit:ehp1. from
+within the :hp1.TChild.Doit:ehp1., with the :hp1.inherited:ehp1. keyword:
+procedure TChild.Doit;
+ inherited Doit;
+ ...
+In the above example, when :hp1.TChild.Doit:ehp1. is called, the first thing it
+does is call :hp1.TParent.Doit:ehp1.. The inherited keyword cannot be used in
+static methods, only on virtual methods.
+To be able to do this, the compiler keeps - per object type - a table with
+virtual methods: the VMT (Virtual Method Table). This is simply a table
+with pointers to each of the virtual methods: each virtual method has its
+fixed location in this table (an index). The compiler uses this table to
+look up the actual method that must be used. When a descendent object
+overrides a method, the entry of the parent method is overwritten in the
+VMT. More information about the VMT can be found in :link reftype=hd database='prog.inf' refid=0.&progref.:elink..
+As remarked earlier, objects that have a VMT must be initialized with a
+constructor: the object variable must be initialized with a pointer to
+the VMT of the actual type that it was created with.
+:h5 name='objects_abstract_methods'.Abstract Methods
+An abstract method is a special kind of virtual method. A method that is
+declared :hp1.abstract:ehp1. does not have an implementation for this method.
+It is up to inherited objects to override and implement this method.
+From this it follows that a method can not be abstract if it is not virtual
+(this can be seen from the syntax diagram). A second consequence is that
+an instance of an object that has an abstract method cannot be created
+The reason is obvious: there is no method where the compiler could jump to!
+A method that is declared :hp1.abstract:ehp1. does not have an implementation for
+this method. It is up to inherited objects to override and implement this
+method. Continuing our example, take a look at this:
+ TParent = object
+ ...
+ procedure Doit; virtual; abstract;
+ ...
+ end;
+ PParent=^TParent;
+ TChild = Object(TParent)
+ ...
+ procedure Doit;virtual;
+ ...
+ end;
+ PChild = ^TChild;
+As it is visible, both the parent and child objects have a method called
+:hp1.Doit:ehp1.. Consider now the following declarations and calls:
+ ParentA, ParentB: PParent;
+ Child: PChild;
+ ParentA := New(PParent, Init);
+ ParentB := New(PChild, Init);
+ Child := New(PChild, Init);
+ ParentA^.Doit;
+ ParentB^.Doit;
+ Child^.Doit;
+First of all, Line 3 will generate a compiler error, stating that one cannot
+generate instances of objects with abstract methods: The compiler has
+detected that :hp1.PParent:ehp1. points to an object which has an abstract
+method. Commenting line 3 would allow compilation of the program.
+If an abstract method is overridden, The parent method cannot be called
+with :hp1.inherited:ehp1., since there is no parent method; The compiler
+will detect this, and complain about it, like this:
+testo.pp(32,3) Error: Abstract methods can't be called directly
+If, through some mechanism, an abstract method is called at run-time,
+then a run-time error will occur. (run-time error 211, to be precise)
+:h3 name='objects_visibility'.Visibility
+For objects, three visibility specifiers exist: :hp1.private:ehp1., :hp1.protected:ehp1. and
+:hp1.public:ehp1.. If a visibility specifier is not specified, :hp1.public:ehp1.
+is assumed. Both methods and fields can be hidden from a programmer by putting them
+in a :hp1.private:ehp1. section. The exact visibility rule is as follows:
+:parml tsize=15 break=none.
+:pd. All fields and methods that are in a :hp1.private:ehp1. block,
+can only be accessed in the module (i.e. unit or program) that contains
+the object definition.
+They can be accessed from inside the object's methods or from outside them
+e.g. from other objects' methods, or global functions.
+:pd. Is the same as :hp1.Private:ehp1., except that the members of
+a :hp1.Protected:ehp1. section are also accessible to descendent types, even if
+they are implemented in other modules.
+:pd. Fields and methods are always accessible, from everywhere.
+Fields and methods in a :hp1.Public:ehp1. section behave as though they were part
+of an ordinary :hp1.record:ehp1. type.
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=classes.Classes
+In the &delphi. approach to Object Oriented Programming, everything revolves
+around the concept of 'Classes'. A class can be seen as a pointer to an
+object, or a pointer to a record, with methods associated with it.
+The difference between objects and classes is mainly that an object
+is allocated on the stack, as an ordinary record would be, and that
+classes are always allocated on the heap. In the following example:
+ A: TSomeObject; // an Object
+ B: TSomeClass; // a Class
+The main difference is that the variable A will take up as much
+space on the stack as the size of the object (TSomeObject). The
+variable B, on the other hand, will always take just the size of
+a pointer on the stack. The actual class data is on the heap.
+From this, a second difference follows: a class must :hp2.always:ehp2. be initialized
+through its constructor, whereas for an object, this is not necessary.
+Calling the constructor allocates the necessary memory on the heap for the
+class instance data.
+In earlier versions of &fpc. it was necessary, in order to use classes,
+to put the :hp1.objpas:ehp1. unit in the uses clause of a unit or program.
+:hp1. This is no longer needed as of version 0.99.12.:ehp1. As of this version,
+the unit will be loaded automatically when the :hp2.-MObjfpc:ehp2. or
+:hp2.-MDelphi:ehp2. options are specified, or their corresponding directives are
+{$mode objfpc}
+{$mode delphi}
+In fact, the compiler will give a warning if it encounters the
+:hp1.objpas:ehp1. unit in a uses clause.
+:h3.Class definitions
+The prototype declaration of a class is as follows:
+:hp2.Class types:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.───┬──────────┬─ :hp2.class:ehp2. ─┬────────────┬─┬────────────────────┬─ end ──────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ :hp2.packed:ehp2. ─┘ └─ heritage ─┘ └┬ component list ─┬─┘
+ ^─────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── heritage ── ( ── class type identifier ──┬──────────────────────────┬─ ) ────&ra.&la.
+ └─ implemented interfaces ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── implemented interfaces ─┬ , ── interface identifier ──┬──────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^─────────────────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── component list ─┬────────────────────────┬┬──────────────────────┬─&ra.
