path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-08archbuild: do not run namcap by default, eitherarchlinuxewe-20221208archlinuxeweErich Eckner
2022-12-08archbuild: do not run checkpkg by defaultErich Eckner
2022-12-08archbuild: create separate cache for armv6h, armv7h, aarch64Erich Eckner
2022-12-08archbuild: run mkarchroot with "-s"Erich Eckner
2022-12-08arch-nspawn: unset empty $set_arch - this allows to skip running setarchErich Eckner
2022-12-08arch-nspawn: unset "set_arch" with -s, not CARCHErich Eckner
2022-12-08archbuild: allow empty setarch to skip running setarch at allErich Eckner install local-certificates only when building for archlinuxeweErich Eckner install "base" in the chroot, tooErich Eckner umount -l left-over mounts inside the to-be-deleted chrootErich Eckner
2022-12-08arch-nspawn: also parse our mirror layout (http[s]://mirror.url/path/$arch/$r...Erich Eckner
2022-12-08makechrootpkg & mkarchroot: init and populate keyringsErich Eckner
2022-12-08makechrootpkg: bend to allow running solely namcap via "*-build -- -- --verif...Erich Eckner set pacman cache dir to /var/cache/archbuild32 in case of non-x...Erich Eckner
2022-12-08generate separate config file for i686 and x86_64Erich Eckner copy host's /etc/hosts into the chrootErich Eckner
2022-12-08arch-nspawn should use the correct pacman config fileErich Eckner
2022-12-08allow PKGEXT to be set from the environmentErich Eckner
2022-11-21mkarchroot: remove deprecated -d optionMorten Linderud
2022-11-08makerepropkg: Use $CARCH instead of hardcoded x86_64Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
2022-10-13makechrootpkg: fix short option handling for makepkg_argsMike Yuan
2022-09-01fix: do not set extglob globally to avoid side-effectsLevente Polyak
2022-09-01diffpkg: pass the --color option appropriately to diffoscopeLevente Polyak
2022-08-31crossrepomove: fix moving debug packages to the target repoLevente Polyak
2022-08-31makechrootpkg: support -A makepkg flagmorganamilo
2022-08-31fix: properly check for invalid argument in checkpkg and diffpkgLevente Polyak
2022-08-31diffpkg: prefer to search inside the pool dir if availableLevente Polyak
2022-08-31diffpkg: allow to set column width for side-by-side viewLevente Polyak
2022-08-23diffpkg: add colored output option with default of autoLevente Polyak
2022-08-23diffpkg: allow to choose between unified context and two columnsLevente Polyak
2022-06-22cleanup: move PKGBUILD.proto to contrib folderLevente Polyak
2022-06-22make: split out source files into src folderLevente Polyak