diff options
authorGraeme Geldenhuys <>2010-05-07 11:10:31 +0200
committerGraeme Geldenhuys <>2010-05-07 11:10:31 +0200
commit0bbad919a198d3832a30e988518ca95f425c05ea (patch)
parent4930af8bbdc94132ed464717b75e39d6e9f856cb (diff)
parent99f194504f3306189d6658fc0ef10a757ea054e9 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
-rw-r--r--images/menu_check_16.bmpbin0 -> 822 bytes
7 files changed, 328 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/examples/gui/menutest/menutest.lpi b/examples/gui/menutest/menutest.lpi
index f3d307af..96e0dc63 100644
--- a/examples/gui/menutest/menutest.lpi
+++ b/examples/gui/menutest/menutest.lpi
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <PathDelim Value="/"/>
- <Version Value="6"/>
+ <Version Value="7"/>
<SaveOnlyProjectUnits Value="True"/>
+ <LRSInOutputDirectory Value="False"/>
<SessionStorage Value="InProjectDir"/>
<MainUnit Value="0"/>
- <IconPath Value="./"/>
<TargetFileExt Value=""/>
@@ -45,6 +44,11 @@
<GenerateDebugInfo Value="True"/>
+ <Options>
+ <Win32>
+ <GraphicApplication Value="True"/>
+ </Win32>
+ </Options>
<CustomOptions Value="-FUunits
diff --git a/examples/gui/menutest/menutest.lpr b/examples/gui/menutest/menutest.lpr
index 1db064fb..e4d40cf0 100644
--- a/examples/gui/menutest/menutest.lpr
+++ b/examples/gui/menutest/menutest.lpr
@@ -7,24 +7,44 @@ uses
+ fpg_base,
- fpg_edit;
+ fpg_edit,
+ fpg_panel,
+ fpg_button,
+ fpg_dialogs,
+ fpg_memo;
TMainForm = class(TfpgForm)
+ {@VFD_HEAD_BEGIN: MainForm}
FMenuBar: TfpgMenuBar;
+ StatusBar: TfpgPanel;
+ Toolbar: TfpgBevel;
+ btnQuit: TfpgButton;
+ btnSave: TfpgButton;
+ btnOpen: TfpgButton;
+ btnAbout: TfpgButton;
+ edit1: TfpgEdit;
+ Memo1: TfpgMemo;
FFileSubMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
FEditSubMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
FEditSelectSubMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ FViewSubMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
FHelpSubMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
- edit1: TfpgEdit;
+ {@VFD_HEAD_END: MainForm}
procedure miExitClicked(Sender: TObject);
procedure miMenuItemSelected(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miMenuItemChecked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miToolBarChecked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure miStatusBarChecked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btnAboutClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Log(const AText: TfpgString);
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ procedure AfterCreate; override;
@@ -38,52 +58,233 @@ end;
procedure TMainForm.miMenuItemSelected(Sender: TObject);
if Sender is TfpgMenuItem then
- writeln('Menu clicked: ', TfpgMenuItem(Sender).Text);
+ Log('Menu clicked: ' + TfpgMenuItem(Sender).Text);
+procedure TMainForm.miMenuItemChecked(Sender: TObject);
+ TfpgMenuItem(Sender).Checked := not TfpgMenuItem(Sender).Checked;
+ Log('Check Menu item toggled');
+procedure TMainForm.miToolBarChecked(Sender: TObject);
+ TfpgMenuItem(Sender).Checked := not TfpgMenuItem(Sender).Checked;
+ ToolBar.Visible := not ToolBar.Visible;
+ Log('Check Menu for Toolbar toggled');
+procedure TMainForm.miStatusBarChecked(Sender: TObject);
+ TfpgMenuItem(Sender).Checked := not TfpgMenuItem(Sender).Checked;
+ StatusBar.Visible := not StatusBar.Visible;
+ Log('Check Menu for Statusbar toggled');
+procedure TMainForm.btnAboutClicked(Sender: TObject);
+ TfpgMessageDialog.AboutFPGui;
+procedure TMainForm.Log(const AText: TfpgString);
+ Memo1.Lines.Add(AText);
-constructor TMainForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+procedure TMainForm.AfterCreate;
- inherited Create(AOwner);
+ {%region 'Auto-generated GUI code' -fold}
+ {@VFD_BODY_BEGIN: MainForm}
+ Name := 'MainForm';
+ SetPosition(316, 169, 400, 200);
WindowTitle := 'Menu Test';
- WindowPosition := wpUser;
- SetPosition(100, 100, 400, 200);
- // Create top level sub-menus
+ Hint := '';