+ └─ visibility specifier ─┘└┬─ field definition ─┬┘
+ ^────────────────────┘
+ └┬┬── method definition ──┬┬┘
+ │└─ property definition ─┘│
+ ^─────────────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── field definition ── identifier list ── : ── type ── ; ──┬───────────┬────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ :hp2.static;:ehp2. ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── method definition ─┬┬─────────┬┬─ function header ──┬┬── ; ────────&ra.
+ │└─ :hp2.class:ehp2. ─┘└─ procedure header ─┘│
+ ├───── constructor header ────────┤
+ └───── destructor header ─────────┘
+ └─┬┬─ :hp2.virtual:ehp2. ─┬┬──────────────────┬┬─ ; ─┘└─ call modifiers ─ ; ─┘
+ │└─ :hp2.dynamic:ehp2. ─┘└─ ; ── :hp2.abstract:ehp2. ──┘│
+ ├──────── :hp2.override:ehp2. ───────────────┤
+ └─ :hp2.message:ehp2. ─┬─ integer constant ─┬┘
+ └─ string constant ──┘
+&ra.&ra.─── class visibility specifier ─┬─ :hp2.private:ehp2. ─┬──────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ :hp2.protected:ehp2. ─┤
+ ├─ :hp2.public:ehp2. ─┤
+ └─ :hp2.published:ehp2. ─┘
+In MacPas mode, the :hp1.Object:ehp1. keyword is replaced by the :hp1.class:ehp1.
+keyword for compatibility with other pascal compilers available on the Mac.
+That means that in MacPas mode, the reserved word 'class' in the above
+diagram may be replaced by the reserved word 'object'.
+In a class declaration, as many :hp1.private:ehp1., :hp1.protected:ehp1., :hp1.published:ehp1.
+and :hp1.public:ehp1. blocks as needed can be used: the various blocks can be
+repeated, and there is no special order in which they must appear.
+Methods are normal function or procedure declarations.
+As can be seen, the declaration of a class is almost identical to the
+declaration of an object. The real difference between objects and classes
+is in the way they are created (see further in this chapter).
+The visibility of the different sections are as follows:
+:parml tsize=15 break=none.
+:pd. All fields and methods that are in a :hp1.private:ehp1. block, can
+only be accessed in the module (i.e. unit) that contains the class definition.
+They can be accessed from inside the classes' methods or from outside them
+(e.g. from other classes' methods).
+:pd.Is the same as :hp1.Private:ehp1., except that the members of
+a :hp1.Protected:ehp1. section are also accessible to descendent types, even if
+they are implemented in other modules.
+:pd.sections are always accessible.
+:pd.Is the same as a :hp1.Public:ehp1. section, but the compiler
+generates also type information that is needed for automatic streaming of
+these classes if the compiler is in the {$M+} state. Fields defined in
+a :hp1.published:ehp1. section must be of class type.
+Array properties cannot be in a published section.
+In the syntax diagram, it can be seen that a class can list implemented
+interfaces. This feature will be discussed in the next chapter.
+Classes can contain :hp1.class:ehp1. methods: these are functions that do not
+require an instance. The :hp1.self:ehp1. identifier is valid in such methods,
+but refers to the class pointer (the VMT).
+Similar to objects, if the {$STATIC ON} directive is active, then a class
+can contain static fields: these fields are global to the class, and act
+like global variables, but are known only as part of the class. They can be
+referenced from within the classes' methods, but can also be referenced from
+outside the class by providing the fully qualified name.
+For instance, the output of the following program:
+{$mode objfpc}
+{$static on}
+ TMyClass = class
+ l: longint; static;
+ end;
+ c1, c2: TMyClass;
+ c1 := TMyClass.create;
+ c2 := TMyClass.create;
+ c1.l := 2;
+ writeln(c2.l);
+ c2.l := 3;
+ writeln(c1.l);
+ writeln(TMyClass.l);
+will be the following
+Note that the last line of code references the class type itself (TMyClass),
+and not an instance of the class (c1 or c2).
+It is also possible to define class reference types:
+:hp2.Class reference type:ehp2.
+&ra.&ra.─── :hp2.class of:ehp2. ── classtype ──────────────────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+Class reference types are used to create instances of a certain class, which
+is not yet known at compile time, but which is specified at run time.
+Essentially, a variable of a class reference type contains a pointer to the
+definition of the speficied class. This can be used to construct an instance
+of the class corresponding to the definition, or to check inheritance.
+The following example shows how it works:
+ TComponentClass = class of TComponent;
+function CreateComponent(AClass: TComponentClass; AOwner: TComponent): TComponent;
+ // ...
+ Result := AClass.Create(AOwner);
+ // ...
+This function can be passed a class reference of any class that descends
+from :hp1.TComponent:ehp1.. The following is a valid call:
+ C: TComponent;
+ C := CreateComponent(TEdit, Form1);
+On return of the :hp1.CreateComponent:ehp1. function, C will contain an
+instance of the class TEdit. Note that the following call will fail to
+ C: TComponent;
+ C := CreateComponent(TStream, Form1);
+because :hp1.TStream:ehp1. does not descend from :hp1.TComponent:ehp1., and
+:hp1.AClass:ehp1. refers to a :hp1.TComponent:ehp1. class. The compiler can
+(and will) check this at compile time, and will produce an error.
+References to classes can also be used to check inheritance:
+ TMinClass = class of TMyClass;
+ TMaxClass = class of TMyClassChild;
+function CheckObjectBetween(Instance: TObject): boolean;
+ if not (Instance is TMinClass)
+ or ((Instance is TMaxClass) and (Instance.ClassType <> TMaxClass)) then
+ raise Exception.Create('SomeError')
+The above example will raise an exception if the passed instance
+is not a descendent of :hp1.TMinClass:ehp1. or a descendent if :hp1.TMaxClass:ehp1..
+More about instantiating a class can be found in the next section.
+:h3.Class instantiation
+Classes must be created using one of their constructors (there can be
+multiple constructors). Remember that a class is a pointer to an object on
+the heap. When a variable of some class is declared, the compiler just
+allocates room for this pointer, not the entire object. The constructor of
+a class returns a pointer to an initialized instance of the object on the
+heap. So, to initialize an instance of some class, one would do the following:
+ ClassVar := ClassType.ConstructorName;
+The extended syntax of and :hp1.dispose:ehp1. can :hp2.not:ehp2. be used to
+instantiate and destroy class instances.
+That construct is reserved for use with objects only.
