diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2009-10-21 10:29:17 +0200
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2009-10-21 10:29:17 +0200
commit3a4a50d655c8c6205b94d315bd83a90e49206498 (patch)
parent2bc37f3d4d432d67e0cef1aeefa26eed2c3c3dc5 (diff)
Two new procedures added to nvUtilities unit.
* ListFilesInDirectory() * ParseAndExpandFileNames() Signed-off-by: Graeme Geldenhuys <>
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/nvUtilities.pas b/src/nvUtilities.pas
index fe60a228..aed9d392 100644
--- a/src/nvUtilities.pas
+++ b/src/nvUtilities.pas
@@ -56,19 +56,27 @@ function IsAlpha(const AChar: TfpgChar): boolean;
function Between( const Value: longint; const Limit1: longint; const Limit2: longint ): boolean;
-Operator = (ARect: TRect; BRect: TRect): boolean;
+operator = (ARect: TRect; BRect: TRect): boolean;
// Destroy the objects stored in List and clear the list.
-Procedure ClearListAndObjects( List: TList );
+procedure ClearListAndObjects( List: TList );
// Destroy the objects stored in the list and then destroy the list itself
// And set the reference to nil
-Procedure DestroyListAndObjects( Var List: TList );
+procedure DestroyListAndObjects( Var List: TList );
// Destroy the objects stored in the list.
// You probably want to use one of the two functions above.
-Procedure DestroyListObjects( List: TList );
+procedure DestroyListObjects( List: TList );
-Procedure AddList( Source, Dest: TList );
-Procedure AssignList( Source, Dest: TList );
+procedure AddList( Source, Dest: TList );
+procedure AssignList( Source, Dest: TList );
+procedure ListFilesInDirectory(const aDirectory: String; const aFilter: String; const aWithDirectoryFlag: boolean; var aList: TStrings);
+// add all file name parts of aFileNameString to the aResult
+// check for containing environment vars
+// and include all help files if the environment var points
+// to a directory
+procedure ParseAndExpandFileNames(const aFileNameString: String; aResult: TStrings);
@@ -86,9 +94,8 @@ uses
+ ,dvconstants
-// character // from utf8tools package (pulls in LCL requirement which we MUST change)
-// ;
Function GetAspectPrefix(const aLogAspect: LogAspect): String;
@@ -309,7 +316,83 @@ begin
AddList( Source, Dest );
+procedure ListFilesInDirectory(const aDirectory: String; const aFilter: String;
+ const aWithDirectoryFlag: boolean; var aList: TStrings);
+ tmpRC: longint;
+ tmpSearchResults: TSearchRec;
+ tmpMask: String;
+ tmpFilterParts : TStringList;
+ tmpDirectory: String;
+ i: integer;
+ tmpFilterParts := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpFilterParts, aFilter, [PathSeparator], #0);
+ for i:=0 to tmpFilterParts.count-1 do
+ begin
+ tmpMask := tmpFilterParts[i];
+ tmpDirectory := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aDirectory);
+ tmpRC := fpgFindFirst(tmpDirectory + tmpMask, faAnyFile, tmpSearchResults);
+ while tmpRC = 0 do
+ begin
+ if (tmpSearchResults.Attr and faDirectory) = 0 then
+ begin
+ if (aWithDirectoryFlag) then
+ aList.Add(tmpDirectory + tmpSearchResults.Name)
+ else
+ aList.Add(tmpSearchResults.Name);
+ end;
+ tmpRC := fpgFindNext(tmpSearchResults);
+ end;
+ FindClose(tmpSearchResults);
+ end;
+ tmpFilterParts.Destroy;
+procedure ParseAndExpandFileNames(const aFileNameString: String; aResult: TStrings);
+ i: longint;
+ tmpFileNamesList: TStringList;
+ tmpItem: String;
+ tmpEnvironmentVarValue: string;
+ LogEvent(LogDebug, 'ParseAndExpandFileNames "' + aFileNameString + '"');
+ tmpFileNamesList := TStringList.Create;
+ StrExtractStrings(tmpFileNamesList, aFileNameString, [HELP_FILE_DELIMITER, PathSeparator], #0);
+ for i := 0 to tmpFileNamesList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ tmpItem := tmpFileNamesList[i];
+ // is this a environment var
+ tmpEnvironmentVarValue := GetEnvironmentVariable(tmpItem);
+ if tmpEnvironmentVarValue <> '' then // environment var exists
+ begin
+ LogEvent(LogStartup, ' Environment var found; translated to: "' + tmpEnvironmentVarValue + '"');
+ ParseAndExpandFileNames(tmpEnvironmentVarValue, aResult);
+ end
+ else if fpgDirectoryExists(tmpItem) then
+ begin
+ ListFilesInDirectory(tmpItem, '*' + INF_FILE_EXTENSION, true, aResult);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ aResult.Add(tmpItem);
+ end;
+ end;
+ tmpFileNamesList.Free;
+ SetLogAspects('LogDebug,LogStartup');