+ WindowPosition := wpOneThirdDown;
+ FMenuBar := TfpgMenuBar.Create(self);
+ with FMenuBar do
+ begin
+ Name := 'FMenuBar';
+ SetPosition(0, 0, 400, 24);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop];
+ end;
+ StatusBar := TfpgPanel.Create(self);
+ with StatusBar do
+ begin
+ Name := 'StatusBar';
+ SetPosition(0, 176, 400, 24);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anBottom];
+ Alignment := taLeftJustify;
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ Style := bsLowered;
+ Text := 'This is the status bar...';
+ end;
+ Toolbar := TfpgBevel.Create(self);
+ with Toolbar do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Toolbar';
+ SetPosition(0, 24, 400, 29);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop];
+ Hint := '';
+ Shape := bsBottomLine;
+ end;
+ btnQuit := TfpgButton.Create(Toolbar);
+ with btnQuit do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnQuit';
+ SetPosition(4, 2, 24, 24);
+ Text := '';
+ Embedded := True;
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageMargin := -1;
+ ImageName := 'stdimg.quit';
+ ImageSpacing := 0;
+ TabOrder := 1;
+ OnClick := @miExitClicked;
+ end;
+ btnSave := TfpgButton.Create(Toolbar);
+ with btnSave do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnSave';
+ SetPosition(56, 2, 24, 24);
+ Text := '';
+ Embedded := True;
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageMargin := -1;
+ ImageName := '';
+ ImageSpacing := 0;
+ TabOrder := 2;
+ end;
+ btnOpen := TfpgButton.Create(Toolbar);
+ with btnOpen do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnOpen';
+ SetPosition(32, 2, 24, 24);
+ Text := '';
+ Embedded := True;
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageMargin := -1;
+ ImageName := '';
+ ImageSpacing := 0;
+ TabOrder := 3;
+ end;
+ btnAbout := TfpgButton.Create(Toolbar);
+ with btnAbout do
+ begin
+ Name := 'btnAbout';
+ SetPosition(84, 2, 24, 24);
+ Text := '';
+ Embedded := True;
+ FontDesc := '#Label1';
+ Hint := '';
+ ImageMargin := -1;
+ ImageName := '';
+ ImageSpacing := 0;
+ TabOrder := 4;
+ OnClick := @btnAboutClicked;
+ end;
+ edit1 := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
+ with edit1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'edit1';
+ SetPosition(8, 62, 100, 24);
+ ExtraHint := '';
+ Hint := '';
+ TabOrder := 6;
+ Text := '';
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ end;
+ Memo1 := TfpgMemo.Create(self);
+ with Memo1 do
+ begin
+ Name := 'Memo1';
+ SetPosition(124, 60, 268, 108);
+ Anchors := [anLeft,anRight,anTop,anBottom];
+ Hint := '';
+ Lines.Add('<= Text Edit has a popup menu too.');
+ FontDesc := '#Edit1';
+ TabOrder := 10;
+ end;
FFileSubMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
- FFileSubMenu.AddMenuItem('&Open', 'Ctrl-O', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FFileSubMenu.AddMenuItem('&Save', 'Ctrl-S', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FFileSubMenu.AddMenuItem('S&ave As', 'Ctrl+Shift+S', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FFileSubMenu.AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
- FFileSubMenu.AddMenuItem('Save && Reload', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FFileSubMenu.AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
- FFileSubMenu.AddMenuItem('&Quit', 'Ctrl-Q', @miExitClicked);
+ with FFileSubMenu do
+ begin
+ Name := 'FFileSubMenu';
+ SetPosition(264, 60, 120, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('&Open', 'Ctrl-O', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('&Save', 'Ctrl-S', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('S&ave As', 'Ctrl+Shift+S', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('Save && Reload', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('&Quit', 'Ctrl-Q', @miExitClicked);
+ end;
FEditSubMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