+Calling the constructor will provoke a call to :hp1.getmem:ehp1., to allocate
+enough space to hold the class instance data.
+After that, the constuctor's code is executed.
+The constructor has a pointer to its data, in :hp1.self:ehp1..
+:lm margin=5.
+:li. The {$PackRecords} directive also affects classes.
+i.e. the alignment in memory of the different fields depends on the
+value of the {$PackRecords} directive.
+:li. Just as for objects and records, a packed class can be declared.
+This has the same effect as on an object, or record, namely that the
+elements are aligned on 1-byte boundaries. i.e. as close as possible.
+:li. :hp1.SizeOf(class):ehp1. will return the same as :hp1.SizeOf(Pointer):ehp1.,
+since a class is but a pointer to an object. To get the size of the class
+instance data, use the :hp1.TObject.InstanceSize:ehp1. method.
+:li.:link refid='class_declaration' reftype='hd'.Declaration:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_invocation' reftype='hd'.Invocation:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_virtual_methods' reftype='hd'.Virtual methods:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_class_methods' reftype='hd'.Class methods:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_message_methods' reftype='hd'.Message methods:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_using_inherited' reftype='hd'.Using inherited:elink.
+:h4 name='class_declaration'.Declaration
+Declaration of methods in classes follows the same rules as method
+declarations in objects:
+&ra.&ra.─── method definition ─┬─ function header ─┬─ ; ── method directives ─────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ procedure header ─┤
+ ├─ constructor header ─┤
+ └─ destructor header ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── method directives ──┬──────────────────────────────────┬┬──────────────────────┬─────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ :hp2.virtual:ehp2. ─ ; ─┬─────────────────┬┘└─ call modifiers ─ ; ─┘
+ │ └─ :hp2.abstract:ehp2. ─ ; ──┤
+ ├──────── :hp2.reintroduce:ehp2. ─ ; ────────┤
+ └─ :hp2.message:ehp2. ─ constant expression ─┘
+:h4 name='class_invocation'.Invocation
+Method invocation for classes is no different than for objects. The
+following is a valid method invocation:
+ AnObject: TAnObject;
+ AnObject := TAnObject.Create;
+ AnObject.AMethod;
+:h4 name='class_virtual_methods'.Virtual methods
+Classes have virtual methods, just as objects do. There is however a
+difference between the two. For objects, it is sufficient to redeclare the
+same method in a descendent object with the keyword :hp1.virtual:ehp1. to
+override it. For classes, the situation is different: virtual methods
+:hp2.must:ehp2. be overridden with the :hp1.override:ehp1. keyword. Failing to do so,
+will start a batch of virtual methods, hiding the previous
+one. The :hp1.Inherited:ehp1. keyword will not jump to the inherited method, if
+:hp1.Virtual:ehp1. was used.
+The following code is :hp2.wrong:ehp2.:
+ TObjParent = class
+ procedure MyProc; virtual;
+ end;
+ ObjChild = class(TObjParent)
+ procedure MyProc; virtual;
+ end;
+The compiler will produce a warning:
+Warning: An inherited method is hidden by OBJCHILD.MYPROC
+The compiler will compile it, but using :hp1.Inherited:ehp1. can
+produce strange effects.
+The correct declaration is as follows:
+ TObjParent = class
+ procedure MyProc; virtual;
+ end;
+ TObjChild = Class(TObjParent)
+ procedure MyProc; override;
+ end;
+This will compile and run without warnings or errors.
+If the virtual method should really be replaced with a method with the
+same name, then the :hp1.reintroduce:ehp1. keyword can be used:
+ TObjParent = class
+ procedure MyProc; virtual;
+ end;
+ TObjChild = Class(TObjParent)
+ procedure MyProc; reintroduce;
+ end;
+This new method is no longer virtual.
+To be able to do this, the compiler keeps - per class type - a table with
+virtual methods: the VMT (Virtual Method Table). This is simply a table
+with pointers to each of the virtual methods: each virtual method has its
+fixed location in this table (an index). The compiler uses this table to
+look up the actual method that must be used at runtime. When a descendent object
+overrides a method, the entry of the parent method is overwritten in the
+VMT. More information about the VMT can be found in the &progref..
+The keyword 'virtual' can be replaced with the 'dynamic' keyword: dynamic
+methods behave the same as virtual methods. Unlike in &delphi., in &fpc. the
+implementation of dynamic methods is equal to the implementation of virtual
+:h4 name='class_class_methods'.Class methods
+Class methods are identified by the keyword :hp1.Class:ehp1. in front of the
+procedure or function declaration, as in the following example:
+ class function ClassName: string;
+Class methods are methods that do not have an instance (i.e. Self does not
+point to a class instance) but which follow the scoping and inheritance
+rules of a class. They can be used to return information about the current
+class, for instance for registration or use in a class factory. Since no
+instance is available, no information available in instances can be used.
+Class methods can be called from inside a regular method, but can also be called
+using a class identifier:
+ AClass: TClass;
+ ...
+ if CompareText(AClass.ClassName,'TCOMPONENT')=0 then
+ ...
+But calling them from an instance is also possible:
+ MyClass: TObject;
+ ...
+ MyClass := TObject.Create;
+ if CompareText(MyClass.ClassName, 'TCOMPONENT')=0 then
+ ...
+The reverse is not possible: Inside a class method, the Self identifier
+points to the VMT table of the class. No fields, properties or
+regular methods are available inside a class method. Accessing a regular
+property or method will result in a compiler error.
+Note that class methods can be virtual, and can be overridden.
+Class methods cannot be used as read or write specifiers for a
+:h4 name='class_message_methods'.Message methods
+New in classes are :hp1.message:ehp1. methods. Pointers to message methods are
+stored in a special table, together with the integer or string constant that
+they were declared with. They are primarily intended to ease programming of
+callback functions in several GUI toolkits, such as Win32 or
+GTK. In difference with &delphi., &fpc. also accepts strings as message
+identifiers. Message methods are always virtual.
+As can be seen in the class declaration diagram, message methods are
+declared with a :hp1.message:ehp1. keyword, followed by an integer constant
+Additionally, they can take only one var argument (typed or not):
+ procedure TMyObject.MyHandler(var Msg); message 1;
+The method implementation of a message function is not different from an
+ordinary method. It is also possible to call a message method directly,
+but this should not be done. Instead, the TObject.Dispatch method
+should be used. Message methods are automatically virtual,
+i.e. they can be overridden in descendent classes.
+The TObject.Dispatch method can be used to call a message handler.
+It is declared in the :hp1.System:ehp1. unit and will accept a var
+parameter which must have at the first position a cardinal with the
+message ID that should be called. For example:
+ TMsg = record
+ MsgID: Cardinal;
+ Data: Pointer;
+ end;
+ Msg: TMSg;
+ ...
+ MyObject.Dispatch(Msg);
+In this example, the Dispatch() method will look at the object and all
+its ancestors (starting at the object, and searching up the inheritance
+class tree), to see if a message method with message :hp1.MsgID:ehp1. has been
+declared. If such a method is found, it is called, and passed the
+Msg parameter.
+If no such method is found, :hp1.DefaultHandlerStr():ehp1. is called.
+DefaultHandlerStr() is a virtual method of TObject that doesn't do
+anything, but which can be overridden to provide any processing that might be
+needed. DefaultHandlerStr() is declared as follows:
+ procedure DefaultHandlerStr(var message); virtual;
+In addition to this mechanism, a string message method accepts a :hp1.self:ehp1.
+ procedure StrMsgHandler(Data: Pointer; Self: TMyObject); Message 'OnClick';
+When encountering such a method, the compiler will generate code that loads
+the :hp1.Self:ehp1. parameter into the object instance pointer. The result of
+this is that it is possible to pass Self as a parameter to such a
+The type of the :hp1.Self:ehp1. parameter must be of the same class
+as the class the method is defined in.
+:h4 name='class_using_inherited'.Using inherited
+In an overridden virtual method, it is often necessary to call the parent
+class' implementation of the virtual method. This can be done with the
+:hp1.inherited:ehp1. keyword. Likewise, the :hp1.inherited:ehp1. keyword can be used
+to call any method of the parent class.
+The first case is the simplest:
+ TMyClass = class(TComponent)
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ end;
+constructor TMyClass.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ // Do more things
+In the above example, the :hp1.Inherited:ehp1. statement will call Create()
+of TComponent, passing it AOwner as a parameter: the same
+parameters that were passed to the current method will be passed to the
+parent's method. They must not be specified again: if none are specified,
+the compiler will pass the same arguments as the ones received.
+The second case is slightly more complicated:
+ TMyClass = class(TComponent)
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ constructor CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; DoExtra: Boolean);
+ end;
+constructor TMyClass.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+constructor TMyClass.CreateNew(AOwner: TComponent; DoExtra: Boolean);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ // Do stuff
+The CreateNew() method will first call TComponent.Create() and
+will pass it AOwner as a parameter. It will not call
+Although the examples were given using constructors, the use of
+Inherited is not restricted to constructors, it can be used
+for any procedure or function or destructor as well.
+:li.:link refid='class_prop_definition' reftype='hd'.Definition:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_indexed props' reftype='hd'.Indexed properties:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_array props' reftype='hd'.Array properties:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_default props' reftype='hd'.Default properties:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_storage information' reftype='hd'.Storage information:elink.
+:li.:link refid='class_overriding props' reftype='hd'.Overriding properties:elink.
+:h4 name='class_prop_definition'.Definition
+Classes can contain properties as part of their fields list. A property
+acts like a normal field, i.e. its value can be retrieved or set, but it
+allows to redirect the access of the field through functions and
+procedures. They provide a means to associate an action with an assignment
+of, or a reading from a class 'field'. This allows for e.g. checking that a
+value is valid when assigning, or, when reading, it allows to construct the
+value on the fly. Moreover, properties can be read-only or write only.
+The prototype declaration of a property is as follows:
+&ra.&ra.─── property definition ── ── identifier ─┬──────────────────────┬───&ra.
+ └─ property interface ─┘
+&ra.──── property specifier ── hint directive ─────────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.─── property interface ─┬───────────────────────────┬─ : ── type identifier ──&ra.
+ └─ property parameter list ─┘
+ └─ :hp2.index:ehp2. ── integer constant ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── property parameter list ── [ ── parameter declaration ─┬──────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^───────── ; ────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── property specifiers ──┬──────────────────┬─┬────────────────────────┬─────&ra.
+ └─ read specifier ─┘ ├─── write specifier ────┤
+ └─ implements specifier ─┘
+ └─ default specifier ─┘└─ stored specifier ─┘
+ └─ default array property specifier ─┘
+&ra.&ra.──── read specifier ── ── field or method ───────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.──── write specifier ── :hp2.write:ehp2. ── field or method ─────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.──── implements specifier ── :hp2.implements:ehp2. ── identifier ────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.──── default specifier ─┬─ :hp2.default:ehp2. ─┬────────────┬┬───────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ │ └─ constant ─┘│
+ └───── :hp2.nodefault:ehp2. ─────────┘
+&ra.&ra.──── stored specifier ── :hp2.stored:ehp2. ─┬─ constant ───┬─────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ identifier ─┘
+&ra.&ra.──── field or method ──┬─ field identifier ──┬────────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ └─ method identifier ─┘
+&ra.&ra.──── default array property specifier ── ; ── :hp2.default:ehp2. ────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+A specifier:ehp1. is either the name of a field that contains the property, or the name of a
+method function that has the same return type as the property type. In the case of a simple type, this
+function must not accept an argument. In case of an array property, the function must accept a single
+argument of the same type as the index. In case of an indexed property, it must accept a integer as an
+A specifier:ehp1. is optional, making the property write-only. Note that class methods cannot
+be used as read specifiers.
+A :hp1.write specifier:ehp1. is optional: If there is no :hp1.write specifier:ehp1., the property is read-only.
+A write specifier is either the name of a field, or the name of a method procedure that accepts as a sole
+argument a variable of the same type as the property. In case of an array property, the procedure must
+accept 2 arguments: the first argument must have the same type as the index, the second argument
+must be of the same type as the property. Similarly, in case of an indexed property, the first parameter
+must be an integer.
+The section (private, published) in which the specified function or procedure resides is irrelevant.
+Usually, however, this will be a protected or private method.