- FEditSubMenu.AddMenuItem('&Cut', 'Ctrl-X', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FEditSubMenu.AddMenuItem('C&opy', 'Ctrl-C', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FEditSubMenu.AddMenuItem('&Paste', 'Ctrl-V', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FEditSubMenu.AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
- FEditSubMenu.AddMenuItem('&Spell check', 'F4', @miMenuItemSelected).Enabled := False;
+ with FEditSubMenu do
+ begin
+ Name := 'FEditSubMenu';
+ SetPosition(264, 80, 120, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('&Cut', 'Ctrl-X', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('C&opy', 'Ctrl-C', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('&Paste', 'Ctrl-V', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('-', '', nil);
+ AddMenuItem('&Spell check', 'F4', @miMenuItemSelected).Enabled := False;
+ end;
FEditSelectSubMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
- FEditSubMenu.AddMenuItem('Selec&t', '', nil).SubMenu := FEditSelectSubMenu;
- FEditSelectSubMenu.AddMenuItem('Select All', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FEditSelectSubMenu.AddMenuItem('Select Word', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FEditSelectSubMenu.AddMenuItem('Select Line', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ with FEditSelectSubMenu do
+ begin
+ Name := 'FEditSelectSubMenu';
+ SetPosition(264, 100, 120, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('Select All', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('Select Word', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ AddMenuItem('Select Line', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ FEditSubMenu.AddMenuItem('Selec&t', '', nil).SubMenu := FEditSelectSubMenu;
+ end;
+ FViewSubMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ with FViewSubMenu do
+ begin
+ Name := 'FViewSubMenu';
+ SetPosition(264, 120, 120, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('Full Screen', '', @miMenuItemChecked);
+ AddMenuItem('Tool Bar', '', @miToolBarChecked).Checked := True;
+ AddMenuItem('Status Bar', '', @miStatusBarChecked).Checked := True;
+ AddMenuItem('Line Numbers', '', @miMenuItemChecked);
+ end;
FHelpSubMenu := TfpgPopupMenu.Create(self);
- FHelpSubMenu.AddMenuItem('&About', 'F12', @miMenuItemSelected);
- FHelpSubMenu.AddMenuItem('Test Russian text -> Òåñò', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ with FHelpSubMenu do
+ begin
+ Name := 'FHelpSubMenu';
+ SetPosition(264, 140, 120, 20);
+ AddMenuItem('&About', 'F12', @btnAboutClicked);
+ AddMenuItem('Test Russian text -> Òåñò', '', @miMenuItemSelected);
+ end;
+ {@VFD_BODY_END: MainForm}
+ {%endregion}
- // Create main menu bar
- FMenuBar := CreateMenuBar(self);
+ // Attach sub menus to main menu bar
FMenuBar.AddMenuItem('&File', nil).SubMenu := FFileSubMenu;
FMenuBar.AddMenuItem('&Edit', nil).SubMenu := FEditSubMenu;
+ FMenuBar.AddMenuItem('&View', nil).SubMenu := FViewSubMenu;
FMenuBar.AddMenuItem('&Windows', nil);
FMenuBar.AddMenuItem('&Disabled', nil).Enabled := False;
FMenuBar.AddMenuItem('&Help', nil).SubMenu := FHelpSubMenu;
- edit1 := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
- edit1.SetPosition(10, 70, 100, 24);
diff --git a/images/menu_check_16.bmp b/images/menu_check_16.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fec8e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/menu_check_16.bmp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_base.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_base.pas
index 268c05dd..b0c4acee 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_base.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_base.pas
@@ -2620,6 +2620,7 @@ begin
inherited Create(AOwner);
FHelpType := htKeyword;
FHelpContext := 0;
+ FTagPointer := nil;
diff --git a/src/corelib/fpg_stdimages.pas b/src/corelib/fpg_stdimages.pas
index 5c4790c1..2682ce3f 100644
--- a/src/corelib/fpg_stdimages.pas
+++ b/src/corelib/fpg_stdimages.pas