+For example, given the following declaration:
+ MyClass = class
+ private
+ Field1: Longint;
+ Field2: Longint;
+ Field3: Longint;
+ procedure Sety(AValue: Longint);
+ function Gety: Longint;
+ function Getz: Longint;
+ public
+ property X: Longint read Field1 write Field2;
+ property Y: Longint read GetY write Sety;
+ property Z: Longint read GetZ;
+ end;
+ MyClass: TMyClass;
+The following are valid statements:
+WriteLn ('X : ', MyClass.X);
+WriteLn ('Y : ', MyClass.Y);
+WriteLn ('Z : ', MyClass.Z);
+MyClass.X := 0;
+MyClass.Y := 0;
+But the following would generate an error:
+MyClass.Z := 0;
+because Z is a read-only property.
+What happens in the above statements is that when a value needs to be read,
+the compiler inserts a call to the various :hp1.getNNN:ehp1. methods of the
+object, and the result of this call is used. When an assignment is made,
+the compiler passes the value that must be assigned as a paramater to
+the various :hp1.setNNN:ehp1. methods.
+Because of this mechanism, properties cannot be passed as var arguments to a
+function or procedure, since there is no known address of the property (at
+least, not always).
+:h4 name='class_indexed props'.Indexed properties
+If the property definition contains an index, then the read and write specifiers must be a function and
+a procedure. Moreover, these functions require an additional parameter: An integer parameter. This
+allows to read or write several properties with the same function. For this, the properties must have
+the same type. The following is an example of a property with an index:
+{$mode objfpc}
+ TPoint = class(TObject)
+ private
+ FX: Longint;
+ FY: Longint;
+ function GetCoord(Index: Integer): Longint;
+ procedure SetCoord(Index: Integer; Value: Longint);
+ public
+ property X: Longint index 1 read GetCoord write SetCoord;
+ property Y: Longint index 2 read GetCoord write SetCoord;
+ property Coords[Index: Integer]: Longint read GetCoord;
+ end;
+procedure TPoint.SetCoord(Index: Integer; Value: Longint);
+ case Index of
+ 1 : FX := Value;
+ 2 : FY := Value;
+ end;
+function TPoint.GetCoord(Index: Integer): Longint;
+ case Index of
+ 1 : Result := FX;
+ 2 : Result := FY;
+ end;
+ P: TPoint;
+ P := TPoint.Create;
+ P.X := 2;
+ P.Y := 3;
+ with P do
+ WriteLn('X=', X, ' Y=', Y);
+When the compiler encounters an assignment to X, then :hp1.SetCoord:ehp1. is called with as first parameter
+the index (1 in the above case) and with as a second parameter the value to be set. Conversely, when
+reading the value of X, the compiler calls :hp1.GetCoord:ehp1. and passes it index 1. Indexes can only be
+integer values.
+:h4 name='class_array props'.Array properties
+Array properties also exist. These are properties that accept an
+index, just as an array does. Only now the index doesn't have to be an
+ordinal type, but can be any type.
+A specifier:ehp1. for an array property is the name method function
+that has the same return type as the property type.
+The function must accept as a sole arguent a variable of the same type as
+the index type. For an array property, one cannot specify fields as
+A :hp1.write specifier:ehp1. for an array property is the name of a method
+procedure that accepts two arguments: The first argument has the same
+type as the index, and the second argument is a parameter of the same
+type as the property type. As an example, see the following declaration:
+ TIntList = class
+ private
+ Function GetInt(I: Longint): Longint;
+ Function GetAsString(A: String): String;
+ Procedure SetInt(I: Longint; Value: Longint;);
+ Procedure SetAsString(A: String; Value: String);
+ public
+ property Items[i: Longint]: Longint read GetInt write SetInt;
+ property StrItems[S: String]: String read GetAsString write SetAsstring;
+ end;
+ AIntList: TIntList;
+Then the following statements would be valid:
+AIntList.Items[26] := 1;
+AIntList.StrItems['twenty-five'] := 'zero';
+WriteLn('Item 26 : ', AIntList.Items[26]);
+WriteLn('Item 25 : ', AIntList.StrItems['twenty-five']);
+While the following statements would generate errors:
+AIntList.Items['twenty-five'] := 1;
+AIntList.StrItems[26] := 'zero';
+Because the index types are wrong.
+:h4 name='class_default props'.Default properties
+Array properties can be declared as :hp1.default:ehp1. properties. This means that
+it is not necessary to specify the property name when assigning or reading
+it. In the previous example, if the definition of the items property would
+have been
+property Items[i: Longint]: Longint read GetInt write SetInt; default;
+Then the assignment
+AIntList.Items[26] := 1;
+Would be equivalent to the following abbreviation.
+AIntList[26] := 1;
+Only one default property per class is allowed, and descendent classes
+cannot redeclare the default property.
+:h4 name='class_storage information'.Storage information
+The :hp1.stored specifier:ehp1. should be either a boolean constant, a boolean
+field of the class, or a parameterless function which returns a boolean
+result. This specifier has no result on the class behaviour. It is an aid
+for the streaming system: the stored specifier is specified in the RTTI
+generated for a class (it can only be streamed if RTTI is generated),
+and is used to determine whether a property should be streamed or not:
+it saves space in a stream. It is not possible to specify the 'Stored'
+directive for array properties.
+The :hp1.default specifier:ehp1. can be specified for ordinal types and sets.
+It serves the same purpose as the :hp1.stored specifier:ehp1.: Properties that
+have as value their default value, will not be written to the stream by the
+streaming system. The default value is stored in the RTTI that is generated
+for the class. Note that
+:li.When the class is instantiated, the default value is not automatically
+applied to the property, it is the responsability of the programmer to do
+this in the constructor of the class.
+:li.The value 2147483648 cannot be used as a default value, as it is used
+internally to denote 'nodefault'.
+:li.It is not possible to specify a default for array properties.
+:h4 name='class_overriding props'.Overriding properties
+.* START HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=interfaces.Interfaces
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=generics.Generics
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=expressions.Expressions
+:h3 name=expression_syntax.Expression syntax
+:h3 name=function_calls.Function calls
+:h3 name=set_constructors.Set constructors
+:h3 name=value_typecasts.Value typecasts
+:h3 name=varibale_typecasts.Variable typecasts
+:h3 name=unaligned_typecasts.Unaligned typecasts
+:h3 name=the_at_operator.The @ operator
+:h3 name=operators.Operators
+:h4 name=arithmetic_operators.Arithmetic operators
+:h4 name=logical_operators.Logical operators
+:h4 name=boolean_operators.Boolean operators
+:h4 name=string_operators.String operators
+:h4 name=set_operators.Set operators
+:h4 name=relational_operators.Relational operators
+:h4 name=class_operators.Class operators
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=statements.Statements
+:h3 name=statements_simple.Simple Statements
+:h3 name=statements_structured.Structured Statements
+:h4 name=statements_structured_with.The With Statement
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=functions.Using functions and procedures
+:h3 name=procedure_declarations.Procedure declarations
+:h3 name=function-declarations.Function declarations
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=operator_overloading.Operator overloading
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=programs_units_blocks.Programs&comma. units and blocks
+:p.A Pascal program can consist of modules called :hp1.units:ehp1.. A unit can be used
+to group pieces of code together, or to give someone code without giving
+the sources.
+Both programs and units consist of code blocks, which are mixtures of
+statements, procedures, and variable or type declarations.
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:p.A Pascal program consists of the program header, followed possibly by a
+'uses' clause, and a block.
+ [diagram goes here]
+The program header is provided for backwards compatibility, and is ignored
+by the compiler.
+The uses clause serves to identify all units that are needed by the program.
+All identifiers which are declared in the the interface section of the units
+in the uses clause are added to the known identifiers of the program.
+The system unit doesn't have to be in this list, since it is always loaded
+by the compiler.
+The order in which the units appear is significant, it determines in
+which order they are initialized. Units are initialized in the same order
+as they appear in the uses clause. Identifiers are searched in the opposite
+order, i.e. when the compiler searches for an identifier, then it looks
+first in the last unit in the uses clause, then the last but one, and so on.
+This is important in case two units declare different types with the same
+When the compiler looks for unit files, it adds the extension :hp1..ppu:ehp1.
+to the name of the unit. On &linux. and in operating systems where filenames
+are case sensitive when looking for a unit, the following mechanism is
+:li.The unit is first looked for in the original case.
+:li.The unit is looked for in all-lowercase letters.
+:li.The unit is looked for in all-uppercase letters.
+Additionally, If a unit name is longer than 8 characters, the compiler
+will first look for a unit name with this length, and then it will
+truncate the name to 8 characters and look for it again.
+For compatibility reasons, this is also true on platforms that
+support long file names.
+Note that the above search is performed in each directory in the search
+The program block contains the statements that will be executed when the
+program is started. Note that these statements need not necessarily be the
+first statements that are executed: the initialization code of the units
+may also contain statements that are executed prior to the program code.
+The structure of a program block is discussed below.
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:p.A unit contains a set of declarations, procedures and functions that can be
+used by a program or another unit. The syntax for a unit is as follows:
+&ra.&ra.─── unit ── unit header ── interface part ── implementation part ────────────&ra.
+&ra.─────┬────────────────────────────────────────────┬─ :hp2.end:ehp2. ── . ─────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ├─ initialization part ─┬───────────────────┬┤
+ │ └ finalization part ┘│
+ └─ :hp2.begin:ehp2. ─── statement ─┬───────────────────┘
+ ^───── ; ─────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── unit header ── :hp2.unit:ehp2. ── unit identifier ── ; ──────────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+&ra.&ra.─── interface part ── :hp2.interface:ehp2. ─┬───────────────┬┬┬─────────────────────────────┬┬──&ra.&la.
+ └─ uses clause ─┘│├─ constant declaration part ─┤│
+ │├─ type declatation part ─┤│
+ │└─ procedure headers part ─┘│
+ ^───────────────────────────────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── procedure headers part ─┬─ procedure header ─┬─ ; ─┬───────────────────────┬─────&ra.&la.
+ └─ function header ─┘ └─ call modifiers ── ; ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── implementation part ── :hp2.implementation:ehp2. ─┬───────────────┬─ declaration part ──────&ra.&la.
+ ^─ uses clause ─┘
+&ra.&ra.─── initialization part ── :hp2.initialization:ehp2. ─┬─ statement ─┬────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^───── ; ─────┘
+&ra.&ra.─── finalization part ── :hp2.finalization:ehp2. ─┬─ statement ─┬────────────────────────&ra.&la.
+ ^───── ; ─────┘
+As can be seen from the syntax diagram, a unit always consists of a
+interface and an implementation part. Optionally, there is an initialization
+block and a finalization block, containing code that will be executed when
+the program is started, and when the program stops, respectively.
+Both the interface part or implementation part can be empty, but the
+keywords :hp1.Interface:ehp1. and :hp1.implementation:ehp1. must be specified.
+The following is a completely valid unit:
+unit a;
+The interface part declares all identifiers that must be exported from the
+unit. This can be constant, type or variable identifiers, and also procedure
+or function identifier declarations. The interface part cannot contain code
+that is executed: only declarations are allowed. The following is a valid
+interface part:
+unit a;
+uses b;
+function MyFunction: SomeBType;
+The type :hp1.SomeBType:ehp1. is defined in unit :hp1.b:ehp1..
+All functions and methods that are declared in the interface part must
+be implemented in the implementation part of the unit, except for
+declarations of external functions or procedures. If a declared method
+or function is not implemented in the implementation part, the compiler
+will give an error, for example the following:
+unit unita;
+function MyFunction: Integer;
+Will result in the following error:
+unita.pp(5,10) Error: Forward declaration not solved "MyFunction&colon.SmallInt;"
+The implementation part is primarily intended for the implementation of the
+functions and procedures declared in the interface part. However, it can
+also contain declarations of it's own: The declarations inside the
+implementation part are :hp2.not:ehp2. accessible outside the unit.
+The initialization and finalization part of a unit are optional:
+The initialization block is used to initialize certain variables or
+execute code that is necessary for the correct functioning of the unit.