@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@ begin
sizeof(stdimg_menu_preferences_16), 0,0);
+ 'stdimg.check',
+ @stdimg_menu_check_16,
+ sizeof(stdimg_menu_check_16), 0,0);
+ fpgImages.AddMaskedBMP(
sizeof(stdimg_document), 0,0);
diff --git a/src/corelib/ b/src/corelib/
index ac3597a9..0c880278 100644
--- a/src/corelib/
+++ b/src/corelib/
@@ -2690,3 +2690,57 @@ Const
+ stdimg_menu_check_16 : Array[0..821] of byte = (
+ 66, 77, 54, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0,
+ 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 3, 0, 0, 19, 11, 0, 0, 19, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
+ 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,
+ 255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
+ 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,
+ 255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
+ 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,
+ 255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
+ 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,
+ 255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255, 0, 0, 0,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
+ 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,
+ 255, 0,255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
+ 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
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+ 255, 0,255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
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+ 255, 0,255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,
+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
+ 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,
+ 255, 0,255, 0, 0, 0,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,
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+ 255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255, 0,255,255,
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+ 255, 0,255,255, 0,255);
diff --git a/src/gui/fpg_menu.pas b/src/gui/fpg_menu.pas
index dbe92d50..3d972756 100644
--- a/src/gui/fpg_menu.pas
+++ b/src/gui/fpg_menu.pas
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ type
procedure Click;
function Selectable: boolean;
function GetAccelChar: string;
- procedure DrawText(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord);
+ procedure DrawText(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; const AImgWidth: integer);
function GetCommand: ICommand;
procedure SetCommand(ACommand: ICommand);
property Checked: boolean read FChecked write SetChecked;
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ type
procedure PrepareToShow;
function VisibleCount: integer;
function VisibleItem(ind: integer): TfpgMenuItem;
+ procedure HandleShow; override;
procedure HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
procedure HandleLMouseDown(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState); override;
procedure HandleKeyPress(var keycode: word; var shiftstate: TShiftState; var consumed: boolean); override;
@@ -186,10 +187,14 @@ function CreateMenuBar(AOwner: TfpgWidget): TfpgMenuBar; overload;
uFocusedPopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu;
+ cImgWidth: integer = 16;
function CreateMenuBar(AOwner: TfpgWidget; x, y, w, h: TfpgCoord): TfpgMenuBar;
if AOwner = nil then
@@ -258,6 +263,7 @@ begin
FSeparator := False;
FVisible := True;
FEnabled := True;
+ FChecked := False;
FSubMenu := nil;
FOnClick := nil;
@@ -286,11 +292,12 @@ begin
Result := '';
-procedure TfpgMenuItem.DrawText(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord);
+procedure TfpgMenuItem.DrawText(ACanvas: TfpgCanvas; x, y: TfpgCoord; const AImgWidth: integer);
s: string;
p: integer;
achar: string;
+ img: TfpgImage;
if not Enabled then
@@ -300,19 +307,23 @@ begin
achar := '&';
s := Text;
+ if Checked then
+ begin
+ img := fpgImages.GetImage('stdimg.check'); // Do NOT localize
+ ACanvas.DrawImage(x-AImgWidth-2, y, img); // 2 = margin.