+The initialization parts of the units
+are executed in the order that the compiler loaded the units when compiling
+a program. They are executed before the first statement of the program is
+The finalization part of the units are executed in the reverse order of the
+initialization execution. They are used for instance to clean up any resources
+allocated in the initialization part of the unit, or during the lifetime of
+the program. The finalization part is always executed in the case of a
+normal program termination: whether it is because the final :hp1.end:ehp1. is
+reached in the program code or because a :hp1.Halt:ehp1. instruction was executed
+In case the program stops during the execution of the initialization blocks
+of one of the units, only the units that were already initialized will be
+finalized. Note that if a :hp1.finalization:ehp1. block is present, an
+:hp1.initialization:ehp1. block must be present, but it can be empty:
+ CleanupUnit;
+An initialization section by itself (i.e. without finalization) may simply be
+replaced by a statement block. That is, the following:
+ InitializeUnit;
+is completely equivalent to
+ InitializeUnit;
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3.Unit dependencies
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=exceptions.Exceptions
+.* ==============================================================
+:h2 name=assembler.Using assembler
+&fpc. supports the use of assembler in code, but not inline
+assembler macros. To have more information on the processor
+specific assembler syntax and its limitations, see the &progref..
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3.Assembler statements
+The following is an example of assembler inclusion in Pascal code.
+ ...
+ Statements;
+ ...
+ Asm
+ the asm code here
+ ...
+ end;
+ ...
+ Statements;
+The assembler instructions between the :hp1.Asm:ehp1. and :hp1.end:ehp1. keywords will
+be inserted in the assembler generated by the compiler.
+Conditionals can be used in assembler code, the compiler will recognise them,
+and treat them as any other conditionals.
+.* --------------------------------------------------------------
+:h3.Assembler procedures and functions
+Assembler procedures and functions are declared using the
+:hp1.Assembler:ehp1. directive. This permits the code generator to make a number
+of code generation optimizations.
+The code generator does not generate any stack frame (entry and exit
+code for the routine) if it contains no local variables and no
+parameters. In the case of functions, ordinal values must be returned
+in the accumulator. In the case of floating point values, these depend
+on the target processor and emulation options.
+:h2.Object Pascal Grammar
+:p.This section describes the Object Pascal grammar in a EBNF
+(Extended Backus–Naur Form) like style. The syntax only covers the
+:hp1.ObjFPC:ehp1. mode of the &fpc. compiler.
+Goal -> (Program | Package | Library | Unit)
+Program -> [PROGRAM Ident ['(' IdentList ')'] ';']
+ ProgramBlock '.'
+Unit -> UNIT Ident [HintDirective] ';'
+ InterfaceSection
+ ImplementationSection
+ InitSection '.'
+Package -> PACKAGE Ident ';'
+ [RequiresClause]
+ [ContainsClause]
+ END '.'
+Library -> LIBRARY Ident ';'
+ ProgramBlock '.'
+ProgramBlock -> [UsesClause]
+ Block
+UsesClause -> USES IdentList ';'
+HintDirective -> deprecated [String]
+ -> experimental
+ -> library
+ -> platform
+ -> unimplemented
+InterfaceSection -> INTERFACE
+ [UsesClause]
+ [InterfaceDecl]...
+InterfaceDecl -> ConstSection
+ -> TypeSection
+ -> VarSection
+ -> ExportedHeading
+ExportedHeading -> ProcedureHeading ';' [Directive]
+ -> FunctionHeading ';' [Directive]
+ImplementationSection -> IMPLEMENTATION
+ [UsesClause]
+ [DeclSection]...
+ [ExportsStmt]...
+Block -> [DeclSection]
+ [ExportsStmt]...
+ CompoundStmt
+ [ExportsStmt]...
+ExportsStmt -> EXPORTS ExportsItem [, ExportsItem]...
+ExportsItem -> Ident [NAME|INDEX "'" ConstExpr "'"]
+ [INDEX|NAME "'" ConstExpr "'"]
+DeclSection -> LabelDeclSection
+ -> ConstSection
+ -> TypeSection
+ -> VarSection
+ -> ProcedureDeclSection
+LabelDeclSection -> LABEL LabelId
+ConstSection -> CONST (ConstantDecl ';')...
+ConstantDecl -> Ident '=' ConstExpr [HintDirective]
+ -> Ident ':' TypeId '=' TypedConstant [HintDirective]
+TypeSection -> TYPE (TypeDecl ';')
+TypeDecl -> Ident '=' [TYPE] Type [HintDirective]
+ -> Ident '=' [TYPE] RestrictedType [HintDirective]
+TypedConstant -> (ConstExpr | ArrayConstant | RecordConstant)
+ArrayConstant -> '(' TypedConstant ',' ')'
+RecordConstant -> '(' RecordFieldConstant ';'... ')'
+RecordFieldConstant -> Ident ':' TypedConstant
+Type -> TypeId
+ -> SimpleType
+ -> StrucType
+ -> PointerType
+ -> StringType
+ -> ProcedureType
+ -> VariantType
+ -> ClassRefType
+RestrictedType -> ObjectType
+ -> ClassType
+ -> InterfaceType
+ClassRefType -> CLASS OF TypeId
+SimpleType -> (OrdinalType | RealType)
+RealType -> REAL48
+ -> REAL
+ -> COMP
+OrdinalType -> (SubrangeType | EnumeratedType | OrdIdent)
+OrdIdent -> SHORTINT
+ -> BYTE
+ -> INT64
+ -> WORD
+ -> CHAR
+ -> PCHAR
+VariantType -> VARIANT
+SubrangeType -> ConstExpr '..' ConstExpr
+EnumeratedType -> '(' EnumeratedTypeElement ','... ')'
+EnumeratedTypeElement -> Ident [ '=' ConstExpr ]
+StringType -> STRING
+ -> STRING '[' ConstExpr ']'
+StrucType -> [PACKED] (ArrayType | SetType | FileType | RecType [PACKED])
+ArrayType -> ARRAY ['[' OrdinalType ','... ']'] OF Type [HintDirective]
+RecType -> RECORD [FieldList] END [HintDirective]
+FieldList -> FieldDecl ';'... [VariantSection] [';']
+FieldDecl -> IdentList ':' Type [HintDirective]
+VariantSection -> CASE [Ident ':'] TypeId OF RecVariant ';'...
+RecVariant -> ConstExpr ','... ':' '(' [FieldList] ')'
+SetType -> SET OF OrdinalType [HintDirective]
+FileType -> FILE OF TypeId [HintDirective]
+PointerType -> '^' TypeId [HintDirective]
+ProcedureType -> (ProcedureHeading | FunctionHeading) [OF OBJECT]
+VarSection -> VAR (VarDecl ';')...
+ On Windows -> IdentList ':' Type [(ABSOLUTE (Ident | ConstExpr)) | '=' ConstExpr] [HintDirective]
+ On Linux -> IdentList ':' Type [ABSOLUTE (Ident) | '=' ConstExpr] [HintDirective]
+Expression -> SimpleExpression [RelOp SimpleExpression]...
+SimpleExpression -> ['+' | '-'] Term [AddOp Term]...
+Term -> Factor [MulOp Factor]...
+Factor -> Designator ['(' ExprList ')']
+ -> '@' Designator
+ -> Number
+ -> String
+ -> NIL
+ -> '(' Expression ')'
+ -> NOT Factor
+ -> SetConstructor
+ -> TypeId '(' Expression ')'
+RelOp -> '>'
+ -> '<'
+ -> '<='
+ -> '>='
+ -> '<>'
+ -> IN
+ -> IS
+ -> AS
+AddOp -> '+'
+ -> '-'
+ -> OR
+ -> XOR
+MulOp -> '*'
+ -> '/'
+ -> DIV
+ -> MOD
+ -> AND
+ -> SHL
+ -> SHR
+Designator -> QualId ['.' Ident | '[' ExprList ']' | '^']...
+SetConstructor -> '[' [SetElement ','...] ']'
+SetElement -> Expression ['..' Expression]
+ExprList -> Expression ','...
+Statement -> [LabelId ':'] [SimpleStatement | StructStmt]
+StmtList -> Statement ';'
+SimpleStatement -> Designator ['(' [ExprList] ')']
+ -> Designator ':=' Expression
+ -> GOTO LabelId
+StructStmt -> CompoundStmt
+ -> ConditionalStmt
+ -> LoopStmt
+ -> WithStmt
+ -> TryExceptStmt
+ -> TryFinallyStmt
+ -> RaiseStmt
+ -> AssemblerStmt
+CompoundStmt -> BEGIN StmtList END
+ConditionalStmt -> IfStmt
+ -> CaseStmt
+IfStmt -> IF Expression THEN Statement [ELSE Statement]
+CaseStmt -> CASE Expression OF CaseSelector ';'... [ELSE StmtList] [';'] END
+CaseSelector -> CaseLabel ','... ':' Statement
+CaseLabel -> ConstExpr ['..' ConstExpr]
+LoopStmt -> RepeatStmt
+ -> WhileStmt
+ -> ForStmt
+ -> ForInStmt
+RepeatStmt -> REPEAT Statement UNTIL Expression
+WhileStmt -> WHILE Expression DO Statement
+ForStmt -> FOR QualId ':=' Expression (TO | DOWNTO) Expression DO Statement
+ForInStmt -> FOR QualId IN Expression DO Statement
+WithStmt -> WITH IdentList DO Statement
+TryExceptStmt -> TRY
+ Statement...
+ ExceptionBlock
+ExceptionBlock -> [ON [Ident ':'] TypeID DO Statement]...
+ [ELSE Statement...]
+TryFinallyStmt -> TRY
+ Statement
+ Statement
+RaiseStmt -> RAISE [object] [AT address]
+AssemblerStatement -> ASM
+ -> <assemblylanguage>
+ -> END
+ProcedureDeclSection -> ProcedureDecl
+ -> FunctionDecl
+ProcedureDecl -> ProcedureHeading ';' [Directive] [HintDirective]
+ Block ';'
+FunctionDecl -> FunctionHeading ';' [Directive] [HintDirective]
+ Block ';'
+FunctionHeading -> FUNCTION Ident [FormalParameters] ':' (SimpleType | STRING)
+ProcedureHeading -> PROCEDURE Ident [FormalParameters]
+FormalParameters -> '(' [FormalParm ';'...] ')'
+FormalParm -> [VAR | CONST | CONSTREF | OUT] Parameter
+Parameter -> IdentList [':' ([ARRAY OF] SimpleType | STRING | FILE)]
+ -> Ident ':' SimpleType '=' ConstExpr
+Directive -> CDECL
+ -> NEAR
+ -> FAR
+ -> MESSAGE ConstExpr
+ -> LOCAL
+ObjectType -> OBJECT [ObjHeritage] [ObjFieldList] [MethodList] END
+ObjHeritage -> '(' QualId ')'
+MethodList -> (MethodHeading [';' VIRTUAL]) ';'...
+MethodHeading -> ProcedureHeading
+ -> FunctionHeading
+ -> ConstructorHeading
+ -> DestructorHeading
+ConstructorHeading -> CONSTRUCTOR Ident [FormalParameters]
+DestructorHeading -> DESTRUCTOR Ident [FormalParameters]
+ObjFieldList -> (IdentList ':' Type) ';'
+ -> BEGIN StmtList END
+ -> END
+ClassType -> CLASS [ClassHeritage]
+ [ClassVisibility]
+ [ClassFieldList]
+ [ClassMethodList]
+ [ClassPropertyList]
+ClassHeritage -> '(' IdentList ')'
+ClassFieldList -> (ClassVisibility ObjFieldList) ';'...
+ClassMethodList -> (ClassVisibility MethodList) ';'...
+ClassPropertyList -> (ClassVisibility PropertyList ';')...
+PropertyList -> PROPERTY Ident [PropertyInterface] [PropertySpecifiers] [HintDirective]
+PropertyInterface -> [PropertyParameterList] ':' Ident
+PropertyParameterList -> '[' (IdentList ':' TypeId) ';'... ']'
+PropertySpecifiers -> [INDEX ConstExpr]
+ [READ Ident]
+ [WRITE Ident]
+ [STORED (Ident | Constant)]
+InterfaceType -> INTERFACE [InterfaceHeritage]
+ [ClassMethodList]
+ [ClassPropertyList]
+ ...
+InterfaceHeritage -> '(' IdentList ')'
+RequiresClause -> REQUIRES IdentList... ';'
+ContainsClause -> CONTAINS IdentList... ';'
+IdentList -> Ident ','...
+QualId -> [UnitId '.'] Ident
+TypeId -> [UnitId '.'] <type-identifier>
+Ident -> <identifier>
+ConstExpr -> <constant-expression>
+UnitId -> <unit-identifier>
+LabelId -> <label-identifier>
+Number -> <number>
+String -> <string>