+ end;
p := UTF8Pos(achar, s);
if p > 0 then
// first part of text before the & sign
-// ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, UTF8Copy(s, 1, p-1));
fpgStyle.DrawString(ACanvas, x, y, UTF8Copy(s, 1, p-1), Enabled);
inc(x, fpgStyle.MenuFont.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(s, 1, p-1)));
if UTF8Copy(s, p+1, 1) = achar then
// Do we need to paint a actual & sign (create via && in item text)
-// ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, achar);
fpgStyle.DrawString(ACanvas, x, y, achar, Enabled);
inc(x, fpgStyle.MenuFont.TextWidth(achar));
@@ -321,7 +332,6 @@ begin
// Draw the HotKey text
if Enabled then
-// ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, UTF8Copy(s, p+1, 1));
fpgStyle.DrawString(ACanvas, x, y, UTF8Copy(s, p+1, 1), Enabled);
inc(x, ACanvas.Font.TextWidth(UTF8Copy(s, p+1, 1)));
if Enabled then
@@ -333,7 +343,6 @@ begin
// Draw the remaining text after the & sign
if UTF8Length(s) > 0 then
-// ACanvas.DrawString(x, y, s);
fpgStyle.DrawString(ACanvas, x, y, s, Enabled);
@@ -391,6 +400,12 @@ begin
Result := TfpgMenuItem(FItems.Items[ind]);
+procedure TfpgMenuBar.HandleShow;
+ PrepareToShow;
+ inherited HandleShow;
procedure TfpgMenuBar.HandleMouseMove(x, y: integer; btnstate: word; shiftstate: TShiftState);
newf: integer;
@@ -497,7 +512,6 @@ var
n: integer;
r: TfpgRect;
- PrepareToShow;
inherited HandlePaint;
r.SetRect(0, 0, Width, Height);
@@ -590,7 +604,7 @@ begin
// a possible future theme option
// Canvas.GradientFill(r, FLightColor, FDarkColor, gdVertical);
- mi.DrawText(Canvas, r.left+4,;
+ mi.DrawText(Canvas, r.left+4,, cImgWidth);
Canvas.EndDraw(r.Left, r.Top, r.Width, r.Height);
Exit; //==>
end; { if col=n }
@@ -829,7 +843,6 @@ procedure TfpgPopupMenu.HandleLMouseUp(x, y: integer; shiftstate: TShiftState);
newf: integer;
mi: TfpgMenuItem;
- r: TfpgRect;
inherited HandleLMouseUp(x, y, shiftstate);
@@ -1025,25 +1038,20 @@ begin
x := rect.Left + FSymbolWidth + FTextMargin;
- mi.DrawText(Canvas, x,;
+ mi.DrawText(Canvas, x+cImgWidth,, cImgWidth);
if mi.HotKeyDef <> '' then
s := mi.HotKeyDef;
fpgStyle.DrawString(Canvas, rect.Right-FMenuFont.TextWidth(s)-FTextMargin, rect.Top, s, mi.Enabled);
-// Canvas.DrawString(rect.Right-FMenuFont.TextWidth(s)-FTextMargin, rect.Top, s);
if mi.SubMenu <> nil then
- canvas.SetColor(Canvas.TextColor);
+ Canvas.SetColor(Canvas.TextColor);
x := (rect.height div 2) - 3;
img := fpgImages.GetImage('');
Canvas.DrawImage(rect.right-x-2, rect.Top + ((rect.Height-img.Height) div 2), img);
-// canvas.FillTriangle(rect.right-x-2,,
-// rect.right-2,,
-// rect.right-x-2,*x);
@@ -1205,8 +1213,8 @@ begin
hkw := hkw + 10; // spacing between text and hotkey text
FHeight := FMargin*2 + h;
- FWidth := (FMargin+FTextMargin)*2 + FSymbolWidth + tw + hkw;
+ FWidth := (FMargin+FTextMargin)*2 + FSymbolWidth + tw + hkw + cImgWidth;
uFocusedPopupMenu := self;